VW, W&K ' ' IP- Jeff Is No IMIm.. . - - -U r it.t -fj -' " ' r II -i Hi. . . ., . !. A,t i. fe 4 - -- ' - ' ' SJBCS - , ,, i I 'I ' ' " "I l. '" ' ' ' " " " ' . I II I I I II T I I I J ' ' ' . , M rofcXj'Ao.AUa wiokiwtii I ' ' 'WHAT? I i i f '. l-12!iliSN V - -: 7-, v ground--wa s. co- copfbg 1 ', : JM i , -r S'CL HAT fifcOU'ND'i VJiYH MlTTlrtti HSR. I JliP ,f J JV M & ' V& ( CfcDSM $ THAT COUUD BS J UiTM ACOfreE-MT. I fx 58 & t tfHD5 tJSL li ''ttJs&hFi , L. " BHI yi$2 ESS "r TfiWf " ' - I . ... I i I . I. I I- ' COURTHOUSENEWS Reported by Jackson County Ab tract Co., HUth nul I'lr His. Ilisil ISlnto Tmiufera 1 1. .III.- Hhiiiiii to I). S. Wood, tot 7, w w :t8.:tv. I). S. Woi.it i't u to l.u.niint wood, Mi. i no an iiImim J, II. IIiiiiiiiiitdIs l nx to ! ii, ittiti, imitt in . ir..:iu- . JvBuilfi iu t .Iiiiim" Ii. Hiilwni nt ii v, lot I, lilL 17, Clt, iif l..l.xl IIHU - Ummlovo NiMiHlnilt lv I'luiiilu N. t'liir, Iniol In mc (WI7 V J. II. Kciirlii.ll, (itinlrcn) ill (o I'l.iihln N. Curr, luuilriii i'fl'. ..17'1V .... V. L Itiirit'i ft ux io It. S. rtiiiiis inuii in . i.:i- Ill Id 111 1 1 1 J JAPANESE ADMIRALS RETIRED FROM SERVICE "TOKIO. Mh l'J. Afli-r it nmfcr- iiimu; whit Ii tin prrmirr, 1'uiint Okmiia, Kfluniriili tin rinMTor tmlny, tl- ii)lnijt omit iiiiiiiiihiii iiinl .ilnurnl Imroii tnito Mi'tc plnrril nil thr rc i'Vh' lll. No ri'iiMiu for llii'ir rn tlroiiuiii Inn hrrn niKiiol. ' .Vullifi to Dt'iiiiHriilN. To tliu ilvuinrratln mrl of tho I'ljut CoiiRri'imloiiAl DUtrlct ot ()rc Tlio Doiuorrntlc Count)- Central Coiuiillltiiu of Coun count) wlli to liijri'Wlth utiito Hint .Mr. l'rolorlrk llolllJtvr hiu rccuUcil thoiiinuluioiii t'tiilonuuii'iil uf our rommltteo (or HiTi oftltu of rcirouiitntlo hi con Krjit from tliU illatrlrt. W'n nm Klml (o na) piTnoiintl)' Hint Mr. HollUtnr l n cli-mi, MURrunnlvi) iliiiuocrnt; Hint lu tin lloit vsltii us Iii.Ciioh (limit) (or u in o hIommi )iinrn, nuit tlmt iturliiK tlmt Hum liu linn built up i ronutiilluu ntuuiiK) lilx nt m)clntt nuit iiriiuulutnuroii (or lionee D',.tiotirlol)' mill nlillliy, (onllull)' rcioimiiviiil Mr. Ilol 1 1 hTo r to )ou for jour mipport nt tltu ioiiiIiik rlnftiry cluitlou, IikIIoWiik mill ItuoMluit Hint If iiomltiulud Hint lu. will l.o In tho (liilit. nil tlio (lino. Yoiira (or uccob, IIIHJII M'l.AlK, Cliiilriiimi Ihiiuocnttlu CVutnil Cunt iiiltlri', Cihw (,'otiuly. . V. J. IllMT. Ucriolnr) DouiurniHc Cuitlrul Cunt iiiltltn. Coo Comity. (I'nlil Atlv,) t i(n.i'': '' yoNTitAcnuts. , tffinlud titiU for tho luhor for tho conntriiujoii of thu Modfoul IIIUk' t(lllTlo Will lui lOlOlUlll lllltll TlU'H(lll), Jlay 12th. 1011, nt 0 p. m b tho UIIi'h huliliiK ('(iiiimltteo. Tor plniiH, HpiHiricnllotiB mid full pnitltuliim l'0 , LICON I). I1A8KIN8. Chnriiiuu Muilfurd i:iKn' llulldlug Comiiilltt'o. Mt. Pitt ClKarN. ( Aro hoinu'iunilo snni(l will jiloiiso niost pmlou)r iiuKpr.gM , ' WHY? ' (larilcu mid ulfnlfi liiud, IrrltiRted Jkooo pliico for C00 1 3 Q crc inmly loam soil, ull bottom lund, id oervit nlf;il(n. oulinnl and unrdon, h ui'ies run bu i-ulllvatqil, W liorw powjir qHKlW "! l""11!'' "" CB" ,,(' Irrlunteil, leum, ImniPM. ! Lx, l plK. rlili'liim. flvo tur b)H nml iiiMililumy All oe Ur )5DU llest J hunt wr Uorm j. C, BARNES Pat Henry When M iH l . i ff ' tfft W.M. f. ,Mi'Ntiii:v Citiiillitnto for lt'iltllrnii .Noiuliiatliin for