Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 26, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Medford mail Tribune
Th Drmocrntlo Times, The Mtdford
Mall. Ths Medford Tribune. Thn South
cm Oreeonlnn, The Ashland Tribune
Offlcn Mull Tribune llulldlnc, 2S.S7-2I
North Fir street: telephone ?i.
Official Taper of the City at Medford.
Official Taper of Jacknon. County.
Entered a aecond-claaa matter at
Medford, Oregon, under the act of
March 3, 1MI.
One year, by mall , tS-00
On month, by mail .... .60
ler month, delivered by carrier In
Medford. Jacksonville and Cen
tral lolnl
Rjktunlav onlv. hv mall, ner Yrar 2.00
Weekly, per year - , .,,...,.. 1.80
Pull leased Wlro Asvnrlntwl Prc.
- -. ---.-.-
With Medford Stop-Oter
The roimncncrmcnt exercise oC
the senior class of the Medio nl high
school for 1014 will he held nt the
Phrc theater Friday evening, May -0,
nt 8 o'clock. The class is composed
of thirty-nine members ten boys and
twenty-nine -iris four lcs than
Inst year. About 7." er cent have
deelnred their intention of entering
the educational institutions of thu
Mate next yenr for college work.
The class roll was completed by
the high school fncultv Mondav eve
ning a few of the graduate bcinc
in doubt, until the result of finnl cx
nminntions were known. At n mcet
injr of the faculty and n committee,
of the class, Miss Willie W. Howard
was chosen valedictorian. The salu
tation will be delivered by Oetirt;
The personnel of the class is as
follews: 'The MUms Grace Irene
llrmvn, Marie ICntherine UowelN,
Kuthlcen Hlack, Mildred Itliton,
Helen Mario Uo-s, Helen A. Pur
ticker, Kdith Lucille Chidestcr, Ocn
evicve' Apiew Ilonii, Claire Million
Zimmerman, M. Lornino Luwton,
Ilulli Theresa Nye, Elizabeth E.
Stewart, Eunice Dorothy Davis, Ma
bel Loviua Evorhurd, Elsie It. Cole,
Mary T. Hanley, Fern 11. Daily,
Muytnc F. Clark, Jean 1). Anderson,
Frances Iconise York, Ituthetta Fu
nis, Vera Mne Olmstcnd, Carolyn
Louise Andrews, Marion Elizabeth
Itanium, Ellha Marie dates, Willie
Weir Howard, Stella Ittith Stewart, I.
Mnrpierilc Ca'rley nnd Frances Dav
idson. Herbert J. llcrriuni, Itnlph Kujjene
Pierce, Lyle H. Wnlthers, William
llernnrd Itoberis, Clell H. McCreedie,
James O. Stewart, Donald It. Xew
bury, Clifford Oleott Hut field, Geo.
Antes and Leo It. Williams.
The Program
Tlio graduating program is ns fol
lows :
March, by orehe.-tru.
Welcome address, George Gates.
Vocal solo, "Summer" (Chtimin
nde), Miss Helen A. I'urucker.
Class address, "The Priceless
Jewel," hv ev. E. O. Eldridjre, of
the Mcthndi-,1 Episcopal church.
Closing address, Mis Willio Weir
Octette, "Winter Soup," Mesr-.
Pliipp", Bnlcom, Vance, Gates, Lind-
ley, Alford, Vawter, Puruckcr mid
Presentation of diplomas Super
iiitendeiit U. S. Collins,
Ucnediction, Iter. Conrad Wilkcr.
The class motto is n Greek plirane
resembling in English letters, "X E
A," the class colors, gray and cold,
jtiitl the class iloucr, Gold of Ophir
Tlio diplomas nro belli,' signed to
day by the (school honid nnd mem
bers of the faculty.- Several social
occasions in honor of tho clash will
bujield during the week.
In 'Iteinenilnuiiro of llfsslu Turpln
llcsslo thou wnst mild nnd lovely,
(leiitlo us the Btiinmor breeze;
Pleasant an tlio ulr of ovenlng,
As It floats among tho trees.
