. t i' racus worm 1rEDT?0m MATT TR-TOUTO TODTTOUn, ORKUOX, "WUnNKSnAY, "MAY 20, ID! MEDFORD MAID TRIBUNE AN 1NI1KPKNOKNT NKWRPArKR PUJIMKIIBD P.VKIir AtTKUNOON KXCICPT HUNDAT HY TUB MHoronu P1UNTINQ CO. Th rJemoarntlo Tllnes, Tim Medford Mall, Th Medfonl Trltiunt, Thn South rn Orrgonlnn. Thn Ashland Trlbumx. Office Mall Trlbunn Hullillmr, 2t-:7-5 North Mr utrtotj telephone 55. Official l'rr of the City of MtdfonL Official 1'apcr of Jncknon County. SAVING W00DROW WILSON Rntored n irco'ndctAM matter at Mrdford. Oregon, undir tha aot of lUrch 3, 17. KtJBgGKIFTXOH KATES One .month, by mull.. -tl.OO .to Pr month, delivered by carrier In MCiirortL Jncksonvnia ana con- trftl 1'olnL -. .SO Ralurdny only, by mall, per Year S.OO Wrtkly, per ygar,, - .... 1.80 Pull Leaned AVtro Associated Press -ifjtv t!fi- I With Meritor Stop-Oxer PINCHGT VICTOR WITH PENROS E PARTY PRIMARIES 1 i ' t L PHILADELPHIA, May 20. Itolso Ponroco, republican! A. Mitchell Pal mer, democratic, and Clifford Pin cliot, progressive, will mnke the fight for United States senator from Penn sylvania lit 'the November election.' These threo won tho respective party nominations yesterday In tho first stutQttldo primary held in Pennsyl vania under tho new federal consti tutional amendment providing for the election of United States senators by popular voto. Penrose won a sweeping ctory over J. licnjamln Dlnimlck, former mayor of Scranton; Palmer defeated Henry Iludd of Philadelphia In a bit ter fight, and Pinchot was unop posed. At republican a;ato head quarters, It was estimated that Pen rose bad "5,000 majority oyer Dim inlck. Tho democratic nomination for governor was between Vance C. Mc cormick, former mayor of Harris- liurK. and .Michael J, Ityan, city so licitor of Philadelphia. Ryan polled a big vote la Philadelphia and in tho anthracite coal regions, but re turns from the greater part of the stato hare led tho friends of McCor mlck to claim tho victory for their candidate. Martin G. Brumbaugh, superin tendent of tho public schools pt Phil adelphia won the republican nomina tion for governor, defeating Joseph CauMeld. mayor of Johnstown. Tho Washington (progressive) candidate for governor at me Novem ber election will be William Draper Lewis, dean of the .University of 1'euuBjlvanIa law school. ONK of tho rejjrottnhlo results of tho recent primary election was the defeat of.ludtjo W. .11. Canon of .Mod ford, a veteran party workor and ol'fioiont political orran ixor, as democratic national committeeman by 11. M. Fs terly of Portland, an attorney who never lifted a finder or spent a penny in behalf of party. Mr. Canon's defeat is tine to the fact that he lives in southern Oregon, while his opponent resides in the' metrop olis; to the expenditure of a largo sum of money in "Fslorly s Jiehalf in a campaign of slander and falsehood against Canen: and lastly, to the statewide efforts of the newly created federal ottioo-holdors machine, captained by Postifiaster Myers of Portland, who induced Fstorly to become a candidate. Mr. Canon was denounced in advertisements in the metropolitan 'prossas a reactionary, the representative of Kyan and lielntont. and tho enemy of WoodroW 'Wilson and this in spite of the fact that Mr. Canon was the orig- t inal Wilson man in southern Oregon and made the Wilson campaign:4 Literature "was sent overv registered democratic voter, conveying the impression that approval of the adminis tration could only lie expressed by a vote tor Fstorly, defender of the cause of human progress.' Colonel C. E. S. 