Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 26, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    TW . Jlf PPIL1FV ,
.Mawir.-t KiiiiMii ,)f u.(fi.rit,
III., In Imrii vlHltliiK lnr frli.nil, Mm
A. (I. Htmwihl of K,,Bi ,0,H Hlr(M),
Mm, . ,M Putnam tl Tiiomlny In
vlult hiir him In Hun l'iiinrli.
.lohn TiiIi.ih of HiiIkiii h ii lute ar
ilvnl In .Mntroril.
Mr. mill Mth H I' llnrimhurK nhiiiI
Monday aftt'rnuoii in MiMlfonl,
Atomic lllnlllir iirimiHln ..f i.... i
blnrldt.iif, Hum mid milphur. hurry
rrnli'n iiml hnxt'H, for mi lit at lowimi
price hy ho ('it-oHtriillvn I'mll
(' Amxii'lallon. Mi'dfnid ami
('Mini I'olnl.
Mr A 13. Itfit mich 1 -t mi immI Tun,
lit) from a (on in)'n visit with I'oit.
I it ft it miIiiIUkn.
Hubert 'IVIfi-r. with tin (.'lark &
ll.'iinry Co., ami hi wf nrilvcil
friini Ktici'iin Mnmtay for a xliiirt
'bdt In Mmlfnrd.
Clmrlcn IV Viiiiiuj ha tunm o
I'liugla rnunty to hunt hear.
J I'. Hull ami II. 0. Kim; mo In
Noil hum California mi a IhihIiicim
Try a "Hplu" rar, fin rluar
on innrkol.
Mr. tlreiiuan of O.tlilaml, Cal .
piismul tliiniiKli .Mrdfiird Mnmtio
mi'iiliiit In IiIh private rar.
Itr. Murker ami I". II. Turner "I
Oolil IIIH were .Mfilfonl vlsllnr Mini
ilny. Panama, all nliupi'ii, all lte, mm
upcclal lot an low an 18. III. Ahri'ii
Children' ronlH, Mre 2 to I',1
year um-fourth otf. Alirim.
A. C. Iluwlelt, llm liuril of Kiigle
Point, tmni'iiiti'il liiialni'HH In Moil
font Monday.
Trannplniiteii inm.iln plant, 70
cent pur Ititiulri'il, spnclal pilcou
totit Mil) ami over. Kge. pepper ami
rwi potato plant now rend).
Pntllnml Avenue (ln'eiihuue, .Med
fonl IMmno K7-II. Cf.
I,' Calhotiii, n fnil I 'trimer of
Phnnul. prccllui mado a trip to Med
fonl Momlny.
Waller Chapman, road upervlnr
of Antlorh ilUtrlri, drove. In Medford
8.1II11, t In driver nf Sunrise l.nur
tlny Mi'ilforil, linn miinu wood for ile
on ground at Coleman crciik, fL'.Ku
per cord, 1 1. aft per llcr. 7U
Many aprnprlatn rnmmi'licciue'it
KlItN, kill Klnve, "Mk Klovim, ullk
hum', handkerchief, hulr urituiiinnl,
In. Ahri'im
John H. Ilrnwn ami Jo Stover of
Kane' rrcuk were In Mudford Mou
ilny. A "King Hpltx" rl;ar In hoinii made.
Try one, lie. &!
K. It. Hall ami llenrgo Andrew
passed evernl lioum In Mini font
All tailored anil, lucludlm silk
ami Mnlnt ult at ilrnnllc ri'diirtloiiH
IT. to Till per t-ont l. Ahimm.
MUh Null Colllim of JnrkKonilllo
wan In Mi'ilforil Moiulny on hur way
In Hold lllll to vlult her kInIit, Mr.
Clyilo Hhaw.
Ak oiir Kroror or nnlRlilior nhoiit
hn ponnnnt wrnppml hrvail ninilo at
tin) NiMvtown Imkory. C3
Mt'iilamcn It. i:. (loliton, 1'. C
Knillli, NN". H. I'lnnny ami T. J. Kimi
imy of Jarknonvlllo vUltiM Mi'ilforil
frli'inlK Moiulny aftcriiuoii.
