Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 16, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Mux. (17 1 Min. It Hhw. 7.1.
l'nlr tonight iinil HuH(ly
fori v-fnurUi Vcnr,
Dully -Nllilll Yrnr
Count 111 Primaries Slow Smllli
Leads Democratic Ticket anil
Wlthycomlio Republican Moser
Canlcs Multnomah, Out Loses In
Country Districts.
PORTLAND, Muy 10. Dr. C J.
Smith of Portland Iiiih been iioiniii.
iili-il by tho tlfinocralM of Oregon for
Uovcmiir itinl Jiunes Wilhyeninbe of
Coivulli Iiiin lirrn eliocn by Hit' re
publicim, ii rdlng In returiw com
piled iIiIh noon of yesterday's prim
nil. C. it. McAilhur Im defeated
,. W. Irrorly for tin rcnublienu
moihIikIIiiii fur nier" In Hie lb'"'
dbUriet NHtt Willi C. Ilnwhy is nUu
ii victor.
Ajh'iIio count f tln vole prostri""!
fl Itnlnv. (be ulluhl nilvuntiigc bi'bl
In- ft number of iinndidnliw-for-nu'-
moro Important oint'KH grniiiimiy m
iMoneril. It was noted n n coinci
dence Ibnl practically n lending cull
tlblllllt foil llltn M'l'llllll plllfC.
Sown itilol t'loo
A number f eouteU continued mi
ehm howevt-r, Ibnl nut until Ibi' final
IihIIoIs lire cuttiloil will the results
h ri'tlnin.
Out of 'Mil in Miilttiiiiiiiib, I .VI 1 1 1 o -i-hiel
gave MixtT (Rep.) fur Kvi-r-nor.
IIIHMI; Curler, 'I'M', mid Withy
combe. 1U8 1. The Inttvr'H supporter
chitmcd tbo utiito vole would elect
bbii. For governor In tin dcnioiirnlie
IHirty, Sinllb. llllll; Rcnnetl, 1.I7H;
Manning I0UI. .Smith' ihIIhti'IiIi.
oluliiied his iininiuntlnn.
An unoffieTnl Vnnnl in '-'20 Miillnn.
mull nri'J)1inU fur republican con
jsinesmun from ill lliitil district, guve
McAilhur HOHI. Laffoity 7fl"il. For
iliiiiiiicnitb' rontsriMNiiiHii in L0 pic
cbiets, lintel IimI Viyi Dreiir by 111
In ttn proytirsive mrtv KID Mult
nomah precinct gave (lio -! to
Moulton's (I? for eongreiimn. for
governor, dill pit Kill, McMiihun LU3.
Miner I.eniU .Miilliiouiitli
Complete ruliiriiN fruiii 100 of Hit
5li.fl pieuinolM In .Miillnoiiiab county
I4lve Mo-or -IH'i votes for the npuh
lii'iin noniiiiiitioii for governor, lend
inK Cm ler liv WW, with Wlthyrninho
II i'oi' lllilll.
Complete iitiiuiH front l'JO ilrnio
I'liitio pii'riiirlH puc Smilli it b'lnl
of I.1 iimt Itinni'lt. .MuiiniiiK wiik
ii iioi.i lliinl with 87.". MiiiiniiiK' uiim
nM'oli'il to enrry MuIIiidiiiiiIi, nml
iiiiIimm n can liuvo ii lii' ti'iitl in tbii
voiinly bo in out of (bit hut.
Ibiofficinl ii'liirim fiom lll.'i pro
I'liiiiU, t'liiupli'tv, fur cniiKri'HMiuiii,
Kiixo McAitliur (11 i:i ami l.tifft'i'ly
A. I rit'jii'l wiw Iciuliiiii Vnu Dr.
K'r for lint ili'iiioi'rutil' iioiuintitiou for
ronuriMM liy I'J otm. in tbo l'JO - i n -
pli'lo pll't'ilH'tfi.
I'loioxfiM' ciimlbbiti'K In I'J I cum-
plrlit pirriiit'U rtbliwi'il Hint Moultoii
IimI JUT for t'onirli'fs nml (liosn l.VI.
I'tir governor, dill Iiiih -'8D nml Nw
MiiIiiiii 177.
Wlihj I'oiulMt'M 11'k l.'itl
I'nrliul H'tuniH from lwfiilyiim of
(Contlniieit on pno a.)
