. 'fcv?. FAffl BIX MKDFOUD IMATli TIUIJUNK. MIBDVOUU. OKK(H)N I'MHDAV, MAV120. UMI. kl v .ii.'.,w.m-miL i.'j-L'j.'iaa t i. H IN t i die rams bKb ftp BYDENSETQ6 MONTRKAT Que, ry 20. The find official nccount of the disaster to tlin Kmprcfw of Ireland came from Cnplnin Kendall, who sent n wireless weSKitjfo early toilnv to Captain Wnlxli, murine niperintemlent of tlie Ciimulinn l'acifie here, as follows; "KmprehS of Irclnml Mopped hy lenfo fop. Struck amidships in vital Kiiot by collier Stoitad. ' Captain Kendall, vim was rescued from ft floatmp picee of wreckage, in conveying the intelligence to Cnntnin NYflMi Mint tho Kinpre bad gone down, said J "Ship jione.'' A sieelnl train was dispatched from hero to Father Point to bring hack tho Hiirvhorj.. Captain Kendall won renown a the man who first detected Crippcn, the njiirderer, on the (learner Montfort. , Text of Kirt MeKt; Tlio text of this ie--aj;e received by La I'ntrio from Itiimntki reads; "Tho Lmlv Evelyn and the Eurekn docked nt Kimouski with 400 w.cn grrs. The captains of both reported nl( the jtasTupcrs were saved in the lifeboats of the- Lady Evelyn, Eureka mid Kinprv of Ireland, Ah xotui ns the pnsHengcrs arc disembarked both p) earners will leave for the scene of the wreck to pick up other iacn- gjTfl." Arrangements have been made by the Canadian Pacific railway with the Allan Line to send the survivors (9 Liverpool on tint Alsatian, which arrived at Quebvn today. The Enipri of Ireland was n twin screw vessel of lt,l!)l tons. Sho was built in Glasgow in 1000 by the Fairfield company, Ltd., and was owned by tho Caundian Pacific Hall way company. She carried, n full wireless eouipment, ItcrnllM Former lHvaMrr Tlie Stoitnd registered (1028 tons. She wns built by the Armtrong Wiiitcwortli company at Newcastle in 1011, and her owner is the Dampsk Aktieselk -Mnritinie of Christiunin, Norway. She in it singlo s'crcw ye Sol and is loaded with coal. She carries n crew of fifty men. Tho disaster recall the accident to the sister ship of the ill-fated vessel, the Empress of Itritain, which two years ago rammed and sank the col lier Helvetia in almost the Mime place that the collision occurred early to day. "SQUAW MAN" ' AT STAR I00AY The management of tho Star Theatre offer for today and tomorrow one of the best plcturo play yet produced, "THE SQUAW MAN." with Duatin Farnum In the tltlo role, this pro duction Is very complete and la In si part. Mr. Farnum Is at hU tent In tho part made famous by him and in supported by a n all slur cast. Vfhvn tho company of players, num bering In excess of two hundred people, began the production of thu "Sipiaw Mas" they were stutloned nt Hollywood, a suburb of Los An t;elex, California. From this point, tboy Journcjcd to Loa VegaB, New Mexico, thence north to tho mouii taluous territory surrounding Den ver, Colorado. The first performance tonight will start promptly at 7:15, the second at H:tD and tho third at 10:15, admit- tslou aw usual. IHOSE IN LIFEBOATS lVilp SAVED LEACH CROSS II Of AI Number eight of the over popular continued adventures pf Kathlyn will be shown at tho lsis theatre Friday ami Saturday afternoons and even- A strango whirl of fate places tho crown of Allaha upon Wluulc, tho younger sister of Kathlyu, which arouses tho heroine to Instant action lu rescue, through daring and dhersl fled experiences. Ilo Biire, and sec this oxcltlag and IntoYostlnK experlonco, MamihIc HKriul Train Ablilaod to Clrnntu Puns. May :9th, Leaver Ashland 0;4S p. in, Leave Medford 7:20 p. in. Lwivcw Antral Point 7:30 p, m, ,Mivw Gold lllll 7HC p, 111, Arrives (Irani Pass 8.15 p, in, Returning leaves (Irauts Pass mid- Ktttkt, Km re ww and oiiv-lhlrd round trip. MONTREAL, tjne., May a. A Message i-eeeFved hero by the Canad ian' Pacific offices from Kimoiiski said: "All the p.wsetigei have been nicked up by the boats of tl.O Lady Evelyn and Eureka." The Empress of Ireland carried n eivvv of tloO of ficers and men, making, with the nassengers, a total of 1 i;i 011 boaid. A similar menin was iTccived bv Ii Palrie, a