Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 15, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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z7 Second Sfreef
Medford Mail Tribune
Fair i1r M. Hlj Mln.
n:ij ltd. Hum. no.
J'urty.foiirlli Yrnr.
Dully Nlnlli Year
President Wilson Accuses Financial
Interests of Seeklnrj 1o Create Hard
Times anil Produces Letters Writ
trn to Create Sentiment Annlnst
AntUMonouoly Prooram.
WASHINGTON, Juno 15. I'rcsi.
il.-nt Wil-iui iikiiI Ihi' illrri't charge
today that henllmeiit in favor 'f
postMUicincnt of llm iidiiiilliHtriitlini
liusl leglshillvo in)jnim n tin re
Mill of nlleinpl hy certain Interest
ihii! iutlinuled Ihut it was the cause
nf the "psychological bitsincs !'
piimwloll," nf which I if iccently
Anti-lriil legislation will li pu-h-til
iIiiimikIi III" senate during tin
present schIou r emigres by every
mean nt President Wilson' com
iniiii.l. I In Hindu it tilnlii to eullci
Iniliiv lu lui'l no intention of aban
doning hit original jiroK'rtiiM n in! did
net believe emigre would adjourn
before tin' trut hill were enacted.
Th president believe liuiiie I
n good, mid in Minin respect heller,
now llinn it wn dome time ago, and
tluil It would he iniieh worse for hu
inc.-. to worry for several month
over wlmt the anti-trust legislation
is to he llinn to have it passed now.
lie tit it ho known tluit ho realised
ti well-defined effort wn being iiuide
to postpone nnti-tmt legislation.
The president hcllcie tluit the
"psychological business depression,"
n lie expressed It. hnn heen created
hy those who want nit ndjottrnmeiit
of emigre hefuie itntltrust 1'KH
liition is piiMcd.
Shows Proof of rlinrgc
In support of tho president's vlow,
copic of letter unit telegrams clr
rulnleit nmung business men tailing
for mi niljiiurumeiit or congress with
out completion of the I nut tillU,
prioliiK fur thu freight rnto Inrrcaso
being nuked hy the mllrontU of the
lutcr-stiilo commerro rommUMun, mill
calling for a halt or tho "attack on
bulnc," worn made puhllc nt the
white tioimo.
President Wilson made It clear to
Mm cfller that dm cnmpalKit, If surh
ll may ho ralloit. would have no ef
rert on hint, anil tluil It wan tiU plnn
to push the trust proKrnm throiiKh
tho M'liutn with tlie nlit of nil the
menu at hi cuiumniiil. lie expressed
the view that business wan an good,
If not better now, than n wlillo ngo,
mid I hit I ll would he less harmful to
thu hinducs of I lie country to have
the trust legislation program com
pleled limn to he confronted with n
period of uucortnliity which would
in company doluy,
Simmon Hent Circular
Oiiu of tho circular tetter, which
cniiiu Into ihbobmIoii of tho white,
hoimo, wiih circulated by tho Simmon
llurdwiiro company of St. I.ouln. E.
C. Simmons, bend of tho company,
Jiud been selected for it member of
tho federal reserve honrd nnd hl
iiomluiitloii wan to huvo gouo to tho
nemitu today. Thin morning It was
announced at tho while lunmo that
Mr. Simmon had declined tho plaro
(Continued on Pawi 7)
SAI.KM, Or., June lrt. With "ix
I'oiiulieH In he rechcclicil hy expert,
.lilHliee eiwuh'rt l. MeN'ury now lemU
.Iiuide lli'iny l MeiiNiiu for rcmhlU
fun Hiipieuie com t iioiiiiiiiiliou hy (wo
ViileN, iiei'iirdlliK In uiMcen leeeived
hy 'IukIIi'o .MeNury tnduy, lli'iitoiii
oil it leelieelt f ill' iiimury leiuniM,
gullied It'll Mile in CliiehlililliM, ie
iliii'inu MeKiiii'1 l''l l !' vide,
llnlli .IiinIH'o MeNury mid Indue
lleimoii iitiee Hint U ir-i'hri'li of Ihe
hilly xlii'il hy Ihe eminly i'IUIVIinmIiiu
hoiiid ftlinulil ''Hl" Hi" t'oiilexl.
