pffi t MEDFOttD MATL TRrnUNW. MKDFOUD, OINOTON, MONDAY, MAY 25. 10M. PA'GTU FTVTJ s4"w4t fv f V NEWS MM COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS ) QOLdThLl NU0flET8 "" I V TagL oi NT EAGLETS (11(1111 t llU NIH.) .Mm. A. A- I'I.miii nf .Mnlloul U IiPhIIii(j llio mi el; in ltii i with lior liualmnil, v.lm In riiiplus cl u rice Irii'lmi iimiI lurcnum liy llm Knuue IMmt I'mIiIIi' Si-iic iiiiii'iiliini, iIimImu I'. ('. (lull. SHIIH Vllllll) pill- nri'r mill lui old KiiillcitiHtt. imiuil ill) Tueatliiy t'vuimi I't'tiiii .htcUwoit' villi', wlier Ik1 Iih lieon Ulllln.', mul In ilmv Ili gmt Hi' Mm ilfliidliti'r, Mm. 8, T. II.mImw.. All. Null iStMiwn nittl tlttlu JIU t (haw went l ItimoUtii'K Wiliiitilnv ovaiiini In nllMnl tlio enrnivnl ami vMl nipini IttlitfHtfa. Mr. iitti) Mi.. Mpmlc nf tin' )tl .mm riiiti'lin, hi upper Buni Vnllev, vreleonieil mi Itiftiul mom in (lis hltU iiml Imtiio mi Siiniliiy, (hit I7lli, C'dnrlrv Younjf wk.i lliruintti (lnl.1 lltll Trntxlity nnunliiu, n mule (ll .MpImmh', iJlUltflllN eillllll). Ill III!' 'trNPH '))' '(" N"- I I titxKdl mid sliTUiiiM Hi lliclr tnlnta tlirtfe "l'nr" ilotfK, wlileli will lit) nilili'.l o Hid He iHimplUln il pnek of I'm'iI llulcmuii ivlmiti Chnrliw will visit. They will liuttl limr in llio fnlucrr of I lull lull.) erred, fmnt'il fur It lilncli innl Iiuimi bruin). I!elly ni(i wtwU i'liiinl, iiliniit In llm luwi', vliei lln htoiui or Wed uiiay evening xli'il llli it piede- wrwir. lirwiriMilly, llii Mutiu wn ihiI nii feminine, nltliniigh Hi" lljtut llllltf litcHl fmillKlllly fur miino tllitt'. IhiI the iiilntility of mm tor widen fell yn iHiiiil anil KfiHtlly lioiicliclu), The Ioiiii Inn I ml for o hour, wiih n ihiiiHiimihi iliniiMiur wliirli uVliehid tin' wirilcit truck, win need up llie nl fMlfn, innl Kt'l3ill prepared lliiuiw ?orTfrn7rniiiim DIM ernp. Oroijc )Hiiiimiini, ii fiMiiir m(ii limit "i tin Unl.l Hill liixli oi'lnml, innl grmiilnoii or tin- liUf "DhiI" Smith. itiii'il lii miiny nciiiiiiitiiiit'i' Iiitc on SatHiiliiy lnl. lie in mnv rni pleviMl In flninlH lni4. A HHitilicr of fiii'iuU li'ii'niitl awprUcil Dr. mnl Mrx. It, ('. lloy IMI l-'riilny ovi'iiiiii; limt. llni,ori'Hinii of ttwiilr ili'r ncitiliitK nnnivcixiiv, lirMDiitiiut n it IhIki'Ii of ti'K'iril nml H iiiMimutu of ho ilny, u m-I of xoliil 'Iviir li"i'rt fMioiiN, Wiinlcii liili'y llniiuiicraly rotiiniril to lit Million ill Wlllmv Pint Tttii!nv iiliiniliiK to vui tlirtlicM nml uciicr ally irrpiiti' for tin' iit of William I. . Inlty. i'x-tiiti waiilrii innl iirt- diit InMil of tlio lilolodt'til ilcpnrt mwil. .Mr. rlnloy wan to nrrivo tin- lilt lor nrl of lliiit week, ivcoHnl by Hialrii't WHrilmi ijmii I. Smulry. llu IntUfPi niili Mm u motion pirturv cmm'tH, nml (ivpucln in iniiVo nlm ot ttttuf ami oIIiit fmiiiii of tin up. P-r ICvHin nook wIMf ii'iuolniiiK fur liiki wmtk. Mm. I.vIkIi Hunt n'tiiniftl on Mnn Iny fiom j'oitlniiil, ohrm xhc n. tPiltli'il tin mi-iIiIIiijj of C. S. W'omU. wi'll liiimvo to ninny In Hum city nml voiiuly. Dd'i 1. .Survey, ' who m-ti'il in iiktiuriii llm I'urciitony, H'lurnr.1 to 1Mb oily TuMny. .Mr. WoimIv un uviMcil on .S.i I ii i tln to Mi l,ii Wni Stoimr, a oinnr ihm.iiintii nf )i I'mtw, Iml., uiiUiiiIv. Tlmv will umku tlifir lioine in I'oitluuil. Tim uiiioin U cwii'lnry nr llm Mentor l'o llutiil ( V ni'iit coiiipuny. Many In fill fiidmln join in expreHKioiiH of ex Iim'iii mul well wUIk'm tn the foriliu- ill" yuuiitf niiilr, W'lilloopeniiriij. n hoisl n( the Mui ilnij