Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 27, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
at at
Fair (onlglit iinil TliHroitay
Mux. 7fl( Mln, HI.
Porty-riMitlh Vrr
Dally Nllilh Vi-iir
Mctll.ilws Atlcitil Gnttlcn Party In
Trunin in Honor of Governor
Guicrnl of Cnnniln Laml Ques
tion Srtllcil Hurrla Agrees to
Alililo hy Prourani.
NIAOAHA FAU.S, Onl., Mm.v -.7.
- Tin1 medlaHon body, iiiimimii'iI nt
tln South Ahh'iIiniii hiiviijm mill tin
Aitiiirirnn mill .Mit.xlnuu deli'iintc-,
huh)iimIi Uioir work lir Imlnv In
hIIhiiiI ti gtirdtii pit 1 1 v in Tnionlii in
honor of III Kiivcriior yriicnil of
ChuniIii, In- toal IiImIhh'""! lite DiiKt
ill' ('itiiiimittlit hiuI the Diii'Iii'xh iiimI
IIik I'linmi" I'Hlrelo. Sir John
llllnMin, lienti-muit iivcruor of On
liirio, in in he t ! lut. The media
limi colony prepmed tu ciii here
onrlv mid will return Innl-jlit.
A iht itAitv loft lur Tomiitii fur
JLjl'iV " "'"I diven-ion, lho find
brook fioirnTnioil iToTiltininiw labor,
it hh otiilMit nil wore liiulilv 'Olll
lll'llt III' U MleCO..fu IllltoillllO ft I lit
With la In nil iiitlliui fiitifnc
Inrllv iljiiitfil, Mid mediators mill
delegate, were ouiu'culrntiug Ihclr lit
trillion on h' iVMict iiiiiniirr in winch
it new riiJHiiinn jcovcrimiriil might
Im not ni n Miieoi'Oil I lie present
ionium. TIihI (luncnil lliierlu has
foriimlly iudiontcil hi uilllitjciH'MM In
abide li the program thus for out
lined lion jn mi longer doubled,
Tlin olTurt iimv U In nrrmiKi' fur
ft olimiKo of executive In it dignified
iimnner. Tho mediation roiifiTiiirf
--4-v,vA re UfcKst&uhVTiT.u--i''yiBB "j.
"S-Hg6 - J" ; l""
' ill
NO. 57
Roosevelt Testifies That as fresl
I dent He vt?t Prepared ta Take
War Measures to End Great Strike
in Anthracite Mines in IM2-Cm-sldered
Operators UnreasenaMe.
I.ont H.iyu
thu 1. 1 II KM
LONDON. May 27
nuil .Sdlo, coninillor u(
lioimuliolil nuil a direct ilrncntiilant of
oim of tin? tunt)-fli! Imronn in
Iruntnl ltli Din rnforcmiiviit by
i.. ,.n i IKI'-k J"1''' of li I'rovUlarm of tho
r..iU.nnl .i.f.l,iil. Tlii, nil! Imtr "" "m"; ,!n" 7' ,t,,d"y V'
111' tUMM II) I HIT l'Url 1V uutriii' I .... I
iiltiit lltttlf. Hut ll.o o.-. "" ',K: 7rr S,"",,:?,;?. " ,,r"- imroduro.l totlny l,y Sonn.or Cum.
l' iw.i
WA8IIINC1TON, May 27 Anolliur"
nuit'iiiliiicnt tn thu I'Hiiiium canal act
iropoliiK Unit lilpii oticnpoJ In
tloiuoitlc coiunrro pny toll about olio
linlf ttioBo cliarKvil forclcn ahljii anil
IiroiiotliiK another motlioJ of urbl-,
IratltiK tho cxiiuiitloii illiiito, waul
ii icct'lvliiR I'liii-slili-riitluii U tin- tlrnw.
iiK up "fa IU" uf itiriututio Mi
iomiM fioiu uliti'li it rerlniii iiiiiiiImt
llllvlll III' Nl)llll(l'll 1 1) tllll I'lllll'll
Slnttw mnl nil jHirtii'. I'ltiiciTiicil mi
tlml tlirro wimhl ho no iiii-liuii
mIiimiI iiiinnitiiiii liciiiif Hi'i'onh'il tin'
iuilMiiliinl rhoat'ii llirirfimn. Thl.
