rj - ' V i 'J I w ?,', l t ML And Now ! ' - ot th:, tACOiA'riomauv. t VlltlH WMNr CAIIOIKTIOM fACAfO. U VllL AtiS mUTT llM.Jlil14S WUPU"H fiS5W J7 'IIm' link (ii!iinr ill Ik iffiiJ.v f lf llHli Kill III Iwil Ml'l'lt-, lll't'lltll- injj In iiiiiiiiiiiii rimnil imiili' lliM mifiniiK t Mitniitfr ( ). UoKr. 'Ill i' iiuii4tiMr ii 1iiUIi khI i-mly fur h"tiiIhii. A mniifiil or iin tieailptl line r'Hiiliil In ltn iitilloMil In w n rtwir liwini Hknni' tunl I'liUlamt nhI nn rtelf.l In in ri lllrt lal iif itII ll. Hi lir-i rniiiiiii" will Im lotrnii liefri, if thr r any. I'tilluwitiv IM Ik a-r-g- i Imhuis ami iajsjMltt- will U hIIUwnI. , Uri M-Rtint if Inml in th MrailiiMn ill trift ht litfii i dsiil.il In lii'Mim for I'HItltrn 11 -P. Twin ) ''lr will If" iliiflil)ri nl i .l.itl i nil ilnn:i-i'tl it. tin' wink lll-Hiiiil ANNOUNCE FAILURE OF l.nMMtN, Juiin s -rormiil an niiHiii-oiiii'iit of tln ntu'ionnlon or ttio I'miatllaii Arciio. I.ltnlti'd. miu niailt IimIh. 11m rimrurn. which nlwi line of (! In Nw YorV. a InrKoly roll trulli'il liy Arthur nruiiMI. furtinrly nl iIih Mrm r rtiapllti, Mllnn, (Irmi- Ml mill mtwn, whlrh mmpnmtisl hiMlniiM on Kftliinlu) with lliihllltlm ill I iii JO.IIlll ilmatiNt at nUnit $ t.XO.OtlO IIih liimlnniHt of tho Canadian Amttry wan tint. Mutation and flimur lug of Caimdlnii mid ollior rninpa nl"ii. It U nlloKt'd to liuvn lntn mi kkkimI ncitil In it cnmpnlKii (or tho piirrlut-f ur a mntrolllni; IuIithhI In IIm (iraud TriinU Itiillway. F RECEIVED BY KING I.ONM10N'. .lime K.- Kitir (li-onii' mci'iM'il l"i!i in mnliriiiT (Inii-rnl llrniuHfll llonlli. Iimiil of thi' Snlvii lion Amo. wln liml Im'oii ii'iinr-trtl to no In Hin'ljiiiuliiiiil pnliH'o lo tiiu' hL iimji'-ly llio itolnllh of tlu f.nlli iKimlug iiiluiilnliolinl imiii;im or SnU vnliiiiiUl". Tin1 I.iiil' i'iut'l Ihh win in liopc Unit tin ronurcHH wmilil lit priiilm" lio of tirt'iit iiinl Ih'-Uiik '. in"' ilci'lificil In1 nn ii lliorniiuli nilinin1)' o' Ilic wink -I tit SiiImiIiimi Aiiii.v. NO SOLUTION FOR FRENCH CABINET CRISIS PAINS, .hum H. N'n miliilioii nl' llio I'li-niili iiiIiiIhIoiIhI crihli i-iiiim-iI liy Hi' n.'ii.inilloii or Piiiiiinr l)oi- IIUUK'I''' I'lllllliol llMll lll'l'll Mljlllll up In iiiioii. rli Hiliol luiil not n'wvn Prunlilrill I'liinniK' lii ilolinito iioin- III) til I'ollll II I'llllilH't, linl Im WIIH voi'V iirliM1 inii'nii'wiiiK ii'iini'ii "I viiiloiiK iiiilliiiiiiiiilur' Ki'oiiN iiml oilier Hhlii''iMii ulio Im Hioiij-IiI inlnlil Im iniliiiTil lo IiiI.ii nfl'ii'ii with lilni. ' , Miinli'ri'il In Mi'ilfonl lit drum l.iiMiir'n tnllor lio. COO liuiiiillfiil mirlHK wonlniiH, tiillnrml lo your ini'iimno fit iirlroH thai hIioiiIiI iiuiko ii lilu lillllmt. 7 HIiiimI iii fur IIiiiim'i Of i'iiiiikii you waul In, tlu'ii Hiiioko (liivuiiiiir JoIihwim tlKiri) Dnly. ' r i - ; 'i N ClMM i , HOKE CANNERY TO " BEREADYINFORTNIGHT Jeff Knows More NICDIftTlON? VJCUU inn'r MQfttt, 1H'vT ir Two rMTiOir., V'Mvmi th;iui call , IN t 1Mt.U,MA1ICN ro tUT TCQ IT. I'Of. ".fAl'Ltl VJl'I'tAU I'll DT UN VL MLIWV r ",n"" "'"l n,".U ,,ll,0.r" '." ',,m"!lll7 FUli mT-UrKo imping raomi.' MONKV -To loan on Improvo,! ranch llllllnl nilllAr 111 II 1 1 I'M lliMift allon at hl plant ofliiiHl. am! modern hbuwUi.upliiB npart- nroncrty. Carklu & Taylor. 