vr', ( t f . - r ' IMGBTWb MEDFOKD MAIL TKIHUNIO. MIODFOIU). OKI-WON. WNDNHSIUY, "MAY 27. 1MI. h C J - n a f' J1 "At- i it In . 6- a ..". I i T i K"- iGUURS MEET A general mealing ot bounl vr Kotrrnort ami faculty or Uk Itoguo ItlterAViilliV 11Mtrir Atmlctuy ht JncU'KonVlflo.vOrefton, lilt is Jiolil nt tho Bilnilnletrnllon btlltdtng or tho ntnilcmy on tho evening of Juno Sth TJivro 1 u cscorl of National J Kinrd Jtrt-VeiifniurarranKPnicnls nro being 'Inndo for a Reed musical l?ro gramme by ono of tlio local bands. , "Were vrllf bo ajllubt lianijiict nf tcrjUio Meeting nt Which man) of the friends 'or tho siow Institution now organting will be present. n cn ttumlnstlc ntfalr Is anticipated as a general Interctl Is being manifested In tlils undertaking. J Thq board of governors consists of tho following gentlemen: Hon. W. ' S. Croweil. H6n. V. h. Ton Velio. Mr. John S. Orth. Col. H. H. Sargent, lion. K. i:. Kelly and Mr. K. V Carter. Tlicro are atlll three ra-' rnueles on the board which will hold I their first meeting on this occasion and elect and Install tho president and other officers and appoint stand lug committees. Better Food and Cooking Makes Better Homevs Says Miss Pcct Jeffrey Thanks Frlemli To Ihc KiHter: Thumpls jour piiier I wish to tlinnk inv fi-ioinl-4 in .Tni'L-mm (until fur tlieir eontrihiilifiiw to tlic lnrjc iri- ninry vote Whieh I received for the office or ntlorncy genera! of Oregon , nt the late election I cannot tluinki Ihem tor nil their rnvtir in the post, hut I nntiirully mid highly appreciate the blurt given me nt my old home JO j cars ago by the voter?, of Jnck .mmi county. A attorncv ?eneral I slinll en deavor to enforce the law co n to' protect the rights of the state and to guarnnteo th6 mme klnl of justice to all men, rcgnnl!r. of nntiounlity or the mciiUH byinhieh they earn (heir liviujj. Very tmlv yours JOHN A JEFFIIKV. Jm $ -Mv ,Jn - yJipN. miTMir4. - n in t iitx immt m-m m mt w s &mt m I mJNtS3im-ki ifr J tIM.H jyyyx - j p jy ft JJF J-, lllv Wl I sfijly ffl I v vSrJH VK. KjF ' L '1 Til r 1 I I Ti -- I - v "VTLfc TKr 'W m - 'v 'jrr L- VCWHW-..-VV J i V i " I : i. v1' .. t- "fc. ... cMbAJI. I i II ItJ AtTt) OU'XKItS A.l MKOKOItl) HIVlllTS C. R. Whltcman has arranged to receive complete telegraphic reports of the Indianapolis S00 mlto auto raco Saturday, May 20. Keporta will bo posted on bulletin board in front of Alco cigar store as tho races progress, which lasts- six hours. tec cream into tho oven and baked a nice brown coat on It, and whet this was cut anu served to her nudleuee, it was fouud tht Inside the Ice has mnno c-IwuIh hIiowIiik tho tela tlvo nluo tit ceil il n food olcmCnts and she o.plalne.l tlienn In a iiinunor ko IntorestliiK iiud intertiiliiliit( that many of hVr giUTta reuinlneit after tho lectiiiv-ileiiioiiHUiitliiii to luvo another look at IIioko ehnrlH and unit ninro huohIIoiih nlmiit them. Alius IVet Is moil generous about nnawor Ing iiiestloiiM. Site uorrr eoiislilers It too pinch trouble tonialu vvur.N thliigfnlly and show Jm t o.Mietly lunv alio I'Voieeda In eery ' pint of Iwr men it. Tills nrternoon Mlw IVet In her Interesting cookery lemon iiropnred tho following illlui: I'roueh Fried Potatoes, Currant Toe Uliiu, I.eiiHUi Tarts, Mncwdolno Salitd, Snlad 'Diesslux. T!io rreurli filed point ow wr nunther domoimtrntlim of the nietli- lod of fr.tiig that Miss I'eOt litis t-imtulit to tho alieiitlnu rff her inudteiiro each day. This Is a Iniokr ess method and Mis I'em hiv It l ro longer iirrptunry to elliiiluntol fried foods rroiu the family bill tit fare hcrnusn tho li does not wnnt her Immaetilnt kitchen smoked up nor the smell of frjlng to pernit'nto tho whole house. Sllie made n enrrant tea rhlg and during this process gave many help ful suggestion about tho use of least an it tlonrs and Other lugred lens. - Mlsi IVet has again and ngnlu during the sessions' of tho Home Kronomlrs School, brought up the matter of tho appearance or foods. Kho ays that women will enjoy rook ing much moro If they make tlwdr j dishes attractive, looking so the fain tly Mrlll tako greater enjoyment In eating them and this .Mls IVet ex plained hai no small effect on tho dhtcsllblllty of