Dolot'l IVw, it U iiuili'i-wtiimt, will ho
Niihiiiilttil (o tlin i'ontitiitiniiulili
mnl mi of foil iiImi will ho iiimli' In
ohluiii lho vii'iiiolnl of tho X.iiiiilitu
llOllliri'il nil tint lilmi llrlllih nrmv ir.
flrora ami tilKht dvlllniiH ro,,vlclfil Jm,n"' rol,ub,,cnn-of lown'
KVKUHTT. Wnah., May 27 An
mitiiiniibllo toiiliiluliiK Mtvou tuon
hoiiiiil fiotu Hlhnuu to rivori'tt tn Htu
a I'lrt'tiH nkhlitiul on tho lour; u
liroat'h tn lho Kiurutt nfiiuo brhlKo
iutiii'h tho HiioIioiiiUIi river about
noon toilay mnl foil to lho ninruli)
IiiiiiI III lent boluiv, rapMlnliiK ax It
foil I'our iihiii Vi'io Mlloil, ono
mtIhiihI) hurt mnl two worn uiilu
JiiiuiI. Tho tluiitl:
.1. M. JtihiiHou, llwr) inan, Hllvmia
nvviior of tar; Kllliul liiMautly.
Olo M. I'ruHllliiii. fariuor, IIvIiik
bt'twoiiu Ktmiuouil mnl Noruiau,
hllloil liiHtaully,
OhrlHt ('ImiHoii, hlachunilth, HII
vmin, lillk'.i limtaull).
I.ihiIh l.amoii, fariuhiiuil, Noruuiu,
tahoii out ullvo, hut tlloil at hoMpltal
ronu afU'iwiinl,
of I'oiiKplrary tn offor or awopt Itrllio
In roiiurrtloii llh tho nllotiuoul of
army rnuleou rontrnrln.
I.loutunaiit Colonel V.'liltnkrr. tho
hlKhot In rank of tho prUonor, wan
Hi'iilontPil to kIv inuntliH linprliioii
ini'iii. Ilo ilinilili'il for luorcy ami ho
Haiti ho liml ncti'tl on tho portuianlon
of C'olonol IToniu'H, now I .onl Hnyo
anil Hi'lo. Juittlro DarlliiK. rnfurrliiK
to rii'iiiioa' letter which Whltakvr
tlorlari'it hail Ivil hlui atttray. nalil:
"Tho Itittor hIumvm nail tlocatlt'iico
from tho triulltloiiH of n groat fain
II). I in) volf. If I hfloiiKoil to itiit'h
a family, wouhl nturto rathor than
Kot my IhhiK h' cailKliiK for onlora
for boor."
Plt'iiuoH' lotlor hail nki'il l.loulcn
nut t'olouol Whllakor to nc hid Root)
nlflron In bolialf of a firm of brow-
.lolin rmiHfloltl, Konnrnl maiiai;ci
mnl illroi'tor of l.lplou'tf, l.liulloil,
mnl Arthlbalit Mluto, furiuorly hoatl
of tho inllltar) ilouirtiuout of tho
niiuio firm moio rarh flnotl $-.'00
Tho other military uVfoiulautii
worn bouuil ovor to romo up for
JutlKiuoiit It callml on.
Tho propotal for arbitration would
put itoltloiucnt of tho itlrtputo In tho
hanili of an equal iiiimber of Amerl
emu anil cltlzcnn of any nation pro
tentliK; aRatunt lho oxomptlou mnl
ono other Kiou to bo appointed by ',
tho two natlonii, Tim JiitlKiucnt of j
tho arbitration board mimt receive
tho conciirrenco of nt leant ono cltl-l
xen of tho country nKalust whom It I '
rendered. H 4
WAMIIMiTO.N, .Mii 27.
