Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 14, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    v ' 'v&m"iiw m
I H'
AHTOHIA, Or., Mny III. Tlittt no
ilelny will hit cimiili'iiMiiiTtl in lu
cniiKlnii'lliiii or llm I'oliitnlilu river
lilltlnvny miin miileureil yciHleiiliiy
wlion lit" ClntMti I'niitily court mnl
iiii'iiilii'i'M of llo Mule lilyliwny oom
iiiIkhIimi iihiihIi'iI it colli mi' t lo the
lloynjnliii & At until iciiimiiy Tor
I'lfiirintr, iiriitliiiK (mil cli'iiiiliii; Hint
iil or (lie loiiilwny loriiti'il between
AnIihIm nml We pull, it iliftluiii'ii or
twenty. elulit mile,
Tint I'liiitini'l U lei on it unit IimkIm
mill llm rott or the liiipiovrini'iil will
lin itnii'li en IIhiii lh liKiiri'M militnit
(I'd hy Hut rimtriirtorh who hid for
lln wink iim it wlinli-. At present Ihr
I'uiiiily Iiiih iiiiioiinnti'ly Wl'-VM!)
iiviillithlii for tin lilftliMiiy between
HiIk illy nml Wotporl, mnl it It
lliotijilit llint under tin1 KVtciii nilni.
fil tint work run tin ilonu Tor IhN
Hy li'tttnu tlu I'linlriii'l on u unit
luiW thi litgliwny ciMMinisxInii will hn
uhlc to iniikit nny elinnj.'i' ilexlreil iih
Hut wurk pioKn'h-i'n. The enntniel.
nrx will teeeive ii fhiil nlri' ht ynnl
Tor I'M'iivulInt' unit u fhrtl muoinil
pi'r iir re fur rlcnrinu mul crnhhint;.
The work will hi' ninler I hi- ilin'cllini
of tint otnti' hlhwny I'liiiiiiiUhlnii ut
nil timi'M mill it will Ihim' lin' wer
lo ililrcl wlinl ihiiHiiiw nf lint rniili'
n n In In' iiiiiroi'il.
'I'hc priee fur I'M'iiMilinu' will ho -2
mnl W rrnU for enrlh, H'J'j renin
for hnril rnrl,, HO rent fur foil rorj.
irTFrniiTfor ioiihi' roi'l,, Il.'i rent for
IiiiiiIiiiii. AH cniili'K nut In hit on n
er rent Incline.
Two liiimlri'il ilnllurN per nrre U to
ho pnlit l ntriirlurrt for liemj
olriiiinc, $'2& per nere for lljtlit
t'lrnrioj; mill 1.U per ruble nnl for
(rnhhinir. Tin ilplit of way wilt ho
iliwi ri'il to n wnllh of llll tii'l mnl Hut
urmlliiK to n w tilth of 'J I frit.
Tun ptnno ivi'ituU hy pupil of
1'irtl Alton llulnlil, iifxi-U'il hy Mix.
riiimu'u IImIIIiImv-IIiiIkIiI, will he
liUvn nt Hut lliiijjht iniihii' htmliiiH.
IHI S. I.niirvl M., Tliuixliiy mul l'ri
ilny iit'iiiti;x, May 1 1 mnl 1". Ail
iiiioNinn i hy invitation, whii'li will
hit forwitnleil iimii rripw-xt. Tim
following proriium rover u wnlu
rmi(it mul xlionhl prove iuterfattii);
(o nil who attend :
Tliut-Kiln)- Ktt'iiliiK
To Hie lMiiKronml (I luiinM, MIm
Cli'oiut I'otli'iiiT mill Mr. llniuht;
1iilU of lint Flower Fumm, Mii-K
rii'oni l'iiUPMK'r; Spinnlnc Soiic
Minn lli'inii'o I.ijvvU; Aloiut (I hiiiuN),
MIhh DuroHiv I'lilini'r mul Mr.