mine on Hnliirihiv lnM, (lenraf llnniiiiuinly HiMniiieil nil iiceiilcnt to Mn.iljthl hniiil hy enlnliiii); i hetweeii llm. ill iiiii mul the ciilile. Only u ipiiek wieneli fmcil liliu fi nut fcrrimii in jury. Ah II wit, Dm ilium eluimeil lltu mul of one .Hull uiiil luiilly miitll iilnl the ii'iiiiiininc three. ' (Jem no wll iinioy ii loitnlhtV viieiitiim. At tint iiniiihhni'mj; KnKe mitut on Kiuie'n I'lnjk, Tiie-ilnv iifleiiioou, Mill 'IVeple tf Ihe Kinit lor miother peril of the ginnc. Teeple wiih ninkiujr n him ft, iimj intent upon hi- work lit the Iml limjj when n urne friiiui'ii of ipinrlK iloluejieil nml ile-entili'il, htrikiiiK iui Ms lieml mnl iciiileriiiK liim uii fiiiwiilnus, Thnt llm Mow ili.l not re Hlllt III ii friinluie in eiiiihiilereil 10. imiiliiihle, hut uhMe fiom u Ineeiuleil mulp llm victim hiillVieil no oilier in jury, i (J. .. it. I'lojsnnn foi'Deeointlnii Iiiy. Tim PdHt nml n. o. will mud nt (. (). 0. I cuinutory at ttsilft n. in, when thoy win proecoil tn ilecoruto tlu'i itruvcH of nil' pliller Inirlinl tliere, will thou return to Pout hall for illmmr. All uehuoln uml frnterunl nnlgiH iun military orKnUm;oiiii will meet with mi ut the iiihl(n mrl nt , lilfi p. in. where ho imrmlp will ho forijieil hy Went l.nw'inu, imiriihiill of llio ilny, ami iiuirch to tlio I'uko Theater where there will ho un In tnreatliiK lUOKnuu hy llm W. II. (!. "nfUtr which thum will he nn iiililremi juilvnn'it hy liim. II. P. Mulliey ful lliWiT hy Nome ieiniu:.H iv 1'iofeM gnr iTeviirMKe, Thcin will hn immlu nml teaiJIiiK Ihrmiult llm cxercUe. P. M. I'UTNHY, Cuiiiiiminler. V. It. AMIKI'H. Ailjllllilll rfllh Uiunl iriiHMr4rrd Mt1 EAGLE POINT EAGLETS My A. (!. Ilnwli'lt II. I. f'orlU'K eiimo mil Itrnt Tlieii dity to visit Ii Im mn I. M. Corlhu mul rmullv, who Ik fuieinnii on llm Kiilishl oii'lmril. (leurtto Wiwt mul wlfti, omi of tlio futoHt inimerH eniuu out the flrnt or tlm week mul Hieut n row ilnyt nt the Hmiiiy Hlile mul tnen went on up to l'ionieit to mietiil ttio iniiiiiimr. .1. Hlovur of Meilfonl wn u cul ler for illmmr Wmliuwitiiy, Am I ntiKRiwteil In my limt the Chll itreth hrnther luivo hoiitilit out I'lihor Av .Mntlmw'M liliieTuinltli nhoti mul ImihIiii. ho wo now lutvu hut mm mIiiiii In our town, Imt that Ih eiiouuh for there In not IhihIiiikm oiioiikIi to Jmllly litivtiiK two Mhopst, Iwihe Kmltli nml hi HUtnr, MrM. Iliilliwelw. hiollmr mul tsMtcr of tlio Into John W. Hinltli rnnm In tnut Tliurnilny Ineriilm: on ilm I1. A K. to vUlt their neiilmun, .loliu l.orny mul Lew l Kuiltti, tlm flru lliiio they luive over w'oii onrli other. They nru from Culornilo mul nro on their way to Camilla. Henry Nn)er. recently from lilnho, nml mi old nniimlutniire of IiIm hoy huoil iliiyn, it. I', l)(iip. stopjied hero for iJInner Innt Thiirinlny. Thoy nro uiliiliiK men nml on their way to the t:ik eieek country. Tliurnilny iiIkIiI wot rnlher u re iiimhnMe nlcht In our little town. It hniipcnoil to he the lilrtlulny of two ilKfareiit imrnoim, Wllllnm Jlniollnn nml .Mini Moliel Wnmnley, So Wll lle'n tlHtem concliiilen to slvo him n mirprUo pnrty ntut auppor, im thoy iiinutiKPil to itet up n flue mipper mul Invite In n niitiiher of their youuic irlemtf Imt llllllo Imit n mirprleo In lore form them, do quietly ntntvit nwny, no when llio linlletl Riioitu rnmo nml hettnii to look around for the nforennlil llllllo le: no woh no wlier to ho foiimt. hut ttio youiiR folkn limt n kooiI tlmu nnvertlicteM. MU Mnhet Wnmdey hnppcneil to Imve her