W.iTJS MMDITQltn MAIL T1HKPKK, MlWKO.m, OldXION, 'ITKMIJAV, .T.W, i), 1011 PAGE 1NVW Never Go Back on Your Old Love By "Bud" Fisher tlftV tr;i timm ro:ui. "? )t UPM.il(AK f'IrYlft .- - .. , TT' - I - , , ''" N'I urt , u...- .. . J 'K,...; rt hWM M.I f . r i'A--s it., 1 i y - li Ml lV III itlUti II I II Ill ll I ; i ! - f i; ( I VI Pi fr "VsLW f in f i v-;bE-L.i f IS? i&JUsMA &4-i fru '? l ''Jr 9 nHtt TtirtW ri The f T lo. ft, W; r -- , ,"Wk i- f " n rot a ; w ' il v?!?3BH tfbTKniMtii. 1 $3iBS--. w xJJ 12 . k 'vJK- - " .7s4a ..,.. L.tltBfflKTTT i vvi7 -3trv am5iflrt . . 7'; fy I g) nif-ttr Sja Co i PORTLAND ROE FESTVAL OPENS PORTLAND, Ore, June '. Pott ImiiiI vlKliltt unitunl Hiiro l-Vnihnl wh it'oin'il luility. A rluir imri'nui hiuI tru't pntnilo oro ttui tint iivtinli (in thu iriKrniii. Tlio lluir HftgtidirM Ihroiinh lilch Qiwi'ti Tlitilmii mul Iht carnival rcllmiii woro to xi on irttfutilr ilfcornti-il with flownr mul iivnrurcoiu. Tin dUttvul will roiillinio for four ilnyn. Toitny'n iiriiRrnui crowduil with ii nrleiy of isiui(, ililof of which unit tin! 04'!itiiR of nun lidr In lo illffurtint nrt of tlut city nhiiri' IhoimnriiU "f IiIuhoiiin were on 'Mbltlon. Tlio (lornl p.irnili!, In wklrh it riciinl iiumtwr of comU lor Ihmo I'liliTi'il, will tnkn iil.ico to luorrou On Tluirtitny n nntlonnl Imllnoii rnro, utiMnr tlio muiilcon of thu Arm ilub o( America. lll "tnrt COURTHOUSENEWS ItiM'iirliMl hy, Jackion County Alx trnrt Co., filxth am) I'lr atB. MERGER OF TROLLEYS AT rinnlt !' (I Hwnli'iiliurK . Hoy Mnulo. Action to n-coviT niunvy. Wllllnni Kcott . (3. A. (Inrilnur, tlurk or iho county of .litckon mul ntnto of Ori'Kini nml Jnn. ,M. Crom-inll. I it, ireunuror of unlil county of JticU iii in ami ntnlo of Omt.oii. Action to riTiurr ilium) . Ilownril It. Kti'nrm, Alum H tea run vn. IViliTal 'IVIi'icrHph conipnuy, u corporntlon. Anion for 11111110). Jiiiih'm T lloliiTtit mi. I ,ou Itoliort. Hull for illvorco, rotnpliiltit ftloil liuitn I nlU l.umucr roiupnuy vn (Srniila Cam HnukltiK roiupnuy it nl. Hull In vault) to rniiiovo cloud on I llli-. I'lrlch & It) mi vn. Mnuun-Krlmmn Co. Di'imirrvr to nimwnr filed. Mcilfonl Nntlonnl Hank . I.yninn U. Ortou. Com hill filed. Hniiiiml McCllutock vn. Kudo V., Ilnli'n vt nl. Hill of coatit and ilU liiircuK'Ut fllud. Koiithorn Puclflc's inoit prominent offlrlnU were prfcont. All ipoko of tho ontcrprluc In hlKlicut tvruiH nnd pIcdKcd tlio mi port of tlio company In oery way ponnlhlc. Tlio mcollnt; wiim oni of iiuliounilcd colliUHlamii, nt thu fruiiuunt thtt'iliiK huh lone and loud mi earli Hum of tuorlt wan iiiim tloiifd. Tlio Klkn iunrti-t curnluly drill thu hooKtur hoiik. Why -Vol (iul thu host muoko, (lov. Joliuaon, nnd nUo pntronlzo liouii.'. I'Olt m:.NT ft:itMsiu:i AITH. Vim itK.VTiitiUMr;Ki:i:ri.No ftOO.MH iOHTM:NTTwo comfortably fur nlslicd houiM'kcOpliiK rooiiM, closet, pan try, Imth nnd kji, lower flour. 