PXCIE SEVEN POLITICAL. VN.NOUISt'KMKNTH, I'OU (OHOMCH. V, V. Usslinr iiiinoiiiii'WK li In cnn illdnry for loioiwr mi tliu rtiiiubllraii ticket, (Pnld Ady.) Jeff, at Least, Knew Where All the Rocks Were By "Bud" Fisher , i U fc c COMG ON MUTT, CCT CeG,.iT'j, GR.GAT ON YOlR fACHTIN6 ooir. ion hiiichiff. A, W. Wnlluir of Mmlford, an nminriis his cntiillilany (or Out ro publican niiiiiliintloii ng sljcrlff nt tlio primaries May IK, (Pnld Adv.) To NrXNG'fAONe.V. T. 9 r (TUS.T BOUGHT A HIGH POWGft. JUiT R0t6HT A RtuGLU SPeeD BoVT. rMou I'LL Motor ftoftV ano x'rA Gonna uPYdi AR.IOC hju i'irs; nj af: MR.lT)6i (n T J J. F. IlltUuu, chief of pollru of Minlfiinl, tiiiiiiiniiciiit IiIn curitltilnry for tint ilcimirratlu iiiiiiiliiulliiii Mr nhnrlff of .laildioii (oiinty ii tliu prl inurli'H Muy 1 r. (I'nlil Adv.) mnwmn watt; hmitbunk, mrdford. jOwmo:, Kit m ay, may i. ion 1 j DO .You Kh&m ' J Mow to fturg IT' j V X 2.W IT? V rj ORlfalNM MOTOR ) I C lur. I I r 1 'nits, j 1 I wish id iihiKiiiiii'o my cninlldncy for lint tepiililkau nittiilniilloii nn ahnilff nt tlio prliunile May If.t'i. A IC. ItAIUIAKT. ((I'nlil Adv.) I luiinhy miuniiiiio my rnudhlnc) for Dim ilMiiiourMIc iioiiilnnlloii as nhurlff nt Urn primaries May ir.th. j. r. hiimmkiivillk. (I'nlil Adv.) I hereby nuiimiiirn in) self nit nn Independent niiiillilnla for tlio officii of iilinrlff of Jmkitnu county J O. (IKIlKINO. (Paid Aitv.) hinglku i'oh .sheriff. In nrrnptlug tlm appointment suc ceeding my brother for IiIn uiipxplrod term nn sheriff, I ilhl o fur the bene fit of hU widow nml fnmlly. Tim of flrn linn liml nu honest nnil efficient administration. With tlm snnin objects nnd pur pones In iw I hereby iititioniico my' self nn n rnmtlilnto for tlm raptilillrnn iiomlniitloti hi tliu prlmarlii Mny 15, 1914. W. II. SINOI.KU. rli! Ailv ) roit state hknatoii II. Von ilrr llellen, of Wellen, In cumbent, announces hit candidacy for tlio republican nntnlnatlon nn st.tto senator from Jackson county. (I'alU Adv.) roit cor.NTV Titi:.Himi:it. I hereby nnnoiincn myself M n rnndldnto for tlm offlro of county treasurer, on tlio republican ticket. to tin voted on at ilia coiuluc primary election on Mny (tin istli, 1914. I liavn atwnya delivered tlio goods anil will tin ao again If elected. I Kunrnnluii: t. To nccount strictly for all money, 2. To perform the duties of tlio offlro according to law, I nin not connected with any bank. All hanka will bo treated alike, with no special fnvort. FRED I. COLVIO. I urn n cnndldnto for tlio ronubll rnn nomlnntlon for roiinly treasurer nt tlio prliniiry to ho hold Mny 15th If nominated nnd elected I Mill give tlm offlro my personal nttuntlon, nnd perform tlio duties pertaining thereto according to tnw, its I hnvo dono dur lug tlm past. JAH, M. CUONKMILLKK. (Paid Adv.) roi'.vrv ci.i:uk. I horohy iinnoiiiiro myself ns ran dliluto for tho republican nomination nn county clerk subject to tlio Mill or tlio voters nt tho prlmnry noml nutlni: election to ho hold Friday, Mny in, I OH, In announcing my cnndldncy I do o knowltiK that Hhoiild I ho renominated nnd ro eloetod I will routlniiu n good hint noss-llko nnd economical ndmlnlHtrn tlon. 0. A. OAHDNKU. roit commissioner I n iii u candidate for tho republi can nomluntlon for county commis sioner nt tho prlmnry to ho hold May 15th, 1UH. If elected I plodgo my self to stand for un orouomlcal biml urmllko nilmlnlKtrutlon of county nf. fulr. ocouoiiiy In county uxpondl turcs, ii dollnr In vnluo for ovory dol Inr oxpinulod by