hlrtlulny on tlm unrno ilnlu ho .Mm. Howled dcrldeil to Klvo n iiupier In rniiiinouioratloii of the event, mid nlro hnvo her .imiiint tencher'u gntlierlm; nt the nmne time o hu notlfleil 1'rof W. K. Iliirhminn nfnl family. MU r.thel SMIIuitvr. Mli Mnhcl Huff, thu threo n'Ku:nr teach em, nml Mm. flrorjto Von rtor Hot- leu lo Im on hntul promptly at t:00 P. in. nml of cotino thoy nil re- pcudctl. Hho nUo luvltnil qullo n iimuher of their Intlmnto frlomlM nml the rent) It wnx that we Iiml nn KtieiU for the ofcnulon. Mr. nml Mm. II. C. riotiicutK, Sir. mul Mm. (IcorRo Von iter Helleii, Mm. Wni. Von ilor llollon. Mr. mul Mm. V. K. Iltichnnnn, MlM MaM Huff, MIh Hthol Hlilllll Kor, Tliornn. Ittloy, Jr . Hoy Wtn, (leorKo Wnnmlo. Minn Mntiel WnniH ley, Mr. Itnchel Wolery, Mm. Jonnt, Kev lliicluinmi, Dora Hiirlimmn. Kntle niirlinunti, .lolre Von iter Hel leii. llno Von dor llellen, Jr., Don nhl Von iter llollen mnl Hurt Uloni eulH. I trluil to Iiml out how oh! MIh Mnhel Wnumley wjib toil nho Knro urn no mitUfnctlon, hut when I nptienliHl to her father ho unit! Hint Mm wn horn Mil) -Mnl, J 87:.. Well or nil tlm time the llltlo folkii ilhl hnve, playliiK, ninuliiu, wretllnK. JiiiiiiiIiik nml hnliiK a kooiI time, nml tlm older one npeiit the time In n no- eliil nml nlioiit li : Oil o'clock tienmi to atnrt for homo wUhhiR Ml mi Mntiel ninny retiirnn of mich mi even;. I'rhlay t!eort;o Von iter llellen nml Mr. YonuiT, n Irnvellm; Hntetininu from Portland called for dinner and later In the day O. C. KIiik, a travelliiK nnk'Biuaii for tlm Medford (Iroeery company, mul wim, .Mln lleth lllack ford and Mm. Muurnrl nlno ralloil. Mm. Itoll Smith or Hold Hill win a pleannnt cnller Prlday nfte'rnoon. Klnco Iittit wroto for trie Mnll Tri bune hnvo been ncattorluK nrounil moiiio hut I Hud thnt It In hard to Hud tlm peoplo at homo voiim Union. 1 Htnrtod out laat Wednesday nml tlm flrnt place I vlnltOd wna the Alnvlsta nrchnnl fthero I found J. II. Holmes mid nftor Im hail renewed Mm mih fccrlptlon to tlm Daily Mall Tribune. I wont out to thu l'artou farm and orchard whero ho linn ,-n flun ; pro npoct for n crop nn nuy one could w'lnli, mid while ho U turuliiK lilii nt- tentloiivito the oromrrt nml nlfnlfn, ho Ih nUoJrnlHliiK name liogn for ouo or Ilia larKo rielifn la fairly dotted with Murk porkem, Whllo I wiih tlioro ho fotllod ror n yonr'it hiiIi Hcrlpllon lo tlm Dully Mnll Tribune, I then went to the rnrm of Churlen I'rimtl Imt (omul no one nt home Tlm next ntop 1 inndn waa nt thu old 1'ctor lliill place, thorn I mot Mm, .1, I-, Prink and naked ror her aub Ncrliitlou for the Mnll Trltmno nml to my atirprlao hIio told mo that thoy were tnklm; It mul leiidliiKl tlm KiikIcU every week, they net It over tlm rural route 'from Modfnril. I'naa liiK nil met W. P. Hulhrimli nil UvutliiK hla orclinril mul :m nave tun hla aiihocrlptlon for thu Dally Mnll Tihiilo, I'ummIiih oil I weal to Hid hiiiue of Kwtin lluriiel nml limrncil Hint Im innl hla wife wero mil In the iiri'huril, Ko.ilrlvliiK oh fmiml Ilium mnl Im Mlii Iiml lui liuil no inoiiey In lia poi'liel lm( wnuM p' nm I hi IH-I (liit'i fiy iwy lv IVVH, ttfcjlk k did on Thurndny, In couveraliift with him 1 lenrimd t:iut ho Had a valuable home killed diir.Mi? Dm elec trical Ktoriii on llm Jlth. I IIkjii htierod my courno fur hoiue, imttr, liiK I Mopped nt the farm of Mcli Voiiiii;, imt na Im la n bachelor nml wax off to work f (IM not nco him. I Hud that the Mnll TrlUuim In mm orally liked and an n rule ti Konerully tnkmi throughout tlm win fry. HINT AT INVESTIGATION OF HEV HAVEN AFFAIflS IIOHTON. May sn.