71 Clilrupraclom riixlclans nnd SHnceoM Itiiportud liy Jurlmou County Al tracl Co., Klxtli and Plr Hti. Ili-iil llnii TnnirrrM I I' Hchnt'ldrr rl nt to J. P. Kali, lot SO, 21 of IIIkIi land Park trart to Anhland H l 1300 Arthur H. Well t ul to Jack win County IIiiIIiIIiik & Loan Amii., V. I). 10 Hpi'timr K llillll to HimiiIhtii Ori'Kon Traction Co., rail way, etc., tuModford, iIhmI 10 Cyrt'itiiii Vroinaii. it nx to Day ton Wllllaiim el ii x, I 4 nrro In ncc. U. twp. 31 H. It. 2 '., I). 10 Win. Krott to II. M. Hcotl, in wlfn, 13115. SI acrcH In m'C. 2ii-3ij.3i ami 32, twp. nr. I W., Q. C. I) 10 J. I. l)ltMorlh it itx to CI- r i'ii tn lIurKiiiati, aduix., land III mm, "sS and 31, lx p. 31 H. It. 1 . (). (!. I) I Surnh It. Jtrr t vlr to IMuar Allnii llilutiT t ut. lot 41 and K. M or 43 of lllKhland Park Add to AHlinud, Y. I). 10 Kathraln Kaiiko t lr lo J. Curnmii, lot 13, hlk. 12, l.iiiiri'lliiirl Add in Mod ford. H. V. I) 10 Itnth Ki'liur, tldnw, to Ward C. Ki'liur, lot on nxtmmlon Ithrrnliln aM'inui, Minlfonl, V. I). ... 10 V. I.. Orr nl n lo Arthur S Wills, lot Ii HlKhlanit Add to Mt'drord, W. I. . 10 " - MEDFOnD ROSE SOCIETY THAHKS THOSE WHO AIDED On hi'half of tho inombor of tho .MoiUord Itimo mirlrty, Mm. J. IV Itcd dy. proNlilnnt of tho oolrty, wliihr to thank (ho owner and Iomitm or tho Holland holi'l for tho imo of tho ImlldliiK for tho ckIiIIiIHoii; nhio Ma yor I'uidln and tho rlty or Mod ford for turiiliiK ttio Alitor on In tho Imlld liiK; tho Cnllforula-Ori'Kon nownr company for uiplliiK tho riirrout iimM In llr.htliiK tho hiilldlni; tho Koiitht'ru Ori'K'in Klortrlc company for thu imo of tho lamps luiulcd; tho I'almor I'liino rnmpaiiy for tlio 'o of n plaiio; ICiulg llrothum for iiiovIiik piano; lllalno Kliim for tho huatittfnl pofttor which ho propnrod and dU trllniti'd nlvrt IkIiik tho Hone uhow and Hotter llnlilc contoit; (ho (lar-iii'tt-Coriy hardwaro company, tho Mt'dford 1'iiriiltiiro and Hardwaro lompatiy, and SlyiplolRli'ii hardwaro I'ompany for noci'imary iirtlcloR lent; nnd nhovo ill tho nocloty wUIich to thank tho oxhlultorH mid frluuiU who hrouiilit In tlmlr rono ror oxhlhltlon and ror di'itirntloim. Tho IihIkos who IioIh.m1 mnko tho uhow a siirposa u ro impoclnlly worthy or thirnkH ns iiIho nro tho donom or tho many iiinKniriionl troplilim, MCDKOHD CHEAMEHV PAYS IIIGIIKST I'ltlCi: I'Olt CltEAM The proprietor or tho Moilford Creuiuery ropnitH Hint ho In having trouble to get enough cream to mnko nil tho butter ho wnutH to and would lllui lo have tho fariuorH nnd dairy men bring In their cream, Ho litis beon and Is Mill paying top prices ror ertmnt mid Bnys tho lowest ho lum pntd Ih 2 1 rentH per pound nnd dur ing tho liiMt or May mill llio Nrst or ihlu month ho lum imld 2fi conts. Willi tho demand for oronni In .Mod ford nnd tho good prlcoH, It looks llko who Imvo cream for hiiIo would bring or Hlilp It In. Mi. C'liaiipel, tho propiliitnr ol tho rrwimory would ho (iiml