Ilalyhl; At Home, MIhn Dorothy I'nl
iiiit; (ii) Dniii'o of lln Mnritmlli'ti,
(h) Cniinnx Story, Mir Violi't Hiimm;
!liipipi'ft, Mai-1 it David Wili'ox;
tin Only lli'ad (I hiuitln), MuMcr
Kii'lianl Ktoi'Lmn mnl David Wili'ox';
(ii) Twilight Son-(li) HnynnikciV
Ma nil, Miihtcr Iticlmtil Sliicl.iiinj
Twinkh', TtvinMo (I IiiiiuIh), .Minx
Miirpiii't llnlnioi mnl Mr. I iMiIit ;
PoIoiiiiIm', Minx Mni;niil llolnirr,
l.olitn (I limidtt), MixHi'H li'iin I.oo
mU mnl Violet iliidK; Hoimtiiu', Mitrn
lea n lioiaix; oonl rallo miId, Mih.
Mori'ticc lliilliilny-lliiiKht; Melody of
Love, MliK Kilnn MiinpiiH; I'mlcr tint
l.i'iivi'ri (two pimiiiH), Mixht'ri Kiln a
MariiiiH mnl Thi'lniu lladclirr; Men
ni't in II Flat, MUk Tlu'lina Itad.'lil'f ;
Alpine llnl, Mi Opal Ktuccy; A
Mny Day (xlx liamU), MIkhck Tholina
Itadclil'l', Kilna Mnriiiirt and Opal
Klncnyj March froin "l-'anut" (four
Iniiulx), Minn Nnva SainncU and Mr.
1 Infill Now Kpiinj,', MiKs Nuvii
HiiiiiiicIh; Tlirowiiii; KishOH, Minx
Floimii'it Trovvhrld(it Ovi'itnic,
. t'ldiHthpiel" (,hlx hands), MinHOh
, MniKt'O' Unynolilri, Mlir.aholli lllai'lc
foul and Mr. Halli!,
, IVIday Ijvi'iiIiik
, Kcipilililla, MUrt Klixahclh Illaclc
foul Miirmnrlnc X.cpliyiH, MU
Slolla KiII.Ih; (.'ahalvtta, MIm Mar
lon I'nlnit'r; voval miIo, Whh Margery
ItcyiioIdH, pupil of Mih. V, II. lniKht;
Tint Flattcior, Mit.n Marjory Itcyn
ohlrt; Mnii'li (two planoM, ciftht
IiiiiiiIk), Mixhrri Mildred lllack, l.u-
cilln McHhiicr, l.cah Wulllicr and
Million Palmer; Titnnia, Mid II.
I'nu'idl; ViiImi ArahcHipic, MUh Cal
lin VokiiIIj Kalnt a IVnIIi, Minn ,n
el I In AltiNMiiiti' Filth VaUi', MIhm (li'ii
cvlnvn Wniliiiani Mllilary ColnnnUo,
MInk Kiama Dicwj (a) llnxtln of
Killing (h) HI lido In A Flat, Mi-.-Mll.lii'd
llla.'kt liivilallou In Hu
Jlaiit'it (four liiiinU), Ml Mllilu'd
lllnck mid Mr, IIuIkIiI, I'iiihh'iIii u
(I Mimir, Hiiln pin I, Minh Kininii
Divh'i milii'ili'iil pull mi hi'i'iniil
piano, Mln (li'iii'Wi'Mt U'niliiiHiii
ciililliillu nil", Mli.
UM'lU'll lllllll"
KAI.KM, Or., May IX Connlict.
ilcdiiiiK to avail tliniixi'lvi'H of any
poilioii or the ,-fl 70,000 hiilmiuii in
Hut Ntatc highway I'niiil iiiiinI con
titiuct haid-Niii tacit iuiiiU, accouliuc
to Hut policy uf I lie hlalu highway
coiniiil'ioii, it wiiK ili'ciik'd at a nn'i'1
intr hi'ld ycilciilay aflciuooii.
Three eoiiiilii'H- ClatMiip, Jackmi
and Coluuihia have Ihih'iI mini
hoinl", Hlguifii'il their liilciilion nf
huililliiK' Ntrcli'hcM uf Inud-Hiirfai'it
ioiiiIn, and are ci'itain to hhniu in
Hut fluid. Maiiou, Cmm ami Clarka
iiiiih will vote mi the ipiritlon of Uhii
inc load IioiiiIh on Friday, nml xlmulil
Hie iieople vole in favor of inhiK
liiiinU and the I'liini'ltx lutuirilmti'ly
after Hut i'IitIIoii coiiuui'lice road
work, they will pnttlelpate in the
fund. IIitiiuhi) no other couutleH
have M:(-iiil ifd (heir intention of vol
iK on Hut iiii'"llon of iNNiiiiiK hoinU
in the near future, it it not likely lliit
nny unite will U'ceive mil thU ear
from the fund.