Orilt'iul e.'i-)iit-lli. M'lil I rum
.MeMeo il mi the "null
din wo I U lliu-rla ts poilili'"
mnl t tut t il i lining' tlehtxt'il
to pennit the dictator lo ah'
tlieule with ttigiiitx.
VKI1A IKIZ. Mix.. May
-". .Inloi U. Sllunan, viee
t'oiiHiil nt Siiltillo, Iiih re
ceiM'tl nrler totlin to leport
to Wiihliluliiu. It i prob
able that Mr. Sillimnn will sail
on board the eollier Jnoii
within, u week.
VKItA ('in., Moxlfo, May 27.
MoxIrmiH iirilvlnit fitim llm tiipllul
todii) lopoit t It it t .liuo .Mm la l.oxuno,
foi'iuer inlnUliir of I'timmiiulnitloiiH,
iiml ijiinrlilo Mohoiio, formoily for
oIkii nilulHlor, hut now Hiippimotl tn
ho huhlliiK tho portfolio of coiiiiiioito
mnl liidimtry, ato iiiIhmIiik.
Home cln Inn lu tho capital kIvo
(iimllt lu milium that lho lu iitlnl
Ihim Imwi boon uliiii. bill lho major
lly uf lho peoplii In Moxlii) Cll lat
um ii (hoy hutu Ian onio luutliii'iiil
UiMl lho huh net of tho luimlllulhiliu
IU In nut) U liiulli'l' of u li"il tllix
mnl hum ilmlilt'tl In ifilio in hulliif
fouiiiiK lho pnililn H'iiidiiii' uf lho
folliiHoi ill ('iiuiir.
HAN dl'KNTIN, Cal , May 27
(leorKO llrowii, a ronvlct Ih tlo.iil to
day, IiiivIiik uiailo a human torch
of hlmttolf lu tho ohnorvntlon cell of
San Quoutlii poultoutlary by potirliiK
oil ovor bin clothluK mid then tourh
Iiik a match to tho Maturated mir
moiitH. Thin wan llrown'H third at
toiujit to commit Miilcldo. Drown
wiim hoivIiik a threo eur term for
United States in Ontifjcr of Running
Into Widespread Industrial Dis
ticss as Result of High Wage
Scnlo and Restrictive Legislation
IIKIINi:, Kvillri'iliiud. Muy 27
Tho HuIuh feiloral iuoiiimoiit tothi)
ilocldeil Unit HulUoilaud hIioiiIiI ho
ropienoutud urricliill) lit tho I'mmiiin
I'uelflo iixiohIoii lit Han l"ruiii'lro,
IIiiiu ii'tiliiilliiH IIm tli'Ulont or I U 1 i
iiimI ID HI. A liualitdl iiulloiiul ni
Villon U lu bo built In lho eipoitliloii
UiimiiiiIh mnl In In bo ilovulod hlefl)
in upon mnl Ik mi ckliibli u'jir-nj)it
niH llm UMlloiml bi'Ulille of Hllei
WASIIINdTON, Muy 27 .lame
j. inn, iintciiKHiiiK "tiio tutiiro nr our
forelKii trade," at tho national for
oIkii Inula couoiitlou hero today, In
timated Ilia United States iiiIkIU bo
In daiiKor of runnliiK Into hiicIi a
ultleiipread liiiluntrlal d 1st reus as
KuKlantl now found Itself "from at
teiiiptlni; to hold murkot nKalnut com
petltora whllo malutaliiliiK a wuro
itcalii that does not penult bur to
moot hue prices and does not offer
to capital an Inducemout to now
noiiU ot development."
"Tho power of tho KukIIhIi tnido
iinlmu becamo practically arbitrary
In tlxliiK wiKe, bourn ami general
workliiK coudltloiiH, llermnuy found
that w.lth a morn advantageous wiiko
Ncale, Mho could go Into tho world'u
markola nt priced which Knuliind
could not moot, lleuco thu oiinr
inotiH xrowth of flurman oxporta.