Mnln Itrinwiitittho Mr. Mrnlcy U tlio Junior inptnbr of tho Uw (Iriu of Nof( i Mc.tloy. Ho In n i.roKroHho ruuhlk-iii nml ai nn niithualitBtlc mipiiortur of Ln I'olli'lto In Him primary election two ennt ako. hshiK Ikmui tucruliiry o( tho l.u I'ollctto rroKrvMlu Itvputill enn club of acluon county. Ill platform ji iiunrtcrly payment o( tnxet; pnttneo o( fownr hut hotter lnw; thu ellmlnntlou of iiniicconr nml i'xrcnhi npproprlntlouii mul n lomprehcmiUo tnto lilRliwny yitum, pn)aul oiie-linlf by tho ftnto nml otic half by tho roiiutlc HiroiiRh which thu highway l coiutructeil. rr HH.ITICAI. AXM)UNCK.MI:NTH. rou Himtii'F. A. W. Wnlkor ot Mcilforil. n natincoa his cimllilacy for tho re publican nomination ns sheriff at the primaries May 15. (I'ald Adr.) J, V, lllltson, chief ot pollco ot Modfoul, nniiounros bis cmidldney for thu domocrntlo nomlnutlon for sheriff of Jnckson county nt tho pri maries liny 15. (l'ald Adv.) I wish to announce my candidacy for tho republican nomination ns NEW TODAY Turin Kpeclnl, '.'DO Irrigated ncro ranch on Applo Kiito, u Krenl producer, principally lu lilfnlfn nnd Hmothy elisor, mid wheat. Hood buildings mul uiiulpmout. IIOU.OO nu licit). Terms. 'i'lTi act on, 100 ncrcs In nlfiilfn,, timothy mul clour, nufl tiO ncro lu Krnlu, biUuuco principally In fenced hi pusturonnd thu hous uro lu ll. All Imprcnomoutu, stock mid cijulp meiit i;o with tlio place. t5,UU0.00. Terms. Auyonu wnnlliiR n stock much fully uqulppcd should look nt tbeno. t!. D. HOON 10 ncro tracta only tliteo miles from town nil In cultivation will Krow iilfnlfn, only 1125,00 per ncro, easy tonus. Grocery stock for sulo. Two Hood homeuleiidH, only elKhl tulles fiom Mcdfoid. Tho bust ImtKaliiH lu tho country In stock lanrhes. A. B. SALINC. Ilouiii 'JI, Jiiiksiiii Coiiuly lUuk IIIiIk, ' Tu Iobii on Improved rsuchM Jnlwrfsl 8 pr tout "Imiiriuw Tlmi lsur." II. K, UTINIV liny your luuriRvf w mr MT5!W)tto MATT; . TRTBUNfo It Comes'to Law sheriff nl tho primaries May l&th. A. K. kAuHAUT. ((l'alil Adv.) I hereby niiliotincb my rnudldnc) for tho democratic nomination sheriff nt tho primaries May 15th. J T. KtlMMHItVIM.i:. (I'nld Adv.) I Ijnrch) niinouiiro myself an nu Independent cnndldato for tho offlco of sheriff of Jnckson county. J. O. GKltKINO. (Paid Adv.) Hi.NNMHt ioii in:ttni-. In hcecpllnR tho nppnlntmo'nl stio crodliiR my brother for his uuoxplrod term as sheriff. I did so for the bono (It of bis widow and family. Tho of flco bns bad an honest and etflclont administration. With tho samo objects and pur poses In tlow I hereby anuounco my self as n candldato for tho, republican nomination at tho primaries May 15, 1914. Vf. H. 81 NO LRU. (l'ald Adv.) lOlt 8TATK HKXATOlt II. Von dcr llollin. ot Wellen, In cumbent, announces bis candidacy for tho republican nomination as state senator from Jnckson county. (Tald Adv.) rou coitoxr.it. W. V Usshor announces bis can dldacy for coroner ou tho republican tlckcti (l'ald Adv.) FOIl COUNTY TltiaSCItnU. . I hereby announco ni)sot ns n candidate fur tho offlco ot county troaiuror,on tho republican tlckot, to bo voted on at tho conilmc primary oloctlon on May tho 13th, 10 H, I havo always dolUored tho goods and wilt do so nfcnln It oloctod. I gunrnntoe: 1, To account strictly for nil monoy. 