PJeacoful bo thy silent slumber,
Peaceful In' tho gruvo no low;
Thou no inoro will Join our niimbor,
Thou no inoro our songs shall Know
Ddarost Heinle thou bust left us,
Hero our loss wo deeply fee);
Hut It's (lod'u will that bnth bereft us,
Ho cuu nil our sorrows heal,
Yt wkhIh wti liojio jo meet Ilico
When tli tM of llfulsfled
TbvH In IIdmvch with Joy to itfl
I hero,
tyhtf h rwH lr nr s)md
s-WAITIH I'l'liJ'N.
NY.1STBLE goviu'innont," which has so long doinin-
ated city, state and even national government, is being
thoroughly exposed by the probe of the wreck of the New
Haven railroad. A story, shameful and scandalous, has
been related by former .President Mellen, the story of a
breach of trust by the avaricious multi-millionaire kings
of finance, the betrayal and ruin of thousands of New Mug-
land investors in the successful eflort ol adding still more wasiiinotox, mv an.Tho
millions to the unwieldy hordes of the barons of Wall 'national capital' awaited today tho
Street, I coming or Theodore Housdvolt. 1 1 In
Sineq the late .7. V. Morgan secured control of the Xewi1"1"1 ,vl wn.b.nmon incc ho
iraven,itsstory is one of conscienceless betrayal of tho " - VT" ' "
stockholdoi-s. The lavonte method was the purchase atjwt lu political ami lioutific cireioa.
low figures of numerous properties, railroads, trolleys and) Principal intercut m tho vuit or
steamor lines, and unloading them upon the New Haven at, r,,rl,l,r President K.oeveit antirod
enorinouslv iiifhited and entindv unjustifialilc valuations.!1" M "inrt '",for,,1 It,,,1 N,l,l"",,,
... . i, V i i pi Oeographlc society and In tho roufer-
To carry out this program of loot, it was I omul ncccs-i 1lfp h0 vvart ,0 hlA.0 wllh ,)r0Br,1M8lV0
sary 10 corrupt councils, legislatures aim oiuciais im
special legislation, to bribe the press, to subsidize college
professors and business men, to divide the spoils with poli
ticians, to reduce the railroad officials to mere automatons
and boards of directors to dummies, carrying out blindly
and without question tho edicts of Morgan.
The Westchester railroad, ouly twenty-six miles in
length, was unloaded on the New Haven for $:r,000.000,
and Tannnanv chiefs were bribed in the deal for the fran
chise with "duo bills" for $1,200,000, redeemed by Mellen
later. Over a thousand newspapers were on the payroll.
$300,000 was loaned to the owner of the Boston Herald for
its support, and the Boston Republic, owned bv the mavor
of Boston, was financed. In 15)12, $100,000 of New Haven
money was given to the republican campaign fund.
The New Haven deals have tainted with corruption all
New England and left a once prosperous, dividend-paying
property a mere wreck, burdened with numerous money
losing branches. Its history is more or less tho history of
many railroads, and the exposures, the loss of public con
fidence in the so-called captains of industry, who have
betrayed their investors, accounts in no small degree 'rjCAl
the present financial stringency and business unrest. ntnL
(.'ailed by any other high-sounding title you please, the
New Haven transaction is nothing more nor less than rob
bery upon a million dollar scale a huge burglary tar woi-si
than those that fill our prisons', because without the motive
of necessity; a betrayal of trust more heinous than tiny of
those committed by the wearers ot convict stripes be
cause the victims number hundreds of thousands, and
avarice was the sole motive; an act of moral turpitude far
greater than those our pulpits thunder against because tt
entailed the corruption of the government and of the peo
ple themselves.
. Tho sums the swindlers stole will be charged up against
the property and the people be asked to pay rates based
upon the fraudulent investment The people are not only
corrupted and swindled, but must pay interest on the
money they were swindled out of, and which was paid out
for their corruption.
Such railroad financiering can have but one logical out
come government ownership and operation of railroads.
Any other solution is but a premium upon robbery.
leaders lu culture To dollxcr hi
lecture Is tho primary object ot
Colonel Itoosovelt'a Mult and Hclmt
lists awaited with ureal liitiret tho
story of his recent odorallo'i lu
South Auiorlrni Willi ocpially ns
much Interest politician of all par
tie awaited tho outcome of tl:i con
ference of party leader hi which Urn
former president will participate.
It wns expected by progressive
leaders Hint at this ronferonco n plan
or action may lo developed for tho
forthcoming cougrelotml campaign.
