Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 13, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    "Rr,ywwt;ra'"jr?r '"'
.! ".ML I.
t -)1
l'' , ,
It!ulls of final county kpolllurt
contest, held Mny nth, 10H.
rinan ,
' (employing (Ivo or more touchers)
Nn mo of school Percentage
Hold Mill IHI.7
Hogim Itlver ih,i
(.'oiilruj Point fit. 7
riwi n
(Kmpln)lug from (wo lo (Ivn teach
ers) Wagner Crook
Oak tlrovn
ItUttO Kn I In
(IllHH (I
(employing nun teacher)
I'mikey Hchool
Anderson Crook
llyhco Hprlngs
. on.
Pupil not imIkmIiik nn' words!
(old Mill
Murlnn CnrNon, Thro. Chhiholui,
Walter Ki'luny, Anton Olson, Kdna
Hutton, It.da Tiffin, Olllo Williams.
Itoguc lUirr
Alvlrn Hteers, lloulah Taylor, I.ll
In Martin. Molvln Whipple, l.ulii IIol
roinli, Lottie Owens, Dorothy Alexan
iter, Mabel Drown, Leah llolrotnli,
Jessie Martin. Phillip Mcrrliim, Curl
Owing, Tlinlinu Itohlmon, Allien
Itnlduson, Mary White, lionatd Hoi
niinli, I'.va Oweim. l)irothy Ktnrr.
(Iludys Handry, Kmtiia Woodrork.
I.aurn llolromh, Thelmn Yoroni, liar
vey Woods, Marjorlo Alexander, Iteua
(Yiilrnt Point
Otto llohtmrt, IJvoii Hlldroth. Doris
-Klliillt', Mcda "Marshall, Claroliro
Pruett, Kendall Hull, Arlonr. Hay,
Annittn lleckman, Olllo Htallsworlh.
(Icrtrudii Wiley, Wrl Hntlinwny, Hilly
Hopkins, Leslie Hawk. Myrtle Mr
llnwnll, Helen Norrros. llenslo Price,
Molllo Thornbrun Klglo Alliums, June
Dunlap, J. H. Holme. Horalro .N'lch
din, Hazel Tolhorow, llutilah Wright,
Ionic (Iregory.
Wagner Creek
Kllzabcth llagloy, Helen llagley,
Orln Harlow, Klfn llrlner, Kuln Vox,
Thelma Ken(. Mabel Kerby Orn
Hmlth Mildred Ward. Onlo Wlmcr.
Oak (imvn
Vlrnlnln 0oro, Alt Knlp, l'l
Norrl, Wllhur (loiUove. Tllllo
Kulp. Crl Molor, Kllnbrlh Mlrr,
Carlton .Martin, Krthnr Martin, Klla
NorrU Itolirrt Wooilnn, Hovorly
Wooilcn, Harold Htatullry.
Ilultr I'nlU
I'ntikP)- Srliool
Mnbln I'aynt'.
AnilrrMUl tVcrk School
Valt'ta Hurncll, floorKO Ouclr.
llutiy Oiirlici. Chaa. I'otrl. M"y
Turnrr. Mwltln Turner, lVarl With
row, Nniinil WlUon,
HylHMi Hirlii(i
Jane Carlnr.
Corrncllon of irrora In (oriurr rn
Tho followlnR puplla markod por
fpi In tho Norlim o( ronular rontrit
w.r,. riiimrtPit im hcloilUlnK to tllP
Wmkiiit rrrok nrliool, wlina tlmy
imlonu to thti Aiiilnraun cronk nrlioel:
Valotn Mtirni'tl, Charlo I'otrl. Mat-
(In Tnrnor, l.loyd Turnur.
KrnlMtlno Kri'iJoiiliiirK f l Hullo
Kalla chuol wna rrporli mt(p!
wlmrcaH It nhotilil havo boon Tctl
Tim iw Hivt-r Fruit & l'lodm-u
iiHHocInlioii Im ri'i-i'ivi'l tin follow
ln r'iorl, unilcr ilnlu of Mny H, ri'l
nllvo lo lliu coml'ilion of Urn crop til
Hood Klvcr;
' "Wu luivu fiuihlicil u very lii'v
mill ovi-ii liloom on nil our IpiiiIIiib
vurlcllcM. Tim ni'tunl fnt Iiihhik"
wiim Hliplil. Coin, rniiiy wcnllu'r pro
vnili'il during tjm bloom. In my
opinion llii'ro will Im iv vi'ry lu-iivy
limit mill put tlm pioiI down ennxid-
vrnlily. Ouu million boxes Ih tho
miixiiuiiiii lor llooil Itivt'r IhN yrnr.
