a ,- ' ' 1! y ''''"' '-' if H- LV.'A ' I r w fOTlISTX L' '.t .j ?. . UNITE 10 FIGHT A IXtlEPKNUBNCK, Ore, Mny 20 Vour hundred hop growers met nt Jlio Tftls Theater" Saturday anil alter IlBtonlnB to Addresses and pnpfcrs on tliu Inilustry which Is ono of tho Inm ost In Oregon, affecting the farmers of 13 counties, formed n county or unnlrntlon nnd elected C. A. Mc LnilRhlln chairman. Tho next meet ing will lm held In Aurora, nnd meetings nro Rlatod for nil the Im portant hop cciitors. President A. J. Hay of Portland Mated nt tho outset that tlioy woro as hn organisation not nlllod with tho liquor dealers and were not out to fight iiroliluitlon. but from an economic Itnmlpolnt and sclf-proscr-vatlon woro compelled to fight sub mlltlni; (o n vote of tho people a pro position to destroy any Industry nnd tho business nnd employment of tho people connected therowlth. Xo Oilier Vm Tor Hop In California the grape Industry wad mora Important than tho hop In dustry, nnd It wag argued that there were more profitable! scs for grapes than making wine. Hut there was no olher uo for hops man making beer. Out of a production In the United Stated of Sf.O.cnO bales not over ".OilO hales wero put to other uses, and exports were only C0.000 bales. Statistics for Oregon showed that tho crop for 1013 was IfiS.OOO bales, worth Jfi.000.0uD of which $3,000, 000 was distributed for labor to about r.O.Onu pcoplo. Tho 25,000 acres planted to bops wero worth on . an average $300 ,cr acre, or $", r.00.000 and about as much more In buildings and equipments. A $20, 000 crop cost $7000 for labor and worked ten horses. Tho pruno crop on 37,000 acres amounted to only $1,000,000. whllo the total of all fruit crops In Oregon was 1 10.000 acres, turning off $0,400.000. The hop crop nlono Inst year was worth $0,000,000. Sire of Industry Tho hop crop brings to Independ ence for 24,000 bales marketed here $900,000, of which $4SO,000 Is pale out for labor. $210,000 of this In about three weeks. Tralnloads of poor pcoplo como from Portland to work In tho picking season and earn money enough to clothe and school tho children through the winter. "They would destroy all this Industry by unfair means, and glvo tig noth ing In return." said W. W. Perclval, ono or tho speakers. He showed that hop land was not fruit laud and could not bo used for ordinary farm crops. County Commissioner Pctrlo said tluf destruction of the hop Industry would effect tho lumber Industry and other Industries all over tho United States, Ho cited tho largo nso of cotton twine, burlap, and sulphur. Tho rop growers had worked and paved to got tholr yards and buildings and equipment, and It was not fair to sweep away by a popular vote tho labor and accummulaUoua of years. C.corgo Hall of Halston said Oregon was a progrctwlvo state and could nornfford to strlko a blow nt ono or Its most Important Industries, Prosperity nt IiMin Hov. Dr. Dunamoro or the Flrei Presbyterian church said ho consid ered It a privilege and n duty to bo present and sponk