UTRBFOKn MATXi TRrRFNR MF.DFOKD. OTTOd ON. MONDAY. APlUfj 27. 1011. VILLA TO LEAD MILLION TROUT STRIKERS PLAN REBELS IN ATTACK EGGS FOR SEASON I TO GIVE BATTLE TO STATE T ,' wm r PXHW BTX mil. - FINE PROGRAM COMMERCIAL CLUB AGAINST SALTILLO FR ROUE E ROOPS BANQUET TUESDAY wSLw W v'llt - " - I I T7iMfe- - V.U I'ASO. Tex., April Ur.Clon- crnl ilia showed no niclmntion to day lo lot pninisrd mediation lie-(mi-ou tlio Washington ndminNtrn tiuii and President Huertn interfere wilh the Mexienn rebels' tinti-llit-erta campaign. Ilin first business would be to con fer wilh General Cnrrunrn, he said, jul before he left for Chiliiinhun City. After that, he explained, he intended to take charge personally of. n rebel movement ngaiust Snltillo, one of the towns it is neecssnrv for the constitutionalists to capture be fore advancing on Mexico City. Kl l'aso was delighted at the news that the oOOO Mexican federal pris oners held at Fori Hlws were to be, transferred to Fort Winputc, N. M.l Thcv have been n constant tnennce lo Kl I'nuoV pence and n nource of mnrh worry to the Amcricnn rcM-I dent. Arrangements have been made to transfer them Wednesday, i Fl ES lleniy O'Malley, former state su jwrintendent of haleheries for the United States bureau of hatcheries, who was recently promoted to have ehniye of the Pacific const bureau of fisheries, left for California Mon day after a vWt to the Klk creek hatchery with C. 1 Henkel. recently in charge of Alaska hatcheries, who succeeds Mr. O'Malley. whose future headqunrters will be at Seattle. Hmih Mitchell, who until reeenlly had charge of Kogue Itixer hatchery work, has been promoted nnd order ed to California, lie will be suc ceeded by Audi Cappelle. now sta tioned at I.?mlwlle. Colo., who will arrive hero shortly. Mr. O'Malley reports that the take of .steelhead egg this season has been unusually light, owing to unfa vorable water conditions, and that only about 1,100,000 eggs have boon i taken. These will probably be sup-. plcmented by ."iOO.OOO from other viv-1 ers und the entire output kept until! nttaitiiug the fiugerling stage before I release. j I When the cloud of smudge smoke cleared away this morning it left in our midst no less a personage than "Kid" Mitchell, "tho Fighting Greek," of Chicago. The 'Kid," who. despite his somewhat convincing "monakcr," looks like a peaceable citizen, wants to fight and shows rare judgment in tho selection of his opponent. Mr. Mitchell appeared at the Mail Tribune office bright nnd early this morning nnd left n document which, nfter careful examination, proved to be n challenge to poor Bud Anderson for n twenty-round match. Mr. Mitchell did not state just where he wished the match to take place, but said that if he was successful in ob taining the match that he and his manager would be "tickled to death" or word to (lint effect. I VKN'ICB. Col. Hose Arnold, 20, dropped 2G00 feet In a parachute from an-aeroplane. 10 FIGHT FREDDIE WELSH LOS ANGELES, Cnl., April 27. Leach Cross and Freddie Welsh are resting today before their prepara tory work for their scheduled twenty-round bout nt Vernon tomorrow night. WeNh probably will enter the ring n slight favorite, but consider able Cross money has appeared dur ing the Inst two days. Both boys entertninrd large crowds at their camps yesterday, when they went through their final workouts. Each upcarcd to be in good shape, Cross, particularly, showing up better than usual in a I physical wny. Willie Hiiehie will he at the ring side tomorrow night. Tom McCarey, promoter of the bout, has not given up hope of binding the champion for a July 4 bout here with the winner. CANYON" CITY, Colo.. April J7. -Strikers wore entrenching at Chand ler, sex en mile.s away, and -00 soldiers-, commanded by Adjutant Gen eral John Chase, wore en route for that pout today. Eight hundred striking coal