72a V. 11th. 1'OH Hi;NT rurnlnlic: npartments. flump rati-ri, fully modoni, 1 four room apartment, 1 to room apart infill, both with prlvnto bath; 1 thrco room npnrtmen: on cround floor. Colonial Klntg, 217 South Hlvcmldc. ItOSTON, Joint I), A imii fn ill tiHMKiM' of l lii' Itimlmi IQoxntPil mil hkv, lite Itiiy SIhIii Slrtvi rHiluu.v, lb "il I '.ml Sirrrt ihiIhmv nml tin' Idmlmi, lifit' Id-Mi'li V I, von mil I1M1I into 11 iMirpuriiliini In In known n lln ('oiuii'Iiv',hIIIi l-Ufi'lni1 Knll i IIIIIIJHUI), VVII" lUHllll plllllll' In- iUy. .MiH.rhn;i' MiriiM'i r William W. Wuttou and IW'ulali IlamluT. JoNcph Anron HuodKint and Alice M. Croy. Iltmry Hindi AiiuIiir nml Aruvm (iracc Kvttrhurd, MOOSE LOSE UALL GAME TO FOOTHILLS, 5 TO 3 Tim I'lMiihlll iirilmril liannluill tmim ilofiNtlml tint Mmlford .Moimo In Inil Simula) n iniHin 011 thu (oral hhiuihIh hofoio 11 fli I) uuimI crowd by n ." to (I Hrurt' Tlio I'iiiiIIiIIIh miiiwiiI rliiM nml lm It'iim work down In purfui'tlnu. Tlio Miioho niiiilu it cri'ill Initio kIiowIuk. hut .lorditn nuiviid llKim down in nrdor, ulilklm; out iw'uhu moil and iiIIowIuk thrvo hllH In bin htanillnj; for Humliiy. The Hiimo wiim climo mid miuppy urn) nr mrrt vvri hold down to it minimum. Codfy nml Coffoit of KoothlllH pliiyod a Hlur Kitmi. I'ontlillU will cnum huti with I'lmciiU next Humliiy on tho lullorH KroumU with tlio follow. Iiik llur-up: Cofrmi. ('; .Ionian, V; Coooy, IhI II, ('. Tidrli'k, 2d Hi HiickuiURtor, MH; II. Twit Irk. 3d H; ('. Citnol, HK; Hurl. CK; lliirridl, I.P. I'm it mil' In tlio mutter nt tho adoption of Hrnlrli'o J. Iloxlo, n inluor. Ordvr of contluiiaiico filed and niproi'd. In thu innlti'r of thu I'Mluto of Mr Anna .M. .Murai1, dcci-ancd. Invcntorv nnd itpprnUuiuunt (lied. POll HUNT Lnrgo iloeplni; roomi, nnd modern hoimokooplnpi nparUj mtiit, prlcci very ronnonnblo. I I'hono 2t7-L. Z22 Boulh Holly! tri-ot. ! POll Iti:.T ll'H.MSMi:il HOOMH PoirUKNTPuriiliiiiPii Toomi ""with hot and cold runiiliiK wntcr, iilrcp Hir porchu. CottnKa Hctldi'Dro, 004 W. 10th SI, 90 POll KKNT PumUhod rnoini, cloio In, raaionnblo, 2t! N, Ornpo St. pou iip.m liousr POH iu:NT Mnilcrn fiirnUhud'liun Rnlow or furnliilicil npnrtmcntn. 301 South Contrnl. 70 POll 11KNT Two room furnUlicd hnimo mul ncrcon pqrtri, In renr of 220 South CntiH', phono 22 G.J. 71 pou fULi; r-.MMi kinds PO?l'UBParm."U 103 acre five inlU'ri ndrth of Kaulo Point on V. li V.. railroad mid on Crater I.nl.i- nuto rond, 45 ncre In crop, S00 fruit trt'i'K, nix Reed oprlnK. two Kood well, now noven room house, out bulldlnRN, two barm Ideal hog nml cattle rnnu If sold coon crop Roe with place, 130 per acre. Oiu'-half cash, bnlnucc terniH. l'honu or wrlto'P. 1'ayreo, KbrIo Point, OrcRon. 79 POU KAI.ir IIOl'SKS POU HAI.K OH LKASK Utmluru HUM' WANTI-.:. 1IAT,K WANTKI) Toammem and laborcrn on tho Pacific highway. Apply to J. W, Sweeney Conmructlon Co., SUklyou. Oregon. 13 Z- WA.N TKII SITUATIONS WANTlii) Steady " nltuatlon by cap nlilu high urhuol boy. Phono 439 M. G9 WANTKI) Hy mun with family, ranch or orchard work. 231 Won Plfth. 7 1 WANTBDYounK lady would like work by tho hour, housework or carlni; for children. Phono 2." I. JackHOtivllle, reference. 