Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 22, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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H -
Jon lli'Ditinn of (Inlil HIM wm a
IiiimIiiumn vlhllor In lint elly 'I'hiirKilay
Tlm wnliir riiiiinillli'ii of tlm liy
vviun alrmnly UiIh iinirnliiK Id Jmiriiuy
to tint tlt wnlnr liitiiko tlilti inoriiliiK
(o limmllKiUit i'iiihIIIIimim for limliillliiK
CiHItirlliiiiiii M.iiIvmhM'n plan fur a
flllcrlnit Mti(tiiu Inn tliu trip hum
pnitpcnii'il mi nfimint or tlu Hllppury
uuulltlon of Hie nmct.
.Moiiny to Ioiiii on IniproVnit nuieli
proimrty. Ciirkln ft Tiolur. 71
Horn- To Mr iiinl .Mr Clmrlim
CmnpliKtl, Mil) 2 1, ii tmliy tiny.
.Mlwt Miirjnrlu Hunt or Itoituo lllvnr
In buiiiIIhk Ho' tluy In Mtulfonl vln
ItliiK IrliiinlK unit relative.
Quality ln vriMini mitt Quality lint
Wr In our motto. Mint font t'traniur),
W. I.. Cliuiiiill.
II. N. Knlilor or ICIiiniiitli I'nIU In
a IiiinIiicnh lliur III (li city tlili
Walter WIIIIiiiiin, llirli DoiinM'N
ri'ntlntrni'lKlit irot'Ko will npprar hi
tln inlnrlpal pn-llnilnnry at tliu Wll-lliiiiiN-Ootilou
riKlit nt Vituoii ni'Xl
Atomic ulplnir, n rue tin In or lenil,
lilncldcnr, llmo ami iilpliur, Iwrry
rrali'N ami bout, for ul nt liiMcut
prlrKN liy tlm ('o-oporalUu I'nill
Orowiir' AKoilntou.
Clichtur I.'khii or Omul I'mrn nkiii
TlmrNiluy In .ti'ifonl ami Jiuknon
llllt Oil lllllll.ll
W. W Iiiiii-n or Aflilrtinl In a bull
in Ultor In tlm rlt) tmlii)
Tr ii "rill" rlKftr, lioM fir rlisur
on marUi'l. , fill
Attorney t l Urine or AhIiIoihI
I ati'inlliiK to hiiatiioM limit nr In tln
ell) toiln).
I'iniik Voiiiik or Hurh In a thltor
IIT tl I'll) tor a low jumr toiln).
Trnmiplnnli'ii intuitu plant, 70
ffiilN ir huiiilri'il, npi'clnl price on
liitu too nuil miir Km:. popper ntul
nwim'I potato plant now read),
I'orllmiil Avenue, tlreeiiliiiiuo, .i.
ronl. I'lionn S7-U. fit)
II. T. Il mi ot llollnml U .1 tml
iitw vlnllor In tint rlty tint ay.
Wlllllir Jlllll'N lit ItllNil 1.11110 IptMIt
n few hour In tlm illy tliU uieruliii:
A "KltiK Split" rlKnr U liouiu iihuIk.
To oi"'. f''- f,y
A number or partle tlKiirhiK oil
NtiKiiilliiK Hiitiinln) unit Hiimlny In tlm
bill Iiiivm iiiaito utber arrnni'.i'imiiH
nrti'r 1huriiitn)'H itoftiipmir.
II I ClieMeriuin or Kinporln, Knit.,
arrived In Meilfunl TliitMitay alttr
noon, nml will pruliatily IacaIm In
Hoiitlmrn OnKon Tlm thuiuliir nml
IlKlitultiR f'' liour nftiT hi nr
rival ninilo lilm ri'nl at homo. Imt lu
RiirprUml at tlm rool iiIrIiI aftor
n warm tin). Ilo will inuwt liU fam
ily Intro In tlm rail II hu obtain u
Niiltnblu lorntton.
Ak our rocir or nnlRlilmr about
bo pennant raipi'il tiruaJ inailo at
tlm NnwliiMii bakery. "'3
Will WlUon ot TopimnUli, Wnuli ,
a cnntvloupo minor of that nvctlnii U
nttcmllng to bimlni'in mattorf In tlm
alley for a fiw ila).