'ood. the millionaire anarchist, polit ical adviser ot Harry Lane and cow partner ot mil Mauley, rushed into print in Esterly's behalf, while in half-page ads the unknown Esterly's picture, almost life-sized, re placed Tom Marshall's alongside of Woodrow Wilson, and big typo shrieked forth the fact that Wilson stood for humanity and humanity was in danger, and could only be saved by a vote for Esterly ! Coming events cast their shadows before. It will soon be necessary to save Wilson again. Colonel Wood, inspira tion of the Fstorly campaign, will discover that as Senator Chamberlain is opposed to the administration's policy of canal tolls exemption repeal, Woodrow Wilson and the cause of humanity are again endangered and must be 5-aVed. The only 'way to save -thenr will be to send Wood's partner, Billltunley, to the rescue. We can expect this fall to see I Fa nicy's picture replace Esterly's alongside of Wilson's in the papei-s. with the legend that a vote for Tlanley is a voto for Wilson, and flic only way to uphold humanity's cause is to vote for 1'ill JIanley for united States senator! EX-AMBASSADOR SHARPLY CRI T ICISED BY SENATORS I ONE WASHINGTON, Mo -JO. -i'riti- cmii of Henry l.nilo Vhmu, fanner Amorieiut niuhassudor to ,Mo,vr( una made in the Hewitt' todny ly Senator Stone, oliuuiuan of the for eiirn relations otunlailtee. when- Son- utor Villmm AldL'tf Smith of .Mlelil- pin hud rend a.lgfTor 'nun Mr. WiN on )it'slntj hlg ie, mi the Mex ican MltUUttOll. The letter wn osleiihildy in correct a dale in Senator Smith' recent Mexican opeeeh. The lonuer am liatxiulor, in onl'tug ittti'iitimi to the eiror, told of urct'ttR tin- rocoxiiitiou of Ounenil lliKutn, urn! unlit adop tion of that tMiRree would liuui a oi lei the hloovud vliifli lol oe ourmi. Senator Smith Mtid thu former muliii-Miilor tle-ervwl the liitluit (iji. lireeiatiou of tin; lialam. "Oli, 1 don't think Iim is eulitleil to the grateful t'oii-iiloralion of the Atnerienu people," in i-tal ijenator Stone. "Tor myself. 1 Ii.ne very lit - lie 'oaitlcrutioii or u-iwit fur llm former nmtiaailor ! ihc rcpulili of Mexico." GOOD BACKS FOR BAD AledfoVtl rtildl'itt Art'' l.oarul'uV lion to Kvhaiiuo tho Old Hack I'm' a SlituiKt't' Ono Hoe your liuek ache, feel weak and palntnlf 1 Do you suffer heartarlioH, languor 'and deireitnon? Ik tho urluo dlncolorod, pasfingcs IrroRiilar? ' Tito kidneys mny ha railing for ludp, t Wenk kidneys' cannot da their work. ' (ll,vu thorn tho hulp Oicy nrtd. To cuie a ktdliey bnekneho you mast cure tho kidney. Ufo n tostud and proMin kidney remedy. Doan's Kldtioy PlUa ImvO stood tho test. fouvliirlug proof of merit In Med ford eudursemnut: , tl. M. Jones, -U'fl noardman Hi , MiHlfonl, Oro., sas: "My hack wan very cliff nud pnluful and t hnd other Hnuoylng nymplonis of kidney trou l'lc. Dean's Klilno) PlIU, iirneuied nt llunkln' drug store, brought me prompt relief and my health Imx.boou much better k I nre." Price fiOe, nt all dealers. Don't simply ask (pr n kidney remedv got Doan's Kidney Pills tho same that Mr. Junes had I'oster-Mllhnrn Co , lltiffalo. N V, ISIS THEATRE oil n miopia) s Titcsday ami Wt'dlieHihiy DUTI'tTIVK ICKI.I.V Two Heel bvturtlvo ICotly PATIII' WliKKI.V News NO. Ul OIIOS'l'S Vllagraph Comedy ADMISSION TOXItlllT H.Jtl fouling 'MiniMlity iniM.wfi' oi tiii: i: Mit. OhADKS Two Part Tlieio N Nollilng llettcr ami Nena (,ulo So ti'ooil ns i VELVET ICE CREAM I 'or ovary oiioiulon. Iiidlvhlual molds for sperlal occasion. Hpculnl prlnoH fur ehUrahos and lodges. 