v fMDwwflr "i?w" rrnon HlsUfrnl fluffed 207 Seconi! Street jgfEl Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair tonight nnl AVcilHrsiUy .Mn. (15 1 Mln 40. Kiitty.fiuirlli Yrnr. Dully Mint It Yi'iir MEDFORD. OltlfflON, Tt'KNDAV, MAY 20, I9M. NO. 50 HAN DELEGATES TO MEDIATION CONGRESS AT NIAGARA REFUSE TO SIGN AGREEMENT W y SUDDEN HITCH IN PEACE PLANS ON LAND ISSUE Si.itriiirnl Dlitntcl nml About to tic Sliic! Wl:cn Mcxlcnn Representa tlvrs Cliiiinjo Thrlr Minds Debate Upon Siili(c( Kept Secret Visit Toionlo Tomoriow. NIAOAIIA FALLS, Out.. Mm- '.Ml. 'I'll wlllll lilt Slllllll'lllv VCI'ICll lllll'C unite. Wh u nil M'i'iiii'il going utl mill every iMin wn optimistic nml tin ,Mi'Ii)iii ilili'(tl, ImliKxIiit: the.v llHll H'MI'IimI till UCflllll Willi III)' iniii1iNH. were iitmiit lo iuo ii I'ntinHl rlll'l'llll lit I'M'laiialotV I tlicir mmIimi ihi the ImiiiI ipii'tinii mill rt uniting llinl it wh ctciirlv iuiHM.nililr for llii'iti (n j(ie giiiirnu - ll'WI Hw tMe-HntillV-llfa 1CW mill wiiuMi'ljin nml rfcofjincd Kovcriiliiciil, then cntm a Midden halt. Tlic Mcikan di'liwitle had llnir tcnn(trplile wink fiundn-il, tlifir lui'liurHili ii'iiiI.n in print the ilnru inimt, hihI then thi'v Mopped. Thev hiilil llu'v hit il concluded to iuc mi' priiiiiiiii'imiitHint. ii woiiki in- unlit I' 1 10 1, III!') Nllill. Tltcii, when .ir inn', miiiiiil ul this hinlilcii step, wus speculating mi llir, rmiKiiii lor it anil llu tin- wiih Hlli'il with rumors, probable mill nli surdlv imiirolmhle, tin' Aiucticmi del cgulc dashed up in tin'lr mitimioliili'M. There wiih a huriii'tl mounting tln Hnlii'itM In tin1 room of tin' medial w, tlw ilmir of llii niytli' chuinbcr wiih slummed mut n prolonged nml cainuM "cnnsorvntlnn" wm entered mi. "It was obvious Unit tlirrc iiiut lio niii iiimv definite iimiiiiiicc re specting tin' In tnl iptcstion In nii'i'l llii dpclaml purpo-o of I'li'-iilcnt W'll'on. I'icclscly Imw' Il was to In1 winked nut iii Imw it roiilil lio work 'I nut Mil lint nlloycthcr I'li'iir, lint lltlli' ilmilil wm fi'll liv those par ticipating t If. t it would In' worked mil. After the riMlfclcilcc hclwccu tin' mediators ii,i 1 the Aiiunii'iiii ilelc pill's .Iii-IIihj l.nmnr dictated I lio following hIiiIi'iiiciiI : "We 1 1 MM' begun til llini'1144 till) ti'iiii mnt details nf u pliiu of paci tlnnllnii tin ii ijiiiuher of thi'iii mi find tnircls in Hiili-tmitinl ngieo mi nl. Oilier mi' Hill iimli'i' ili-cim-cioii. unit ii" In llirm there liti liri'ii tin ilingicc'iiiiit, Wi' have mi np I'uitiluu'iit In ( In Tiiiniilii lomor. IOW." JAP WARSHIP nnnMnrUii i in II ON ItOAltD I'. 8. S. CAI.II'OU NIAi Mn '-'" (MH win-leu In Sun Dii'Un, .Mny 'J(I). The .lupmiexe iiliiUet' lillliuo, which Inw lu'eu lit mieliur In .Miiyiitlun liinhnr iliuiiiK tint .nilllleie itiicl lietween llin two Mn.iciiii in mien, itcpiuli'il tmluy for Miiii.niiillo. liei'iitiMt nf the evpeeleil in 1 1 nl nf u Jiipnni'Hi' ini'ieliiiiitiiiiiii lit llin Nuiilhein unit Mny -!. 