Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, June 01, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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,q..,rt.Wlrw,A.fc n ft)fffe v.J5ft
Tim l)imcrntla 'riiiuB, Tim Hnlfonl
Hull. Tlio Mnlrnril TiiIiiimp. Tim Month
rn Ori'nonlnii, 'I'lio Antihunt Vrlhmm.
OffliM Mull Trlliini" llnllillnir, 3G-I7.SI
Nnrlli Fir lrntli Ulnplnrno 76,
Ufflotal I'nimr of llm Clly nf Mt.lfnrit.
OMIHal I'mmr of Jniiimnn County.
l!iiln."l im Nfriiiiil-i'lnan toallur Nt
Mmlfonl, IH'iil, llllilnr dig Hilt uf
itnrnli 3, 1179
ntnincuii'Tion matiim
Iii ywii by mull ...Bno
Dim Milnilli, by limit . ... ,,.. ,(
I'tr tiuiiitli, iloltvrrtxt liy onrrlr In
MiHtfuril, iHihaunvllln nml ui.
trtl I 'ill til .. ,.., .60
H,ilinil utily dy iniiH. p,.r vrur... I on
Wm.My. wr im .. . ... 1.60
I'ull l.i'iihiil ', iio A-mmImIi'iI I'icsn
lill nv.iii, f..r i months vmlliitl
llw t.rir 31, I'jlj. S..UV
.--4Lmr- Art
With ModMrd Hlup-Ovef
HAN ritVNCIrit'O, Cnl. Juno I -Tim
IiiiiiImt Mhuuiior Fair OuIin In
tiounil from tlrio'a hitihur, wont
nslmro lodny nt I.I mo I'olnt. tin the
nnriliorii sldo nf (tuld tlnto hi n
lt.t '. fnij. The llfosnvliij; crow
from Hit Uolitwn Onto nrnl I'ulttl
Dunlin tntlnH. nml tlio mvoniio eut
lot Muttmmt nml Mol'iiHni'li hur
rlod to Jho RCitiia of tint schuuuor,
lint Cnplnlu Abllu replied In uffra
of nMlstnnre that ho (nit no lutmed
Into ilMiigttr nml Hint hu nml hi
tw cif si men would stand hy until
the tllttt HMO.
A Hub wiw allot nlionnl,' In tltn
otRitt nf nn KtmirMime)- nml tlio kv
ornmvnt frl dIihiiI by.
'Ilio ! t r tlnkit U nwntNl ly tliti
Xlmln HIiIimiImk niiii'Hny of (lilt
Miti Kin win' Imllt ut ll(iiuliiin.
NStihli . nml Iiiik n mi'iirll) nf "US
ti im.
VANCOt'VKIt. H. ('.. .ttiiiit I.--WIiimi
l Ih i:niirM nf l.rolnml, 'tit
iI'imii In tlio (inlf of HI. l.iiftrctiri) nn
l'rlilii), (Snrilnii DnvliUnn, liUlnry In
trietnr nt Cullfornln University.
wHin four in 1 1 ix in nhtirn tlimiiKh llm
Iry wmr. Il hail u llfalii'It nn lint
ivn ilitn tin ftat wiih a ronmrknlilt
mm. Vnrl of the tufuty nf Dnvliliiin
ui rorelxxt liirn tmtny by liU
linitliur, J. tl. Iirttlilkwn. of tlio Mr
dill rnlvtirMlty Nlnff. Tlio CiillforiiU
nmii liml nt firm limn given up fur
ilonil, im iiomi nf tlio rtwniliiK pnrtloM
liml niiy wnnl uf him. MiivliUoit unit
on IiIn way to IjtiKlnml mi n icilnl
inlMlnii to nliluln nmtorliil for n lil
tor of tlio NiiitliM'l Tniillnu com.
Kin. Ho uiih MMit Uy tlio Nntlvn
Kinm nf Cullfnrnln.