Itori Unter or Hlcambnat In In tlm
city cecii rl iik treatment for an ill
leraleil looth,
Itojal llakory gaoiU at l)oVoc.
Tlm rain or Thurmlay ilroo tramp
ami tray cltUeim vxlio limn btmn
ramplUK aloiiK Mi-ar rrorU Into tln
rltv Unlay with tlmlr blanki'tu ami
tlm pollru Miro htuy all nmrnlnx.
tellliiR. 1 tioiii to ki-i'p iiiovIiik. A trio
or toiiKh looking KlMltH WITO OHllTOll
out of town Tluirmlay iiIrIiI, for far
limy woulil rotiinilt hoiiio crlinn. Oim
wim ilruulHanil tlm ollmr pair roll or
, Typewrite. All iiianrn now ami
rohullt. H0I1I, rcntoil ami repaired.
Typowrltur HxchmiRo, 230 North
Tlm Htroct ilnpailinont awoopni'
linmlii'il up tlm ullti of tlm liiulnuaa
ilUtrlit Thurnilay aftiirnoon.
(leorKo I'olti'r or I'lmeulx win n
litiHlnoKH Ultor In tlm city ThurBilay
KpUmillil iiiImmI program on nt trm
It Tlmnlor tonight "Curfow Hlmll
Not lllug Tonight," "An Aiclili'titnl
Chm." "111 NmIih. tlm I'lunibur," ami
"Miituul Wi-iikly Nowh." You ran.
not afford to iuIhh It.
Hoy TlinmiiH of Hullo Kail I n
hiiHlnimn vlhltor In tlm rlty loilay.
Kii'il I'elmuo of Kaglu Point la
Hpiuiillng tlm nml of tlm wook In Mm
Bavo inoimy. Uo Tlato len, Moil
fori) I co & Hturngo Co. l'Imim 'iOi.
Huh I'arknr, who ha Immi a ri'Hl
ilent of Miulforil for a Mhort time, loft
for Kugouo IIiIh morulng.
Mtm John I'ortorof (lolil lllll, who
ha beuii Uniting at MeiUonl mi'l
Jai'knonlllo, ha rolurnoil hlmo.
Don't ho iliirnlvml. Uo I'lnlo Ico.
Muilforil liu ft Htorago Co, l'lioiio
MHrtM'MI-IM-HI-M .----
Weeks & McGowan Co.
liljr AmUUmI
) I'lmiio IM7
Nlghl V, W, Wwli !
I'buuM A, K. On M.M
1 , , M , , t , , 1 1 tt-t-r T
Mm, Krmik l.anliey inailo AhIiIiiihI
frleiiiln a vlnlt thla week,
Mr. Krauk McKee ami Imr iIiiiikIi
lor of Hfjvmi Oiika wiiio .Muilforil vIm
Itor TliurMilay.
Two liiindreil riy awiiltum tn-it at
Hntlorrii'lirN grorury, 1'lioim 2K!,
MIhn Marlon Townn or I'honulx,
ilouiocratli' nml pniKrcHMlvn lainllilnlit
fur lupioNi'iitiitlvii, nuulo a trip to
Mmlforil TliuiHilay,
Hlil Nli'hol, who In now engaged In
tlm Ntoik biiNlnuifl, In In Meilfunl for
a few tin) h
Atti'tid tlm Npeilal Miln 011 lallorml
hiiHn at AlinuiN. &,'!
Milk mid cream at DuVoo'n,
MInn Agui'H llroad ha been nt
JaclfNouvlllo, ImIIImi; lelatlvi-M ami
WVnlny Coffei'ti him gotm to KInnoii,
Cat., to Ult hi brother, who In em
plo)od nt tlm flNh Imtiliery lliere.