tho county, lower tuxes, nuch dovelopmont and proKrmi only h nro coiiHlHtont with tho tlmci. KltA.N'IC II. MADDKN. (Paid Adv.) With Medford trndn u Medfonl nmdo. i i ' i.A ', ,, i.ijmw FOR SALE lloimiHtcail rolluquUhiuont for hiiIo or trndo for city Iota or for aoc oud hand Ford, hli pluco wall lorntudi clono (o railroad aud Vi' clflo hlRhwuy. Also havo city lot or equity In homo and lot to trnJo for nuw or uccond hand uuto, Klvo room Iioiiku on pnvod atroet. modern, to mill Inutalliiietiti, Miuall pnymnut down, hulauco I Id to ISO pur mouth, llouvca aud offlco roomi to rout cheap, (Nniio up and toll mo your troulilca, lloom lilt M. I'. K II, MullilliiK Oppoiltu Ihu Punt Offlco W, T, VOIIK, I'lirnmlly HoiiJor Mumhur of W, iV York do, i 7" knr rs.m is. sl I Rom; a,no tocrt 7 Will IIKXT IIOUHI. KOIt UKNT four room furnlnhcd 1 houai', iiiodi'rii. $11.00. 717 N. Illvorslilo. 38 KOIt HUNT Oil SAI.U Klvp room houo aud Kiirduu. Phono 7 17-It. . 0 KOIt IIKNT Three room fiirnUhrd homo, modern, 731 V, Hocond ntrci't, 35 Foil m:NT"loilurn rfitldenro oluht ' room, two Imth rooim, screened porchm, aarauo, etc. Addrcaa box A., euro Mall Trllnino. FOIt ItKXT rtllXISIIHI) AITS. I'oit Liti:NT"-Kiirnl'liii " npnrtino'nt" Tho llrrlwn, 10 quince Ht Foil iiknt iiot)hr-.Ki:i;pi.a ItOO.MS munniivrTTinTnir Kt'opliiK rou nu, k rou ml floor, '.'20 .South (Irnptt Phono '."Jti-J. 40 l'Oll UCNT-l'iiriiUhi'd homekeup Iur room. Call 231 Kast .S'luth t. 03 von iti:.T i'i;itMHiii:ii hoosih I'OH IIKNT Tho Columan rooim. $2.i)U pur wiiuk. room nnd hoard $ti.0o. I no:. Wont Main, phono J.S5-J. KOIl ItKNT KuriilHlifd roonm, clono In, rcnionnhlo, -43 N. Orapo 8t. FOIt ItKNT Larso alecplnB rooma, and tnodorn bouaokuoplnR apart menu, prlcca vory Toaaouablo. Pbona 247-b. S'i'i South Holly atroet. WHY? (Inrden nnd alfalfa laud, IrrlRatcd $8000 plnco far $1,100 120 ncros anudy loam noil, nil bottom laud, 20 ncrtm lu alfalfa, nrrhnrd and Harden, 80 ncrt'H rnn bo eultluitcii, 12 horso power oiikIuo and pump, all can he Irrigated, team, wa(!iin, hnruotn, two cowa, 18 pIrn, 40 chlckoiiH, fho tur ko)H nnd machinery. All roob for H r 0 0 . Ilvtit I hnvo over offered, J. C. BARNES rirwt Nntlouitl Hunk Itolliliiiu; NEW TODAY A fluo Irrigated dairy nnd stock ranch on tho Applegnto, $100.00 an acre, A 50 lie 10 much Improved, nnd all good far in land lu tho host iut or tho Tallin llork d Utilct, $100.00 nu aero. A riuo furnished bungalow of fho rooms. Tonus, $2200.00. (let uc tlon, tliemi snap wont lust. C. D. HOON t $ $ (1 $ I To loan un Improved ranches. Interest 8 pur cent "lusuriuc That I us ur." II, U, MTINU liny your Insurum or a tsipsyer T?a T O V HUDSON - J r-JL 1 . . - -tr T SrVr. uTGtiJ 1 UNOW C-MBP. :. (r4 TH6 0 HUl I'OU HAI.IC -IOTH mm kai.i!- in tnm. nr.no on. .. x- ,rn ,.nor(, ioti ln Kar,0nt Add Addl- tlon. J I.. Deniincr. CQ'J Wrt 3S Jackion St. I'oit s.m kmlm ra.vns l'Olt SAI.K-At 11 bargain, 20 Here of laiiil, 7 lilllen norihwmt of Mod ford, ono'liulf inllo 10 rnllrnnd, ono. half liil'n to cood achool, nu lilval pluco for ralilnK Iiok. poultry or for n truck KiKilen. For terim call nt Nowtown Ilakrry 88 FOR SALK OU LEASE tlarilon home, farm much, alx mllea -011th. went of Mcdford, tunni. I.llllo Kinder, Mcdford, Ore. t'.O FOR SAI.K Thlo la n real barsnln SO ncrea Ideal hoR ranch with un limited out'ldo raiiKe, owner can tnko liouu'tead nearly adjalnlni; litis place, nlno Reed chicken, dairy or other fnriuliiK, 60 ncrc fenced and cron fenced, 40 ncrva under tho plow, 30 ncroa