HHi )'ftWiil't)WHi iH.AMh.SSP . - MEnFORU MATT) TRTBTJNTC. MnDFORD, ORKCIOX, 'lTKSDAY. MAY 12, 101 1. rm voxm - ShWSMSSSMMtflS ', I' .. M' MJEDFOUD MAIL.TKIBUNEi an iNtJKrKNnKNT NmvErT'Arnn PUBIiTKlIKI) KVICItT AKTKHNOON KNCKPT HUNUAT tlY TUB MtsDFOlltJ l'llINTlNd CO. .Ths TililocrntJs Times. The Medford Mull, Th Mc-drord Tribune, Tho South srn Ores;onln, The Ashland Trlbimo. . Offlcn Mull Tribune Bulltllnir. 35-17-St North Fir slroctt telephone J. Official Taper at tho City of Mtdford. OfflclM lPr of Jackson County. Kntertd m second-class nutter t Mrdford. Ortiiton, undor the act of !srch J. 1879. BUBSCHXmOK KATXa One year, by mull .. I B.JO One month, by mnll .80 lr month, delivered by carrier In Mooroni, jncKRonvuia nna ven tral Point ., . . .SO ftatnrdny only, by mall, pr voar. J.00 Weekly, per yenr.... -... 1.60 Vtill I-ensctl Wire Associated Prcot i With Sledford Stop-Oref FREE LECTURE 10 I'rofesor .7. It. Homer, who oecit pics the chair of history in tlio Ore' fjim Agricultural college, will deliver nn illustrated lert..ro in the Pnge theater Snturdny evening, admission to which will he free to nil, on "The Jlond. From Jerusalem Down to Jer icho." Professor llorncr upent two ftciiRons in Palestine, pftttlyinj; scenes of tho life nnd times of our I.onl, nnd phnloj-rnidiin;; lliem. from which he has prepared about n tlitr.ru lec tures, of which this one i said lt ho one of the best. It is n vivid tortrnynl of he re jrion mndo famous by Chrifct'n piiralile of the Good Samaritan and hy the homo in licllinuy of l-izarits nnd Mnry nnd .Martha. Here is where IjiMruts was niised from tite dead. Ax tli!. rond roiiiitln the Mount of Olive, tho holy eity burts into view near wliure Jesus stood when he fore told tho oity'n destruction. Within (lie city xtotid Solomon' wonderful temple, on tho situ of which that of Herod xtood at the bejjiuniiif: of the Christian era, wherein Jesus walked and talked and worked hi wonderful miracles of Ood deed. Here ho was condemned and crucified jiift beyond tho wnll. Here James tho Just wa slimed, as wan nlo Stephen. Here the army of Titus camited mid fin ally, iih foretold by Je.sus, he left not ojio tonc upon another, hut utterly destroyed tho eity, when a million hu ninu beings were sacrificed by the jrreeil of war. All thoo scenes will he shown on tho screen nnd explain ed by u man peculiarly fitted to do ho, both by his learning nnd by bin experience. MOYER TIL SET II FOR JUNE OR JULY lANSB, Mich., May 12. The trial of Charles II. Mover, president, and 37 other officers and members of tlio Western Federation of Miners, who nm under a Joint Indictment In ITr.uclitnn j-mmtv wi ihn rhnren tT conspiracy to Interfero with n on union copper mlno-worUers, prob ably will not begin before the latter part of June or tho first of July. Judgo O'Hrlen lias set tho case for trial at tho May term beginning hero next Monday, but owing to a heavy docket It probably will' not bo readied until late In tho term, it was learned today. NOMA'S REMAINS BROUGHT TO NEW YORK NEW YOIIK, .Muv 12. The body of Jlme. Lillian Nordicn will be lmiui;llf 1 NW Vork for burial, ne. cording I" nimotineemeiit today hy her husband, (Jetfrpj V. Yomi. blinker. Jlr. Yoipi probably will o to HriudUl, Italy, to meet Iho body. lEfelN FORMAL INQUIRY INTO MINE EXPLOSION HCt'LKS, W. Vji., Jlny 14 For inn) Inipilry inlti the onuses lumlinn up to the c,p!o!iin in mine No. 6 of IkH jrw Jliivi'r uwimiru'i eompany u 'AlMO, wkK'li Idiww'l 172 live', wi HI,d tttlw.v by KiU'l V. cAtH West Vlrginta eNM mZWAavr $, jtiuv n. tiSBb iltij DOWN JERICHO THE STRONGEST CANDIDATE npllERE is hotlov inaloi'ial - dHlaloji for goyornoi thau among Iho roimDlican tuts vohr.' Tho list oontainti somo of Iho loading oitizons of tho state, -who havo nuulo their mark both in private and pub lic life. There is some driftwood oil tho stole. 