The total taUeil for the talc fund
lliroiih laxalion thin year wiih t-.'IH,-000.
Of tliii hum .:ill.00ll wax ex
pended in Inillilnii: a road from Ww
to Waxen, in onler lo jjive cmploy
uu'iit to Hie uui'iiiploycil. The enpu
eeriii',' work hy ihc hlale in coniicc
lion with the romU to he huilt, and
heliii: eoiihlrueleil, in .laekhoii, Olat
op and Coluuihia eouiilii'H will eo-t
JlJaMll J JIJ.U110 JejaJII-; Jhiuit-4t".l,'
000 to he lined in aidiiiu the coiinticM
in huildiiiK roniU. After ill".cu..itip
the Hiihjeel, the iiii'HiImth of the coni'
mUkioii uumuiuoUNly agreed Hint IliU
money hould only he expcuditl on
hnul-Mirface roaiU, and only tut ned
in aidiuc eoiintieH whieli would ex
peiitl money on lhi cIiihh of hih-
lavkNon county oted lo InMiin
tf0,noii in IjoiuIh for roinl eoiituii'
lion work; Claltup voted to Umw
1 100.000, ami Coluuihia :i(!0,000.
Marion on Fiiilay will vole on a homl
liio of M.Vi,000; Claekmnns on mi
icniiii of .fliOO.dOO, mid Coos on an
i-cue of . I.'O.OOII. No apportion
mint wax made hy Hie hoard at vct
trrilnvn ineelinij, (he incmherH deeid-
lin; to make nolle until the eoiinliiM
would preM'iit to it the plan of the
roaiU tlicy propot to liaril-mfaee
rslur of A-hlmitl t a can-
didate for tli repuhlieau nomination
lor county coioner. Mr. li.her has
proven din eapaliililie in ninny oilier
lines of hii-iiuvi mid we helieve
wilhoiit a tloiilit will he fully alitn to
meet the ilciimniN of the ciiroucrhip.
lie niiikiiu; ii very earnest cfforl
to heeiiro the nomination ami hi
uiiiiiy riieiiiU hope he will laud it.
IIIkIi Vlnn Show nt the. Ii.
Ilnrry l.'nuhi' rnmoini "Nht of
l.nui;h," U n Inirlemiia' eoineily with
n IhiikIi every neenuil, jnii t-nn'l lielp
laugliliiK. You dlniply reel It coin
Iiik up both shies nt tho hnnitt time,
nml tho Url thliiK u know ou
nru In n convuUlon or IhiikIis. Nev
er AkhIii, a two rtei VUiiKrapli
eonit'il)' and two othur IiIkIi rlmni
ihot()inyH imikvH onu of Oto hoxt
mIiowh ever aoeii nt Hut price, Tho
nbnvo will he hIiovvii ThurHilny only
nt thu IbIh Thoator.
Takt a (hut of BalU to Stub Xidneyi
if BUddtr bothtw you Prink
lott of water,
Kntlrtf; meat rrfiiilarly orcntunlly pro
tlutx'i kidney trouhlo la imo form or
other, unyt n wellknovrn authority, )
cauno the nrlo acid In meat oxcltei the
kldnev, tlmy U'como overworked) get
hiKKih clou uii and causa all aorta ol
dlatreii, ptrtlculnrly backache and nils
try In tlio kidney regloai rheuinatlo twin
ge$, aovcra heotlaohei. aeld lUtmsch, con
stipation, torpid liver, sloopiuiiicis,
bladder and urinary irritation.
Tba moment your luick hurls or kld
n aren't aotinir rluht. or i( bladder
bothers you, ttt about four ounroa of
Jad HalU from any good pliannaoyi
takiTa Ublepoon(ul In a ulass of waUr
before breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine, This famous
aalU is wad from the aeld of frpe
and lemon juice, combined with lltlilt,
and liaa been used for generations to
Dusli clogged kidneys and stiuiulate them
o normal activity also loneutralhalli
elds In ilia urine ao It no lomjvr irrl
lates, liiui Hidltig bladder ilUoidets,
Jal Halls fsiiniit Injure anyunei
makes a dellahtful tftH)nHii lllbla
waler drink wiiMt wIIIIoms tti mH and
wiMttaN take mw and tWti U) ke) lit
iHpr shw Hfwerv wjtene vmiNi luua
sssssT PsssssssssKl'
sssi." assss7
Chev, Hnlvntore (linrdmio, (urn
o'h ilMliiiuii'lii'il protifjl, tenor with
Now Voik Orand Opera couipany,
which prcciiFli "Kim t" nl the Pap-
rriilny cvi'iiin.