73 - - TTT ' MOXKV TO MIAN MONKY To loan on Improved ranch property. Carkln & Taylor. 71 TO LOAN $1500 to loan on farm tecurlty: nUo umallor minis on real estate. Mulkey & Cherry. Jackton County Hank Uldg.. Medford. 72 LOST liullillnR now ued for putomobllo LOST In S. P. paMoiiRor depot ll- rnpalrliiR with residence adjoining, Knrdi'ii nnd berrlcv; nlio to soil cor net, violin, cello, double btM, band tube nnd ernmi: to oxcbanRe -MS. W. revolver for Wluchcler pump ruu. Uco. P. U)er. till North Central Ave. t'.'j pou SAi.r. i,lJ-tSTOCK notici:, Nollro la luni'liy rIvhu that tho tin diirHlRuoirwIII nppl) lo tho city routi nil of tho city of Mi'iirord, OrnRon, ul Hh next lORiilnr uicotliiR, Juno 10, 19 1 1, for it llieiiHo (o ull Hplrltuou vlmniH mid 111ft It lliiuom In mtnntlt lx Iiimh than n kuIIoii at bin place of IiuhI iiiihh No. 17, Hoiilh Proui Mlrcnl, In Hiild city for 11 period of nix miiiitlin, O. M. HKI.SHY. Heal pKluli 'l'raii'fi,M Mr. A. It. PhlppH, widow to N. I,. WlUon, lot S, hlk. 0. I.1111 rolliiimt Add to Mndford, W. II , .Mm. A. It. Plilplui, widow lo N. I.. WlUon, lot !, hlk. 0. I.au relhiimt Add 10 Mi'dford, W. I) I). A. Dotiitr, et ttx to W, It. Hullock, lot 2 lit l.ll. 1, Harr'it Add to .Medford, W. II W, T. York ut ttx to Huriili J. HiinIIuri, lot In hlk 17, neatly' Add to .Medford, W. I) Mur) H. Orr, widow, to Aithur H. Well, lot 81, lllRltland Add lo Mi'dford, I). C. I).. . Clitreiito A. .Miml.ur m nx lo M. M. company, 11 corpora tlou, lot 2, bIK. I, Auilur-Non-Toft Add to .Modrord, W. l. . ....... POll HKNT Plvo room modern bun Rntow, Rn, nlcepliiR porch, ihndo tree, nlco lawn, rent cheap. S20 Wot 12th. 90 POU HUNT B07 South Holly St.. fix roouiH nnd bnth, plenty of fruit nnd Blinde. Apply to U. II. Pronch pliono "Hit-It. OS POU HUNT- KiirnUhcd hoime, threo rooiiiM mid bnth. com In, Apply K. II. Pronch, phono rsQ-lt. OS 235 22!i 10 1130 POU HKNT-Ono furnlnliod hoittio and furulilied hoiikiikeopliiK iooiih. 310 North llnrllett St. POll SAU: Party bend of utock Ihirh for nnle, mostly Duroc Jer e). on Dry cruuk. J. II. .Mi Dan iel, Wellen. CS ver mesh bag. Contained two 11108 aRntcn nnd romo coin. Plndcr plcmsQ return to Tribune. Howard. C9 LOST lloy'B overcoat, on road near ItlverMtle ranch. Howard, return to ,Mnll Tribune C9 POU KAI.i: Olio Durhnni rIvIiir lx Ration n day. omv black Jersey KtvlnR five und ono-hulf palloii. one Jorey rIvIiir two nnd one half RallotiH, frealit noon. J. C, Homer, phone 2TH-X, 11)11 RXCIIANOI POU KXCHANOK One flrat cln. 12 pagenRer launch. KverythlnK now. latest mnkc propeller. Will trade tor automobile. Uco. A. Patrick. Gold Hill, Ore. 72 HUHIXP-S lltltPCTOHY Chiropractors DH. A. It. ili:i)0i:S. Dr. Louisa K. HciIrck Slechano-Thcrnplsti.. Chlro prnctorn, Spondylothcraplstti, Thcfo xystcms, Including dietetics, cura tlvo Rymnastlcs, hydro-thcraphy, etc., produce rcsultii Iz both acuto nnd chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel & Co., cor ner Main and Hartlctt. Hours 9 n. m. to u p. in. Oilier hours by appointment. Phono 170. lll'HINKSS DIIIKCTOKY I'liycflcinn mid 3MftofM DIU P. G. CAULOW, DU. KVA .MAINS CAULOW Osteopathic lihynlclans, 110-117 Oarnett-Coroy bldR., phono 1030-L. Itesldenco 2C South Laurel St. DU. W. W. HOWAUD Osteopathic physicians. 