." 'ft. ' r r FATTO BTOITT metfotto uranr; thtbttne. MEDFORD. OKKOON, RATP1TOAV, MAY 2.1, mil. n GARFIELD TELLS TEDDY NOT TO COURSE IN DOMESTIC SCIENCE STARTS AT ST. MARK'S HALL MONDAY AFTERNOON, 2 O'CLOCK i. A' PROGRAM PROMISED MARKET OUTLOOK PERTNENT u. & M..wlmiKgjt: .L,i m iu,sK(iBi,a SEJUin ..! . BETTER FOODS, BETTER HOIS WEEK BEGINNING NEXT MONDAY "" other utensils necessary for prepar- MISS Pcct Will DISCUSS Scientific ' ,,p trln ami vegetables anil moats, BRIGHTER STOCKS 4& Jl mm.isuSmSSgmm ' m?s. ..Mi' m v . r-" "-zHVonrvr. i.m. r- - luiii m-- ml.a REPUBLICANS GOING UPWARD I X Principles of Housekeeping Will 1 Make Doughnuts Monday After nocn Six. Lecture Demonstrations to Be Given. Six locttiro-domonMratlons have been arranged for tho Mall Tribune Home Kconomlcs School to open In St. Mark's hall Monday afternoon ami Miiilnun for flvo dnvs. There will , be an oxtra evening session on Tues day evening at 7.30. St. Mark's hall Is a comfortable ai. .Miirh linn in a iuiiiiiii tumv ... ..... nmlltorlum, with plenty or seats so juj " -' i '' " !' c arranged that all Miss l'eet says can! they will get greater pleasure out or be easily heard by everyone and her j tho delicious foods she will prepare cooking operations can be seen with-'and Mre to her audience, out difficulty. It Is anticipated that ; At the Tuesday night meeting, the Mall Tribune Home Kconomlcs Miss l'eet Is to bake Ice-cream. This School will le the most pleasant so-1 seemingly Impossible feat Is really clal event of tho season. All classes ' accomplished most easily by a method of housowlves and cooks are expect- J known to Ml l'eet which she pront Ine in ntleiiil ami nro sure to meet i Iscs to divulge to Medtord house- all of their friends there. Stage the Kltrhen The stage In St. Mark's hall baa been transformed Into a largo pleas ant kitchen, equipped with every up-to-dato, modern convenience which lightens tho housekeeper's burdens and renders her scrvlco moro clent. Miss Peot bclluves In good tools for tho cook. In fact she says to prepare tho best foods, in the best ntuniier and In tho shortest time, n woman must havo proper and con venient kitchen furnishings and cook ery'cnslls, Thcro Is a dandy gas slovo ready for Miss reel to light. A kitchen cabinet hag been rilled with various spoons, pans, kettles, and all the ATASHLAND.LODGED IN COUNTY JAIL Tim love affairs nnd elopement of Hen Kennedy, age 35, Mtigle, and irro. It. J. Xorris, ngc '20. both of Camus, Douglas county, ended Fri day night at Ashland when the hus band of the woman mat Sheriff Sing ler stepped into tho rooming Iioiie where they were utouping nrnl served n warrant for their arrest. Kennedy nud Mrs. Norris are held in tho county jnil, while the liu-dinnd paces round anil round the jnil. Kennedy and Mr. Norris disnp jH'ared from Co mat the first of the week, nud n search located the coll ide ut Ashlund. The husband wax notified and warrant issued. Mor ris nrrived last night nnd accompan ied tho hheriff to Ashlund, where he confronted bin ' wife, a dramatic scene being enacted. Tho love that culminated iti the elopement hn,i been going on clnuden- tinel" for several months-, I lie pair being old ncipiaintanccs. Norris, thii husband, wns under it high nervous strain nil morning and walked up sunt down the court vnrd jmlliti for n glimpse of his erring mala through the burs of the jail. In tho afternoon Attorney 11. P. JIulkey wan called and n conference held looking lownrtl n reconciliation between husband and wife. The prosecution of Kennedy is the