Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 27, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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MF1DFORT) TSrA tTi TRTmW,. M1WFOU1), ORHIOW TPKsl W MV '27, mil,
"" ,irjj,.ia'r'i",t if
Trail ;--'. at'.'
Ll'1,'"",?,VJl J,.
CHICAGO, Mnv U7 Kcorumnfo
Hon (it the Hoard of Home Minion
nf tlio I'rcjdiytarinn cliurrh iu a initn
ficr to fiitixlj most nf it oritii-s m
vitiiniiK synods nnd l'rob.vU'rit
ni omplichtd ludny wliwi the rewn
of the stnntlliijr committee mi Inure
liusHiotiH procntiup n iilnn ol re or
Hiinlrtntiou was ndnpttd liv Hip vi -oral
uwinllv ith li'tle dbrtuMo .
Vudcr tlu plan nrrcntrd llu wik
of tin board would ho ditidt-d wm nit
four or mow dtpnrtinuila ntul while
the rc aeral JiundquAt tew would roi
t'nue to lie iu Xcw York, the dcpnit
rocnt of church ttttrnhson would hiu
its hendivunr.ors in tlio wet.
The uie of tmn-nlcohoiie in tin
Mieramcnt of the Lord's Knppr was
n i-nmuicndcd iu n supplemental re
pot t froiii the committee n temper
mice, and tlio reoort was adopted liy
the assembly.
The homo mission eommittee re
port was presented by Itev. J. Hos
SIOtetiMin nf ltultinioir, who nn
liiiiineed that K. Charles L. Thump.
Min, goneml seoretary of the boaid
of lioine millions of (lie Pro-bylorinn
ehureli, would tviiie from office
lunu 1.
The outline of a plan of rcotvani
zntinn sulimittted liy Rev. StctciiMiti
for the coinmittco in its salient fea
tures wnsj
That Iho Imanl or home missions
ho Increased from 21 to :jl numbers.
That it lit'udipinrlerx remain in
New Yerl: city.
That the work of management he
entrusted to three or wore eoordinnfe
frceietarios mid a lrc:inrcr.
Enlarging Sculptural
the Great Exposition at .San Francisco
wiwrnisn "JCa"1
I ..,,. E3Gi
Tn:5 colossal ukuns In the forcuround, "Water." In one of the horl- SBK tV ' " JlT
I 1 tontnl composition typifying the four clement, y Hoitcrt . JffflExShua t? '
iT? Attkln. In tho luicksround can bo seen tha sculptors mwlel. V v!ftaECS&9 lJ.iL,
vGFat from which Iho assistants inndo tho entailment. These four UK- i 'Mr!jBi'$SW BtfAXl
Ke5 urea will bo placed at tho level of tho doscent Into tho sunken rr- z'l&lg&mMZstZ fcVlM
Cw2 den of the Court of tbo UnUcne, tho central Court of Honor of tho fMSSZ r tSEl
Imposition. L'PmK? " vtjiyfifev HK '
V BH ' i mmmMSKF3 l M ' JJOT
toe Danger if
Blood is Disordered
Litilo Causes Oavciop Worst Kind Ob Trouble No
Banger U BEom3 is Fortified.
xjBiia?-scL YrraSS' TliaiMnati MHkV
wfX&lSiBPsWilWlWf&rIWWr Ac" !Wi
i Tlic IMauilir I'mlfloil Willi S. S. S. Will ltclt AtXlmni lilfoUlnn.
'Ihr Hr nmn roAhtiu why rwrr.w
Miiiilttl lH.Jk i Hi.. 1!.-I (ir h.jlOi tlil IIia
ntllwi ( fi H K n n purtitrr nuil iifMrtrr
l lit iKinimmint liuiKM-tnm. Wr i.Msi mi
iMUfli fiHl m. murli ..xjgvn. much utr,
nil if in r'lit pniMii!i mnlniiilH
witrltlun i.. it. iVr; ki.toi,.. hints
Utl IHil UtHfta hin.( HI wirk In .H1M
lit Mrenair iu nurtrt the Ittlnki a.