Money to loan on Improved ranch
property. Cork In Taylor. "I
.loo WIUoii of Talent ilUtrlrt him
lienn Hpemllim novornl ilaya In Meil
Itoyal llnkery kooiIh at DoVooi.
Dm hi IlimenherK of Hear creek or
rhnnl U vInIHiik IiIh Moil fonl frhmilH.
Weitley Coffeen him relnrneil from
ii Hliurt vlult nt HUhoii, Cnl.
Milk anil criium tit l)oVon'.
V. II. Norcroim ami M. Mamhull of
Colli ml Point r In Moilfonl, Iran
imrtlnK IiiihIiiohk.
If )on urn IntoreMml In rnrluty,
ilon'l mlK iieeliin "Our Mnluiil (llrl,"
tonlKhl at tho It Thenter. Amlrow
Cnnu'Kle lllnnnl for tho flrnt ttnio In
inovh'H. llli: rrwwil lt nlKht to
hear tho mitt' n ''""' ''rl"'" "I ,l10
piano. AiIiiiIhhIoii Up. r,r'
A. Wehlner of Talent drove to MU
fonl thU mornliiK.
Nelllo Carponler of DoiihIiih
roiinfV la uuikliiK MiUnl frlemln a
Manila, rliorolnlo iiml WIiIIo'b npo
rial loo cruain for Hnmlny. Phono
U, Carlton ami .1, R. Pemllelon
wiAViir from Tahlo Hock Iho flml
nf dm week,
tjniillty he cream nml Qnallly lml
ler Ih our mollo. Muilfonl Creamery,
W l. Chatipell.
Mm. C I. ""Vi w,1 MnH m'"n "'
Hun ml Heart hoipltal for hoiiio tlmo,
hiu recovered Hiifflclently to ho r
moved to lier home.
. W llnrilwnrii Co., aro
dally mlilliiK l ""'' w" I'fHorleil
Block and r Mdll.iK at Hnw Prl"
. '',t"
Weeks & McGowan Co.
Udy AMNt
A, K. Orr l7H.i
Mini Plcltul Ih HiiffurliiK from a
felon on hiu rlxht hand,
Mr anil Mr. William WuInnui' aro
maliliiK AhIiIiiiiiI a vlult
.1. II, (lay of Colli i al Point wiih In
Medford Imlay, vIhIHiik roliillvcH,
JumcK I-'. Davlen of Tinll niailn a
trip to Medrord Monday.
Porter J. Nnff Iiiim returned from
a piofeioilomil trip In. Portland
Mr, ami Mrn, N J. (larrelt am) II
I,, (Itemtry ami hiu family of Die
Ctlcky dUtrlct tarried xeverul lioum
In Mi'ilforil Mnmlny,
Carkln ft Taylor, lawyorn (John
II. Carkln, (lliinii 0. Taylor), Han
liliiH-lloyilun HIiIk., Main utrcol.
Kriiuk InneM of llarron wan a InmU
iiimh vlNllnr In the city Momlii) after
I'red T. Lew In and hiu family of
llroadnionr itpenl .Mummy In Med
Joxeph tlrlffln of AnIiIiiiiiI win. In
Meilford Monday. He leave for
llrltUh Coltimhla In a few iI.ivn to
look nrtur hU minimi liili'ienin
CeorKii II. I'IUkIIiIioii of Portland
Ih iiiakliiK thin wille) a IiiihIiich"
Doim )our hlue Keren uliliie? Orii'N
H I. a Mar can (ako llm worxf hIiIiid
out. Don't throw It away, Jtut phone
fiSM-lt, and hunt II taken out (limr
atiteed. VW, Went Main.
J. M llader ami Arthur Uono of
Phoenix put lml, motored in Med
ford Monday.
W. I.'. Tliompnoii ami Pert D.irlliiK
of Cold lllll neie of llm iiiaiiy ulio
came o Medford Momlnv
Hcrreii doom at Medford I. lit. Co.
Kodak flnliililiitt, i;lonry or dull llu
lull at J. (). OerkliiK'H Muillo, V.'S K
Main HI. Plume .V.'O.J.
Mm. A. A. PI) no Iiiim tiien at Cold
lllll, IhIIIiik her huhiiud.
