Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 03, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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wrrcniroTm arA7L trtrune, arrcpTrotti), omwor?, wkdnrrhay, .ttnr a; ton
1 11
Bllrbanl of Oregon Roses Who Will Judge Mcdford Show
(Hy Mini, WtMiili nil in tin Hi'iiluifl.)
Illlll I'lllll.T (I l- K,l MCI, ,M.
A., ill" lliuiik or. IImmI in I'.uglmul
when ImiIIIkh went tiiiMln .w
''nU'h "I Hi .1 i. in, IIIH
Will sunlit llfJ(illlUO In t. ui,.
". Din liin,. ,,,.., H0II, ,r,,v
lllMl llei'lUIII iuilllfellll. ,.R ,M.
Ii "n llilnl mil" in , ,,,,
Ulllllll MM III i tl.'ll nilltl.Mlhe
fur Pullier Hchneiiei In i(jivi. ii'i'iniii.
M fnun InhrnlisiiiK Hie icil ioe with
Hit' pollen ut tln Hint,. M.( ,m, .
Hew t . hi. unillil . nhllllllfil
would nui linn mi iii'iiii in I'.ilnr
nml Ii'Miiik llmi lIulitiiiK inni on hnth
tide Ulllllll M0 lllell'i
riHiisi rr ,, ,,Ht
Pnthei S.'Imh'IH'i would mil luiM'
"''mill Ii'iihiiic fiiiin mi iirinv wenr
log Mh rtiii. llu K nut ii lighting
mini, IIIh Tin would luisi' conic I'mhii
nttt kin tln 1 1 t w niit1iii to trnu mill
lulglitni I he wuilil. I'nllii'i Hi'lmi ni't
i iihnut llu inlliliwl iiiiiniii'ii'il mIi
mini ulio I'M'i Itiiiniii'il tln vini'H ni
mi Oregon iim gulden, mid II' the
lillli' mini with ii lug ""til liinl I ii
wmcuiiig me leitlll in one n in i'v
perfmeiitM ut I In- linn' tin. wnr hioU
mil I In1 illffli'iiltv would luii. liinl
hi'llh'tl lifftirt Puttier Nchocncr unl-
iM'lt Hint llU 1111' Imil lll'l'll llllllltul
iH'riu rinbliiu. I'lincnl priilt nuike
little Iiiiimh.kiih mi mi,., , ilfcniiHT.
'I'll mirk nf tin Otiuii (irii'il
I n 1 1 n 1 1 1 lilm I'niii.' in a niKlit. Ii hHu
iiiimhikIiI priiiae mi Inr u he wx
euiicernnl, lint in tiKf luting tlicgou
it mini win.. i' k 1 1 Ti I lirnin mnl I in-
geH I'llll l!ci'M l lllT uf nn III-
K-mh lii'iiulifiil m.c, U i'iiiiili'iiil
wuilh while, OnoiiliiiiH luiw u pride
in llif cull t nt ion nf tin- niT, llu1 I'll
iniillc I'liiiiliiinim uf the Mud' miikinv'
lll vnlliy nf III Upaleni Imlf uf
till' Stlltl' lllltlir'' Imi Ihiiii- III wIlM'll
rutes reach iwrfii'liini nut of door.
1'iithrr Hi'h.ii'iii'r Iiiih nut iinh im
irnM't Ktiimlntil nrietn) nf roi,
hut In Imi hi-rli working l hli'i'il Ii
ir I tin t hull In known nn "Tin
mul while hi wmk In Mill In tlm e
poilincnlnl sIiich hi. um pi'ilVclnl
Nomti wnmleiful hhiouiH, Aiming
llll'lll U l.l( U'lulv I llloHMOMI
Wlll'll'lll Color H'l'UIH III hlllll, ll'IIJ)
mul wiluiiii n h ilo I Iiiimi'' or Ini-, The
IM'U in- Iiiih lii'cii cliiiMriMil "The
Ki'liiK'iM'i," hut liiillii'i- ,pmiini'iiic
Hon uiiiv Hiilil'y tlm i ini'i. nil liilhcr
tint ( it In In In' tin. hlooin In- will Im
In tin lili' mul winch will ihi'ii'Mllur
Im known in, "Tin' Oi 171011."
