Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 03, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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r (
207 Second Street l
Medtord Mail Tribune
I'n I r tonight nuil Thursday
.May, 111!; .MIn. rtl,
riiflK-fnilflti War
iMlly Nlnlli Vrnir
Senator V.irdninnii ul Mississippi
Hi tils Administration Says Root
Is Lraillnn Democrats Leadership
Poll tile Predicts Defeat, If Not
Aiuillillatlun for Democracy.
WAIIIIINGTON, Juno .1 Senator
Vnritiimiiii. itiitinirrnl, nminlleil I'rttnl
ili'iit WIImhi In tho soiinto today fur
iuHIiik llm repeal of Him I'anniiui
fit u ii I (nil iniiMupllon.
"When I lii'iinl him address ron-
MM urging tlm repeal, I wiu dumb
iuiiihImI," Iio until. "I would not be
I lev my nara Hint ono who hint tip
litiMcl lliu plnnk nuil hlp up to
corn thiifn who vltilnl ttiulr party
pMpw, would inlto Midi n course.
Mo RHio no reason for repeal. I In
iiiAtlii no argument for repeal, but
ttlth mi iiMiirniiio-iiiiil I say this
it all ilnfwri'nro wllli mi nssur-
BlltH UlllllM'OtlllllK OIIO NO IwHIIed. Im
Hktl Hk to )ltlil rlKht or wrong."
IIimiI ii AdtWor
Hoiintnr Vnrilninaii said Hid demo
cratic imrly would not now bo threat
! with disruption, hml It not been
(or tkit siwhk-Ii ot Senator Hoot In
January, IUI8.
Thu luadnrnhlp ot dntnncrary bo
raiHtna pMlmtlr," Willi Ht'imtor Vnnln
limn. "when mo mum ml) on tho
l,n astute who won hht Iniiroln as
counsel for predatory wealth to be
i'iihik (lin kiHtnT of tint roimrleiico
of tha deiiiocrnllr party, tlm followers
of Jackson nml Jotforsnn. Think of
Hi) nn nml Knot pulling together for
tlio mornl uplift of tho is'oplo. U
Hie oily loitlr. of tlio great senator
ffiim New Vork mifflrlmit to Justify
tin repudiation if our party
Senator Vnrilaman quoted nt
loiiKtli Secretary llrynti'n nddross In
the Pennsylvania legislature, to tho
offurt Hint llui conscience of n rnmll
date should begin to work before
elwtlon nml not hlberuato until nf-
tr U mii In off Ira nml declaring
Hint n tlulntor of it party platform
vwm it inrin rrliuliinl tlinu mi uin
bossier. I'urtjV llcnlli Warrant
In conclusion, Soiintor Vanlniunii
said Hint If tlm repeal was not tho
ilualh warrant of tho iletuncrntl5
Kirt), It woiiliFbo warrant Hint would
remove It from power nml disrupt thu
good feeling of Aniorlrnn for tlrenl
llrlliilii. riimlly, ho said, hn would
not follow thn men who horn tho red
flute of party Infidelity.
Another answer of administration
fori en to tho nrguiuent mnrshnlcd
against reprnl was niuilo by Senator
Simmons. Ho nrgued tlio exemption
of Aniorlrnn coastwise vessels woulil
ho a dlsrrlmlnntlou forlihlilen by thn
treaty hvtwoon tlio I'ulteil Hlnto unit
(rent llrltnlii nml uuwlio n it ileum
i.mIIo policy."
liKS MOINKH, lown, mm 3. Ilo.
tin itH on .Momlny'H primary from 71
nut of HI) couiitleH In tho ulnto toilay
nppearuil to iimlto ccrlalu tho nninl
iintlou of Cllffonl Thorno nml Jnniua
II. W'IIhoii nn railroad rommliiMlouorii
on tho republican tlrl.rt. Semtlor
I'liuiuiliiH rcrolveil 71,lir) votca to
I I,:i71 for A. 0. HavnKO In 87 conn
lien mi I lilt republican Mumitorlal coiu
lent In 81 coiiiilloH CoiiKroHHiunn
Connolly liml roeolvoil 38.8:18 to 10,
IHI7 for l Morodlth In tho ihiuiocrntlo
neiinloiiiil contt'Ht.