Former Present ltooevelt .wnK
expected to arrive here nt 3:-0 p. in.
today and remain until midnight.
This would glvo him u May of a Utile
less than nine hours, but they prom
ised to lie full of eu-ltcnienl and
streiiuouslty AutoiiK other place to
ho visited Jy Colonel UooMelt Is
tho white liotiso to pa hi respects to
President Wilson
THE Presbyterians at their gen
dently having a fine time pli
for the rest of hunianitv.
general conference are evi-
iiil' a miserable time
They are waving the specter of
Kum, ltonmnism and Rebellion with one hand while Mut
tering the banner of puritanism and prohibition with the
The desire to turn back the hands of the clock to the
snuffling hypocricy of Oliver Cromwell's time is very
strong. If people won't be good, they must be made good
by law, even if it is necessary to calf out the militia tt la
Governor West, to do it.
The general assembly believes that Saturday should be
made a half holiday in order to prepare for the Sabbath
observance. Games and sport of all kinds should be for
bidden upon a Sunday, particularly the wicked game of
baseball. Excursions, picnics and fishing trips must be
cut out. The Sunday newspaper, creature of Satan as it is,
must be suppressed. Schools should not begin until Mon
day noon, so pupils will not have to study Sunday. There
is certainly a goody-good time coining.
But not content to return to puritanism, the assembly
has barkened back to the "no popery" of the days of tlie
last of the Stuarts, and have passed the follewing:
Tho general assembly vlows with tcrloug concern tho growth and pols
ono.i activity of that powerful polltlco-rellglous organization known as tho
Church of Home, which is and nlwas ha been a inenaco or a blluht to
civil and religious liberty of every kind wherever It hag obtained a foothold,
that It views with serious concern the dangerous apathy pervading all
daises of Protestants In this country regarding this menace.
So much for the enlightened spirit of religious tolera
tion in this year of our Lord 10M !
NI3W YOHK, May 2C J. P. Mor
gan laut nigh i characterized as untrue
tho testimony of Charles S. Mellen,
former head of tho New York, Now
Haven & Hartford railroad, before
Ihu Interstate commcreo commission
lu Washington lunt week, that J.
Plerpont Morgan concealed from Mr,
Mellen fuels regarding tho XuW Hav
en road which Mr. Mellon should
Jiuvo known,
Mr. Morgan offered to produco bo
fore any proper tribunal at any time
the records of J, P. Morgan & com
pany and tho pcnonul records oi lili
Taking full rcspomlhlllty upon
himiicir for thu thuiiKo lu tho roud'tf
presidency by which Mr. Mellen r
tinned, Mr, Morgun said It was uih
true thut his father In uuy netue took
from Mr Mullen tho iiiaiiapiuuiit
itl ihu rend or any part of lis affalri
Me4rdlHf Hih Kb0rj'llfl of (he
(Uwlou k Wulwd by (ku Xuw JUVcn,
Mr. Morgan said his father deemed It
advlsablu for tho public benoflt, slnre
It was recognized by airier as well as
by tho late Mr, Morgan himself, thut
changing economic conditions threat
ened tlio commercial position of New
Strayed mid Found A Inrge hnol,
prol)ii'..y the lurgext in the city, with
red top, ornamented with yellow let
ters, mysleiioiisly walked into the
Mail Tribune office Tuesday morning
mid awaits owner, who can have suiiie
by proving piopcrty by wearing the
aforesaid boot, mid paying for this
The showit.g of the real Mexican
wnr pielimw nt the Star InM night
tiacked both performances. Thco
pictures nro u mrt of the sH'eiiil
late Pathe Wccklt, which will be n
feature every Monday ui'il Tuendiiy
nt thin theater. .Manager lluikhatt
has signed u contrite! with Pathe
Preres eoinpany fur it weekly, not
over ten days old, for eueh Monday
and Tue-tlay. The war petures
xhowii are very good nnd giie y a
glimptc of what (lie Mtiintion in Mex
ico really .Is. 7hev will ie on the
program toiiiulil for the Iif-t time.