. All tailored milt are reciuvil 2T
10 M) per tun t at AlireiiN. 63
(Ii'iirgo .McDotiough, roiiNtablo of
Hiiiiin Valln) prerluit, Npuni Wuilin'N.
day In Meilfunl
Krnent Wubb ami II. T I'linlley of
Central I'olm dUtrlil were among tlm
many ImrtlnilltirlnU In Mmlforil on
Manila, rhorolato mid WIiIIo'n pv
rial I ni croaui for Hiiudny. I'buno
H I'. Hleppy and Itobort Wllrox
wont down from Talent Weitncintay
M CrlrliNou, ililef or tlm feileral
fortuity Nitrvlro for till ilUtrlct, Iink
ri'tiirui'd from mi offlrlal vlnlt to
Appligalit, (
Many prett) now llngerlit ilreNMti
at Ahri'ii. f'3
II II. Itlcliaril and A. r Hough, at
liirue) ot (WiiutN l'aN, were In Med
ronl Wednesday 011 legal buluN
A. tlangwlNili and I'red Oweim, tint
mlner. were oer from Jarkoullln
Wedni'Kilay. on roiito to Anliland
I'latn leu Morning do!lvirlN.
Muilford lrn A Htorago Co. I'lione
J JH, Vugnll andKrt Nlchol or
Kngln I'nllit tarried III Mi'dford a
while Wedlienday
Mr. Amy Hiulth, n iiIitu or Mr.
Jami'N Kent, puxned tliroiigh Medford
Tliumday 011 her way from 8lion to
Coo Hay.
Tlm Knlm, tho llvu modid ror't I
lint Neinl of good figure at Ahreii.
A. Iamin"hroodi'r arrived from
tho fnt till wei-k, on a lll to hi
Nldler, Mr. M. I.upton.
W II Hnrr. who ha been looking
after hi mining IntereNt. In In Mi'il
ford again
I. W. flbaplelgh llardwaro Co., nro
dally adding to their wull Beorli'd
lock and aro Nolllng at clow prlrc.
Mr. Murdork of li Angoli I I"
tlm alluy I ntlm luteri': of n large
manufacturing concern,
Charle J. Howard, formerly of tho
Cattago (IroVo Leader. I In Mcdford.
In the Interest of J A. Kolgur & Co.,
of San I'rnnrUco.
"Tlm Three Muketeor." a tupen.
don photoplay at tlm Htar today.
W C Deiu-tf of Jarkonlllc, who
In afflicted with a dlneaim of tlm
throat, ha gone to I'ortland tor Bur
glral attention.
Cnrkln & Taylor, lawyer. (John
II. Carklu, tlleiin 0. Talor), lla-kliiN-HiDden
llldg, Main Mroot.
Harry Day, director or tho Cold
lllll band, peiit Tliumday In Med-
i:. T. Staple of Ahlaiid motored
to Medford Thurdn) lu n Htnnloy
Daniel rrohnian pronent. at tlm
Star Theater today. "The Three Mu.
kotoom," complete lu lx part.
II. K. HagNdalo of HoMtburg. who
caum to Medford to attend tho fun-
oral of hi noii, Van tllincn, re
turned to llohoburg Thurmla) even
Dee onr hluo rergo HhlnoT Orre
& I.ii Mar can tako the wort "ino
out. Don't throw It away. Jut phono
rihS-lt, and have It taken out. Ounr
anlecd. 200 Vct Main.
Mr. and Mr. 11. I.. 1''R. 8r-
went to Central Point Uil morning.
They recently ItiNested In a fluo homo
lu KiinI Medford. which will also bo
the honm of tlmlr mm and hi brldo.
Hereon doora at Medford, Co.
K, KvmiHon and I.. H. IIuhKIhh
mado a IiiiIiioh trip to (Irani I'naa
during tlm week,
At tho Htar today "Tho Three Muh
keteer," In six rompleto jmrta. '
Juhho lluKHilnlo of Trail Iihh ro
lurned fioni u vllt with hi mm, who
Ih attending tho blind hcIiooI at
Kodak flnlHhlmt. gloHy or dull flu
IbIi nt J. O, Oorklug'H atudlo, 228 K
Main Ht. l'liono 320-J.
D, H. llUNsoll and W. J. UoilgorB
droo over from Antloch Tlmrnluy.
I J. II. HroiiH, who ha been xoeklng
rullof f" rhmiinatlm In Callfor
nla, I lu Mmlforil amimpanluil by hi
Alexander Dniiia' well known
Nlory, "Tlm Threo MimketuorN."