now In grnln crop, fluo family orchard lu full bcnrluK, amall houc, kooiI barn nnd nuthulldluK, V inllo to Reed nrhool, a4 mllo to Uoruo river, fluo flihluK, 2 inlk's to Htore, free mall delhery. on Crater Julte high way, prl to 1 2 r 0 0 . Would con alder part trndo. Terma, one-half cnli, Imlauco I. 2 or 3 year nt " per cent, Hoo It. II. Toft, owner, or phono 3(iS-J or 7.1-11. fi2' I'OU SAI.K OU l.KASK Onrdeu homo, farm ranch, nix mltca south went of Medford, terma. I.llllo Kinder. Mcdford. Oro. 3S I'OU SAI.K--For tho bent buy lu de- eloped and party developed tracts (any alio), address owner, box 4:i3, Medford 3G FOU SAI.i: Chonp. 1(10 acres near I lilt. Cnl. Ilox 20, lllll. Cttl. 50 FOU SAI.K L1VIMTOCK FOU SAI.K Span work horse, n nnd 7 oura old, welRht 26.00. F. I,, Ton Velio. FOU SAI.K Horsoa. 4. 5. U und 10 j earn old. 405 Went Second St.. Mcdford. 3U FOU SAI.K Ono groy Tio'rso. 10 )ears old, weight about 1600 lbs. A. W. Stono. FOIt SAI.K Young thoroughbred Duroc Jersey boar, flrny Criigt Orchard. Tolophono aud address Central Point. 64 FOU BALK Fresh rows nnd rulvoa, Wnlsh'a ranch. Mllo out N. Uoose volt Avo. 52 FOU SALE Two span minus and harness, ono span hoi son, liny piess und six horso full circle power. Ad dress licit Hell, box 51, Talent, Oro. liG FOIt SAI.K Team of horses, ago 10 yimi-H, 2200 lbs., piico $125, Ilox Ml, It. F. D. No 1, 23 r 1 FOU HAhKMtnvrnlsHliQVa rou SAI.K- Five passenger auto, en gine Just overhauled, now tiros, lino 00 132 So. Itlverslde. 30 rou hai.i: lull hoes, 50 stands (loldon Jtni I' I. Ton Velio. FOU KAI.i:- At my wnreliotiso ut 1022 W. I Dili HI., fancy 8pl!lu, apples, Koud varleiy of kooit potiu inns, pi lines, uhouli torn, lm;iey ele, lluhnil Diltluu, pliouti 3hil &I, ' i . -" ! , ) roit kali; mikci:!iIj.m:oi;h FOIt SALK Fancy iced potatoes. Evergreen awect corn; alio good family cow, Robert Outton. ! phono 3SCM. FOIt SAI.K Corn, baled hay and J need corn. C, W. luaaca, phono r.oi-m FOU SAI.K Trnuiplnntiil tomato plants. SOc per 100 t Carey. Talent, phono IC-FU. FOU SAI.K A SpauldltiK mako top Iiuko. almost new, a barKnln, nt 1032 W. Uth street. 3C FOR SAI.K At half price, new elec tric washlug machine, guaranteed Humphrey, 815 K. Mam fit. FOR SAI.K Hay at tho Throe Oaks orchard, $9 00 per ton. W. J llartieli. phono iIS-J I. 40 FOU SAI.K l'lo imssencer 30 h p. Hoo. good condition, fargam for ensh or will trade. Address P. O. box 41 I. 36 WANT Kl S ITU ATI OXS WANTi:i)-imTTady with bct of references desires ponltlou ns cook nnd hoimckeeper In amall famll. not afraid of work. Wages $30 Phono 50S-W. 35 WANTKD- Position on rnncn by man with fainll). hu8 team. II Persons, Aagnto. Ore. 34 WANTED Dressmaking, prices rea to nablo. 312 S. Central. 31 WANTED Jnpancso boy want nil kinds or hoiifco work by hour. Phono 4C1-U. Shlmoda. 53 WANTED MlilCKLUANEOUH WANTED Young te.un of marcs, harness nnd wagon. PUonc 159. nil WANTED Dead horses, cnttlo nnd hogs. W will move them from jour promises on short notice, fro of charge, nnywhoro within a radius of 10 miles from Mcdford. Notify Medford Ueductlou Co., Phono 237. -19 WANTED Clean rags at Mall Trl buno offlco. ' LOST LOST Heavy plain gold band ring Reward. Mrs. W, ft. iirysou, Medford. H. F. D. No. 1, Medford. Ore. 35 MONEY TO 1XJAM TO LOAN Money to loan on good security, J. II. Andrews, 210 tlar-nott-Corey llldg, phono GO I. 12 FOK KXl'UAAUR FOU TRADE 100 acres, 00 acres under cultivation, located In East ern Oregon, 7 miles from linker City. "Will trmlu for