1Olll hllH lllliM'il I'miil Tl'pil' tlllll 'riienilnre .Iniit'K. un Aiiit'iicim, who luiil lu'eu held In piimui Iheie hv th) iVileiuU nn the pcifiineloiy ehuiKO nf minder, Iiiih liecn teleiiHeil hj ol der nf (leiiei'iil lliieluii, r.videuen nf hlroii" eniistiliiliuiinl ihl H.viiiuilliy niiiuiiK the eitixeiiN nf .Miixittlmi U w hIiuwii, OffieeiK nf Ihu Aiiieiienii fleet, while indium tuilu., weie Hluppeit in the Htreet hy lexieiuiH, who heeil Unit the Aiiier ienn lintiielieri lie nlluweil tu Ininspoil them tu the euiisllliiliuiinlirtt lines. They heeiued iliniippuinleit when It wmh exphiilieil tu Iheiu Hint the IiiIcm nl Htiiel neiitinlilv which tu o w, likened piovi'iiteil Huh net. M. A. WiiUli, who wiih Injiiretl Hut tinlny iiviuiIiik In n ciilimme on the rluntliern 1'iiclfla In riipltlly lertner- lllK. WuUll WIIN IIITUIIIlllll)lllK two iiiih of Iiokh to I'lirtliiiul. Iiiiuleil by (Iny Connor, Mini hint Jiml nuleieil llin I'liliuuiic. when tint eliKlne itnipled on Tim Jur tlimw thu tele pliuiui iHPillit'l llin iiiniilh nml lh di'M( mjiilimt liii UiCMiti E IVIMI1Z.MI1ILLU WIDOW OF FORMER SUE POSED FOR tlmBm :5l I I l bbbbbbf 9)r IWI THOMAS ShflJfmllL PRESTOS 7JyW J mUl s t" .B-BfiA tIa JA vv hh 'J jVMk"'.! .'"Iff IJ; IH Mr. Thomaii I'rcjton, Jr, fonm-rly Mm. firmer (.'lowlnml, recently made n flltii; trip from Kujcltiml to nllcmJ to not n I'UxIneiii nffnlrn on tier estate at I'rlnreton, N J. Her liusKiinl, I'rofewor I'restnn, of l'rliierton, t eiiKnj;cil to urctiiroloplcil ami rrfearrli vork lu Knclaiul, Tliu abora (iliotoRrapti wj tuken upon arrlrlnc tn America, BARTON RANTED A NEW TRIAL BY HAI.K.M. Ore, Ma 2(1. lUcnimu (lie iroeeutor coimiieiiteil upm uvl ilenro which t lio court hint ordered excluded, unit lieeiumo the court ro fiincd lo kIu' limtriitlouii nuliod for by Ihu defoniie, (he OroKmi mipremo roiirl todny. reversed thu elrrult eniirt nf Coon euiiiity tu t lio (imo of JetiKo H, ll.irlou, eniixirted of mi im Hiuilt upon MIhs Mmliu' Yokiini. llnrtau reprenented C'ooh county in thu hoiuo of ropreuutiitlveri Itiiit Icr litlntlvo nennlon. Mlm Yokiiin at tlio time thu nlloKed offeiue whs com milled, wiu oiupIoeil ns n clerk hy mi nliHtritrt cuiupniiy of I'ouulllo, OreKou, with wlik-h llurtou wan con nected, Prior to thu Indictment of llnrton, n petition hIkiuhI hy 170 cltlxctiti of C'uitittlo, ituplorliiK nuiral conditions In Unit town mid ciiIIIiik ntteiitlou to Iltirtoii'rt (line, wiu uddroHsed to thu pruKeeutor nml the Krmiil Jury. Thu supiojitu court huld that Hits tihowed HtruiiK renttiueiit eNlnted iiKitliitft llnr ton, mid tliat tlio court Hhuiilil have Khon liiBtrnctloiiB to tlio jury ml IiioiiIhIiIiik It that It luiiMt nut bo Kulded b Heiittuicni tu arriving nt a verdict. SUPREME ZAPATA AGENT VISITS WASHINGTON WAHIUNtlTON', May 20. An iiKont of Ceiieinl Kiiilllmio Zapata nml the Juiitn In clinrKO of thu Znpntii inoNoinont lu Contra! mid Soutliorn Mexico Ib hero mid nt thu miKuestloii of Secrulnry llryiiu Iiiih Inld boforo President WIIhoii mid the titiito do piirtmeiit Information Intended tu controvert Mtatemeatu Hint .npntn U merely n biiudlt mid that IiIh follow or uru R hordo of freo-buotorti. Tlio nKont Hiibinlttml tu Mr. Itrjan a Mntemeiit of thu Ideals, prncrnm nml iiIiiii of eiiimuilKii of upntn mi t hlri follnweiH, thu HlieiiKth of lilt forced mid tlio extent of territory ncr which ho rliilmi control mid anUed that In any nutllemcnt of thu