2. To perform tho duties ot tho offlco according to law. I am not connoctod with any bank. All bnnka will bo treated alike, with no special favurs. l'ltKD L COU'lO. 1 nm n cnndldnto for tho ronubll enn iiumluntlou for county treasurer at 'tho primary to bo bold May 15th. If. nominated nnd elected I will glvo tho offlco my pernounl nttuntton,nnd portorm tlio duties portutnlug thereto nccurdlni- to law, ns I havo dono dur ing tho past. JAB, M. CUONICMlI.U'n. (I'nld Adv.) county a.r.itic. I hereby unuotiucu msolt ns cnn dldnto (or tho republican nomination na county clerk mibjoct to tho will ot tho voters at tho primary uoiul nntlng oloctlon to bo held l'rlday, Mny 15, 19H. In nnnounclng my candidacy I do no knowing that should I bo 1'oiiomlnatod and re elected I will coutluuo n good bust neiia-lll(o nml economical administra tion, t O. A. (MRDNKU. i u coiMfssiosfcu 1 am a candldato for tho republi can nomination for county commls slo;ior at the primary to bo hold May 15th, 1014. If elected I pledge my self to stand for nn economical bust iiuHsllka administration of county uf. fairs, economy lu county expendi tures, n ilollur u value for every dol lar expended by tho county, lower taxes, sui'li development uud nrogreis only as aro consistent wljli bn (lines. ritANIC II, MADim.S', (I'nlil Atlv.) I'OK Itl'N'l HOlwrKKHI'INU IIOOMH vim ill'rir l'ijrilM"" iwHMtpuI l, H MflOffoftTJ, OIIIWON, TIIKMDAVt MAV f2, MM. VOll 1IKNT llfiCNI?. rOU It iVnT My six room (urnisho.l buugnlow for summer, to respon sible party. Phono sr.C-J, (JH HUNT -To Kod reliable party, .1 acre with modern bungalow, bnrtl Mid other htiltdlnK. closo to city limits. Phono :'.!. ' 4 I'Olt ItI'NT Five room furnished huuac. 705 North Itherslde. 45 roil It i:NT Kurn Isbed four room modern house. 717 North River side. 13 KOIUIKNT 0 rpom furnished biiiii galow, pfnno, gas. Phono 74 l-X; iiIko three room fiiruUhcd bouse. 722 V, 14th. POIt RKNT Modern resldemo eight rooms, two bath rooms, screened porches, garage, etc Address box A., caro Mali TrIMino. FOR IlKNT FURNISH I'M llOOMM KORlTKNTKirnishcd'Too hot and cold running water, sleep ing porches. Cottage Residence, G0I V. 10th St. CI ( J'OR RKNT -Tho Palms, bomellko, , ijuiri rooms ror quiet, numi-iiKo poople. Community kitchen tor Indlis. 130 V. Main St. CI FOR RKNT Tho .Colomnn rooms, $2 00 per week, room and board $0.00. 1005 Wbsl Mnln. CO --. h -m.. FOR RKNT Furnished rooms, I closo In, rvasonablo, 245 N, Ornpo St. FOR RKNT Largo sleeping rooms, and rnodorn housekeeping apart ments, .prices very reasonable. Pbono 247-L. 222 South Holly street. FORItKNTTCRNlSHIU) AITS. FOR RKNT Furnished apartraont. Tho Rorbcn, 10 Qulnco St. FOR SAM'. Roust's FOR SAI.K Modern bungalow. 7 room, built In features, largo screened porch nnd bath, lot 50x 315. Just '( Piling, plenty fruit, berries and garden. Phono 417 M. or call nt 10.4 K. 3.1th. FOR KAM- l"ARM 1NI)3 FOR 8AI.K OR LKA3K Unrden home, (arm ranch, six miles south wost ot McdfnnU terms. Lllllo Kinder, Medford, Ore. CO FOR SALK This Is a real bargain SO ncrcs Ideal hog ranch with un limited out'ldo range, owner can tako home'tend nearly adjoining this place, also good chicken, dairy or othor tnrmlug. 00 acres foncod and cross fenced, 40 acres under tho plow, 20 lure's now In grain crop, (tuo family orchard In full bearing, small bouse, good baru nnd outbuilding, ,U mllo to good school. mllo to Roguo river, fine, ft-hlng. 2 miles to store, free juntl delivery, on Crator lake high way, prlco $2500. Would con- sluor part trnue. Tonus, ono-nnir cnih( balamo 1. 