riv! It lli II lirnt iwrtiit li iiiitHD
rrMiiil.. iiw ilxira imil trln of tb
Jkw Mumb liinih.Hit life Sw u. fl
titvw vrllh Mit moiln. Hi iwifar iliw
il i mm l lj ! ntul II rtwan a
ihHiriM'tt iMrtHfim hi proliH tHrrh,
tliMMtlMH. IniII. vflltluiT H) n utirluii
i nf imtibV rriiianlMil Um fwTt vf
lkMd IiImkI
ItfMllXhl l".llMl,lU llHV tsl Mill
ri tltal itruw riH i4nn.ili tttrr M
IIuhI iiUta. Uui ,nat tu l-s enu.l by
H H H Mi.t In Ml h- .! ttinr utrA
tone I null III ion liollilim, r.'M. . ... i
prr mil "ihr tuliiem wiltt Iwi iH-rmanri t
i(ll, h liliMI .lullllllHlt rfCiMl
Imvii iuiI lit H, S I
'llicii. u nut b liliwil In'nl nf nf imlni.i
IMt i' rdiihi Iu K tnu irlinit lir
hl ii.t natiiifii rvmwlr, Inr It I l"
luti'lr ir diHl iihiUIim i-Ol Hmxh !'
mrtii. lime ih iiIqmT imturall)' afciuiliiM,
4i1 w, l.lrli III tlVMim. ginuifalljr nvi,
M n wiik thi ol iWlivat,
rti la ihm i-m wbf tlM mm nf airuntf
lirum hat an wrliMMl th illaMlIt aialtui
I ha I innllrllii niM Mt Im) KlfMI lift a
f I Iff ImiiI H . S. at ntir !" tr
hiI lhn U gtMMrwl nf a nHHOlmr rum uf
Mimtlt bluml illima. If )t)r rM
N iwulhtr axt )thi italtn niwrlal attl
"1l t Ite. KMin MMrille , UxJ(i
llpl, llft IIMg. AlWiilb, Ua.
II. S. Crocker Company, onictal photographers. Copyright, 19U, by IMnnnn! aiin. t i ri I: mil I - .ion Cuinimny
Ile'tortpil ly Jackion County Ab
ut, act Co. StMli .in.) Mr Stn.
I lurrlw l.lrriixi-
WVOKK. May 27 Joseph W. ( rwM foy aud I lliian K Sh;
elilef coiiiivol for the Inter- l,arJ.
Comtucrco Cominiiulon, ar-t Ji.lltn P. Jmtm nU Boralle
(Grants Pats Courrler)
Tlio commercial fUhlnR reason In
Hoguo lUvcr will open at noon next
Monday, Juno 1. Flihorincn aro now
builly engaged in Retting their boats
nnd thcr paraphernalia ready and
tho fleet will be on tho water in
force to make tho first drift down to
tho mouth of Jump-Off-Joo crock
Monday night. Thrco boats have ar
rived from Oregon City, where they
had been fishing during the reason,
which opens thero earlier than it
docs here, and tl ia expected that sev
eral others will arrive from thero
during tho week. It is said that 21
licenses for commercial fishing have
already been taken out here, each
license costing 1 3, and each covering
ono boat of tho fleet. Last year 4:
Menses woro taken out during the
course of tbe seaBon.
The cblnook salmon run com
menced much earlier this year than
last, but the early run has already
ascended to the upcr river, tho low
er river containing a comparatively
small number at present. Tbe rise
in tlio water caused by tho recent
lioay rains lg expected to start a
freh run, however, and It Is thought
tlioro will bo plenty of fish nt tho
opening of tho season, A few chl
nooka aro still being caught with
rod and line, Ciaudo Harden having
landed threq Sundny.
plans for examination of the books of
tho Wiorgnn firm and t:ie personal
paper? and accounts of the lato .1
Piorpont Morgan, so Tar as thsy re
late to .Vow Haven railroad transac
tions. Mr. Folk was accompanied by four
iiiou who wero ready to bogin on tho
J books at once.
, "Wo don't want ono book or two
1 . . . . . . A. ... ....
