Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 19, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 1,
S7XC1M sroun
punMRi icy aktkhnoon
iracirr bunuat v tub
m i; roup imuntixo co.
The Democratic Times. The XUdford
Stall. The Mcdford Tribune Thn South'
trn OrBonln. The Ashlsn.t Tribune.
Office Mftll Tribune llulldlnc, 35-IT-3S
North Fir strcMS telephone 7.
Official Taper of the City or MeMord.
Official lapr of Jackeon County.
Kntered a pceond-class matter t
Mcdfonl. Oregon, under the act of
March J. 1S7P.
ruBscsirriow bate
nt ur Iiv mail..
unt tnonin, oy ninu..
rer monin. iiqovercu ny mrr
Mfdfonl, Jacksonville and Cen
tral Point - .
ftntvir.Uy only, by mall, per year J.00
w ' rwr a 1'ia i - hKiMM biw
Wlth.Mcdfr Stop-Over
IlENVKll, Colo.. May 19. "N'o re
liable report from Ludlow and no
Investigation that actually has In
quired Into the events of April 20,
liavo disclosed any Incident wherein,
a father who went to tho uillltla
enmj) for his hoy ivas gajuted with
the headless body or tho youngster,"
Governor Amnions said today.
The governor added that the most
thorough Investigations have shown
thai no women wcro shot but that
two women and eleven children who
died In tho l.udlow flr.e were suffo
cated In the under-ground trench
whero ihey had taken refiiKc during
tho battle.
"InMcad of tho atrocities ascribed
to the nillltla," said tho governor,
"several soldiers rescued wonign and
children from tho burning tent col
ony while thoy wero under flro from
tho strikers. Win. Snyder, ascd 12.
killed by a bullet from tho front
-while running toward the strikers'
trenches, was tho only child struck
by a bullet."
MEXICO CITY, May J9. General
niannuct. minister of war, said to
day that no great battle had yet bo
nun In Saltlllo. So far thero have
only been skirmishes 'between the
TJio government Is rushing war
material and soldiers Into Saltlllo,
having left San I.uis Potosl two days
before. The forces of General
Kozaya which had been operating In
tho San I.uls Polos and Tamplco lino,
have been concentrated in San Luis
Cpncral Enilllo Canipa arrived ast
night from Saltlllo" and reported all
well there.
The rsslgnatlon of Joso Maria Lo
rano, minister of eniumnnicatlons and
public works, has caused much specu
lation In political circles. However,
It Is ald to have no great political
DAWSON, Y. T., May 19. Tho
ttoumboat Vldetto. tho first this
year from Jowcr Lake Lobarge, ar
rjvejl last night with 40 pasongors
and 50 tons of freight which had been
freighted across Lebargu on tho Ice.
TJiq Vldetto was followed Into Daw
ppu by tho steamer Nasutlln, being
tho. first mall of tho season by water
11 Is Jiollavod that Lake Lcbargo wll
lij) pucn to navigation within ten dayu
vhi)it' navigation will bo established
tho (nil length of tho Yukon.
LONDON', May 10, Memorial sor
vjt for tho lute Consul Cencrul
Jqhn Griffiths, who died Holiday, uru
lii i luilil In Ut. l'aul's church.
KjlHbrldiHf, May 'it, wbtm nil Dip
AfplrH dhiI Amtlo-Aiimrlcan orl.
u it which Mr. Griffith vtu n
,Mftt)Hr and (In wufHlyr yn "f
Mm. Orimik will M MY M, W
ytyy tkv M- iu jrii IM Cr
licnsM Wire Associated Pres
csg y.-s-agat
jg u WW jw jwmM if w
THE prinijuy election rignin diMnoifofraliHl tljnl lite,
majority of the jieople tlo not cmv who is uomiiintetl
for office mul have not interest enough in government to
vMo. M'hose who have a irrievunce, real or faiieietl, agains
those in office, or a personal interest in the candidacy of
an office-seeker, go to the polls the rest are indifferent.
A still smaller percentage of women vote at the primaries
than of the men but that is largely because of unfainil
iarity with their new duties.