111 I I 1111
piDitliliiut tmliiy umnliiiitoil Ho Gwoon
(iy ii f Kciittlc. Wnuli.. In Im iiHHlaliint
M'crulury f Hm lulorlnr.
Hwinniiiy In u iirnctlrliiK Inwyor ot
Hint I In, iiliout HO 'IUH of imo.iiiul u
iiiitlvn of MIhnoiii'I. Hu In now lit
WiihIiIubIoii, ttlicrn ho iiiTlvml iilioul
u wtitilc iiko. Ilo luiu bum n it'l
ilmit of rluutllo iiioru Hiiiu - '"
nml nil (lint timit proiulimiil In ilumo
miillii pollllrn, Hit hiu of llm uiirl
liol Hii)iurUri of Wnutlrow WlUon'n
iiiiiilliloi-y In tbU lnlo. Air. Hwot-ii-(i)'
In it'inilml In l wiallh). 1 1 m
Dump "Ho" U UPl H Itl'llll'VlHtl'lll
Sccrclnry of State Aliened to Have
Favorably Passed Upon Exemption
Clause In Democratic Platform
Clinruc Is Made by Senator Walsh,
Who Urjjcs Adoption of Taft Plan.
ntntiitiM'ut Hint William .lennlnnii
llrynu itttlllinrntoly approvi'il tlio tolln
nxi'iiiplldi' plunk of Hm ilmnoCrntlu
I'lntfonn. na n moiiilior of tlii tiilmtl
tutu vnmmlttfi! on ri'xolitllouii, which
pniptucil tlio plntfnruit wni iimito In
tilt, KPiuiln loiliiy liy Kcnnlor Walih
of Mnnlaua, nvrrutary of tlio mill
romiiilllcc. Souiilor WaUh ilcrlftD'il an ocli
ropiiillntloii of a nolniuu rovi'iiHnt hy
n pollllrnl jinrly wniilil enmu alt to
rt'roll frnin It lth horror, won. It
jiriipoicil hy any other man than tlio
prt'nlilnut or tint IMiltcri Slate
"For iiyrlf, II moral appct a.
riinii'ii no illffcrt'iit lino hern tun ho
romiiuitiiU It," nitiltul tlio wniitor.
PntiHiMHt Snli-lltnio
An a inlmtltiito for llio ropcnl hilt
Kt'iintor WnUh urct'il tlio adoption of
former I'rmlili'iil Tnft'x propotal (u
mihiult tint controversy (o thu mi
promo ronrt.
Tlio Mnulnua venator took up at
IciirIIi (ho llnlHuinro plutforni lu
rniino ho irnltl It hail Iumui Intlmaloil
tlio toll plank had Iippii IiiihtIp-I aur
rcptltlotnily ami ho iluclaroil hit lo
lief that llio xiili-roiiinilttco of 11
1itiI"iI to ilraft tho plalform ro
rclvcd tho propofdit tnlli plantc-froin
Sonalor O'Oorman,
"Tlu-ro wa no ilouht on It. rlmply
horaimo It wan Rcuorally npprovt'il or
aniiilcrpil In," until Senator Wnlah.
Ilo until Mr. Ilryan ami Senator
O'Cornmn wrro ajiknl to put tho plat
form In npprnprlnto janRiiaKo rtn-1
that they Invlleil Senator romcreue
ami hlinmilf to nnlnt.
HityN Mr) im .pprottl
"Wlii'ii tho tolls plaukH wan pro
ncnteil," nalil Senator Walnh, "Mr.
Ilryan cxpreimei! hl approval hut
nalil It nhoiilil ho arrompaiilcil hy
another plank ilerlnrliiK nKaltnit tho
ailuilaun of rallroail-owncd hIiIpk to
tho canal. Anil tho platform
rendu after tho declaration concern
hm tho toll.
"Wo hIko- not tho nlmi, favor leu
IhIiiIIoii forhlddliiK tho uxo of tho
I'nuamn canal hy Hhlim owned or con
trolled hy railroad carrier onn.aKcd
In transportation coinpetltlvo with
tho canal."
Senator WaUh until ho hntl no
temptntlnu to eacapo from tho trnin
iiioIh of tho platform on thu puerile
RiiKKi'Htlmi thai tho plank wn ron
tradlcted by another nfinlnat suh
aides. "Why. In that view tho canal U
a BUlmldy to tho ahlppliiK Inlureata,"
ho declared. "Why did wo apontl
$400,000,000 to build It. except to
aid the ahlppliiK lntoretT"
promiseTrobe 1
WASIIINOTON, May 10. -Span-IhIi
Anihaaaador lllano today rocelved
a doripatch from tho Mexican minis
ter of forelKU nffaliH, BtutliiK that
vlKoroun InveatlKatlun of tho dUnp
pearauco of Orderly Saiuuol 1'nrkH
liuniedlaloly would bo nintlo by tho
lliunta iiuthorltleH. Tho despatch
wiik In reply to n noto sont by Mr.