0. A. Cobb, for instance, who proposes to magically "restore prosperity" nnd nbolisb Honor." is to fame unknown. Colonel K. A. Miller, who and oluinty platform, was raised m Jackson county, but does not seem to be seriously considered as among the pos sible winners. The race has narrowed down to John Manning, former district attorney of MulUiomnh county; .Judge A. b. Uen nett of The Tlaflos, and Dr. C. J. Smith, formerly of Pen dleton, now of Portland. Mr. Manning is appealing for support upon a self-made issue of "state aid for settlement of rural lands and reduc tion of taxes." His strength he is but little known through Tiult'o Uenliett is a leading lawyer of the state. His plat form is intended as a slap at Governor West. Tt reads: "Enforcement of law according to law; lower taxes; hon est government; business administration." lie has grown wealthy in damage cases brought against the railroads. Dr. Smith has boon dubbed bv the Oregmiian as the "residuary legatee" of Governor "West, and his platform reads: "Strict law enforcement; lower taxes." A close scrutiny of these candidates will show that Dr. C. .T. Smith is the only one with any previous executive experience, lie was mayor of Pendleton and a good mayor. Ho was state senator for two terms from Umatilla county, and made an excellent record. He has been for years a member of the state board of health and stands hitrh in his profession. Moreover, Dr. Smith is the the candidates. Judge Jiennett is really a reactionary. Jle fought Tho Dalles public schools for years. He fought public improvements like street paving in the courts. He is opposed to road bonds for highway work. Ite repre sents the old-time, old-stylo Oregonian who was content to vegetate and kept the state lagging behind the proces sion of progress. Dr. Smith is evenly balanced and well poised. Do is of true gubernatorial size, and will make an excellent gov ernor if elected. That he stauds for the people as well as for progress, and is, in fact, the strong man of democracy, is shown by the bitter, venomous, unfair and dastardly campaign being waged against him by the Portland Ore gonial), which has hired a would-be cowardly murderer to assassinate Dr. Smith s character! Dr. Smith, alone of the leading candidates, is familiar with the resources and development of Jackson county. He has been a frequent visitor here. He made the fight in the state senate for the Crater Lake and Ashland normal bills and could always be depended upon to help southern Oregon. Dr. Smith will undoubtedly be nominated and proli ably elected. 3Tc is the one man the Oregonian, creature of vested interests and organ of predatory plutocracy, dreads, and the fact that this arch enemy of the common people fights Dr. Smith is reason enough for his success. lie is recognized as the onlv elected. Democrats of Jackson county have h chance to show their appreciation of Dr. Smith's efforts in their behalf in the senate, and he should receive a record majority. . The most progressive county should go on record for the most progressive of candidates. ADVERTISED BY LOVING FRIENDS ? IN the Portland papers appears the following advertise ment, evidently inserted hy Postmaster "Myers in bo- half.oL his personal candidate for national cemmitteeman: Ueinocrots! The Mcdford Trlbuuo knifed Harry I.ano and supported Dourno for senator. Shall such treachery bo rewarded by clotting tho Tri bune's candidate for National committeeman? Democrats, take no chances, but vote for a Rcnulno Wllwon democrat, If. M, Ksterly, for National com mitteeman. Paid Adv. This is good advertisement for the Mail Tribune, but political assininity on the part of the advertiser. The Mail Tribune is not a candidate for office. It is an independent paper and supports the candidate it deems best for the office, regardless of party. Hence