Chcnii'H lmvu ilropppil lo n very
Iiiilu uxlenti 1'iirly wlruwlicrrios wcro
ilmimi't'il by front, mill dourly nil tlm
IliHilett poni'H were niuiRlit ill tint
I'ionIh. l'ooley, who usually Iiiin
JOOO ImxcH, ri'portH thill llicy linvw
nil dropped unit ,vii linoiiier rur
loud Ktower, leporU Unit nil of hin
HnrllellH linvv K"iic. Do Aiijou nml
ullier vniielliH Hi'cni (it Im lieuvy.
l'lolmlily .Ml per cent of llm npple
nop Iiiin yi'iir will Im Hply.riilniKH,"
n I n i
Tlm dmiHi'r period fur fruit In (Im
Vlilluy Iiuii piui'llrully piuimil It lid If
no iiiiloonki'd fur truvw orrtir t
nlislit, wimllmi' obmirvvr T I' Mrakn
w ivlurii lo I'orllund Tliuimluy
Uluiiil Ht'H'lI'lKu will con 1 1 n nn I In'
wink nml will Im lu iIiuiki' f Um "'
fli'u hhIII llm mmIihI of Nly
phnldM. ,
lly A. 0. Howled
Mr nud MrH, Hwpii lluniulit who
Imvn n fiirtn went of our town neur
tlm mouth of Hullo neck, wcro In
town taut Tliuniday,
Kliler Lluilhliid In rendlirllui: n
timutliiK In tho Iteene rnk mcIiooI
Minn Wlntilfred llnak, llttlit dauch-
lor of olio of our li'adliiK orclinnllnU
,wna ho unwell nn to bn iiniiblu to nt-
tend ncIiooI lam I'rldny and In tell-,
Inu mo her nmnou for nut bulnu at
Hrhoul nhi) epreed her rKritH thnl
nlm had to lomi a day from kcIidoI,
romnrkod that m)io iIUIIIipiI to limo a
day oh xho hud n hurd tliim with
her Arithmetic (llrli Hint nppn
(Into trliool hoiirH n ulie doe wilt
nlwayi nurrerd.
Mm. II, (lardner mid Mm. 1'runl.
I'oi'l of I.iiku rrrnlt wpro out horn for
dinner lot Hatiinlay mid to do hunl
iifHH with our iimrrhnutR.
I omitted to atato In my In! that
three of our elderly ludlen. Mm. I'.
M. Htuwarl. Mm. A. J. Dnlny and
Mm. John Nlrholn pnrh had llm lulu
furlulm to fall, by oun tupami or
another and each wn ipiltt' bndly
hurl. Mm, Htowart In her hip, Mm.
Oil ley In her aplim and Mm. NlrholM
In her wrlnt. hut nt lam urrouiila
they worn nil Ki'ttliiK uIoiik iUlli
l.nut Hattirday John A. Honey nud
Clmrle A. Wurner wero hern for mti
per. They are travelhiK In tlm In
teret of tlm Norlhwpitprn National
l.lfn ItKiirnnco roinpany or Minima
polln. A. W. Hradnhaw who In itipprln-
lendliiK (ho Cominerrlal orchard on
Antelope creek wan dolriK bunlnein
Init Saturday with one of our lead-
Iiik tuerrhantK, I". It. Heath.
Tho I.biIIp' Aid aoclpty will wirve
chicken dinner on election day May
I Mb In (he l'nrk.
llalnh fitanley of lke creek waa
a pliuuant caller laat Saturday for
Walter Wnodi wn with u (or lln-
ner Hattirday and he brnuiiht Mm
Howlptt aoiuo nice tiiutton. Henry
French aUo brouitht ut In three
narki of Hue npiidi Saturday.
:. J. Uwli and wire, owner of
(tin Klotinrd Hock ranch near I'ro-
npec( came In Hattirday night with
alx doieu hem and two full era ten or
eKltn for tho market. They dlnponed
of (hem to our railroad agonl and
npent the nlKht at the Sunny Hide.
Sunday inornlnK they wont on to
Med ford to apend a few duyn there at
tendliiK to their Intereita there.
Mm, Auuit Hannah, nee Anna Can
key. formerly of Central Point, hut
now of (ho Willamette valley, In hero
tlnltltiK her winter, Mm. Tlmiuai
(Irace II, IMerco of Fornnt creok
and Harry Maury of Jacknonvllln
were hero vlnltliiK her brother, Ployd
IMerco and family Sunday.