properly around Medford, vnluo aliout $2500.00. Adilross K. Ilugluy, Med ford, H, F. D. No. 3, box 32, or phono 507-114, 41 iii'8i:ks Diiuuri'oitY Auto BnpjilM. LAIIKH AUTO RPUINO CO. Our big secrut lu luuklng springs i th UmpurliiK. Wo nro opvratlug th largest, oldest and bast equipped plant In ihu Paclflu Borthwtwt. Hsv our sprlnn ehuu others fall, Hold under xuaruntue, t) North Fit, Ueutb Ui, Portland, Ore. f IN fACY, THGRS 1 ." ' 1 ON& NOU f ' IN fMCT, THGRrS ON& NOU I1USINRSS DIltKCTOUT Attoraea PORTEIt J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorncyi-at-Lavr, Roomi 8 and 9, Medford National Rank bldg. A. E. REAMES, LAWYER Oarnett Coroy bids. W. J. CANTON Attorney and Coun aellor at Law. 123 Eaat Main atrect, Medford, Ore. 1 Win. M. CoItIk George it. RobcrU I COLVIO & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Dank Building-. D. F. MULKEY & OEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Dank Building. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Mod ford, Oregon. Kniploj uieut Agency Wo aro hero to help people got re liable, competent help. We fur nish help in almost all lines of business. Wo make a specialty of competent men and wives for ranches. Wo solicit your patron age Hlttner'8 Real Estate and Employment Uuroau, Rooms 6 and 7 Palm Ilulldln?, Medford. Phono S5S. Mrs. Uyrd Caster, Manager, successor. Notary rmbllc HELEN N. YOCKKY Notary pub lie. Drlng your work to ma at th alan of the Mall Tribune. Physicians aac Bunceoaa DR? F." a OARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopath! physicians, 416-417 Qarnott-Corej bldg., phone 1036-L. Roaldenc 26 South Laurel SL DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic physician, 303 Oarnett - Core; building. Phono 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and aurgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tosted and phases supplied Offlco 228 East Main St., Hourt 8:30 a. 111. to 8 p. ru. Phone. E. D. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack aon County Dank bldg. Oftlct phone 43-R; residence phono E8-R DR. MARTIN O. DARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Palm block, opposite- N'aBh Hotol. Houri 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANOY Physician and surgeon. Phones, office 36, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hours 10 tt 12, 2 to G. OR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Piiyslcia and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to diseases ol women. Offices 232 E Main Phoues, resldeuce, 814-J2; office 814. R, J. CONROY, M. !;. rhyslctan aud Burgeon, Over Hutchison ft Lums deu, 215 E. Malu Ht Phono 77. Dlt, MO M, M. DOW- PlDslcluii und surgeon, Dr. Lydlu H, Dow Os teopathic physician, offices 3-4 Ht, Mark's block. Phuuu 100 lies), dunce the Dow llospltul, Central Point. K KIIICJHIKHHNKII, M. D. Oar. liull-Ciiioy MlilK. Ilniirs 10 In X, ekcopl Hiiiidajs, I'lioiiu, office, b2ij midfiit'i', 838, UUSI.VIv.SS DUtECTOUY Aactloaen WILLIAM ULRICH Licensed Auc tioneer for tbo City of Medford, OrcgoD. Terms reasonable. Resi dence phone 1C1-J. Offlc Jack son County Bank batldlnx. InstructloB Mr. FRED ALTON HAIQHT Teach or of piano and harmony. The HalRht Music Studio. 116 South Laurel St.. phono 176-R. Bteaogrvpfetra ELLA M. GAUNYA Palm block. Stenographic work sne qnlcklj and well Prlatera aa4 rabltahcra MDFOU'ViliNTINQCO.nM'tS best equipped printing office Is southern Oregon; book binding loose leaf ledgers, billing systems etc Porttand prices. 