on this occasion. A situation was beforo the people or Oregon that meant moro lo thorn and their prosperity than anything that had over neon made, an Issue. Ho nald ho had boen In tho ministry tor 25 years" and had labored for prohi bition In Michigan, Kansas, Iowa and Oregon. Ho was compelled to dis card tho vlow so narrowly takou that .becunifo tho saloon la evil all that Is ronne'etod with It Ih ovll, and had been "compelled to acknowledge that our latter condition was sometimes worse titan our first. Tho Willam ette valley Is Justly considered tho most dcslrablo pluco In tho world to live Tho hop Industry has been a Bteat fnctor In building up our vnsV . . .i, -i. i, wcaiin aim iniuurim (iruiuinj. . j lina iimiertUml our -.rhonls, our i churches', our homes' and our mor chuufs. ' RUCmF AND WHITE MEET AT MILWAUKEE MU'Ai;KKI3, Wis,, May 20. WIIH Itltclilu of California, thumplon lllitwalt(lil J'liglllwt and Clmrlwy White f ChltHKU, who nro lo iimet h m'Imm round, HO-duclslon boning MMtt at the MIlWHUktHt Hudllorltiiu ,Uwh7i0 VmW IunInM, ur ssld Ut UU Prii PMHdlltoH. Tliey will woUfclH ( u'HwV a( 1 fV iwiiihIs. Th aaWtMu ft fuvurlU) Ih Hi" aaiilMtf, ll OwUlwil lu U alj'W HOP MRS DRY N POUR PERSONS SURVIVE THIRST AND HUNGER AND ELEVEN SUCCUMB IN LIFEBOAT FROM THE WRECKED COLUMBIAN TWC XHUM(HAt IHNNING AT 36A After ,ia t tug cast the starred bodloa of cloxeti of ihelr mates Into the sea four men woro picked up n May 17 by tho Villus stntea revenue cutter Seneca In the m taring boat which was tho last to leave tho steamship Colum bian us she was being shattered by ex plosion and fire at mlilulght of Sun day, Mny a. Two weeks of oxinnure, hungvr nuil thirst had reduced these stirvltors to n pitiable condition of col lape. hoth mental nnd physical. A luircutly they had lost consclousnc-n through l'liyslcnl wiuMitsw, with the InMlct that death who near but tbm tholr Invite would iwt frtd tin- fishe a had tlnw of their cleen tu-Me-- companions. L HOLDS COMMENCEMENT: Tho graduating exercises of the Ashland high school wero hold Fri day at the Chautauqua tabarnacla. The class history was rond by Mar garot Slemnutl nnd Otto Klnm. Tliu presentation of diplomas by Snparln tondont Drlscoc was to one of tho largoat cIjuioh In the history of the itcbool. Tho graduation address was by Irving K. VInlng. Tho follow Inn are tho members of tho class of 1911: Kvorctt Acklin. Mildred Applognto. Onlta Ihtrnard, I.ucllc narber. Ulll.o Itrlggs, H. L. Hurdle, Vodn lliyower, Marguerlta nrownr W. S. Carpontor, Alleo Cro mar, Kcnntth Cummlngs, Dana Frame. Charle Freoman, FrU Oar rctt, Francis Hamlin, Mabel Hanson, Marlon llodgton, Dorothy Lonnnrt Mario Martin. Kenneth MoWHllanis. Harold Merrill, Kathryn Mlllor. Leila Mitchell. Minnie . Owen. l.orottx Owen3, Margaret Patterson, 8. A. Peters, Klmer Scott, Margaret Slo nianlol, Thttlma Throne, llutli Tur ner, Jay AWthrow. Otto Klnm, Km ueth King. WWd Itlnck iwrtmantk Bisil from hNtrniill but i. if a new industry pro po.fil in Lmh' -'untv. ZEROLENE