2 or 3 cars nt C por cent. Sco It. II, Toft, owner, or phono 3C5-J or 7--R, 52 FOR 8AI.K Cheap. 100 acres nonr Ullt, Oil. Rex 20, Hilt, Cnl 5G FOR 8AI.K MVKSXOUK FOR SAl,K- A good milk cow- mid calf for sale. No, 503 S, Hamil ton St. 44 FQR SALK One Duroe bonr. ono )cu- old, mul somo pigs. John II. Hiiuuers. Jackbouvlllo, box 100, 45 FOR 8AI.K Reslhtored ,l)uroc Jor soy hogs, Pleasant Valley Farm, Rpriio River, R. D. No. 1, phono 10-R. 55 FOR BALK Ono grey nnrso, 10 enrH old, weight ubout 1000 lbs, A, W, atono. FOR BAM" Voiuikj thoroughbred Duroe Jersey bimrs. Ora Crags Oix'hard. Teli'phnno and address Central Point. 51 FOR 8ALK Fiesh cows and calves, Wttlsh'a 1 mull. Mllo out N. Rouse veil Ao. 63 rTnn&'AMJ-IM' spas),, mules rjiul Imriiws. mm span hoiws, im pii'tss and sU lioisit full ilrcle power Ad dle llorl Hell, box 51. Talent, Oiw, AC HUM' WAN'IKR FI4MAI.M U'AXTKJ - -l4 1 for n2ei oj Im)l tetfrk. v.u h fmiiUV. H (liH0vt t At WW, nm iti'.Vi" maim and rooms TJoARTaNI) ROOM First' class board, lnrgo nlroly furnished rooms connecting bnth, lu modern bungalow, closo In, rensonablo tenon. 1 17 Ja) St., orf Ho. Oak- ibilo. IC FOR HAM Mlil-nt.liVSr.OCf K?)itHAl.i: No. 3 camera "tripod eompleto devutopliig outfit cheap. Rex 3t, cure Mall Tribune. 15 I'OR HAM: OR TRADK Ilnlf Inter est lu tlio best business proposition lu the Roguo river tnlley. will ron sld6r At nlfalfa land, conMdcrn Hon $7500. Itox S2, caro Man Tribune, 4 1 FOR BAI,i: Transplanted plants, SOc per 100. C. Talent, phono 1C-P1I. tomato Carey. WANTKli SITUATIONS VANTi:bPosi Hon" on orcliard" by experienced married man. Can furnish references. Address box II. I)., caro Mall Tribune. 40 U'ANTKD Position wanted by mid dle aged married man, to tako charge of oung orennrd. Thor oughly reliable. References. Box A, C, caro Mall Tribune. 40 WANTED Japanese boy wants all kinds ot houso work by hour. Phono 4C1-R. Sbttnoda, 53 WA.vrKR .nseiciii..vNnou8 WAX'tHO -40 licad of stock to pas ture, good running water. Phono R-13M. 4 4' WANTKD To buy hack or exebango light buggy and pay difference Call McDonald, 951 North Cen tral. 44 WANTKD-r-Dond borsos,. cattlo and hogs. Wo will move thorn rrom our premises on short notice, frco of charge any w hero within a radius ot 10 miles from Mcdtord. Notify Medford Reduction Co.. Phono 237. 40 WANTKD If jou want permanent, remunerative, pleasant outdoor employment, nnswer this. Terms llborul, good territory, cxporlonce unnecessary. Honesty, stability, work wins. Oregon Nuracr. Com pany, Orenco, Oregon. CO I'Olt KACll.VtUR TO TRADK Flo passenger nuto mobile for good runabout. Ad dress P. O. box 271. 40 TO TRADK Medford. closo In pro perty clear, for Seattle or Port land property. Hox OS, cure Mall Tribune.' 40 FOR KXCHANOK Hnslncss proper ty, clear for Medford residence. $2000; also 120 acre hog raucli, $0000 clear, for Medford resi dence. Clark Realty Co. FOR KXCHANCK My- well pa) lug buslnc-a and modern bungalow well located ror n Biuall ranch. Im proved Address box 22, caro Mull Tribune, 4G FOR TRADK City property for un Incumbered, cleared land. South ern California considered. Stato location nnd prlco. Z. caro Mall Tribune. 