the foods. Miss I I'eet made some tomon tarts and explained why Hm made this Instead I of pies hut she said that the process excellent housekeepers and fluo . was the same and tho result was : STOMA LEFT $23,257,000 ESTATE LONDON, Mil) 37. Tho iiuiml properi) lull by Huron rtUHthfunu hind Mount Itiosl, rm mum lilgh mi in- iniMrntipT for Vitnaan, amonntM in $3a,S87,otd. This wa (lhAlos( when probate s nraiimd UlX). The pne taliio of Ihf riit trtlo Kit by (lit Uitatur. who iwi li l.oiidiui iinunvy tl. '. fl (t mud piiUHe. but tho ri that tjt duty imttl aiinMiwteU to t.tMt.tio In4lei thai his sntlr it, nwl ami prfliil. had vnlu vf I7 grertt iiuiceSH by their heaity operation, Hint' Mtss I'eet timU not ho Induced to roiunln nt least to weeks In lodfird. On Tliurfttlnj Ml leel Will iilvo away HOmo ninro lit her flno reelpon nitd solilO initio of her helpful nil vim In regard to hor hoiiHekeepli'lt und ii'iil.liig iiud vlll pitM'tiro tti follow tllR SIlbsllMlltlll dishes: Diond. Ulnnsr UolU. I'laiiked Stgak, AptMo Kriltert. Oue-hair piieknmi liOariinf, V, ran loi'ialims. twhlespoonrula rr'a en, J onions, salt and pttor to laslo, eulprul gmtml eUtoto. I lb. miiiitl steak, H cupful liMHtJeriiHihs. HiwiV iltncm-mit into in eh tsnuths and Tub! It with 1 tnbtMionrtil or I ho rWnni lh plontv nf lmlllnii water and boll 10 tnlnlltea Hum ilr". I'm slerik Hud onions HiTooSli a food ehflDIH'r. I'ut frfait'ironl Into eiJsrwM rtrei'roof dl'h Ibon put In meal and oulaus add cMonloi, finnatiMH. Tunnlehuiib ntul rmrnlnder of rr'it eo melted. ' lUlrti lh tiiirtlermte oven one hour. A.iWt'Titiy T'vo' eitj'ifitN flour. VI wlftil crl fo. I luIil.fiTho'iifuls xitfttr, 14 t.i, it)Hmiirti1 iiiit, 1 opg. 5 Vaspoimful - ,vjm 'Mjlr,.' VOii too if it vanilla ovtrait, 1 Innspoivnriil bakln , . ' ' powder, nlirlrot Jaiji or Jelly, whipped crenin, nviRelb'b, preervod eherrles ' Huh rrjscn Into Hour, add salt. ! sugar. ImKliiK powder, breftk ilHx In 1 ml', 1 tnfv ill with Tiuk. then add' vanllln Itoll out. eut l(fi flitter Usin Cottolen yOU Olfl and lino rrlsro.,1 tartUt tin. ; I follow thoduopftltmothcxl the sound. I.lno with (taper and j - - . ... , put In Mime rlro or peas to lireO pa.to Ot Irying. It S SUpfinOr from riilng ( bake In but oven 20 n GVOrV WflV tO Dfln-frV- Thi loioir ib-Hirtinoni will eutt 1 1 1 . nt . iifiit-. the Unit "it I111-I1, lMiwti Ik tnli n il n'i icnia. tetmmm&A:x&tiM iaaiWhifea themselves and ono other bvtoro very long ant! aro learning how to do It right. Man) women who have a well earned reputation for 'being Tho special session of the Mall Tribune Home Kconomlcs School held last night was the bczt ono yet. AH who had had w an opportunity of hearing and enjoying Miss Pect seemed to have advertised tho delightful time they hive. had, for a largo crowd at tended; the Tuesday night's session. When Miss I'eet announced yesterday j famous Velvet. afternoon that sho would serve St. Mark's hall was again baked Ice cream at the evening meet- 1 this afternoon with every class -of Miss I'eet iIIkciissimI food valuos In clpes thut Mis I'eet Is giving cream was still froren and unmelted It was a most dainty and delicious (cooks, nro attending the school dud 1 more than satisfactory to tho cuett dessert and ono not difficult to pre- (heartily approve of Miss feet and hor tiler mucrdoliie salad was pronounced lm re and Ice cream dressed up In this 1 methods. Club women who lire by some of the satail experts In her way will doubtless bo a part of many deeply Interested In household eco-'nudleneo to b.i ono of the finest feasts In Medford homes hereafter, nomlcs aro also attending tho school. ! things In this lluo they had ever The tco cream used was White's and feel that It Is ono of tho best eaten and this recipe went Into tho 1 things that has come to Medford for! nolo books "which nro being filled illlod in langi time. v " iwith good ridvlco and excellent re-1 lure, alternating with the nitlk; Almost everybody like fried food, and fried food is fried with Cotfolene rlro papers mi papers . , ortnrtl When pastilo aro cold put In onrb ,"fa ",v Jfvv . i.w. one n spoonful of tho Jam or Jell) , it, beCHUSO tP.OrO IS 110 Kill with whipped cream and tlero- J waste. You bimply StlJlin tllO rate with Mierrles and angelica. Suf- CottolcnO und USD It OVcT mill flclent for 30 tarts. over WJtito. Silver Nut Cake One cupful sugar. 