- A apnclnl Knind Jury will ho called to coualder the leatlmoiiy of Churloj K. Mellon, for mer prealdent of tlio Now York, Now Mason ft Hnrlfonl railroad, before llio IntorMnto coiumOrro coiiiimIi.hIoii, H Dlntrlot Attorney I'elletler omi find Ihnl ccituln trniiMactloun occur-' led In thin county, mcordltiK to hla atittemuiit tonlKht. He Indicated Hint nucli n ;rnnil jury If call od .would InvettlKnto not only the acta of Mr. Molten, but nlao thoao of other offlclnla mid UKcntn of tlm New Haen mid the Iloatou li Maine, ; I MARKET REPORT I I'rlcxt I'nlit ly iH-mera KIMS--1 7 Vie. MnTMItfiemiiery, J.le; ilniry, I'll' tWO HlM. POTATOES -7fiu per I (in lb. ONIONS W.IUI h'r HHI lha. IIONKY PJ'se u pound. CIDP.H '-'.V. POIHC- Hie to 1JU.e. MKi:i'-P to Jle. LAUD -P. MACON J0. HIIOUI.HKIIS- Me. llAM-lSe. HITTKH lAT-"Sfti" 8WUUT rilKASMilflB.' ICK CHKA.M UOe Kal. !.ItpUcH H0(IS -Drciacil .,; siii:i:p r.e. STHKIIS Alive, tie. COWS Alive, oe. VEAIr- Dre.Kcil, Uc ii live, "i!iu. I'llUl.TllV-Mlxril cMekciw, lilt", ilrcuhcil, IHii to 'JOe. Ilny runt flrnln (lliivitij; Prieeri.) WHEAT ll.-e l.u.liel. OATS - loo Inixlii'l. HAY Veleh, 11 Ion; firnln, $PJ to $11. MAItl.EY-Whole, fcMi ton. COll.V .'i ton. " NOTICH. Notlco ta hereby Riven thnt tho on dcralitund will apply to tho city coun cil o( the city o( Medfora, OroRon, ni Its next roRulnr tuccOm; Juno 2ml. tUH, for n llconne lo rctl aplrltiioiia, vinous mul mnll Hmiora In iiunutl tlaa Icaa than u Kalloti. n: their plnco of bualucsa on South Kir atrcct, lo rated on lota 10, 11 and 12, Mock tC. of tlm nrlKlnnl tnwiiiitciu aald city, for n period of nix iimnthn, ' IKVfKI. mooih:. Duto or flrat publication May SOIh, l'Jtl. xotici:. Notice la ln'rehy kIvoii Hint tho county court or Jucknou county, Oro r.on, will on Friday Iho Mb day of Juno, l'.'ll. receive mul open seated IiIiIk for the propoaal of parntliiK four bililmu, nllunted na followa; WHY? i (Inrdcn and nlfnlfn land, IrrlRiited IS000 plnco (or 11500 120 acres sandy lonm soil, nil bottom land, 20 ncrcs lu alfalfa, orchard nnd garden, SO ncrcn can bo cultivated, 12 horto power engine and pump, nil can bo IrrlRntod, team, waRon, liarncRi, two cowtf, IS plfta, -10 chickens, fvo tur keys and machliiory. All goea for 11500. llcjt I have over offered. J. C. BARNES Flint Nnllouul Itnnk llollillnK f $ $ $ To loan on Improved ranches. lntorost 8 par cont "Insurance That I us urea." H. . STIN& Huy your InaurancA or taxpayar NEW TODAY Tho street cam will be running to tho city reservoir within a few days, nml lu anticipation or tho fart I hnvo Istod u largo number of Iota nml some acreage tracts lu tho beautiful Sis kiyou UoluhtH nnd iiiii proparcd to sell homos lo I bono desiring to get out lulu Hm bountifully shaded u- hurh. Thero la no better berry nnd gnr don soil I him lu thla pnrt of Iho city, nml for View mul air, it la unsiir panned Call nt the offcu almw u iho MmcI r I nan to hu C, D, HOON Ono over nomie river nenr tho Dmlmi nlacii ami kti.iwn ni tlm DoiIko lirlilKo, ono over the Hou river near Hold HHI "no over Koriio river near riiinlit) hill tho inl'iKo holm; known an tlio Sirtiouii HWMn mul one over (Hit llutta creolc mar t;m moiitli thereof. In Niihiiilttlm: Mit the material lined In not ho Included In Hie bid na the county will fiinihli name. The court rrM- Hip rlht to ret Jeri miy or nllbi-'n. Mnll or hand nil bldn lo tho uiKhr-lmird nt .tnck nonvllle, Orccon, Hucclflcntloiin wilt bo rurnlilmil upon aidlcntlou to tho couuly cleric, O. A flAUDNKIt. f oiinty Clork. I'OH ItHNT UlJITKty- POli HUNT Two roomoit liouro. clone n, partly fumlnlied. Apply -111 North Front. ns POM HKNT PurniHbod. modorii 8 room house. Cull at 300 W, lllh Ht phono 020-M CH POU ItHNT t;oven room limine, wnt or pnld, IO.'iO. Iii'iulro Oal.'dnle Cnali uroccry. 