TA.MI'K'O Juno 3 Much com
(ihii Im flt heutiiHii of iiuiiiuioiih
(iimm or iiiuIiiiIii iiiuoiiK Ihu (low of
tlio liilled HIilliiM Killlhout llolplilll,
Tho tlcriuiiii crulMir l)rv.ilin,
wlili It urrlwil ImMi luduy fioiu Vuiu
CniK, liiiiOifilUlely lull llui I'orl
wkuiii mid uiiclmibil off ! I'hiim lit
n vii Id eiiuliiK her ircvt In liuluiM
III Dip iiinp'inlln lufm lm Hwr.
1 AN
BE 0
Director Elton Says Most Deals Were
Made hy Morfjnn, Rockefeller and
Mlllrr Morpan's Word Governed
Directors New Haven's Charter
Allowed II to Do Most Anythlnrj.
VAKIIIN(IT(.IN, .lime .1. .1. K. Kl
loiit a iliieelor of Hid New llnM'ii mil
i nml, wim '.lie firl wiluenH Imliiy
when Impiiiy into Unit HyMcni'i fin
I IHIill iilfliilH wiiH leNllllieil liefolo tlio
i. t'Ulule eoiniueree eiMiiiiiinxiou.
t'lilef Co el .lonepli V. I'olk, In!-
furii lii't,'juiiiii tlie exmuiiiulioii or tho
villii'hH, premilleil elenitllM lieiirill
nil llui Kew lluteli'ri p.l.Miielltx of
money to iiewMinpen. Ainun them
Im niiiiI were ninny imoiiiiiiIm niiiiii
fenlly I'ur leKilililitte nilvettixin
Mr. r.llmi mi id lie w'iih profiit ul
t Iio inerliiii; nt wliieli MerH. Mur
KHU, lliirkelVlliT nml Miller were up
pomti'il u I'liiiiinillre in Hie New Vork,
Vi.t Cheoler mnl llu-lini IriiiiHiietioii
nml iiUo when they rrHireil. 'He felt
Hie expniililure nr ocr 1 1 l.lMlO.tlUll
for Hie mini wiih extliivuuuiil, bill luul
nliMotule eoufnleiiee in Mexirf. Mor
Killl, Koeki feller nml Miller.
Axkeil tlin wiim Hie ilouiiuiitlni; fi'
llte lit Hie lioitnl inecliiic, lie replit'il:
MorunuV Woril Went
"I lliink Mr. Melleu wiim." bill nil
lillllril the bnnnl li-liullv neiiuiesriil
in reeiiuiiiieiiilnliomi untile by .1. I'ier
lou MorKiiu.
He Miiil lie knew imHiiii); of llie
IriiiiNiielinuM with I'oliee luxpeetnr
Ilv rut? except iih he lulil rrml tin le.
tiiiiiuiy of .Mr. Mellon.
The wiliicx Miiil he hml expresxeil
iliKiipprotnl of the expeniliture of
ll,llllll,imt Tor liikuip oter Hie IIIiimIu
l-llillil Ttolle.VH, but liml not Mtleil
iiU'lilllht it. lie lluniclit Mr. Mellell
pninM-,l the ncipilMlimi of tlm Irol
let .
"Dili tiny of the illieetori nt meet-
iug oter nk if uny of the. triniKiu1
Iiiiiw eoiiueeleil with Hie iicipii-ilinii
or con-oliiliitiuti of (rolley eoneerim
were in tioliilioii of tho Slicrimiii
iiiilitrimt law !"
"Ve, I iliil Minn tiiiie."
''Wluit utiHwer iliil toil Keif"
4,l wiih tolil Hint the New I linen'
charter from (lie Mule of ('oiiticeticut
ullnttcil it to ilo iiIiiiohI tint tiling."
Miule by Hie llnnril
Mr. lilloii I'Xpliiiiiiil Hint in m t
of the liiuiHuclioiiH ilixeiixM'il at buunl
iiiccliiiKM repiirU weru itiiul hy the
cM'eutitc 1'iiiiiiuitlee inpoHeil of
Me-sHM. MorKiiu, Koekcrdler nml
"What iieliou iliil you Hike iih In
tliOMi leporlKf"
"I Kcncrnlly nuccplcil llieiii."
