r.. ?.., . I medfotto matt; tribune, medford, otcecion. Tuesday. MAY 12, iom. r All id JTTRTTH . THE NEW AMERICAN CITY A IU'kuhic of lln llcicnl Mm cut In Moult lm I'oIKIcn timt tho Hallent H I'l-atmcs of Otic llcforjii, lly lloni. , Hhiddon. Hcrnttnry Mcdford Charter Commlniilon. VIII MiSHONM rno.M Tim (Uli'M of America (mm boon Hlow In iipprDclnlliiK ami liildiiK lo thiniinotvoH tlm loinoiiK liuirnoit hy iiiauy Uuropoau iltlon tliroiicli jonm, yim innturloH, of HtrlvlitK, of upitrow Hi mid clvlo iliiMilopiimnt, Only within Hid IhmI few )nnrH, In tlm In troiliictlou Into a few of our cltlen of real clt plaunliiK, of a koiiuIiio onllii). Ho Hhln to munlilpal uilmlultrittloii and enpoclally In ilm city uuiniiKor plan, Imvii wd hi'dii tlm uoikliiK of Hid prlmiploH that Iuiid iiiIviiiicimI tlm tltlon of llnropo Into a ponltloil of rvromil'Dd pri duiIiidiicd 'Hid CuhIMi City Tlm llimllnli city In lionoHtly and efficiently ndinlnlNtDrDil, draft an wd know It In uncommon, limtnad or lioliiK aluioHl Hid rnl" hn with u Thin In dim to two HiIiirn, Hid deep uudDrlliiK rlintiiclorlHtlc of tlm lln v:IInIi people of pontlvely lefuiilliK to tolerate nay ItuponlHou, and Hid abort bnllot K)Hlem which him boon In iimd thero for many year ami which Iiiin bronithl orilclaU clonoly In touch with popular will, certainly In city Kovrriiiiiontal mnttorH. Tlm roiiiicllii are imiiiilly InrKO und do their work throiiKh loiiunllteoN With iin tlm Mayor In a political lead or imually with toiiHlilerulilo power Inderniaiiy Im In ii ix-riiiiineiit admin iHtratho expert. In KiiRlaud Im In Hid dlKUiriiid preNldlUK officer of Hid council, tiNiully tlm olilent In point of ei lie, he r em I on no milary and U Keiieially HmiiKht of iin Hid chief tllmiltury of Hid city reprenviitliiK It on HtatD (H-eimloiiN. In KiiKlnml Hid wealthy, hlKh'horii lelHiire clan rar ly eiiterN iiiuiilrlpnl pollttiii ai tlioy do In deriimiiy. Tlm unlleut note In cumomy, Kel -Hiik full value for 'ory dollar et poiuloil. On an nveriiKn tlm Amrrl can city wiikIdn ten Huidn bk IiIrIi a proportion of Hn expntidltureN an doon thn I:urIInIi. It ii L Hid CiirIInIi city In far behind the Herman In real ad mlnlMratlve excellence, In It breadth ot vUlou, It look to tlm future, and In It conception of the dntle the city owe to Hid cltlxon. I'm I. The French and Austrian cKIds, typified by I'arl and Vienna, are noted for their attention to Hid entlio He hide of civic actlvltleH, hut even In till", their npiH'Inlty, they do not eipial Hm typical Herman city Pari claim lo bo the mint beautiful city In Hid world and I uparliiR no pain lo make Reed her boiut. In her (V plannltiK under l.oiil Naioloou great arterial boulevard were cut throuuli roiiReiited part of tho city at a coat or fid. 000.000. Hhn had lo pay Hid tot of pruvlou thorl-NlRhtcd lie, Jul n inmiy' Anmrlcan cltln aro hpRliinluK to roallio tlmy mint Miinotliim do. Vleuua and many of Hm (lermmi title were (pared thl Dxpenit by Hm public ownerhlp of land. Vienna Vonnn dlnpulr Pari' claim to lie Iuk Hid mom beautiful of clllu. II iiltriicltveiiDX U duo to tiumt xclontl tflc and IntelllKoni plmuiliiK. In the