Caro or Chickens; . ""oks," no satu, wti warn mom an
Sanitary Coops,"
MIMYAUKCE, May 20. Charlie
White, a 23 year old Chlcagoan. out
fought and outboxod Willio Ritchie,
tho lightweight champion, In a vic
iously fought ton round contest hero
tonight. Tlio Chlcagoan was credited
by nowspapcr critics with having the
better of six of the ten rounds, two
were declared even and tho Callfor
nltin was given tho second nnd third
rounds. Under tho Wisconsin law no
(leeitsluu tould bo given by tho ref
creo. Whlto took tho lead in tho flrsi
round and had tbo San Francisco bo
backing away from a volley of left
band punches to the head. KItchlo's
right eye was closed early Iu tlio con
tost and when tho lightweight c)ium
plciu left tho ring bo was a eurry
looking title hojdor.
Ititchlo bled profusely from the
hoso and mouth as a result of White's
daniiiglng lo(( hooks. The Chlcagoan
fought the cleaner bnttlo, Ho scorned
to have letter Judgment of dlvtuuco
mid scored repeatudly with left hooks
to Iho head, 3'lie lightweight diniii
plon used a right nwIiik to thu head
mi his most damaging blow,
Thro was wot a knockdown during
thu (wi rounds but Whllu staggered
U dJmiwiI'Ioh In (bo first with right
, u4 s pHHik-J In tbo Jaw
Jteh hwm H)M 196 pininds, thu
sii)iuU4iM) wMtskt Ht 9 c-Vlorli, euslly.
LiHMl W- MM M4 4 iVf
Tho Talent farmors institute opens
Thursday morning with Professors i
II. T. French. A. O. l.tmn. C. I.
Lewis, 0. 0. Uouauet. G I). Fltts,
of Oregon Agricultural College, as
lecturers. The following is the pro pre
gram: Tliui-sibiy, May US
9:45 a. m. Music, piano solo.
10 a. m. Lecture. Prof. A. O.
Lunu, "Summer
Vermin; Cheap
etc. Discussion. Turkey raising.
11:30 Ten-minute talk by Hoguc
river valley poultry raisers. Ques
tion box. Direction Prof. Lunn.
12 ni. Lunch. Coffee, sandwiches
and pies may bo obtained in the
1:45 p. m. Music, vocal solo.
2 p. m. Lecture, Prof. H. T.
French, "Hcst Crops for Southern
Oregon Corn Culturo, Silos," etc.
3 p. in. Discussion and ton-mln-
uto talks. "Value of Sweet Clover," j
u. w. J.mcn. central point; "anecp
on the Farm," Welborn Ueeson, Tal
ent. Question box, conducted by
Prof, French.
7:30 jj. in. Music, Talent band;
violin soto.
S p. m. Lectures by Prof. F. C.
ndmcr, Prof. A. G. Lunn and Prof.
II. T. French.
FriiLiy, .May '-
9:45 a. in. Music, vocal solo.
10 a. m. Leoturo on pruning.
Prof. C. I. Lewis.
11 n, m. Orchard problemn. Dis
cussion, question box. Profs. Lewis
and Iteimcr.
12 m. .Lunch.
2 p. m. Violin solo. Lecturo by
Prof. A. C. Douquet, "Tho Home
Garden." "Gardening for Profit,"
"Industrial Fair Projects." Geueral
UIsctiiEion and quostion box.
7:30. Music, Talent band; vocal
8 p. in. Lecture, Prof. H. 1). Fltts.
O, A. C, "Dairy Problems."
Several local speakers will partici
pate In tho program in addition to
tboso already unuounced.
rivud In New York today from Wnsh-Oats.
Ington for tho purpose of making
Kl'SOSr, May '27.- Adit Hue, up
poed t be a militant Mittrugvtti-.
nttri urrrMfil on Kp-imi Iluwiin IimIii.v
after hi hail di-i-liiirirwl n u-iul
lumlnl uith blank cnrtnd at u
pohct'inan. The jNilireiuun wmh
t-lijjlilly injured.
'fli woman niinrtd that her lit
baud hud handed her the weajMiii
thi.H inoniinjc for iim hi cae b wa
iiiolotted. Shu imligunntly rnidi
aUil the miKgiMion that she was n
WV.SHIN'GTOX, May 2C Former
Prosldout Hoofovclt came back today
to the national capital, whero bo
spent soven )ear as chief exocutlvo.
Into nine hours tho colonel crowdod
a speech on bis South American ex
pedition, a call on President Wilson,
a political conference of first Impor
tance with tho progressives iu con
gress, a visit to tho Sinlthfonlun In
stitution to too thu trophies from his
African hunt of four ears ago, a
muetlug uilh a fuw niomborrf of tho
diplomatic corps aud a dlnuor with
his old friends, llesldes (hero woro a
doren Impromptu reception from
crowds In thu railway rtutlou, at his
lintel, In tho streets nnd wherever ho
chanced to stop for n moment.
It was u hot uud busy day. hut ho
went through It all without sliowlmj
(ivMuiiro of fatigue. Tho crowds, tho
cbetirs, tho xtniHKlo to shuko his
bunds, the pholoKiuphur uud nil tho
rest wero Him old (uinpultfii dios,
With WnJfod tiufvn WvdfvnJ wudy
liar) I'eytui lu-mmipHiiil hi
gniadinothor, .Mm. Ilernui, to ilnd
ford Tuesday nnd wjiut tovral ilay
in (wii.
Thero wn n daaco si Hr. Ilinfby'
Friday nifjlit. All prweut reptnt n
hpleudid time.
The men who had been working on
the trail to Woodruff Meadow re
turned to their home Sunday even
ins on neeount of Uio rain. Tlwy
larked two oi three ntilto of geltiiitf
the triul coinlbted.
(Juilc u tew pudkitlriunH nre going
ii) tho mad those day, looking for
iv ork iu Crater l4tk park. li'iiiiHer
Went, iii'i'ompnnlcd by libs wife, i-uiiu-up
o Mill Creek hlatlon Friday.
T. iu 1'tHflor hurt been laid up willi
ii hime baek Hum iu-l;, the i(-iilt of u
oiiiig horse pnwing him.
Koloii Kye look hi mothrr, Mr-.
Chuuncey Xe, to the Hiutiun nt
Deiliv Ttioailiiy, where h loot, tin
tmiu for Knsjlu Point and I(oahurg. ,
Tniey Iloolhl)- and Mr. Waddell
bnuiht u load of pipe fiom Di'ibv '
Kutiiiduy. 1'hov lejmrtfil an exeeed
ingiy litis il Hhouur in the ii-iuity of
The fiiimora nr rjoiinin over the
line i ii in we've been liuviujt Inlcly.
Mr. nnd Mrs. (i, V. Kineaid uinl
son Houiiid Hpunt Katnrduy ill llvcr
grusn in unit. Mm. DiUwoith iiIho
KjKiit the nftoi mum there.
Don't fom .Msiiiorinl iln txur-i-iatw
nt .1. 1'. DiUworlh'x rump
Miti. Wullwr mid liwin of lli
power plunt wore l'iing M"rdiu Inu k
viliiH mid orouiu at I't-il"" mi
I'loiiiwo Kofk hiinilay.
liuil I'oyloii Im- it poaition ni tin
MiliiafiuJil ranch ir aevi'ml iimnlii
Ml. Miirlln Iih lM iliut pin it uud
Kline to hi home lit Ui iallu.
W. l Vmiyhii Hindi' u Irp i 1
Wllli'i III -I ti i k I ' ii In j. li i
uhu i Hi "'or Iiiilb,
Meno it. Sander a'i' Maty Itnw
Havmonit C. WnM it Mildred K.
It. IMwar.'s. J. S. Kdvard. W. 8.
IMwanla. Lturta-Atfatla ami Kalo lilt
ditch vs. J on I, TaWat. .1. Oaear Tal
ont. CaarltM P. Tnjrai. oiuontorn or
euutn of A. P. Talsnt. doeaassd. Ao
tlon for moMjr, ttewplalnt fllutl.