1'iopmt'dollvurlus, White's Velvet Ice Cream Factory SAGE 1H PUIS LIFE M COLOR IN HI Sage Tea and Sul-' that nobody can tell. Don't ttay crayl phur darkens hair to naturally RAT CAMPAIGN NEEDED SWATTING flies is a commendable occupation, but a little of the energy spent on the flies can well be devoted to a campaign of extermination against the rats. A few years ago rats were unknown about Medford. Last year they became so common that Professor O'Gnra wrote a series of articles upon them in the Mail Tribune, their origin and habits, calling attention to the necessity of exterminating them, as they are a common carrier of disease germs. Since then the rats have multiplied tremendously. Sec tions of Mcdford are overrun by them, and unless meas ures are taken at once to exterminate them they will over run tho entire valley. Already they have become pests in many poultry yards. V PERSONS KILLED IN MO COLLISION i COLUMIIUS, O., May 20. Five perfoiitf were killed near Ashville, Uvcnty.five miles south of t'olum liiis, today, when a Scioto vnlley traction ear f I ruck nu iiutomubilL'.ut a crosKiii,'. The dead: William Miller, president of the CilizeiiB Dunk, Ahhville; liin wife, .Mm, Alice Hluixvr, of Ahhville, nud ii Mx-.vcur-old daughter, nm Mrp. ('. I'. Hill, wife of Hev. C. K. Hill. ROOSEVELT TO CAMPAIGN. (Continued from Page 1) fldt as atronuly opposca to tho re peal of tho law for tho exemption of Aniorlwin coastwise uhlps from pny mout of Panama tolU. lie said ho thought It perfectly right to nrbl trato tho (luentlon If tho riehls of tho country to grant exemplion wore iiuestlonocl, but declared that to ylohl tho poltn uue(ulvocally v.ithout ar bitration wnH lndcfunulblo, as he wan convinced tha United Stated wno within Its rights In frcolng coattwlso iihlpi) from payment of tolls. Great care should be exercised about putting poison out, lest dogs be killed. Poisoned grain does not seem to affect rats injuriously. They arc, however, easily trapped. A simple, way to get rid of them is to place concentrated lye in their holes. They lick the lye off their feet and' are killed. Cats are also effective exterminators. The slaughter houses are rendezvous for rats, and from them they have spread all over the neighborhoods. IJut as every canine, in the country also. visits the slaughter pens, other means than poisoning should be resorted to. Rats arc the most obnoxious of all rodents and the uiosl destructive. They multiply as fast as guinea pigs and are a real danger to the community. You can turn gray, f.idod hair beau tifully dark and liutmu almont oirr night If you'll gil a M rent lttlo of "Wytth'A Sago and SuliJiur Hair lmdy" at any dniK atore. Million of bottles of till old, furaouj Sago 14 Krcir arn tolJ annually, ara a vr)l known drugrftt here. hcau it darken tho hair o naturally ar.d crenlv that no one can tell It baa beon applied. Tbohj whoia Imir U turning jrray, be. eomjn;- faded, dry, -Ti'y and Ibln hare n aurprlte awnitinf tlicm. becauaa after ono or two application tho ray lialr vanK'ie and jour hcka Urconw Ittxuriantlr d.irk and Uautiful UI dan dru.T j-ee, Kalp ltclibf and falling hair atopa. 