44 RUSINI-SS DIKKUIOKY Attorneys PORTKR J. NEFF, WM. P. MKALKY Attorneys-at-Law, Rooms 8 and 9, Medford National Rank bldg. A. K. R1SAMKS, LAWYKU Qarnett Corey bldg. ' W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street, Medford, Ore. Wm. M. Oolvlg George M. Robert COLVK1 & ROUKRTS. LAWYKR8 Medford National Rank llulldlug. 1). V, MULKEY & OHO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Hunk Jlulldlni. NHWTON AV. HORDRN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford, Oregon, - . t '"' "-3 MoMiy I'Mlillc jsjipa)jssfcastisjsva-i - -tji -i HKLKN N. YdUKKY Nuury pub He. UrliiK your work to nm at tbi Un ut Him Mull TilbiiHi MlruofmtMtM'S M0miu'tl Hl.l-A M, lUUWVAW-PHwJilt rWtW HtHt ". NHIM Ull wvll. g g .rr RUSINVW DIRECTORY Auto nifmt. LAIIKR AUTO SPR1NO CO. Out bis; secret In making springs Is the tempering. Wo aro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant ln tho Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. Hold under guarantee. 2C Nortk Fif teenth 8t.. Portland. Or CtitTtirictr DR. R. J. LOCK WOOD, Chiropractor ncrvo specialist. Rooms 203-201 205 Oarnctt-Corey bldg. Vapoi batbs and scientific massage given, nccdlo spray, bead and chouldei shower ln connection; advice Ic dlotetlc. medical gymnastics hydropthcrapy. Lady attendant Phono, offlco 543, residence 511-R. DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise Hedges Mccbauo-Thcraplsts, Chiro practors, 8pondylotheraplsts. Their systems. Including dietetics, curs tire gymnastics, bydro-tberapby etc., produco r waits Id both ncuU and cbronlu diseases. Consulta Hon free. Orer Deuel 4c Co., cor nor Main and BartletL Hours 9 a. rn. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phone 170. I'inployiiicnt Agency Wo aro hero to help pcopto ect re liable, competent help. Wo fur nish help In almost all lines of business. Wo mako a specialty ot competent men and wives for ranches. Wo solicit your patron age. Wttner's Real Estate and Employment Rureau, Rooms C and 7 Palm Rulldlnc. Medford. Phono S5S. Mrs. Dyrd Caster. Manager, successor. DeattaU DR. W. M. VAN SCOYOO DU C. C. VAN SCOTOO . Dentists , . Qarnett Corey bldg., suits S10 Medford. Ore. Pbnnn SB. Grug OARUAGE Got Tour premise cleaned up for th-i winter. Cal on tho city garbae wagons foi good service. Phono 325-L. F, T. Allan. Truara EAD8 TRANSFER & 8TORAGR CO Office iZ NorUs Front Bt. Phoat 315. Prices rlnAt, 8eirice guaf CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quick, Handy, reference fop Huty People Art Storo R. L. Bennett, Pnlnt. oils, glass, wall paper, enlarging, picture framing. 27 North Grnpo . Phono 360-.1 Auto Rodles nnd Spray TaMks J. W. Mitchell, blnckaniltblng, horseshoeing, wagon work, rub bor tiro work. 22 South Rlvor sldo street.. Phono 20 Harness Suit Cu.scs. Gloves Herman Brothers. 317 East Main, repairing ot all kinds. Phono 4S t-J llulotl Hay, Flour, Feed, Gralu L. R. Rrown, Rusb Mill, also poultry supplies. 139 South Rlvorsldo Phono 629 Bakery , Roal Bakery, bread, pies, cakes. Corner Malu nud.Grapo. fiiouo a i Civil Engineers Osgood & Brown. T. W. Os good, Asso. M. Am. Soc. O. E. A. Then Brown, deputy county survo)or. Medford Nutloual Raul; Bldg v.,Phouo 202 i:ieitrle Wiring, Fixture;, Supplies Southern Oregon Klecirlo Co,, Matda l.ams. U Rouili Central Avenue..,."