Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 29, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    .M.jssavvtziir' "mr"nMg3M'TZIZi
Tint tloiillimn OinKiHi Trm Hon
niiiiiutiiy miiihiuiici. (lint mi Hnliirdii)',
Miiy :illh Him H Ml n m inn! 10 a II
ii. in t rlr rutin Hut numrwilr will Im
nuilUml mill tlnil In mlilltliiii to tliM
ri'Kuliir Milii'iliilii it i h villi Iiiiimi ,Mim.
ford hit t ! miiii'lury itt h Hi, s .in,
H:fiO, icon mill ii yr. n m.
Mr. Jolin IlimltH or I'ortliunl Ii
Htliu; imr unit ht-r .Mr. Ilullovwiy
or llolluvvny ordiiinlH
Atomic uldiur, nrM'iuito of lend,
Idiirltiuitf, lime mill sulphur, Imrry
rrtilns mid Imxnn, fur mile nt lownm
lirlnin liy Urn Co openitlvo Krult
Uriivvurs' Aimiiiliitloti. Muilfonl ami
CiUilnil I'nlnt.
Htntn (linn,) Wiinlen W I,. I'lnley,
iiibimI lliriniKli .Med ford I'rldity en
route to Kliitiuiili I'nlls where lie will
tnlin imiNliiK i(iiri'M or wild lilnl
County ('niniiiUMoiinr Joe Hinllli or
lloKiie llher In iitteiidliiR to county
Inioltiem In tliln rll) mid Jnrksriuvlllii
Try n "Hiiltt" tlitur, lienl fir rlnr
on iiutrl.ei. mi
IM (I llruvvn ninl prtrty or frlendu
nre ieiidliiK the Meek fhlilliK on
W 1 1 1 lit in creek.
Aimer l.lniolu of (Irent Pulls,
Mont , In HienitliiK n ' vteekn In
tile vnlley on tilislni'.
'lmnilmiteii toinnlo plnuls, 70
renin per hundred, n-clnl prlreii on
lot fitin nnd over. Pkk pepper mid
nweet polnto plnnts now ready,
I'orllmid Aeniie (lreeulioiie, ,Med
ford. Phono K7-lt. Cf.
Cliniiurey Thoiuns of MontnKUe,
Cnl , In spudding n tew diiys In the
city on liuilueiM.
Itn) Ciuupliell, ii ritllrimd iiimi or
llinohiirK, In In Hut rlty for n fiw
dsys vMlliiK frleiidN nnd r'lutlv.
Hullo, (he tlrher nf HuurUe I .nun
dny Mudford, lins aonin wood for mile
on Krouud nl Coleuinn creek, Vi r,0
per rord, 11.36 per Her. 79
T. V. Ilttyiird of Allmny In vl
ItliiK In the vallny llil wik.
The rrliiilunl docket or the rlr
cult court wrn rouiiteted Thursday
A "KIiik Hpltn" rlitnr I homo miulo.
Try one, Gr. 6u
Mr. (Irme KIiir of Slotiinlmnt l
lltliiK frlemU nnd relntltrN In thin
til) mid on C I riff 1 it creek this week
Willi llopkliiN of (llelidnle In nt
lelidllllt to hllslliosa matter In Hie
illy t It Im Meek.
Attorney Hun N'ehnry Irnnnncled
lemil luulnenH In Jiirksouvlllit this
Ak your Krocrr or nelKhhor About
hu peunnnt wrapped hread made nt
the Newtown Imkery. 63
Attorney II P. .Mulkey left Thurs
dny evening for ItonehurK, where he
will deliver the Krnduntlou class ml.
lire Hill eVenlliK
Tom HnlueN of Juncnii, Alntkn, l
upending n few iU)n In the rlty on
llllllllIK llllSllll'SS,
.Money to lonn on Improved much
property. Cnrkln & Tit) lor. 71
John (IrcKory of Wiilkln, Oregon.
lit KpeudlUK o few tiro In the rlty on
Mrs. Tiinmn Potter of Tnleni, vl.
Ited frleiidN mid relative In thli rlt
rlty Thursday nfternoon nnd evenliiK
lloynl llnkitry goods nl DoVooi.
Milk mid crenm nt DoVon's.