old day when inoxt of Hm populu Hon of Central Kuropo wa Kiitberod Into tho cltlcn, mid tlmy, practically an Indepeiidiuil tale, wero conlant ly warrliiK mnoiiK theniNilv, Rrent wall weru built about thorn iin uiouun of dofoimo. Vlunna had one. When ii moro pvacoful order wa iMtahlllmd mid thoHo wall no loiiKor needed for tho purpONo originally Intended, Vienna ranod hera mid on It nIrIiI built ii Npleiidld boulevard completely driiliiK Hm old city, TIiIh Ih known iin iho IMuk HtniHim mid In mm of Hm moHt beautiful atreetN of tlm world, conteHtliiK with Hm ChaiupH Klynee of I'urlH and Uuter dor l.lndon of llorlln for Hm honor of IioIiik the iiiont beautiful. AIoiik U aro Hpleu did public utriicturcii, IncludliiK Hm Koyal Palace, Pnrllmout IIuIIiIIiikh. Unlyorvlty. ltoul Oporn Hoiiho, Ca thedral, CnurlH, ArHonal nml Art MiiHoum. Tlm plan, even lo tlm do IiiIIh worn dotoiiiilueil fifty year iiro mid HiibD(uent bullilliu: wiih inndo to follow tlm IIiioh ontlmilly projoc led. Much of thu land ylni onlsldo Hid old wall wan owned by Hm tit)' mnl wiih laid out In u mont Hclnntlfli) and mtlHtlo. mmiiiur, with u flno reRard for tho futuio Krowth or tho city, IliiilaK'Nt Tho two towiiB or lludii mid PonI, orcupyliiR oipo8to banka of tho Dan uiio worn consolidated In 1N7.1. A coiiiiuIhhIou wiih ontriutud with Hie tul( of plaunliiK n hIprIu city of Iho (wo, Tlm river wua niado Hm cent er of their plan mul thu city built nloiiK nml hack fioin It, Hci mini Otic tut II In In tlm litlu of (Ivrmmiy that wo find Hm IiIkIiohI ilovolopiimnl of thu ncloiiro of iniinliipiil Kovorn muni, , IIIkiichh of vInIoii, furxlKltl"! lie, iillvntloii In ilidall. urn their fhuriirlorlnti All (lei many win (irKunldid wiih n ilnflnliD miibiiiiiii, M co n c Ion piiiiiiui of bviiimliiK Hn ilninliiuiit moi Id fun Tlm uiiuy wml navy hid nut ulnnn In Ihln xtuily urn) JilMU, 'J'tiw UHhuinltlM, llllllll' i:unoiK,.v rrruw 'nil schools, coIIckos of niniunrco and t ho 1 oiu itioit, schools ii i o purl of a liatloiuil iiIiiii to ilitvcloi Hid IiIkIicnI IkihhIIiIi! (tfllvlnicy In (tn.OOO.UOO ivo. ii, Health h Muilled. l.ulior coiH illllonn carefully considered. Ami iMirytliliiK twilling In Hid promotion of thin woinlorful tilnti In Justly roil sldiired the n n Ui nil nml Iniinirntlvii coucnrii of government, both nation nl unit lorn), Cltr Hull. ling n Kill i rnrlKliU'(liic dominate the wholo sctniine, They not only sen Hid nnces. slty of it merchant murine protected liy their drcudiuiiiKhts, hut they sen that their people urn biting drawn from Ilia eouutry-iililit Into Hut cities. Tim number living In clllt'it of ovr lOn.oon pi-oplo has lurrouscd, retail viily, 50 pur rent, In ten tiirli. And I n keen vlsloncd kill nor mill the wliolo nation, knowing Hint tlio regi ments nml battleships, tlin factories nml mills must he manned by strong anil well trained men, which a illy life IdimIm lo Imperil, urn studying the rlly an limy utility military science. Tlmy rcnlUn that rifles nml hlg khiin my liu Important, lint Hid men lclilinl I In-ill are, niorii no IIi'Ih-d wllii Hermans, city building ami illy udmlulMrnllnu Is a sclcnco Hlio In perfecting