Small as the primary vote is. however, it is much larger
than that obtained under the old convention system. Prob
ably tep times as many, proportionately, interest them
selves in an Oregon primary as in ono- of the stand-pat
eastern states which is encouraging to believers in pop
ular government, especially when it is remembered that
most of the primary voters in the latter states tire not
actuated by citizenship, but because they are paid for
their votes.
Primaries are a survival of a fast-vanishing condition,
where national party distinctions are perpetuated in local
and state elections." Tho division between the political
parties is on policies that affect the nation not the state
or community. Hence the difference in the latter lY.
wholly artificial.
As a matter of fact, the party designation applied to
n candidate for state or local office is an absurdity. This
is recognized in city affairs, where tho party has been
largely dropped. The myth, however, is still perpetuated
in county and state matters.
In the state primaries each candidate stood upon a
platform of his own ideas. There was no party difference
expressed in any of the platforms yet we are such crea
tures of custom" and tradition that many vote simply be
causo the candidate professes allegiance to national pol
icies not in issue in local affairs.
Politics is in a transition age. The old parties, as our
fathers knew them, are passing away. The civil war
issues fettered chains of tradition which submerged reason
in public affairs for half a century. The party name no
longer conjures the voter. The party myth is outgrown
and being discarded in the process of evolution.
The parly is becoming a purely national affair as it
is in other lands. As such it can be made much more
responsive to popular will than it has ever been in Amer
ica. Yoodrow Wilson has given the existing system a
shove toward the continental system that seems in accord
ance witlj the spirjt of the times. He is making the polit
ical party 0ie agent for carrying out policies and center
ing uponljt the full responsibility of government.
Our cities are drifting out of the legislative and into
the .commission fount of government and gainers thereby
in efficiency. Cit government is becoming, as in Europe,
a science, not a irame of politics. Our counties and state
governments should follow. Politics has made govern
ment an expensive joke to the people, and mythical polit
ical distinctions that divide the people against themselves
are doomed. 'IVo-.cJiambcred legislatures and other use
less luxuries must go as the machinery of government is
perfected and simplified.
Partv primai-ies in state and local affairs, followed as
they are by long-drawn-out campaigns and elections, arc
costly absurdities. The primaries should disregard
party distinctions, preferential systems of voting be added,
compulsory voting be enforced and a majority insure an
As God Measures Man
(Prom the DIackfoot, Idaho, Ilopub-itho
The extent to which God has taken
man Into partnership with him In
creation and dominion over tho world,
was exemplified in the Itoguo river
valley In Oregon, when they fore
casted tho weather and brought In
something from another state to off
set the frost and savo tho fruit crop
from destruction.
Kor u thousand years tho Rootle
river valley afforded tho right cll
mato for raising red npples and Uio
best of pears, but up to ono hundred
j ears ago no race of men Inhabited
the valley who gave any thought to
controlling tho elements and he
energies of tho soil :o tho end that
delicious fruits might romo forth
Then some of Astor's trador and
trappers entered tho valley, and later
came other representatives of theibtjig Into flic luscious ffult, If tho
raco that Invents and creates nnu
nurtures and cultivates till they de
velop something pleasing to tho
tastes and senses of human kind.
Today there aro sreat apple and
pear orchards yielding Incomes of
forty 19 fifty thousand dollars p year
to ho owners, nnd they have nicans
flf communication with other valleys
and stutes as much better than tho
travels of tho red man, as tho applo
moro'dollcJoiiH than tho sego. Whllo
tho ithorlKjucQ would send a mofesago
by a swift runner afoot or on horso
Imck. ad trapHport gooclB on tho
back or a pony or on tho half-dragged
lodge polo, tho prcsout Inhabitants
flash their messages and transport
tholr burdens by filling tho Iron jiorso
with tho breath of tho kettle,
A tow weeks ago when tho pear
orchards worn at full bloom and pro
sealed tho appearance of vast roe
tuiigulur bouguels, there was u great
dlsturhaucu of tho elements lu two
oceans and a rold wave sweeping
over luud and seas was ubsorved by
Ihu wuuther bureau und comHiuul
(Bled l; ho orliurdluls ut Mndforl(
Ilio t-Jilvf towi p tho MnhftM ds.