Mvxlcmi probluin (till coniiorii9ii PRESIDENT AS THE CAMERA MAN L SILLI AT VERA CRUZ TO MAKE REPORT i:UA fl.'lZ, .Mhv -Ml. John IJ. .Sillinitin, Aiueriemi iee. consul lit Sullillo, mrivcit here tmluy from Me.ieo City, lie ileelineit tu dUetix. hid experieneei ilurinjr liw imprison nielli nntl utter he hint uiiiile his of ficial report to Wuxhiimtnu. .Mi. .Sillimnti intimated that the tnlcN of facing a firing .ipiiiil and of other indinnilies he wits reported to luive Mitfereit were much nicntriiwii, lie xiiiil lie fell it was hi- ttutv to repoit fully at Wiichiuutoii before iiiukin piddle u detailed account of his orient mid his release through the aelisily of the MiitiMi iee-eonsul at Saltillo. The tlip lo Mexico City fiom Sul lillo was inteirunteil nexeial times liv wUtrutii-hort between miiiiII iletaehiiieuts of eoiiHtituliouiilisth mut fedural pir lisous ut poiiitn nloiiK the route. The train on which the umiMil traveled wiih pre ceded hy a troop train which was fired on lepeateilly, ami which was delayed Ir, toin-lip hcctiens of the truck. Mrs, Sillimau is still in Saltillo mi ller the, imitcctioii of the lliifwh euuKiilale. Ihr huOiauil appaiently leeK no an.ie leciititiin: tier Mifely bo Klvun tu the Zapatistas nn a lend Int; element In tlio Mexican revolu tion. ' Thu Zapatistas hnsn tholr preten sions on mi amertlon that they repre sent tho revolutionary movement In tlio most thickly nettled portion of Mexico, coutnluliiK 7f pur rent of nil tho population. Zapata, tho ncout Informed Secretary llrynn, has on army of about 21,000, Tlio emissary assured Mr. llrnu that npntn nntl Ills follow em would observe all the rules of eh lilted warfare, DIscuikluK the relatione of Xnpatn to C'urrmii, tho uncut, In tho tiiuiuo I audit pi evented, said that tlio two eleiuviilH, while not united, havo tho miiiio end mul purpose nml were unrlilnp III CUIU'ert. CONSU MAN PICTUREDUTTING in JGET6 MONTHS Militants Wu3 3lar'ied Masterpieces Sent to Triseii for Six Months Juiy Herrs Harangue by Indignant ii t Woman King Gccrcc Taroet for ' ' Ora.ors Bombs Found. LONDON. May :r, StiffruRettc who vlashcil pictures In tho National Onllcry mid Itoynl , Academy with revernl window mnailiers, were con victed nml rciitcnrcd todny Six month Imprisonment wn orlcrcd for cnili of tho picture dentnocrs while tho window nmnnliura In nl, cases were condemned to terms of four inon t lis. Several women refurcd to rIvo their nniitr and were Identified by numbers. One frail girl collaprcd In court an thu result of a hunger strlko nml It wim necesiir) lo Rive her a ro storntlve She was carried Into court by women wardens, l'rotc.t KIiik'h Action I'rcda firnham,' n suffrnRcttc who slashed several valunblo paintings In tho Natlonni Cnllcry May 22, haran gued tho Jury declared slio hnd at tacked thu plcturci "m a rotcst against KliiK (icorgo's lllcRal nnd un constitutional action In refusing to rccelvo n legal deputation of women." She added: "What aro flvo pic tures compared with 80,000 pictures by tho grentcst artist of all, which are bolng shamefully defaced, dam aged and degrndedsby men each night." Mary Spencer, who damaged a pic ture nt the Itoynl Academy on Mny 22, told thu Judgo