lo correspiind Willi llioso IiiivIiik hultnr fat for milo. notici:. Notion h lii'iob)' Hhi'ii Unit Jim mi iliuullliiiul will uply In Urn (ll! i'iiiil ill of IIm illy of Mudriiril, Ort'Ktni, ut IIm ihU M'Ulur niwilliitr. Juno 10 iMHDKOIM") MAIL Tlflin'NK, About Mediation Than the Mediators y i' .? - v---" '"::;-' I i . ...... ... vtnrviif lii'Utvi.'uu iillttrwrinv I !)H, for a lltiMiii) to null milrltiiom tlnoiiN and mult lliuorn In uimntltli-'i li'iui thr.ii a gallon at hli placo of hind iichm No. 17, Koiith I'ront street. In Maid nlty for a period or lx inontlm. O. M. HHI.HIIY. XOTICi:. Notice In horoliy kIvoii that tho nn-diTitlKtii-d will apply to tho city coun cil nt It lueutliiR to ho hold June inih, JUM, ror a UceiiHO to roll malt, HplrituoiiH and vliioim Ihiuors In iiiinn lllloM leu thnn a unllon at It" placo or hiiilnoiM on lot 10, liloel: 44, rlty or Moitrord ror a period or lx inontliH. HOLLAND HOTKLCO. Dated Juno nth, II" 4. roit iti:.vr iii)tMr:Ki:i:i'iNo ItOOMH POu'mwf lCiTcm?ortahTy" nir lilihed hoiirckeoiiluK room, closet, pantry, hath nnd ta, lower floor. 729 V. 11th. - KOIt HUNT I'urnUhei: npartment. cheap rates, fully modern, 1 four room apartment. I two room apart ment, both with prlvato hath; I three room npartiueut on Krotind floor. Colonial Tint. 217 South Hlversldo. fou m:xT jnn;sr I'd It Hi:XT--l0 room furnlitiml hoiipo on So. Central Ae., eloso In. W. A. Messuer, phono il.K'i-Y. 07 KOIt It!:.NTTwo room furnished house nnd ccrwii porcti, In rear of .220 South Crape, phono 220-J. 71 KOH HKNT Klv room modern hun Kalow, gnu, slepliiK porrh, simile trees, nice lawn, rent cheap. S20 West 12th. 0 KOH Hi:NT T.07 South Holly St.. six roouiH nnd hath, plenty or fruit nnd Nhade. Apply tott. II. French phono 7.10-It. CS KOH HKNT Kiirnlalinl house, threo roonm and hath, close In. Apply li. II. Kronch, phono T30-H. OS KOH HUNT Ono furnished house nnd furnished hoiisekeoplni; roomi. 310 North llnrllctt St.' FOIl HENT FUo room nouso cloxo In, Apply nt Smith's tin shop, 128 North Grnpo St. KOH HKNT Seven room houso, wat or paid, $'.1.50. Imiulro Oukdalo CiibIi Grocery. 71 i OH HKNT Two room furnished cottage, 222 South Central, phono I03-H2. OS To loan on Improvort ranches IntoroBt s por cont "Iniurauco That Insure," II. H. STINlfc lluy your Insurant or a taxpayer NEW TODAY Tnlco car rldo to tho city reservoir, mid seo tho beautifully Hhiided tracts In Slnklyou HelghtB, mid Capital Hill nddltloiiH, Thou seo mo ror lota nnd acreage In Hint vicinity. I Imvo boiiio riuo ofrorliign tliero nnd Will bo glad to hIiow thoui I have a fluo llttlo homo, n nmnll production orchard, mid u bunch or deslrnhlo Iota nil hero ut Medford, to ochmigo ror stock ranch In tho northwest. They nro nil Nrst clans properly G. D. HOON WHY? For Siilo or Trado, On ncro tract. cIoho to Kugeuo, nuur car lino, 20 mliiutu Horvlco. All kind of fruit mid berries. Good garden, oak uhudo trees, Prominent vluw of Eu genu mid valley, flno neighborhood. Want miiull ttui't In llogiio river val ley, miiH (or Kixiil Kiirdoii, liorno uml row food, J. C. BARNES MIODKOKI), OKKCION, MONDAY, .ITST, 8. 