her cltlt's iim III, mari'k perfected tho army Tim engineer mill Hid uitlst, Hid architect mul Did expurt In hygiene ant alike called upon to (onirltnilu to Hid plan. Ami they hn constantly In mlml the generations that nru to follow as hcII an thai now upon Hid stage. Tluy sec In Hid ilty Hid center of ilvllliutlon ami are build ing accordingly Kfflclcnl ami llcnulirul Wlillo Hid (loriiiiiii illy In prttmlu lent In beauty, ordlllticss nml on lla esthetic side, It must nil ho supposed thai I hoy nr any Hid loss superior In efficiency. It In Hid coinlilnutlon of liFauty with Industry, of utility with esthetic taste, am) Hid iinltilnilty of all classes In striving for a coiiiuion Koal that make for tliclr real excel enco. This I trim of all Herman cities nioro or les, but ceclally those of Ho ii Hi em (Irrnuiiiy. the cities of tho HhliiD, from Cologne anil Dumelilorf 16 Munich. I Khali refer to thoso cities ami their htiili development In tho chaptur on "city planning ami esthetics." Import .ilmliiltrn(loii TIid Dplc.il council of a (Jcrinnn city In roiuMol of ciiiliicnt IiiihIiiohk ami profcmilonnl men, who coimlilcr It a grout honor lo Im thus nclcctoil Tlmy rccchv no Nnlurlcn, hut coiupc tltlon fpr thu plucm U wry keen. Tim real ailmlulMrntlon of the cltlcn U In tint liamU of Hid llurRomclntura. Ho In a trained oxpert, a inomlicr of u tnoKl honored profusion. Ho In a product of both tlio traluliiK ncliool, Hid iiiihcrnliy cournD In thn profolon of inunlrlpal Kovcrnmont, and tho ox. iwrlcucfl of actual Hon Ice, Ilo l proinotod from pout to pout on hU record of morlt and nrlilvamunt. lit him iinilor him a corpn of trained iikHliitautR. Home urn nalarlcd, nonio aro not. Tim export official, tlm trained pornonnnl, plus an iitinot uul vrrmil piihllu Intoront, In Hid oxplunn Hon of the IiIkIi iIoktoo of offlrlimc) In tholr municipal affalrn, American rltlu crew for a century without learning (IiIh all Important Iohhoii. Wo have nelecUM our private corporation ndinlulmruiori, coIIoko proHldontii, hcIiooI miperlnteudentii, IN urarlaiiM, nml oven tlm mlnlMorit of our ctiiirclioH, wliertivor wo could find them nml hy what wan, In effect, n procenH or tomH)tltlo Koloctlon. Hut only In thu Intit few )eara, In tho In troduction of tlio admirable city iiimuiKor plan, huvo wo applied (tiono Niium erflcleut prlmiplori to tho iiiokI linportaut of our collectlvo actlvl lliitt Hint of municipal Kovernmeut. It hcHpoakH Hid dawn of it Imppler day. CONFERENCE ON PUBLIC SERVICE UNDER WAY NKW YOUIC, May I'J.Tlio con fereucD on uuivorsilicH nml public honiou cnlk-il by Mayor Mitchol la Kim IIh Iwo iluyti' nieelin loilay, Tha uililioHH was on ''I'lilniililinjr of (lov oinineiilnl AjlniiniHlrnliunllm flrcnl t'nt Need of Aiuuriomi Dcmocrney," by Dr. CIiiiiIch McCnrlliy of Iho li'f, IhIuIImi u'IViviicd libniry, Miullsou, Win, NO COMMON DRINKING TROUGHS FOR ANIMALS I'lllUnKM'IIIA, M.i J'J.