I'eiidinu Ihi M'emnil im eeilllienle in
In he ImiiiiiI. Tin I'lMiulli'M ii'iiiniiilnu
In he ic I'lii'i'Li'il me Miiimhi, Wimh
lnjilmi WhiiliT, (liiinl, l'in (tin;-
Hamlin of Boston, Jones of Chlcapo,
Hartllnn of Blrmlnuliam, Warburg
of New York and Miller of San
Francisco Selected Mlllrr Gets the
Lonu Term.
WASIIINUTON, .hum 1.1. Notion
ntloiH or CliurleH K. Iliiiidiii "jr H
Ion, TIioiiiiih II. .Ii'liex of ChleiiKO, V.
I1. (I. Iliirdintt or Miniilnnliiiiii. Ala.;
I'iiiiI W'urhiiri! of New York mid A.
('. Miller of San I'ninein to he
tiifiuhei-M of the federal re-erve hoaul
today were H-ut to the Kenale by
President Wil-on. The iiieiidier were
nominated lit wtm the follewinj:
leriim: llniuliii, two .vfiir; Warburg,
four jeiir J ne, nix enr5 llarditiK.
eijjht eni, lllul Miller, tell ,ear.
Mr. Iliimliii N mi expert in finmiee,
who Nfrxeil as hIIiiiiI (.eerelury of
Ihe treiiNiiry under President Cleve.
laud mid reiurned to the treiiMiiry d'
piirliuenl mmhi after PrcHwlent WIkoii
took office n the iimkUIiiiiI seeretary
in churiM of tiistom.
Preiident WiUon, it l mild, Iioh
hern reluetntit to appoint Mr. Hamlin
to the resvrie hoard heeatiHe he fell
lie wan needed in hi present poilioii.
NKW UAVKN, roun., .hiuoj.'t.
"SoiuelliiiiK ii ladieallv wmiic in the
mental pioeenne of the eleetorale,"
eaid .luilp' Alton 11. Parker of New
Voik, ouee di'iuoeriitio candidate for
the presidency, nihlichsliiK the rnd
uiitiiiK elds today at the Yule law
"Sonielhiiii; i rndieully wrouc," he
eonliiiut'd, "or else patnotism im nt
ilK last uasp, when with hardly a
whisper of protest u retiied chief
executive may Itrnjj to reprcsentu
lives of the people of his treaKon
able scheme to intrude on state
lights iiml iolale olhcrwixo the fun
daiuciital luw hy establishing reeeiv
eisliip over coal mines pcuiliii; u
strike, udiuiltiiiK without u suspicion
of decent tdiumo that he hail well
considered that his offense illicit he
impcaeliahle if eouiinitted impeach
able, of eouise, only because the net
planned would have been uueoiisti
tutinuul mid lawless."
fnnliuuiii,', .Iiuide Pnrk said:
"Our forebears, clear of head and
fur of sMit, uiitieipaled just such
vieioui uttneks by those in power
mid sought to insure to us n govern
meiit of laws mid not of men, mid
through their wisdom such a move
men! is ours lor a little vigilance,"
The tine patiiotism, thu speaker
Hahl, is (lui only hruiid tlmt will pro
dueo renl citizenship, mid it is free
from selfishness and shoit of pyro
technics. "True patriotism," said .Indue
Park, "in (lie only foundation on
which power enii rest,"
IIOI.fHINA, Italy, Juno 15. Itlot
em Net file today to tho raihodral,
the Church of I'caco uml tho Church
of thu Holy CruH In HcnlKiildo, on tho
Adriatic, iiMcr MprliildliiK thu door
with petroleum,
Cuvulry arrived In llinn to pruvent
lliu dcMtriicilnii of tho cutlicdnil liu'.
tho Interior of Ihe oilier cliuri'lie
weep duvutluted, and only llm wulli
lemalu ntundliiK of tho church of thu
duly Drum.