Oroaoii luTRatuiat nail Mortgnio
iconiiMiHy vs. Vlcsnt N'lgrn. Action
j for money. Complaint, affidavit and
undertaking nnd attachment ftlad.
Tbe Jackson County Hank ra. Tb
401 Orchard nnd l.aud Co. Action
to recover money. Compfcilnt, affi
davit and undertaking tiled. ,
Wlllldm Crosa vs. Uourgo Flater j
ami Chan. II. Iuue. Anion to ro
eovor nionuy. Complaint fllad.
Iieavtr Portland Caroant Co. vs. W.
S. I'itagaralil et si. Affldaxlt flbul.
J. P. HniiMN vs. A. II. Ilobntn.
Stinimoiw fllad.
Win. Ulrleh is. W. T. Ortova and
Katie M. Griera. Koply fllixl.
Kdna G. llllllnfs vs. Prod $. HIU
lings. Summons.
I!. II. Lamiwrt ra. ,. W. Walker.
W. 11. Kiliuunds fit. Kuora Mlulni
ami .MllUna Co. Siiiiiniohh.
C. II. Stark vs. .Mutual Klro Com
pany. Ratisfaetloa of Jiulsttnoat
Clark Ii. Snunrfara vs. ProspiMtj
Coinitriutloii Co. JudgjnorU
Jainaa A. Pariaaa v. Nolll
NKW YOUKK. M.i J'.. Tin- -I.mV
Ninrkci .ord xtriir. Si.H-i, ioiti!
ywnral nmua na tha day, Uta Milv
punod of whirh wna mnrk4 by wod
erate nt-tn ity. later git lug way In w
uewrd ditlliK".-. I'rieim katltl a lit
tl frimi iba best in tha final rfealiua.
bnt n atulilou aiqirt m MuairAH IV
truti'tiHi ntlxnui-i'd ttutt twk 14.
Aulhortt.iiiM' ailvlrcK rewittrtuis; eoa
ditioiw in th Msal trail war of n
HexatiVH eburaeUT.
Tlit vnMsraliva itraiwl)i and ne
Utltv of today' oarly de.-tlipg war
pounlarigr asar&iail to tha lataat tarn
in the sleAit-nn nuotinlu'a. e1tidfd
with rurlher eU'-ourauiHg erup ad
'ir. tuimdisit Paeifk' wan (be fea
ture with a two point nam, hihI tho
umiuI kudiTH n lualvruil fiu'ho(i.
The only noteworthy ekrvittinu to thi-
. ntii) ttuibiify wiim Nam llawu,
I whi.-h vieblcd ii iMiint.
i !
j With Mrdford trade a Mniford mafia
Parmon. Afflilarlt ami ordar for
L. I. Wbuolar vs. W. A. .lonos. Ha
ply filed.
J. W. Marrltt vs. John IT. Orlfflths.
Soinmoiis filed.
Hold Cnioiy vs. Klwlu Cryoly. Do
fault onterod.
".Norn N'eatliaiiimi-r vs. Clam lloaie
et al. Order c-xtiiidliiK tlmo.
.Midfonl CIlli-itM sIumiIiI itfiiii mill
Kldr.o trouble Is dauHerous aud
often fatal.
Don't experiment with something
sew and untried.
Cm a teeiad kidney remedy.
Ileslu with Dean's Kl.luey I'llls.
CmihI In kidney trouble 60 yoom.
llaeomuiaridiHt hero mid uvuryv
A Modan! cltlMii'a itntotiiont
rend-j formn eonvlnelus; proof.
it's iobkI teatlmoay :t iu be In
K. . vvstlBHted.
A. l'.. J. Porcivnl, Sin Hamilton
Avo.. Medfonl, Ore., says: "I had
aufforod for two years from all thu
pain and il Intro that go with blud
dr and l.ldaey trouble. I'lnallr. I
duclded to sto what Doau'ti Klduuy
Pills would do for the trouble. After
taking two Iioxoh, the klduoy tind
bludder coiuplnlnt loft."