'IhU l the ase of yntli. Oray-hajrel, unattracllro folia nrr.Vt wanted around, M j-K btuv with Wycth'a Sa,-o anil Sul plmr to-nlplit ami you'll Uj d.illH'litl with your dnrk, hnJonw hair and your youthful apivarasee wltJiln a few da)i. The Merchants Association MEDFORD FLUFF RUG CO Rug and Carpet Cleaning , and weaving nil MAST MAIN STIUBKT Phone rm.l Dry Cleaning Department Of SUNRISE LAUNDRY Nat llultdimt Phono IHl.lt DOES SUFFRmTES TRY TO RN ROYALTY QUIMET LOSES 10 BRITISH GOLFER ALDKHSHOT, Knlnnil, Jfny 20. A grent hruh lire, declared by the authorities to he tho wirk of mili tant ,huffrusttes,, eiieircled today (the Jfoyal 1'uvilioii in Iuuijc Vulluv, where Kin George mill Queen Mary uro in residence in the center of a great nniiv of Ilritih troop-. Wiiter is plentiful in the ieiiiity. but the swordpi ot tho cavalrymen proved a belter meiinn of e.lingiiish imr tho fire, nt. with tlie meii cut down ami heat out lliu lilai:ig tin dcllllllr-ll. Ah their mnjesllcs left tliu royal pavilion today, two Women daMicd in front of their i-arriago wilit waving luiiiner with ilie word "Vote for Women." Agate School Uvents for commonconient week: Monday, May 'H, 8 p. m bucca- luiifMto uddrosu, lion. II, V, Mulky. Monday and Tuevduy, comuiler ex- HllllHUtlOII, WfMtHMduy, It SO p, in., kcIioqI fair HHd fli d)'. TeiinlD, Anato v. TaWe Kw'k, llkl ball, Jtlblmiu v, MmmW, AthUtlB fontuln, fre fur Nil. 'rjiWr4', (dwilr, HMy, u h w nwJMiiilHf .xt'f 4mm! Mgtt, MwJwr hiw( cl nmlut4iH J, r, Walk, SMOOT SAYS TARIFF A W'ABIIIXOTl'N, .May 'J(l,-Aimed with InhloN of i'lgurcH, Kvuutor Kmuol of I lull today told llm hcn alo that llm oa oi. to Ilia coiu iiificc iif thu cmml i. in w unintli of April an a re a 1 1 of Hm iiumhiiuo of llm rndrmiMiil luiiff law Imd lictin 1l):i,ll()0,(ll)l). Hi, lnti.nl Ud he Niiid, W M'j'oila hi. ii inerciueil lniiota lion mid dceieimed i'aio(ulloii. He M IliU miu in Ihu uitv of 7!J0 SANDWICH, Kngland. May 20. Franlo Quimct, open olf chnmplon of the United StateH wnu ollmlnatcd mi a contender for tht. rtrltlnh amatoiir championship today, He was defeated with apparent cubo by "Young" Tubhg, a boy player from a nearby icourxo at I.lttkiitone-on-Bea. A greut crowd watched tho match, Including a large delegation of Amer icans. Qtilmet got Into dlfflciiKlea on tho fourth holo, taking seven Htrokes, while Tuhlm miulo It In n clean four. Tho Kng:inhmnii wuh never In danger thereafter, although Qulmet made u sensational threo to hla five on tho eighth holo and fought desperately all tho way In. At tho turn Quimct wag ono down and TubbH finished thn round with two up and ono to play. Tho defeat of Quimct cast gloom over tho American rontliigont, but the cloud was partially dUpomcd shortly afterward by tho brllllunt victories of Frederick Herreshorf, Now York and Ilurolil Weber, Toledo. Horreshoff bcu J. II, Piatt of tho Koya'l North Duvoii club by four up and threo to play, Wubor bent K, M. CnrlUlo ot Hiiiiiilngdalu, by aovoii up and six to play, i.. -. '..,. .'u-i.. -jjj .j.' ..jj "ij haiucs wit. i, mtow nnd whllo thy aro growing you should have ihem