-Kol. liming IU hnn on tlm common diink iiiK clip for liiiiiiiin ImliiKi, tin lion nl of hciillh lii'lo loiluy foiblil (ho uo of I'oinnmn ill inking IronuliH for mi IiiiiiIn, Tlm Mnto llvesluck hiiiiIIiiiv Imn nl ilculiitcil ihni jlmiilci unit ollii'l' ilineiihyK wcid belli upri'iul hv llm I'onunou IioiikIih, Miami up for Home, Of r.)iirH )0i whhI o I Imn woku (lovvfuor JoIihwu cUuri Hly, RELATVES AM REMANS F INTERMENT Ni; VOHK, .May 1!. The crcnl imlillc Iriliule nl an end, (lie relative of lline of tlit hoi'iilcin Milium ami murine killiil nl Vera Vnir. loony I'lnimeil lln-0 IioiIIom ami took lliem lo ilieir limner In HiIm oily. The lioil ion of Hid oIIiitm were xiut lo (heir wuimm ilehlliiMlloiiM. The coffin coulniiiiiiK Hid lnly of DciiiiIh J, l,n no, iicoiiiiiiiniC(l by the fnllier, .lulin l. I.mie, nrriu-il nl tlio l.mm lioino, In Kahl I'nrty-fiflh Hired, fioin Hie nnvyyanl liml nlnlil. In Hie lioiio Mr-, Catherine l.nne, tlie inotlier, walleil. Hlie wiih oer t'ome when toll! Hint tlio coffin eoulil not be opened, (.liter llio-il ill Ihe T-lreelw were nllouoil lo enter mul IiiiiiiIioiIm inK.ei Iho ftiiK-drapiil coffin, The f uncial KcrvioeK will be lielil tomorrow In HI. Aum's' Cnlliolio elinicli. CaileU of HI. FriiueU Xnv Ioi'h kcIiooI will ei'oi Hid IhmIv In the I'liunli, where Hie eliililrm of Iho xelioul nml Hi. Anoh hcIiooI will meet the I'orlejje. .lulin P. HehuniiikcrV Imdv wiih re- moved In Hut home of bin mother. Mrs, Ihiibellu Miiokay, in llrooklyu. When the hotly nrrived Uteri the erowil wiih mo ureal police roitcrvcH luul In be called out. BEAGLE BEAGLETS lliirilluliiistoii mul Mm. (Inge were over Irom iieiteiiL'er (lap Mitiiniay. Hupeniior I'elerMiu wiih here one ilay lift week to Kivo cililli fjrailo toxin ami look nfler the liitorenU ol the M'boolr in ihix section, only two now hciii In HONfaioii, Tin MeCreilil nml Minn Hlmults motoictl In Miilfnnl Tiicilay nml bronchi Dell Morrixon Imiuc with lliem. Dell will remain ill home for it lime, caring for bin father, who in hcriotiHly ill with a complication ot niluictith. Mr. Kline, our1 new fruit iniiecnr, inmle thin Mrliou n ir.lt liiht week ami made many fricmlK amont; tlm farmers. John Mncmdcr hauled n load of wood to C'intriil Point WeilncMlay mul brought back a load of cement for JctMt, (IIkm to eomnience the foundation for bin new hoitoe. Jchm will nlxo put up n fine mIo Hum fall. Ii. M. Huvct wtm in Central Point nml JnrkennWIlt' on Icgul hiihiucHi. on eilnelny. Dave Coltrell mid wifu weie In Meilford the latter part of lat week on hu-iiiriH and looking over the political nxpitnnt. Mr. ami Mr. IoIiiimiii were in Coin (nil Point WcilnoHilay nml Mr. JoIiiihoii again Salunluv. Hell Morri-on made n trip lo Celt tral Point S.iliinlay In get medicine for hi-, father. Dr. Dow came out Hominy. The Mountain school will give mi enleilaiumenl nl tlm Antloch hchool hoiiHe Halunlay night, Muv 1(1. The Med ford oivheslra will be present and fuini-.li iiiumo for the evening, ami will also play for the dunce nl the home of ProfoMir Sweet nfler the entertainment. A cordial invito lion U extended to nil, und tbU promisch to bo one of the moot de lightful occiikIouk of Ihe voar. Come nml biing your biiketi nml pleas- mil Millies; we'll fuinHi the "Hweel siiiilcs. Mrn. I,. M, Sweet ami daughter, Mule, wcid in (Vutrat Point from Tliiirsdnv .u.lil Saturday visiting