303 Oarnctt-Coroy building. Phono 904-M. CIilnc5c Pliyslclnn GI.M CHUNG. CHINA HBRD STOUE Herb Cures for Earache, Head ache. Catarrh, Diphtheria, Sore Throat. Lung Troublo, Cancer, Kidney Trobuo, Stomach Troublo, Heart Troublo. Cramps, Chilli and Pover, Coughs, Poor Circulation, Carbuncles, Tumors, Caked Drcast. No operation. A guaranteed euro for piles, no surgical operation re quired. 241 South Front St., Med ford. OrcRon. (DU. J. J. KMMENS Physician anil surgeon. Practlco limited to oyo, ear, nose and throat. Kycs scien tifically tested and glasses sup plied. Office. 228 Past Main St. Hours S;30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. Employment Arwicjt Wo aro here to help people rot re liable, competent help. Wo fur nish help In almost all llrics of business. Wo make a specialty of competent men and wives for ranches. Wo solicit your patron nge. manor's Heal Estnto and Employment Uurcnu. Rooms 6 and 7 Palm Bultdins, Medford. Phone So s. Mrs. Dyrd Caster, Manager, successor. POU HKNT Plvo room tiutmo closo In. Apply nl Sinllh'u tin shop, 12S North Grnpo St. POU HKNT Sc en room house, wat or paid, fli.riti. luitilro Onl.dnlo Cash Grocery, 71 1 OK HKNT Two room furnished coltuKi. 222 South Central, phono 103-112. OX r.oo 9t$ To loan on Improved ranch. Interest It por cent "Insurinco That Insures." II. R. ST1NB. Huy your Insursnos, or a taxpayer POU SALE 30 Pox nnd Cojote hounds, young and' old stock, n clean up sale, nt prlcci less than uxuress to ship In. Will trado hounds for uron;- sows, calves or any thing of nluo. Ono grand old Gyp to give away, ono good Gyp, flno innnn cheap. Reed chnnco to got tho befit nt less than half prlco. Chns. Gilchrist, 'Sams Val luy, Ore. CS POU SALE Extra Reed ranch or or chard tenni. weight' about 2000; also ono mare and colt, nil at bar gain, extra work completed reason for selling, phono 934. OS POU EXCHANGE--Minnesota In como property for Improved land near Medford. Addrpps box T. J. G., caro Mull Tribune. 72 POU EXCHANGE City property for Reed timber. $12,000.00. Clark Realty Co. POU EXCHANGE Nino room hoimo nnd two lots, Seattle, vnluo $1300. Incumbrance $1GOO, Tor sale or exchange for Jackson county pro perty. Seo Graham & Wukoman, POU SALE Pnncy Spltxonbnrg np I pics, old and new othtbca. Hob- EDEN PRECINCT NOTICE, Notice In hereby given Hint tho tin ilitrhlmiml will npiily to tho city coun cil nt lis meeting lo lo luiM Juno ltlli, 191 1, for 11 llci'iiHo to null ittull, ui!rlltiouflmiil vinous lIIOI'S III lllllll Illicit loss Hum 11 itulloii nl Its pliico of IjiimIiiomh on lot 10, block II, illy of MmlfoMl for 11 peilod of nix mentlis. HOLLAND IIOTIM. CO, linlml JiliM IIH. !