H. T Knmlry of IIokuo Ither ami
A H. Huhhanl of Alitniid. kuiiio war
iImiin, went In Mi'dford Momlay. on
official limluem.
IVrttmntt.'r l.'l I'ltlch of .inili
noiivllle haii relumed from attend
limn at the i:rnnil lodi'.e of the I. t).
( I' ill McMlnnvllle.
Mr ami Mm C Cviiiimin and their
dailKliter, who have heen KUeilN of
Mr. nml Mm. HintiHon, Jr., left for
their home In Mlunenotu Moiulny.
It. K. Odeti of Wlnier ni In Med
ford Momlay, rlrrulatlni: n pelltlnu
for llm pardon of Vlrcll Odcu, who
na coin Irted of rape at a rerviil
term of circuit court ami teuteuroil
to three yearn' llilprlmiiiineiil In the
Nlnle iH'iiltentlary.
('all Mitchell for lawn mower troii
Mi'. Phone :il.
PetltluliN are heluii circulated call
lur. lor a nm'('I:i election at Ah
laud June ii, at which the proposition
to l.ond that city for fl 75,000 for
ptpliiK mineral water ami elvctliiK
three cominliiAlnnerN to lake chaw
of that elilerprlne will he voted on.
J (). Corkliic. the licit nil arouml
photographer In coiilliern Oregon.
Alwaya rellahle. Necatlvcn mitilu anv
where, tlmo or place. Studio i'iS
Miilu HI. Phono 3J0-J.
Mr. and Mm, (I. N. Andermn and
A Andemon of Anhlnml were leceut
vlnltom In .Medford.
Van (lllhert ami hiu ruin went to
KonehurK Monday, nrcnmpauyliiK hiu
mother anil Mm. Paukey, who hac
heen vUltliiK them.
J. H Harnett and Al Paukey of
Centra Point trnimaited tiUMliiond In
Medford Momlay.
ChnrlcH Del, In left for Wnrrvti,
Ohio, hnvhiK heen called Ihlether hy
Iho Herloun lllnemi of hit father.
I'rfHh llmo. Medford Mir. Co.
I,. Ourdello of Urovllln, Cal., who
had I mi' n apendliiK Duvcral monthu In
Jackkou county, looking for a dredger
propoiiltlon, ntilpped hack IiIm machin
ery Momlay, llu ny that Uiohc own
llIK drednliiK Kroiiml offered him no
encouriiKeiiieut, Ih'hIiIom advauiim:
their prlie heyoml tho IioiiiuIh of
I). I), (lood, deputy Mierlff of Anil
laud, wn In Medford Momlny after
noon, on hi way to Jarktiouiillo with
a hoy named Harney, who Ih chnrfiud
with larceny of money.
A larue crop of fruit of every do
Horlptlon will he withered on (Iriffiu
creek thin mumou, front havlim done
very llttlo. If any iImimko there. The
mime report cornea from the foolhlllH
dlHtrlctH itenornlly.
(leorRe I'nrrlH, a pioneer Hloekiunn
of the Klamath country In vlxlthm
frlemlH and rolatlveu In thin city for
ii few dayM.
The Juvenile clnli of thin clt
chartered tho H. P. niolor Monday
nlKlit u ml vlnlled the Kleven
O'clock DanrlUK rluh of AhIiIiiiiiI.
Hlxty-flvo coupleH made the trip, and
repot t a hlRhly enjoyahle time. At
torney (Iiih Nowhury made u npooeh.
A luimiuut wiih nerved. The AhIiIiiiiiI
cluh will repay the vlnlt noon,
OrchardlHtH lirgnii tho work thin
mornliiK of proparltiK for n new out
hreak of hllKht, It IniliiB feared that
the warm weathor after the rain
would hrltiK out Iho pent. Thlunlnn
a proitroHN lii the orcliardH, and
,. call hiu hceii limiii'il for Ihluuem.