71 - POIt HKNT Moilcrn roaldenro uletit rootna, two bath rooma, aeri'enod tiorchea, ko ratio, etc. ,ililrct.a box A., enro Mall Tribune, ton iti:.NT-i;UHMHiri:i) itqoM.s - r- - - -- - -, ,i , i m t j-ii- nfi r POIt HUNT Two comfortably fur nlnhed hounckccnliiK rooma, cloaot, imntry, hatli and va, lower floor. 72U W. 11 Hi. POIt HKNT Piimlnlied ronma with hot uml cold ruuuliiR wnlcr, nleep Im: porchen'. Collage Healdcuco, cut w. Kith at. ci POIt Hi:.T Tho Palina, homelike, tpilol rooms for quiet, home-llko people. Coimumilty kllchon for Indies, 130 W. Main St. CI POH HKNT -Tho Colomnn ronma. f'.'.oo per weclt, room and board 10.00. 1005 Wet Main. CO l"OH HKNT Purnlalicd rooma, cloao In, reasonable, 215 N. (irnpo 8t. POH HKNT Largo alecpluc rooma, nnd modorn homckcoplnR apart menta, prlcca very reasonable I'bono 347-L. 2:2 South Holl) atrect. POU HKNT rUHMSIIKD AITH. POH HKNT Furnliliod apartment. Tho Horbcn, 10' Quince St. POH S.M-IAI;m li.D3 POU BALK OH I.KAflK Uardcn homo, farm ranch, nix mllca touth weal of Medford, tcrma, I.llllo Kinder. Medford, Ore. CO POH SAI.K Hilt. Cnl. -Cheap. 1C0 ncrca nonr Hox 20, Hilt. Cat. SG POIt SAUK St ncroa, wood enoiich plnco to tiny for it. cheap, for quick, "ale. 2 '4 mllea from Hoeue Hlver. Addresa box A. W caro .Mall Trl bimo. S5 llt BA1.K 1X)TH POH SAI.K At n sreut aacrlflco, 2 Iota cloco In. Reed terms. Addre or call room 109, Hotel Medford. r 57 FPU II O USKS POH SAI.K Modern bunuaTow! 7 room, built In' features, larKo aorucncil porch and bath, lot 5Ux 315, juit off paving, plenty fruit, nerrloa nml Rardeu. rliono -117-M. or call nt 102JK. lltli. FOH SAl.r. MVKSTOCK POU H.Ui: Proah liilllt ww," kooiI milker, price re.irouuble. Call K. II. Webterfleld. I9-1M. 51 POH SAI.K HeglKtered Duroc Jcr Hoy liogH. Pleasant Valley FnniL Hoguo ltlvor, It. D. Nu. 1, phone 19-U. C5 POU SAI.K Ono groy tuirso. 10 yoaru old. weight about 1U00 lbs. A. W. Slono. FOU SALK 'rwo npnn mutes nnd harncm, one span horses, ha press mid six homo full circle power. Ail .drcsa Ilcrt Hell, box 51, Talent, Ore. 8C FPU HAHS .IHnc-KUINKOUS FOU SALK Household furnitiire, all kinds, fruit Jam, Hgarden tools, range, lioys "Overlnnd." HI 2 N. Central. 57 FOU SALK Hiibber tired phenton nml single light harness, nearl) new, owner going to lenvo city. Can bo seen nt lit South Dartlott St., or phono l02. CO FOU SAI.K Fresh Phone 500-112. Jersey heifer. 58 FOU SALKSct of Ftrestono tires, never used. 1214 percent off. Hex W euro Mali Tribune. 55 FOU BALK Toinnto plants, $0.00 per 1000. C. Carey, Talent, phono 10-F11. FOU SALK 125 Whlto Leghorn hens, year old, tluo layers. A. W, Stouo. FOU SALK First cutting clean al falfn hay at the llodgo ranch, Unss Lnuo, phono 73-J2i 57 FOU SALK Pure grapo vinegar. 25o per millon. J. Wi Sharpo, 1027 Nurragau, phone 717-U. 5G WANTIvtl .StTlj.iTIONB WANTKD--Any Mud of work with team. Call S2-V. r.5 IIKLP WANTLL SIAMfl j.i.whws.h WANTKD Skinners nt Hilt, Cnl nml laborers nt Siskiyou, Oregon, I'acUle hlghwii) Apply to J, W. Kweeuo) Conalrmtlpn Co. 01? " IIKLP VAVrr.l lMALK sa.iaavaaiiia"aaaajaaiMaaiiss WANTKD Woman for general hoHMiwmli, ainnll lanch, near frr'nl. lr V, 0, Cplljiia, WANTKIV,OUH V.V NTRir. - Dead iiornri rut liiTn nd liosn promptly removed, free of clinrKo, within 10 mllea of city. Medford Heductlmi Co., phono 237. 