Mm. ArKleo Oreen arrived J from
Southern California Sunday, iiocx
pectn lo live In her houne, formerly
the homo Of her parenta, Mr. and
Mm, J, J. Fryer.
i:. A. Han who owiu an orchard
JolnltiK tho T, J. l'urtuii farm wan
hero fur dinner Sunday mid no wan
J, V. Mclntyre. tlm conhlor of tho
Flrut Mate, Hank of CukIo Point and
IiIh wife, ,
Harris (llppert came out Sunday to
tlm Sunny Side, npent tho night mid
Monday Joined tho crowd that went
to Medford Monday inornlnK lo teo
tho nliow. I learned that there
wero 70 wont on (h. P & I!, benlde
hull that number In uulna uud rlK.
Talk rtbout Imrd llmen in Jucknon
I undomtnnd Hint tho moylea were
fine laKt Saturday night. Thoy rep
reHonled (ho U. 8. imvy bh It appear
off Vera Cru. I did Inlend to ko
nud nee It but had been out rldlnn
for I ho Mall Trlbuno that day and
wan too tired to ko out ut nlht in
tho rain. Talk about ruin, but It wn
Imply flno. DurliiK my ramuiiiiK i
havo to report that W. J. Wlnklo 1
puld lip for another year' hmIibctIm
Hon to tho Weekly Moll Tribune.
Nellie Anderson, who has been
hiiviui! Iniuhle with ouo of her
knees, was lakvii to Medford Katur
duv lo i-eeeivo medical tiealinent.
(Irnndpa mid (Irnndnm Jones urc
vIsiliiiK' their son, l.ew, ut present.
Work hennii nt the donkey eimine
Monday, May I, niter u wlutet's vn
cation. Mr. mid Mm. Kvi'wlt Ahlmlt vis
lied leecnjly wllh Mr. AMmU's folks
near Deihy,
lli'v. Hlinnioiis of IIiiKle Point will
hold servlei's hero Tui'sdiiy mid Vi
liesilny evcnliins,
Mm. Annie Coiiiiii mid ehililrvn
went o Mnl foul Hnliiiday lo ulUnd
llm I'lri'iN,
Mr. I'lii ov iiimli' n Imslni'sk Dip In
OiuliU I'iisk HHluiiluy.
)r, Hull I'Hwe Mt ImI wifli In tfT
Mr. hniI Hri, Tihw'h whI rhlld,
Hew, utiA Mi. Mutui hh ullwillwi
w4Wji HiwiUi k k vU)?t
At (lie remilur nieelin of the Ku
teiptikp fltiinne hm( Kiilurdny Hie
following new member leeelveil tli
11 m mid neeoml Avuivts; Mr, nuil
Mm. WHIiiiiu WSIIInuiM, .MIm-m Verle
Hllv nud Mnirerle, uml .MenHm
Chum' mnl I'i'lemoii, n-Jiool miper-l-orx,
The IihIIck nerved u Hue din
ner nud pverymte repoitu u rooi'
Mnyor W. Wetlmrel of Hoytie Hivei
,wih ii uex nl' KulerprinQ (Irmii'i
lusl Kitlunlny,
1 Mr.!m of Kiiuilii'iii C'liliforiilii
Im ii cue! of I!. P. ('hmiilli-r mid
other frieniln in the volley.
r.nrl (hleu mid William Curie,
liuve timie to Dorrix lo work in (In
"iiuinllU n( tlmt plnee.
Mr. nml Mm. Wnllnen (lulhiirth
(;live one of llli'ir pleiiHlinl ilmire lit
I he llbee SjiriiifiH Innt Iriilny. A
In I ye eiowil of yoniij,' follin from tin
MeiidnwH wriM present.
Dun Kentlmmer, one of Kviuih'
Vnlley't Hiiecem.ful fnrmeiM, took I
Imiil of lioyn o (IrmiM I'uhh Tlium
K. K. Pi'leiMiii vinileil I lie m'IiiiiiU
jii this lociiliiy iltirini: lul week.
Mr. Alder cnvi Hie seholnr n mir
priie InM Siitunliiy by inviting lliiiii
mid t lit-! r piirentH to t lit xcliiiol
houne, willed lie lunl cleared of the
liclloliei lunl ilenl.i. Munie, soiif( mnl
lmiie were the order of the hour.