Home a competition which tho
United State IIhcU cannot moot II.
many linen, and which It could not
meet at all did not natural roKiurces,
ami lu certain linen of manufacture,
tho into of lilithly vklllod labor mid
hlKlily compllcntud machlnon kIvo iih
u tompnrary lulvuutiiKo.
"Hut thut udvautiiKo, liko every
other excnptloniil local condition In
lho world Iriido, luiiiled In ho
I ted mnl dUuppi'Ui."
Ilu plclurvtl tho luduttrlal ilUtrivn
lu Kmilmitl mill nalil It would uncut
Unit rulloiiul conduct in Ik tit nuvu thu
dii) "but lho burden plured by uif
hInii innlili led lettUlutluii mid mi
lii'ionkiir) lukullMli on hiuluotv In (be
I nlliul Hluli'M urn nnnluiliitf IIidIi
nulmul iiffvili lu'iu lw Jiu( mi th
lllblulill Ml llleHl llllllllll llMI WBlJH
HBllV , "lCrt
mm; Nitfl
IB1 "illsgL
3A.tltMb O L'llll.
JVoue, CorvMiii U0V ixi 4u
WASHINGTON, May J7. In-lnie-tioiis
to American Conul I.etehcr nt
Juarez to furnish the htntc depart
ment with additional tufonnntion to
complete the rceonl t-o far as pon-
hible in tho cum- of Oustav Hnucli, tho
Amcriean railroad mcelimiiu arroted
by. the i-oiititutioiuilit nullioritics nt
Juarer, I'ebrunry J8 last, and who
Inter iIiMippenrnl. was the foundation
of u n'port today that tho department
is about to reopen the eae mul also
tho heutou ciise.
The purpoo was e,plninetl today
ns liein' to floo it u by procuring
the few fnimeuU of iufonuution
till available rea riling his ilUnp.
IK'tiruuee from the Juarez prison.
There i- no known intention of
making tiny freh repreeutationi nt
llii tae, although without doubt the
ltaueli cn-e will figure in the final
iiiljn-tinciit ot I'liunit to be preferred
naiiot the Me.xiean goveriimeut
when pence is n"torcil.
llatieli ili-appenretl two day, after
liU iirivol mill friend- who visited tlie
jail with food nml bedding eould (,ret
mi truce of him. II i p'licrtillv Mip
piwed lie vi executed.
NKW VOI1K", Jfny 27. Thcodoro
Kooscvclt, n prcHiticnt, wn-j rendy
I In take measures "criuivnlcnt to no
I ton in time of war," to cud the rcat
r-iiiKu mi ine uiiwiraene mincH tit
i 'J 02. He wm determined to take
fction, even though an effort fcliouM
hn mndc later fo impeach him for il.
Mr. Iloopcvclt o testified in ;riv
injt iitlimouy licre today before a
ivferec in the tniit brought in IDO.'J by
Alexander T. Wale, a lawyer of
Hinxhnmton, X. V nninst John
.Mitchell, the.) preMideut ot tho United
MmeworkcM of America, and inter
transferred to J. I. White, present
head of the miner, for fee lie .il
Ic'ch nrc tire him for the purl lie
took in Relllin;r the Mrike.