IlKt, mul It was found llmt I Intra
wni only iiuuiiKh ifUiJtJ ol lu Him vwl
l t u ' Mu sMiij(M jiols m Hljilil
Hjti m sv4 ukl mhi )My Im N
coldest. Consultations by tele
phono resulted In a telegram being i
sent o tho Standard Oil company nt
Richmond, Cal., for a tratnload of
crude oil in tank earn to bo sent
through on express time, and nn ap
peal wat mado to the Southern Pa
cific railway to give this "Smudge
Special" right of track over every
thing. Tho next morning tho oil train was
placed on tho siding nt Med ford af
ter a swift run qf -100 miles, tho or
chardlsts uncut tho day rushing It tp
ill (j smudge pots Ip thq orchards and
a million dollar ppar crop was kept
ynrm that night in tho faco of a
temperature several degreos below
tho reccing point.
Captains of the pear Industry wpro
happy that night, nnd next fall nt
Thanksgiving and ChrlstmaB, when
nappy ciijldrpn in a dozen Mates arc
agencies pr jno spirit wprm jook
down upon the affairs of men, tho
orchnrdlsts and tho oil kings and
tho managers of railroads mny not
come In for much attention from men,
hut somewhere in tho measures qf
magnitude they will bo assigned their
Nt:W VOIUC, May 9 - J a addition
to doubling his guards frou four to
eght, John I). Itockefeller has had
Installed about tho riromid of hs
Pncautlco Hills estatu a system or
olrctrlc lights which u can lash by
Pressing m button at tho hvud of his
bed, lleforo the duiiioiislratlous by
tho Industrial Worhvrs of Him NVoild
at Ihu downtown iftes of lliu piuuil'
urd Oil rompHiiy sml ihu Ihriuls
thoy would visit bis estate, Mr IUrH
iielltr ussniillviil wllli four K'lrtMl
h IMlllfr ) !' ) bl Jlll
ill ihu finiiui ut juhn l HwMuller,
reen Fly or Rose
(Hy fJfuvge Miiiei f National Kiwo
. SiM'loty.)
Tho v'i iniliitU'i, or avww fly. toe
tho linno .ot the ii-o uvowor's life,
owini to their extraordinary rntc f
iiH're.o, ntnl llicir poil-lciil ntliiek
re.-iilting in serious OiiimiKv ' '1C
younn shoots.
Tho nphiiU's ntv-iiKei-U wlili'h e,
Nt nT spcoitw in ilil'loivnt lorms.
Thoro ore winded, nnd wini:li-m niijc
of tli feiiiiilt, mul llu winded To
tnnU'H limy w r tw Ivitul-' t)n-o
wlileli r)iliUo their yniirn; Sviipar-on-ly
ntnl those wliirh iliit ej:.
Then their are males whioh may or
may not he xviiigeil.
The simplest form l' nplti- U the
apterous female. This tVmalo is in
tho form of u "-lobular body, Uio
head, thorax nnd abdomen more or
le-s morviii? into one mns. All tlmf
we need liotiee is the preonoo of the
eornielo.4 or honey tubes, I ho curi
ous glniiilt in tho -Kin. tho plcrvtnv
mouth and tho two-joiuloil foot.
Tho oorniolos nro two tubular
lionm on the upper nurfaoo of the
abdomen through whioh tho iucoots
pass out a Mvoet, suinmy exorotbm
called 'honey dew." Honey dew is
one of tho causo of tho dyiiij; of
the ne loaves, Tor it fall fnuii the
green fly, rovers tho leaves and pie
vents respiration, biter it beooiuos
eovered with eNornaont and a blaok
fungus growth. Tho glands on tho
bnok nre nUo important to remem
ber, because it i through thorn thai
tho skin hecoines roerod with u
mealy, wnxy or thrend-liko sub
stance that repel water, mul hoiioo,
if we wish to ijorrotlo tho fKin. vo
must use snmclhmz llmt will li()lil
the corrosive substance.
Tho sirueturo of the fol nt once
separates tho nuhi or green fly frm
the scale insect, which has only one
segment fiirtuiii;; tho fool. The iv.s
pirntion of an nplu is, as in all in
sects, by means of breathing res
at the sides of- the hmly. To kill
thciii, those pores must bo closed by
some stiekv stib-taiiee. Olio of )be
most remarkable things in tho bion
omics of the nphiilrs is the extraor
dinary rate of repnlitotioii.