Tlio ImtloKt ilny of llio oar wiih
rocnnlpil Hiimlny iiflornonn n lion tlio
inuri'iio rnno In !!.( OoKrooH ut
u'tilnoU In tlio nftormion, In llio
monlitK ulnmlii bcciiii to itntlior In
llio iMiitlli, nml ut U.'lHi ii'ulncU a
tlttiuilor Hliouor IiiiiIjo, .'J.' IiuIioh of.
rnln ftilllnn. ThU noon llm iiuucnry
linvoroil IioImooii DO nml !'- iloitroon
with irnriii'CtM nf oimiliuK or o.v
iooiIIiik Siilnln'a riH'iiril.
A iMH'iilniiitrlty of Dm Hinnilor
liooi' wiih thai rnln foil lioavlly In
rot lain hiioIh, hKIpiiIiii; ntlior hocIIoiih.
Hnliinluy tlio inonury rono to tia.'.l
iloHtocH. A iillittit lirooxo In Hotim
wliat inuillfyliiK tlio lioat Unlay.
NI:y('HTI.N, Hid, .limn I.
Iluboil II Mn I. a doleiHvo emphood
In Inviisllgiilo tho dlsnpiiouritnni nf
CuthuilHo Wlulois, w ',), March 20,
lOlil, flloil loiliij mi nlll'liivlt or In
ruiiiuillmi In the elrotilt rouil,
I'hiirgliiii Dr. W. A Wlnlorii mid his
wirn, nud W. II. f'nupiir, furnmr
imiiuur In tho Wlnlois hiiiuo, with
isiiispliuoy In I'liiunill ii rulnii).
Ulinlliii' iilmi'iio poiidliiK utiriiio
Miirof Wtilklim uf Kowisilu will Im
illsinlswol, IJ. Is suhl, mid llu i'umj
Hirimd "i I" Mii eliriill t'liinl.
Smdnry Lm.n Hrcoiiiiuciids tlio
Ci cation of " "Duvcloimciit Uoanl
to llnvo. Complutc Cunlrol of All
Guvernmcliinl Affairs In Alaska
Conni'clt'il Willi Its Ucvcliiiiiicn!.
WAHIIINd'I'U.V, .hum . .Sroio
Inrv )4iiiifM ii'jiot in oniiKioxM in
uhiili Im ulionuly ironiiiniftiiU llio
oioHiioii of it "(Iovo!oiiiioiiI hniinl In
liHVt i'ouiilott I'onlrol o' nil (.mivoiii
nitmlnl nriniiii In AIiihIjii oiiitrn'olcil
wild tlio liiiliiliil rtiftntticox nml ito
oloiiiiini i ilmi iiiiiiorv, it llilnl
tniiliUrnlilit nllinlliiii n Iho otti)
Inl Inilny. Tlio iioioMi Imnril
Mnnlil cnllil til' Unco ini'inliolH ll
ioiiili'i hv llio tinwlili'iil; Kit lioinl-
iiiiiili'i nmtlil Im in AIiinI,-ii mill il
Honltl n llio wntk mivv ilnmt llioio
l llio Ki'lii'inl html nriioo. llio J'nl'
onl Morvioo, Iho mini fnimniHuluii, llio
linii'iiti of iniiiuM, Iho linii'iin n' cilii
ration ninl tlio hooiotnry of iho in
loiinr unit it tun! nf llio wntk uml
authority nt' Iho liiiH'iut lif Jilii'tios.
Mohmiiiom iiti' umv ninlin in run
IOih nloiii; Iho linn MiUKoMotl liy
Sooroluiv I.HHO, ami it wm hi'liovcil
Imlnv Hint iho M'oiolnry' it'inrl
wniilil yto iiitM'tiiM In (ho onni'lmrnt
nT llio iinni.i'i loKUlntinn.
Itiil 'I'm n. .MillioiU IViiiiiinI
Sooiolnr Lam) in liin njinrl
huril) (irmiKiinl prtwotil "roil Inno"
mothoiU in iho iiilinlnixlriitioii nT
tnoriiuiotit it r I'm in. in Ahinku. lit'
MiiuU nut Hint nt iiiofCtit oiK'h of nl
lwit n onro nf aiiMTiiinint hiirt'iuiN
in Vnliiiiielnii lmo Ntnnolliini; In iln
with llio iiiiM'tmnonl nf Aln-liii, to
iilliiif in n wik niiiimnl of ioil Iiiim-
hiiiI t'liouuilnonlmii in Iho mlinluiN-
tiHlmn of pnlilio nflnirN. The hco
rHnry oilo iimlnnriM uf iIoIuvh nf
ovoiiil ohim in Iho Inimllinir nf nn-
ontiiilioiiioil Ian. I nml olhor iinillort
whli'li hnlihl havo Incn iUhmi nf.