1011 ! 1 ; , J- S i ! , i Stwyutt you n "(. THUSLV - "THIN WV IM.U IN TMIHO Pf.,.TN 0 "GO'.T I TWI CAS" fSfl MU FOIl HUNT Iar;o flopping room, and modern hbUKeki.uplui; apart monta, price very reasonable. I'hono 247-L. 222 South Holly trect. I'Oli ItliST -FUltNISIIKD ItOOMS PON HUNT--KnrnUhed room with hot and cold rimnlnj; water, sleep Ini: porches. Cuttago Hvslduuco, C04 W. 10th St. 80 KOH HUNT Furnished room, clone In, reasonable, 24 1 N. Orapo St. run kali: norsus I'Olt "" H ALU Strirtir niodJrn Tx room huiiRnlow, two lots, nlro rhlcKen park and garden In Cen tral Point. A hcaiiitful place and nt n bargain, some Term. W. A. Moiuincr, phono C3C-Y. C7 KOH 8ALU OH LKASK Iluslncss building now used for automobile repairing with residence adjoining, garden and berries; also to soil cor net, violin, cello, double bass, hand lube nnd organ; to exchange 41 S. V. revolver, for Winchester pump gun. (Sen. K. Dyor, lilt North Central Ave. ' CO FOU SAI.rv TilVRS'IOCK KOH SALU 30 Fox and Coyote hounds, young and old stock, a clean up sale, at prices loss than oxureis to ship In. Wilt trndo hounds tor nroo sows, calves or any thing of nluc. ono grand old (i'i to give away, one good Gyp. fine maun cheap, good chance (to get tho best at less than half price. Cbns. Gilchrist, Sains Val ley. Oro. CS :l KOH SALE Extra good ranch or or- chard team, weight about 2G00; also one mure mid co;t. nil at bar gain, extra work completed reason for soiling, phone 934. CS KOH SALE Fancy Spltzonburg np pies, old and new potatoes. Rob ert Dutton. FOU SALE 30 head or hogs. CO hens, John Dcero cultivator, Ilox 4G, euro Mall Trlbuuo. CS KOH SALET Jorsoy cow, rresh soon. Phono 3-F11. ot" KOH SALE Alredalo puppies. En quire Penhro Orchnrff, phono C10 It. 07 FOU RAI.lv MlSCELliANKOL'S I'Olt SALE Uiiggy. harness and vaddle, 722 South Orange. OS KOH SALE Ono good second hand ensh register, 130.00, first class shape. M. S. Johnson,- Gold Hill. KOH SALE Grain hny m field. $9 nnd $10 per ton. Durmuda lunch, phono G91-H4. W.NTi:i MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To rent small houso fur nished, must bo supplied with everything except table linen nnd silver. Family two adults. Call tolophouo No. 700, flours S a, m. to 6 p. in. OS WANTED Second liana soda foun tain, also peanut roaster. A. M. Smith, 130 N. Front St., Medford, Oregon, 07 :ANTUD A piano for storage Call CS9-H. OS WANTED 500 men at Orres & l.n Mur'a tailor shop during tho uet six days. 07 WANTED If you want permanent, remunerative, pleasant outdoor employment, answer this. Terms llbernl, good territory, oxporioueo uiiuocessary. Honesty, stability, work wins. Oregon Nursery Com pany, Oronro, Oregon. 09 WANTED Dead horses, cattlo nnd hogs promptly removed, froo of charge, within 10 miles of city. Medford Reduction Co,, phono 237. 78 FOR SALE Piano, cheap, Srhummi Cabinet Grand, good condition. Phono Jiiukvuiivlllo 412. 