"w r raa jrou. WlSnFOKl) MAUI TRIBUTE, M.IUDF01U). ORKCJOX, TIjrUSDAV, MAY 11)1 AlEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDKPKXni'.NT NUWSPAI'KIl PUIIMKIIKD in-KIir ACTK11NOON UNOKl'T Hl'NPAT HV THIS MKUrOIlU PJUNTINO CO Tho licmocratio Times Tim Metlfont Mull, Tho Mmlfortl Tribune, Tim South trn OreRonlan, Tim Ashland Tribune Offlcs Mali Tribune SullJInc. t5-.T: North rir strcetf telephone . Official l'aner of tho City (irriolnl Coper tit Jackson of MstUord. Count-. Rntered an seeonil-clsss matter l Mcilfonl, Orison, under tho act of Itarch S, 1878 HUBSORXTTIOM RATSI One year, by mall. .. , , , f nn On month, by mall ... --,- .SO Per mnritli, ollcred by carrier In Mcilfonl, JacksonWIle nnd Cen trnl Point . .So Rntunlsy only, by mall, per var 2 00 Weekly, per year -.. 1.50 run tasd Wire United rrtts Dlspatrfccs A SOUTHERN OREGON OPPORTUNITY With Mctlford StorWOier CHIEF COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY KILLED 0 I H l'ASADEKA, Cab, Mny 7. Dr. C. A. Wliltinv. president of the Pacific College f O-teopathy. wns instantly killed nt TM Hue morning when the automobile in which he wo driving wns struck ly nn inbound Pasadena flyer tin the I'neifio Klectric mil mad nt Hank slrcel. South Pasadena. Hi wife. Dr. Lillian M. Whiting, who is tine- of- the iihhI - inmineiit osteo path in the vve-t. suffered n limkon bone in the hand and tiuiiieriius cuts, but wns not seriously injured. Their urn, Lorenzo, aged 20. was rendered unconscious, but it i believed he suf fered no serious injury. The accident occurred near the Whilinp liomo on South Fair O.tks avenue, when Dr. Whiting, lent in? his home for the college, .started to cros over to tho ent side of Fair Oak., on which street the short-line caw run. The inutormriti tr the fliort line flyer believe the engine of the numnoblle "dietl" while hu ma chine wn5 croinj; the track. He was nimble to Ao liii ear in time to nroiil an accident. The automobile wns hurled Against a trolley pole nnd Dr. Wlrtling w MUshed to death. His wife And eon wero in the rear seat ninl crMMi without fatal in jurie. Dr. C. A. Whiting, in mliUIIoii to being luwd tf tho osteopathic college-, was oity henlth otTIoHr or South Pa adciia. He w .10 ytJiiH old nnd wn widely known throughout southern Cnlifornin. l H O'SHAUHNESSY REACHES A A WASHINGTON, Miiv 7. Nelson O'Shiiuglinomy. American charge iVnirnirc at .Mexico City, arrived Jicro today, but flatly rehlsed to dis i'lsh the Mexican Munition. It wu believed ho intended seelm- Scorelnrv of Statu Ilryau this afternoon, but O'Shuughncssy would not admit at. laueh. The admiuistrntion is belicv rd to be sec rut I v nntngoni-tic to O'Slmughinwsy and it vu cxpectetl that his meeting with Ijrynu would b AFHW days ago at the Iri-eounty Imiiqurt .Judge II. L Bonson'of Klamath Kails stated that Crater Lake did not belong to Klamath county or to Jackson county, but to all of Oregon and to the entire world. This view is in marked contrast to that held a Tew years ago by the Oregon supreme court, which held that Oregon's greatest natural wonder, Crater Lake, and Ore gon's national park, In which it is situated, were local affairs, and therefore money appropriated for a state high way to make them accessible was unconstitutional. 