Tin. woil. hi'iii(f I'liiucil mi h Hmm'
Ori'imn ptiisl m iimli'i ihc Ki'ciiciI
of hmiilii'iipi. All the iiiuil tluif hn
Iiiih In tlm Milium .tup ,, hin 1 1 1 1 1
niiiiMiiiiU llu Iilll,. Wmti'li in ItiuiikM,
mnl which iikiv In hi'i'ii ritutt the wlu
low nf miv Siiuthi'tii I'ni'ilii piiN.
K''i limn. Tin- cliiiirli, pnrMoninjc
mul in-!' inino.r, nn1 nil ciowilcl
onto mil' ,'it, lot n' miiiiII iliiiii'iihiiiii'
11ml il wit, hcic ilmt I'liihrr Hi'liiii'iifr
w.i" lotiml l,ii-l ciiKmkh will, hin
iMpi'iiiiiiiil!, J'.wiv inch ni' Hi- himl
ii iililli'il hy ihnilhi of Ihi-Iich.
In hU M'nii'h J",i fin Oh'koii"
f I'lillifr Seliui'iii'i' inli'iiili lo
iiuiki' II tin' nior.' Iiicnl h iiiint,' I In
wilil hwi'I'I lit in t. which ijniwH with
hiich iruriiiiiii tliiniiuliimt Oicoii, im
till roiimhitmii Mock. In M'ourlnn
llu wimhIh mill hilU of tin Willmn
i'IIi' Milh'V he Iiiih hccuicil fourteen
viiiieiii'H ut the wi, sweel In in r mul
Iiiih IrmiKplmiteil tin in In lux little
viirtlni, mneiii: them hemi,' two wnu
Icrful I'l.mluiii; ro"e hnilici with ten-
IllU llllrl-llM' feel in length.
When llu Wlhi hlinr hlnnm in hit
lllinerv I'lllher Schneller mi'liiiH
from iiine iillier hloom, rmnr4 (In
llower in 11 iiiper lint mnl then wniin
I" Kiither tin heeiU in the full. Af
ter plmitliii; Ihe -eei lie iiiiih i,nin
wmt for two M'lir. lor n plmit, mul
then In iniixt Irmihler the liinl lo 11
iiK'trotf hriir. HU pinl.n is full of
thoHc hliriilirei luclii", while 1(1,0011
mure m'hU nre in 11 hot hc.l ut thu
hiick of hit home. Ilciile the how
Window uf the house pi own 11 mile
(ieiiu' rnlher r'ehoener hn. hrenifuot lull wil.l hnnr Unit enrni- nt
"ItJ' !' iliree'imi fur four cnrH, ihe lop n. iiiiiiin n fifteen hluikiimsj wmliiiu' fr.
uf Mllieehiil Mel 1 o-i", In llliulhei
plueii in 11 nmiiiII hlinr hiinh 1111 which
in unloliMli 11 hlj; u.'il luxe uf Ml on;.'
mul pIciiMiii" InicimuT.
I'lilher Kchociicr will evliihit nhoiit
ny ill llih ll,vllliiliCil philllw III the
1 ion" cniiilvnl in I'urtlmiil in June,
hill il in poMlile Hint tuil iiiiiiin of
Ihi'lii will he in hlooin, or liinl m Miuly
uf the exlillilt will (he nih'iiiule nil
ih'iMmul uti ol llu1 woil. lie ih iloinc,
I'nlhei Heliociier in hew'iiilinu' the net
Illlll Hie hulii'M he i In exhibit I111V0
Mill Mppenieil In tllllvc well hince llii'V
cic limi'.pliinlcil to htlm. The most
mitiNfiielur. umlcrMnmllMK nf whut
he ii ilniuu i'Mii he hint l miIiiih
rnlher Kehuener ut Inn luune. II in
mil 11 hhuw pluce, hut rnlher n work
Thut Mil lluihmik uf Oieiinii in
irnelii'itl in Ii!m umleilukiutM in 111
il 111 1 eil hv 11 new I'ruil'hciiiini.' I111-I1
Unit he !h JiinI now wnti'liiui; Willi
1110M jrnloim cure. It in 11 cro-" of
the Oieu'iiu wilil hluekheirv Willi 11
rniheiry, mnl I he fruit in much
xwi'flei in InMe lliiiu Hie Orecou lo-
uniililTiv, which il rcHcinlilcp, 111 Ini."
n... .T. 1 1 .. . . ... .