AHIII.ANI). May 1 1.-Thu demo
train of Aahinud will fiirnUh two
rnuilldntcs to bu written In for thu of
HrcH of county roiiimlimluiier nml
etnti seiintor. An Anhlnnil piipdr linn
been ilemnuilliiK for three uinntha
thnl Anhlnnil bo rnprcreiccil on thu
county court nml la now nuking the
democrats to write In t!io iinuut of
IYiilik Jtiuliin, n rontrnrlnr nnilitrur
turnl worker of this city who hnn
speclnl qtinllflrntlous for audi n posi
tion. Mr. Jonlnn Is deacrlheil ns nn
oM'u-mlnitctl nmn ffee from precon
ceived prejudices.
The statu sciiutorshlp having been
turned down by nil of tho older henda
na n IioieIen routont from tho stand
point of tho ilcmorrntlc nonilnee, n
youiiK nmn. John O. itlKR. finally con
rented thu first (if the week to allow
hla name to no forward tor the plnco
nml OioHti who nru nciunlnted with
him believe rouio now IiIchh uf con
tluetluK a cnmpnlKU t.iii be Intro
iluecd should ho rtiflvo tho nomina
tion;' Mp UIkk 1b ii nntlvn of Arknn
Has nml lived In Colornira nnd Wyom
ing boforu lorntlnR In Anhlnnil.
The naiiiit of II. C (Inrnerl of .Med
ford will he llherntly written In for
joint repreeentntlvc for Jnckrun mul
OoiiKlns counties with ttut hope that
ho will nrrcpt tho uomtnntloii nnd
innke tho race.
Stnml up for llouie.
Of courKit you wnul to, then sinoko
(lovurnor Johunon clsnrs only,
With Mcdford trsiln It Medford made.
Ii niiitiiiprs dislnnco at lowest, cost.
Think of it thousands of Ford own
ui's nro traveling for less than two
fonts x milo. .Thu Kurd has givon tho
freedom of thu "opun road" to the
man of moderate income,
fri'Jft Ii tho print uf
tourliiB cur la 1015 f,
with oqulpiuuiit. Out
Aalilnud Mn VI, 101 1,
To tho Kdltor;
In innkhiK ackliowIeilKOiaeiit lo
lliu county priM for Its kindly rof
erencea to my ramlldncy for nomlnn
tlou nH atnto repntienlativo for .Jack
son county nl thu primaries next
Friday. 1 wish to briefly explain my
nttltudo before thu public nnti why I
hnvo not in silo an nitlvc tampalKii.
I entered tho primary Mats against
my own Inclination and judgment, at
tho solicitation of friends In differ
ent aeetloua of tlio county who
showed miffleliint Intercut in ttio mat
ter to prepare, circulate nnd fllo tho
required primary election petitions
mul called upon mo to tand for thu
nomination ns n duty of citizenship
I hnvo not aoflrlteit n single voto
nor do I expert to, hut tr tho votorrf
shall express n heller :n my ability to
servo them I ahall tlo my best to
prove that their conftcenco win not
mlHplaced. ,
I'rncllcnlly my whole life has beer,
spent In Jnckaon county, anc largely
In the public service. Never an an
office holder, hut ns n working news
paper man. My modest efforts nro
famlllnr to most of tho older real
ilentH of tho county, and I have noth
ing to hide or conceal from the newer
Tho offlco of member of tho Ore
gon legislature la not n remunerative
but rather nn out-of-pocket one. An
undlgnlfcd Rcramblo for nny yfficlnl
place, oven a well paid one, would
bu naturally repugnant to me. And
I feel Hint legislative honors ought
to come without pcrroiinl canvass or
campaign expense.
I have no Interest to servo hut
thnio of tho whole peoptu of Jackson
county. If my candidacy meets with
favor nt tlio primary nnd general
polls, naturally 1 shall reel gratified.
Hut If the voters decide to leavo mo
nt home, rest nsmircd tne'r (t9clsvnn
will not be n aoro disappointment to
Very truly.