'mm. J.. .1....:..:.,.. .i:.i i. ,i..4..... i.t: ...r:.i. ....... :,. turn ui'i-ioiuii urn iiunii in himiim iimur nun infill t' in the supreme court, and made the people of .southern Ore gon feel that there was one law for the Willamette valley and another for southern Oregon. To the public mind it proved the provincial and reactionary character of the court. Hut one justice on the bench had ever seen Crater Lake but one had ever visited southern Oregon, and he strongly dissented from the majority. If in this, and in other eases, southern Oregon had had a representative upon the supreme bench familiar with the needs of devel opment and iii sympathy with the people, who are. after all. the court of last appeal, the law might have been differ ently construed. I'ecause southern Oregon did not have a representative, it is suffering today from retarded development. .It lists been many decades since a southern Oregoiuan sat on the supreme bench, and the opportunity is now of fered to help place one there. The same .Judge Henry L Benson of Klamath Kails, before mentioned, circuit judge of the thirteenth judicial district, is a candidate for the republican nomination for one of the four judgeships to be tilled, and every republican in southern Oregon should vote for him at the primaries. .Judge llenson has for thirty veal's been associated with the development of this section, and is familiar with its pvery need. lorn in California in 1S54, he received his early education at Portland academy and later sit tended the University of the Pacific sit San Jose, graduating in 1S7. with the degrees of B. A., later receiving degrees A. At. and L. I,. 0. lie was admitted to the bar of Pali for. nia in 1S7S, and coming to Oregon later, was admitted to the Oregon bar in 1SSI5. lie started practice in (i Pints Pass sind was elected district attorney of .Josephine. .Jack son, ivianiatn and uikc counties, ifcWL'-isyti. Elected to the legislature in 18015. he was elected circuit judge of the four counties in 1S9R. re-elected in 1904 sind again in 11)10, having served on the circuit bench sixteen yea is. Since the division of the district he has resided in Klamath Falls. Judge Benson ranks high sis ;i jurist. His integrity is unquestioned. His decisions show justice tempered with mercy, and he possesses pre-eminently the poise sind dig nity of the office. A friend recently paid him this t ribute: "I feci tho state should by all means elect Judeo Denton to the Supreme rtench for tho reason that ha Is a wcll-rouniloil man. He Is a man of af fair; he has taken the knock of experience and knows where the stones Ho in the pathway or life; knows the strencth and weakness of men and women, lie Is Intensely human In that he looks for cauke as well as enwis. 100 ouen jurists lose ttieir reu corpuscles. They man) tlmoj view every act irom tne langtiaRe of tlie cold tpo contained In the law brief and render decisions according. Judso Ilenson Is capable of taking the harsh, cold skeleton submitted br nttornoys to tho Supremo Court and clothing It with riesh lie sees man as he Is In life, not man as pictured by energetic nttorncAs In law briefs. For those and various other reasons Judge Ilonxon Is a man of extraordinary worth to deal out Juhtlce In Ore- RAPP JEALOOS OF SCH1A1-HEII AND POLIC E M A N OUICVOO. May 7 Piicmts hcie or William linii. ,lr , and of his wife, Mine. Sehuumnn-llelnk, wetc proMliiK considerable w prise to da) al the uiituru of the