Them Ih ,nr npproach to a ulioit-
UK" In lii'll' (,no '""" wl1" ,lt' '"'
lire nay lum iitouil In I lie Nhmlo at the
Coiuiiuirclul cluh for lo weel.H, rout
plululiiK of liuril llnien. fluifooliully
i of lined In ho In orl Mil nwniliiK
when u Job wumiffeie'l. l or
ilnreil lo pull bin fielubl
Mm Juno Mminoii of (linn I'm
In iMlInu filiii'l uml H'ImMW'h lu
Ibli fllx (or fo i
BTi Til
i -
i i
fu 'ii ,
lie - ' !
r, Ll,jriiiii of thv IlitHLiyn I tilerol I.etJ team, wtio re-
I. i . IU, 11 llll WIIJ W
: ,.i. h. t-i ii 'id .1 I.uik'ik, Ii.ih t;aluvu a firm hum u "rain ivt.o
.hi. lln'ii C'.h l ela!l linurinhii.elit at new WiiHliliiKtuii Park Slli'il
a lv la.
1 1 Ik r.i-lmi l.i ISiimiM)ii iiiyiiler Nliotie
leHKtie ilii.rlip. uml III ureat wnrl. Iiih
hIi.i Iih lull., wnl III llialde Hfnrkliign
rt imtTrrrry-itiaT tlw PiHlpniHiitiMtnn
Natl' nil l.i mill team, iihl.h Cl.uil
1'l.itL.utli dUlrKL
Allnriie) W. II. Plilpi In hl mill
UKalmil the city to prevent Hie ell
fnneuietit nf llm aHoeiMOiienta for
ewer dlktrict No. IX, I) lug on North
Itlv entitle avenue ban filed n motion
axkltiK that hbi rUhtg he held
iihe)aiire until either he or llm clt)
rcilli-tn a hearlliK of the court. Ac
rordlUK to City Atlorue) McCahu thbi
nieaiiH t lint the null will probably
draK Kh way throtiuh the loiiit for
moulliN. with neither nlde tiikpiu a
definite Ktand.
W. K Hwlnc, W. K. iHnacs. and
other inercliantii wure called to Jack
minvltle thla morului; to tippeur nt
wlluefim lu frintery cnei Itefore tho
circuit court.
II. T. Link of Uuch U nlteudlni; to
hunlucM luntlem In the city today.
Mr. Mnk came fiom Iowa, the Kreat
et rorn nml hog raUliiK Rtato 'n the
I'nlon, about a year ntjo, and hayn If
Oregon farmem would work half an
hard iih Iowa urani;em they would
lake flmt prlren lu theiu two linen.
The Lain Aid of the Chrlntlnn
church will meet Wedncmlay nTter
noon nt the home of Mow Klrkpntrlck.
All aro uracil to attend.
Seeley Hall, K. D. Wiwton. the
photocrnpher. nml Homer Uotbermel
leave We:lneday for Crntor Lake lu
n Hupmoblle. In no effort to make an
early run to the Inko. nud to curJ
photoH of the faiuoiiH neenlc wonder
for use In eonht paper. If the trip
In Hurccwnful It will be tho earllot
riin h) auto to the lake.
A. I Steunctt, of the Mall Trl
huue, wa called to Aililand tltU nf
terunou by a phone munnnKii ttnllnr.
that bis mother wan nenr to death,
Jolinson-Oates Wctltlinn
At liiiili noon, Snmluy, .May -I.
lllll, ut Ibcir own ioiilcnce, nt llu
corner of .liickfon nml lbiHletl
Htieel-r, tliiw cily. n very ipviel uml
piclty vveililiiij: oceui red lu tbe mar
riune of Dr. .lulinn 1'. iIoIimmiu nml
Mihs Kuliille OatiN llov. V. T. Von
Sen of Aflilnnil jironnuneinu llie
oi ils wliieli miiile Ibem hii'-biiml nml
wile. The bes'ovvnl of llu lin: by
the Kiooin wiif. u pint of the cere
mony. lu tbe richly lininheil puilor ami
iimler Die mellow li-jlit of mi ebetnc
chandelier I lie briilul pair iiiiiile a
beaulil'ul pielure, the bride beminu'
u houiiiel of lielicnte pink euimitiom
ami no liihlefiilly pnvuril in u tlre-s
of ebiuuiciise uml llUllovv lace vvuisl,
nml Ibe nioinu neatly ilrecil in (lit
couvculioniil blnek. Tim br'tle wiih
mImi niloriu'il with ii ilninty nml eoi-t-ly
neck ieiuliinl of nobl enibellUbcil
with mi elk's loolh uml u ilinmoml.