"Our iroi'tit t.ynli'111 nf Rnxorif
inont in A la -kit Im hi'loinlngntf," ns
Iho M'orolnr.v. "Intoail nf nno jnv.
I'ltiiiM'iit thfio nu havo it iiiniilier,
iiilorlncUd, cxrrlapM'il. ottiiiln'r.niiie
ninl oniirii.inj.. r.ioricnoo hnx item
nn tnil nl Hint effioinnl mlniiuiHtrn
Hun in )ot BoHtfrir 'Uy odu'lVjiltimitf
roiiiiihlliiv nml mitlmrity In tlio
limnN nf ii few moil who oati he held
In liicl noonuiilaliilitv lor the lonttlu
nf thoir nellniiN. The "de
wilnpuivnt hnurd fnr Aliixkn follow h
lhi iHoilurn nml MolUtiMled plan for
xHonriiiK oflioiont nilniiiii.l ration."
1-uli nf Anllmllty
In iHiiniin nut kiimo nl' tin- ioJ
nw 1'Hin.oil liy the uoont diviiou
nml imillipliouliiiit nf authority in
Alaska, Sooiolnry l.nno riled the oiino
uf it citizen wlm wnnted In oao mi
ixlainl for fn InriiiiiiK'. Tito party
I'liiitod nu it enrriMpomletieo with
llueo different ilcpailini'nU fnr m.
onil immlliN in nn ol'l'orl in loiirn
"iiirii mm jiiriMiiiciiiin nmi milimritv
In tmike Iho Ioiino. It um fimille .lo.
oidtid, ho Mild, Hint none nf them
piisfuxiceil thU aiilhoritv.
Tlio ilifllonlty nf hoeiiniij neoiiiute
lllfniimitinn in. In .MiimKuii leetillOH
mid iliNniri.'iiieiil), mi moutiiil nf he.
ink' hiimlled hv mi many iiKotteioH in
pninlod nut hy the M'oivtniy, who
mhnciito a Innlot H.oin.
laptreM nro j-ivin whioh showed
Hint while AIiimU'm roioipU in lllKI
were uiilv .rHIIL,,(!l:i, her expenditure'JII.llim, n del toil wliinh, in
iiiOliriR uiM'niiniKmK mid nno ilia)
illicit eitxily ho nu'lTnino.
Wnnl I'i'iiclieil Iho enmity enurt
.Muudiiy thill Iho DnlliiiliidoN, owni'is
uf tho tul in ml, nro hiddlii;,' up lour
Mm for niiiiih varyiiiu; ffuu $2.5(1 In
.." fnr too uf llm mud, whioh him
not been ivpuired llilx yenr. The
lower poiliuu nf (ho load with pur
i'Iium'iI hy Iho eniiutv ooml, nud it
wiih imdoihtnod Hint the loll feat
ure would thereupon ho iilmudoued.
Imdoiiil, tho prion Iiiih been mixed
finiii .-fl-'l). thu old ehniuv, evidently
ill Iho ONpeolulinii uf koiikIiik nil
Ilml eon ho ijrnlilii'd hofuio llm emu
pleliuu nf tho now hlultuiiy.
Coiinlv Jiiduu Ton Vojlo Muloil
llilx nioiniiiK' Ilml ho would luke llu
mulli'i' up uilh t'liuiil.v Allni'iii'.N
Kelly wiih n vlinv Inu'iird oiljolnlim
Dollnilililo or plhunilhi' ulmllnir Iho
Tim (list of Ihu Asiiirlu.Hiin iaii
(jjyiii lino nr mil MouuioiH will ho
laiimlioil uJly 1st nt thu Crump ship.