Cuke mnl fitiil punch won nerved
nml nil riMitt but of the pletKmiteH
tiinen in ninny moiith.
(leorp1 JiuirN Iiiih been liuy renet
tini; xis(h mnl eiierully repnirinn
the telephone linen nloue; I he Hvntin
ereek roml.
Mr. mnl iltJi. Karl (leddinj: hnve
imiveil In Itocue llivcr mnl taken
ihnrve of Ilia telephone offiee there.
('hurley Swimleii mnl Mr. Jones of
(IrmilK Pni, experienced jHieke'
liuntem, urn pronpeetin on Syken
('orln Mncerlp wnn vNittiifc nt the
lioinen of Inn item, Meilnmen
Ib'erx, Dimmiek mnl Willituim, limt
week. .
Art Myem, our nirnl moil enrrier,
Im on Mimmer nchedule now. Mer
cury wiih not in it with Art nt the
Mr. mnl Mm. II. T. Findley mo
tored from Table lloek to vinit ut
the I'leiiMint Vnlley fnmi. While
there he pitrehnoed of F. L Orr x
fine I hi roc nhonl. Mr. Orr is mak
ing n "iHTiiilly of Duron liojr.
The fnnnem of the vnlley nn"
busy planting beans. One merchant
in the Itopic llivcr valley Mild the
bonus from F.uiiih Valley eipmeil
the het rown in Miehi;au.
S. It, Moore visited the dentist at
Clrtmtft Poms Weiluenday. Ilirmn U
)iot ruilnini: for offiee, but lie has u
pleasant smile for nil his friends
William I.ouis, the well-known
sheepumu, took dinner ut Hie McKay
home Tuesday.
W. A. Thoiiip-ou was u Medford
Ktiesl Sunday.
0. N. Davis and wife passed this
way Saturday, huyiiij; some funn
prod ueo.
.Saturday eveniim ininkcd llu
henvie-t rainfall we jiave had in this
locality for some lime, Thnuuh moiv
or less hay wns down, the heuefil
will more than oflset the damai!c.
Mr. Klrby, who is represeutiui; the
Mutual Life Insurance company, has
been making ipiilc a successful can
vass throuchoiit this section.
Mr. mid Mrs, lluiitiny,tnu of I.os
Angeles haye been visiting Mr. Miles
nnd family of this dislriet.
Messrs. Tacklam, Slroube nud Me
Kasscr were Medford piess Satur
day. A cheek in tho pocket is worth
more than two promoters' promises,
Mr. Webber bus been at Marion
Young's place with his woodnaw,
Jlins Cnllor of Hood Hiver is vis
tiiiK her friend, Mm. It. W. Khlen.
The trouhlo wllh the Iiumiicxh of
physicians, paions and politicians
is thai people, arc liej,'iiui!njf to think.
A very sucyossful OrmiKO ineotiiiR
wns. iliclil Sat unlay evening. Muny
humorous lis well as iuslriiciivo nr
lielert on milk wcro fjiven liy the
members. Frank McKee, by aid of
tlm rotary Hancock milk tester, made
un iutcicstiii mmlynis of llm vuri
inis snides of milk, llefivslimcnls.
consist hi of ice cream and cuke,
Were served ut llm clone of Iho eve
niii". Mr, Drckhler, of the PiiRC-Dressler
I inn of Medford, was out Inst week
looklnir over pioperllcs licie.
AkciiIh fnnii the (juallly sloic of
i nilliiil pnini havo been iiioiiud pro.
uiollii the sale of coilalu slock mid
poultry Imili's.
To lito in Willow KiiIiivh Is ideul,
from I he fart, jifhlo nlii Iho view
of llm vnlley hclmv mnl ic snowy.
i'iipici M'iiU ,i id,) cimi, ( U only
(lillly inlniili's' Hdw lo (he nlly, Jf.
leiii iihhI'' ilii u Hih fsl fh.
H In llm wel, nfi (wImmImI Im m
hill, rhcif dwr I'mi h swh wiw
JpVpf ttflUwl mMnH, Hlh) U Iwi4n
lly when.' liny klrnl of fruit desired
run lie obtnlncd In nensou.
Here's a " of wimiVuh
From a politician's notebook tern:
"The sumllesl politician
Always has (lie loudest horn,"
John OnVve moved )ijm road rump
lo 'IV II. IIJj!niiiilliiimV Moiulny, Mny
I. The crew will work on a section
of the Crater Lake roml, putting it
above the irrigating ditch, thus elim
inating some mud holes.