Intcmleil to I'm Army
'In Scplerr.brr," Haiti 3fr. Roose
velt, "the rititntiou bepin to am;x
acute. I' ivas n nituation full of
menace to tnc eountrv. I m.ked to
t apicir bcfoir me representatives of
, the opcrMoro nnd of the miners. T
( rej;nriled the nititude of John Mitch
ell, I ben head of the miners, mh reas
onable, r.iri the attitude of lho owr
atom ns tinrcanonable and offen
j After telling of his efforts to Mil
lie the htriko through u comuiiHsion
! of arbitration which Orover Cleve
I land consented-to head, he contin
ueil: "I made up my mind I would have
I to take drastic action unless the op
erators nnd miners got together. I
intended lo kciuI in the United States
nrmyI only wanted to get it in
there, nnd I'd tnkc care of the ipicH
tion. Kept run Secret
"I planned to have General Seliol
field go in and tuko eliurgc with lho
troops and act practically as it re
eeivcr for the mine-:. I told Hie gen
eral it would be couivnlent to notion
taken in lime of wur and that lie
rau-t pay no heed to any other au
thority no heed to n writ from a
judge or anything elne except my
commandi. Ho said lie would do so."
Colonel Iloortcvelt said he kept Win
plun secret, even from the member
of his cabinet. The operator, he
paid, persisted in their uiieuinprom
isiug plan until fiunllv n ciiaugo
eame nnd after many dispute nbout
lite membership of the eouunittee it
wits appointed mid the strike ended.
SKW YOItK, May 27. William
Hoeliefollor Iiiih returned to Tarry-
town from Fairfield, Conn. Through
frlcudi it wan nald today ho limlnu
ho In not phynlcnlly ablo lo testify
before lho Inter-ninto commereo com
iiiUnloiii thut hbt volcii wl not per
mit him to ko on tho ntuiid, mul no
ho roimlilnhi attuniptu to huIu hU
tVlllmoiiy mi minoyuiiiw.
JildKo lieu I). l.luiUey of Duiiver,
wlin iuiiio Imru rett'iitl) In nu Jnliii
I) lloikefuller, Jr. In llm liileie o(
mnl li mnkliiK iimv roiifrout lho iIhIo iiiiIIiIuk but deeper wlmlum mid
Ameiltiiu worliiiiitmuii, with a looi u keener ttuiko of Jimiieu louanl nil
job mul I'liiply tiipiioitid, bin iii,.ro In faitou Unit mint uiitlo lu creulu thu niovuiiU'iit fur roiuotllul iiiemuiiii
no ouiiHi'r mnl iuiiio piniiiuinn irnid nmioiiul pi imperil y tun keep ui l .lo picimil (uilher lrliw In hv
In whiiii Im him) iiiiliirulu Unwu llm front or if mi iuuit ui mmiiiiti jColurmlo iiml iiilimi, luilvy h-
mmluully llm mhuiiluKt'ii Hut out ili-onjer uml utoiioiulo dlilifni ul KouiueiJ Im fvl ifilulu ho imvrw
mIiiwh hnvo yhcii i lo h let nil liuwtt "' UiiuM l nrxiHt!.
HPSOM, Muy 27.-Tho derby, bet
known ot tho Kugllsh clutalc horso
races, was won today by an American
horse, Herman 11. Uuryea'i Durbar
Tho winner's recent form In
Franco had beou considered so poor
that he was regarded hero as a rank
outsider and odds of 25 to 1 were
freely laid uiiuliut him in the club's
last uiKht. Ho had no trouble today
lu dlsposlm; ot a Iiiiko field ot 30
horses, tho largest that has turned
out for thu raru slnco 1SGU. lie won
lu a canter by threo luimtlm from
two other outsiders, llapsburtf and
I'otor the Hermit.
Tho betting Jmt bofore tho start
uf tho race was 20 to I agulnst Dur
bar 11! 33 to 1 ttKHlnst llupulnirif,
and 100 lu 1 uisaltist I'eter llm lUr
mlt. Thu public favorllwi never Hit
lured their supporters at Hy KKi
of llm race. Humid Ink Tatlsnkaw
corner, Durbar 11 Jhwi'M Ih yu lh
I nil and look up (ki runHln, IU
huh) thu ruwwiHil lo lb flNUh, f
lly kUIIInk Hff mevural ttkaJUMMHtf-At
lUu HuJ aa MrUi,
Thu llw Ht Im r wm I mi-u-Uw.
ill mmi. a ttHiw at mn
tuli UlMLM llUUi IMM av