tho only way left for women to express their vlov was to damage property, as they respected human life too much to destroy It. llyiiHiulle Kclzcil Kxtrnordlunry precautions have been taken nt tho Kpwin rare course to prevent nny repetition of Inst year's trngle Interference with the running of tho Derby, when Emily Wilding Davison met her death by Jumping on tho course. A force of 20p0 police will be on duty during tho raco meeting. Arrangements to prevent King (loorgo and Queen Mnry being subjected to nnnoynnco by suffragettes hnvo been tnado ns perfect ns possible. Five stiff rngettes arrested lu n raid on n West End flat Mny 31, wcro brought boforo a mnRlstrato todny. After seolng the exhibits, ho took such a serious view of tho enso thnt ho refused nil offers of ball, Tho exhibits seized In the tint In cluded n now slirnpncl grenade of Ingenious manufacture, colls of fuso nml plans of houses. Menioraniln weie found in the flat rciiiiriliiiR ptivmeiits to militant suf fragettes and al-o concerning travel injr expenses, tiicluiliuj; the journey from I'aris to lliilmitl of Mice Clui tobal I'nnkliuixt. Removed From Court Two of tho pri-oner became mi itiirouiiotw it the iirihuueih' inclns ure iluriii" the hcnriii; thnt thev liml to ho removed. Ouu of llietu, M!m i:niineliuo Hull, leitteil: "I have been forcibly fed twieo daily and am nemly ileml n " result." She seemed liulf demented as she stuiKgled with the police. Her hat vviiK torn off, tier clothes disiu ranged unit her hair dishevelled. You dev iln! You heasts!" shu sluieked, lis sho was carried out of the coiut. ANTI-TRUST BILL L WASHINGTON, Mny 20. A tea tutlvo understanding has been reached among house loaders to add to section seven of tlio anti-trust bill which declares nothing lu It shall bo construed to forbid tho organlta. Hon of labor and agricultural organi sations, thu so-called labor union ox omptlon provision and nn additional provision that such organUatloiis nml tho members thereof, In themselves, shall not bo construed to bo In re straint uf trade, or In qoiispliacy In violation of tlw niitl-tnut Inw, EXEMPTS ABR 0 LEHDERS OF - - -- BBBBBBW - i BBL. -BBBk -dBluBBPVMBBSBV .iaW" WP 'SHBBBBBBH bVbBBBV V BBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBW BBh 'BK JvBjHBUKS'BHbW&BWBBM1BBBBb1 MBBBBBBB 'JbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBK ' mk tl. BV BlBBK V -l J H BBBBbIbT BPBBBBBBf BBBBI BBBBT T 'flBB BHT j ' , BHBBBBBBF JBP ' BBBHBUBBBBH BBBBBBLBWaMMMMMVB' aMMMl BMMM bMMb1 BmV ; ' ,? "MvMvMvMvMvMVM - LBL 1 i aMBBBVBlBMMBBi IBBBBB IHH ' .BmVmVKH . 'V '-aMBPMH 'lafflA1 aMBBBBB bbbbbbWj V&bbH ibbbbbbbh WbbHbbV v, YbH. ' 'A. "Abbb- "flBBB"BBHrl bTbbbbbHi bbbV IbbTbbbV FbbWbbl"''- " ' 'bB " v '-I" bwr ' bbbLbIbIbbV vbbVmVmVmVmVmVc wmVmVmVa .bVmVbibVmVmW Vb7 bv7 is ajIhB'' 7 j vbbvs ? - vmYmV bVmVmVbi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBM I BBBBBWBBBBBBI k BBV S a. l l'9 V.vl' BBBVKBflrA BBBBV BBBBBBBBBBfl bbbbV1 H Bv VPHt -- , L9nH?SnV 'f ilBBK CbbbV .,r-. ..... llcri-vv rral Villa U remain until m Ith nre pictured thu leaders of tbo rebel forces who are fighting tbelr way to the Mexican capital, G en dow In Coahull.i nnd Is leading the