(leorgu Dean, who lum Peon l
tlm 111I11I11K illHtrlila of HNklyou rif
y for Nomo tlum, h luturneil I"
"Tlm Three Muli'loer."
Mm, Klldiiiw, u trwliu'ti iiurv who
hu liueii In HlliiiulMnrn of W. li'
llonulil, left for Itlilinmiid, Cu..
Th in duy.
Cull Mlli'lit'll for luwii iiiuwvi initi'
Llyi, I'liwiiv M, '
Horn To Mr and Mr, (.' I), I".
Ilartrum, at Tiller, Doiigla county,
May IK, a girl baby Mr, Hiirtriiui
In a daughter of Mr Ada Cornell of
Hon t It Holly direct UiIh city, who In
now lulling tint former
William (lerlg, vl(i).prelilent of
tlm l'aclfli! A ICantern, Iuin roturimd
to Portland after a hort alay In Med.
J (), (lurking, tho huNt all around
photographer lu noutliern Uregun,
Alwny ritllnhlo. Negative miulo anv
wlioio, tlum or place, Htuillo 2'IV,
Main Ht. Phoim .'I20.J.
Mr. Ph) III ItiiynoliU left for Imr
former honm lu .Michigan Thiimdny,
aeionipanled by Nevernl or her )ouiig-
or rolatlvuN. Tlmy will return imxl
Any 0110 wlNhlug lo buy n wind mill
and Ktiel t.wor lu flrnt cIiinh rood)
Hon and ery cheap, eo Mitchell, 110
Hotith Ithemldu.
Major C, WIInoii wn down from
drizzly Peak district, where he I
developing a piomUIng quartz mine
He Iihn Nitvetal men itmplo)ed and I
well rntliflnd with diivelupinent.
I'reh Hum, MeiHord .r. Co.
Two hundred It) (waiter fie,, nt
lluttorfleld'tt grixery. Phono 210.
Tlm city council Tliumday effected
a compromise with K W. AiuIitnoii
who broke hi arm following the Day
planing mill tire, white hauling bono
Into (he hone tower at tlm flro ta
tlon. Tho city will rIvo Andernon
II 00, and pay hoxpltal and doctor
bill, totaling 200. Till forentalh
nuy dmuagii unit.
Mr. and Mr. IMgar H. Ilafer will
move to Han I'rmirlm-o next month
'where they will make their futur'
(Continued from Pais 1)
der the beNt iimbrtdla,'' repomled Mr
"Kegnrdlug the praer from the
hill," Mr. I'olk nuked Mr. Mellen It
he knew what wan paid for It.
"I do not know, hut It wn worth
what we paid for ll."
"Now that opening Ncutcnro." ald
Mr. I'olk, "'I will lilt up initio iu
to tlm hill' NoiiudM very much like
"Oh. gowirnor." exclaimed Mr. Mel
len. "have )ou not read tho bible?
That aentenru I from Hie ncrlulures."
I'rii)er I'nuu Xw llntrii
"80 the pra)er from tlm lilt Ik. up
poned lo come from the people. In
reality came from tho New Haven?
What would have been the efrect If
thl bad been known?"
"It would bae gleti 11s a reputa
tion for literary talent thai we did
not deene."
Anked If he "had omplo)ed Prof
Ilruco Wyman of Harvard at 110,000
a ear to dollUT lecture In tho In
terrNt of tho New Haven, Mr. Mel
ten replied:
"I Niippomi so."
Mr. Mellen atd ho bollovod tho
Now Haven potit loo In It campaign
for publicity than other roads had
pent In a Mlmllnr way.
"Was not something paid to prac
tically every newspaper lu New Kng
land?" Over tOOll Paper Paid
"I do not know as to that. The
record show that moro than 1000
got soino." said Mr. Palk.
"Well I have no doubt that I cor
rect." Mr. Mellen.
In tlm last five minutes If hi tetl
niony Mr, Mellen was led to dUcus
hi negotiation with tho Oram)
Trunk railway, a a result or which
ho was Indicted by a federal grand
Jury for alleged conspiracy.
"He took a very active part."