You don't hear from them ni often
now. You each, hnvo new friends
nnd Interests. Hut nftcr nil. blood
la thicker than water nnd your pic
turu nnd pictures of tho other mem
bers of your family would bo fondly
welcomed by them. Hotter arrange
today, for n sitting.
Portrait Photographers
222 Wot Main Street, MeilfortJ. Ore.
Spring Has Come
Ilrlnglng forth Its annual harvest
of weddings and graduation shop
ping. I wish to announce thnt I
have a large tclcctlnn of sultnblo
gifts In stock nt nil times.
Come In and hnvo your gilt
laid nsldo while, the stock Is com
plete. tho Ford rmmtiout! the
u, b, Medford, complain
cataloK and purtkulari
By Taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Chlcnco, III. "I must thank you with
all my heart for Lytiln B. I'lnkhnm'a
Veyetftblu Com
pound. I unci I to go
to my doctor for pllla
and remedies
they eld not help mc.
1 had hendochea nnd
could notcn t,nud tho
doctor claimed I hnd
femnlo troublo nnd
must have nn opera
tion. I read in tho
paper nbout Lydia
E. rinkham's Vckc-
tnblo Compound nnd I have taken It nnd
feel fine. A Indy said onodny, 'Oh, I
feel ao tired nil tho time nnd have head
ache.' I said. 'Tako I.ydla E. Plnk
ham'a VcfjcUihly Comitound,' nnd she
did nnd fccla flno now." Mra. M. It.
Karschnick, 1433 N. Paulina Streot,
ChJcaco, Illinois. '
Tlio Otlicr Cnac.
Dayton, Ohio.-" Lydln E. PInkham'3
Vecctablo Compound relieved me of
pains In my aide that I hod for years
and which doctors' medicines failed to
relieve. It has certainly anved mo from
an operation. I will be glad to assist
you by a personal letter to nny woman
In the same condition." Mrs. J. W.
Sltcncn, 120 Cass St, Dayton, Ohio.
If you Mnnt spcclul mlvlco
M-rllo to Lydln Ii. IMnklinin Mctl
Itllno Co. (confidential) Lynn,
9Iaaa. Your letter will ho opened,
mul anil anwrrcl by a woman,
and Iicld In strict confidence
The ten days are up. Spray
the return spray. Don't de
lay, K you don't want
k wormy fruit
Orchard Care
Phone 775
Make your next suit nud it will bo
"It has
s0 w
sssssssssssssssssssBRSsK issssssssssi
ssssssssssssssssssBsWMsk wZsssH
ssBsfllHMssMI ysssssssssf
That is why the dare-devil aviator uses
The GASOLINE of Quality
And he doesn't get his Red Crown free. He pays the
market price for it. His remark is the forceful ver
nacular of his profession for saying: "There's power
in every drop. It never fails mc."
As an automobilist, you are vitally interested in a
gasoline so full of power, so reliable, that it is bought
and used by prominent aviators as one of the means for
safety in their perilous work. Such a gasoline means
greater power and greater reliability for you.
Dealers everywhere, Ask our nearest agency re
garding bulk delivery.
Standard Oil Company
. J'.
You Will Soon Realize the Value
Of regular dcotiltd to your credit In tho .Incksoit County
Arc you practicing this efficient method tof accumulat
ing n siirplua funiP Do ao II'h lo our ndynntngc.
Your account Is cordially Invited.
c Interest paid on savings accounte.
We Come Flying
For Quirk Deliveries
rhonc St
H. Weinhard's Ice Depot
ii in.
WHATS the use o kickta'?
The rain you don't i want
is doin' some feller's cropt
" heap o' good, an' th fish
alius bites better on dark
days. Anyway, try a
pipeful of VELVET, atf ,
somehow th' weathrt
anything you'd like to
have it.
VELVET, the Smoothest Smoking- Tobacco
Full weight
no holes in it"
says Lincoln Beachey
'with your lea when wo got your
order. Promptness of delivery
la as much a feature of our
aervlcc as pure Iceland lots of
It for tho money. Our wagon,
In" In your neighborhood every
day. f - n
AVelnhard's ico la guaranteed
to bo absolutely sanitary.
ii inc
2pz. tins, 10c,
ssssssssssssHsf! lssssssssssssssssssk.
aruwin mwt MtHMf