Nonaally the life ryelc is as M
lews: In fpriii;. ho "Inrl jvith what
is culled n iuotirr iptoen or slam
mother, a wingless female. This
I in re n I, produces, living yomi called
'lice," really ilio hinaj stage. Those
larau soon mature and produce
other wingless tetanies, and so on
until the plant becomes Miiothcri'd,
mid then the wingleh form develop
ving-bud.s in fad, liccomc pupae,
which give rir-t winged females
which flv otr to other plnnts mid
produce wingless ercntnri's like their
These winged fonns limy fly to the
xame kind of plant, for instance,
from one ro-e to nuolher, or thev
may fl yoff to qaile a different sort
of plant.
This migration is very important
to notice. At the end of tho season
there are proihifod male n well an
females. These autumn fcuialon nre
culled the ovimrous or egg-laying
generation, and they, after having
been fertilized by the mnlcs, di'poi
eggri upon the plant.
Thoso egg umnin all tho winter
in the axils of buds, on the hIciuk,
etc They nre visible to the naked
eyogC earclu.d lur carefully on the
The rate of reproduction in plant
lico is enormous, under certain con
ditions, cuce the reason we find the
lip.s of the rose -Iiooih .iiibli'iil,v cov-
Reform the
(My II. II. Windsor, in the Juho
number of I'opiilnr Mechanics-.)
With the oublic mind so cngiossed
with thn Mexican mutter, wo mav get
l..i..r fV.i. fllf. jlntlH'H lit
I Ifllt 4 ,l",t.' 1,11111 Itit ..fc.M- ..- ,
rcformh which, like the uvnlunclie,
seeaw to gather volume in its u"
seeut. That tln-ro aro evils nnd In
justices galore is not to bo denied;
but wo really nre not half as bad nt
heart, or even in porl'onimni'O, as wo
have allowed ourselves to be inilneil
to our oh a eve.. Wo have hail our
shortcoming iinuied in our enrs so
long and con-lantly llpit wo have
come to think of ournches us much
vvorso than v.e really are.
Tho reform era found iU oppor
tunity when muck-rakiiu; no longer
offered cither tamo rr money tr,
frenzlcil vviiii'i-. J'ersoijs vvU luels
etl (he oiiliuarv abililh'M o cpmmaial
publio atlculioh lu any other way
found their oppoituiiitv, mul often a
job, in ko-cilli-il rcftnui movciueiils,
and weie abb lo gratify pcismml
viuilly by geiiug ibcir iiiiiiich In
new.paper In milium W)U ;i" broa
knoivlhluv "I 1'ie subJeel, mul with
out H cuicfil liuly i( i ptolileiul
which serves incn . inev iiuoii un
John A. Perl
'bfMt H, if J iT?sH
How to Fight Them
orod with gioou and red flv. A sin
gle winged female hn hoHIoiI I hero,
and in a tiny or mi has produced
many lliuu ouug, which in Iholr
turn nro soon to ho ilolnn likewise.
,dils Enemies
I'oilunaloly tho nphiiUvs hino many
nntiiiiil enemies, which to omo ov
lent keep their muabor.s down. Tho
most important aro the lady-bird
beetles, the hover l,llt and aphis lion
or laco wing flis.'
In spite of tllijvV ''nnliiml clieokV,',
the roses hecomo c'overod and spolloil
by plant lice, and man has to heh
himself, mid oaiinot rely on naluro
to ib oM'iythinv'. An)s aro usually
found .niuongsi u colony of nphiuVs;
thoy go to Ihiai to osiraot tho honey
ilow. I'mloubledly mils carrv aphis
about and i. may s,. up attack on
roses, Ans (li ere fon should bo
hilled. If their ncsls aro found a
porilo apdied Ihrico at intervals of
two weeks will do this.
PrvH'iitloii mul Treatment
Aphis may easily bo kept in cheek
on roses by spraying, but this must
bo done wilh caiv. Tho writer has
ccn roses ns biitllv damaged by
washes used ns by tho green 11 v.