attack upon Snltillo. General Carranza Is at Torrcon, where lis will Saltillo Is taken. The above photograph was taken at Torrcon, and with the leaden Is shown Majol Klcrro. Villa's rlcbt band man, MELLEN'S STORY OF WASHINGTON, May 26. Further testimony before tho Inter-Stata Com merce Commission on financial af fairs of thu New Haven railroad was postponed today until Wodnosdny, Juno 3, to permit special examiner: to Inspect tho books of J. I'. Mor gan and company nnd personal papers of tho Into J. IMcrpont Morgan. Four Important witnesses whoso testimony Is desired still aro too sick to nppcar. Samuel C. Moro house, George MncCtilloch Miller, Dover Wnrner nnd Morton F. 1'lnnt todny sent physicians' certificates to tho commission, to show they wore too III to bo examined on tho witness stand. Lewis Cnss I.edyar.: inndo a state ment saying ho wanted to deny much of tho testimony or Mr. Mellon mid protesting against tho hearing being closed without his testimony, He rend n letter of Mny 23 to Commis sioner McChord, In which ho snld. "Tho testimony of Mr, Mclcn Is nl variance with my recollection in n number of particulars, and I think a very partial and Innccurato lmpres blon of tlio nffalrs of tho coii'pnny would bo given, unless other wit nesses, having knowlodgo of tho mat ters under Inquiry, aro afforded n opportunity to testify." Mr. l.cdynrd announced lio would accept tho suggestion Hint ha bo n voluntary witness. Ho asked that ho bo notified when ho could testify. llepoits made at the meeting of the state pr.nuro showed that in mnnv pints of the state yoiin women were throw 11 out of employment hy the op oration of (ho minimum vviiro unit eight 'hour law. DYAD Nl NW HAVEN SLAYER OF SWEETHEART SLAYS SELF LISLE, III., May 'Jll. Hej;iuiild A. llnrr, lenviti behind liiiu n note do elniin that his sluxinj; of his hweet hunt, Floicnco lleutley, at Downer's Ciiove, three miles ftom hole, last Sutuiday night, was accidental, jumped beneath a moving nun heie eaily today mul vvns killed. It' vviin his I'omtli attempt at sui cide. In u note lie said he took 11 ill UK twice in nn effoit tu die, heide the body of his swcetlienit, hut liutli limes failed. lio next jumped into 11 ipinrry pit, hut he lit in the MiiKiimil vvaler. "1 couldn't sink," said thu note. The clothing on his body was wet v lieu tuken uu the truck. The note hiilil Mix Hcnlley whs killed when lie It toil lo Ms hvr Bhc REBEL EORCES PHOTOGRAPHED AT TORREON S s yr...r,.. -...-.. K .. L TOLLS REPEAL IS i OPPOSED BY JONES: WASHINGTON, May 2C Pannma canal tolls exemption repeal was de bated again today In tho senate. Sen ator Jones, republican of Washing ton, led of with nn nttack on tho bill. Tho American peoplo will not havo their rights foreclosed In this wny. "Tnc-y nproved this legisla tion," snld he. "Kcpeal this law now and tho peoplo will re-wrlto It and In sist on It." Senator Jones snld tho tlmo to ar bitrate tho dispute with England was before tho repeal nnd not afterward Advocates of repeal, ho said, had exercised "Huertlan Ingenuity seek ing out reasons. Senator Sutherland of Utah In troduced a resolution culling on tho president to submit to Great Drl tain a proposal for tho