1 11
iiiih ,cnr win tin
Tlui limit iinrlfrloiiM fenturo of
tlu IIom) Hhow I- 'he Klentlt) of the
ilouor of thu n r ' 1 a 1 niher ciip In tlii
aIiiiIow of M. I Iteilily'H Jnwolry
iloro, wliloh in otlered tin 11 jir'ro. for
WAHIIINOTON, Jinn 1 Dmil't
V. .Iiiurli, who rorifonmul (o U10 po
llro Hint ho plnntwl four Mtirki of il
n ft in I to In tho ilcprirtmenl of nrl-
tlm liiwl inn while romirf of iiiiy iiain .ttiUnro ymtiinlny that ho irilsM 1II1
or tnrlut'. 'I'he nip I mi exuiuple ovnr tlimii mnl win 11 protnotlon for
of the very Inti'i hiuI lumt In nrtlntle ( liorolmn, wom hold for thr Kraiu! Jur
iIimIxh Imi tin- ilouor rMiimtim ion-. toilnjr In defaull of lnll on a rhnrRe
ffjileil huhlml n null of linpniiotrablo .of ntti.'inptliiK to Jytinmlto n I111II1I-
iii)itery. II Iinh iimm mioiiyujoiiHly
iinnoiiMd'il tlmt Hie niyilcrloiiK ilouor
will hu nm iln pniilli on Thuniiln), mnl
ilnrk mniplcioti M1tiUi to ortnln
liroiiilniiiil Hoiitherii I'nelflf offlelnli
a the, rourro of kiiowloilKit, hut
"lto" hnH a lff.I colli nml inu't
tnlk, nml John M Riott won't mi
Hwer the phone However, the nw
tul Mcciet will lie cxpoHcil tomorrow,
mnl meiititliiie, we lime I lie cup fo
"wi uliouhl worr '
jltouc IVtlval
Kpe lnl Tinlii.
Hoo I'ciillval
Monday, .In in Mh
1)110 fnro round trip Out faro round
ItutttrtiltiK UckotH Reed until 1 5th
Kill I partlrulnm nt nny K. I'. depot
Call, Wrllo or I'liono.
Slnuil up fur Home.
Of coiiritn on want to, then nmokc
Ciovemor .lolmroii clKnri only.
ITS OWN SPEED LIMITS! ",,,,. " ,, ,et , ,, t tfZl
SAI.HM.Ore, J11110 3
Thai ti inn ' v
ie T11e priiduceil 11 (.iniill miiouut of "hlpallty lrtuiill IH 11 noverelKut & f g CJ
nil hiM M'.-ihon, hul it hoped Ilmt ,.l '" from Moleitntloii hy Uiim i 1 IT.
i ...II Ii ... I... .!.... 1 ' I.. l-Ih1nI tint In I11111111 uffiilr lli..!& K. .. w
llir yvill ll l.le II III lie Wlllllllllf f - "- " , (ii
im 11 prudiieir. U yruwer poiul-'Kl"! "f a ""I'rmii'' rourt ruling today ,0
ml. hiiwexer Unit he ix in dm hi i,.M '' niHomolilli. meldent dnmuKoig li.n llio mariner, nlone on
0111, lumen 1, nun 111 iK 111 (ioiuii n .,.-,...,. . ., , , .. .7. Iff! the hroiid epane of tlm orean, tt.
In the Wile iirodueiiiK ! Kli flint lo ' '""'-' f"r J'lM"" lilli hroiuht up V w,,lU olt , ,..iarliiK call lo Hi
at wilil 0111 inn iiomi.iriiiif can 10 01
illlike it n mul of the lopinherr, He j '" mtlon of lietlir itato Hpefd g -8iie Our Ship." lie Known
luifiiw 1 no H..' fn..i' 11..M MnftH or city ordlnuiuc speed IIiiiIii'a that hi call will iu.t xo 1111- ft
the llow xerv hirer mid hut lew lM'l The .lower .i.i.rt had held ';'; ,. X""
uf Hi Ium liniienred In the i-mie t IC ('111' ordlllUIHe loiiltl he llltroilllce I i , . , , " . , :'
11 in 11 11m i,p.iunii 111 ine 1 nm ,,,',,,.. ,0 to help and renciie. Not alone Jfc
The ihird mul ri.urlliM'iiM i.r the iiiejmul tlm defiiiidnnlii won. jg on tc d,R.,, ore thero oror g
mu lemeilv thtx npparent ileleel. Tho, miprciiiu roort In rcvomlni? the ready, waltliiB. rcioniilvo coin-
I'Milu'r j..i... m i...m 1 ..,. I lower court, hold tlm tholeKlilature V rades to lend a roncuinK hand 5
I Iillier rieliueuer llli liei II n doer. . . . ... W in 1 ... .f ,lir.. ,lliirn In Mm P
r ,1,., I. ,, .... , . ,, . icamiot ho ipcclflr in interferliiK with 0 n nine or uiro uiro. in tlio 4
or Hi in? nil hi" hie tiirmiuli. lie i ' , g telophono offlco In the dead ot J
lie nollw.r ,.f ,. ... ,.r .u... I u-i . ' "l'""
him written irnn eoutrlhutiou to tin
Wo satufy thousands of customers every
yet with our FIRST ..Ql AM I V mainili,
I f . Mt ir4 p't mrii lit mf tit w blt k Hal
4r iv tijt ? ii-l Virti mrihtr hi k a tnn ir rtm t!f J
C-X oroa rnel Door, lnpctil, 18
li . U0
cotur jront DO'im, uiany dljni,
a aa
.80 np
til) from
ranoy rront Window , ,
Jlnnfulow Bash . , ,
4-lllht Hm HaaU, 20133 In . . .