Mr. mid Mrs. J. F. Dilsworth went
lo Medford Tuesday. Mrs. Templo
llrown went with them to stay with
her sister, Kay Kiuenid, who is
spending tt couple of week., in town.
Charles MmimiiL' wns out repair
ing Ihe phone Tuenlay. He look din
ner with peelom ami llliinclnirds of
Kvergreen ranch.
Mr. Pardee .of the isiwcr plant re
turned from Mnlfonl TucHilay, wheni
he has been for the Inst (wo months.
He sik'UI n week in the honpilal for
an oieralion, which was Mieccssful,
mid now he is feeling ipiile well
Mr. and Mrs. (I. W. Kiuenid mid
II. D. Itlnnchard made a huxiufss trip
lo proKct Weduesilny.
Die Hiimiucr (oiinm o Propped
will find that a elianycd ami beau
tiful spot this ear. Mr. Aiken is
tearing down Ihe old Pioneer stable
and in going lo build u new one in u
lifferent locality. Jumps (Irieve
has torn down Ihe old -tore and built
a lare new one north of Hie hotel.
The primmls surrounding the hotel
have been leveled and nowu lo lawn
crnsx, nud two ehiiniiiug fountains
have been installed, one conventional
mnl one ruMic, both of James
(Irieves designing. There is running
wnlcr wherever it can he used or is
ornamental, mnl the whole town is
lighted by lectricitv and several
lmnes nnd Ihe sehoidhoiinp are heat
ed in the ame way.
Mrs. Manning is xpeudiug n week
nl Prospect visiting her daughter,
Mm. Ilnothby, nml her simer, Mm.
Kd Holleiibenk.
Mr. mnl Mrs. It. K. Peyton sK-nt
Wednenday night with Mr. nnd Mm.
T. II. lligginbothnin.
Mr. nnd Mm. T. M. Peelor nnd
Mr. nnd Mrs. Dcwilt Hlanelmrd made
ii trip lo Prospect Thursday, com
bining liusIncsN mnl pleasure. The
two Indies hnd n verv plensnut visit
at Hip Pro peel school nnd on their
homeward journey tliev visited nwhile
with Onindiil.t Xjf bd Mr. rind Mrs.
Harold Peyton wns thrown from n
horse Friday, and, fulling on n snng,
received a p.iinfnl wound. He is con
fined lo the house nud to his bed.
Mr. Martin, on the Mansfield place,
had a bad fall Friday nnd hurt hi
hip. He wns Inkcit lo Medford in
Mil automobile that afternoon.
Mr. Mansfield of Medford was up
to ins ranen mis week tor ii short
Mr. mid Mrs. Hen Iligiubothnm nre
visiting their children near Derbv
this week.
Mr. mnl Mm. J. p. Dilsworth re
turned from Medford Siindav.
Memorial i'ay services will'be held
nl Iwinrelhurst choo)hou-c. F.very-
iip iiimicii. ranieuiars later.
James Ki-skiue took dinner Mon
day with Prelum nud IllnnelinriU.
Sixteen of tho citizens of South
west Agato organized a telephone
company this spring. Kdniond Kel
ly la president and J. Frank Hothrocl;
Vice-president, with tho necessary
orriwrs to complete tho organiza
tion. They hav the lino well
equipped with tlr poles ranging
from alx to eight Inches n diameter
Tho lino Is now In good working or
denaud everybody along tho lino en
joying social talks,
C. C. Hull cunio to Southwest
Agato some throe, years ago nn-J
bought of the ditch company 20
acres of laud which, ho cartoned with
a neat Page wire fenco and set the
land to fruit troea mostly pear trees
with u portion to applo trees. A
few acres reserved for small fruits,
strawberries, blackberries, grapes.
etc., which grow luxuriantly mid are
prolific producers.
Mr. Hall built a fKOOO bungalow
In tho southwest cornor or his land
In a grovo of statoly pine trees Inter
mingled with oak and madrono trees.
Mr. Hull Is In Arizona at present
holding a lucrative position In tho
employment of tho government.
Frank llothrork, his father-in-law Is
looking after bis Interests during
his absence. Kverythlng looks good
nil around (ho ranch,
Professor Orkermaii of California
set sovoral ucies lo fruit (his spring.