ninended answer filed bj Kitpp late Wednemhn to the soiiKstresV dhorre petition What Ititpn said when his wife first sued ao tho Impression that tho couple had differed innlnlv over business matters. Ilnpp's amended answer hinted at dllferences of a decidedly sentimental nature, lie charged In brief: "That his wife had Kiven him reason to be Jealous of Policeman IM vvnrd J. McNamnra of I'atersnn. X J , whose voice sho admired, am) of a Wisconsin lumberman, unnamed That her conduct toward her hus band was "overbearliiK and Insult Iub" and some times publicly outrageous." That she "used Improper and Im modest methods" to win favor with mntmKcrs That she some times hid her wed iIIiik Hug and declared the were not married. That he did not like the pcuaitco tindescrlbed which shs Imposed on herself because. It was said, she wanted her former Jiusbnud. Curt Ftinfituck. to dlo that she might marry ItRup. Kapp denied that he deserted his wife or ever isnvo her cause to be Jealous of bin). SAGE TEA DARKENS Hi TO ANY SHADE Don't stay Rrnyl Here's a simple teclpc that anybody ran apply with a hair urush. The use of S sml Sulphur for v slorltiu faded, urity lxdr to Its natural color dales Kick to Knindiuollior's time. She used It to keep Iter hidr NstuUlully dark, kIomv iviuI ivbumliuit. Whriwwr her hair fell out or took on that thill, filled or streaked aptieitnuioe, this slui plo mlvturu nt applied with vvonJoiful effect. Hut browing at homo U musoy iinJ out lf-d.vte. Xow.id.)-, by asking wt any dnig stem for a flt ct'itt Uittlo of "Wyrth's Sao nnl Sulphur Ulr lUm ctl.v." wi will pel lids famous nhl nvlpo which can l ilii(.lisl upon to restore imtutnl color nail Nsiutr lo tlm hair and Is splendid for ilinilnlff. dry, frrlsh. Itchy nlp ntul fslllnR hair, A wvll-known dotmtown ilni(tlt stys It dsrkrn.s tho hslr so tmturally nnd ctvuly that noUtdy cstt tell It h.ts Uf n sppllrtl. You simply tUinvn a spMijw or toft brush with It atul iImw this through voiir hair, tnklng en strand at a time Pr morning the grsy hvtr tli. app.vrs,.auil aftvr snlhr sp)lirAtinn or two, It become iH-nullfully dill?, flossy, soft and nbundsnt. Ml. I'll! f'luars. Are lioine-maile anil will most particular smoker Please HEAVY MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS Eat leu meat if you fed Backnchy or have bladder trouble Tako g bus of SalU. ISIS THEATRE i ., ' ' ' ' ' .' . J, - . I'ltotoiilsiM Tliursdny Only au.mnst iii: v onus I'atht' I'cativro In Two 1'prls . iiaci: roit a mini; ShowltiK an , Inciting dtn,en. dletwecn taii,Aulouioblln and a Train soi'imw itiiiTun.'.v imiitv S & A West 'trn Coined) line r.;.i.i) v orrn uu i (.i:ti. i:m w VltnKraph Kealure In Two Heels Oregon Should Be Mecca for Angoaa Goats Hit be f'tttli u nlormv nffnir. 0'SliniiuliiiL4v i-ec I'rosidMif Wilson tomorrow. It wns jim uiiileitixxl that John lhi-ett Mnoiu and liuuni Tuylor, raei.tioiied an poKhiblo mediators in the aibitrulion negotiations between lleuoo nnd the Vniled Stnto, would not he nppointvil. Secretary of the Interior Lane ik uhuo-it certain to lii'.ul the meiliuiorx. Another report VM'- that President Wilson has about de nled to aiponit .llsticf White. IfiiKliCK nnd Lamar t" .i--i-t I. me. MAD MLL1S El NEW HAVEN WAKllIXOTOV, AIa 7. -In a htuluuiuiil Mm til lining beiiiie I he ilill'I'dlllo I'Oiilluili'i' euiiiluixsiou J. L, JlillnrH of New