lelative-i. ('. O. Koili.crs was liikcu miildenly III r'ritlny niirlil with kitlney trouble, tint U some littler nl present. (leorge Mooie mid Cliff lluzlcvvoo.l wdio over fioin the Meadows Sultir ilny looking after n eolt of Mr. .Unoro'H, Kiank ItoiiLorrt nml fnnillv untile, a Kunming Irp to (Vntinl Point Sat iirilav. w. . aioiiisou ih lepoitcil us resling hoiuu easier at lliis w tiling. Tlm nuiiiD fiicnils of Mrn. Cnso tiro ilelighU'd lo hour (hut she in rapidly recovciiiiT jVun her recent serious illness:. Dr. Davis of (Vntml Poinl wiih hi'i o Siliittlay ami Sunday cur lit" for her. riicodoio Olass is winking for JohK (IIiihm on ihe tontinj; down of tlio old JmuiD. and commeiielng (lie iidw oiu. fhtieucD. Wilhito niado a buhincrts hip to C'cii Ira I Point Sutiiiilay. AfisH SIioiiIIk wiih an ovecKundnv guest ot' her iiunt, Mrs, Dow, ill Deb- cnger. Mr. Nniiegiin camo over from Kaglu Point Kumny In look after his iliipeitv iulcieslH hole, Mih, Alheitii Joiich clotcil liel icliool iii Dm Hooscvclt dlslilel I'll. ilay nml In now ut her liomi hen foi Ihu miuinmi'i Hmenil Ih-igli'llcH iillcmlcil Hm i on In Mcilfonl Moinlny, Hi'W'inl of nur jiuiiik moplo nm I oi cil I" I In' tloilnn kiiiiiiU Hnmlay lu wIIhcm Ihu hall Hum Ulvitmu Iho Modoc ami Tallin Hook IcaiiiH. All on mo back hhoiiling for Tallin Hock gui'MM wo know what thai iuciium. McHHrH, Khcl ami lliiohtcr mul In illeH of Mcilfonl weic in Huh vicinity sightseeing Hunilitv, HoiiiclililcH it liuikrg H smile lo lihli'ii lo Ihe ejpoiieiiooH of olhcrx in Ihcir H'iivvIh nml jourimyH of life, mul vve often wonder whether peo ple ri'iiliri' how lln would nppear in pi ml. For illiiHtration, I give below In icise n coiivcr-aimn rcoentlv in ilulgeil in by lliici' of our most fu vorila friends : "We've been lo inaiiv a itity, Sailing in minis a ship, llul never found a hnothlaok Who didn't want u tip." I. (). IsnncHofi. 'We've been lo iiuiny eiHen Ami sailed ftom many docks, llul we never found a bootblack Who didn't da lib our socks." -I). W. Hlonc. "We've been lo many chic Ami tooled inniiv a horn. Hut we never found a bootblack Who did iml hurl our corn." -Mr. Kobncll. riii miniinl hirlhdnv party for "Orumtiuii" Mnrtbn .1. dodgers, which has been held for several yenm, vn given nl Hm home of her daughter, Mrn, Hcorgit Hlaey, at Ibis plaeo Sun. day. (Iiamluia llodgeiH ban passed her H.'hl milesloue in life nml yet, while infirm in body nml limb, re tains her menial activities most acutely nml these little incidents of kimlncsH and affection bestowed upon her each year certainly iiiust serve to replenish the green smih nloiig earlh'ri hlghuav most vividly. Hue who bus braved Hie hardships of ((logon's earlier diivs ami struggled through Hie en res necessitated in rearing n lurgo family of children hlirelv is worlll' of nil Hid little deeds that serves to constantly mem! the weakening link which ut lb best en li no! be but for n day. Life ih often spoken of as in three period childhood, manhood Or womanhood ami childhood ami we've often won dered if Hie last could be the lest of Him who knoweth and tlocth nil things best, nml who, while feeding Ihe lambs, never