...,...,.,.. .....I'liuiie 216-Y Furiiliuri New ami Kiwl llaiul Wcott wonlf, surctfssor to Mor doff & uut, complete house fiirnUlior. 4wtel low prlcw on AxmlnMr itw ahv) furni ture. XI! Hlb Fir...,,1 .I'buHc 9 Modern J'liolntsrupliy TI,o Hscbey HHIdlo, l(Mt SHU Hu( MP-tV'ilsle plkw4. 'N Irslls of cmMrnH, Mala k4 Cpiitiiil, liiMk u( Jka4(i f I'M'W, toMm ttrw By ''Bud" Fisher i Q- IILHINIXH DIRECTORY I'hyslrbias safi BMrs-eerM bit. "f." g? oarlow, " hn. kvjL MAINS CARLOW Ostdopathle physicians, 410-417 Osrnett-Corer bldg., phone 1036-L. ReaMeaee 20 South Laurel Bt. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopaths) Ib)slqlan, 303 Qarnett -Corey building. Phone 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMEN8 Physldaa aa4 surgeon. Practice limited .to eye, ear, jiose and throat. ,Eye sclsa tlficalfy tested and flnstt supplied Office 228 East Main 8L, Hour 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phoae. E. B. P1CKEL, M. D. OWIce Jack, aoa County Rank bldg. Office phone 43-R; residence phoae 58-R. DR. MARTIN C. BARBER Physlr clan and snrgeon. Office Pals block, opposite Nash Hotel. Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 116-J., DR. R. W. CLANCY Physldaa sad surgeon. Phones, office 3S, resi dence 724-J. Office Isoara IS te 12, 2 to C. OR. 8. A. LOCKWOOD PkytlctaB and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D.-. Practice limited to diseases fit women. Offices 232 E Mala. Phones, residence, 814-J2; otflee 814. R. J. CONROY, M. D. X'hystctan and Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Lame dea, 21C E. Mala St Phone 77. DR. MC M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon, Dr. Lydla S. Dow Os teopathic physician, offices 3-t St. Mark's block, Pboue 160. Rest denco tho Dow Hospital, Central Point. E. KIRCHGESSNER. M. D. Gar-nett-Corcy Rldg. Hours 10 to 3, except Sundays. Phone, offlco, 82S; residence, 828. Instruction Mr. FRED ALTON HAIQHT Teach er of plaho and barmoay. lae Halght Music Studio', 116 BoUth IAurel St., phoae 17-R v rrteters acts rubileiWrsi MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. , has the best equipped printing office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices. 27 Nortk Fir St. Fresli nml Cure! "ilenta Star Meat Market. M. W. Wag uor. Prop. 314 East Main Phone 373 Farmers Implements Hubbard Brothers. Full lino ot John Dooro makes, For apo dal prices on buggies. 335 East Main........... Phono 231 Groceries Brownlee & Lindloy, Monopola canned goods. Upper Crust flour. 327 East Main Phono 927-L Guns, Ammunition, Sporting Goods Ewlugs Gnu Storo, Hulling tackle, sporting gooffs. 113 West Main .. ... , - . . Phono 435 Insurance Any Kind R. 11. McCunly, writes flro, life, accident, liability, auto, plate glass, burglary, fidelity and surety bonds, Sparta Building. ' i-uuue id Practical llorehoer and RlackMHtlUi G. F. Merrlman, Medford me chanic. 20 South Riverside Avenue.... ..,..,.....-...lkoue 279 Pliiuiblug anil Heating Van R. Polrsou, 28 North arftpo......................,M.....Phoe 921 HeMiuirioit Day ami NKbt U. H, Cafe, the Place ot "(loud KaU": private I axon, nvaritblHg llrsi class, Wo eater to uartlM -Mwi banquut. 40 Nt rront. Plwna $91 Real i4att, Imu and lamXiiumM Pane DrMH(fr CnwfMmy, fjjrHi lands, SHb-ilvM4wi. Jg& Mu4ri nmi Hbea, vrMU yi war, 19 H0MIN Ostfi A- ft 6 1 M j 1 1 1 M 1 ,1 4l I r v 9 J S 1 v' k I t H