"Wilhout ii'textipition?"
"Well, we uMinlly K'" i" Mr
"What ilo you know of eiimpniu'ii
coiiliihutloiih miiiln hy Mr. Mcllcuf"
Mr.'Kllou wiih uokcil.
"I remember Hm opinion wim ex
picMKeil that there was In he no moio
of that Mill of tiling"
"Wiih tlm Now Hut en not opcriitcil
iih on adjunct In Wall xtiect, iih ii
xpccutiitivn cnterpiiM'f"
"No, I heliete Mr. Moivuu'n lieuit
nml Mini wciu in Iho New llnteu, ami
I ilo not lliink Wall sheet hml iiiiv
thing In ilo tvltli it."
I.cariicil it I.cmiou
"What in thu ilifleience helwecn
Hm picnciit coniluet of nffaiiK iih
coinpaicil with tlm formed metlioilf"
(Conttuuoa on pga 3.)
AH loe fiineleiH who do
f not ileclio to exhibit at the
luxe hIiow, bill who have ioih
hiiilnble I nr ileciiiiilloli mo
" tcipii'dled lit ilclher Hm upcn
at Ihu IJuti'l llolliiml touior-
tow or o rail plume 'J7 mid
imtll'y Ihu commillcc, who will
Ni'inl for Ihu lone.
" ()ln In miiiiv ii'iiicU
i'loni Ihowp iiiinble u (illciid III
Ihu ilny I line, Him iimc Miuw
will liu ppcii FjIiIhv t'vt'iiiiiif.
Winner Outjockeys Rival at Start
Only a Few Lenyths Separate Boats
at Finish, Time Allowance
of Three Minutes Gives Good Mar
gin Each Uoat Has Won Race.
(ll.KN COVi:, h. I., .luue !l. The
lieht lleolie, owiieil by till) I'liift
OfficeiH K.tlulieate of lliu New Yoik
Viicht dull, ilcfeatcil .liixamlur S.
Cocliruirn kIooji Vanitie thin arter
iiooii in the Hccouil race iirliiiiiuary
to iho selection of the Auiurirn' cup
AIUioiikIi only n few lenclhs sepn
rnli'il Hie IiiiiiIh nt the filiti-ll. Hie lti'S-
olule in reality won by n consider
able iiiiuyiu, since she rcceitcil fnuii
her lival a time allowance of mure
than thicc miutiliM,
The roMilt today leaves one nice to
the ercdil of each coiil.-iuler, since the
Vauitie won .teMenliiy'H conlit by a
maiviii of nearly setcutccii iuiiiutc.
Thu official lime ol the finish
were: Kesolute, 21:17:57; Viiuitic,
Klapinl oflleial lime: l(eolute,
:i:lll:'JH; Vuuitie. :t;OI :I)D.
. Kcnlllte won by 1 1 eeollil.
Correeleil elapsed time: Kc-olutc,
J'iS:'J7: Vanilic, :i:01::ill. Kesolute
won by three iiiinule- mid twclte see.
associati:i) im:ss hoat, off
(ll.KN COVi:, h. 1., June .'I. Tint see
olid of the preparatory mccm to co
Icet thn yneht that will defend the
Amerien'H cup thin .tear from a llrit
Jsh challeu:er bepin on lonj Islnml
Sound thin afleinooii with wenlhcr
that promised a rcwlitiou of yester
ibiyV eomlilimii.
Tlm Vaiiitti', owned hv Alexander
Smith Cochran, and winner of the
first contest, wax outjoekeyed nt the
slarl by the Kesolute, with Charles
1 niuciH Admin II nt the helm, ami
eroded the line twclte seconds behind
her rival. The official limn of Iho
start wiih: Kesolute, li!:lll::U); Van.
itie. r. : 1 It :r.
Tho race today wan over a coutxi
to tviiiilward and leeward, each leg n
trifle more than (Hi miles, sailed four
limcH, a distance of 'J.V. milei. It
lay between (heat ('upturn's- Island
li'ht ami Mutt's Point, on tho west
side of Hempstead bay.