Illuno callliiK attention to llio anx
iety of (ho United Stntea government
nu to l'nrlfH.
'AKIIIN(ITON', Mny l. Tbut
Mexleuil feileiuU bail uvneiiuleil
Moiieliivii ill Coubiiibi nml Hint IKHI
I'liiialilulloiinlUlK Jiuiler (leiU'inl
MiiiKiiiu IimI lul.t'11 pofiteMloii of (bit
loiiii iiiuvlnir from I'IimIiiiI Pnrl'lrln
Dm., iiiih ivpoilfil Imliiy In llm tlnti'
Effort to Find Who Got Vanished
Money of New Haven and How the
Deals Were Carried Out Diverting
Coin Arc Questions Commission
Expects to Answer by Probe.
WASIIINOTON, Mav 10. ."Just
who col thu vnulnhflit mllllom ho
IoiikIuk to tho stockholders of tho
Now Haven railroad, and how tho
deals wrro cnrrlcd out hy which
theso millions were diverted from
tho rond's treasury to tlio pockets of
favored financiers," are questions
which tho Inler-stnto cotumerco com
mlaalou expects to answer through
tho pcndliiK Investigation Into tho
Now Haven's financial affair.
This was Mated authoritatively to
day the purK)Ke of tiro commission In
forclui; the examination of Charles S.
.Mullen, former president of tho New
Haven, and of other witnesses, who
have been or will ho called on to testi
fy. Kxnmlnntlon of papers and docu
ments now In possession of llio com
mission Indicate clearly, Chief Coun
sel Joseph W, l'olk pointed out. Hint
Il been inu really n practice of certain
fliinurlal Interests to buy up proper
ties which they had heen led to he
llovo that New Haven wanted, and
then unload them on to tho Now
Haven at from two to four times
what they paid for them.
In tho view of the commission and
of Mr. Folk, suit would Ilo against
Die to Interests by which they could
ho forced to restoro money o oh
tallied to tho Now Haven's stock
holders. Mr. Folk said neither ho nor tho
commission hnd received further
communication from tho department
of Juitlco ronccrnliiK tho testimony
of Mr. Mellen, already ndduced, or
about to ho Rfven.
VAU.IMO, f'al.. May IB. -A rad
iogram wum received al .Muro Island
today from tho United States Ouu
boat Vlcksburg In Mazatlan harbor,
announcing tho death on board last
night of Paymaster Uluhworth Nlch
olson of Yellow fovor.
Nicholson was pnynmator at Tugct
Sound navy yard, llremorton, until
assigned to tho VIcksburK recently
when that vessol Balled for Mexican
waters. According to tho radlo
grnm received today, tho Vlckahurg
has sailed for San 1'edro to laud tho
Itlahworth Nicholson was a broth-or-ln-lnw
of ox-Socretary of tho Navy
Metcalf, and was a rosldont of Oak
land whero hla mother nml two als
tors reside.
WASIHNUTON, M.V lll.lMniii
for Hut nM'inhlinr of Ibu ineiliulorH,
lU'lotiiilt'rt nml other offieinU ill Ni
hgnm KiiIIh fov tbo )wwo nepitiu
tiotix went foivvuul rnpiilly today lif
ter thu delay, mill por.tpouenienti of
''jiluy. Miuinler Kaon of Ar
geutluu will leiivu loiuorrovv night to
liegiu preliminary urniiigemeiiU u(
Niiiguru Fn I Ik Monthly.
Tliu ilepuiliiie of .hiflire Luiiinr,
Mr, Keliuiiiuii mid the American of
I'li'liiM in ilepeiiileut Miiut'ivlmt on
Hm pliiu) of Hie Mexican ileleguteo,
who n i rive from the 'miiiHi lbi nil
eruoou, but it h piobnblit (Im villi
ohm K'oiipx will ui't ii way Kuiiibi)'
nlKbt or .Muiidny.