.ilil In I'lillildolpliln.
i i . ,i i
How Roosevelt Put Another
River Upon the Map
Tlio follnwIiiK Inllor wnn rood by
Colointl ltdomivolt In hli Irrluro Ijo
fnin tlio National (loocrapliln noddy
In WiimIiIiikIoii May 20;
To lit h oxrolloiicy, llio MliiUlnr of
rorolKit Affairs, I do Do .lanolro!
My dour (lonornl l.niirn .Mullor;
I wlli firm to oxiircM my profound
nilfiii'WloilKouiont () ymi pornonally
nml to other inonioorit of llio llrnr.lllnn
Movormiioiit who!) KonoroHlly mill
loiirloHy iilono romloreil poNxlhln thu
opoilUiiii ncliiiitiricn Itooncvt'lf-Itnir-ilrn.
wlitlt n I ho to oxpri'n my IiIkIi
nilmlrntlon uml roi;nnl for ('olonol
minium mm iiim miNiKinum who iiuvo After Hint Iln enllro (.otirne wn hit
boon tuny totloiiKmw In tliln work of I tw.u tlio fiOth nml nut deRreo of
mililnriitloii. In tlio third' pinto I wllt IoiikIIuiIo nppronchliiB the Intlur mod
to point out Hint wlmt w hnvo Junt rfonoly about In Intltmlo 8 degrees JD
ilono wim rondori'd ponlblii only by minute. Tlio first rnphln wero nl
tho hurd uml perilous labor of thn INnvnrlle In 11 iIokwh H mlnutfs
niiiiiiin micKuiiniiu lommifsion in
tho tinoxpiori'd western wllilormtss
of .MnlloKromi! diirlim Iho Inst sovun
yenrs, Wii Iiuvo morely put tho enp
llnl on tho pyrntuld of whlrh they
liml previously nh deep nud broad
Iho foundations.
Wo havo liml u Imrd nud sotne
wliat dsiiKorous hut sureessftil trip.
No less thnii six weokii woru spent In
slowly nml with perils nml exhaust
Iiik labor fort I in: our uuy down
thrmiKh wlmt doomed n literally eml-iuree 24 minutes wo tncountered tho
le Kjtreomdon of rnplds mid catnr-j first rubber niou. Tlio Itlo llranco
urts. Tor 48 dnys n nw no huinnn:mteroil from tho.leit at U iteirree
beliiK- In pnssliiK thoco inpbU wo
Inst five nf tltn hotoii cniioeu with
which wo Htnrteil nml hail to build
nlhem. lino of our best niou lost
bis life In tho rnplds, Under the
"train one of Iho inun went com.
plotely mini, nhlrked nil tils work,
stolo IiIh romrndus' food nud when
punished by tho eri;cmit ho with cold
blooded deliberation inurdurcd the
serKOHiit nml fled Into tho wlldernoss.
Colonol Itunilen' iloc, rutiiiliiK nltesd
of him whllo liuulliiK. wns shot by
tn Indians; by hi death lit In all
probability saved tho lire of Ills mas
ter. Wo havo put on tlio map n river
about 1500 kilometers In length run
Roses to Adorn
WASIIINHTON', D. t, .May 211.- j whole Mom nn union 'it hns grown
Kiim'-, when ttxed for deenrutue piir-iMinuld lie out with It. Tliw ineitiK
kmx nu the ItnitiH riiiiiiilt, none to) that it hIioiiIi! he eut down tn within
et off n line liiwu, mid iinproMi the i fix iucltoi nf the prnuiid if the spring
appi'nrani'O of a plaoo not only diir-j prnniii wiih prnperlv done, uml
iiiir their Idnnminif time, hut tlirotiyh- j tiolhiti should he left nf thU yenrV
nut Iho year. Mut nf the arirtiex ;mwth except two'.'jjood "eye" nt
nun nie iihimi iih niiruiw nnve u inii -
uco nf HkIiIiM' iippenriiuce tluiu the
mujnrily nf nlher huxhei tted for
M'milar udni-nmeut, mid they are,
therefore, plneed preferably in front
of the other plant. This will re
sult in a p!ealn coul niht 1ietwnu
the hlinde4 nf creen. They nNo eon
tnit nttinotively with a greensward
if plneed ohi-n hy the edge nf the
lawn. Hone itKfd in this manner
slmtild he planted in comparatively
lurge mnMex.