('' ' "- - ' " cu'iii iii 'riiuiii,, Wo wish lo lliuiili nil our iimIkIi bun nml filunils fin Ihi'lr mull) Mixl liufilfts In im III itur lulu hiii'uuw'iiiiiiil mill iiImi fur Un'lr liuiiii flmnl III lini II I, T VI. Oil AM) I Mill V I'MYiKUU'fAYMtt, I T. P. Smyth mid J. W. Paro of Talent went ut tlio county scat 011 Wednesday, Jessln Adams and '. Wiibslur of Wnguor creel; were In Talent 011 WediiuNiliiy. Prof. Kolmor of tho experliucut Mlatlon wim In Talent Prldny on busl- lll'HH, Win. Ili'vsoii o( Tn lent was ivniouif Iho iiiuuy who was at tho hlg booster meelliiK I" Ashhiud Mouduy evening. .Ins Pun Is or WtiKiier cruok wiim lu AhIiIiiiiiI visiting Ihh ilnughlor. Mis. ('. Carel was lu Ashlaiid SPeillllUK IlU WI'UK Willi "'Ml eui ilniiKlilor, Mis. 13. O. Htmso. P. T, Vim del' HIiiIh mid wife, P, W. Ames mid wlfo of Tulunt ! tended (Im uprltiKs booslur luci'lluu ut Asliliuid Hiitunlii). .1. D. Ileiny or N'oilh Tnlcut Is Wry III III IlU lllllllll, Nllllllllell iioublu of u niiiuli' mil 11 m being IlU Mlloinlll. Vou i' rniiwpouilcnl iilliiiiili'J llm tilllK I M s Mli'ellllK III Aslllullll Hill- unluy iii'iiiiIii. Tim ImK" uriiior) lllllllllllll Ml lllllhl III IU M'UIIIIK i'U pimlli lii wpie Hipmi Hum nil 'Plum iidhii iimi suuiii, nour IliO NEW TODAY Tnko n car rldo to tho city reservoir, nnd see tho beautifully shaded tracts In Siskiyou Heights, nml Capital Hill additions. Then sou 1110 for lots mul ncreitgo lit that vicinity. 1 have some flno offerings there and will bo glad to show them ort Duttou. POU SALE 30 Jiontl of hogs, 50 hens, John Dcero cultivator, llox 40, caro Mall Tribtilio. CS POK SAL1', MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Cash paid for a Reed usivl motorcHio. Must ho modern mid cheap. Call at 705 North Hlverslde, 09 POU SALE Piano, cheap, Scliiunan Cabinet Grand, ead: condition. Phono Jacksonville 112, 73 I linvo n flno 1 It t lu home, it munll production orchard, mul n bunch o( doslrablo lots all hero ut Medford, fo eclimigu for n stoelc ranch In tho northwest. They am all first class properly C. D. HOON POR HALE OR EXCHANGE Hun- mpblle runabout for flvo passenger Pord, must bo lu good condition. Address XX, caro Mall Tribune. POlfsALE Mitchell .aiitontobllo In good running order, cheap. G, L. Coleman, Tnlcut, Orvgon. 72 and OS POR SALE OR TRADE At n bar gain. SO acres, very finest pear Mill In valley, nhxolutcly linmuuo from frost, adjoins bearing pear orchard, big crop mid no smudging. Will pay to Investigate. Page- Drcsslcr Co., 320 East Main, phono c. llcntlitu DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOC DR. a C. VAN SCOYOC Dentists Garnctt-Corey llidg., sulto 310 .iieuiora, ore. Pliono 6&0 E. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack son County Hank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phono US-It. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, I to,4, Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office 30, resi dence 721-J. Offlco hours 10 to 12, 2 to 5. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician end surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practlco limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E. Main. Phones, residence, 814-J2; office 814. II. J. CONUOY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums den, 215 E. Main St. Phono 77. DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD,. Chiropractor, norvo specialist Rooms 203-204- 205. Gnrnett-Corey bldg. Vapor baths and scientific massago Riven: needle, spray, head und shoulder shower lu connection; advice In dli'totlcs, medical gjuiunstlcs, liyuroptlicrnpy. Lady attendant. Phone, offlco 513. rcsldcnco 511-lt. IE. KIUCUGESSNER. M. D Gar- nctt-Corey Bldg. Hours 10 to 3, oxcept Sundays. Pbouo, office, S28: residence. S28. ('.irhago UAHHAOI (,et your promises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbagu wagons for Reed hcrvlce. Phono 325-L. P. Y. Allen. DH. MC M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon. Dr. Lydla S. Dow Os teopathic physician, offices 3-4 St. Marie's block. Phono 100. Itesl denco the Dow Hospital, Central Point. Instruction MR. PRED ALTON HAIGHT Sum mer term. Teacher or piano and harmony. Tho Hnlght Music Stu dio. 11C South Laurel St.. Phone 17C-R. Stenographers ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm block. Stenographic work dono quickly; and well, POR TRADE Por Medford property or close In acreage, nn acre vvitli complete modern 9 room house mid barn lu Cuntrnt Point. Box 111, It. P. D. No. 2, Medford, Ore BUSINESS IllllECTOUY POR SALE Buggy, harness middle, 722 South Orange, WHY? Himsn ami lot, house furnished with A-1 new goods, lut 50x110, best I't'slduiuo 1'iirt of .Medford, nuur Went Main oil puved struct, Hncc rooms. A real hantulu, cost $12011, Hell for 1050 for flvu ilios mil), Hum! homestead mmr- Mmlfunl ilieiip. Illii mus rlcur, uuur Meilfunl. I'lll'Up, llMIIIK I'liolu IU0J J. C. BARNES I'll. I KHlluiml Nub lll'lg. POR SALE One good second hand cash register, $30.00, flrnt class shape. M, S. Johnson, Gold Hill. 72 WAXTED MIScKLL.WEOltS WANTED To roni small honso fur nished, must be supplied with over) thing except table linen mid silver. Pmiilly two adults. Cull telephone No. 700, nuurs 8 u. 111. to 5 p. 111. ' ' 08 Auto Hupplles LAHKR Al'TO SPR1NQ CO. Wo aro operating tho largest, oldest nml best equipped plant lu tho Pa cific northwest. Uso our sprlugs when others fall. Sold under guar auteo. 20 North Pltteeulh St., Portland, Oro. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick, Handy, reference for lluiy People Art Storo R. L. Bennett, Taint, oils, glass, wall paper, enlarging, picture framing. 27 North Qrapo Phouo 3CC -J Attorneys PORTER J. NKPP, WM. P. MEAl.EV Attornoye-at-Law, Rooms S mid 9, Mudford National Bunk bldg. A. E. REAMES. LAWYER Unructt Corey bldg. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor ut Utw. 123 East Main btreet, Medford, Oro. Win. M. Colvlg. George M. Robert COLVIG Sc ROBERTS. LAWYERS Modrord Niitloiiul Bunk Building. WANTED -A pluno for ilomge. Call qS9-H. 08 U, P. Ml'MvP.Y & GEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Luw. Jackson Coun ty Hank lliilldlug, WANTED- If yiitt vvmit periuuiieni. lumuiieutlvu, plusai .oiililoor employment, answer lljis, " Terms llberul. hOOi) lerrllory, ouporleiice