I'iiu jachlH erosnei the line in a
seten-kiiol biecc, rails under on Hm
sliirhoard tack, seiiicely a biscuit toss
between them.
In tho firt half hour of Ihu raee
Kesolute had gained neaily half a
minute on her ritul and wiih uhoiit 'JOD
anlH ahead, hut lost it on the last
WASHINGTON, Juno 3. Ily a
vote, of 8 to 0 thu Kuuntu forolmi roln
Houn eomiultteu today adopted tho
Hutliorlntid resolution directing Pres
ident WIIhoii to open noeoUntloua
with Great llrltalu for Bpoclal arhl
trillion for tho I'aiiamn ennui tolls
illHputo. Thu resolution now K'H's .to
tho Kuunte,
Honntor llnrnh, ropuhllcnn, was not
present whoa tho voto was takou, but
Inter not If led Chulrniau Stouu ho
wlnheil to voto HKuliiBt reportlnR tho
resolution, uuikluK tho voto 8 to 7.
Kuntitora Stone, O'dormun, Porno
rouo, Hwanson nml Hmlth of Arlioiui,
dumoeiiit, and Hmlth o( MIcIiIkuii,
republU'iiii, tsoio tho otlioru votliiK
KKHluit It, Bcnaloru Hitchcock, WIN
Hums and HuulHliiiry, ilumocrnU, and
I.odKO, Knot, McOiimher, BulhorUnd,
llurloii tolud fur It,
"I don't know what thu vote hull
rules," was Chulrinuii Hlonos only
coiunieiit. "II Is well understood In
Ihu sennit, hottuvur, Hint muiiy sens
tins who fuvnr nibllmllon belluvo
Hint tirfnrii slmiild bu thosou as u
liieuns of sellleiiieiil, Ihu bill
should ho nniiiicd.'
S Hffl!f 41 rjVANITIE.h'
SAN FKANl'ISCO, Cab, June :l. -(!eur(:e
II. l,ii(h-iiier, pre-nleiit of
the llumboldl Saviii" bank, one of
the luixct tiunnial in-tititliotlH of
its kind in the city, cumuitteil -uieiile
toilay by inhaling iih. Four health
is ftvcn ib the enuie. The offieep.
mid directors of the bank i-"ucd u
stiitement sutiiiL' thai an exauiiua-
tiou of the iicciiiinti of the institu
tion showeil etcrtthinj; to be all ri'ht.
The a flails of tho Humboldt Sav
ings bunk are in such comlition that
thev need eiiu-e no worn, iieeorilm
to a statement made hy W. It. Will
iams, state superintendent of bank-,
after hearing of l.iirlisiup1 r' suicide.
"The hooks of the hank were inspect
ed about a month uj;o," said the su
perintendent, "ami they were found
satisfactorv. I am satisfied that
l.ucliMiincr's suicide could not hate
resulted from the hank's fiiiaueml af-
fairs, and I am itin it no oftieial
liiiehsiuuer took his life in the
basement of hit Inline. He first put
u pillow on the floor ami llicu lav
down and inhaled pis from a tube ul-
Inched (o a stove, lie had been ill
mine time and his family scouted the
e.ulier suppo'itiou thut his suicide
was the result of financial doubles.
l'ls peihoiiul affairs, they said, were
Ul Koil condition.
'1 Iio Humboldt hank tvas founded hy
Heart LueliMiijier, father of t5eori;e,
in 18(iH. The sou entered the institu
tion in 16!) 1 as a bookkeeper and be
came president in 1003. Hi- personal
estate U cv hunted at if."i(ll),(lilO.
l.uclisiii):er was fill years old. He
left a wife and sun, Aithur l.ueh
singer. medi1eply
sent carranza
WASHINGTON. Juno 3. The note
of the mediutots dealiinr with thu
question of constitutionalist icpic-
Heutntiou nt the Niagara Falls con
ference had nut been received todat
at coiistilulioualist hcadipiaiters.
Knpliiicl tubulin, (leueral t'uiTauza'n
repteseiilutitc, piepared to put it Hi
code and dispatch It liuiueilintel.t
upon m t it nl to the ciinslitulioniilisl
chief, hv whom alone thn answer to
thu t.iiiKcliou for an umiuticc can
hu uitcu.