I'rlio 60e, at nil dealers. Don't
iionry j. unimuu va, Hlccirie simply ask for u kldiu roiuoly--gut
Oold Dredging c. Affidavit. Dosn's Kldnoy Pllln-tho nmo tl. it
I Mr Porcivnl bad Foster-Mllburn
With Mudford traip, In liodforl mndu Co. Props., Iluffulo, N. Y
I i
I -Lh i
l rsi't 1 D i
xxk fa , tit
VujF l?aBBaaB '
i iVfeaBUaaHn H j -r-iri "f wtttiT'T n Tjr j'ti xsrf fj"j yen an
l V?21Mffla l!IiniCB!i!f'l.!afC(C
m mmmm ,
i aaa
hjjcwimcomiw mWriUinU4IUM.
aurn a;mitnm:vinm3mi
rVe satisfy thousands of customers every
rar wild our FIRST 'iCAI.lTV inalcrisli,
e Aw.f1iat -& pfuntft .' i'l ' I ''il 1HX. Itfa
i, 8nM'J Vi'ir murtt link II ,uu ; a. I WaMj.
t-JC Omti l'uiul Doota, lacysctil, ia
lllOB U0
Cotiago Vroat Door, r.moy daolyns,
ai rium ... c.aa
r.iiicy i'runt -VinOiwa 3.V0
.. asnlor Bash ,. 10 np
i 11 lit Burn Sacli, U'JtZi la 42
li tlilo 11 out I iiiiutn, k. d. 76
a ,i!i, VlBrto and Uiik at I, lorn.
A rim nsu.rf auu V.J'.cvn oui uuoi liuike.
1 T--
in f.
IN U, i
V s
ri .nil -re.
S Aoi- tut fJiaftlyrf tlv,
It'll n mi I iiii-
Ai' il. in. t i II
III, in ' Mini ! (i
8 ', ;- fcT
i J I ts-e. '
wiiiMitiiiiM iunmn rnaiaKaaMMiiniamiai i.w.a
Correct Styles
At Moderate Prices
far the men who rieetre a good
Mtlina. up-lo-dale anon at a reason
able prlcw that will wear we recem
iuhiiiI two old reliable makes. ihHt
havo bwn enrrlad Ih Ibis atara for
aret-t-llMiMinl & " - ami I ha
J. IC. Tilt shoes.
Tberu la more style, fit and wear
to thee etwee thiut any other shoe
wade far the woaar. The season's
very lulet atMllst In black nnd tan
ahoea and esfofde, and rubber sola
tan osJerda
i ll
If ' 'l
l x w
tttitaii i
lint oinaa ak repairing.
C. M. KIDD & CO.
U1M K'nat .Main SI.
i I f S V
At Persian Market Prices
Mr. (leu. S. KdhIiuIvi in with tirt agniti for this
week jvilh the Iiii'ohL nnd uiouL curufull' awlpctcd
slock iff OMENTAL RUGS over Hhuwii In this oil v.
Si il iSiassfW
l.fmm&h rfflS55
ifi'. Ko.slial).'! is plni'intr. (Ins IiihkIhoiiic hIocIc oh
Hpt'cial Halo willi a di.spntiiit of "!&, ol'l! IVoiii i-qjuhii
)i'iccH (o turn tlicni into cash.
One lot or BEL0U0HISTAN iVom $lfi.(M) lo
.fJ.l.OO; one lot cxlra fii-c IBANfi, ftW.W) (o iri.OO; t
ono lot ol" line JORDAS, MOSKAEADS, FERAG- '
HANS, SARABANDS, IVom $ 10.00 I o i?(ir.J0. .Many
other c''cl(nt weaves, and Ini'p Carpels in Oxlli to
10x1 1, are included in tliiH wile. Now is the oppor- ,
tiinily for , voit 'Mod ford ORIENTAL RUG lovoi'H to
see (liis collection, wlioUieryoii wish fo buy or not.
fcce our reuuirkiilily low prieed liuti with (ho
iniiiBiial (liaeoiiiil; thai' will eualile you In own a rug
ul. pracl'jenlly Pfiiuiaii uiaikel vhIiich.
" X w C, J. J. Vvl
frf-HMl M4b
.i t,,M f . l I