4 cupful trhtro, . Wiion fried In Cottoleno, tho focnl I whites of eggs. H tenspoonful va- tnk... r . n Ilfiht, dellcnto brown, tud ullta extract, 2 cupfuls flour, k tea- absorbs very little of tho fnt. Jt spoonful salt. 3 teaspoonftils baking I dninty nnd powder, I cupful chopped -picnns or hpiwwiiik, whi Kngllsh walnut meats. t& eupful won t ovortux lllllk. u, "'Kvnuoiu .. . iK ......... em .... I . 1 renin rrim nun hurio- .im iiij Sctltl for Oltr'i lugri'dlenia and add to crlson mix Krco Koclticv lug, ami that she did this baking without melting the Ico cream, many women thought there was some "catch" In this proposition. They found but last night however that Miss I'eet docs whatever alio claims she can do. Sho actually put the (housewife and cook and many young her practical helpful talk this after-1 women aro taking advantage of this noon nn'd showed 'how 11' little . t Much regret I being fi-lt that ! hero aro hut two moro sessions of ' the Mall Tribune Home Kconomlcs ' School. It Is a matter of much ills nuts nnd vanilla extract, whites to stiff froth and last. Turn Into crUconl and floured rake tin and add Heat egg fold In at opportunity to learn tho best and knowledge along this lino Is very most up-to-date housekeeping moth- valuable to thu woman who desires ods, and some who make no tec rot to furnish her table economically ot tho fact that they are going to be-; nnd at the same time provide nour- gln housekeeping operations forlshlng foods for her family. She, who bavo hiilped to make It uueh njiiiie small toko. appointment to the management of hko Hi moilernU oi.ti 3 the school ns well as to the women "lnuto Sufficient for fcrlltlMj, -fclw Uook, "Home Helps," tclliiigull nbout Cottolvno Cookery. f" FAIRBANKS0""! CMICAOO M ni- vV LpSSSSSp Is NkCJbJJ' t '4j::x:s aaaa&aaaa aa a. :iimsT'T': w - t - -w z: Miail Tribune Home Economic School THE MEATS Used by Miss Peet this week are from our market "We also sell Crisco and Drifted Snow Flour, used during the Economic School. .... "We- have everything the housewife needs in Greceries: and Vegetables. Fruits Warner, Wortman & Gore. OF COURSE I'luj ice Creamed Baked bv -Miss J Vet is Whites Velvet Because domestic scientists demand the best and VELVET is ALWAYS tho BEST The Ladies' Toilet Is more essential today tluin any part id' lu-r costume and should be properly cared fur by an expert. I have made a life study of my business and gtiarantetpeiiect satisfaction. Mme. Dowd Jeffres At New York Par lo linear Postoffiee. GAS thi e oniy FOR EVERY PURPOSE FUEL Gas oven temperatures can be regulated at any point between 300 and IW0 degrees, You can do this with no other fuel, We nmko it easy for yon to have a (las Knnge or Water Heater. 1 Oregon Gas & Electric Company I Ui'lsJiY ,'' 1. ' - T.burfJgyX Musical Program I j t) ,, Furnished by Palmer's Piano Place Harbor df TiO'vc:....'. Fryor's Hand 'JTawa'iia'n Native Song Quintet '(Ju'eeii ot the Movies One Sfep bl(l13lAckToe'; '. Quartet Boniain'e Waltz Vessela's Hand SVhHtirStSfig'f. Peerless Quartet Destiny Waltz Victor Hand GOOD COOKING in a dingy kitchen is bail. In fact, living in a limine with dingy walls aiivwhere is bad. Lei us demonstrate how well and cheaply we can remedy Ibis uvll. ... 1 Waters' Paint and Wall Paper Store We (liveS. & II. (Jreen Trading Stamps UPRIGHT PIANOS AT DOWNRIGHT PRICES! VICTROLAS Demonstrated each day at Coojcing Scl.iool, St. Mark's J lull. ! i. ui.i 1 'A' 1 1 " .)?." ASK MISS PEET QfHAT SHE.THI'NKIJ 6F -wim, . . w r 1 1 SQUIBBS' Hjdecs, Olive Oil, C'rcaiu of Tartar and Hlcarhoiiale of Soda, Our Sqiillib Line iBcoiiiplcle, . Medford Pharmacy NVarll.e PdHloffjee, "r 1 n Tji r aimer riano riace Oarneti(Jor!,v JJldg., 21. S. drape jorraj. You Are a Good Cook AND DESERVE RECREATION AND PLEASURE He as economical in your recreation as you are in your cooking and BUY A FORD CAR C. E. GATES v f y ? ? f ? V ? ? T ? V ? t T t ? ? T T ? ? t ? t f t t t Wpftvta Bulldliu; nmmmmmnintwmBW mm wiw 4r'WW ry ty 4 V ty ty 5 4