Arthur .MrCny or llornhrook, Cnl,
attended to IuikIiicnh mitlterii In till
rlty the first of (he week
Docn )our liluo sorgo shlno? Orrei
,& Lit Mnr rnn take the worst shlno
out. Don't throw It nwny, Just phone
TiSK-lt, nnd Imvo It tnkou out tlunr-
nnteed. L'Oli Wont .Mnlu,
K. II, Itlvhnrd of (Irani l'ns wait
.In Medford mid Jiirkoulllii Thuri
duy on leKitl hiinlnem.
.Indue ThonuiN Drake of Khmnth
Knlls left for homo todny, the CiiHey
cniie, which hit citiiii) to try In the
ill cult lourt nt JnckniKiNllle, hnvliiK
been pout poned until tho next term.
PruHh Hum. Medford l.lir Co.
MInm .Marlon White, n teurhur of
the Medford hcIiooIh, will leave for
The DnlleH mion, to lnlt relallven,
mid will attiiud tho Hiimmrr arhool
nt Monmoulli,
I,. II. CiiKter nud i: A. Kurd of IIIk
Unite arrived In Medford Thumilny,
hut did not remain Ioiik.
Quality Ire cream mid Quality huN
ter Ih our mutto. Medford Cremuory,
W U. Clmppull.
T. I). .Spafford, who Iiiih Iihii at the
Karied Heart hmipltal for tieatiueut
of rhmimutlHiu, lutn recovoiud uuffl
. clnnlly to return home.
J. M. Under and Owen Diiulap of
Phoenix vviiro of thoHo rvho motored
to Meiirord Tlitii-Hilay,
V, HhaplulKh llaidvvarn Co., ant
dally addliiK to their well nnnrted
Htovk and aro hdIIIiik at cIomi prlro.
Mm M A McKIiiiiIch or Autloch
wiih a reiout Ultor In Medford.
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Jjwly AsslsUat
Day 1'bonn 14U7
Nlgl.l f, W, Wwiki t-3
l'hiKiM A. It. Orr U7M-M
l Illlll '
II, K, Mulkuy who luft for Hum).
hurK TliUiNdiiy evenliiK, will deliver
the iiddreNH lit tlm KKiduiilliiK ex
eielmm of the IiIkIi kiIiooI IIiIk even
liiK mid iiIko the memorial mldrcHi'
ou Decoratlmi Day In Hint rlty,
I'red 1 1 it n tutu, who wan it rentdeul
of AhIiIiwiiI and Tahle Hock ninny
j ear hIihii, died tit Hmi rrnnclnco
hoiiii) lime iiko
(!nrkln & Taylor, lawyem, (John
II. Cnrkln, (llenn U. Taylor), Hun-liliiH-llo)ilen
Mldit., Main Mtreet,
Mm, I'rauk .MclCee of Heveu OdIik
Iiiih I) con In Medford durliiK the
week, ntteudliiK tho Mull Trllitiue
Home IJronomlcN Hihool rcKulnrly,
mid wan well pleiiNen with It.
Mr. I'eelor of Anhlnnd wn In
Medford Tliurmlny, triiiitmitliiK ImIhI
JoNepli (loliUhy of AppleKitie tar
ried n few (mum In Medfonl Tliurii.
Hcreen itoiirn at MeiUord Co.
T. II lleluiroth or (Irlfrin i reek
wim with IiIn Meilfiinl frlemlH Thum
ilny itllernooii.
Mm I. M Com nnd two little
ilniiKhlerN, leave (hi evenliiK for
their Inline In llend, Orecoii, ufter n
three weekn vllt with her imrenln,
Mr. mid Mr I) V Htone of Willow
Kodak llnlnhlnit, n I (')' or dull flu
Uh nt J 0 HerkliiK'n itiullo, ?2K i:
Main Kt. I'liouu 320-J,
Mr. mid Mr. Juiiie Murkley or
AppleKiilii went In Meiirord mid
Jacksonville Tliurmlay.
Mr, C. Clrlch mid her daucliier
went over Iroin iicknonvllle Wediie
dit) evenlnu
Call Mllehell for lawn mower Iron
hie. I'liouu 21!,
Mr nud Mm. I.'iull .Mohr return
till evcnlni; from a trip to Cullfor
nlit. J C. llnrncN left Thiimday for the
Miuth ou real enlnle liulueN.