rititie Sparingly
Hum's which are grown mainly fnr
hnli ur iuns effect xhuuld he spar
ingly pruned, according to the lT. S.
dcpiirtmeul uf ugrioultiire'H laud
xcitpe gardener. They should he
permiHcd n run wild instead nf being
pruned into any form, nud only dead.
wnnd nr very old wood should lie
removed when they nro pruned. Of
the viiriuiiii Hpooics nf rosoK used to
beautify lawns, the must prominent
are Kumi rujnsn ("rugnn" referring
tn tho initgh foliage or the tnse) mid
the common wild insox nf tho road
sldcx mid thickets in the different
M'cliuiw uf the United Ttates.
Must of the niM's used for mas
effcclK have only single ur almost
single hlooiuH. The hluum, however,
is a ooinpn pi lively iiisignlfieant feut
u ro nf the decurutive nine nf thcsii
ruses, An even mure nttraelivo lea
lino is the "hip" ur the ruse. Tho
'hip" is the bright red tip of the
vleiti which cnlurgcH lo hold the seeds
uf Hie plaul .nml rcumiiis a brilliant
color din hit t'u winter, thus milling
mtieli tn the nttrnctiveucss uf the
hush at a time when must shrubbery
is lenllcss nud Inno,
Tn .Secure .MhIiiiuiii llloom
1'Tnm u eiillurnl slmulpolnt rnsiw
lire divided into three main classes
those grown fur hush ur muss effect;
thuMi gruwn for eut ilowt, and
thusc that I'liinh trellises uml porches.
Those thlit lire grown muiiily for the
individual blooms which arc to he
tukeu from them must ho treated in
Ii very different maimer from the
roses ued for hush effect, as de
scribed above, A still different treat
ment must he given In the climbing
Ituses that nro grown fnr the mil'
fluwers should he in u hccluded loon
lino, us their main purpose is In sup
ply hlnsMims fur deenintive pur
puses within the homo, mid it is llioie.
I'o ic iolrnblo to pinduco us many
flue Individual flowers ns pnstihlu
ulllioiil euiisldeiiiig the iippeiirmiee
of the plaul im n hiihh, Tn mtiiiv
this iniuiiiiuui hlmuii, ihu depuil
meiil's liimUenpii ganli'iicr nihUea
Ilml Iho plants he pinned llmiomilily.
When ii I nil' i icnil I'm oiil Unit, ha
liltiK froin Jimt noiilli of llm isth iio
Kreo to north of thu fiOth iliKra nml
(ho IiIkkonI nfflnon. of Dm Nml lorn.
Until now IU tipjiur (.oiirw) linn boon
utterly unknown to,'4vryono, nml Im
lowor (onriio, nlthonitli known for
yearn to tlio ruhbor inun utterly un
known (o nil cnrloKraploim Mm
notirro In holweon llm 12th nml 1.1th
pnrnlloU of Intltmlo koiiIIi, nml lio
tHoon ImiKltmlo fid iP'Krooi nml IoiikI
tililn liO ijuitrec wont from (irvnn
Wo iiinhnrkoil on It about nt InlN
tudo 12 duKrciiH nun tnliinlo eouth
niid loiiKltmlo fiO ilorocii If) wont.
nml nftor Hint they ero continuous
nnd very difficult nntl ilntiKcrous until
, tho rnnltls nnmod nfler tho itiunlerod
sertiemtt I'dshuu In U ilnKreon J2
litluutori. At 1 1 docree 23 inlnutol
It rerehed tho llio Kermlt from tho
left. At 11 doKrvcs 22 minutes tho
Mnrclnuo A vlln entered It from tho
rlKht. At 1 1 dvKrccs H minutes tho
Tammy entered II from the loft. At
10 decrees C8 minute tho Cnnlo Zn
entered from too right. At 10 dri'
IH minutes. Wo camped at 8 de
croon O minutes or approximately
llnl boundary lino between llio Motto
Hrosso nml Amufconni. Tho con
fluence with tho-Arlpusua, which en.
tered from tho left wns In 7 degrees
Ul inln"U-J3. Tho mouth whiro It
etiturod tho Mndelra was In degreeti
30 inliiutos. Tho stream wo liso
followed down Is Hint which arises
farthest nwny from tho niuuth and
lis Kei'ernl course Is almost due north.
My dear sir. I thank you from my
heart for tho rhnnco to take part In
this great work of exploration.
With high regard and respect, be
llevo me, ery slnceroly yours,
Home Grounds
'iuo unoe ni ute hioik. itie "eveh
(lunN) are the Hintji"'fmm whteh
ne'w hhools will Marl.1 nud mm' lie
.. ri""i ...ii Pltill. mill lllll.' IJI'
seen at the base uf tho leaf stalks,
Pruning for lllooin
This treatment will seem extreme
In many who nre used to growing
roses, for it will menu the euttiiig
away uf a large portion nf the hush.
iln fact, when a crop of rnses 1ms
been cut, tho bush tuny not he much
higher than it was in tho early spring
after tho pnipor spring pruning has
been dnne, i. e., not more thnn six
inches high. Kew shouts, however,
will push furth iumicdintely ami the
vigor nr the whole plant will jia-s
into them, and in the ease of a
number of varieties of roos, another
crop uf flutters n few weeks later
will he the result.
Kve-ythiiig in the treatment of a
"cut flower" lm-li must he sacrificed
to the production nf a fine individ
ual blossom, When two or tline
nse buds form on n single shoot, till
hut one should ho pinched off ns soon
us they are observed. The moment
the individual rose is eut the whole
stem should bo cut. away ns describ
ed, even though oilier. Imds nre nn
the point uf starling farther down
on the stem.
OAKLAND, Cal., June 2. -Mn'rg-law
blew open Iho safu of the
Mountain View Cemetery company
early tndny, expusiic $200 in gold
In view, hut they tied without the
money when an American ting which
tliey hud used tn deaden the snund
,pf tho explosion caught nu fire. The
smiike of the hurtling; flag: attracted
win intention of Hie janitor, ami he
xiinmmncti the police. The cracks
men escaped,
i.uHt iietween llollowuy prclinrd
and Moil ford, hunch of keys, II, M,
('oh tug on ring. Finder ploaso
return to Mull Tribune office,
FOIt SAM-: - Two fresh Jersey cows,
Call at UiM Ashland struct, near
I' II 'I I I I ' M il I i I II I
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant1
I'huHMi M. 47 u iJJ
Ambulant Hwvtt lli4y Vnmmr
.MiH Myrtle Mnrkw, iifte 1(1 ycnrn,
who ran nwny with Ifulh f'rnfool n
week uko In join n enriiiiiil nt Ormitrt
I'iikm, run nwny njrnin Kntiirdiiy
nifrlit. Hlie wns eaui'lil nt IMmeuix
Kiimlny. .Mis Crnfnot wiih sent lo
I lie H' mid (lirls Aid soelelv t
I'nrllnml, mid Mihh AfurkH hivh Iio
run nwny o ho wiih her friend (mid
fellow -wiiiideier. Imdcnd she will lo
sent to the llotne of the (.ooi KliMfi-li'-rd
ut Portland.
When .MiM. ('t(footi,(if i Knt
north, lli'mnllnlr Of'.Mi'AlnrK in
tereeded fnr hrr ilml Imd llep'p'''
"led, In l;ei: (iirey JuAhv Ton .Wile.
The imrnfi! ivlkui ki'tiC tltne d:in
Tlieij Iij ')(( tw?tlinlj lfii;r;fif and
WHM'ileliiini'd nt I'lioeliix iitilil l'rn
Imliuii Oflleor (lay arrived. Her ex
planation wiih Hint xhe wiih hoineoi'l;
fnr the ennipmiy of .Misn Crofnnt,
uml thought departure would land
her in the Ntime institution.
According to thi Aiillioriliei, .Mis
MiukH will mither etity nl home or
P (O M'llOol.