No iiiiiiiiiiiici'iiii'IiIh of thin vvctl
illui;, The only imliviiluulK piihcnl
vvvio j I". Hoy Ihivi, Ibe eireuit court
repol-ier, lilt wife uml lillle Hon,
Kilcy, in wliiiKit'lioiim tbe biiile liu.
liveii for Ibe im Ibice yenm, nml
Mm. .luliit II. Mf(juill.iii. nil of Ab
Intnl. Pnllouini; (lie ci'ivmouy nml eoii-t-rnlulnlioii'i,
i iiiiinI boiililioim iieil
il hk iliimcr of kiibxliiiilinl vlnmU uml
nun ilelleueiim won kivi'iI in llu'
hiiii'ioiiM iliuinu loom. To Mm. Me
liiilhiii unit Mm. Dutin bi'loiiH' Ibe
cl iilil nf Mum will iri.iiiii'il ilniiii'i.
.Ml it llm I iMt .iiiiip I'ki'i'llnil ii
mm iiiniit wiu iiiiulii'il b) Ibe
I,.. 11 irnill lliu ' lurki, ilium-
with iill the hrllllaii' y of a real tl
iuiimiI many u chu Lie iiuhiiik Ihone
nf Utnelmll Unit lUletieil to the uft
nwilif noiHipK-lon n the HrooUljii
II. 1'bLxts U bo-UiL' oiur lu the
The groom N a milive nf Kentucky.
He ll. eiliimilcil III Hie t'llli'Hisn lllli
vi'tv.ty, lcceiviiu.' iimhi nulimliou
(lie A. II. nml I). I. ileyreex. Later
I he cumpti'.i'il the. iniilien coume in
the lown Male uulveixily uml re
iiuiveixilv uml
reived the Al. "I), ibgree. lie eiiuie
In (IrcKnii four ,Vtar net., uml for
tun venm Iiiik prm-timl nicilicine in
I .hlninl, hein one of our innit
j hkillfnl nml piiiiil!ir lln
ill) twIahliflKil a hmie in .Mcilfonl,
he now lii-c'inn Ibe nmetiee nf hi
pntl'i iiiii here. '
Tin bride i u Imiive nf Wi-'cnn-iii,
She wns cilncnlml lor the imfe-i.iiiii
or leuebiii'.' ut (hi) Plntleville Hlate
N'ormul ebool ami tmiKlit muuc hi
her native nlnto before eoimii-; to
Orettnn. She ban Innlit three veam
in Ibe Wot filinol nf Ahhlaml, bav
in); chnrtic nf the fourth guttle. She
eiiilenietl bemelf In the children, wi
Inveil by her n-xniiln'e Icurlur ami
wilt, honored by tluvboanl m direct
um for Imr liiilbful work. Ah hi
evidence nf the lnv(iif the children
for her hh iieeiu-il iiinuv little nre--eiiU
ur -nuveiiirs fjoin them, when
they loimittl that ojW(liuir relations
In her n. their iemtbur woubl be dev
eretl. Tins Wet ki'IiiniI .or)H of tcaeli
eis jfiive 1m- huiiiq hhnwer partic
niiil priM iiicil In her a nm-t beauti
ful pielure which now' mlorns the
parlor nf the new home bv being
plaecil above the minitcl piece. The
liiiliiK of these iiisoeiiilc tcielnis
have iileo been busy in making very
ninny thiiiR-, bulb useVul ami orna
mental, for the hinle-V new home
Aluiiy presents frmn other frieml
vvere ulnn in evidence.
The wctbl.-tl pair will not no on a
lour, but will i-it Crater Lake Intel
in the slimmer. Their innev liicmN
wii for them iiubniimletl success
uml happimss. They will he in Imme
lifter June 1. corner nf Jackson nml
Hiu licit htrccts, tb:4 city.
Greatest of M
Tim rmivt woniUrful tltlnir Ii iho world.
I luvo i'X)rrnsel In tlui liclplfii.1 liifniit.