its support of Jonathan Bourne, Jr., for the senate. The Mail Tribune is supporting Mr. Canon for national committeeman because he is the best qualified for the piece, because his party work has earned party reward, because southern Oregon is entitled to recognition. The Mail Tribune did not bring Mr. Canon out, and had noth ing to do with liis candidacy, sible lor its various sins ot oinission and commission. t THE DEMOCRATIC LAFFERTY IN an interview in the- Oregonian, Postmaster V. 13. Mvers of Portland answers the charge that ho had reg istered as an independent at Dr. Lane became a candidate lor senator 'changed to demo cratic registration, as follews: ' It any perron will' havo tho nerve In my tbeso thlncs to ino himself, 1 will slap III in In tlio face." Just like the Honorable A. AValter Lafferty! Almost that great statesman's exact words! Next, Postmaster Myers will stand on his head at some public function to show that he also has social breeding! Put the dignified democratic Lafferty really did not mean that he would be so bloodthirsty not in this age of watchful waiting. What ho really meant to say was that he would slap him on the wrist. CAPITALIZING SYMPATHY SilWN KK KLNflLWIMH Hppeiling Tor re-election on the grounds nf HyiiipHlliy Ijcohiiho of bin rJiro of his hrolh cr'H widow mid children, TIiIm i it wurlhy acl-hut ninny niioIIici' jiiiiji In doing amonp' iho ilrtUftorntii' onn is running on a faith, hope lies largely in Port hind, as the state. most progressive of any of democrat who could be and Mr. Canon is not respon the 1912 primary, and after As much -"without bragging about it and asking Iho people to pay hint tho money to do if with. The records show that Mr. Singler was appointed upon his agreement; to provide for the widow and family of his dead brother. They show that ho tried afterwards to don, making such a pledge and was forced 'hy the county court to live up to hisNigrooiuont as he would never have licen appointed otherwise. . . The records also show that Mrs! Singler. widow of Iho late sheriff, has twice since the present sheriff's appoint nient applied for widow's pension, making oath that she had no moans of support. ISaoh time the present sheriff pleaded her cause, claiming that he did not agree to care for the family. Phat the sheriff is living up to his agreement is no fault of his own simply a case of necessity. REPUBLICAN VOTERS SHOULD BEWARE Party Should Bo Represented on National Conimilteo By a Republican Tho ItelHibllcatis, of OrcKOli are en titled to bavu a Hcpubllrun named us the National Iteputdlcan Committee man from this State. C. W. Ackenon, who claims to bo n Itcpubllcnu, Is a candldnte. llu registered as a I'roKres slvo January S, 19U. Then signed peti tion of II. W. Coo to be Orohresslvo National Committeeman. Then can celled bis refitslratlou us n I'roKros slvo and registered as a llepubllcan und Immediately filed his candidacy for membership on Itcpubllcan Nation al Committee. Has been an tntlmnto and convenient understudy of the Pro gressive National' Committeeman nnd seems now to be In combination with him in an attempt to shanKtini tho Republican organization. Ills candi dacy Is being actively backed by par ties bostllu to tho Itcpubllcan party and having Uivrsoual lutrrentM uud pri vate personal grudges t servo. Ills 4 erratic and excltablu lemperament has frequently led him to flood the col umns of the press with violent attacks upon tho Itvpubllcan party and vicious porsonal abuse of prominent Republi cans nnd life-long residents ot tbo State. It Is a gravo nbu for parties who are not Republican to regUter as such. It Is a graver abuse for outsiders to attempt tho capture of a political par ty to gratify a personal grudge and to promote party dlcord. It Is an abuse against which fair minded men of all parties will rls In protest. Wo