Nn slalciuciil iCKimliuK IU con
tcnU it ill mnhahlt' bu Ukiieil until
the iiickniiku i hi (leueral Cairiiiua'
liiillils, siucii Ihouuh Icdiuleiill) ml
dicssed In Ml' Ziihai'iiu, thu com
muuii'iilnm Is icuiudi'd n n tnnllcr
wiih wliidi ( uiiiuuii mnl hm udtiscii
III Mcslcii slmiild denl icisiimlly,
.Il'NK J, 11)14
vanitje with her mainsail
WASHINGTON. Juno .'I. "I'ou
ress is piiu about this tlini"' in tho
wroiij; n. It sliould protule for the
federal incorporation of railroads do
iiiK bisnei in interstate commerce,"
was thu declaration of A. II. Harris,
eneral eounel of the New York
Ci nl nil lines, today before the senate
interstate eoiniueree committee. Mr.
Ilurris aiipe.ircd to eriticio proposed
iiuti-triist leisnt:ou, miieli of which
would of feet railroads.
"MM like to adopt tli'.il plan," said
Senator Cummins, a member of the
committee, "but iMliiuk you would
hnte to net the consent of tho states."
Mr. Harris did not think this ob
jection ttoul 1 prove too j;rcat to
Illanu, the Spnnlvh ambassador has
asked Secretary Ilrynn to nppenl for
the protection ot Spanish citizens In
According to the ambnssador'B ad
vices another forced loan of 137.000
pesos lias been demanded by onstl
tutlouitllsts. Consul Cannda nt Vera Cruz re
ported constiutlonnllsts Insist that
elernueu papers for ships from tho
United States bound (mm Tamplco.
hitherto signed by Hucrta'g consular
officers, muijt bo slcned by tho con
Btltullonnllst officers lu tho future
Secretary Urynu uindo his state
ment on tho new constitutionalist
"Vessols clearing from ports tvhoro
there, are no constitutionalist ugonta
may have, their papers signed by tho
post master nt this port. Nutlcu to
this effect tvas Issued to nil foreign
consuls at Tamplco Juno 'J.''
paitite nurccinciit between (Ileal
Milium. Holland nml Ihu I'liiicil
Status to niotcut "jmnpiuu" of oil
concession at Tamplco under pic.
Ictt ot toi'leiluiv ol Hie claims, look
I'm m toduv us mi lutcicliiiiiuu of
imic bcweii the Ihicu comiliii'".
The iioucrs muliiallt uuiccd Hot to
Iccokiiic tiaiifcis of cdiiccsiIoii
inailu iliiiiinr lliu cut ( dUoidci' in
Tuiiiiicn mid lu loiisiilvr us tiilid Him
linldiUkf ol' llnir luill'illllls io Im
tin mil blink of tumble.
AM 0
MONTItKAI.. Que.. Juno 3.---Tho
news that lord .Mersey, who was
president of tho British Inaulry Into
tho loss ot life on tho Titanic Is to
bo a member bl tlio royal commis
sion appointed to Investigate tho
Cmpress of Ireland disaster, wns re
ceived hero with satisfaction. A
Lord Mersey was president ot tho
Titanic court, it is assumed that ho
will bo similarly honored when tho
Kmpress commission meets. Tho
Cnnadlan members ot tho commission
aro Chief Justlco Kzcklel Mcl.eod of
Now Urunswlck, nnd Sir Adolpho
Uoutliler ot Quebec.
Tlio commission will bo assisted by
two nautical assessors, a marine en
gineer and a naval architect. Ap
pointments for these positions have
not yet been mado.
Just when the commission can be
gin Its work still Is undcrtermlned
hut It will probably not bo for ten
das. Tho Inquiry will bo ot tho
widest scope nnd tho government will
bo represented by counsel, ii Is an
nounced, ng It Is probable there will
bo n discussion of rules ot navigation
In Canadian waters.
Auothcr chango has been mndo In
tho number of dead. Tho latest fig
ures, given out In an official ptato
ment by tho Canadian Pacific Hall
way Steamship company show that
1021 persons perished. Tho com
pany has learned that there were
147C persons aboard tho Kmpress In
stead ot 13S7 as heretofore stated,
henco tho Increase In tho death list.