78 WANTKD For Ha Kcop, a Kontto work homo. Muni bo broko to work nlmslo, maro nrBfdrnbh). Ad ilroan It. H. 2, box 57-11. Medford, OrfiRon. R6 WANTKD If foil want permanent, remiinorntlve, ptcnwwt' outdoor uliiplojriiuint. minwer tlilf. Terma llbornl, Reed tijrrltory, experlrnco uminrcMfary. Hoti'nly, ntabltlty, work wltiM, OreKoii Nuraory Coin pnny, Orenco. OreKon. C9 WANTKD- To trndo'KcntUo property for Imtiroviid form land with noma orclinril, nonr Medford. Addresa J. II. I'alteraou. routo No. 1, Mod ford, or phono 857-11. 5C FOU ItA'CIIANOi; POH THADK -Por Monfonl' property or clone In ncrenco. nn aero with complete modern 'J room lirniee mul barn In Central Point. Ilox 1 1 1, It. P. D. No. 2, Medford. Or- Kon. B ,, litJKINI-SM DHIKtrrOHY .llorney PflltTI.'.lt I Hf.lflf. Wll. I. MHAI.KY, Itooma H mid y, Medford National llnuk bid);. A. I J. HKAMK3, I.AWYKH Carnctt Corey bide. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun acllor at I -aw. 1 23 Kant Mnln atrcct, Medford, Ore. Wni, M. ColvlR. (Jeortm M. Hobcrta COI.VIO St UOUKHTS. I.AWYKUS Medford National Hank lltilldinc. IJ. F. MUi.KKY fc OKO. W. CHKUUY Attorueja nt I -aw, Jackron Coun ty Hank Hulldlm;. NKWTON W. IIOUDKN -Attorney nt law. room 7. Mpartu buPdlng. Med ford. Orocon. Auto Hniiptles LAI I Kit APTO S PHI NO CO. Wo 'nro operating tho largest, oldest nil, I hiMi niilnneil nlnnl In Iho Pn. clflc northweat. Cac our aprlnga -!.., mlim-. fntt l,l n.lnr M.r. nnli. 5fi 'nrh I'lffrnlh SI. Portland. Oro. Chiropractor DH. It. J. LOCKWOOD.. Chiropractor, nerve upcclallst Hooma 203-204-205. Onrnett-Corcy IddK. Vnpor hatha aud acleutlflc massage given; tirnilln Htirnv. licnd nml shnuldnr shower In connectien: advlca in dietetics. medical gymnastics, hydropthornpy. Lady attendant. Phone, office 513. residence 511-H. DH. A. U. HKDCKS. Dr. Loulso K. Hedges Mechano-Thcraplits, Chlro prnctom. Spondylnthornplsts. Ttieso systems, Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-lhoraphy. etc.. produce results lu both ncutc nnd chronic diseases. Consulta tion free. Over Douol & Co., cor ner Mnln mid Dartlott. Hours U a. m. to 5 p. in. Other hour by appointment. Phono 170. Clilnoo Pliynlrlnn OIM CIIPNO, CHINA UKUU STOHK Herb Cures for Knrache. Head ache, Catnrrh, Diphtheria, Soro Throat, Lung Troublo, Cancer, Kidney Trotiuc. Stomach Troublo. Heart Trouble, Cramps. Chills mid Fever, Coughs, Poor Circulation, Carbuncles. Tumors, Caked llrcast. No operation. A guaranteed euro for piles, no nurglcnl opcrntlou re quired. 2 1 1 South Front St., Med ford. Oregon. Notary Public I1KLKN N. YOCKKY Notary pub lic. Jlrlug jour work to mo ut thu sign of tho Mall Tribune. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick, Mainly, rt'fcrenco for Ilusy People Art Store It. L. Donnctt, Pnlnt. oils, glass, wall paper, enlarging, picture training. 27 North Grapo Phono 3C0-J Auto 1 todies nnd Spray Tanks J. W. Mitchell, blncksmlthlng, horseshoeing, wagon work, rnb bor tiro work. 22 South Hlver side Btreot -I'huuo 2G Harness. Suit Cases. Gloves llormnn Ilrothors, 317 Kast Main, repairing ot nil hinds. Phono 4 S 1 -J Haled liny. Flour, Feed, flruln L. II. Drown. Huss Mill, also poultry supplies. 13!) South Hlvorsldo........ Phono 629 Itakcry Hoyal Dakory, bread, pies, cakes. Corner Main and Ornpo. Phouo 37 Farmers ImplementH Hubbard Hrottiors. Full lino ot John Decro mnkes. For spo- clnl prices on bugglos. 330 Knst Malu ... ...Phono 231 Klectrlc Wiring, Fixtures, Supplies Bouthorn Oregon Kloclrlo Co.. Mazda Lamps. C South Central Avonuo Phono 215-Y Furnlturt New nnd Second Hand Scott Woult, successor to Mor iloff & Woolf, complete house furnishers. Special low prices on AxmliiUtcr rugs and furni ture. 22 South Fir Phon 0 Modern Photography Tho Mackey fiiuiilo, latest nnd most up-to-dntu inatliod. Por train of children, Main nnd Centra), tack of Daniels for Duds. Chlni'o'ljuinry Oh Juno limt, I will open u first cIhss laundry, A trial wilt ron Hum you pf our ability in peai. Al huild work. Ill phlUK, ll!3 HfMb)i UnUv 'Pkf,.,, ,li HCHINKMS lUHKtrrOHV DnitlMn nit. Dlt. W, M. VAN HCOYOO O, It VAN HCOYOO Onrnbtt-Corby Hide., aulto Medford. Ore. Phono KM. I'liiployincnt Ac-ncy 31 0 Wo nro hnru to licit, people r.ct re liable competent help. Wo fur nlih help In almont all lines of bualneaa. Wo make a ancclnlly of cntupotent men nnd wives for raricho. Wo solicit your patron ago. Illltnor'rt Kstato and Kutploj'mont Iluroaii, Itoomn fi and 7 Palm IJulblln., Medford. Phono Xr.S, Mm. Uyrd Cnsltr, Manager, aucrcnaor. OnrlinKO OAHHAOB Oct your" premTdea cleaned up for tho nu miner. Call on tlio city KarliftfW waon for Reed Fcrvlce. I'bono 325-1,. F. 'Y. Allan. Instruction Mr. FHKD ALTON HAIOHT Teucli er of piano nnd harmony. Tho HnlKht Mimic Studio, tie South I.nurel St., phono I7C-U. Piyilrinn nml Surco'i" lilt. P. O. CAHI.OW, DH. KVA MAINS CAHI.OW Osteopathic phyalclana, 410-117 aarnctt-Coroy IiIiIk., phono 10 30-1.. Itcsldcnco 2C South laurel St. DIl. W. W. IIOWAHD Osteopathic phyalclana, 303 Oarnctt-Corcy building. Phono 'JOI-M. DH. J. J. KMMKNS l'hynlclnu mid stirKCon. Practice limited to eye. car, noise and throat. Kycn acltS tlH,cally (eatcd and glasses sup plied. Office 228Kast Main St. llourg b':30 a. in. to S p. m. I'honc. K. D. 1'ICKKL, M. D. Office Jack son County Hank bids. Office phono 13-H; rcaldcnce phono OS-It. DH. MAUTIN C. HAUHKIt I'hyal clnu and surgeon. Offlco Palm block, oppoalto Nuah Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to I. Phono 110-J. Ii". " W. Wwu mjaician ana I "urRCon. I'honc off Ice 36 rcI- dcnCC l2t-J. OfflCO llOUW 10 tO 1-' - lo DH. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physician and surgeon. MYltTLK S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases of women. Offices 232 K. Main. Phones, rctldcnco, SU-J2: offlco SH. I It. J. CONROY, M D. Physician and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Litms- den, 215 K. Main St. Phono 77. DH. MO M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon. Dr. I.yoia . Dow os tcopnthlc physician, offices 3-4 St. Marks block, Phono 1G0. Hcsf denco tho Dow Hospital, Central Point. 15. KIUCHGESSNKH. M. D. Cnr nctt-Coroy Illdg. Hours 10 to 3, except Sundays. Phono, office, S2.s; residence S2S. PrlntcTH nnd l'ublblicrs .mIwFOUD pltlNTlNO CO. "has "tho best equipped priming offlco in southern Oregon; book, binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 North Fir St. Stenographer KLLA M. Cil'ANYAW--PnIm block. Stenographic work douo quickly and well. Transfers KADS TUANSFKU & STOUAOK CO. - Offlco 12 North Front St. Phono 315. Prices right. Service guar anteed. Chll ICnglneers Osgood & Hrown. T. W. Os good, Asso. M. Am. Soc. 0. K. A. Thco Drowu, dopujy county surveyor. Medford National Hank Uldg.....................Phono 2G3 Fifsli nod Cured Meats Star Meat Market. M. W. Wag nor. Prop. 314 Kast Main ...............lnono 273 Orocerles Hrownloo & Llndloy, Mouopolo canned goods. Upper Crust flour. 