The reason in the tifa will not
Mimd nuy strong corrt)ivo spray. A
particular roo may do so at one
time, but nt another it will have lis
foliage ruined. Moreover, a stromr
corrosive wash Is not uocesnrv to
kill aphides. All Ihnt wo have t tlo
is lo block up the breathing poiv,
mid so asphyxiate them. This may
be done with simple soft soap nnd
wntor. For the spraying of roes
yjiu iiiiiht get the Jtt-st soap mul not
ifc more than one pound of soap to
twcnly-fivo gallons of valor. Tn
this may bo added two mul ouo-half
pounds of ipiasia chips. The effect
of the taller is iiildoubtedly Ibo nn'-l
beneficial, fur it acls ns n sliimiliiiit
and cleanser to the leaves, ami by
many growew is saitl to have n tli
rect effect on the nphldes. The soft
soap, of couisc, has mhiic corntsivc
jiowor, for it contains caustic soda
(about I per cent).
This soft soap and iim-ia wash
is made as follows; )isdvo the
soap in boiling soft walcr; boil (lie
tpia.ssia cliyw or Jet I hem shnmcr for
about twelve hours, adding vv tiler
enough to kcrp them covereil, every
now and then strain off the liipinl
extract nod xur iulo the dissolved
olt soap nnd well stir, and lalv
add the fall quantity of water of di
lution. This is oil that is required
to kill aphis, lint wo must remem
ber two things : First, that the living
young inside the females are not hit
by the wash, and that the wash tloes
not kill the female ut once. So
many young will im'iihi before tho
parenU die, and oven have been m-cii
protruding forth after their death.
To clear the roos, then, wo must
spray twice in ueeessioii on two
consecutive days.
Nicotine is an excellent iuHcclifido
nnd may be safely used wilh sofl
Paraffin emulsions of various
strengths nnd forms have been lee
oiamentled. They nre usually harm
ful to the bushes, mid the coriosivc
pn rat fin is not necessury for the
purpose. (Irovvcrs should be cau
tioned against its IMS II is fre-
ijucntly found advisable to wash (be
bushes with plain sort water two
day after spraying, pailly with tho
object of rciiiovTug any soft soan
and partly l knock off the dead
aphis. This applies to any of th
nplnciilcs used.
ptytx. Fnr be jt from Ihiiaagainc
to belittle jhc. honest reform of any
lriiuiiu evil; but whilo ujipar'eiilly
liothiug is good enough for lju pio-
fcssioual reformer, is i not vylsilopi
Jo give cipnil prominence to our good
nicu nnd goo1 nccoippltshiavnls
Is it pot a fact llmt never in (lie
hintory of Hie l-'niled Slalcn were
llicro so iiintiv houvrt men, honest
businesses and honestly made prod
ucts as today? Wan there ever, in
nay lupd, sjueu llie dry Jauil ap
peared OUl pf HlO )VlllCJII;S( oi wut-
er, art ninny or an largo bennlnc
(ions of every kind for jiil'feriiir
hiiiumiily as loday? Vol how few
i!iJuiuut are .viityjl l .Hie cou
Hlrifclivo slory, of .Ilio good lliinga
being thine, ami bow many pages In
ilcji'iietjie aillelehl
Tio Afoxicpn trouble
ill not be
vtii(ii jtw :oiiipeiiHaion it it only
affords souiu leliel' fiiau the (bhCP
ioii Pf ri''pims, mil) evep In a iiiifiis
uru reforms Hie lefoimer,
F'JJ'.SJ.l ." -J " JJLLV" U. .1 . .J.I
TJmj i ilnyH arc ui, Rpray
(ho rutiini Hpi'iiy, Don't (!($
ir you don't want
wormy fnill.
Orchard Care
The' Weather Is ,'ot to Mlahio foe
. That "litaggctl Out" Fooling
"This weather simply takes the lift
right out of mo. I can hardly drag
ono fout alter tho other.'" said a run
down, tlrcd-out woman, tho other
Wo want to sy to ovory such par
son lu this vicinity. Don't blnnm
t'hti weather, It's your coiuUtlun. Yon
need n strengthening toulo mid tlm
very best wo know Is Vlnol which Is
a coiniiinniion oi uio two mon
world-famed tonics, namely, tho medi
cinal, .curative elements ot cod liver
oil and tonic Iron, for tho blood,
A rase has Just como to our alien-
Hon from Mllfopl. Mich., "Mm. Julia
Harbor snys: "I was run-down and
hardly able to drag about! ,1a)' up
petlto wan poor nnd I was not nblo
to work. My druggist nsked mo to
try Vlnol. Tho Hrst boltln helped mo
and after taking tho second bottle I
was able to work mul felt well nnd
strong. Vlnol Is tho best medicine I
have over taken."