Intid Door rrun, k. a.
Hath. Window and Ql at '-. !.
Hcrn Soon and Window our own make.
i. ti ra . ou moni) mi llrlnloint lutii
I i i in.l r'Hiiliiir n iln not ocll
r ix'. i i .1. r V ft It anybody mut alilp
i hr
Ak lor Catalor 0. XI
- yiKLtl 1U IUU rjfi'Dg
viiMS i)i:vi:t.oi'i:i)
My our niL'thoa, Imtiros hotter re
BtiltB Irom your camera. Mall m
your work.
Tin: hvi:m stimuo
JU2 West Mnln Strrcl, .Medforil, Ore
filtflil find utfirr.i ul..n tlm ftll
r ...h. .i..u ..,...,, i, v.. tuu tail, r
III'tlltIH. Illlll VslllV however Hint till P lit fir.. In u li.m nil .-
lint wniii'ii ii'iiii eouiriiiutioii. lu tin ,, " " p ,'.,,, -.-"".
i. ,.,. ,.p ii, i.... i ..I- i. btalo inny pain a Kt-iutral law nffeclInK li) itlllnin and tlio world
lleiilur,..r the day. hut inn. dev... lim ,,r ordlnaiiro which -'l'. " " " '.
tiou I., ll... n..e nf Orepin (here it !" ,ll or nln,S kPe,DB loncy VKil over yon r.
finen.-H lo the mini Hint N jIH(.r,n. iwcoriw uilal In llii o.Hrcli;ii pa. mid your-, alert, keenly alho to
nlile. Hi hiM' flower -hcuul. Ill
nil of mi t lire' form" iippenli to him
in Mump' inlnixity. Some ilnv he
mil" preueli (he wuriuon llio wiiriil i
Iteportcd by Jickton County AU
tract Co.. Hlith and Fir Hit.
John Kutlon . Twohy Mroi Ar
lion tor ilaiiiaKe. Complaint (lied.
r'nlrtmnka, Mo it it A' Co. . K. V.
HhnpliilRti llardwaro Co. Default
mnl Jiitlitinent.
Daniel lllrkey . Marlon A. Itndrr
et ux. Stimiiioiii filed
WIIHiiin Orois . (leorne Plater
mid Chai. II. Ilni). Humiuoui flletl.
i:ila A. HurkNRn Charlei I.
Iliirkuse, Htllilliionn filed.
A. J. Kdwardi et al. II. It. Allen
el al. Default and decree.
Ida I'erry . Martin Terry. Htmi
monn (lied.
Medford (Iroi ery Co. ,. A. I".
ItoM'liatofk el nl. rtlimiuoiiR flletl.
It. Ktlwariln et nl ri John I. Tnl
elil el al. Huiunmo (lied,
Al Waller .. It. A Itowley. Or
der fotiflriulliK ante
OreKou liiM'ittmeut nml Mnrtnace
Co. a. Vlnrent Nhiro. Htiiiiiiioii. nf
lhlnlt and order for puhllratlon of
mimmniiK filed.
The Jnckaou County Hank m
John I). MeAnlle mnl Miir:inct M,
MrArdle. lhcriillon In forerlonnre
I. Tlioiinm m. lint ry T. Han
well. KviTiillon filed
Verim T. Canon h Waller I., Me
Collum. Attiiehiuiint, execiillnn (lied.
Iliihhnrd HrtiH. vb. Tlio 401 Or
chard & Mud Co. rluinmoiiH filed
Cent ml Door A Lumber Co. , 1).