forgetlt'tb Ihe sheep. The saddest drum a of life we've over witnessed hm -been neglected nml shunned old age, which takes so lit tle to please nml nothing forgot, mid passing ilnya arc hut irridcHcent dreams. Life in builded upon deeds, not words, nml wo trust that when life's, fleeting moments have fled and the parting is over Iho great divide, (Irnmlma can lovingly rccat: "It was not of worldly goods, but hitch love as (hoy had they gave unto me." The mtiro family, consisting of eight children, with their linmedi ale families, were present, eiccpting C. O. Kotlgers, who was ill ut his home here. The nnines of the chil dren are ns follow.; C. O. lfodgors, Frank Rodgers, , Jasper llodgors, Howard Kodgers, John Itodgors, Minnie Stacv, Mn,-Jaek Houston und Mrs. Carter. Others fiom nway were: Mr. ami .Mrs. Jim Cornutt of Central Point and Qrnmlpa Houston or Trial. Mrs. Laura Ilrown is earing for Mrs. Case. The Merchants Association At IU last nicotine unanimously paused a resolution .. .Asking McOfortl I'toplo to IiirIM on their grocer Mippljhij- them with Mutter from tlio MctUortl Creamery for HO daj-N at least. Thin will assist In building a worthy Institution aud a payroll In Med ford. Don't Inko a substltuto Insist on Medford niado Ilutter. Every Pound Guaranteed Dry Cleaning Department or SUNRISE LAUNDRY For Steam and !rjr Cleaning anil All Kinds or Dye Work Ii (Ilea Cloanod Sponged ' aud and Pressed Pressed Suit 11.35 up 500 up Coat ,75 up 3Cc up Skirt 50 up SSoup Overcoat 1.00. up COo up Waist 50 up 25c up Dress 75 up 50c up Gloves, kid 10 Oloves, long 20 0.v I Cleaned ana Pred Spoil sod and Presied COo nc 10o SOo COo Hull , Vi ,11.35 ,50 ,U ,50 '1.00 ,76 Troiuurs ... Overcoat ,.,., KaluMiMt . QHt' Hull PrvsMH) Wwilily, ,60 IF SALIS FOR KIDNEYS Et let meat if Kidney feel like lead or Bladder bother yon If eat forms uric acid. l Mott folks for(tt thai tlio klln7. like tl6 bowels, ift lugi(Iih nd eloggtd and nenl fluililng otcailonally, cIm w hsra bickacho and dull tnlry in the kidney region, scTero lieauMiies, rden rnttlo twlngrs, torpid ltvrr, Mid stomsch, , ifpieiSDC ami ii rorm vi uiaaucr ui onltrs. Vou simply must kp your kMnys sctlr nd clean, and the moment you fttl an actio or pain In the kidney region, get about four ounce of Jad Halts from any good drug sloro here, take a tallcspoonful In a glass of water before txralfait for a fin days and titur VMnrv will Dim art flnff. Tlilt famous salu Is mule from the acid of ' grapes and lemon juice, combined with llthla, and is Jiarmhvs to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal actlrlty. It also neutralize the acids In Hi urine so It no longer irritate, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Halts I harmless Inexpensive; makes a delightful cfTervesccnt llthla rater drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complication. A well known local druggist say be sells lots of Jad Halts to folks "who believe In overcoming kidney trouble while it Is only trouble. VllMH iii:Vkmiki Hy our method, Insures better re sults from )our camera. Mall us your work. Till! Ktt'KM KTI'IIK) iiJ Vrt .Miiln