And iiiiionir tlio.-o
nltU ami comforts ;or
exiKHJiant motlifpt Is
tlia well known
"Mother, rrlciut."
Tltla l.i nn external
npplU-allon to t'!o
the aUioailual niua
rtc4 to lacomo inuru
pliant, tu expand
Ijturtxlly w Ithout
undto luln fiv:i tlm
ntraln uiwn ecinU and lliainu'nlf.
Alipllct aa d.r lul upo:i thoso inu.ncloi
Invotvinl It H(K'h. i tao lino lutvvorlc uf
nerves with wlilch r.:t tha r nte'ei tiro
ru;iiII(s1. Thui a Krivit vh.iro of tho pi ;a
ro nuoli itren fd i ay avuMct a 'I fiu
Sur!iAl ut i .' ctanc y imxio.1 1 1 rar fort.
Tlicro H no !: 'tlSJi ha wli.t bik-Ii
lellff las rt t-m '.cl Intluiiioo t.wi Cto
.ir-'tuivil ltri.:ii if l.o laoih.r.
jt ii imiu ihhik ih iijr man nuic;i iir.
fvl.lireruj-tiui I' I ' I'll to h)uxvi mi I
fuilivni. It i ' i I jvv tu u.i- iliiitu r'n
lrli'iul" in IImv i r.vol.l c-u'.iht I ."cum.
It lu lsn pr.u-ii hi oi r I Nti .-..ry
far over U 1 and U ).av i f.iv r
i.Uy la n.iut diui;ilil4 evprywl.vre (M
i ImiIII lo-ilay nut wi'ta for I m'i Ij
Hruiini'lil Iti-auUI'.r Co., SfJ 1 o 1 I .
AtUnlu, 111. 1 Nuni u u'v If
iu llwt y.4 r.l Jtwthcr'rt I'rhmd."
Export Oortitre
;w Korlli hnivtt,
l'Jionu m M
VAN'COIVKII, It (, Mnv 2(1
Oiilbiixni ii ml mill lylilinir In oppon
ent in lliirleeu ron I ami bolilloc
lux own in tun, Trunk Itnrrienii nt
Vfiiifiim-r ili-e'tthelv ilefinl'il Itiiil
Amlcrxon of Viuii'ouvcr, WhdIi., in u
M-hciItilei fiflecn-rouml coiiIcmI ut
(lie KtevHiMiii iirenn (Awl nixlil.
Amlenxm hy Iiih ihfont no lonfecr
ii i'linmiioni)iii pow-ihilily nml mi Un
hIiouhi;; it ih douhtlill wIl'itJiiT lie
linn ever lakcii nfirioiinly im n etuili n
lcr to tin- elprwi'fli title, while
Hnrriuiii imprPHxcil the eril with
hi'- xpluiiliil work, iiltlmnsli lie, loo,
Inekcil the (imlitli'H ul' n t tie hmiI
rant. A 'lib moo'- ritfbt fve wiim rloicil
ami Iih lii, put In! uJuu be left 'lie
riii;;. Barn mii iww not murkcil.
HnrT) Iloiiiiin wan fnuml Kullty
hy a jury lu tlm rlrculr cniirt thin
afternoon on a rliniKo nf forjeery, af
ter an hour'n 'iellbotatlaii. Hous
fiiin. who liux relailvi in thin county,
l nllcKed to have pamed forced
eherka on local inerchantB Inst I'eh
ruiiry. HU defeuie wan that J am ok
Murray, under Indictment, but un
apprehended performed tho criminal
work and that he wax a victim nf
cliciiiimtaiici-H. Local luercJiantu w;h'
rallied the checka testified that
IIouiHUin Introduced Murray.
ThU afternoon a Jury In hcarlnK
tho cane of the ntnto v. Uike.
charged with htcalliiK a bos nt Hank
HiihpoennH are beliiK Umiod for tho
cat-o of the Htato v. Walter ZclRlcr.
charged with larceny.