73 HELP WANTla;-MALK WANTED- Tuuiiutoru and luboiers on tho Pacific lilghway. Apply to J. W. .Hiyi'.tuo) Coustrurlluu Co., HUIiIjoii, Oregon. t as. ar-.. a- xa . iM sv'U. niiii fl WANTED SITIAT1()NH WANTED -.Homily xltliHtlmi by el iiblu blllb liihiiol buy. .Phono 4UU. M. O'J l-'Olt IlKXT FlJIlMSHIil) iMTH. .ll.M; ic MM. nuni.irfw iiiiu.iwii iiii.ii wmr.uivi HAOAa I VI U TO fAQlXf, tir Tmt, &ly ift th ? v in notm VAi, 1 " TO LOAN IL',00 to loan on farm security; alro imaller sums on real nutate. Mulkc) &. Cherry. Jackson County Hank Illdg., Mcdrord. 72 FOUND FOUND Purso with money on street. Owner may have same by proving property nnd palng ror tills iid. M)ST LOST Ho)'s overcoat, on mail near Hlverslde ranch. Reward, return to Mull Tribune. CU LOST Hetween Hollo way orchard and Medford, bunch or keys, II. M. Cos tag on ring. Finder plcaBo return to Mall Tribune office. FOU ilxciianci: FOIt UXCHANGU Ono first class, 12 pawenger launch. Utcrythlng now, latest mako propeller. Will trado tor automobile. Ceo. A. Patrick, Gold Hill, Ore. 72 KOH UXCHANGU Minnesota In como property ror I in prosed land near MeiHord. Address box T. J. G.. caro Mall Tribune. 72 KOH UXCHANGU 70 aero alfolfn farm In Southern Colorado, paid up water right, cuts three crops, good market for hay, wants city pioperty or close in acreage. City property nnd form for gro cery, dry good or hardware stock. V. A. Mcssncr, phone 63C-Y. C7 KOH UXCHANGU City property for good timber, ? 12,000.00. Clark llealty Co. KOH EXCHANGE Nino room houso and two lots, Seattle, value $4500. Incumbrance $1000, Tor sale or exchnngo ror Jackson county pro perty. See Graham & Wakeman. KOH SALE OH TRADE At a bar gain. SO ncres, very finest pear soil In valley, absolutely iinmuno from frost, adjoins bearing pear orchard, big crop nnd no smudging. Will pay to Investigate. Page Dressier Co., 320 East Main, phono 2S2. FOR TRADE For Monrord property or closo In ncrenge, an aero with comploto modern 9 room house and barn In Central Point. Ilox 111, It. F. D. No. 2, Mcdrord, Ore gon. DUSINICSS DIHIXTOHY Auto Mupptlcs LAHER AUTO SPUING CO. Wo nro operating tho largest, oldest and best equipped plant In tho Pa cific northwest. Uso our springs when others fall. Sold under guar antee. 2G North Fifteenth St., Portland, Oro. Attorneys nniiTi.n 1 XHl'ir VM. P. MKALUY Attornox-M'Lnw, Rooms S and 9, Medford National Uunk bldg. A. E. HEAMES, LAWYER Guruott Corey bldg. W, J. CANTON Attoruoy and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford. Oro. Win. M. Colvlg. George M. Roberts COLVIG & ROHERTS. LAWYERS Mcdrord National Hunk Huildtug. D. K. MULKBY &. GEO. W. CHERRY Attornoya nt Law. Jackson Coun ty Hank Ituildlng. NEWTON W. HORDEN Attorney nt luw, room 7, Spartn butidiug, aieu rord, Oregon. Dentl.td DR. W. M. VAN HCO.YOU DR. O. C. VAN SCOYOU Dentists Gnruott-Corey Hldg,, sulto 310 Medford, Oro. Phono K.1U, DR. It. J. LOCKWOOD,, Chiropractor. uorvo speclulUt Rooms 203-20 1 son. Gurnott-Coroy bldg. Vapor bulliH mid sclentlflu uiussugu given, needle spray, head and shoulder Hhowur In connection! udvlco In dietetics, luedUul gymiiUNtlr, hyilroiuhurapy. Ludy iittcudtiut, i'luine, offlro d 13, lesldviiro fill-It. Nolnry Piibllo iiix.mli i " txstJui.iuii.iri ni-!-!!!