II. II. N)e recently IioukIiI the
HllltKl lettMiillle on .South Olikdnle
CoUktdenttlou tr.UO
3 () tlerklnc the het nil nroiind
phutoKraplier In Hoiithern ()rei;on
AIn)X rnllnlile NeuntheN made ttnv-
wheru, time or place. Ktudlo 22K
Mnlu Kt. I'hone 3'JO.J
C II Wntnoii of Ahlnud, the pio
neer r.i'idoKUt. ieut TliMrday even
Iiik In Medford.
(leorKit McClellitn nnd J, II. lice
limn or Hold Hill went In Medford
Thurmtn), en route to Jacknonvllle.
Kohert Cney of Aililnud made n
trip to Medford nud Jnrkonvllle
Tliumdny. He was niTompnnled by
hi con. J. II Caney
I). Ilarbonph of Jacknonvllle, n
well-known pioneer, upeut n few
hour with III Medford friend
Tor nle nt n lirtrRAln, n rcitaurnnt
outfit. Call on or nddrriet room S3
Hotel Nnih, Medford. CO
Ititv. Mr. MattliiRly, who recently
returned from l.o AtiKelen, hnj koiiii
to hi much itotith of Jacknonvlllo.
Mm. I. ii unv (Jarducr of I'hocnlx,
wn n Medford visitor Thumdny nf.
Mm. C Ankeny hn returned to
i:ui!ene ntler it vllt with relntlvet In
Meiirord and Klnmntli I'nlU.
'era Dalmrk left Thurdn) even
liiK on a trip to WnnhliiKton.
Mm. :. It. Iteniue or Klnmntli
Pit II arrived In Medford Thumdn)
nud will ho the Ket of Mm. John
l While for n while.
Henalor Von der Hellen and hl
nou of Welleu motored to Medford
Tliumdny afternoon.
Moore Droit., who are engnRed In
tnlnlni: In llrlKK" creek district with
W. II. Ilnrr, upent Thiimday In Meii
rord. They brought it ronililorablo
qunutlty or ntiHgcU with them.
II. P, I'lntl iitudo n profeindonnl
trip to Jnrkiionvllle Tliumdny,
J, l Hiirvln mid Ocorge A Morne
of Tnleni trniikartod biiHlncn In
Medford oua dii) thin week.
Mm, C, II, Htout nud her "on nud
ilnughter were of the mnny who rnme
to Medford from JarkNonvllle Thiim
I'AIIIS, Mny 'Jtk- Alnif. CiiilliiiiN,
wife o.f .loM'pli ('iiiIIiiiin, I'iiiiiut
I'li'iicli liniinee mluUter, uns loduy
I'liiiiiully ii'iimuili'il fur (mil on the
I'lintge of killing (liis'uu Cnhnclte,
eilitor of I'Ikuio. The licininj; ih In
begin duly JO.
(Continued from t'ao 1)
foieiioou. 'l'houli (lie vv nter Ih still
lev, I lu tempi! illlll o toiluv wiih not
low enough to iurrctiM' the hiillVi
iiiK of tlm Mii'v'ivoi'H,
The viih I nuiulier of llie hiivciI vvcie
inemlii'i-H of the hlii'n eievv, llnii.V
I'HtliuiileH heiu iuilieiiteil not mine
Hum hKI.v iiihhiiij,'i'I'h went hiivciI,
jlertiiliiM Cnptiiln Kiiiilnll, lliu liinl
ninl M'i'oiiil ennini'i'i'M mid (lie nlilpV
hiii'Ki'uii vvein ii'Heiii'd, The eiiplulii
vviin Ion iiMui'oine o uive nt Mil iiny
uxti'iiili'il iiituiiiiI uf the iIIhiinIci', He
liml M'lil n vvlitdeMM u liU Hmi uflcr
(lilt ht WIIH Ml llll'li Miyllljft "Hliip
nrrcnFonn matt, Tinmmrc.
H'oey Hall, Homer Itotheniiel and
12. I) Went on returned thin noon
from a dip to Crater l.nko, In nn at
tempt to reach the lake In a lliipmo
bllu car They worked tholr way to
within four lulled or tho rmuoiiM ncenle
Hpnt, left their auto In a Miowdrlfl
atid walked to Koveriimeiit heiid
iiiurlerN, The Inkn wild the nnow
on nil iildeit, In tn winter garb, wiih
a dlf.lil the three declnre, never lo bo
rorotteiu Keuluy Hull, who ban
viewed Hut Inke liuudiedN of time
nay It wiih an much different from
flui nuiumer m-nHoii, nw night from
The llmt ohNliirbt In the path wait
renched when the party reucbod the
r.overumenl Hue. Heavy drlftN from
there to While Home tnti)on mnrked
the mud, nud the uluidy little ma
ehlne plowed ltd wny through the
mow drlftH. The party built road
part of the way, I'liotogiapliiir
WeNtoti xerured a number of iitrlk-
I It K VlltWK.
LONDON. Mu) 211 -Tin. Hag In '
idllpplllK of (lie In London went half'
mauled on receipt of (hit news of thel
dlsanter to thu Kinpren of Ireland
The liiNiirnmo held nt Lloyd's on
the Hmprens of Irnlnud amounts to
P.'.yoo.iniO. When the flmt news of j
the arrldeiil urrlved n ruiilderable or
re-luxiiraiue wiih effeiled nl 17',',
per (fill.
.Nellie In I'l) Svvitllern,
The winners In (lie r.y killing con
leit will plene rail nt Commercial
club Moudii) from 'J o'clock to 'i 00
and receive their print money.
p. w. 8tiu:i:th, hcc
With Medford tisfw-1 Meilforl msrtu
Physicans Indorse Vinol
To t'renle Strength ninl fur I'liliiio
nnr) Trouble
ItUli-dowu, debilitated people,
tboii) who iieeil strength, or who suf
fer from chronic roughs, cold or
bioiirliltU may find hulp In thiwulut
ters. Dr. C. L. Dreese. Oosbcn, N. V.,
says: "In rant1 where the curative
Influence or rod liver oil Is Herded, I
presrrlbfl Vlnol. which I find to bo
far more palatable and offlcarloiu
lltftu other rod liver preparations. II
Is n worthy rod liver preparation In
which n ph)slclnn may have every
Dr. I. II. Ilouchello of Thomas
vllle, (la., M): "I Imvo itied Vino!
In my family and In my general prac
tice with thu most satisfactory re
sults. It Is exceedingly beneficial to
those afflicted with bronchial or pul
monary troubles, nud to create
strength "
Dr. W. N. Hand of Uvnus Mills, X.
Y., says: "I want to say that I huvo
need and prescribed Vlnol In my prac
tice nnd It will do nil you claim for
It nnd moro."
We return our money If Vlnol
falls to help you. Medford I'lntrmncy
Medford, Ore.
I. S. Por children's Kczemn. Snxo
Salvo Is Ktiurnnteed tritely wonderful.
i u mils wii.ii (mow
ami vvhllo they nre grow Iiik you
should linvo them photOKraphcd
eiiouRli, to Keep n record of each In
tcieMltiK sIiiko of tholr childhood.
You will prlzo tho collection of baby's
pictures moro nnd moro ng tlm years
go by. Miiko nn nppolutiucnt today
for n sitting.
loi trait riiotoKnipltcm
Uli'J Wet Main St. Medfonl. On".
lung Trouble Yielded
o - lo This Medicine
H ron tre lutrvrtnir with I.uhk TroublA,
or If juu knuvr ot ouu untottunttc ir
on w Mtillrlnl. wuulil luu tki. 111
Unulilo nf fully InrrillKStlitK imMlclu
vrliK'h In tirouubt sbout complete re
rutrrr In iiuuiImt of very icrlou csirf
To ifaiiimi' Allemllro. rcinrdy for
Jlirost Mini l.uuic Troulile. Ii, been
ilvrn tlm fullrit cnMIt of rrtlorlnu tifilth
lu s lri;e ntitnlwr of cfi Itsa thus
6SJ3 UlrtrJ Av.. Phil., I's,
'(Itiitkiut'iii In (ho winter of 100.1 I
hut n stuck of lrliix, followeit by
I'nruiiiDiit, ami Intrr by t.unir TroiiM.
In ibt Mliiltr of UH I mil rough, ulght
inonti. fevrr and riurtl qnaiitUIr of
awful InoVlnic itufT mil Intrr I had many
hemerrtiHKea: l om llmu lbre lu IUrv
iiicrnlvn ilaya. Milk and reiis Uciinie
ki ilMalPfiil I could krep iiothltiK down.
'Ihrru iliyU'lnn trcHtrd mo. I wai or-
itrritt in nip inuuniniiii. uui inn noi .
i:, Lilian' AIUrallu wti rrroinnirud
tir n (rliMiil. AftiT Inklni! a mtll (iun
Illy I liad the flmt nulel idstit'a liri for
Mrrk My liuiirovviitrul vtua nmtkt'd
wiljilit and aiftltn 1 nrer had anothrr
hrinorrliuuo unit my rough srsduallr lea
arnrd until fiillrvly gouc. 1 am irfrctly
well " .
(Alwvii slid
Crkman'a A
annii! l'. rxtimiiitAN.
niiliilril! uuiro en rriiuo! V
AKpraliv liaa Iwrn nriivvii hr
many year' IrM In lw inot tfrirariou
fur kftcri1 'I'tiroal and I.iiiis AjTri'lluu.
lirnnriilli'i nmiiruiai Atiuuia, niuiaxirn
I'nlil and In uiiliulldlin; lbs trm,
rniilalu nn iitrrullia, ikiUoii or liabll.
fiirmliiK ilrima. A.k fur loxikltl IiIIIiik
ef timnrlf and . writ lu Kikuian
Lalmmlery, I'ldlailrbibU, Pa, for rl(
wu. ruf talo by 1 fillutf 4rvsglM
Mrcni?rmn. rwrcaoy. totpat. way an, ion.
The tniiliinlloii i i rciM uf I tic
NClilor eiiiM of the high nelmol will
la lii'lil lit llii? I'hkc tinnier tmitlil
lit H n'l'loek, 'I'll'1 i'Imkk In eiii;iioeil
of tliiiyntiui iiiitiiiln rs Iwuiiiy-nine
ifirl. ninl Inn lio.V- 'Hie xrinliiHt'iiii
eililresn will llflrtviii by llm IfiJV, l'
0. nidreilK''. "M!. Willie Unwind
Will deliver Unv Mibdii'lorv, iild
(lenrve f Jiilen lIli'jiildrecN of welcome.
Tlif iliiliiiu,irt -will lie iieciiled li
Kiipennleiiiliiil V. Collin.
TIiIh iilli'iiiooii Krnilimliiui nnd
eloitin exireiNOi nre beiiiB held ill
I lip Krummur neliool. of the city, Tin
pltet vviek lilltj Jici'li devuleil entiiely
lo llie eliding cviiininaliiniM nnd
imit'iie wotk. The fiiml reportH of
llie leneliem vflll be Tiled IIi'in nfler
noon. Tlie fi'lioiil j ear ju elopul, iic
eoidliiu lo the lenilnm, wtin the til'.cJ
mipppNfiftil in tlic citv'ii tilalnrv from
point of nileiidniiee, inli'ie-t mid
A movement Im- been nrlul in
i l.ineoln eoutity to i-inhliili n mini-
I mum sn' of irbll xr mould
' teueliem,
Kavlnu and Thrift an In the front ranks of success
ful endeavor
An account with tin will enable you to keep pure with
them. Start now. ,
'A lntrt pnbl on uavlncs accounts.
--J - ' -
Stock Adjusting
On many lines that wo are long on and the season advancing, realizing you liave not
of the garments as earlier, we aro making drastic reduction inducements which you
stock is wry complete with well selected lines. Reductions from 10 to 50.
r sk v
V' """"Taft
oven much less than half regular. These, of course,
are not our newest models, but good, conservative
models and honest materials and workmanship; a
uood assortment, and vou will never be offered a
better value, actual to
KMhitton Niagara .Maid
Silk Gloves, black ami all
colors, a . regular $1.25
value, special 9S
Two - Mutton Niagara
Maid Silk Gloves, all col
ors, special ... . 50
t( - lint ton Cliamoisette
Gloves, special .48
Kovor-All Aprons 59c
25 dozen Kover-All Ap
rons, in light and dark
colors, rimuo Hck-rack
braid edged, a regular
75( value, special 5fty
INIIIANAI'01.18 lue? . Mn 2fi
Itnlph lie I'nlinn, ilrlvt-r of n Herman
cur, will not Mart In tho '.00 mile
nutoiiioblle race lur! lo:tiorrow. He
announced today that In; (mild not J
get liN oiigliu; In i;ood working con
illllou nnd after nn examination ef
thi machine by the technical com
mittee of the American Automobile
Amoelntlon It wan decided that It
would be dangerous to itnrt the car.
1'iillen, driver or mi American car.
ranked .111 In the opted trial nnd
will lake Do 1'alma'n place If ho ran
get bli car In ihnpo In Hmo, other
wine Ollliooley, In hi Italian car,
will enter.
Auto Owners and
Medford Sports
C. '. Wlilteman hat nrranged to
receive complete tclegrnpiilr reports I
of the Indfanmipolh r,00 mile nuto
raro Satnrdu), May 30. Report'
will be potted on bulletin board In
front of Alco ilgnr storo as tho races
progreM, which lam six hours.
- - - - (lS42H -
25 to 50'fC Off.
Ovt'i V2o Tailored Suits to
choose from, this season's
best styles, including the
newest models in silk
moire, taffeta, also an ex
cellent line of tailored
suits in serges, etc., which
are very staple styles and
good for several seasons'
wear, which manv ladies
- look for, as it is not every
woman that t?ets a new
suit every season, but
when you do get a good
model such as a strictly
Tailored Glen's Wear
Sorgo Suit. Reductions
run' from LMft, :W;, and
$18.50 to $35.00 Values,
One rack of Tailored Suits
whose values are cut to
ijs'W.OO, very special $10.00
lOxtra special values at
prices that are fullv 20
toJW., less.
$1.25 and $1.50 lT,der-
skirls 9S
$2 Underskirts ....$1.48
$1.!15 and $1.50 Gowns
at 94
$2 Gowns at .... .$1.48
La Grecque Underwear
mot i
at nn: siov op
oi'I'esiti: post epitci:
The Fruit and
Vegetable Store
This store hns gained the reputation of always hav
ing everything the market affords in Fruits and
Vegetables, as well as the best Groceries. If you
haven't found this out, visit the store or phone a
trial order and we will demonstrate this fact.
.Store will he closed Saturday, Decoration Day,
from 2 to 3:30 p. in.
Marsh & Bennett
Second door east First National Bank. Phono 252
Several hundred LTntrimmed Shapes in Hemps, Mi
lan Hemps, etc., the most popular shapes and colors
at reductions of about ONE-FOURTH.
Panama Hats, special $2.49
50 Genuine Panama Shapes in a good droop style
marked special at $2.49
Manv other new shapes in Panama at $3.45,
S3.95, $4.98 and $5.45.
10 TO 50
These are mostly tho famous "Style Craft" Coats,
all tho newer materials and models are included, at
$9.45, $11.45, $12.45, $14.98 up.
Corset Special
On lot of La Grecque Corsets,
long skirt, medium bust, all sizes,
regular $1.25 value, special..9St
One lot of La Grecque Corsets,
long skirt, medium bust, a splen
did model and material, all sizes,
regular $2 value, spceial....?1.59
The best values. Not tho
cheapest hose, but better
values at the samo price.
Gotham Gold Stripo Silk
Hose, in black and all col
ors, none quite so good,
at ,,.jp-i.."u
An excellent value in a
Silk Hose, black and sta
ple shades 50
page irrvw
and Growjng-vps.
as long to enjoy many
will appreciate, as our
Special 98c
One lot of House Dresses
in percale, dark and light
colors, long sleevo and
high neck or low neck
and short sleeves, made
by a good manufacturer,
not dresses just bought
for a sale, all sizes 3-i to
41, values lo $2.50, spe
cial at 98
Shirt Waist Spec'l $1.48
Protty new models in
voile, crepo and combi
nation; also about 20
dozen Tailored Shirt
AVnists, values to $2.50
special $1.48