Try a bolllo.of Vlnol .with tljo un
derstanding that your money will bo
returned If It does not help you. Mod
ford Pharmacy, Modfonl, Ore.
P. S. Our Huxo Snlvo stops Itchlmc
and begins hcnllug nl mire.
The Merchants
At Us last meeting unanimously
pTS:Tri pep. i.m
on tltclr grorcr siiipl)lng tnoiii Willi!
Itutlcr nun Ilio Mctlfortl Frcamcry
fii-:iu )(t)i at least. ,
This will assist- lu -building n
worthy Institution and n payroll In
Med ford.
Don't take n sabstltuto InsJst on
Median! umtlo Hatter.
Every Pound Guaranteed!
Made in Medford
The modern way of lunklnit ovir
alt kinds of mattress at n small cost,
Into sanitary folding matt'rntscs.
No tuttliiK to comn loose. Is easily
handled, and Is strictly sanitary,
Feather hods made Into fntdttiR
mattresses with summer and winter
Folding Mattress Co.
aa:l osWj Tlilrtl St.
Phono (ID I
Itccontly roniodolcd and onlarKod,
added now catperaa mid apparatus
and Is now strictly up-to-dato In
ovory way.
Coimiierlcitl Woik of all Klutls
Includlns copying and ,calnr:lnK of
pictures, legal documents, etc. lira
mldo onlarBlriK, any size, and kodak
flulshlnR ot every kind,
Professional und atnatuor photo
graphlo supplies,
li, M. Harmoii Assoclulcd Willi Mo.
Shop over Isis Tnoainr, phono 147-J
Our Mutual Girl"
Enters Society, 4h Reel of Lnryest Motion Pictures ever Cliuwi)
"Trail' of the Lost Chord"
Two reel Flyliijr "A." An mlaplulioii ol' Hut i'nuioiH poem mid ng
"Till) l.ost (!nid," una o' Ilia Kicul Cmhi-d'h yreal tilt, fenliiiliiK
I'M. (ixe;i, t.ipMileil by mi nhlu ciixt.
v'cylon coiiiiily. Ihin'l full lo sra It, only ilh,
lll'lll. TllHIIIItnV
i utI IC II Wcslciii "DKHCIlT ll)l,l," ii muffP no. "ill)'. MOON'
Ki'i'slpnit mwyi
Vaudov Ilio Today Only' '"
I'oiiimly Hinging, TnlMliK? Act
Plioloila)s Tncsilay anil Wcilncitibiy
Two Ileal Pot'TtlVo IColly
VllaKraidi Comedy
t'tiiulug Tliuisthty
, llt.M.X( HOP Till! KVKH.
Two Parts
Theio Is Xollilug Hotter nnd Xoiio
(Julie So Hood iu
For every occasion. Individual
molds for special occasions, Hpeclal
price (or churches
Propmt dullvurlu.
nnd lodge.
White's Velvet
Ice Cream Factory
Nat Hulltllng Plttoin IHI-U
Dry Cleaning Department
1'or Sicani and Dry Cleaning nnd
All KluiU of l)o Work
Cleaned BpotiKod
and and
Pressed Prourd
Suit -...11.25 up BOcup
Coat -- ."' up 35c up
Hklrt MMMMW .ftP up 26c up
Overcoat... 1.00 up Doc up
Waist .. M up SSeup
Dress .' ,V up 60c up
Clluvns. kid ......- .!
Olovos, Ioiir .... .30
Cleaned ilponnod
and and
Presjed Prossod
Suit ....... ,...1...'' BQn
Coat wmiwmiiii w mU ic
Touscru ... ..- - .00 3(c
Orcrroat ........ 1.00 60o
llnlncoal - 75
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