-!! -"- HELEN N. YOl'KEY- Nulury pul" lie. IIiIhk )itiir Murk in tun at (hu liltsu ul thu Mull Tribune, tAHH IVQ CslAObVOV ' 1 iiii- .... .. .. i r '., r fc-. . .." I I lJltlUlft....... . , .. I , -.& ..I I t '" "'"wi'A rHKI mtH ! .wnwwiwfi , ,, , - " - , . , vli6ifH I I I- I)U. A. II. HUDGKS. Dr. IUlno E. Hedges Mnchano-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, Hpondylothernpliits. These systems. Including dietetics, cura tlvo gymnastics, hydro-thcrapby, etc . prodiico renltn in both ncuto and chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel tc Co., cor ner .Main and Uartlett. Hours 9 n. in. to C p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170. Employment Agrncy Wo nro here to bcl people get re liable, competent help. Yo fur nish help In almost all lines of business. We make a specialty of competent men and wives for ranches. Wo solicit your patron ago. UlUnor's Heal Ustato and Employment Dureau, ttooms 6 and 7 Palm Uulldlnt, Medford. Phone 838. Mrs. Ilyrd Caster, Manager, successcr. Clilncc Iliyslrlan GIM CHUNG, CHINA HERD STORE Herb Cures for Earache. Head ache, Catarrh, Diphtheria. Sore Throat, Lung Trouble, Cancer, Kidney Trobue, Stomach Trouble. Heart Trouble-, Cramps, Chills and Fever, Coughs, Poor Circulation, Carbuncles. Tumors, Caked Hrcast. No operation. A guaranteed cure for piles, no surgical operation re quired. 241 South Front St.. Med ford. Oregon. Garbage GAHIIAGE Get your premises cleaned up for tho summer. Call on tho city garbage wagons for good service. Phono 325-L. F. Y. Allen. Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Offlco 42 orth Front St. Phone 3 IS. Prices right. Service guar anteed. ' Stcnograpncra ELLA M. GUANYAW Palm btock. Stenographic work dono quickly nnd well. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quirk, Handy, reference for Uwry People Art Store R. L. Dennett, Paint, oils, glass, wall paper, enlarging, picture framing. 27 North Grape Phone 3G0-J Auto llodles anil Spray Tuuks J. W. Mitchell, blncksmlthlng, horseshoeing, wagon work, rub ber tiro work. 22 South River side 8trcot...............Phone 2G Reality Shop Parisian hnlrdresslng parlors, 429 M. K. & II. building, sham poo, hair dress, scalp treatments, manicuring, etc. Use the best Kronch dyes. I also mako switches and curls, etc. Elova tor sorvlco Phono 157-J Civil Engineers Osgood & Drown. T. W. Os good. Asso. M. Am. Soc. C. E. A. Theo Drown, deputy county surveyor. Medford National Dank Dldg Phono 262 Haled Hay, Flour, Feed, Grain Li. it. urown, uuss nun, iuu poultry supplies. 139 South Rlvorslde Phone 629 Itakery lloynl Dakory, bread, pies, cakos. Comer Main and Grape. -....Phono 37 Chinese Laundry On Juno first, I will open a first class laundry. A trial will con vince' you of our ability to please. All hand work. HI Shlng, 123 South Riverside Phouo -..189 Formers linplenieiits Hubbard llrothors. Full Hue of Johu Deero maltos. For spe cial Price on buggies. 