AiiihiiNiiuhir Ihi (liiinn of llruril
mid MluUler Hiiiih'x will I'ollnw
pi nimbly Monday,
I'r. V. J. Sm Hi
Cniilnlu S. Juheen, head ot a local
shipping firm and Captain of tho
steamer Maxntlan which arrived here
todny from Mntatlnn. announced ho
would not rdturn to that port until
both MnUntlan and Ouaymas aro In
tho hnnds of coustllutloiiallsts.
Wlillu In tho trouble zuuo Captain'
Jebsou was Incarcerated four days In
a federal prison and was not liber
ated until a Ourman consul Intercede
In his behalf.
While In Mexico City recontly Cap
tnln Jelieen s6SSTaund Itrtn le a
matter of common knowledge that
Hucrta has forwarded to J'arls S,
000,000 jicsos, sent there, It Is said.
against tho necessity of a hasty de
parture from Mexico.
This fund, according to report, I
Huerta's portion of profit of .1 trad-
thg company which furnished tho
government suppllea. Huertn was
president of this company, other of
ficers being hla sin and son-in-law,
and members of hi cabinet.
Captain Jcbtou say tho general be
lief In Mexico Is that Huertn will not
ho allowed to leave tho country.
WASIIINOTON', May 10. Ot (bo
:i'.VJ i:i,:is' per-un. of foreign white
htoek in tho I'liitetl Sinter, in 1010,
tho ami Celtie, ineluiluiK, Seoteh mill, hntl tue
liirge.t ii-preenlnliou, neenrilin to
the Mother Tuuu'iie llulletin iiifil to
day hy the eeiiMi-. hiireuu. A, re
norteil to the een-iw hiireuu, Hie to
tal foieigii while -tuek ihoo niotber
loiiffiie wni Kiigli"h ami ( eltie mini
hered 10,0:17.1 JO. This number rep
resented 12..I per eent of the total
white populalii'ii of tbo L'uiteil Stute.
in 1010, wbiib was 81,7:U,0.'7. Tho
Oermiiu group numbered S,817,'J71,
of 10.8 per eent; Italian. ''J,
or . per eent; Polish. 1,707,010, or mid llelnew,
1,ti7(l,7(l'J, or 2.1 per eent; SvvedMi,
1,ll.",8ti0, or 1.8 per eent; I'reueh,
1,:I57,10I1, or 1.7 per eent, mid Nor
wealuii I.OO'l.S.'il, or 1.2 per cent.
rOXCOItl), N H., -Mny 10.-
Within ii week Hurry K. Tluiw will
leave tho hotel upiirtmeiits in thi
eity, vvliero be Iiiik lived for eight
inontliH. Au'onipauied by Sheriff
llolmau A. Iliew of linos eoiinly, hi
eiuloilimi. nml I'olieemuu t'lmk I).
Slttveiiri of 11114 1'il.v, bii i-tiom.mute
mid eonitunt eouipmilou. in will
pfiid Nome linie ill Slevin' i-niup,
nu Luke ,Musii)".eouiu, near llriul
find. After it vlil In Hm Luke Sun
ii pen Inline of W A- IIiiImi of New
ink, N, J., Tlmw'i llreiv nml Klitven
will locale for the jniinuii'l' nt u Im
(el In (lorbam. one of Hie uiitewny. lb
Hut While .Mniiiiiuiiiv,
MAY 10, 101 i.
State Department Awaits Reply to
Urgent Inquiry Made by Brazilian
Minister Regarding Location of the
Misslnp. Soldier Supposed Killed by
Hucrta Forces.
WASIIINOTON, May 10. State
ilipartiiieut nflieinln awnileil today n
reply from the lliier'.n jovemniciit U
urgent impiiry made hv the llrnziliiin
minUlcr in Mexico tr.ty, ut Ijic re
ipiel of Seeretnry Iliyun, for infor
uuition eoiieeniiii'r tlio wbereahoiitH
of Privnte Snuiuel Park.. Spanish
AinliiioHiidor Hiiino today leeeived n
ili.patch from the llnerln goveniincnl
proiniMiii'r immeiliate inve-.tigntion.
.Mr. Hrjnu fiiid be bad received no
proof frnin the llrnwlbiii envoy Hint
Pnrki, who went tbrmisli the Mexienu
line in bis uniform, wan executed.
Hut it Im known Hint the minister. n
well nu (lenernl Kiii.ton in Vera
I'nix, have been told repenti-illy that
the yoiin privnlo bint met with n
Mimmiiry exeeution.
lMf uight'rf reMirlH, porroboruted
today from Vera Cnn Tiy Ainerieau
CuiiMil t'nundii, that Ttixpnin, on the
cant const of Mexico, is in tbc luiniU
of i-oii'titutionaliKts, raies n ipicj.