Iluvcu, piiHudunl of lliu llilliinl ciunjiuiiy, timl n tor lilci ilirci'tor ot the Ken Iluvcu inil liil, niliuidcil thai he iiiiulu iiiIIIiihim In inif( nut (if Inuioui iiin liu pin liAOtl for i'H' lilllioiiil ninl H uli HWIiilic. IK' ilt'iiil'il lunu'vor, llml iV of llio idllroiiil offli'luls wmi' in iWl'slfl) M III I'KIDpllliy. HIIJillil fllno iWUiHUl Ihllt hut "l k lflf HiTP jlllWlll' llllcillil" end ljil lliv in pollutions liehu'wi h ciijMiiiy H'll 1 1'" unlnmil w i" turn W) ''vf mU'ipiuu4Wi, WbVSIIIN'nTO.V, I). ('., Mny -I.-The rui-iiit' of nnisorn kouU i the I'niled State- is now u ilemonntrHted siiceCs-, according In n report just published by the Tiiited States de partment of agriculture, undur the title, -rhe Angorn Oont," 1'nnnora' Hullctin .".I. The industry, t-nys the biiilelin, i, itideed mi well otnblisli od heie that xroworn need not be in convenienced by the netion of South frien in prohibiting' the exportation of nnsorns, for the rpinntity of good blood in thi- eountrv is nlrimdv btif- fieient tti meet all requirements. In the opinion of expert-, the bot Amerit-HU fleece now eiiial anv grown in South Africa or Ain Mi nor, the original home of the unjjnrn. Althoiih ilrtirly otery slnlo in the rujoii now post.ee, IU floekf, tjie houthwest mid tho uorthwo! are e pcciully well uduited to the indus try, in particular tho Inigtt arta re cently lojfgeil off in the nortlmosl. There Iho aiiKorn not onl thnve himself, but help, to clear ii the IiiiisIi which, if allowed to a row un- .eheckeil, iniaht eusijv beciwie a daii- t'eroiis fire trap. Thus it i ottcn sail Ihnt the anpint works and pavs for iU board nt the sumo lime. It is pnvinjj more and more, for tho value of (lie fleece or mohair is in- erensmjf tendily. Konnerlv the use of mohair depouded fo Jainly upon iiiejirevniiiutr fasliion that its pneo vnneii wnieiy from vnur to ear. This condition, howover i ratiidlv ..i.....r.., .. . j . .. . ' ' iiiiuiiiif; in. new i(,es jur inolmir nie continually found, from automobile fops nnd liibh covers to dress goods una curieil ruNe hair, and today the grower is niircd of u rca-onahl.v steady market. Tho pneo of eonre vnrioH with the quality, tho very best fleeetw briiitfing on an average from - to f? centra pound. The weight of. n fleece lins u very wide lauge, but in 10(l! the overage, for Oreon with found lo be .'J.7 pounds, and lor wns i.o.t, m account of the greater bent, however, nnd the dnin age of shedding, aiioras in the southwest mo freoueiitly shorn twice n vem -n fad which must be taken inln I I'onMilei.ilioii in all ealeiihitioiis. Who Is This Man Esterly? i Krom the OreRon .MeBsongor ) Tho odltor of Tho Mosseiisor has boon ofton akod who Mr. Kstorly, tho Democratic candidate for Na tional ('ominlttoumun, is. We con foi ibat wo do not Know, bni pro- aiiino lio wu brought out for tho pur pose of satisfying tho IoiikIiu; of somo fellow to mil tho whole show. We hate to admit It, much c8 my It. but thoio Is an oUuuont In tho democratic putty In Oregon thnt re fuse to "play" unions tho gmno ls phi) nil acMHdlug to Its dliilatloii mid witUfiiiuuii This oluiiiont Is on hand to iiumu iho cmiijidato for Kouirnor. and given iiollio ihut any other rmi dlilulii Ihaii Ihn olio Indorsed by It will iihiiiI with lis dUupprornl Thus It sdunts timl W II Cunoii, of Mod rord, tliu first inun lo dmluro hliu If a iHiidlduio