bone of eonlcutio:i, Nnrris insisting ii)on this plttiho. Pheriff Ouiuo of l'oe burg will nnive this afieriiouu to take the pair buck for trial. Kennedy and Mr. Noniw had been living an nun itnd wife' ut Ashland. Nurris is h.nd to bo (ho owner of coiiMdcrahle DimiuIiih county laud and to be wi-uHliv. L SURVEY 1U BEGIN BUATTI.K, Waidi.. May 23. Tho Alaska railroad commission has opened headquarters n Ulcus hero nud next Monday Lieutenant Freco ilck Mount, momber of tho tomiuls kIoii and formerly cliluf englueor of ho l'uuumii railroad, will begin hir ing a crow of 100 men o locale tin? proposed lino from thu Alaska court jo Fulrlmnkw. Thomas lllggs, Jr., o iiiiimbor of tho eominlmtlou Is also hero and W. (J. I'doM, thu third iimm hor, Is Dxputtod to urrlvo from nun fornix next yvcU. flil blaaki 1st Ml st lb Mall ELOPERS CAUGHT ' m,xli,1n,t ' !ca1d,nB lU J! i making cakes. Thoro are other com- partments too which Miss l'eet will fill with flour and sugar, salt and pepper and savory spices. There Is .1 big refrigerator all ready for Ico and for butler and milk and other Reed things. A tireless cooker awaits Miss Poet's magic touch to produce wonderfully appetlilitR dishes. Work tables and serving (fables stand ready for use by Mis root anil tier assistants Men Welcome t the Tuesday night session men will be .welcome. They too will en- - -- 1 ... (..-. II...I). I..ll. I.... M.I.K.II.J Lwlves. When they hnVo lasted the delicious concoction Mlm l'eet pro duces by this method, they will bo. most eager to learn bow she does It. Scientific rrjIiiR Miss Teet Is going to give particu lar attention to trlng which she erfl-.says Is much abused and often mls 'understood methods of cooking. She Is also going to give some In teresting lessons in cake baking and Intends to make this art poplar In Mcdrurd. She will show how to make digestible pastry and suggest many kinds of fruit pies. On Monday Miss l'eet will prepare and servo tho following menu: Doughtnuts, Cinnamon Cakes, Orange Sticks, Banana Compote'. BECKER PLANS APPEAL FOR STILL ANOTHER TRIAL NEW YOKK. May 2S. For the second time Charles K. Decker, for mer pollco lieutenant, occupies toda a cell in Tombs prison, tho convlctcj murderer of Herman Rosenthal, gambler, for tho actual killing of whom four "gunmen" paid tho penal ty In the electric chair a little more than a mouth ago. Today, as on October 2u, 1912, the day following bis first conviction tor tho murder of Rosenthal, Decker's only holm lay in an appeal. On Fri day of next week ho will be sentenced and soon thereafter ho will bo re turned to the deathbouse at Sing Sing prison, which he left last Feb ruary on the order of the court of appeals that ho be given a new trial. .pKitl Acts as Stay An appeal, which Is certain to te made, will act as a stay of cxecu tlon. giving Decker more than a year to live and with it tho hopo or another roversal of the judgment of the trial court. Martin T. Manton, chler of the Decker lawyers, announced that his appeal would be based on the admis sion of tho testimony of Mrs. Lillian lloscnburg, widow of "Lefty Louie" the gunman; tho ruling of the court In refusing to hear before tho jury tho argument ou the admissibility of tho "Dago Frank'' Clrotici confession nnd on tho justice's charge to tho jury to which ho took exception In court. The only conference today for Decker waa with his counsel, Martin T. Manton. and Mrs. Deeker. Tho basts for an appeal from the vordlct, It was said, was tho subject under discussion. Siieui (julct Night Decker spent u quiet night