uuiiuruksury, lloipisly, Mttblllt), uoi'U wins, Orenuu Nurswry C11111 tmiiy, Oriiiini. OrtK'ii, (IV WANTKI) IH'iuJ liulkM, Hi mid iu8 iHDinpily ieipyvii; fivn i)f Hltfl Mil, Wlllllll II) llllli'M pf ill) Mvi)foi. tu.iii')ui lu, 4u)Hi DMT, U NEWTON W. BOIIDEN Attorney at luw, room 7. Hpuitu building, Mud ford, Oregon. . , i- u :. Truiisfi'is IJADH THANHI'ER & HTOHAtllJ CO. - Off Uu 12 Nut Hi Pigut HI I'lionu 316 1'ilies iitshi, Hunlitf uuur tilUed, - . -. . . ji- Koluiy I'libjU' nrr.MNn jsT.vif h a rVuiMiy piiii- lie II1I11K )iur wink lu '"'' I"1 tiiii vt ihv Mull 'i'lluunv Auto Bodies nnd Spray Tanks J. W. Mltcholl, blacksmlthlng, horseshoclug, wagun work, rub ber tire work. 23 South River side street-. .....................Phono 20 Bcuuty Shop Parisian hnlrdresslug parlors, 429 M. P. &. II. building, sham poo, hair dress, scalp treatments, manicuring, hair d)lug, etc. I ulsu maku switches ntul curls, etc. Elevator service. Phono 157-J Civil Engineers Osgood & Brown. T. W. Os good, Asso. M. Am, Soc. C. E. A. Thoo Brown, deputy county surveyor, Medford National Bank Bldg Phone 2 02 Ruled Hay, Piour, Peed, Grain L. B. Brown, Ruis Mill, also poultry supplies, 139 South Riverside... Phono 529 Bakery Roynl Bakery, bread, pies, cakes. Corner Main and Grapo. Phouo 37 Chinese I4111111I1-)' On Juno first, I will open a first class laundry. A (rial will con vince you of our ability to plume. Ail umiii worn. 111 niuiifci j..i Boulh Riverside, Phono 189 pHi-muis Implements Hubbard Brothers, Pull Hue ot Joliu Dccre Makes. Por spe clu) prices oil buuKlus, S30 Kust Mulu . ..I'houe D31 KIim Hie Wlrlint, I'Uluiwi, Huppllim Ho 11 1 hern Oregon Kliciflc Co,, Unnla l.siups. 0 Huutli CVwlrsI AfKllHO I'llOllH JUfi'Y PlIMtll MWd Cutltli Hl'MlS Hlur Men I MurbH. M W W Hr, l'Hi DM HM Ma In Purnlturc New and Second Hand Scott Woolf, successor to Mor doff & Woolf, completo bouse furnishers, Special low prlcos on Axmlnlstor rugs and furul ture. 22 South Plr........Phone 0 Groceries Brownlee & Llndley, Monopole canned goods. Upper Crust flour. 327 East Maln..Phone 927-L Guns, AnimunltloB, Sporting Goosto Ewlngs Qun Storo. fishing tacklm sporting goods. 112 West Malu Phouo 435 llnrnctvs, Suit Cases, Gloves Ilonnnn Hrothora, 317 East Main, ropatrlug ot all kinds. Phono 481 -J InsuranceAny Kind R. II, McCurdy. writes fire, life, nccidont. liability, auto, plate glass, burglary, fidelity and surety bonds, Sparta Building, Modern Pliotogrsplir Tho Mnckey Studio, latest and most up-to-date methods. Por traits ot chlldron. Main and Central, back of Daniels for Duds. Practical Horseshoer and IllackswUls' G. P, Merrlmsn Medford sua chaulc. 20 South RIversMe Avenue phoua 171 I'luiiiblng ami lfeatHK Van R, I'elrieu, IS Nftrth "rape , Phone Ml llful Ivslutu, Loans aw4 Inytmiwaiili I'sjfs Drwulur CeMpiHy. farm lands, ub-diilB, Szb jlsst Main .. .v ,..,-..,.r'Jwa ill Kliun ltiwlrnf MM liwvt Mvy, wM HM whIi, IV lleutl, iiun Air- XW ..,., .....,-,.,.J'ii fff ! Hluittu M Vmf ih i' r, svrNi m Wr wiminuiiutmfttm jw " Ji ksUb i.,i-Ws H I-- . I 1 i I Vj j i r A