327 Kast Maln..Phono 927-L Oiiiih, Ammunition, Sporting Roods Kwlngs Uun Staro, fishing tackle sporting goods. 112 West Main Phono 435 Insurance Any Kind U. II. McCurdy. wrltos fire, life, accident, liability, auto, plate glass, burglary, fidelity and 'surety bonds, Sparta llulldlug. .'. Phono 121 Practical llnrsc.shoer mid Itljukmnltb O. F. Merrlmmi, Medford me chanic 20 South Uivorsldo Avonuo Phouo 279 Plumbing mid Heating Van H. Pelrson, 28 North drape Phono 926 Uektmiratit Day mid Night U. S. Cnfo, the Mace of "Good Kata"; private boxo. everything tlrst cliiss. Wo cater to parties mid banquets. 40 N. Front. Phono 896 Heal l.'ntate, l.o.iiin mnl InviMtinenti 1'antt Dressier Couynlny, farm lauds, siib-dlvlslmis, ,110 Kast Mala vl'hone 28) Hhon Heinlilii MuiUI Hoot Hkep. wkU you wait. 10 HaHth Cwalml Av uiip , - -., rboii K7J-I Hlatdo nnd panry Orortl4s 0. P, KrlN i 0 JWlsj I Florida EAST COAST Tlio land of sinisliiiic mul llnre iM'opH a ycap. if tutor loHtod, luldrcsa P. B. Fuller Malabar, .Florida Ji'our years in llio Hoguc Hivcr valluv Dry Cleaning Department Of SUNRISE LAUNDRY For Steam nnd Dry Clean log am4 All Kinds or Dyo Work Lao" leu Clcanod 8potigt4 ahd and Pressed Pressed Hull ..........'..........! 1.25 up COcup Cont .....-..... .75 up 35o tip 8klrt .. .GO up 2Gcup Overcoat .-... 1.00 up GOcup Wnlst . , . .GO up SGctiji Dress . .75 up GOc up Gloves, kid .... 10 Gloves, long ........ .20 cfenta Cleaned Sponged and and Prcasnl I'resscl Suit ...... .1.25 GOc Coat .GO 2Gc Vesty.. ....... .2G 10c Trousers ...-.... .GO 25c Overcoat .................. 1.00 GOe Raincoat ........... .75 Gent's Suit Pressed Weekly, 11.50 per Month. Splendid Remedy ForEczemi Alto for Sak Rbcum, Acs, Tetter, Psoriasis and Other Skin Troubles. .flT uilnr 8. S. 8. tor a whllo, tbo char acirrUtle raatka of all ktn troubleit thiogv comtilrlclr. 'hn tarnu has brcotne chronic the lowfr vktn luws Us rxiwrr to tlltrrt ImpurliKii ntl thnt thtr coatlntta lu taltuT la the wnk apnu Of thoM itlrmlr attacked. Tho actios of X. S. H Ii that of. an antlilotr. and tfcU ttxi has U-vn Ucnioa. itrattti time and time airalu la the most serfre tm of wrvplng vtitmo. Ha lallumrw in lha lUxurs whrc the liny artrrln trasafrr the rfd blood for the worn out blood to Hie vrlna la mUa rvtuarkabl ad ro oiTmaitantljr with en-ry tkk of the clock Ihe lat ot the hrart. Anil new skin U I Inn rallied to form while the grwa of Irrltaltatr Initurner that eauae enema aru arattvrril and tuelr hjria ful nature rnilrclj uiwii()f.L H. 8. K. baa a wuiulerful Ionic iBlliienra la the blood Ufama It routalna no "tlnpe," U enllrelr free of anj mineral dru- or any other 0rtis except the remarkable iullrlunl effect of the pure vegetable products of which tt la made. Few people realize bow harmful are many of the atroni;, crml.- olntiuruta that uiet lo t In favor before ther learued that K S. H. Is safe, apoeily aud aurv. Ak at snr tlrua ator for a bottlo of H. 8. 8. (lire It a pMHl trial and you will aooa eu a d'Clited fmnroYcuu'nt tn nnr furiii nf akin trouble. Write to To Kwltt Hi.lrtc ti.. ite, Mwirt Hide Atlaula, (ia.. tor apetlal free aiirlce and new bock cm bklu or IM trouble. DOES Your Auto Need Attention? Pierson & Tarbel iiiooti sm M)Tyui. I A iM ,