335 East Main l'houe 231 EliHirlu Wiring, Fixtures, Supplies Soutliorii Oregon Electric Co,, Mujdtt Lumps, 0 Koulh Central Avuiiuo, , PhoiH) 215'Y Furniture ,Vnv ami Kecoml HaHii Hcott Woolf, HiKietuor to Mor doff & Woolf, coiuplto house (urnUlivrs. Kpeiiui low prlfw mi AxinliilxliT i nits mid rurul turn, n Mouth Kir J'houh o PACITC FTVTC By "Bud" Fisher DR. F. Oi CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathic physicians. 41C-417 Garnett-Coruy bldg., phono 103C-L. Residence 2fi South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physicians, 303 Garnett-Corey building. Phono 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practices limited to eyo, oar, noso nnd throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and glasoea sup plied. OHIco 22S East Main St. Hours 3:30 a. m. to S p. m. Phone. B. D. PICKEL, M. D. Offlco Jack son County Dank bldg. Offlco phone 43-R; residence phone C8-R. DR. MARTIN C. HARDER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite Nosh Hotel. Hours 10 to 12. 1 to 4. Phono 110-J. DR. 1U W. CLANCY Physician and surgeon. Phones, offlco 30, resi dence 721-J. Orrico hours 10 to 12, 2 to G. DR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 E. Main. Phones, rcsldeace, 814-J2; offles 814. It. J. CONROY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lums den. 215 E. Main St. Phone 77. DR. MC M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon. Dr. Lydla S. Dow Os teopathic physician, offices 3-4 St. Mark's bloek. Phone 1G0. Resi dence tho Dow Hospital, Central Point. B. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Gar-nett-Coroy Illdg. Hours 10 to 3, except Sundays. Phone, office, 828: residence 82S. Instruction MR. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Sum mer term. Teacher or piano and harmony. Tho Ilalght Music Stu dio, 116 South Laurel St., rhone 17C-U. Fresh b Cured Meats Star Meat Market. M. W. Wag ner, Prop. 314 East Mala PflOB- 171 Groceries Brownlce & Llndley, Monopole canned goods. Upper Crust flour. 327 East MalnJPhone 927-L Guns, AmniBBltloB, SjiortlBg Goo4l Ewlugs Gun Store, fishing tackle, sporting goods, lis West Main .................J'hone 431 Harness, Suit Cases, Glovea Horman Drothers, 317 East Main, ropalrlng ot all kinds. ......................Phono 481-J Insurance -Any Kind R, II. McCurdy. writes fire, life, accident, liability, auto, plate glass, burglary, fidelity and surety bonds, Sparta Dulldlng. ..rnone izs Modern Photography The Mackey Studio, latest and most up-to-date methods. Por traits of children. Mala and Ceutral, back of Daniels for Duds. Practical Horscshoer and MackswMi G. F. Merrlman, Medford msr chanlc, 20 South Klverslde Avouue. -.,..,..-.........Phoa 37 Plumbing awl Heating Van 11. Pelrson. 28 North Grape ...,.... PboBe 031 Restaurant Day ami Night U, 8, Caro, tho placo or "Good Eat"; prlvato boxob, everything 1 1 rut class, Wo cater to partis and banquets, 40 N, Front, Pkoae 9f Heal Estate, 1oans aiM la4isism Page Dressier Cowpsy, farsa lauds, sub-dlvUlou. 3X4) tset iNHHIitsffeeftsiie-t4rN0H9 HJum) Keiwlrlwit Model Hoot ibafi. wklle fn visit. 10 Kautk U"lrl A Htsi4e awl Ywy ilntmm ii. r, Krii a Oq, n.m.. OWW IM ( MM .'ll u I 4 i 'i I 4 V i 'i i . 11 sl i i i J 1 4 r t i v. '"I