In bis cell In tho TombH and uwoko re freshed and comparatively cheerful. District Attorney hitman toaay re- colcd tho following letter from Mayor Mltehel: "I have Just heard of tho outcome or tho Decker ruse. Tho wttolo com munity Is under obllgullou to you. Your work hats been Hphtndld." TO E WAHIIINOTOS', May :'3 A poll Hon slKued by vovural thousaiidH or eltUeim of MIcIiIkuii, askliiK ioiikm'Si to recoKiiUe Ur. Frmlorlck A. Cook us Ihe illsrotcrur of thu Noilli l'l. was cmiiIciI lo thu seliuto linluy by Kim uor Wlllluni Aldvu rliullh. iB RELINQUISHES THUNDER SHOWER " " TROWBRIDGE FUNERAL" ALL PROPERIY RIGHTS A nintjiage cortrnel bet ween IWnj. F. (Iniham of l.iw Angeles and I'.lir. atuili Grace t'larke of Sun Diego has been filed with the count v recorder. The ngnvufUl provides that in eon- -iderntion f the pnnutse of Mi-.-. t'lutke lo nun i. v. .Mr. (Iruhiim relin-oui-he-. and disclaims "any nud nil right, title, iutcrct, claim and de mand, or either, in mid lo property, - real or croiuil, now owned by her or that may hereafter he acquired by her. and nlo rent-, profits, crops dividends, intere-t, increase or in crimen! nccruiiig thereoiipu, either in p;irt or in whole; that he reiiouuccH all rights which might accrue to him to -hare or participate in her sepa rate estate; that she hiill have com plete and absolute control, cii.lod, and management, nvjer. hex properly- and that no (uirt shall he liable for debts contracted by him before or niter mnrnage. "In return. Miss Clarke waive rights to property owned by Mr. Graham and exempts his separate es tate fur the satixfaclion of any pnKrty xottlement, mniutciiniirr, alimony or for siipMirt. Only prop erties ifnd monei.s acotiircd or earn ed solely by joint efforts shall be held community property." WALKER'S LIVERYSTABLE A. W. Walker of the NVh livery stable this iniiriiiiig completed tho .alu of the property to T. V. Good win of Klamath Fall, who will take charge of I he business n once. The price is not mude public. The new owner it u pioneer livery man of southern Oregon ami is well known in this section. .Mr. Walker has been owner of the stuble-. for nine eur. He will cont line to make him home in the valley, but is undecided upon what busineii he will engage in. PANAMA CANAL TOLLS BILL VOTE NEAR AT HAND WASHINGTON. May 23. Demo cratlc leaders In tho senate wero con fident today the Panama canal tolls exemption repeal bill and the arbitra tion amendments will ho disposed of next week. Senator Kern, leader of the majority, said n vote would bo taken May 28 or shortly aftorward; and added that tho repeal bill would be passed by a majority of at least ten. STOLE MILLIONS (ContJouBd from pag 1.) further hoods to pay off maturing obligations, and nlo at it time when admittedly the oiit-tiiudiiig obliga tions could no ho pu'il ut maturity by iippro.vimiitclv .fJII.(lli(l,(llll). Permit lucrcuscil KipilpiuciiL "Mr. Culhouii mid the hlockhohlcrs seem In have joined in this act of plunder, nml this being so, ln slock holdurs, while liming Ihe r'ght to be generous, hum not the right lo be generous ut thu exueusu of Ihe public and the creditors, nml the stockholders sluiuhl cither voluntar ily or hi- force enter into u scheme of pincciliiro for ihe Inline wliieh nil) illicit lo the payment of Hh ob ligntioiis and the proper iiitiiutcunucu of senieii ovary uvailablo dollar, even Ihoiigh litis iioulil mean the foicgoiug of ilivideiids for u consid erable number of years." 