The other numbers on the bill in
clude the "llni Howl," it popular
photoplay in tun reels, adapted from
ill' novel of l.oui-i .licph Vance, and
nn e.xlrn good Vitngruph comedy
showing Joh'i lluiiny ami Mora Pinch
at their best. The complete program
will be hhovwi tonight for the latt
Multnomah eouitl eontuiiw I't per
cent of the eiiliio lniiuhrr oT nuto
mobile regiteied in lite suite, of Or
egon. o and including April '',. On
that dale Ihcre Wre 32.000 automo
biles regilwfi nl tlio sivrclnvv of
late'-t oflie in Miltm, mid Mullno
malt couiily h"ed Wi5tl of Ihi
number. I'm Hand being the h(ict
city in the xlule of Oregon, of coure,
hits it gtcttt deal lo do with III show
iug of till county. ( . ,
Marion couut.v. in which Snliui i
Infilled, shows the Nceoiid large!
number of automobile-, having SS2.
Juehsou coiiulv miiks tliiul with (177.
1'iaatilla uoled for it famous round
no held tit IVlallnlon eaelt Villi', i
next on the bt, .'ll tegt it ration.
'The follow Hit; li-t of aillolao'llle
me rcgi-lc-e.l in tin different conn
tie; too, JVJ, Ciirrv. -. Wotii'hf, 2 III,
llaiuev. II; .liickoii, Ili7- .lo-epli-ine,
l.VJ. Kliiini'th. 2lr, Lake. ,s..
If your Back ii aching or Bladder
boUien, drink bti of water
and eat leu meat.
To the Public.
Memorial Day falling nn Saturday
this eiir, nil stores will remain upon
bnth day mid evening for tho nccnin
liiodntliiii t town and country pa
trons, Respectfully,
Ily K.Mll. C. (lADDIH. ,
Pliolnphi) TiicMluy inul Wednesday
S. A. Two Iteel Detective Story
1-ViilurliiK I'ritnces X. lltishman
p.vniu wuuki.v no. 1:11
tiii: vision in Tin: window
Comedy, No. I of Wood Ho Wedil
Coming I'rblay
.Dvi:.wrui:s op katiii.v.v no. n
Coining Soon
tiii: piatius op'i:
Wirn your klilncyi hurt and your b-trk
fttU tore, don't gat rurnl nml iirticrrJ
tn load your utoinacli with a lot til ilrug
Hint ricllo tho kMm- nnd IrtlUlo tlia
rtitlre tttlnary tract. Kit p your khlnis
rlran Ilka you kn-p jour NiwrU rhntn,
by ltiuhlng tliciit with a ntlM, hartnlrM
salts lilcli rrmorrs tlio l-xlj'n urinous
waite nnd illmuUtr tlirnt to tlirlr nor
mal activity. Ulm function of the kid.
nryt It to filter tho blood. In '.' hours
they strain from It Got) grain of ncid
and wiulc, so ua cm readily tiudrsUtid
the vital ImjvorUncn of Lcvplng tho kid
Devs active.
Drlak lots ot walrr you can't drink
too much 1 also crt from snv nharnuclit
about four ounce of Jad fialtst tako !
a tublmiKXinfiil in a class of watrr
Icforo breakfast each morning for a few
days and your kblnry will act lino.
This famous salts Is mada from the
acid of grapes nnd lemon Julco, combined
with Mills, and has been used for genura
tions to clean and stimulate clogged kid
neys t alto to ncutrallto tho acids in
urina so it no longer Is a sourca of Irri
tation, thus ending bladJcr weakness,
Jad Baits is Inexpensive; cannot In
lure; make a drtlk'litful elfervrseeut
lltlila-Mratir drink which everyone slioukl
take now and then to keep their kid
neys clean and active. Try this, alto
keep up the water drinking, and no
doubt you will wonder what become, of
your kidney trouble- and baclacha.
Finally Restored To Health
By Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
Bellcvuc. Ohio. "I was In n terrible
tato before I took Lydla E. Pinkham'i comfort, or If joii Imvo lieailatlieH,
Vo got a bio Com- r ureu nurvt, come nern nun iinv'
pound. My back 0,,r V1' nclentltlcnlly rufrncted lo
acheUuntll I thought "Vu " '"" "" ' " ... '"'"" .