KnepM tha Motor Coo! -r-- . v iw fif . rTfcrr- - - t vr l - w -- ; r- &00 -l r f ru. I.,,,... r y.S-" ixs atssB29'v!''c tA 'JWttMW fit 'V lA1 v T L&erA 1 ,V.t y " vr I . TT- , .. J? " ' , ""' ' iuM'g -" """T " v " ' K J4 -ji W VBSntKOS kajF" ij3R M L fm ' nlllmi I r . . iIBXEI ilwl"!. J ji iJL lioaM isssWaliiiiaiiiliTI IL. -C M t w.rir- :s? OT.nFOTCT MATT, TRTT1FNR , ..I i, i i - i n ii in im mi i. ii i i i n r -:BsssssBBSssHMA2vllsssssssrcT. "SnssssPw ' . flL MbIbsbsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssHSi i"1!?"1 TUC SLNECA FOR SON OF KAiSERt POTSDAM. Germany. May 30. Th ensngomnt of rriuro Oskar, tilth son of tho German Kmpcror and Kniprutd, to Countess Von Ilnsso wits, maid of honor to the Umpreaa. was announced todny. Urtty comment was aroused by the annenncewant of the tiugnganwit. on acconnt of the fact that the nmr rtag will hn tho first Morganttc union which hiw occurred In Hm Hohan-MllsTn family sine :S3'J. In Jnn of that year Prliies Albrecht of Prutnln. brother of the old limperor William and the than King of Prus sia, murritit Cnnnts ltosalh Von Hohnaa. Tho itmpwor's coniont to th Match It said to have hon grautod b oca i is.) of tho lack of nn avsllahlo fTorituin prince nnd to his nvtrslnu to a forulfttn qtarrlain for ills son. NOTICIC. IUgnlflr moating of IttmiRW Chap ter odnosday night. Tlta Worthy matron reqiMistn thai tfmrbe aa many rasnilxTn as imsaihli present aa tnaro Is Important work. Stand tip for Home. Of course you want to, thon smoke Governor Johnnon cigars only. " ' ' - jS JTZrtsr' Vw. . I na. !' SKKAaT'r frij kry 1 "W.wav. VHSteaw JiW WfrfiwareftTOi Cut Your ; Motor Truck Costs Zerolene will cut clown your repair bills and maintenance charges. It will give your trucks greater efficiency greater reliability. These are the reasons why so many big com panies are lubricating their motor truck:, with,. MC EVa" k 7a YTiA MW,t H Cii ijy The Standard Oil for Motor Cars t These concerns are not guessing at it or trying it. They know by experience that when Zerolene is used their trucks are not tied up by some of the many possible breaks or troubles due to faulty, lubrication. t Zerolene is one of the chief factors in en abling them to maintain their trucks in contin uous, reliable service. Ash our nearest agency regarding delivery in built, Standard Of! Company (CtJIforftia) Mt!il7oj(J 'w&aa&SMmmmsmitmiF" MtfWOttn. OR1-UOX. i 1 ti i r r- r --irini n. - J i mini I M PRESBYTERIAN MERGER K -'fl riTV. Mo . "'v Sfi. -V hen tl ? nral A,-mhnr of th Pri)trrl . i? . a4 in iwston kara dorti!.-t to ..'mlt the ,r oiod basis Ot n.'