A detiii'liliieiil of SOU uliurpulioolerti
urrhiul mi bom d u loipeilu Imul ul
Hcnlmihlu tnduy, u uIkI In prenerv
UiK uidvr,
SlntitMer Nearly Killed When Mount
Lassen Belches Forth Shower of
Stones and Rains Ashes Eruption
Crows More Violent Injured Man
Carried Down to Safety.
MINKItAh, Cat., June Hi. Anoth
er eruption or Mount l.aam'ii uppcar
Imminent. The crater In steamlnK
nKnln, otter u period of qulcuci-ncc,
followliiK the two terrific outbiirH
)enterday, nud Kupervlmir ItunliliiK.
of tho t'nlted State foreit itatloti
here, siild today that thu prevlou
period or violent activity bavo nl
way been preceded by loiiRer iwrlods
or v. tint hu called ul iitIiik
VIOLA, t'ul., June 15. I.unce
(Iridium, u utoek denier, eriishetl by
hoiihlerM hurled yestenluy hy Mount
I.UHMVH mid tnken for dead hy hi
eoinpniiion on the tdopc. of the
mountniii, was alive thin morning
and physicians aid hu hail a chance
for life. He ha u broken collurhonu
mid a crushed lde. Conseiousnem
returned to him toduv for the first
lime inee ho was tniek down in Ihe
fimt of yesterday' two eruption.
The mountain was iptiet this morn-
IIKI) IILl'KF, CmI., Jimib if.
(Jrciit excitement prevmleil today in
the reuiou Hurrouiulint; Mount I.a-
sen. Thu old volcano, whose lonc-
donnnntrf,(:r(iler is nowIlttUiittn'c ns
tiliire jilnnie of nnxiou black smoke
mid lfthiK n fine while nsli over the
countryside, sprouted two new cone
vctitcrdav. nnd further development'
are awaited with intense, tiimcly.
Since the mountain came to life two
week iiko, poutiujj jet of steam
clouds, SU activities have been tcud
ily inerensinif.
"It i a mistake to put the present
disturbance in the ohs of ;e.vel,"
toiy V. II. Slroiii, former state mm
crnloiiisl. who ha nrrivctl here to
make observations, ''(leyscrs do not
ejeel lock, M-orin, cinder and ushc.
These nrc tho characteristics' of n
genuine volcano. I.asseu i in ae
tivo and violent eruption, mid what
may happen before it come ipiiot, no
one can way."
Smoke Pillar iMWW TiH't IIIkIi.
Yesterday the ohl crater shot it
pillar of smoke to u height estimat
ed nt '-'Ontl feet. Toward lithtftitl
hteniu nutl smoke weie seen issnin;;
from two new vent, ouu on the north
side of thu mountain mid the other
on thu west ide, a mile apart.
Advenliiroii spirit seek nt their
peril u near view of the disturbance.
I.auee (Iraham, n '2011. pound lumber
man, w felled yesterday hy u rock
hurled from the crater mid received
falal injuries. He was ouu of a
party of eight from Miiutou who hud
ventured liiuh up the slope. Floyd
Tipple temporarily lol hi mind at
(lie Night of O rah a in's mangled form.
He also was injured slightly. Kid-
pliuroiiK funic threatened to snuff
out (ho lives ot tho entire pnity.
They Ktivcd theinsclve by lying flat
on the ground mid burying their
laccfl in thu snow, lwo other men
from Itcddiug who ventured within
three-nuurter of a mile of the sum
mit escaped suffocation hy similar
(Continued on 1'bro Five.)