Ktrt-ct. Miilft.til. Ore. D0NT TAKE CHANCES HAVE MEDFORD TAILORS Make your next unit nnd it will be RIGHT KLEIN for KLOTHES WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP Recontly remodeled and enlarged, added new cameras and apparatus and Is now strictly up-to-date In overy way. Commcrlcal Work of all Kind Including copying and enlarging of pictures, legal documents, etc Bro mide enlarging, any size, and kodak finishing of every kind. Professional and tcyituer photo graphic supplies. U SI. Harmon Associated With Me. Shop ovor IsIs Tneator. Phone .47-J A Zerolene Lubricant For Every Motor Need All types and makes of cars run successfully on Zerolene. In light or heavy touring cars, runabouts or big delivery trucks, it gives the same reliable lubri- cation. Made in light, medium cd to each lubricating require and heavy, to meet these varying ment of your truck or car, what conditions. ever its type of construction. Zerolcne Zeroleae Light Zerolene TrajuraiMton Zerolene Transmission Zerolene TraHsmUaion Zerolene Fibre Greet sm.' i iJ-" aaa i sa aa jr w 24a . saesL& ICasps Th Motor Coal 1 & sT B5iBBieiiBHk I htP I slH aseMsts'"' IVlwsl) 41slBBptaV "''- Sf Baby Doll I'atcnt Vol vet dun Metal Welt flowed Sofcs All Hlzcx At tho Sign or OI'POHITi: I'OST ernci: EACH BIG CRYSTAL Vor Quick Dellierlc rhiuie r.i H. Weinhard's Ice Depot : GARTER FOR GOVERNOR William A. Cnrlcr of .Multnomah county, Itepublican Candidate for the- nomination for Governor, wa practically raNcd in Jnckxnn county, Iinving moved to this county with hW parentM from Ten nessee when a boy. lie commenced his enreer na n laborer, later tnkin op the study of law, nml was admitted to the Oregon bar in 38U9. Hns tince been admitted to practice in the United States District anil Circuit Courts. Served four terms as City Itcconler of Gold Hill nnd represented Jackson County in the Legislature in 1901 nnd wns, during that jcsbion, one of the lenders in the fight for a. reduction of railroad passenger rate from 4 to 3 cents ii mile. He liai practicel bis profession in the city o Fortlnntl for six j ears nnd hns been Miccesful. He is nb-o.intcrestc'd'iu lime manu facturing in Jackson county, near Gold Mill. He is the nutlior of an Initiative Petition now being circulated to cut down boards nnd com missions nnd also to limit tho IcgWnture to nn appropriation not to exceed four mills. Mr. Carter is married nnd has Vote for CARTER In addition to cylinder oils the Zerolene brand includes sev eral grades of transmission and differential lubricants and ercascs. There is one of these Zerolene products exactly Zcrolcae Heavy . Lubricant "A" Lubricant "BB" Lubricaat "BBB" Zeroleae Cup GreaM I VWrLletsl JfeJIHL'Ja Pumps I !r I CAKE OF PURE ICE wc load on our wagons means just so many pounds of addet! comfort and refreshment la ths places at which they aro deliv ered. Each cake means also on tiro freedom from all fear of Illness or disease that Impure Ico may develop. Better bo safe than sorry. Our Ico Is abso lutely sanitary. v three children. ' f" adapt JBl SlSSSSbsiBek'BSf'lilasfiBSB. 1 ITjHrS rIMlliPHLlb M -1 Wl ll l i Ml I n-l f i j 'i il j I il -4 I 1