"1 did not know Mr. Morgan know
au thing about tho matter until ho
enme to my off Ico wlillo Mr. Smlthers
mid Mr. Chamberlain wore there. He,
told them what they could .do to bring
about peace between tho Now Haven
ami (Irnnd Trunk IntoreaU."
"Ho left tlm offlco and I told
Smlther and Chuntbcrlalti tlint 1 folt
tho vort punishment they could get
would lie to extend tho Orand Trunk
Into Now niigland. 1 then told thorn
that If tlmy thought tho amount, of
business Justified, wo could discuss
tho matter of reaching nn agrcomon
regarding tlm exchange of business
nlong the Connecticut river. 1 vvaa
asked to put my views lu writing and
within a week after tho federal
grand Jury began pioceedlngH ngulnst
To Shield Mr. Morgan
"What about tlm letter you w'roto
to tlm district ntlorimy nt Now
"York?'' nuked Mr. Kolk.
"I wrote Hint letter to shield Mr.
Morgan, It wns gunu over by Led-
KOUNDOu Itoxy Anno roud
Country club, ladles' purso.
at Mall Tribune.
KOIl HKNT To responsible paity,
nicely fiirnlsheil iiiodeiu 0 room
bungalow ami sleeping porch, close
In. Phono 005. bl
WANTi:i)-lh)ad litirsus, rnlllu and
hogs promptly imimved, freu of
Uiargi', wllhln 0 mile of illy.
Mud find llmlili'lliili Co,, plmiiu Sf37
KOirilKNT MmleTii, f nw tul
1h!, ituvii lu, I'hoMu s-V. H
yard and Itobhlu T nearly killed
overyhody In tlm ofNco to keep Mor
kiiii'n mima dill or It."
Mr Melli'ii iuimIihIimI IiIh tcntl
inoii) by lolling or an Intcrvlow
Nhortiy artcrwanlii v,ltb J, Plorponl
Morgan', junior
"Voting Morgan," nld Mr, Mellon
"wiin iluoply uffecti'd and turned IiIn
hack on 1110 mid looked out of tho
window for a U moment In order
to get tlmo to oercoum bin oniotlon
Ho nd hi father wn lu bad lenllh
mid could never Inivt Ntood an Indrt
mrtit at that time '
At the, courlUNlon of Mr. Mitlleu'
tetliiioiiy, Mr. I'olk an lied for an nd
Joiirnnieiit until tuxt Tiit-Nilay. He
unld lie denlrt'il to retain Mr. Mellen
within call. It wa IiIn purpoie, ho
mild, lo havo ollmr wliiieBVM lendy
to procend with tetltnony when Ijie
hearing wna reutneil.
"I Mr. Rockefeller able to appear
on tho Nlaiid?" attked CommliiHloiier
M Chord.
Mr Mellen, who bad not left the
utatiil ald:
"MY. Itockefeller, a I undrtand
It, In unable to penk about a whin
per It would be linpomlble lor him
lo go through Nitch an experience an
I hiiMt had during
tho laet four
TACOMA. Wash , Msv 22 . upoc
splal to the 'ledger rrom I.ebaiu,
WiikIi , snyo that n Ion cloro to n
quarter of it million dollar waa sus
tained 111 a flro, that prnrilrally wiped
out the biiNlties district and a 11 tim
ber of residence of tho town today.
The flro started lu tlm mill or the
Can. I. umber rouipaii), which wn do
stroyed with a lu or fully tir.O.ODO,
'swept down I with NldiN of the main
huNluess district mid at 7 o'clock to
night waa still binning.
Hesldo Mia milt nil buiiiT- boures
on the street were burned, some of
tlm more prominent lntnutlons that
were wled out lielng tho general
nienbaiidlaii sloiu of C It, Handy,
wllh U'K.OOO stock, both ot the
town's hotels, the ponlofflcc, the
l'Uber brothers store, 8i:ner's bank,
the storo of Hhaffer brothers, two
lodge halls, and, the new Davis brick
block. Just completed The Northern
Paciric depot and tho county bridge
were also destroyed and the Northern
Pacific bridge so badly burned that
It was expected to halt all trains.