BT. I.OUI8, Juno 15. K. C. 81m-
iiioiih denied today (hat thu leltur
from tho HIiiimoiiH Kurd ware com
pany leifHrdliiK tnut lcKllatlon wu
thu cutiMt of hi declination to nervu
on tho federal renurvo hoard,
"In facl," unld Mr. Hlnimon, "I re.
fitted thu pluco Ioiik before Unit let
ter wot thuujilil nt, Tho nil nut Ion
wun iUU I wo ukei hy n man
whom wan injured npuku with uu
lliurlly If I wiiiild ui'cept u plum on
the rcel;t bourd If ll wniu offeied
ltud, 'No,'"
uerr to slight -
rV'BLY Ai!jBfc "
riksSMHIVKv iIl V v "HHHHP
I VM& W'Vf ' Ef'-'2c jf '
One well educated nud ret red nmld luxurious jiurruumlUigs, though nu
oaihan, and the olbor forced to leave school at au early age nud work for the
support of Id mother mid a tittle home.
Tlil U tho Murjr of James A. Walsh and Frederick J. Sehnepel. ordinary
seamen, nttacbol to the klgnal siju.ul of the battle ship I'torlda. who Hear
Admiral l'rank 1'. Fletcher, In hU report of the taklns of Vera Cnie. devi.ircd
displayed "eminent and conspicuous courage." Hoth Walsh and Schuefel urc
New York boy, living only ten blocks apart, and both engraved their name
In American hUtory when, under terrible fire, they maintained Klgual coui
munlcatlon from tho roof of the Terminal Hotel with the fleet of b.ittte kblp
during the engagement.
WASHINGTON'. June 1.'). A ft era
lapse of ten month thu United Slates
5 about to icply to Japan's la.( note
on the (California anti-alien laud law
Keerelarv Hi.yan said tedny:
"The note of August '- last will
he answered us soon us the matter
enii he renched. Answer to it was
suspended by Ihe discussion of other
mean of adjusting the differences."
It was believed that in hi stute
ment Mr. Hrjiiu referred to mi ut
tempt to drop the negotiations for uu
adjustment of the Ksuo hy some leg
islatiou by congress to confirm the
right of JiinuiifM now in the I'nited
States to own mid lease land and a
new treaty looking to recognition of
(he rights of Jupaiicsu to iiuturalir.u
lion. The Jnpsinese niubassudor here bus
been uetively piesin this suhjcel on
the flute department recently in or
der that when tho Japanese purlin
incut assemble next mouth, Huron
Kuto, the premier of the new cabi
net, nmy lie uble to repoit progress.
RAI.KM, Ore, Juno 15. (Invernnr
Went left loiluv for eimtern mid mid
dle w eeru vtule wheio ho will
upend hU vuriilloii In InventlKuHui:
reform N)tem in different puual In
Ntltutliiii. Ho ckpt'CU to bo koiio
vuvtirnl weokii- It wu ntutud tlmt the
lueciillvo would "Uu deliver a num
ber of rli uu I u in) uu leciurc. (luv
eriiur w'l won In ku direct from
htru to Wwvhlnvluii, I). U,
lMub .J
WASHINGTON, Juno 15. Hnrry
I. Thaw was (otlay denied releuse on
bail ltciuliiiL- con-iileratioii hv the sii-
Jpreine court of his extradition from
New Huiupsliire to New ork.
Tho court also declined to grant
tho request tlmt Tlmw uo liiKen io
Pittsburg in the custody of Sheriff
Drew of floos eotilltv. New Iliuiip-
shire. to testify in tlie settlement of
his father s estate. Judge Aldrieli oi
the federal court of New Hampshire
ordered Thaw's release on hnheus
corpus proceedings. The supreme
court will next pass on that.
ST. I.Ol'IS June 15. -The State
Hank of Marin, III., was closed today
hy tho directors, pending uu examin
ation hy reprchcntutives of thu state
auditor! Tho net ion of tlie directors
was voluntmy. l 11. Muuday lias
resigned tlie presidency nt llm iv
ipiest of the director.