'J'lic commihsioii, while holding up Hie Hiiaiiciiil liaiisiiclloiiM of the company lo severe criticism, tilled Unit Hie gooil of Hid cily ilemaiulcil an ineiciuo in Die rolling slock ami periiillliti) tlm cxeciilliiii of u uir iipiipmeiil IiiihI o I ho exlnit of With Medfurd inlu U MUforJ mudu, DELUGES APPLEGATE The Applegnte district and Ihe sec tion betu cut Jitck-ouiillo and l'hoe ni ucre huilc?.t hit l the thunder slomi that bioke nvei the willov Fri day afternoon. IJnin fell in torrents in Jacksonville nud bad us big us uiinil eggs fell. For ten intitule the ibiiiiipour continued iii.h rare sever ity. Ilcnvv niiu also fell all up nud down the Applegnte, wahiug out Miiall sections of the rnad, binning doiui trees nnd damaging Miiall amounts of lm thai uas cut. Lightning pluicd Innl.istic tri-ls among (he trees and along Ihe bill tops in this section, tilling a bcwill eriug display. AUTO TURNS TURTLE Deputy Sheriff ( urlcv Wilson turned turtle in his automobile near the wot terminus of the Aram slreel paving Fridav tiisJH, while trying lo avert u colli.sion mill a buggy, lie threw on the cmeigiiicy brake upd the cur skidded across the road and down the cmliaukiiieiit, breaking the wind shield. The Jiorse stool Mill while this performance was going on. No one was injured. It is said Wil son iv us running unhout lights. KILLED IN COMPETITION OSAKAIIIIt'Kt K. (Icnnaii!' .Muy '-'I. Two more (lermitii army itiiitt ors, l.iciiten.iu't Otto Boeder and Lieutenant Sierlned Keiuhardt, met their ileaths today in the Prince Henry Hying competition, bringing the total since the start of tho fou lest on Sunday it up o seven. The other ot ficers killed were Lieu tenants Willy, Wiegnndt, Mueller, Fellinger, I'ohde ami Kolhe. The aviators wcie muglit in a thunderstorm, during which their aerojilane molt uracil nnd they were tlironn out nl n height of 1.101) feet. REPORTEO DESERTER VKIIA Clirz, May 23.-8lx Atuerl cans arrived here f.y train rrom Mex ico City today. Tboy brought with thorn nu uncouririiied report that fi'ouural Jomi VuIi-kco, tho federal coiiiiiiaiulur, who was dofoaled nt Tor rton by (loneral Villa, then recalled lo tho capital and later sent to San Luis 1'otosl, had rovoltcd ucalust (iencrnl Hui-rla I mother with mort of tho federal troopM under his coiii muiul. $10 Down and $10 a Month lluyu tho hen I u Iti tiny of tho addllliiiiH to Cr nt City, u town which luiH a lictti i!hanco of muklug "A (looil Town Uinu Medford bud elKbt oara uko and lyltli lots selling lor IIUO.OO to $1.0.00. Where can you Invest mom to u . bettor ad vauliigo' For iu.iph and Information apply to v E. L. KENDALL Cicscciit ll), ('ullfornlii, MORE GERMAN AVIATORS QH!CHESIEiSPJL 10 BE HELD TUESDAY III UL IILLU lULUUni Former Senator Hovorldge of lu- diaua, ii bo nas evperled at Sana The funeral or I liitold Trow hridKc'iiiorn III today, sent word that Iih sou of K. .1. Troti bridge of .Medfiud, i nould be ttiiublo to roach hero, he- who was killed while hunting at , nK .Iclalned lu ludlauapolls. Mr. W raugcl, Alaska, last Smiilni, will be held at the I'resbilctmii chutcli nevt Tuesday afternoon. The to inilills u ill leneh Mcdford Situduy. Young Tionbiidge, who nits in u boat, pulled his title toward him nii'l it mis discharged, the ball pasing through his uhdotucii. lie liieil iu n short lime. Mrs. Ilertxherg, mother of ,M Tronbrtdge, nml .Mrs. Arudl, her is ler, urriied ''uturdn lo v t-tt he" .. .