Frank (Iregory, a nearby uurtory
in it u, furnished tho trees mid super
intended their nutting out. Mr Mar
shall rumo down from Washington
two ers ago and routed ten acres
of brush Und, cleared and raised n
fluu nop Iho first year. Tlm work
Mr. MarshMll did In so churl Hum
would ilu mdUtu a man many
iwr his jwM..tyr,4t
Tkww arn HtUkf nrrtm of UHorcu
44 Uu4 Ui kVwiH Ant, J U,
HuHfiUug if Mwlfis4 wm in mn
trf kMi knJ. Himmio iA (JDI
Point owns nearly 100 acre partly
briinli land. Tho ditch company
owiih many hundreds of acres ready
for ncttletnent. All these laudn can
bo Irrigated by (ho ditch company's
water ditch. Pcrlmpn this land some
day will bo rut up In 10, T nnd 20
aero lots mid occupleil by fnmlllen.
If thin should tako plarc, the conn-'
try would bncomo duniely populated, j
Then a nohool district could bo or-.
Kaulzed nnd maintain n flourlliln ,
school nine months In the year. '
Should this ever tnko place, land In I
Houthwpm Agata would rapidly In
creann In value.
It new, nature ban been pnrtlnl t'j
nouthwent Again In preHcntlng her
with huntitlful landscapes. The two
labia rorkK nro jiixt a few mile
north, with tho beautiful Koguc riv
er crossing around their bane, with
a beautiful range of mountains In ,
(bn distant north, known an the
t'mpqua divide. Mount Itoxle Ann
to tho routhenxt and, .Mount McLough-
lln'Komo 10 miles cant, n slandlug
iientluel wTth Its benutlftil nnnw'-clad
lieak towering heavenward. Many
tholiKiiiiils of pasaciiKem going
throiiKh the valley on tho Southern
Pacific bavn feantcd their eyet on Its
majcntlc Rrandeiir. Other points of
Interest might bo mentioned. Suf
fice lor tin1 prcftcnt.
Ilyoiuel (.'hen lustuiil Itellef
If Buffering from a cold or catarrh
canning dull headaches or an Itching
and burning sensation In the nostrils,
surely try llyomel. It gives quick,
effective and permanent roller or
money refunded by Chan. Strang. It
goes right to tho npot you feel bet
ter In five minutes.
No roundabout method of stomach
doting with llyomel you breatholt.
This health-giving medication gno
directly to tho Inflamed membrane,
all Irritation nud congestion la
quickly relieved, tho delicate tlnnues
healed and vltalliod.
llyomel should Im In every house
hold. Druggists everywhere sell It.
Ask for the complete outfit $1.00
Mnka ytuir next suit nml it will be
has character to it.
of sturdy character.
isssk mXtfJSBStKSSw
sK. K3mMmMMi IH llssssssssssssssssssIL'
m bv
DIXIE QUEEN is made from pure old
Burley leaf, aged for three to five years,
so as to bring out slowly and naturally all
the juicy mellowness and richness of the
tobacco. That's why its quality never
varies and that's why hurried-up,
hashed-up tobaccos can't compare with
A pipeful of DIXIE QUEEN lasts, be
cause it is slow burning Plug Cut. A
hng'thne chew because the flavor's all
through it.
Sold ttvemvlwr in couvciilunt 5o foil pack
utftfunUo in lOo pouehiM and 50o luiiuh Ihjxw,
W Wlsassrl J 1iWPWsTlssT WinifTW f
sbj Wr,
' M &
' 'fSlk m
For Quirk Deliveries
I'lionn nt
H. Weinhard's Ice Depot Rt'foivcd,
The finest Robes ever brought into Medford at prices
lower than the ordinary kind.
For Manly Men
Plug Cut Tobacco
That's why it appeals to
wo load on our wngons means
Just so many pounds of added
comfort nnd retroshtnont In tho
places t which they nro deliv
ered. Each cako moans also en
tire freedom from alt fear of
Illness or dlseaso that Impuro
Ico may dovotop, Hotter bo safo
than sorry. Oilr Ico Is abso
lutely sanitary.
a Fine Stock of
We have purposely
made up a tobacco to
appeal to the strong, vig
orous man who wants
full flavor and fragrance
combined with natural
sweetness in his smoke or
chew. This tobacco is
signed especially to satisfy
the tobacco -hungry man.
It iills the bill.
Firemen, policemen, out-of-doors
men, two-fisted men in
general, all say DIXIE QUEEN
satisfies. Once they start using
DIXIE QUEEN they cannot
get the same satisfaction out of
any other brand.
.1 i-.,
. r-'
and pleases these men
W sfll isssssssssssssssssssl &iM
II 9KvRi ml
issss. sVss&kJI ' V mCJm 'sssssssssB
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