for tlio ofrnu of I.HlliiliUl IiIiiiIIuiiU ilnl n, , llllii i illl I III) ttmilij iitf llillHIIl Xo man'or womin who tstti meal regu larly con nuke a mistake by Hushing tho kidneys occnalonally, ssrs a wcllknown authority. Meat forms uric odd which excites tho kidnojs, thy brcoaio out- wurkcu Irom the strain, got sluggiili ami IjII to niter tlm watts and (oioa from the blood, then we grt sick. Nearly all rheumatism, heartwk, liver trouble nervousness, diulasss, sleeplcsinsss und urinary disorders tvreo from sluggish kidneys. The moment you M a dull aeha la thi kidneys or jour bsA hurts or if tho urine Is cloudy, r'Tristvc,,full of sd. meat, Irregular of pagcor nttonJnl by a sensation of scahling, slop eating limit and get about four ounces of Jad J-'alU from any plisrnucy; tako a. tablexpoonful in a plan of water bWora breakfast ami In a b-w ilas your kiilntiys will act fine. This fimous salts is made from tlio acid of grspev and lemon Jules, combined with liliiu. and has beta lined for generations to Uuh and sUtnulato the kiilneys, also to neutralize tho acids In urlna so it no long-r causes Irritatidn, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot Injure; makes a delightful effervescent lltliis-waler drink which evrrjone should take now anil then to keep ths kidneys clean and active nnd tho blood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications. ' TT Theatre Circus Spin Train ASHLAND To MEDFORD AND RETURN Via tho iH&v out Into a connplrncy and brought .Mr Kstorly to defeat Canon. Hut right hero wn venture tho pre diction that tholr llttlo si homo will fall, for tho democracy of the slate ft irif n in ocjti is t .'tMi oi 1 1 . tapped It In, these many years, and tho tlmo bus tomo for tho worm to turn. .Mr. Canon will be elected nn tlouul couiiiiltteouian as no ought to bo, If for no other reason, mm a re proof (n tho dictators. rortiuui auditorium plans have boon rujcctbil by the (ommlssloiiurs und haul unlilfmU huvo been cm. pIommI ami a building all muilo In Oregon may bo the result John A. Perl UNDERTAKER lSdy AMlilHiit VHH, ll.tllTMl'l I'lioiu. it. iv -nd iv.iti w( On viuHiilli liui'i tin iiiimd Imbiiliiiiiii Uvnho Ihuutg Vurout $. 1 1 j jzwirrr - I U)l SUNSCT W 1 I iocdin.vhaiiaI I I 1 WOUTCS I I xi Monday, May 11 Leave Aililiinil , Tuloiil I'liounix VooiIiIusj A I live-.Mmlfnril SiIimIiiIu: 1:1)0 pui hiri pui p pin .M pui UtO pin HlfllllrflWl IliMVes Mllfolll Gilo- I'm. Kpsi-in LOW noUNU-TRiP FARES tinny i mud " r a. iln r- ni ihiiii.in mid join llie i ! hiiiIiii I nun mi) il"li Al moil, ft l(wii) ('fist A(i'lil. "Mutual Movios" Daily Ohnmjc. ritlini'o and Kvoninp;. "cmh.ii or Tin: inwitin- Intense drama euacletl In the free and open western rotiutr). featuring Sidney A) era and Vivian lllch. "Tin: iiitnoit's .stoiiv" Majestic "(ifll.TVOIt .NOT (iril.TY" Thanhutiser AN Al'IWIIt or Komlc IIONOIt iiiiinvo.v m:ii .mi."iti.i: Komlc STAR THEATRE TODAY New Act of Vaudeville in: i'.w ,v moeiii: A clasiy comedy novelty olferliig. lutmducltig hIukIiik, toiuedy, yodul lug und instrumoiilnl Imitations, fea turing their copyrighted novelty fin IhIi "A .Musical lloxlng llont." i)AX(;i:itots easi: l,ti)iii faj-cn coincily Tin: .MciuciNi: .m.wh , ViixnuANci; Two part feature lll.'lt MAM) lllograph drama si,irim;itviu,irK ncaiii: r!i;roiiiilng farco ropimly WOOIAVOIt'lll .V WOOIAVOIITII .Music ami