DKNSMS Al Medfnrd, Or.f Snn
dny, Alny ', Mr. Ciitheriue Don
nix, iified 72 yenrw, 1 months nud 1
day. , Native of Ti' Funenil
.ervieen will he held nt the reilence
of her dutiKliter, Mrx. If. K.'Ander
Min, 211 H. Control, Tui'sdny, .lime
'J, nt 2 1 1. in., Itev. Kldridire nffieint
ilif. Interment at (hid rVllmvH eem
elery. JKII.MKTAD At the resilience ir
his miii, nt IMioenix, Or., Huudiiv,
Mny :il. O. I'. .Icruistiul. m'cd 08
yenrs. Xntivu nf Norway, IK leaves.
f.l HI' . . f . . . '
me sun, runup,- nmi one iiiiugltter,
.Mrs. M. Nyhtis, uf Ashlnud, Wis.
runcrnl nuliee will npnear litter.
.MKDKK At the Snered Heart
hospital, Sn I unlay, Mny :ill. Frank
Medce, aged .'II years, native of
Hungary, r'liucrnl notice will np
H'ar Inter.
(Continued from pact 1.)
"I think it was five later
that I heard screams and cries and
I shouted to my husband: 'Oh.
they nro calling.' At first It seemed
as if tho cries wero coming from
shore. The captain gave orders to
go In that direction and proceeded
very slowly. Kverywhoro around mo
I could hear screams. My husband
gavo orders to send out all tho life
boats and that could not havo been
ten minutes after tho vetKts had
' Onve All to Survivors, '
"I gave all I had to tho passen
gers and havo only what I am stand
ing up In. My husband gavo two
suits and other clothing away.
"Tho first woman to coiuo on
board was a Salvation Army mem
ber, clad only In her night dress.
When she was brought Into the
cabin sho ran to mo and putting her
nnni around my neck said: 'God
bless you, angel. If you hadn't been
here, we would have gono to the
bottom.' "
After tho rescued passengers were
on hoard Mrs. Anders en went umong
them with stimulants. All tho cabins
wero packed with shivering sur
vivors In scanty attire.
Don't look old I Try Grandmother's
recipe to darken and beautify
faded, lifeless hair.
That tieautiful, even Uiule of dark,
gkviuv hair can only bo had liy brewing
a mixture of Sago Tea and Sulphur,
Your hair Is your charm. 11 uiflki' or
mars the fact. When It fade, turns
gray, trral.pd and looks dry, wUny and
Hcraggly, just un application or two of
Suo and Sulphur enhances Its appear
mum hundredfold,
Don't Iwthcr to jcennfe Uie tonloj you
can got from any drug store a CO ec&t
Iwttlo of "WyeUi's Sage and Sulphur
llalr lU'imxly," ready to use, TUU can
always tv ilovndcd upon to bring book
the natural oolor, tlitckuess and lustra
of your luvlr atul rcniom dandruff, stop
scalp ltcldng and falling hair,
Kverjlwdy usw "Wyth'" Sago and
Suldiur Uvnujo It darkens so naturally
and evenly that, nobody ran tll it has
been npillcil. You simply dampen a
eiwngo or soft brush with It and draw
tids through tho lair, taking one small
strand at a tlmoj by- morning tho gray
hair hits dlsappeariM, and after another
application it lxvouio boautlfully dark
and appears gloMy, lustrous and abua
dant. r ,
fHK tlAHN'l f AYPHIT," I
Jcfo ft'Ivwr
' riioliilSj'3 Tndny
thi: ntrniiMi or iati:
A Two-l'nrt Vltngrnph Kenture....
1MHT IttllKJHT NO. .120.-.
KKCf.t.V'H ItmrilUAV
Karco Comedy
OimltiK I'rldiiy '
I'lrst Kplsodo of
Tin-: ri:itiiA or l'
Spocial Pathe Weekly
Vera Cnv., lrx.U. S.
sailors find iiiitrino.s i'ornmlb
turn ovt'i- the citv to Oen-
oral Kuii.ston's rcguijirs; fill
iliit'i'tJi s Dolitica! Di'isiiiiers
are rclt'ttscd from San .Juan
Galveston, Tow Ameri
can refugees escaping from
Mexico City mobs by refuge
under the British flag, ar
rive on steamer Dixie.
On the V,Tnv to Mexico
J low marines and sailors
aboard ship prepare for war
pictures made by Pathe
camera man aboard battle
ship New York, en route to
The fifth number of .the
"Dolly of the Dailies" ser
The viyjd, reproduction of
a famous melodrama.