!ni Ixft cn tht hiirci and tl. 1'i.livtl I'rwhjrlarlna !iurch of Norih racr!'44 to a r'firfnd'i-p rote of tho Proabytorloa. fmai eeitlemont of the que.tlon a NMtionod at nt least two jfonrs. T.e ltv. U R. Mr.Nalr or .Nash illlo. Tenn.. nrraoatea lodny n re port wnieh told of tho work of the American Mole Mcltr-.. ncttax In conlnactloii with tho i rally danonl nations. Last ur (liu nort aald. l,70,t5U nibloa were dlstrlbutud tluoiiKh Ih nlim home scone 'os. This waa an Increase of 2S0.222 vol- uinoa ovor tho prlus ar. D0NT TAKE CHANCES HAVE MEDFORD TAHsORS Make jour nn! -it ami il wdl In RIGHT KLEIN for KLOTHES ' TTKSH VY, Al W .i, I'M I. ' n -T iniin ill 4 Iinii' , UP GHALLENBbR .11 ES IE I j UOSPOIlT 'AhamroeK IV ruEland. Mny ai).,- th clmllonner fir tha i A-neilraV '!. Has lHHHchtd horn tie i day atnl h, lotted iy the ronntaaa i of Hha f 'nir Th now dmi'imaer tnos. the watar nn tho stroke in noon. Thera was no httcfi in the uirwintcmeitln ami shu 'ltd down lh way nII as tha Ciunle of Hhnftaahnrv, who had (hin stmilrtr servlea for HhtwroOa ni. ehrlstoned Rlr Taoaias l.lpttufp tAteat champion. Kow or tha hulttlrod rrmt of Wr Thnmas ohiaiana a K'lmpsa of tha yacht ilif htl Ih uhtrh aha hM2 ban Mtiltt n since liar kool W4 laid ' still i "trtlnr Tha nartr eon- Mttml 'rhlrrt of Sir Thomas Lli- tun't ifionttl frlouds, hut l tow inrlilliiK cxportM ware prtWOMt, hII of whom npMAre4l to ha utraatly 1m- i ircid with the hont nnd axpraaat 'ho 0,'lnlou that alio had a boltur rtnnro than any of her nrcilorotsors, ! nlilnnmli the latmioaa of hr Unno.n-1 Iiik woulil. It w:u iHilulod nut, prow) I t (lUilviititii(to, as tho Ainsrlean ' tarhts hno htul a Inuttor tlimi In I n huh to tunp up. I SALE OF FIREARMS rinrinn, m ?i; ,r-i n- or- llnanro agntnat aalo ot ft'uuriir i on renird today. H tin hiv,Iiih only llconaatl dsalara may noil fir arms and Ihn only to parson jli" hnv ;ermlts: slrnod h the rhiff f pollcp. IMt of llvim ihd rni i m tloa It tha ianalty fir ndst!pn ' - doaJara or tha ordlaanca. Kix-int r valance nf "ftnnmn" shoot Inn- n ' kllllnfta led to the action ti tho t touarll at a niaetlnn last nlnlit HUMS IMU'HMll'ICIl lly our met hod. insures Itou.-r r nulls from your eamora. Mall u- your work. TIIU SWUM ST til) l,() i2i WVt .Mniii Slrroj, MiMf..nl. f)ro mir STABLE FULL EQUIPPED LIVERY STABLE AMBULANCE SERVICE 112 KoiithJi'li'iTRiilc IMiont' mo GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK PioiTiclnr. THESE GOODS AI1E MADE 111 Til W"e Iiiivjj cliniiftd our imfiii-, httfnHcr thti .Mission Kiiniiluio Woi'kfl will ho known :is The :' Pacific Fu rniture. and Fixture Factory I Joint! of tin. "Pitcific" Codar ClitiMl. E. O, TROWBRrDGE, ,711, Proprlolor UUouth Holly Modftmtj Oragvn, SHAMROCK IV TAK GOSPOR ON w a ii ys t a Q rii iiiiii if fi iBgQfiagfH aKHflflgBB r mv ColoniaJ Flats Light: Housekeeping H nt l woch or month only. A ipilM. inflni'tl hiiino tor pr.jilo who lllu' I'oiururl mora tit .1 it olo nm-r, and rent well within tho limit ol Hit Ir iiixhotuooha. Smunior ratrs. Korvthlni miuirru nnd it-i dato. a 17 Hcntth Ulvorntdo. I.oolt us up HAVE YOU PLANNED YOUR OUTING? A few TIiihH) UttRuhHiN lluse Feillvaj Stmimrr exatrtting bilt You dutibtlati want to f winwhoit to itiH aaaj tor n whtla from tha stvntly RrlnU. lt u lain joii. K.t'UtIU.VM KAhTt Krftm J .niHsl to Soptmlur SOUt IftW tWOA hip HrhaU will hn sold ff.im U Kiluta n tha hV T. ana way Ihrauah nallfarula nr via PMtland. .,KvrtJ , aqi'INa iiati for rwial. nlawurit or raanUw i tAAtnt Ufa lr thla old so M onttni plaoo. ttm hwt el atttythlns- cauHra. mU taaas, hotels at moderate aaat, tm.uvmook cxii.vn imArttKgt A nw da) around, only a. slnrt ran ttm lartlanU. Muii. tain, romat. rbhlha aires ma or haa-h hi eiMtlvaa Trlnty uud Inflblla rharm. ItORIS KlWTIVAIi. Krum Jonr 8 to IS Pnrtland a III don holiday nltlra, and sup idy intrrtslamnt unique, blttorlral and Hitrreatlni Vwn on land and atr you ranuut afford to miss. KIMIIN'fM AMI) MtH'VIWlX TtHHOIt'lSt Hut t,irlu. Mineral Uprlimn.iMd MnunNln Iteanri for f1h Ihk. Iiuuttiin or "inr rnmi the madrilna Crowtls" arc lo tw foiinl in atiiiudnnoo nt the Hxuthern I'aelflr. ft Irnl lVA' I f (ft it) N P tT I " I00'1'.N "tf.l I J till m tzji Water for Your Country Home No ninttci' liow from tTto city, you can snnitnrv convunlonccH wnter works 8ytemnn uimntiance ol l. ' ,p watt-r, untior strong i.retwiire, tor your li.ttlinxiin, kitchen, Inmulry, lawn, Kardo - anvulu'ro. f!ood l!ro nrotcctlon too. 'fills Bnlcntiltl water if you install tho ' Kewanee System' Tho Kowaneo Tank is located In tho ceVar or L.irieil in tho ground nnil tho water la delivered ly air-pressure. No elevated or attic tank to leak, f nezo, overflow or coIIuimu. Tho tank in mado of BUcl plates nnd will lnt.t altnost indefinitely. Wo build the llnast lino of jHirnplnR inachlmry- tho rosult of ovit ton voara oxiMiimentlni: ami nnicticul oxiforionco. ft tim 1(3t. K I'.im'O tiiimiii nrooiicratf.,! livliuml. ciutolino onuiiK'S. cUo c molorn, of. Kownnvo iSynloniM nro rumplote. Tlioy am asy to I uUill. L'vory il.nt sent imt undor n oliln KUanii'toi. Ovor 10,000 Kownnrc Syttemt In tuccritful VslKnB'JlUr. X operation, iso cn.ir,;t coir, mitt Ivuwuii.tf aaWimsaj..' w H'jfi.M' iiiiiiuiliiii ij)f Laii.JTsa i r v. r aj THE IMPLEMENT DEALERS OP MEDFORD .u E ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. Medford Iron Works R. O. TrowlnidKc, 1'iup. Quuunil h'oundry and iMnrshliiu World PuHr.1H0l;JlowieSftfJL Tioa. Pu. m)i5l$ llnoaSL HMsaaVasl Keep Yoilr Money at Home Wu iwiLco n uwinty ut Door mid Window Ittnixtik and liiililo Mulgli. Aim Doom nnd Wiiulov, i , l',t"'.' ' i I il Itr Wrtwlc Medford Sash and Door Co. 8trtinti ami Muunlnln llnnrls ot i: MtV fHTIXri IKIOKI.IITS: ' .rtioB lia." "Nawuort" and "TIII.V niiioi. Cotinlv lluarhea" are luat off the v full of lltnaty suiKesllous aa lo Mhi' an 4 how yon ran host spend your 1. ,iu i t- - fttio f,r the aklna i' 'it H- n i til tsiil r ll on our iwar" I I l Ml M S . (.iiiotnl l'i('iigrr Kent lnl lUll, OroUnll. t?jfiBRifiSii i-tp"jjifw f .i i K.i rar j v ivnn u?sii?(wi!a m 3rf v tj f'xft vxl m sm '- yiji- tfABPtV far von llvo lmvo nil tho of the bent city uuiinly service nssurei of .Water Supply nir onKinuonncvvrvicv. aK iur ciuiioj,'. Kewanee Valcr Supply Co. For Sale By HUBBARD BROS. MAi&&fiS(LiL IvvJ KEEP THE MONEY AT HOME Vor GALVANIZED TANKS Oil. AND WATlStt nnd I.IUUUATIN'Ci IM.IMiJ Go to J. A. SMITH 128 N. arapo St. 'J'rlt'iilioJin QOO A