Hon here a to the possible oecupa
liou hy the eon-tilutlnnalUts of Ia-ho-i
inland, which lies only it few
mile- off Tuxpaui. Tbc Huertn lipht
hoie keeper (unicd over (be light
houee to the American naval forces,
who lmvc kept tht' light burning.
The .InJe department sinee bn- ml.
jilted the matter hy effering: to turn
the ligbtboine buck to the Huertn
kccers if Ihey would mmntuiii tbc
Intere-t in (be mediiitioii ))rogrmn
in (be Mexieun crii-ii centered in the
arrival here this afternoon of the
Huertn delegate-!.
Secretary Hryan'Miid todny that
the question of ienuittin tho ship
ment of iinns from the l'uiteil States
to Hie Mexican eon.titulioHnliiU was
not before the state department for
consideration. In view of Secretary
OiirrWon'K explanation that prohibi
tion of further MiipmcutH of amis
into Mexico (. ily applied only to ship
mcnls neross tho border, it wns us
Minieil (lie prohibition would not tip
il to Tiixpam.
NKY YORK. Mav 10. A sharp
.ethaek in American stocks ut Lou
don registered its effect on prices
hero ut tho opening- or tlio market to
day. .Mo-t of thu international
shares were lower. Steel, Amnlgu
maled, I'nion Pueifio mid Heading,
the speculative leaders, nil loit largo
fraction-;. Although the uudertonu
wns henvv. tbo movement wns not
uniformly ilovvnwurd, us u few tdinrv.
iueludiiig St. Paul mid C'miadiau Pa
cil'ie, showed improvement. Trading
wns slow mid no nttempt was mnde
(o extend thu openiui; loss4 Thu list
stiffened ufter the first few minutes.
The stock market elosed easy to
day, Kurly heaviness due to the de.
elinu of prices in London wns of
sboit duration, but ufter the losses
bad been recovered, the list eused off
ugniii nml thu session ended with u
majority of sinull declines.
Tho cheerful tono of tlio weekly
trade ruvievvs, good weather condi
tions for Hie crops nml the favorable,
impression disclosed by tho ready
uhxorptloii of bond mid nolo issues
supported bullish opinion.
Hoiidn were Irregular.
llATir, Mc, Mav HI.--TIW rueiuir
sloop Delhi we, emididale fur Ameri
ca's eup defeiisu honors, was regis
I el cil Imbiy ut the eu-lnnu iole,
Thu eeiileiboaid will bo Iiuuk loiuor
invv, Ibu siilU bent on Monday, and it
Is planned to have the yacht null for
Miilblelii'Hd oil Tuvuhty,
Wagner and Mealey Named for Legislative Slngler Gets Clean MJe-rHy
Over Two Sheriff Rivals Hittson Democratic Winner Kellegf Imh
Canon Carries County Over Esterly Primary Vote Light awl Slw
Col via Wins for Treasurer Hoi lister and Hawiey Favorites (or Con
Ijrcss Seven Precincts to Hear From.
Jackson county gave both of the
successful gubernatorial eandidntes
pluralities at the primuries Ptiday.
Smith curried the democratic primar
ies by over .100 plurality, and Withy
combe ruptured the republican by fiO
over Crawford. A very light vole
wns l!fd.
On the local ticket, Mnihku defeat
ed Smith for (he repuhlicnu nomiiin
tiou for countY ciiminissioner by
nearly :h)0 votes. Sinsler got n clean
majority over both Walker and Knr
hardt for saeriff. Cohig- defeated
Cronemiller for treasurer and Wagner
nml Mcalev rcro named for the leg
islature. I'ssher defeated Kellogg it.
u clie rae"c.
On the democratic ticket, Ilittson
ilc fca ted Summcrvillc hy n sinnll vote.
Canon curried the county for demo
cratic itatiuunl commit tcenian by n
two to one vote.
Complete ttturns from 38 precinct
out of 47 give, the following totals,
the precinctn missing being small
and not likely to change the result:
For repubr..-au national committee
man Akersoti 001, Williams 871.
For congressman Hawiey 1433,
Jones 730.
IlKLLINOIIAM, Wnsli., Mny 10.
Peter McGregor, engineer, mid Oeo.