French newiniwr, from a liimouski 001 respondent, lie said that -100 survivors had been lauded and that the Ijidy Evelyn and Eureka were going back to pick up the re mainder of the passengers who wero in boat. The frtregoiiiir information does not agree with previous dispatcher in the matter of los of life. From the wordinc of the Canadian Pacific mes. sage, it could not be determined whether "nil the passengers" meant nil on hoard the Empress of Ireland, or simply nil those who were able to umke the lifeboats. Memorial Service for Itlshop Scad lini;. A requlom servlco for tho late Itlshop of Oregon will be held at St. Mark's church on Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. AVM. U. HAMILTON, Vicar. TO ONE FAVORITE SAN FRANCISCO, Cnl.. Mav 2').- -Leach frost, the New Yoik light -weisjht. is it i! to I favorite for bis fight here toniiiht with Ked Watson of Los Angeles, The boys will weigh in nt tilo pounds. Fuuslou had neither nought nor tv Reived instiuctloiH for adiiistlng the situation uiisiiig liom the arrival ol tho Herman stenmei llavaria at vera "lu 1 lie iviiin-lanee.," said Sec Attention I'MUs renin (Irtitisim, "I am not inclined I All Klkw are re.pieNled to meet at to nttaeh am impoilaueo to Iho nm. l," "" S'tvlny. May 30 at l.ntl 1..1. 1 ....ai.i.,i. 11 t,.m-iv . ,l.,iii ..1 lp ni. slutip. to mat eh with tho tlrnml Ci-HX without inunilest. (leueral ipoit loutinc nul ime'llmt irwlmllv At,"' " ,ho x ,,!"MU Xmm fur Tun-ton so far has made tin icpoit , will he -ethd bv the , apt mi m the ,niomoilai services. ol the iue.dent. 'noil. I OYVSin PM'lON.aec. 'S OF NO IMPORTANCE WASHINGTON. .Mav '."J. Score, tarv Oarrisou s(ud todnv (Jeneral STANDISH4M6d Zl&t$$lZKKlZ$l& BIG REDUCTION In Mowers, Rakes, Buggies and Sewing Machines FOR CASH ROW COLLAR 2for25 CluMtPcikoJy&'CaJtic MAtrs f ? ? T t r t r r f r r r t t t T .i:.-f Vortical Lil't and Draw Cut Champion Mow- '- ow $512.50 $55.00 $00.00 :!:;.oo $5.00 $37.50 ft 1 -i o-foo( Draw Cut Champion .Mowors 5-foot lig Draw Cut Olianipioit Mowers JLI'oot Self-Dump Champion Unices 10-foot Solf-T)ump Champion Unices . T New Home Scwinsr Mnehines ujies at Cost. have a limited nnmlier of the ahovo jjoods ami at these prices it .will pay you to look the .sloi-k over. Medford Implement Co. ? ? ? ? y ? ? v T V ? ? Y v ? Y Y Y Y Y Y 'J. ilU&Gfy& i ''' JWP5WBPivyWWvrr" BL'iiW.T. iit--jj,;v..! .j.riut.Pivg-j:i:'i. r '- ;: jr.r4'J 1 nv'i'w .1 1'lwii'.ff .7a v- m'.Twgfe -.- ..f.'t.y'- f4J7i,' IBK - HRflil FlTrTWO FLAG I IBM rli r r bankets I Two Wonderful Flag Blankets FREE with a 5-cent Package of CAIRO Cigarettes B m t One packed regularly in Cairo and an xtr Blanket given with each package for a few days only. Flags of all nations In brilliant colors! Large size handsome .ornamental! Also valuable coupon In 'U eacn pacKage. Offered to get you acquainted with the marvelous new value in cigarottos ir Ai Th only cork lip oval cigaretto selling at 5c, that Is packed In tho handy Flat Slido Package and wrapped In toll. " The mild fragrance and mellow - sweet flavor of CAIRO will surprise delightconvince you that foil-wrapped freshness is absolutely necessary to supreme enjoyment. pil U" P" ' Take advantage of this FREE Offer today r. ImaeaiEai nd avoid disappolntment,as dealers have only a limited supply of these extra Blan kets and cannot obtain more. LOOK FOR FREE OFFER SIGN ON A DEALER'S WINDOW THE AMERICAN TOHACCO COMPANY m I ! d2SSS Iffll rT lir j-Wbr A-fiju-w SI 4 J&JHJuWjL HI WjObeMP Packed R SMK ,n ,o11 m CIGARETTES o o W kl w Ol W ,; - - CO i 1 a CO w w w 03 H O en H i -V) ) 1 f r' at en at o o o a w 02 W S l?g CO O H o k1 eg co W H CO CO d t3 co ro W M Co co ,H ii. b -1 CO Cfl 01 o y ta taeS co co co s o w w u CO C) CO CO CO , H r Vi Mi.!? U1 o to .' a h CO o HI pi O o 1-3 w S H ffl IS CO O 7 w w w w t! S E o S c w Q w H3 ffi a B la." w! ! i : ! i I !w Id yii'W ii wi'PiPJBSKi(eS9WBSSS oi y i r t r"t 'sraL-jMirf TnWjMliaMereTj TT r -- mm w . !.. i m m i mmmtmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmtmmmmmmmmwmmmtmmmi