Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 28, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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    1 ysywm'iii' wA-m-iiuiijmMwiMnnjmHn
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rtrftMVI ' Vl"i it:
'yHMujmfiHKMj 3
' Aiwli-,twisftMwywiv
207i!rconrfS at .
Medford Mail Tribune
Kulr tonight nnil Friday-
Max. 112, Jlln. :n.
I'l'tly-fniiitli Yrttr
Itnlly Ninth riir
MEDFORD. OltrcOOK, TIllMfSDAV, MAY 28, 11 1.
NO. 58
scene no rimnriLS i ji piriiiE-iiiiMgiEE bice.
1 i.
Mr 0
South American Mediators Go Over
to American Side nnil Confer with
Amrt lean l)ilc(i;itc Uiiilerstnndlnu
Hftwrrn 0iioslii Parties Readied
for Common Bisls of Agreement.
NIAGARA, Out., Mv 28
After n conference (otiiiv with llu
MexieiHI itolitllllM hl'li', till) Soul tt
Aut'iieim iiifillnlom in Hut iicgtitia
liiiiu for M4fi went over to lln '
Aiust-ismi It when thoy conferred
wi'h .lutef Mini Mr. I.i'li-
iu tin. lln Aniiii'itii rprtiilittt 'M,
ll indicated Hint tin iimlt'i'Muiid
ItiK hstwecti llu) upmiug pintle In
lln iitKitiliitiniiM in a point where I
lbii nrt-tiotit in Iinm lr h full
conference iitlwcou liolli ide Tin,
litmus, il I- Mill, llml a I'limimui
Iiiimi nf niriililoiil vliliinlh hu lirt'ii
ienehrd, nflr whUh llii' iinlv pndi
It'in which wmlil remain would lit' the
iirliml irvMiiiitiui nf tin' innltifiil,
which will It signed at lln rmttl lull
cnnfrirttee bclwcsn nil Mittic,
Complcd' I 'drill Agictit I'mih
WASHINGTON, Mnv 28. -The
mum oltitu if tin1 iiFKiilinlifiiH in tin'
Nititfiiru Full eonfcieti. . has been
it'irlcil In Pieshtrnl U'ilxini miller
tin referendum by which tile Amcri
t'Hit ili'lnculct ii ro ncting mill nii hum
iiiidcrlood In Iiiuh reached n reus
oiiubh ciuiiilulo fiiiiu oil UfrftWiliaU
nf llii' pinposetl nifttM'iileitt.
Tli t'lo litis liffii mi tiffin t, mi fur,
lo weld Hip ciiin4 intn a iinittii'til,
111 lilt Hlitlll1 irilHH)ililllH Slllllll
mil distinctly iiinl will readily mliiiil
nf mi HiiiHlimiHiiliiiii into n complete
iiiitoi'il when it is finiiul iii'i'iMkiiry
it ill ml.
l'niMiliiiiiH Agreed I'poii
Tin nndertniidliig hen is Mini
llll'NO ultllllKllllllV llllMIitlOl hit o
been agreed tut hy a pmce. nf rlim
iiiiiliini nf lln sue which it luiit at
first liffii Impossible In compose. II
Ity no menu follows that lit points
still in dl-putc I'liinint ho iiilju-tiil;
tin puipoc lm been in framing thic
t'Niiuii propositions in clear Hit'
wn, lH' tin discussion iiinl mljtiht
ini'iil nf tin' innxl ft'iimn. tlill'i'ii'iii'itt,
Tlmnuli llif li'iilalii iniliifi), H
fiii'li it inn In riillci at llii. nIiiki',
t'niit'iiit'iitl. iiiiiiU Munic ii' tit inn-l
iliiimni'iiiiN liii'lni" wliirh iimiI filler
iiiln Hit final Ni'tilenu'iit, it is n
pinli'il hy inliiiiiiintialiiiii nflit'iaU
lit'if iu iiin irninihiii; ami, I'tniKiil
1'iinif tint liiuilml inriml nf turn I lie
iiM'iliiilni'N lime lii'cn at wnil;, (lit
miiicm mi fur nllaiiit'il lias liet'ii ro
itiMiknlilt', i'oiumii'tl with slniilur ue.
.n I'liiniitl ,;iv'liit'lit
Al tin) wliitd lioiihe il wim staitl that
im I'm mill iiri'i'ineiil fur Hie pui'lfi
t'liliiiii nf .Miii'n Iiinl liet'ii U'fi'ivi'il
fiiiiu N'uiKimi I'iiIU. Tin rt'pnilM nf
lint Aiiit'iii'.in ileli'vnli'H wliieli have
lii'i'll eipinlii),' in a) t'lieh hlnj.-e nf the
iniunlliiljini, hntvi'M'i' lmo hern Hit
fiiviii'iilih ihut i siliiiilnin, it wiiM
Haiti, winiltl penult ii-t'inlilinvr Hie ile
I'hh'tl puiiiiH intn tint I'm in nf a ilefi
nlle itpTifftu Mil ul'v kimii,
Hi'iit'eiil.itlvt'h nf the ennslilu
limuiliU I'fi.ftiiifil with Sefielaiy
Mimi auaiii tnihiy mnl leilenilnl
Unit slep". uern lieln InUi-u In ileli.
nilely enliililihli it'laliniiM fur Hit Cai
iiinxii I'liiiienl with Hut NiiiKain foil
feii'iiee. Tiny mhleil llml cniiKliln
linimliKt tlelejfiitiiH, if they j.,,, uoulil
hint' Hit Milne rihlH j i lit I pnwern an
inn eiijn,eil hy the Aineilenii ilele
Killi'f. THAW OFF 10 CAMP
hiijuiiiu nf llaiiy K Thaw in IhN
cily eiiileil tnihiy it Inn he h'll lur
Uoiliniii, in t lit U'liilc iimiiiiliiiiiN,
wlieie he will kiit'iul llu "nininei nl n
hotel lie uint imoiiipiiiiiiil h. hi"
i'ijliilimi-. Hhi'iilf lli'liiiiin A Miiu,
iiinl linil I hill, ). Hltwn
t'nltftl Htntnit Hnnntnr (1.
of Nilirla
V. NorrU
WAMIINOTON, .Mm U8.- -A i..
Intinii cnlliiif mi Ilia attorney kii-
frtt, In Infiinn thr M'iiiiIo if lilt ruin
hillHlinil nf Jllillnilil lilies I'tHlipi-frill;;
llu .Vow Vtirlc (Viilml i in Yinliilinn
nf Hit Khi'iiiian lUili-trutt law, tim
inlniiliiitt'it today hy Senator .Voni,
riipiihlioiiit, of NelniiHkii. On olijee
(inn hy .Senator Heetl, it wont or
until tiniiiiiiiiw.
Tin Norri' re-olnlion nlh'nitH that
tin New Vnrk Ceiilnil, hy eontrol ot
tin I .nke .Shorn mnl oilier minis mnl
Mmiui-liip liiu-M, eontroU ''Inur eoin-
pt'luiK linex nf tniiifportntiuii he.
twttu Cliii'iixo mnl Itiifl'iilo mnl two
'iniipt'liiHf lines hi'twfi'ii New York
mnl Itiirfnhi."
"To my iiiititl, it i- mtIVcIIv up
pareiil that this einnliiintlioii in all
iU hrmiehcM is in iolatioii nf tho
Sheiinaii niit.iii liiw," ilfflaieil
Seiuitiii Norris, in a xtaleuit'iit on hia
a I Ion-, with Car rn iuii, eilher to have
him lake pail in Ihu iiu'tluitiuii no
eeeilinys or In nj;iee to Hit Holulinit
heinj,' woikt'il out at Niajjara I'alK
it was iiiuleotnnil niiitiii ol'lieinU
tihiMt to Hut while liniino Itnlav, wen
ill mii'h t'oiiililion (hat a fnvoinlile
reply was tipeott'tl iVuiii him.
A definite phut Inn. heen laid he
fun Cariaurii, it was hiiIiI in nffieial
eii'ehv, mnl a reply niitliniui; his po
Hithui was aunileil.
KANHH CITY, Mo., .May as. -l.otteiH
which pitbiieil lielwuen tho
wlio ut Dr. W. '1'. Klam of St, Jonoih,
Mo., ami W. l'litnnm Cramer of Chi
iiiKo wro tho unlijeit of toHtlimiuy
today, lu tho trial of tin uhyslduu fur
tlin murder of ('rumor.
Mm. Itoliert Itlle), leMtlf)luK for
tho ilefeime, mild hIio IiiiiI aided Cra
mer ami Mm. Khun to meet nnil cor
ruimnl. HIki told of cmiilng to
KmiKfiH Cily wllh Mm. Ilium lo meet
(Vainer. Tim wltuetoi mild ('riiiunr
m'llt IlltttllN lu hur In thn ciivoIiiiui en
clunliiu Hid iiiuhiuIiiii with wlilrli hit
ii iiiuiiei'loil, Hlin suhl vim Hi i nmt
the Inlterw over lu Ml. Clum
l.uler Mrs lllle) telfleil. Hi' Klmn
nilletl her nil llii li'liiphoiiu mid laid
her hu knew nf ho erinl corrns
pnnduiiu uin nuked her to (urn ovr
Followinii Liindinu of German Ship
With War Munitions for Hucrta,
Large Consignment Coming to the
West Coast From Japanese
Weapons Ordered Months Ago.
follow iuk the hiiuliu of iiuiirtioiw of
war for lliit'itii llom Hie two (ler
liuili liners at I'lieilo Mexieo, a larye
t'titiHiKiuai'iit from .lapnii is line at
Miiiirmiillo or Siilinii ('rnz, on the
nt 'tmt. Wont fuii reiiehrtl
WiiNhiiiKtoii that Hit i'iiiit'i' Itlriiiuu,
(if ill- liipiiui'M Heel, which hit' hciu
limennp ahuiil .Miirntlaii, has yone
tlnwii the eiml, mnl though the hit
trr ri'pnit it laekiiii; in offieial i:nn-
firmatiuii mi fur, it Ik understood that
like the (It'ittuin rniir llri-mi'ti,
which cointiMil llie Vpirai'vit to
I'lit'ilo Mexico, on the east cotHl, the
Japance w'iirhip will m itipniiv the
nM'cted iiicri'liaiitiiinii to one of the
ports for traiixportatitni hy mil (o
the Mexican cnpitnl.
OnlcriMl Monllts ,o
The .Inp.incM- annt ami aiiununi
Inn went ottlereil hy llnerln iiuitiy
months iitro. Treasury exK'rts, tlis
cuiii; the landiii'.' of the cnrpiex ol
Hut Ypirauuii mnl llaruria at Puerto
Mixieo, ilisiuifM'tl as erroneous the
theory Unit the musters of those ships
would render Iheiimehes liable to
punishment hy Imuliti" llu munitions
at a port other tluiii that to which
they were originally eoiislned.
inure in nothing, in Anierieau law
at least, on prevent eoiiMiior
elinnin dc.-tiiialioiiH of enrvoes.
Aliseneu of a proper niiinifel, how
ever, in puiiishahle, ami (ieneral
runsloii would lu within his rights
in ilftulniiis' tin llavitria, if, as re
ported, that hteiinier hail mtH'iireil
at Vein (.'niR without sueh u tloeu-
ruiiMou Within IIIkIUh
Seeretary Mryau wiiil that in the
aliM'iici! of ofiieial iiiformiitiou that
(leueral Fim-ton was tiohliui; tho
llavaria, lit could not ilisetiss that
phae mnl also declined to say how
the I'liiled .Slates regarded the lutlii
in' of the war curpics utter it hail
heen assured that offieiaN of the
IhtniliiirK-Aiiiriicnu line would order
Ihdl liolh Hie ciupoes of the Ypirnnpi
and the llaviiriu hit turned Imek, as
was (he eiirxn of the Kiimi I'riiuessiii
Of tho Nuifjiira ooufereiiee, Mr.
llryun said he hud heen hi eoimumii
cation with the Auu'iieaii delegates
iik'aiu enrly tnihiy and that "every.
IhiiiK wan pnt.'M'ssin favurahlj."
SAN FIIANCISCO Cul., Mny '-'8.
Julius Kiultsehiiitt, ehuirmmi of
tho executive board of tho Southern
1'aeitie, who is hero today, saitl the
eoinpany htul suffered u loss this
year in urn-i eni-niiiK of more than
.'1,(100,1)110, us eompurcil with the
figures for the siuno poiiml in lllUI,
I'nfavornlihi industrial conditions
were uiven im the ehief cuinu.
tho lulterH Intended for Mrs. Klam to
lifm, Slio vald nho Immoillutoly wroto
Criuuer overytlilng wiih known ami
"tho situation tense." Slio ad v I mid
Cranior lo wrlto n lottor that would
ni)oHno Dr, Klmn. Mrs. Itlley mild
this letter was wrltloti ami alio guvo
It to Dr, Klmn.
Mrs. Itlley yiild tho letters Cru
mer beat to Mrs, Y:itm weio ad
ilrcHtitid to "Hill's llort" ami worn
sinned "llert's Hill." Rim bitld dur
ing Iho iuooIIiik mt Hoitumber HI
Ciamer ntlled Mr. Khun "lleit" uml
Mrs. Klniii culled (!runier "Hill."
Mis lllley mid ('miner. Mrs, Klam
uml slut nf Hut hotel at whlrh tliiiy
illiiiul hum Hut even Inn of Kuptitinlier
U lit t oVIock Him iiihIiiIuIiiviI
therit hud heen nn lniiniper rondiirl
In llit iMili'uli lu nlili'h ho trio rode
In Iho tlvj'ul,
, ln (Pl Lincoln 5cachv p.
ri f 111
i f I L 4 1
I tLtt! tEkvEBtr iiiiBl ' JpllllMfcfclfajlJMljjjMJlJljilljBBIIIM
w - - ' " rr- wwniy THE
Svw Yorkers for the first time had a plltupw of "uimlde down In an croptano" when Lincoln Bcachey uncoT'
rrttl the wonder of the air at the IJrlKbtou UacU race track. After looping tho loop a number of times, doing the
"death dive" and performing other such daring feats he raced for a mile once around tho course against "Harney"
Oldflcltl In his KM Cyclone. In this contest Itcachey got away first and finished first, but Oldfleld won la Kl3 5a.
lipcautie of the airman's advantage In start. The aviator flew scarcely mare than aUty feet aboro the awlft car,
descended to the track In front of It and bore acrosa the finish line ahead of lu
MOIIONK I.AKK, N. Y., Mlij l!8.
The iuiporlunt ofileo of limited
wnr or reprisaN in prrvintim: aetuat
iinnetl fiinfliet Ix'twet-o mitioiis was
pointed out today hy Dr. Kller C.
Stowell of New York nt Hie iwenti
rth annual iiiei'tin of the Lake Mo
honk conference on international ar
bitration. Anion;; Mich situations he
clashed the slate of affairs now ex
isting between the 1'iiitcd Slutc-. uml
Tho I'liiled States, .'m said, wai
Hie first to set forth the seleutifif
basis of neutrality, uml he centinued:
"llet'ciitly we luivu witnessed u sit
uation in which for Mvcrii weeks
mi Anierieau force hits heen ninin-
tiiuifi on foreign soil, without ouri
enlering into n stuto of war. With- HKHKIMKU. N. Y May 2S. Jean
out war thore can, of course, he no (ihinlnl. a ICyear-old boy charged
neutrality, hut in u slute of repri-aN W'H tho murder of his school teocli
or coercive measures short of war, I or ,',l,tt "ecclier. wqs actiulttod hero
there U u peculiar situation for tliirl I today on tho ground of crlmlual lm
stutcs not ilircelly concerned ipuisl- heclllty.
iieiiiruis, wo uiigui cull iiit'lll, it'
would ho well if some country would
propose nt The lliiguo the discussion
of tho principles governing this pe
culiar situation. For just as neu
trality heliis the cauo of peace, 8o
will these nieasiues, short of wur, he
found lo afford a substitute less ter
rible than war itself."
Tho supreme court of the world
ought to ho set up uml ul work
within niiother two years', nigued II
1'. Maol'nviniiil of Wiishinglou.
Nothing is lacking for thU supreme
court which i lo lie known us the in
terualioiinl eouit of uihitriil justice.
except mi iigrccnient on its uiciuher-1
ship. The llus-uo eonfereuco of 1007,
nt which the coiut was established
In inline, did not ugrco on the com
position of ,e court, since the dele
gates of tint smaller powers won'd
not ugrco to a membership in which
they were not diieellv represented.
WAHIIINdTON. May ifj (loncrnl
I'nriiinru ussiircd Imluy tho HrllUh
umlumiiilur hero that forelguum lu
Movlm will Im subjected lu "iiii nn
hist or liiiiiiilitblu IiiiiiIuiin.'1 This
a us iH'CMsluiiitil b Inquiries purlieu
Isrly us lu Hit Tumplm u) fields iiinl
wus K!'ilvd generally us ' very ml
XKW YORK, May '.'S. Koar ex
aminers of tht! Intcr-Slata Conuuorco
Communion arrived at tho offices of
J. 1'Icrpout Morgan end company
shortly after 1 1 o'clock today and be
gun nn examination or tho firm's
books and records relating to tho
New Haven railroad, no results of
the examination aro to bo secret un
til submitted to tho commission.
Tho formal Inquiry Into tho Now
Haven matter will bo resumed at
Washington next Wednesday.
MKXIl'O CITY, Mny 'J8. A spe
cial train left the federal capital to
day, bound for Vera Crux with pm
seiutis for the liner Ypirnnga, which
is lo sail on Saturday.
Among H.e occupants of the spe
cial, 'liich left u few minutes after
Hie regular train, were the Chinese
minister uml his wife uml ilnui.'litcr,
bound for lluvnnn. There were uo
prominent Mexicans mi the tiuin.
for disposing of (he battleships Idaho
ami Mississippi to a foreign power, for
just what thu United Statou paid foi
tholr ronttriictlou, was laid before
tho fcuuuto naval affairs committee
b) Hcciotury Diinlols.
(Ireoio Is understood to bo ticu
(luting for tho Mississippi ami tlit
Idaho. Tho Pulled Htates hus uuvur
boforo suld battleships to a foioltiu
power, iiIHioukIi It litis tuiiiteinucd
them nml afterward sold llieiu with
out uiiimiiienl.
The ships huvo been In roiniuUsluii
slui'ii I pus. Thu Mississippi cost
ir.,aj.uoo uml thu iduhu 3,ihi,quu.
Hutinlui) Duiilvls usliiiil fur Hit
uiiu'iiiliiieul ii hn iiuvul hill perwlt-llhs
INDIANAPOLIS, Intl., May 28.
Thirty automobiles, the fastest of
Kiiropc anil America, hummed around
the two uml one-half tnilo brick
truck tit tho ImliauiiiKilis motor
sliced wn. today in their final prac
tice spins in preparation for the nn
mint oOO-milo race, which will be run
Saturday. Tho track will be closctl
tomorrow uml hundreds of workmen
will .eruh it clean of weeks' uecum
ulution of oil.
live nations, tho United Slates,
(ireut Ilritnin, France, (ienmiuy uml
llelgiiiiu, will ho represented iu the
race, uml the drivers will include the
pick of the racing pilots of the
world, union;,' them being Ooux, win
ner of Inst year's race; Dawson,
winner of the 101 'J contest; Jtoillot,
three times winner of thu French
grand pri; TcUlnff, Christiacns,
Ititriiuui, Oldfichl, Cliussaguo. Wil
cox, De Piihnn, Disbrow uml Grant.
Thu fastest car, necortlini to the
elimination tiiuls, is the French en
try, diiveii by Iloillot, whieh iiiiule u
lap of the track at the rnto of u
fraction less Hum 100 miles nit hour.
WASHINGTON, May 28. Secre
tary Ur.Min instructed today Minister
Me.Millen at l.iuiu, Peru, to recognire
the government of Colonel Oscur
lleimvitles. lu February this govern
ment iccognized tho nrovisjonal gov
money bo used In tho construction of
oiio dreadmiught lu addition to tho
two dreaduaughts already provided
for lu thu bill us It pasted tho houso,
.Secretary Dtuilols explained to tho
committed Unit whllo ho uxpocted to
get about SU'.UOO.OUQ for the two
ships, bo would hu ablo to tiiitku up
tho 111,000,001) needed for u now
ilrcailiiiuiKht by economy lu olhur
.Mr. Daniels tuld tho rommllteo
thut whllo thu Iduhu mid Mlssltslppl
went uffUluiit ships fur harbor dv
feiiso, llicy weru not iiiudorii oiiuiikIi
lo H" lulu line of ballln,
Mr. Iiuulels' propnml met with thu
upprovul of u inujurlly uf llie vumiiill
liu unit un uineiulniuiil uiiibuihlNK
plsii huh prupufed fur pri'vila
llt'M ! inv piMIIU,
Wilson Tells Manufacturers That
Uncertainty Injures luslness ami
Reforms Demanded Had lest le
Put Through at Once Asks far
WASHINGTON', May 28.Orfio
nils of the National Implement tint
Vehicle association, the Ohio Manu
facturers' association and the Illi
nois Manufacturers' association,
called on President Wilson totlny ami
petitioned him in the nnmc of their
associations that nil legislation af
fecting the business world, except
Hje trade commission bill, be withheld
until a trade commission couhl itk '
thoroughly into the business situa
tion am make n rexrt un'whicti con
gress might enuct law satisfactory
to manufacturers and employes.
Following the visit of the manu
facturers to the president, the fol
lowing statement was given out nt
the white heuse:
President's Statement
''The president said in reply to the
Illinois delegation that in his judg
ment nothing was more dangerous
for business than uncertainty; that
it hud becoum evident through a long
series of years that n policy such as
the democratic party was now pur
suing was absolutely necessary to
sutrsfy the conscience of llie coun
try nnd its perception of the prevail
ing conditions of business, and Hint
it was n great deal better to do the
thing moderately uml soberlv now
than to wait until more radical forces
had accumulated and it was neccs
snry to go much further.
t ItcMsou for epresoB
"The president also snitl thnt while
ho was aware of the present depres
sion of business, there wns abund
ance of evidence that it was merely
psychological; that there is no mate
rial condition or substantial reason
why the business of the country
should be not in the most prosperous
uml expanding condition. He urged
on hU visitors the necessity of pat
riotic co-operaliun on the part of the
business men of the country in or
der to siipiMirt rather than to oppose,
tho moderate processes of reform,
uml to help guide them by their own
intimate knowledge of business con
ditions and processes.
llu told his visitors it was his
earnest desire to servo uml not to
hinder or injure the business of thu
country iu any way, ami ho believed
that on reflection they -would see
that the course he wns urging would
iu the long tun not only, but iu tho
short run also, ho tho wio ami ser
viceable course."
NBW YORK, May 2S. Tho market
closed uneasy. Tho dull and unevent
ful day was partly relieved In tho
later dealings after publication of
President Wilson's address to thu
manufacturers lu which ho bospoku
their co-operation and his dealro to
further business Interest. This wus
qualified, howoYor by tils expressed
determination to carry out ula anti
trust program.
PAIIIK, May 28,- I)iuwlihi4 fl'rt
Memco Cily In the Flench vtivtVi)
mmi slute Unit the I'lwuh chfjt
iruffuiroi In Mexico Cily hu ihhM
Hirci li'iuns ndjoliihix (kv Un&lk
In scrtii un MsyhiH nt Ht trm
irsideiils, khuulj Ihu iH'i'HtUm rl
Thru! hoiibcs nh4 lUi mw.'
I-M'il ifutlr1n4( muI iimml tm 4