It would break Iliad KlansoH are needed, nothing olim will
'V?n. o.iiKlvo more than Inn.pontry relief. If
If you do not roe clearly nnd with
iH) y 1
1 ...i .,"'. they are not needed I will tell
" j ' . x? " 1 frankly,
periodic troubles. 1 .
was very weak and rl IfPlI?I)T
run down nnd was Ul. IVlljIVIIylV 1
losing hopo of ever Hi; KNOWS HOW
being wall and
strong. After tak
ing Lydla E. Pink-
John A. Perl
Lady lulitsut
W H, HMl'UMrr,
I'isOMNt M, 47 ftUfJ 47JI
ham's VcgeUtblo Compound I Improved
rapidly and today am a well woman.
cannot tell you how happy I foci and I
cannot say too much for your Compound,
Would not bo without It in Uio house if
it cost three times the amount," Mrs
Chas. CilM'UMi, R. F. D. No. 7, Iicllc
vue, Ohio.
Womnn'H Precious Gift.
Tho ono whMi sho should most real
oualy guard, Is her 'health, but it Is
the ono most often neglected, until
some ailment i-ecullur to her sex has
fastened Itself upon her. When so ut-
fectcd such women may rely upon Lydla
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a
remedy thut hiuj been wonderfully sue
cessful In restoring health to sulfering
If you linvo tlio Hllglitcut doubt
thut ta'illu i:, IMiikliaurH Vcgetn
bluC'oiiipouiiil will help you, wrl to
(conll(K:iitlal;I,ynii,IlusH.,ror nil
vice. Your hitter will bo opencil,
ri'itil nml niihvvertMl by a wiinmii,
Mini held in ntrlut coiilldeiicc,
Hulto 1-1!, Over Deuel's
:il)H II. .Main St. .Meilfoid
rl. & II, (Ireeu Trading HtampH
ii.mii.s wn-r oitow
and whllo liny nro growing you
should have thoni photographed
enough, to knp u record of euch In
teresting slui'e of tholr childhood,
You will prize tho rnllecllnn of buby's
pictures mure utid morn us Ihn years
go by, Muku mi appointment toduy
for u nit (lug
Poi dull p)ioog'uphi'f
UUU Wcl AImIm HI. MmJford, Om'.I W Wunlli,
Dry Cleaning Department
I -'or Kleaiu ami Dry Cleaning und
All Kinds of D)() Work
Cleaned Rpougud
and and
Pressed Crossed
Kult ?li2fi up r.Uciip
Coat , ,7f up STic up
Hklrt HO up 25c i
Overcoat., 1.0,0 up 00n up
Waist .;o up uric up
Dress , ,7f up fiOc up
(lloves, Idd 10
(lloves, long '0
Cleaned Hpougod
und uud
I'rossed Crossed
Hull Ufi r.0n
Cout ,, .GO Via
Vest . ,U 100
Trousnrs r0 ilfio
ovarium i.oo too
Jlulncoul . ,1h
Cent's Hull J'rotsvl Wiwkly. 11.00
Wbal Ii llicaMail Or Any Other
.Menl Without (lood
Wo De-he to Call Hilnl Attention
lo Our I'iiiiioiim lliutiil of
Thero U Nono llettcr, Itim IVir
Itipial-. Tiy It nml Seo If Wo Am
Now Coiict l
Second Door Pa it of I'lmt Nnllouid
Hank. Phono .VJ
War War War
Si'i AiiitM'ii'iiu In Mips Iniidiu at Vitji
Spc Mt'.Vii'an prisniici a I work uuilor
supervision of II. S. sailors.
Set American aeroplane on scouting
lei p.
See llie cITetLs of V. S. Iioiiilianlinnnl.
Seo llio greal war fleel in harbor.
Soil llie ramoiis steamer Vpiranga.
Seo tint I'igliiiiig in the streets and mun
I'alliu he foie the camera.
A great Uunn.v Comcily, entitled,
Bunnys Scheme
The Brass Bowl
Two-lvcel lOdi.son
Summer Sale of
Choice of any Hat in the house,
$l.lf. Nice ones from f)S to .
Shapes, Ribbons, Flowers, Etc.,
At Bottom Prlcos
1101 West 9th Street
Commencement Day
AVill soon he hero and you are
no doubt wondering what, to give
your friends for a present. Thero
is nothing niece, moeo nppcopci
ale oe acceptable Hum Jowolry,
Silvorwiiro or Watohos, Wc have
n choice selection of ovce,ything
in IIicnc Hiich nnd nslc (hut you
look Ihcin over before, buying.
Martin J. Reddy