Dynamite was, lined 011 otm build
ing but the explosion only seemed to
spread the flames, Tucru was no wa
ter hut that Ukiiu from wdls with
Health Restored by
Ecknan's Alterative
Otanilular Irotitilr. tcrr fiUfnllr M
Ctiovil liy iilijrtlctaiil 1-Tultrult In
llii. llUtidv'1 him Uu foJinl lo ilfia in
i:okmD AlttrailTf mWu olli.r Ural
inruU 1M not Wine rrllif l.tkman
Altrrstlir la n nirtllrliit ntilcli dtirlus
tit pit nitron yrt tin liruualit alxml
roaii) r-Ttrrlf etrrn In numlxr of
auutHwnl liiilra cca tl''l lhl -257
LaurUtoB fit. I'lills. r.
"Itrntlrnirn III Murcli lln. mr iloc
tor iiruiiminrnl lay om- 'Tui",nuloa' In
Itii' anil n iiuintar of tvmlln
In ltnltl filltil In Iw-nrflt mr In Ihr
iiiranllnii a frlrml nf lulnr mllcl Kct
mnn'a Altrratlii Ihr v.uuit In in
licrk vrrrr itllt npru Pii'l tn a fititilfiil
mnilltlon vitiin I ttartnl to taVp It Afur
umlna? two Iwtllf I tumid I w laipnir
Ins. Iiatluc cnlniM w Itlit rouM rat anl
nn aLIc lu atop. I miitlnuiil uln II
11-itll I wn writ wUtr'i wln Norfin'r
into Ha Norrmlwr It. imt) I tarlnl to
wurV. nml 'n (hat tttni I bale not !(
inir ilu) Hoik Itiniuti ld.tu I tilcLly
rtt-vliitnriiit t Inula' A If nillir1 In ulir
iilir rio I unitn frnlll lilatnl Inml r
l.Mtl.lAllll JllXr.l'll II Willi I'
lAlmto Ntibrrilalrtl. ltwn on rniitel
llrLmin'a A'tirntlie baa tx-rii ir.uti I'J
inmr lot tn tw iat if" mliiui
fr mrio lliittal and I urn: ,V(tini.n-.
llrmirLIIK Hruarlilal Aalhun Sltililmrn
i'iiIiN nmt In iiMhiIIiIIiic ttu vlnn
ront"lii an nari-olli'iv iiiuiii nr lialat
ferialni: ilnn AV for Uok'rt till ns
nf mwrrlrf ltl nrlt to liauisn
Ijil'onitno Vbltadrliitilii I'n fi- ''
iK-iict). I'cr m 0 br all liiiJInj itrusislatt
Ttocontly rouiodolcd and oulargoil,
added now ramorai mid apparatus
mid Is uow strictly up-to-ilato Id
ovory way.
Commerliul Work nf all Kinds
Including coping and oiilargliig ol
pictures, legal documents, etc. lira
Hilda enlarging, nuy sUe, and koduV
flnUhlug of every kind,
Profi'sslonal slid miialiior photo
graphic suppllus,
Ii, Mi llsrmoM Assoilalml Willi Mu,
Hlwp pvwr IiIn 7 wwii w, I'buuM Up)
J Jde Silver L
1 & Collar f
which to fight tho flames mid nl -
though many mitomobllo load of per-
sons enmo from Itaymond, no real
help could be given.
(Continued from pigs 1.)
The I'lwrg.i won worded with
ennmloui nire. Timo nml nmn
I. ...I Lf.... I. ...... ...1.1 ,1... .1
.milieu ni-iui.i) . uir (inifi- nun -
ienee in the jury hx, iifler reiew-
injf fiitilrnl1riiry evhlerire, "Your
Is the duly to decide yvhicli Vint kIkiII
believe, .luiiieo iloen not reipiire n
Vielhu. II Ih'H itefenilant i- inno
cent il vroulil he terrible lo find him 1
Ullllly, b(eiiii.() of 11 nv iirejudiee t fin t
might he held figniii! Iiitn. Mut von1
iiiiih( nut nllow jour jmlgmeiit to he '
inlliiineiil ly nuy sympHtliy."