.1. H t nl t et nl. HummntiH filed,
.larkioti County Hunk . 101 Or
chard & I .anil Co. Sumiuoun flletl.
Nora Neathniuer . Both IIoiik et
nl, Order.
John A Perl . Harriot Scholt.
Verdlrt filed.
W. J. Miihnnoy vi. Cnrrln V Car
unban. Writ of nltarhineut.
liilhlmnl IlroH. h. 101 Orehnrd ft
I.u'iid Co, . Writ o( nttaehmeiit,
Tlio JueliHon County Dank n. 401
Orehnrd ft l.nnd Co. Writ of at
.Mod ford Ororeiy Co, vh, A P.
Itoiuuiitock et nl. Writ of uttiu'h
Medford National Hank vh. I.yman
O. Ortou. Writ of attachment,
MarrlnKP l.lreut.1
Ceo O Henry and M)ra Mny Cat
I u p.
Ill the mailer of the adoption o(
llcatrlre J. Iloxle. a minor child
Citation lo ahow canto.
Ileal IMalt Tmn.frr
'. S. to Charle. I"! Yoiiiik SK
K. 3S-n6-.T W, patent
A. II, Plaher et uv lo MnRRli
l.'vnm, lot on W. 2nd Kt
Medford, W, D, . .... 10
It. Hchulcr el u to Corn P.
WlUnn, W. i of XB ",J o(
Ki: i of SW U 2-30-1 W.
r a., W. D. 10
It I.'. Dunlap et ux to W. D.
Carey, block II and block C,
Pnlnlew Add to Aihlaud . . 1300
V O. .Smith et ux to I). A. Ty-
rell, Iota In AhIiIiwi.I. W. I). 10
Caroline P. Hunt et ux to Del
He H. DodKo land In nec'n. S.
17. IK, I'. and 20. twp. U5
It 1 W, S W. D ir.,000
W. I,. Chtldreth, widower to
V. It Matthew, lot 4. Ulrlch
Add lo PnKlo Point, W. D...
Allen la,lo lo Anna K. Davlp.
lot 1. blk. 3, earner & Sabln
Add to Wootlvllle. W. D. .
Ito) K. Iloiley et ux to Krmay
I,. Hoaley et ux, nml. 13 Int.
lot. :-., '.'3 and r.O ft. of lot
21. blk ()., Itallroad Add to
Aihland, W. I). ...
Karl .Hone io Win A. Conner,
NH of SW 10-351-1 K, W.
parity. Tlio chnime or repeal of city the great reiipotiilblllty that Is !f
ed 0 hern, mid when tlio tlcaparlnn 2
chartern or ntnnnduicnta Is reon
to tho people the court rules.
Tlio htnto'a iipeed lawn aro 2. and
the cltj'tf IS and 10 miles per hour.
Murdered In Medford
at Orres tc l.aMar's tailor shop, S00
beautiful spring woolens, tailored to
your measure nt prices that should
innko a big killing 07
Jackson County lluildlnR ami
Loan Asmi: to C W. Hell
! brouner, lot u, blk. 3, Park
Add to Medfocd. deed . .
10 l.lo)d P Ulakvl), t ux to
Plora Kelney 21 .o acre.
In ser 15, twp. ZC 3 .
3'0 W I).
.. . .
i ; tun kuvh uiii irutii yuur iiuiiiu
-'J, for help sho Niinunons nt onco
0 to your aid tboso whose duty
r and traliilnK can :et protect
: and save your home.
i Wo aro keeping vIrII over
1 2000 homes in Medford. Can
fj such forvlco bo mcasurcij In
money? Yet tho cost la trio
5 least consideration, only 5 cents
g a dav (no other cnargc ) Tho
Uluc Hook of Medford goes to
P press June 10. Let us list
., your home in It.
Tlie"ro Is Nothing IleCer anil Xono
Quito Ho (toon as
Por every occasfon. Individual
maids for special occasions. Special
prices for churches and lodges.
Propcit deliveries.
White's Velvet
Ice Cream Factory
Xat Itulldlng
Phono ISl-U
Look years younger! Try Grandma'
recipe of Sage and Sulphur
and nobody will know.