creation of n special, Impartial tribunal for arbi tration. BILL HANLEY OFFERS E Win. A Hnnley of Hums, progres sive nomlneo for United State sen ator, has sent the Medford Iloso so ciety a $90 cup to bo offered nt the Medford lloso Show Juno 5 nnd 0, for tho best bnsket of 24 roses ex hibited. Other cups nro offered by tho Medford Pharmacy, Martin J. Heddy, tho Commerclnl club nnd the Colony dub. M'leninctl ami ho placeA his hand on tier mouth and tluoiit. "She became ipiiet nil uf 11 sudden," said the note. In remorse and four he sat beside her for some time, seekiui' to find it spnik of life u'liiiiiiiiiiK i" lr. Fin ally lie cave up hope, mul jumped into the (pinny pit. When this at tempt to die tailed, ho went to Aur ora, where hi purchased an uiiaes thetic. He letiiined mid, ptostnitiuj; himself beside thu gill's body, hwal lowed it. After a white he woke up. Again lie made the (uu to Aurora, says the note, ami ucniii relumed with poison to die hesiile the girl lie hud slain. This attempi nlu wits a failuie. Then lie wandered for hours thrpuuh the wood he fine jiiiiiilnj,' in flout of Ihu tialu. PANAMA ANA ., FEDERAL TROOPS WUPGfAT COLORADO MINES TRINIDAD, Colo., May 2(1. Kor llic fir-t time since they assumed control in the strike districts of the Colorado coal fields it was learned today United State-) troops were fired iiHin last night. Tho shooting o currcil nt a miner's camp at Srgundo, near Trinidad, where twenty shots v ere fired at the federal troops. The shuts were fired ut n patrol from it hilNide overlookiii; the camp niter a trooper, who had dodged a missile thrown at him through a win dow', answered 11 shut fired at him from tho darkness. ( The patrol, starting to search for the person firing the shot, vvns siir- lised by a fusillade of shots coming fiom tlio direction of the hills. Cnp tniu Ciishinan reported that one 1111111 uiw seen lo run from concealment in 11 ditch. Colonel Loekelt, eoiiiiiiiiuding tho fcdetal troops, would mako 110 eoui r. ent relative to tho shooting. E CIIICAOO, May 20. "Then; is hope for auvhody who can smile, and thu negro lias never forgotten how to smile," wiiil the Kev. John M". Gaston of Philadelphia today beforu tho gen eral assembly of the l'rcsbv terimi church in tho I'nited States in sun porting the repoit or the standing committee on Freeduitn. The iciHirt itself, nresented hy the chairman of thu eoiiimitteo on l-'ieedmen, th Kev, 11. V. McI.cHnnd of Claikshurg, W. Yn., told of tlio advance in the work nuiung the n gioes of the south. In addition to lintening to tho Ki eedmen'a lepoit, the assembly in dorsed the wink of the Anti-Saloon league, the National Temperance I'nioii and thu Women's Chriotiipi Teinperaueo Union. Specific iu doisemeiit of thu Autl-Salooii lenguo was asked of the assembly in mi oveiture, hut the purtiuulur leipiest was oidere-1 tiled mid the hlunkit indorsement uf the societies named together with all similar agencies, was suhstituleil for it. President Sproiilo nf th HonUwrn I'licllie eoiitpany sahl hH t4 Im a ehmige in public tUimM bslW iiillroml couilrut'lltsi wilt UJh, Mist the fMotniUt mimI wills mm fk(l ami WtpJii)' UiWr, " ( HOP NEGRO SAY PRESBYTERIANS ! i- 1 4