pllotogrnphcd enough, to keep a record of each In teresting stage of their childhood. You will prize th- rMIoetlon of bab a pictures more ami more nu tht years go by. Make an appointment today for n sitting. THE SWEM STUDIO I'oi'h-iill I'liotogrnphcrft "J22 Wet .Main St. .Meilford, Ore. SHINGLES Why buy shingles that aro shipped In when you ran got a better grade that are made nt homo of hard wood aughar plan? The old fushloncd Hhnkcs that Iantod ko lonjt wern mndo of sughur pine. I have moved tho mlllo to llutto Kails, mnnlni; on a lilKgcalo and ran supply any niiioiiut. Th cue Hhlnglcs nro on utile In Medford nt the !'at HIdo Wood Yard. Phono C77-W. ST. .JAMI'S, Slll.SCil.i: 3I..V At Hit last meeting unanimously parsed a resolution .Un .MiHlfonl People to lnlt on their groiTr Miipplylug them u lilt lliilter from the Mcilfunl ('iiiitrry for tto ila)i nt least. This will nsalst In building n worthy Institution nnd n pa) roll In Medford. Don't tako n substltuto Inslit on Medford made Hotter. Every Pound Guaranteed For Your Children's Hoaltli Snyder's Filtered Milk i Free Deliverv. Phone 201-J-M For Steam anil Dry Cleaning nud All KliuU of Ojo Work Ijii1Ic Cleaned Hponeod nud and Pre'acnd Pressed Halt J I. '.'fi up Title up Coat 75 up 3..c up Skirt .fin up s.'.c up Ovnrrnnl .MMM...m 1.00 up r.0 Up Wnlat .. .no up 2Cr uti Dross .-.. ."fi up Cue up OloviM, Mil ......... .10 (Hove, leni: ..... .20 Your Auto Need Attention? i OcilU Olunued and Pressed . n.sr. do ) John A, Perl UNDERTAKER1 I.soy AssUtaut W H. IIAIITIiKTr P.omm M. 41 u4 41-3 DON'T TAKE CHANCES HAVE MEDFORD TAILORS Muke your ncjl -jit and it will lie niGHT KLEIN for KLOTHES The ten das -,m, ui. Spray the return spiay. Don't do Jay, it you don't want - wormy fruit ' Orchard Care Company Phono 775 WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP Recently romodclcd and qnlargod, added now cameras and apparatus and is now strictly up-to-dato In ovory way. Commerlcul Work of all Kinds Including' copying and enlarging of pictures, legal docuiuonts, etc. lira nildo enlarging, any slzo, and kodak flnlnhlug of every kind. Professional nnd ninatuor photo graphic supplies. fi, M, Harmon Associated With Mo. Shop over Isis Tnoater. Phone H7-J Suit Coat , Vest Trousers ........ .60 Overcoat ..M........... 1.00 Italncont .. .7. Oent's Suit Pressed Weokly, 1.5o' per Month. ' Hpongod and Pressed COe :5c ioc 3.ic cue Pierson & Tarbel IMioiieDid x nohtii oupi:stiii:i:t sV a sbP ' ' THK BKASOIIB FAVOHirsTi What U lli-oakfaHt Or Any Other .Meal Without (food COFFEE U'o llcfciio to Call Special Attention to Our I'aiaoiiN llianil of Barrington Hall s Them U .Voile 'llctter, Han I'otv :,HikTiT Hint Hen If 'v Alt) Not Correct MARSH & BENNETT Hnnml Door l.a( i( I ii-l ,lfiiul ll.ink. Phono tMU 5 Days and Nights Carnival and Street Fair 5 MEDFORD Mi ALL THIS WEEK Corner lltli and Ivy, nW St. Mary's Afiidoniy All Attract ions Furnished hy I1k POLLOW AMUSEMENT COMPANY Pen Mi Shows. Four IfidiiiL' Devices. Im'oo Acts. Ferris Wheel. MoriT-no-liOtiiid. ,loy Wheel. SoniothiiiK Doin Fvery .Minnie. CONFHTTI MATTliU fi Star Theatre i. i I i-. Today OLD RELIABLE , , , ! purl VltiiErupIi - ' BATTLE ON DEADWOOD TRAIL 4 P ' ' Kaloiii . t A NIGHT OUT Kdlsiin fafco roiileily ; Winkley & Henselman Miislu liml offe(.ls . . i . , , Admission, 10 Cents ( I A i