In addition to pleuty of freia U
and proper dlot, thOM surtertnu from
or who are predisposed to Tuberculo
sis are recommended to use Eckmau
Alterative to stop night r$j oanUJi
Xever and hasten recovery. This medi
cine, by reason of lu successful use dur
1ur Uio cast, warrauta the f uUest lnves
tlcaUon possible by every "'
Eckman'i AlteraUve is most elllca
clous lu brouchial catarrh and severe
throat and luuc atKctions, and In up
building the system. It contains no
nareoUcs, nor harmful or haMtform
lntt dniKS. Accept no substitutes. Sold
by lc.tilnB drugW Write to tho
Eckman Laboratory. Philadelphia, P
for booUet tclllnit of recoveries.
Oi. Surprise Dox Free!
COLLECT 12 ends
from six pack
ages of "Supreme"
baked crackers or
cukes, and it your
dealer cannot supply
you with a aurprUa ln of
Vuprrmr" UkcJ IJlntU
(Ulailriltd U low), mll them
dlr:t lo u ami il III b wnt
at od by parcel loxt, abso
lutely tm.
r. r. HARADONA aoN
licit located and uioit popubr
hotel In tbe Cityi rlrcubliiifi Ice
water In every room.
Eipcclal attention to bulla
travelling alone.
l-'ai-cllrnt, icaioiubly priced Bb
Meet your (litiuli at ibe Mans.
M . Ul. U.I.. II Kill...
l,ulu(lan ihh iiii ,.- t
Munaumnt, ChuUr W, KUy
f ST. ss--;iTAHR'aL.l
YOUR Privilege
of mnklng a choke will
eventually catiKo you to
You'll like Its good
flunlltlcH, the purity of
Km Ingredient, nml
you'll appreciate I tit rea
sonable price.
B 1 . 4 A 1 ft 1 LIm
TiV lllll '.fi
CltKSCKNT MFO CO , Soattlo, Wnsb. I
dKr it rito.M vorit rntoccu j
2.1c er lb.
Tin: cii:.iii ov ijt'Ai.iTV j
Our complete equipment operated
nt low expense enables ua to furnish
the fluent grade of cream nt n
M)vi:ii I'liirrc
Wo flland back of our Ire C'roam
ami Creamery Mutter.
Medford Creamery
I'll X. Itlverilile W. I. Cbappell
ling and Carpet Cleaning
and Weaving
Phono iVW-R
Graduation Pumps
"The College GiiT
Jl'ST AltltlVKII
All patent leather, ribbon tlo and
hair to match.
At tho Sign of
Gooo Snots"
Any Size Cake You Want
For Quick Deliveries
rbniio 51
H. Weinhard's Ice Depot
Fording the "Tnivorsnl recreation.
The eeonoinieal Ford is tho pleasuro
ear of thousands tho world over. It
has mado tho motor ear servant of
all tho people. It has given to tho
masses the freedom of the great out-of-doors.
i&DG U tho prlco or tbu Ford runabout; tin
touring cur Is 9045 f. o. b, Medford, compUta
with oijulpmuiit. Oct catalog and particulars
Alt Right in the Morning!
When you hnvo latno back,
or suffer from neuralgic,
rheumatic or other nlmllnr
pains, n Reed rub with
brlni? early relief. This In n
hlKhly meritorious romody,
thoroiiKhly dupendoblo In re
lieving the many common
ailment. Kndorsml and
recommended hy tho Amnrl
can DniK anil Pmsh Afinocla
tlon. Should ho kept In
every homo. Threo licit
For naio b
Kxcluslve Agency
Recently rcraodoled and enlarged,
added new camera and apparatus
and It now strictly tip-to-date In
every way.
CommerlcAl Work nf aU Klaik
Including copying and enlarging: of
picture, legal document, etc Dro
mldo enlarElnc, any size, am! kodak
finishing of every kind.
Professional and amatuor photo
graphic supplies.
U, M. Harmon .Visoclatod WKIi Mo.
Shop ovor 11 Tbeater. Phnna 147-J
when you want It Is thn way
wo deliver Ice. Wo don't de
liver any old kind of Ico, how.
ever. Wo handto only the sort
that is safo to uso. The Ice
mado from distilled water froo
from germs or dirt. Ico that
you can put right In with tho
drink or on the food with per
fect safety. Want somo to
morrow? WHDPOHO, OMK,