Clever and laughable coin
ed v.
High-class vaudeville ae.t,
presenting their farce-corn
edy playlet, entitled,
"The Wind-Up"
MMMFji cuow
and while they nro growing yon
should havo them photographed
enough, to keep a record of each In
teresting stago of thoir childhood.
You will prlxe tho collection of baby's
pictures nioro ami more as tun years
gq by. Mako an appointment today
for a sitting.
1'iirtralt riiotogruphvrii
iiU'.J Wct Mulu St. Medfonl, Ore.
We have tho exclusive
ageney in Medford for
Hard Wheat Flour. Guar
anteed to satisfy the most
Hiiiiml Poor ms nf First MuiImhuI
lUuk, I'Iiohu iMH
i'HiMh i)Kvi:r.oii:i
Ily our mothoa, Insures bettor ro
snltn from your cntuorn. Mall lis
your work.
tmi: swi:.m htijdio
1TJ2 WexMnln Street, Medfnrd, Ore.
There Is WoUiIng licticr nml Noun
Quite Nu Oooil ns
For every occasion, individual
molds for special orcnslnns. Bpoclnt
jrlres for churches and lodges.
Pro licit deliveries.
White's Velvet
Ice Cream Factory Itullillng
I'lmrie IHt-lt
Dry Cleaning Department
For Slenfti and Dry CIcanlRic unit
All Klmls of Dye Work
Cleaned Sponged
and and
Trussed Pressed
Stilt ..91.2., up 00c up
Coat ............ .75 up 3c up
Skirt ................. .r.O up 2Sc up
Overcoat ....... ...- 1.00 up 60c up
Waist .......... ,!0 up 2'c up
Dress .................... .7.'! up fjOc up
Olores. Jtld .......... ,10
(IIovm, lonrr ...
..... .."
' Cleaned Sponged
' und and
I'rcsscd Prcssml
11.35 60c
Suit .
Coat ..
Vest ...
Trousers .
Overcoat .
-... .-5
-.. .75
Gent's Suit Pressed Weekly, 11.50
per Month.
Your Auto
r . ?itl
Phono 92C
By Ckimt Mod
A Function Graatly Assisted
Mot ttt&m will ha lotfrMtrd to mors
clearly utnlvnuana why ul)l of urlno la
nu liuiiorunt. lu llm n u( rt, K. H. tu
puilfy iw bliuxl. Iln avttua U a ttlmnlaut
lit tin) lujrrlml ut tin uiooil twvU tint
niaku up Hie cuuttturttitt tlmun of U
Wldiiej. All tlii tlo.l trniu all rfiivr lh
budy tuuit l'H tliroiiuli tb klibirja Tliey
aC a tmlvrii anil awwjrom. Aiul n inluij
to wliat ttiry nlluw (o ihm wit In l La uriuv.
IhiIIi at to iiuuntlty unit uwtirlaU, tUn
limllh ot the klitni'jit ami th qwallly uf th
IiUmmI U dmrrwlUF.1. Tlio eatuljrllo nwnjr
furcvd liy H. H. H. la almwn In ih urla.
It t aWo itiuiuualratl la llm tlilu. And
hs tliw bloKt ruHtlum-a to mm t!uM
Ihu kldiii'ja the iluwUitltf )tur of
H. H. H., acting m It iluva Uruush all tb
arnnifa ut rllmltiatluM. how s uwrkwl
U'riNia ut iIIxnimi uaulfMUtlMui as ikai
ouatralnl by urlna nualaU. fliU atal.
a lire U a xrrar rlt le th kW!. 'fVn
lHly Waal ara aiurn trasly itHflVwIinl l
!! rwuuvturlv ihtlr ntdukalMU Is llo
ulalr.1 by ILu, iuulm asilu - iiu
llvwr, lui, atdu sh4 kWlta. 'now. to
iHwai, MiMawi'M.m , iimwmiHW, wi
m ami hh ww ut mx lt
ti i4mwm Im hJmiM iLm i'lluiar
s4 rraMt Ih iutjMJ Mtik.
ihu waif s
waf ! w
Irimbl. wr