NKW YOIIIC June IV The aliu'fc
nun Lei closed si cad v. Niirinw move
incut iigiiin iillciidi'd Indii)' I lading,
wild llm li'iidcney thiniiuiird. The
llllll I'W'IIIIK lip I'f M'Cllllllllll t'llll-
ll'iiel riiliNcd Ihe Ill In liilhlcil III
till) flllUl 0IHUllUllt
General Barren Reports Defeat of
Constitutionalists With Loss of
3000 In Eirjht Days' Battle-Chieftain
Put to Death Americans Ac
cused as Spies.
MKXICO CITY, Mcx., June 15.
Telegriiphie reortn received nt the
rnpilnl todny from Ziicntecni siy
Hint the los-cs of the constitutional
ists in the battle nt that place nrc
estimated nt WWW. General Medina
linrron, who commniidcd the federal
forces, ban been promoted to the
rank of general of division.
General Hnrroii in hi official re
port of the battle to the war office
ay that nftcr mi eight day' battle
the constitutionalists were repulsed
nutl were pursued by him nnd hy Gen
eral llenjamiu Argumedo.
Put ItoU-ls to Dentil
Juan Cahral, n constitutionalist
chieftain, the federal commnnd say?,
was captured hv the government
forces nnd immediately put to death.
The constitutionalist lender,- Calocn
nud Trinun, also were killed, nnd
General l'nufilo Nat era, the commnn-,
der of the attacking force, was seri
ously wounded. (
The federals, nct'onling- to the re
port, enpturod heveral uiaeliuie. guns,
many horses nnd a great qniintity of
General rgnneio.Morelos Znragozn,
who coinmandcil thefedernl jrnrrison
whicli evneuated the seaport of Tarn
pieo. said in nn interview here teday:
"All the foreign colonies nt Tnm
pico hut" the American were friendly
to the federal troops. From the Vic
toria hotel, where n. large number of
Amreicans resided, some shots were
fired on my soldiers. A seurch of the
building produced thirty-three rifles
nnd a Inrge qunntitv of cartridges.
Americans as Spies
''I have information from good
sources that some American resi
dents, principally those living in tlie
nearby country, served ns spies for
the rebels. I have proof that the reb-
,.. ,1, .... r-. . T.......!
cis iniciiiicu iu rvin-ni kuiu iiiuil-u,
hut this was not accomplished be
cause some American gave the word
to the rebels thnt the federal am
munition was exhausted.
"When General Gahlo Gonznle nt
t a eked Tampico he used two field
pieces that 1 know belonged to the
American warships anchored iu the
"I must nlo speak about tlie last
indignity that we met with. It was
noticed the American warships and
the launches of tho same vessels
maneuvered in tho l'nnuco river with
the intended purpose of interfering
with the fire of our shins."
SKATThK, Wash.. Juno 15.-On
recommendation of Ihe coroner's
jury which completed it inquest to
day, Prosecuting Attorney John V.
Murphy mmotinced that ho would
hold Mr. Hlnnclie Smith for further
investigation in connection with the
detith of Michael I). Samuels, a
weluthy merchant of Nome, Alaska,
mid Spokuue, who was found dead
with n bullet iu his heart iu a hotel
hero ten day ago. Tho jury re
turned a noncommittal verdict, de
claring that ll.u evidence showed that
Samuels either committed suicide or
wu shot by Mr, Smith, u divorced
wife of uu Alaska character known
a "Deep Hole Joe" Smith. Mr.
Siimuel, u well a friend of the
dead mull, testified at llm inquest
that he hud lohl of having been
threatened hy Mi. Smith. Thu hit
ler, who occupied mi adjoining room
n KmiiiiicU' hi Ihe hold, telfici
Iiml Im khut hiuioi'lf. The scnllel of
the i'oionii-' jury any the junii
hi'liein HiiiiiiicU coiiimillt'd xiili'Uli'i
lull ii'i'iuuiiieml filllhci' liivcslljitlloii
ot Mm riiunh' putt in Ihu lilted)'.