-. All r mm, . V M VyCJ.UVVl,sLlARKIItEN illll ii ms's i mem II T f f f t t f t I T ? ? I III V P -TModford "" "" 11 I V- N KHAKI l ll SIX iTET IN LENGTH Made in Mcdford. Prico $7.50 and $9. WHY PAY 40c PER POUND FOR SEATTLE-MADE TENTS WHEN THE MEDFORD BRAND SELLS FOR 34c PER POUND? MEDFORD TENT & AWNING CO. Wo IIK'l't Jill lll'llinildH ft If ('JUIVIIH IL ? A. ' tM0tTT4TsS kAAA.AAAA.AA.AAA.AA.A.AAAAAA.AAA THE BIG LITTLE THINGS IN CLOTHES Styles gs wherever the winds btaw, but it s the fine drawn personal touches BEYOND the code of the mode that makss your Suit really YOUR SUIT. ' You'll find tlio niflicsi nicotics of olollioH-iimkiiu,' noodlotl into our Mimi'h and lloy.s' Cloiliin tlioso bitf little things that donoto tlrcs.s di.scriniinatioii. - From biilion.s lo patterns, from fit lo fabric, them's ' iho harmony which makes a ''creation, " and unmakes r in imitation. These Karinoiils are llioroiighbreds without, bein a bit "stuck up." They are sookiiij,' aoUiiinlnnt'0 wilii some men of that kind. Don't forget, we have every new and correct HiyH' in Hats and Furnisl lings to complete your slimmer';' wearing apparel. Wha! 's the use of a shirb- lail? Come in and so whal we have done wilh this useless extravagance. Jyl m,.xcLt OYHTKIt HAY. N. Y, May 23 -Jaunt It. Cat Hold of Clovelaud, one of tho eloiest political advisors or t'oloiuil Hoonovelt, brought word to day there wan no thought turning leading progresslics of iiuiliiK.uim tlon with the republlraiiH. Mr Our Hold, who wiim secretary of the Inter ior during tho ItnoHcictt administra tion and it member of tho "tenuis cabinet," camo all the nay from Ohio, arriving today to talk politic In his slate with the colonel. With him was Atlbur L. Harford or I'ly rla, one of the Ohio proKrosslio ' leaders. While Mr. Garfield did not nv tiunic. to know of condition thtnugtc out the country ho oxprossod lilmiol ; ""riits"ti."1,o H,i.r7yi ,midlcaiirt nan baseless. of tho opinion that any talk of lib the re- Itobluroii and Mr. Post tirrlicil In time for luncheon with t'olouol Itooseiiit. ATLANTA, tin., May 23. CbarKes of bribery, coercion and perjury imido In connection with efforts to obtain a new trial for Leo Frank, under death souleiico for tho murflrr of M-year-. old Mury l'linpiu, resulted today In tlio ludlcttueiitrt being returned hr the Fulton county Kraud Jury. . .-. m V ""' "-V LOTHING Gororo-i NKW YOIMC, May 'JM. Tlio slocl; iniuKel close 1 slioug, The lii't'e" lone of todayV dull stock mniKil nun iisetihed 111 large meiisiiie to u mole hopeful reeling M'KUidiUtt Ihe .Movienii outlook nml the pioxptilH of belter eneuil Iradc, us oiilllmsl by (tie inereiiulilo uueueies ami olhci sludcuts id' Ihe siluiilioii, Tbeie neie lu'itlu some olfsel'iiu conditions, timnely, alaiinlug adii'is Ironi uluoitil, piiitieulutly I'aiii, nlieie Ihe soli cue of cciluln lu,i - til II t fillllUlllt IUIcIchIs n beill o It'll- ly ttti'lioniti. The so-called muil.ii fuuui'i iiiinle jtuius of a point or better with u similar mot emeu! in some of Ihe spcelalliist. Mote gold whs sliinp.'.l lo I 'ni is oml Ihe moicment of cur. iciicy o the I'neifie coast con iuiied Ibiiiils were steady. Trading wits of nominal propor tions, ami I'liilcil States Steel lose it subslaiilial fraction in icsmoih to the uioi op imisllo opiiiioim ciC4. ed by eminent I rude uiithoiltles Most of Ihe oilier liclile isnllcn lelid cil s.j.illi upnoiils, while Itoek Isl and ami Miouii I'acilie inclined In loner let cl, Among (he siccilllliiH, Texas t'oiiipany, Kumelcy preferred mid WclN-Fittgo I'vpiess sIiomciI gains of to 'J points. A carload of marines bound from (Sunt Island, Cat., lo llreiuertoii, Wah . passed throiiiih Minlfonl I'rl da oienlni:. HUfcWR tt5,,y Glo-lkiwrsf Co7 J V.