AlmoAt rvpryona knows that Saga Tm
iid Sulphur, properly compounlrl,
bringa lack the nslnral color and Itutro
to the hair whrn fmlnl, strKiked or grayi
also mds dandrulf, itching aeajp and
atop falling liJr. Yours ago thu only
way to get till mixture wu to maka it
at home, which Is mussy and troubfe
onio. Nowadays we simply atk at any drug
store for "Wyeth's bagu and Hulphur
Hair nimoly.,' You will get a largs
lottle for about 60 cent. Everybody
UAcn Uds old, famous recipe, brcauta no
one can possibly tell Uiat you darkeaad
your hair, as it doe It so naturally aaI
evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft
brush with It and draw this through
your hair, taking one small strand at a
time; by morning the gray hair disap
pears, and after another application or
two, your hair bcoomca beautifully dark,
thick and gioiay and you look years)
,. The Home Tel.
& Tel. Co.
i o wiax!X!UfcXxi
Colonial Flats
Light Housekeeping
s Itcnt by weclc or month only.
A quiet, refined homo for people who llko comfort moro than ele
gance, and rents well irlthln (ho limit of their pockotbooks.
Summer rates. Everything modern and up-to-date.
217 South Itlvcrsldo. Look us up.
In tlm matter of tho estnlu uf Wll
Hum llrldgea Wobh, dereuHud. In
enlory filed.
In Hie mailer nf tho estulo of Hull)'
Ann IIUhi'I, ilereusud, Deeiuo of
fluul settlement
III Ihn miitlur of tlm partnership
en I a I it nf Hitler & Diuilup, (Jarob V,
Hitler deieused ) Plrst repurl of ml
liilulNlrulur filed.
In lit. muller nf Ihu xslulii uf
Hull)' Aim lllssell, deiiuisi'd. I'ronf
nf imlillrulliiii of floul mill"'" flh'd.
Ill Din iimllm uf Ihu 'lulu 'f I'm'1'
liin (! Hiullh, ilni'i'ttimil I'nlllliui
mnl miter uiiulnllin mliiiliil.liMliir
mul upjii nisei it.
You will oflen see n man who ful
fills )onr Idenl of n man In almost
etery particular. He may hmo u
gimil head, (llio ih)Hhuii, perfect
manners, an Interesting versouallty
and liear himself with thu dMIn
giilshed nir of n gentleman. Ills
linen Ih uiiiiiiiii iilalr nml his clothe
fniilllens us to cut and material. Mut
nil thu plensnut first Impressions nre
ruined when you dlscowr tho collar
liinl shoulders or his coat covered
lth looxo hair mid flakes of dand
This Is nn Indlrnlou of personal
rnrolesNiieBi, not to sn uialeaiuu.err
You fool llko telling him to get u
bottle of Xcuhro'ii llorplcldo, and if
ni nrn n real friend lo him 5 on
WILL tell him. This remarkable
remedy would In n short Hmo re
mote ovory trnco of dandruff fiom
his head, stop his hnlr from falling
mid preu'iit him from becoming bald,
llnld-heiided men always look old,
whether they nre or not.
Dandruff Is duo to a gorm which
causes thu sculu-llko arcumulntloii.
Novshro'ri llorplcldo, used Intelligent
ly, cheeks HiIh acciimuliitlon, ' pro
wnts tho hair from falling out nud
stops that filghtful Itching of tho
sculp nluiust instantly, It hns u most
ilellghtrul odor.
llerplcido Is tho Original Hoiiiedy,
(lint destro)s diuiiliuff. Thero Is
nothing lu thu world Just llko It, noth
ing Hint Is "Just us good."
Nuwhro's llerplildii In fiOo mul
11,00 blteu Is sold by all drillers
who guuiniileo It lo do nil Hint Is
claimed. If you uru not swHsHed
your money v f 1 1 ho refunded,
Applications uhtuliied nl Ihu guml
huiher shops,
Hend I On In pnklugii for u IHinplii
holllii uml hooldel o Tlm llmplrhlu
Co, l)Pi II., IMrulli Midi.
1 I JSaaaaK LkWHVlaV.aW 'l'V
LaaaLy aB as M aW
LaaaHaT a ' fmWM. L.
K'Vfi MMB attal aaH VaW.
aBaBma bHbbbbbbbbVbbV vBaBaBa smHH afB Sam
BBBBBBVaaBBVBBBBBHaBHr. bbbbhbT. k. aaaH H am
aiHaaaaMaKt aHf MaHaB f"l HI
JSm SS.I. aJ Kl aaayNaL I
fc WtKjfg .aaaaaatfiaaLaW aaaB aaV
II M m flHHaV1 aaaaaaaav' .mmm m J m