NO. 7!
Ninth Annual Convention Opens at
Page Theater Every section ef
State and Many Portions ef th
Country Represented Addresses
of Welcome.
The ninth annua? convention ot
the Oregon Stato Hanker amioclatlon
opened In the Page Theater this
morning with 200 visiting and local
delegates In attendance. Every flec
tion of the Mate and tho great finan
cial centers of tho country aro rep
resented. The morning session wag devoted
to the registering of delegates, ad
dresses of welcome, nnd a speech by
Charles B. Water of Portland, dis
cussing tho weak points of laws
passed In Oregon, and descrying freak
legislation against hanks.
Piper on Signs of Tlinen
Kdgnr II. Piper, managing editor
of the Orcgonlan was tho first speak
er at the afternoon session, taking
for hit subject. "Tho Signs of the
Times." Mr. Piper spoke from the
standpoint ot a newspaperman, and
the keynote of his address was the
modern tendency towards tho con
servation of wealth, health and 're
sources. He said the Am erica a peo
plo wero beginning to awaken from
the old Idea that their resources wer
unlimited, and were "beginning to
consorve ammunition."
William J. Hums, tho world's
greatest sleuth scheduled to glveall'
address before tho morning scssIob,
did not arrive. He Is expected to
reach tho city on the afternoon train
from tho north.
This afternoon at 4:00 o'clock tin
visiting delegates will be taken on
an auto tour ot the valley, and to
night at 8.30 a banquet will be held
In the Medford Hotel.
Election Tomorrow
Tho election of officers, nnd tho
selection of the next convention city
will be held tomorrow morning. Tho
delegates will motor to Ashland
where a luncheon will be served in
Chautauqua park at noon, returning
to this city In tlmo for to catch trains
for home.
Tho list ot delegates follew:
C. C. Chapman, Portland; E. O.
lltanchard, Hood Itlver; P. K. Snod
grass, Hugene; E. O. Crawford, Port
land; H. II. Evans, Canby; L. I).
Walker, Mollalo; I.. A. Brandes. Es
tacada; P. S. Tlsdalo, Suthorlln, C. E,
Walker. Portland; W. II. IJcnnett,
Klamath Falls; AV. M. Ross, St.
Helens, X. U. Carpenter, Portland; S.
A. Mitchell. Hood IUver; Win. "Whit
field. Pertland: C. S. Woods, Port
land; I.ydell Baker, Portland; E. D.
Cuslck. Albany; August Martin, Jr..
Eugene; J. L. WllltaniB, New York;
P. A. Ollmore, Portland; Max Vogt,
Tho Dulles; Harry Choynskl, Sun
Francisco; L. D. Compton and wife,
Pasadena; Geo. M. Bowles, San Fran-
(Contluucd on Page Five.)
DOUGLAS, Art., Juno IC Ives
I.ellvler, constitutionalist representa
tive burn, said today ho had received
official Information that General Al
varado, with 500 men from Crux do
Piedra hud arrived at Hermosllla, tho
capital of Solium, and disarmed and
disbanded 230 men who guarded
Governor Joo Murla Muytorena In
possession of thu governor's palate.
Theru wu no clush and a conference
was arranged at which Governor May
torunu, General Alvurado, Vgnaclo
lloiilllus, tho omUsary sent to Hurmo
xlllo hy General Curruimi ami other
leaders would endeavor to wit II th"
controversy between th Maytori
uml ('alien faction,
Colonel I. KIIuh CuIIm, tdr ef
llm military fuclluH which twtubt tw
depute Muylnfa, JnlH tHy
Niittulvs, Honor, with JU punt frM
vriulllu, hoHi plMCM M Mm MI
lul Mil) h lukM hy mw mm.
l ml ll flii sTsAltls) i&, bs, V LsU H
t ,.
in al j J. ijA.
im&iiMubi1 H J
, k. t. .......dsfs.L
sk uliiihslJst, jL.idUIiii.