Nelson, fireman, of a great Northern
pas-enger train, nre being detained
nt Hlftinc bv United States immigra
tiou officers on suspicion of having
ut tempted to smuggle two Chinese
into this country in violation of the
immigration laws. The Chir.esc were
taken from a locked toolbox on the
engine nt Hluiiio yesterday after
noon. Nelson wns arrested, but Mc
Gregor was allowed to proceed to
Seattle with his train, mid he return
ed this morning for n heurtng late
today before United States immigra
tion Commissioner George 11. Mont
fort. The engineer suys he did not
know the Ashitiu was iu the toolbox
mid the fireman asserts he hnd heen
locked up without bis knowledge lie
fore the train left Vancouver.
WASHINGTON, May 10. Further
assurances reached the stuto depart
ment lodav from the Ilnuilinii min
ister in .Mexico City that Ameriean
Consul John It. Sillmuiii, who wns
imprisoned at Sallillo, is en route to
Mexico City, but Hint his arrival bus
been delayed by interrupted ruilrnnd
conditions. Latest reports statu that
hu bliould hnvo readied the Mexican
capital last night or early today, but
Hint transportation operations, were
very uneurtiiin.
on thu east coast of Mexico, be
tween Vera Crur and Tampieo, is hi
thu hmiiU of the eounlituHoiiullkts,
iiccordiug to a report to the stale
department today from Consul Can
mla ut Vera Urn. Consul Canada
said a party of Hpiiiiih refugee.) ar
rhiiiK In Vent Crux limn Tiupau In
a launch, Informed htm Hint eoutl
liiHoiinlikU i.iiilcr General Atfiilllw
bud omiplt'd lb" cly.
S0. 48
For governor Hmwnnll 183, Cnr
Icr :.", Crnwford 130, Dimmick 1.V,
(leer 300, Johns KM, Moicr 287,
Withycombc 472.
For supreme court Justlco, flcan,
982; Ilenson. 1280; Cleeton, 707;
IVArcy, 3C2; Harris. 771; McUrldo,
842; McNary, 702; Illchardson, 491.
For attorney general, rtrown, DSC;
Farrln, 357; Grant, 29C; Johnson,
H8: Lord, 295.
For representative, Mealey, 1QD4;
Stone, '880; Wagner, 1318.
For county commissioner, Mad
den. 12SC; Smith, 987.
For sheriff. Karhart, 373; SIngler,
12SC; Walker, 694.
For treasurer, CoWIg, 1101;
Cronemiller, 987.
For coroner, Kellogg, 993; Ussher,
On tho democratic ticket tho vote
for national committeeman stands,
Canon, 751; Kstcrly, 453.
For congressman. Iloillstcr, 515;
Meredith, 420.
For governor. Dennett, 304; Cobb,
103: Manning, 101; Miller, 78;
Smith, G36.
For sheriff, Hittson, 562 Summer
ville. 532.
NF.W YORK, Mny 10 "Peace
Sunday" will be observed tomorrow
ns tbo result of n request mnde liy
the commission on peace and arbi
tration of the federal council of
churches of Christian America. A
large ierccntn;-e of the fiO.000 pas
tors to whom circulars have been
sent will, it is expected, heed n re
quest to devote prayer nml a ser
mon tomorrow to peace.
'Peace Sunday" is the anniversary
of tho lirst Hague conference.
PORTLAND, Or., May 10.-Portland
todav started a campiiigu to re
duce the high cost of living by op
cninjr public market place whero
farmers may vend their wares direct
to the consumer. Mayor IL R. Albee
mid tho city commission officially
opened the market after one of tho
longest parades ever seen in Port
land bad passed through thu imiiii
streets. Tho emblem of tlio day wan
the market basket, thousands of
which weru curried.
CHICAGO, May IC Alt dofoud
unts In tho Structural Irouworkers
"dyuamlta conspiracy" cases, who ar
now out on bonds or whose convic
tions woro affirmed recontly, will
olther surrender at tho Kovernmei
prison iu Leavenworth or bo taken
to tho penitentiary three wk
rrom today, according to a tnandata
Issued hy the United State court of,
appeals late today.
Nam PothvIm Mk4kr
LIMA, Pru, May lfl.-r0ifieii4l !'
dm MhuIx, tint new PenvjB HduMw"
nf war, will ! net rwlir Ut Ut
ttiiblnei forwMl by preMM( (WmM
lluuyi'Lluti. tutuj u'uli vtudiuiLt.) aLtmLtii
to pff ( XMHt1 Ibf fiM i
HVHt iHMjimr