The total saved Is now git en as 452.
PARIS. Juno 3. Tho French
colonial otflco today announced tho
unnoxntlon by Franco of tho Wullls
Inlands lu tho Southern Pacific. Tho
group consisting ot about 40 square
miles of territory with 1500 Inhabi
tants, has beon n French protecto
into since 1SS7. it ilea northeast of
KANSAS ( ITY. Mo.. June a.
"We will mi'li J"hiioii in ctciv city
ill he luiiipiu except fhimixo," du
I'lared Ih'oiKu Motall, imiuagcr of
Ihu Kimn Cilt Fiileiul ivnue luue
bull I'lnb whim iiiformcil of
judge J'uuU'. ilccWiiiij. "Tlie lujiilii'
linn iiliiwiil JllllOII f I Kill lillitlllg
I ill took cmilil), llllliulr, ii),"
NO. (K)
Fresh Outbreak of Outrancs hy Suf
fragellcs Priceless Art Works
Destroyed Prison Doctor Assault
ed Two Dublin Editors Pounded
Up Women Fight for "Cause."
LONDON, June II. A unvote at
tack with n hatchet tti inuilc today
by a touii mid sllishly gowned
suffragette on an attendant at thu
Dore gallery, who tried to prevent her
from destroying valuable pietureH on
exhibition there.
The womnn hml already ruined two
pninlius of the pillery, which is in
tlio heart of tho faxhionnblc quarter
of London, ami wiih hacking a third
when nn attendant seized her ami.
She turned on thu man mid rained
it shower of blows on his body, se
verely injuring him. Other atteudnnts
overjiowereil her. She kicked nnd
screamed until she was turned over
to the police.
Militant Too Ladylike
A letter wns left in the jzullery by
the attendant's assailant, in which
he asserts militants heretofore have
been "loo ladylike' She added:
"To stop this, yoir must five us
justice. We are willing to die for it
before we site in. We have tried nil
other ways. Wo have been too lady
like in the past. Now we aro going
to fight mid you can allow us to bo
killed. Others will arise to take our
places. I have joined in the tvur."
One of tho pictures destroyed was
"Love Wounded," a priceless engrav
ing by ISartolozzi.
Doctor Assaulted
The suffragette today again as
saulted Dr. Francis Kdwnrd Forward,
medical officer of Ilolloway jail. Two
women nmied with horsewhips sprang
on to the doctor us he left tho prison
and were punishing him severely when
a isdieemun came to his rescue.
Tho women declared their action
was a "protest against the forcible
feeding for which this beast is re
lotisibIe." (Continued on page 2.)
DOlGliAS, Ariz., June X Crops
in the Vuipii Itiver t alley, which or
dinarily supply u large part of tho
foodstuffs used in the Mexican statu
of Souora, will be almost total fail
ures, aecordiug to reports received
here today.
Indian incursions nnd tho unusu
ally low water in the Ympii river havu
prevented agricultural pursuits being
conducted lu thu most satisfactory
Because of the scarcity of water,
it was reported farmers on irrigation
sen ices, have opened tho sluieo gales
and used nil the available supply, re
gardless of the spirit of coiibcrtntion
nnd tho rules of distribution. As a
result, n few furnis Iiavo received
mure water than they needed, while
the majority suffered fioni drought.
Another report received today was
that for the second successive year
the wheat ciop in the I'uiupu district
would bo a complete fuiluro uevqusu
of diought.
DAVIS, Cnl, Juno 3, IlcnoliiUoins
rc'iuestlug thut tho United Htulcs de
partment obsorvo more utrlngunt
rcKiilutlous to prevent the spread of
horticultural posts through thu mull
will bo presented to tho CallforuU
Fruit Orowers' convention for ailnn-
Hun before Hid closti of the wtk,
County horticultural roniHi UkU?h
ers desire that Ihu psrmls post I
oll Ml U I luht lh)HdlH, i It I
now thu uuly huKl vrMrk hmt ui
ben plaioil HHiJr 4rHl iiusiHl