IUker Ibu k lit Cell ,
The jury Mil in ilence while the
iihiiiiI motions for iliMiiiing the nitr
were miiilc nml then tiled iiiietlv to
their room. Hcekcr went buck lo In-"
eel I in tin' ToinliK nml hi wife went 1
lo luncheon nt a tienrhy relnuriinl
The jnrv lemle mi nl einnt to he I
Kiiii nml Wind Itrlog Out I'kI) .SmiIn.
How to Itemote I'atlly
llOro's a chanre, Miss Freckle
face, to try a remedy for freckles
with tlm guarantee of a reliable deal
er that It will not cost you n penny
unless It removes tho freckles; while
If It does give you a ivar complex
ion tho expense Is Iririlng.
Simply get an ounce or nthlno !
double strength from any druggist
and a few applications should show1
you how etasy It Is to rid yourself (
of the homely freckles mid get a
beautiful complexion. Harely Is
more than one ounce needed for the
worst rase.
He sure to ask the druggiu for
the double strength ottilne as this Is
the prescription sold iincer guarantee
of money back If It falls to remove
In Mowers, Rakes, Buggies and Sewing Machines
lyfc-ftVertieal Lift and Draw Cut Champion fow-
ors $52.50
o-foot Draw Cut Champion Mowers $55.00
f)-foot Big Draw Cut Champion Mowers 60.00 &
9-foot Self-Dump Champion Unices 33.00
10-foot Self-Dump Champion Hakes 35.00
Xew TTome Sowing Machines i v....37.50 t
Buggies at Cost. &
"NVo have a limited number of the above goods and at
these prices it will pav vou to look the stock over.,
Medford Implement Co. I
--'v 3Xt:
Golden Juice
la KIs..'.
., ,re.
the juico from SUNKIST Oranges. HEpSgl
And Sunkist Oranges never were better than now ft'V-'.'':-
never so heavy with juice, never sweeter or more luscious.
Highly flavored, tender -meated oranges probably will
never grow any finer.
Sunkist are tree-ripened, glove-picked, tissue-wrapped,
and shipped right from the tree so are always fresh.
What other fruit is so good and good for you?
All dealers now have them, and prices are low.
8j nYlihornlloim nt once. In Urn
,.lHto,y f ,.rt ,rncer, the twelve
,, ,,lt (l), ,lt ,, 1(,,mu,
I hotel.
j , Cnnl of Tliiink.
I On bohalf of myself and family I
fwlsh to thank the good and kind pro-
.p0 l) tjwifor, nn, vicinity for their
t kindly interest In, and sympathy for
I g( r,it 0f auto accident a week
t .. ...
, nK0. ijMieclally would wo express
our gratitude and tbanVs to tho very
prompt assistance rendereil tin by
thoNo residing in tho neighborhood of
Hyliep bridge to Mr Morgan and
Everyone wlio travels will appreciate tliu
Safety, Convenience and Availability of.
Travelers' Cheeks, whieh we issue at very
reasonable cost.
at Tin: sinx or
ci m. r ?
r UiC iumC
Try Sunkist Lemons, too, madam. Thcso nrc practically
seedless, the best looking lemons, tho richest in juice uiul
in flavor. Use Sunkist Lemon juice where you havd been
using vinegar. Sea what delicious tang it adds.
Beautiful Rogers Silver Is obtainable!
wrajij;isiruiui)otii bunklit Oranges amU.omon. wrllsior
cur sO.paite Heclna Hook blowing 110 wayi
uiumiKiMjiiiiruin, vvu'iiMfouourrrciui.
urn Hook too. iliowluif what vou can ut
, (orvvramnianiltlliivliuwlut:oAbuuTlt.
ultfw U FruU CrewH
mothor for bringing mysolf mid wife
home, to tho Hall (larngo Co,, to Drs.
Portor, limmon. and Conroy for"
prompt and Bkltlful aaslstmicn to our
Immediate, neighbors and frlondii and
tho good slators of tho Hacred Heart
hospital. Wo sitasi novcr forget all
this wealth of kindness. This Is,
truly, tho "Valley of llnca."
Attention A. 1 .Vt A. M.
Work In the I'ellowcraft dogreo to
night at H 00.
-1 -5
For Grown-vps
and Growfng-vps.
In cxclmnua tor I lis