of reels ('oiuliiK toiuorrow- Daniel Krohinuii picsouls (ho nolod Aiuorliiiii mllHl ovum ham in Tiiii n.w ni' ntvH" AdbilKWoii IV mill FREDERICK H0LLISTER Democratic Cmulidalc for C(tltjj;rcss OUT FOR CONGRESS j Democrats Have Worthy Man in the Race in .jfi.MK.fn! Pten of Fred llollister . t Phi It Count) Itemlier Apill - ) This linger herewith preset is " renders a pit lure of 'roderlrk Hoi lister, of Coos 1 liv , candidate for the I lieniocrallcionilnallon for cojirios fjr the llrst dlslilcl. V'e do this for two reasens: Plpt, thai our jreaders mnv juilxo for themiitilvis whnt tho man wuo wouiu oi-iiipj t ougrfsinunu UnwU's seat looks le. mid, second ), Unit our lender mav thereby In advised that a teal live liamofrnt U In the race. Mr HiillUer Is a surcossNI hlisl ness man of Coos Hav; Is a law)t;r o' repute, and Is liloullfled w)ij ever1 progressive movemnnt the peouln of Coos Hn hate hnd tor voars. lie It mi honest clttrnn. a man whoso pur pose and ambitions 1 nllU are lo do things for the betterment of mnukttid niitj the ulat'e In which ho lives. lie lias hover before aspired to any-office In count) or stale. Al present ho Is a iiie'mber of Ihe city council of Ntirih Mend, To which high position ho was elected h the higher majority ot'nll members now Honing, Is a director of lfio hfst Nntlonnl Hank of North llend and president of the l.nee tjiJinlj jsinte ft Having Hank of 1 1 rente He hits heeii a rcHhleu) of North llend eleven jears. We are terlalu from Information at hand that never before has a clean er or moie progressive man over come before the deuiocrnllc prliuurliM and we are cqnatl) certain that never before have we had the opportunity to place ii deiiiofrut In couniess that wo now have This man Is n toast man. and never before has the coast asked for nxoKhlllon, The Interests of the coast lire Identical with Iho In. tern Is of the Interior, hut the advitif lane Is to be had In sending n man l.i couvress who Is nilvlned as to tho needs and requirements of the roast, Instead of one who has to dnpind upon Informnllou furnished hltu by his pulltltiil friends If he rivers and harbor of our stale ate aided by Iho federal urn eminent, the benefit will be fell by the cities of the Ind-rlor. That great utideveloied county of Coos Is mild for thnlr homo man and there democrats and republicans are working hand In hand to secure his nomination The people there trl-Vo Iii him and are I'trcodltiKly aminos to ' hllll retetvr tile Humiliation. (Paid dv ) ICE BUY PURE ICE WIOINIIAIJD'.S Dislillcd Walcr leo is Ali.solulcly Sanilaiy ENDORSED BY ALL PHYSICIANS For Quick Dcliu'ric.s, Phone fI H. Weinhard's Ice Depot PAGE THEATRE All WVolc. WESTERN AMUSEMENT COMPANY THURSDAY NIGHT'S BILL " When We Were 21" A hif,'li class I acl comedy One hundred free seals each nihl , with merchants' ticket. KiiNl come, first served. Twenty-five, (tents and merchants' tickot get a reserved seiil, oO eonts wit limit. Doors Open 7:30, Curtain 8:30 ---, Queen Esther OPERATIC RENDITION Auspices Greater Mcdford Club PAGE THEATRE Afonday and Tuesday, May 11th and 12th - floor-go Keonard Howes, Director A splendidly vivid presentation of the ilntiiMli story of 'fQiKtfiii Kslhor," lieaiillfully cosliimod and aided, Tivi) adult ohoniHoH of . lows and PoI-hIAiIh anil a liirgo (ihildrcii's chorus for the flowo) scono, AiUnkrion, Nto, Ittu, M