37 Norti FirSt. ohmj( QARUAOE Oet Tour premise cleaned up for th winter. Call on tho city garbage wagon for good scrvico. Phono 325-L. F, Y. Allan. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quirk, Handy, reference for Busy People Art Store R. L. Dennett, Paint, oils, glass, wall paper, enlarging, plcturo framing. 27 North Crape Phono 306-J Auto Itodies ami Spray Tanks J. W. Mitchell, blacksmltblug, horseshoeing, wagon work, rub ber tire work. 22 South Rlver sido street Phone 26 Harness, Suit Cases, Gloves Herman Brothers, 317 East Main, repairing of all kluds. Phono 4 8 1-J Haled Hay, Flour, Feed, OraJu L. D. Urown, Russ Mill, also poultry supplies. 139 South Rhqrsldo Phono 529 llakery Royal Bakory. bread, pics, cakus. Corner Main aud Grape. Phouo 37 Cigar Factory Oregon Central Cigar Factory, Johnson, Pitt, Muxupan cigars. 219 West Malu Phono 321 Chil Engineers Osgood & Brown. T. W. Os good, Asso. M. Am. Soc, C. E. A. Thoo Brown, deputy county surveyor. Medford National Bank llldg Phono 262 Electric Wiring, Fixtures, Supplies Southern Oregon Electric Co,, Mazda Lumps, 6 South Contra! Avenue Photio 215-Y Furniture -Now uuil Hccouil llauil Bcott Woolf, succeskor to Mor doff & Woolf, complete bouse furnisher. Special low prices 011 Axiiiluliter nigs and fiiml lure, 22 South Fir Phouo 9 Fieli Mini Currtl Meals Star Meat Market. M. W, Wag ucr, Prop. 314 lts( Main M.,t.ff,.M..i,...M,.a,.l huue ? BUSIXHM DIRBCTOKT BADS TRAN8FER ft 8T0RAQB CO. Ottle 4 Nortk Vni9L Po Sli. Price rlM. BetvU as,paaswa. DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Calropraeter, nerve sptclalltt. Raoaa S0S-304V 205 Oarnett-Corey bldg. Vapwr hatha and scientific aaassage glrea; needle spray, head and ahouldar ahower In connection; advice 1b dietetics, medical gymnastic, hydrotherapy. Lady attendant. Phone, office 543, residence 511-R. OR. A. R. HEDQE8, Dr. LobIm B. Hedges Mecbano-Tberaplsts, Chlr practora, Spondylotberaplsta. Thaa aysteraa, including .dleteUaa, can Uvo gymnastlca. nydrc-tharapby, etc., produce results ln both acute and chronic disease. Consulta tion free. Over Deuel aV Co., cor ner Mala and Bartlett- Hoars 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Other houre by. appointment. Phone 174). DR. W. M. VAN 8COYOO DK C. C. VAN 8COYOG Dentists Oarnett - Corey bldg., ska SIC, Medford. Pro. Phone .S. Farmers Implements Hubbard Brothora. Full line of John Deoro makes. For spe cial prices on buggies. 335 East Main....... ... Phono 231 Groceries Brownlco & LIndloy, Monopole canned goods. Upper Crust flour. 327 East Maln..Phone 927-L Guns, AmmnnltloB, Sporting Goeele Ewlngs Gun Store, fishing tackle, sporting good's. 113 West Main.... ...........Phono 345 Insurance Any Kind It. IT. McCurdy. writes fire, life, accident. liability, auto, plate glass, burglary, fidelity and surety bonds, Sparta Bulidlug. ........ Phone 123 .Modern Photography Tho Mackey Studio, latest and moat up-to-date mothods. Por traits of children. Main and Central, back of Daniels for Duds. Practical Horacalioer and Blacksmith O. F. Morrlmau, Medford me chanic. 20 South Riverside Aveuuo Pliooe 379 I'luiiiblug and Heating Van R. Polrson. 28 North Grupo Phone 821 Heal Estate, Loans end InvesUweejIe Pugo Dressier Company, farm lauds, HUb-dlvlslous. 320 Past Mt!lesee eeteeeee4t UIB0 III Hhoe Repairing Model Hoot Hhop, while yen wait, 10 Ho 11 Hi Cn 11 Ira I Ave. uuo... .......,PhoHe MTS'iT HlHflu ami PHcy OriKftlee U, P. Ivrlbs & Co, 39 Mefth (Jrupu ,.v.fklHf 1 9