can never have a reunited party by pushing to tbo front political hotheads and men who arc political reformers simply for the sake of office. Having been a Republican only twenty-four hours when he aanounced his candi dacy for tho. highest honorary position In tho gift or the piny. Is some Indi cation of what Mr. Ackcrson's motive was In registering ns a Republican. As lion. Ralph K. Williams Is the only Republican who Is a cnndldato for Republican National' Committeeman, we feel warranted In urging all loyal Republicans In the statu to give blin tbelr earnest and cathuslasttc support. CHAS. II. MOORKS. (Chairman ot Republican Slato Cen tral Committee.) M. . McPAUU (President Lincoln Republican Club.) McKINLKV MITCIII'XU (President of Portland Republican Club.) C. M. mi.RMAN, (President Multurpfir Republican Club.) The ten days are up. Spray tho return spray. Don't dc- hiy, if you don't worinv fruit Willlt I I Orchard Care Company PJioiiqOTJI . ! THE MUSICAL EVENT EXTRAORDINARY I I Page Theatre, Friday, May 15 I N. Y. GRAND OPERA CO., INC., PRESENTS GOUNOD'S IMMORTAL THE OPERA EVERYBODY UNDERSTANDS INSTRUMENTALLY ASSISTED BY THE OHEV, SALVATORE tingitishcd protege, as hausl, JJKJMAIM) K I'AIMv'B, Savage CI mud .Opera Com pany, IIH jUOpillHIO, nOAIKIJO MALI'H'A, Uoslon Orand Oponi Com pany, an Valentine. KarlW. HehiiHz, MiihIcjiI Dlm-lorj Olio Keller Solo Vloliiiisl Wlllielm KiHelier, jiiiiiiImtm coiicerli'd hy I'l'lnclpnls, Coniplolu Hcenle I'rodiiel Ion, HOo to $2,00, MtyMWWWW''tM .''Xlt10JT- W. H.JEREDITH DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE F0H CONGRESS FIRST DISTRICT W. II. Meredith, democratic ennd' date for congress from tho First Dis trict la district attorney for Curry county by appointment of Oovernor West. Mr. .Meredith ban iiuuln a nanio for himself in thnt district, ns a law enforcing officer by bis vig orous prosecutions of bootleggers, mid based on tho record so made he was recently made tho prohibition nominee for congress In tho tint ills, trlct. This nomination will add ht least 10,000 votes to his total vote In tin. general election practically enough votes to overcome the normal republican majority. In u recent letter Senator (leo. I!. Chamberlain In referring to n con versation held with former (lovoriior Kolk of Missouri, nn old personal friend of Mr. Meredith, had thls'to say: "I spoilt to flovernor Folk, about yon and hero Is what he said' Mr. Meredith Is from Poplai lltuff. Mo., and I know blm thero quite woll. lie In splendbljilan, honest, rclTnbTo'an.rn reaT progressive Tni can see, therefore, that tbo good name you tort In Mlssuurl follows you to Oregon." Mr. Meredith Is making nn acllv campaign and Is strongly backed by tbo people In tho coast counties, who say he Is Just tho man to beat tbo re publican nominee. Mr. Meredith Is n staunch supporter of President Wilson's administration, nnd has n personal acquaintance with Speaker Champ Clark and other democratic lenders In congress which will enable hltn to nccompllsh great good for the First Congressional District and all of Oregon. This W the first opportunity for years that democrats of the First District have had to elect a tlnmo crat. no to the polls Mny IT., and vote for W. II. Meredith anil you will pick a winner. I Paid Adv.) John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Assistant 2H . iiAitTMni; Phones M. 47 n I7J AmtiuUnoa Rorvlco Deputy Onrwe Tbero Is Nolltlng llettei- and Xono Quito So fJtmiT a- VELVET ICE CREAM For every occasion. Individual molds for special occanlons. Special prlceu for churches and lodges. PropcR dollvorlos. White's Velvet Ice Cream Factory .Vtt llulldlnc Phono IHl.Il FAUST GIORDANO. Caruso 'm dis-. FOR GOVERNOR iJ0PJJJH GUS. C. MOSER REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES MAY 15 lie voted against the new tnx law ami stands for reduction of taxed, , payable semi annually, without pen-' nlty. Ki'onomy. efficient1 illgnl- fled Inw enforcement. .Fewer tav-eat-lug commissions and reduced ex penses lu each department of tho state. MRS. H. L. LEACH Expert Corsotie.ro :VJl) North Bartlclt. Phono r.(i:i M. MEDFORD FLUFF RUG CO Hug arid Carpet Cleaning and Weaving mg Rtl HAST MAIN STUISKT Phone fKW-R ISIS THEATRE IMiolipln Ttti'Mlay ami Weiluetliiy A SI'OII.IIK i.tii: Patho Feature In two Parts. Feature- lug Helta llagnti, the Well Known Oenuaii Actress PATIIK WI'KKI.Y XO. tM News MAKIXO UU'IJ I'ANS i Industrial i.rrk i odd' np.miihiw H. ft A. t'omedy Men 'I1ioi(liiy Only XKVHIt AOAI.V Two Iteel Comedy ('tuiiliiK IVIilay .DVi:.vrriti:s oi' K.vrui.vx xo. " 5 Days and Nights 5 Carnival and Street Fair MEDFORD MAY 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 MAY All Attractions lirniHlied hy tho POLLOW AMUSEMENT COMPANY Tcii Tlig Shows. Four Hiding Devices. Jj'rco Acts. Ferris "Wheel. JWorry-(lo-Round. .Toy "Wheel. " Something Doing Every Alinuie. CONU'ETTFIJATTTiE Hotel Modlord sot "METROPOLITX SYMPHONY PLAYERS AlAliaUFJMTK 1IOMKRT, MohIoii fjrnnd Opera Company, iih Margarita. j'KTHYJ- iM. yil'VttUH, Ainericiin Orand Opera Com pany, AH Allll'Mil. NORA D'AWCIOli, Paris (Irand Opera Company, m Sioliul. TUBERCULOSIS In addition to iitouty of frh Mr nnd novt dUd, I ipno nlfrti from or wl.Ii are pronlM.owd to Tiibimi o nls ate reionimomlnd to use 1 lekni an s AlertlVQ " lt night weals, bs.'i rem nriti linaten recovery Th s i l clue, by m or Its successful tun diir-, tun tlimusl. warrants the fulls" liives tlimtlnn possible by "Very """' llckmsu's Alterative Is most elites clous in bronolilsl catarrh ami soveto throat and liinH iTflctlons, am I it up. butldlmt the system. It 'i ' narcotics, niir harmful or hbUforiu. lug drugs, Aewpt l" substitutes. Holtt by iMtfiuB ilrnsuUt", MWrlw to the Krkmnn Laborstory, PMInttshdiU, Vs., for booklet telling or recoveries. ruin JUISflHi.i " tJ '7 .i r ml W Htieiinintisiu All Clone! IVellUK flue this morn ing thank yon' I it'll nn Smith. If J on ever gel tint rheumatism, yum want to gut a package of MKIUTOb UIIKUMiVnSM POWDKKS Thry knock the rheuma tism een time, and by stim ulating the sei'iellOits and eliminating uric acid and other Impurities they lend to cause rlitiumatlsm to com. pletely dUnppear" You can absolutely de pend upon this remedy. It bears the endorsement of tbti American Drtir. nd Preis Association, nnd our posltlvo Kiiarnntoe. Why suffer nny i liitiuhir M mm m " Price fine. For sale 'liy U It. HAWKINS Ficluslvn Agency The New Baby is World's Wonder necrr Unv Intoitl makes Ufa's prr srvctlte wider mul brhcliltr Ait-I vthil- frr thfrs is to a lutiico IU aitlvsl and to utM- nnd coinlott tbn rxiieetnnf mollr V'lj-J Utiiioti. Anions Urn i . v. - .wfjm ...... a...u. . rest iiMprut ttiltis la nn eitrrnnl all dimilnrtl aivillrtttlri km mil as "Melhor's , .Ai.i -TXS i iifnn II ! K weinrn tUit rnnt driisr Mnrr ibrotish- eut iho t illicit r)Mt4 rttrry ".Miillipr'n l'rlnd" as on o( tbflr lmJo nnt rrll- nMo rvmniu. it npi'llnl to tho nlxlomliml muclr to rrllo tlio strnln on llssnionls ami tcndmis. In a Hills tJok nro dKrlb.l morn fully the many rmsoii why Mulhrr's I'rlond" lias tn a frlnid tn.Unt to wumtn fur mora thsn two Rrnrrstlon. This iKMh w nrvmrM not duly to nld f thri lnnxM)rlnrrl but to ntutbU o ittMiy. wometi ta luive at imn.i iha iimely hint, suespithins nnd hrliw In coiicIm mid nrlttlr prlnlcl farm fnr rmdy irrrnt't. It should Ih) In nil lioinn., ".Molhrr'a l-rlnd" nuy m bad nf ultiwut nny ilnur Mill but If ou full to nn-1 It wrlta u .11 rott nnd almi wrllit Tor Ikh.W in llrminld Iti'Hiilalor t'0.t 303 tttuiac Uklg,, AtUaU, Ocwvla. MASTERPIECE SUNG IN ENGLISH BY FAMOUS ARTISTS Solo CcIIIhI, CIiohih Seat Sale Wad,, XO u, m, I 'kw I lm mm VA KP "V':''- ..,' m ,.lu s.'V1