miners, henvilv armed and with plenty of ammunition, were prepared to tight the troops. The miners captured the Chandler coal camp of the Victor-American Fuel company yesterday after an all-day battle. Estimates of tho fa talities ranged from four to thirty. Those reported dead were: Charles King, a guard: Engineer .lohn Thomas, llobort Prince, Cluiile Diuieli. All telephone and telegraph wires to tho scene of the eontlict were cut I and it was impossible todav lo get details of the exact s'tttat on. Iloinyi explosions were heard last night at i the Chandler and Koyal George' mines, jt xwl, i,flieed here that the strikers had dwinmitod the Chand ler tipple and had attacked the llovul George mine. A refugee arrived hero today from Chandler. He charged the strikers had used the recent truce to gain points of vantage and bad then fir ed on the guards and captured Chandler. The strikers, he n-scrt-i'tl, were wearing Red Cross badges. Mozart Lewis, pit boss at the Chandler mine, says the guards sur rendered when they exhausted their ammunition. He declared eight mine guards were missing and nlso believ ed that n number of strikers were slain. A splendid program of toasts and vaudexille entertainment has been nrrnngod for the big bampiet to be held at Hotel Medford tomorrow night. Koprosontnthes from Port land, Ashland. Klamaih Falls and Grants Pass will discuss a move ment of vital importance to south ern Oregon. Manager Mohr of the hotel is arranging for u crowd that will tax the canacitv oi his simcious dining rooms. Tho occasion will irobnbly see the most general at tendance from neighboring cities of nnv ever held hero. The Conuueicial club invites citi zens geuerallx to attend and prom ises a splendid time. The baiiipiet is culled lor 8 o'clock hurp. Tickets ". cents E OF It Theater SH-clnl. The biggest motion picture ever produced Is put out by tho Mutual Film corporation of New York City, "Our Mutual Girl." Norma Phillips, a fifty, two-reel scries, to be shown ono each week, at the It Theater, on every Monday and Tuesday, will start today. Sho sees New York styles In reel No. 1. Three other reels Including a Keystone comedy. (Ill tho bill. Smoke Mt. IMtt. Cigars and help build up roll for your own town. pay WASHINGTON. April -';,-Investigation of the tiuaueiat at fairs of the Pere Manpiette and lloek Island railroads was ordered today by the interstate commerce commission. The house commerce committee recom mended that the proltv start at the earliest imssihle moment. NOTH'K. Notice Is hereby given that tho county court of Jnck'on county, Ore gon will on Wednesday the Cth day of May, 1514, recolvo and open sealed bids fur the proposal of painting four bridges, situated ns follews: One over ltoguo rher near tho town of ltoguo Klver. ono over tho Iloguo rlvor near Gold Hill, ono over Iloguo river near l'timtre hill the bridge being known as the McCIoud bridge and one ovar 111 llutto creek near tho mouth of Hlg llutto creek. In submitting bids tho materia! used Is not bo Included in tho bid as the county will furnish same. The court reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. Mall or hand all bids to tho undersigned at Jack sonville, Oregon. G. A. GARDNER. County Clerk. V The Brand at the "Round Up" is "Bell" I.TTP. rmvluiva of the Vei.t lunir niro discovered i;i "Null" Durham tobacco "the Makings" of the most satisfying cigarettes in the world -the kind thcv rolled for themselves with ihcir own hands. to suit their own taste, from this ripe, mellow tobacco. That homely Western term, "the Makings,'! has become the moot famous smoke-phrase in the world. Today militant of men of till classes and occupations but of the same clean-cut, manly type find the same supreme satisfaction in the fresh, hand-made cigarettes they roll from GENUINE Bull" Durham SMOKING TOBACCO (Enough for forty hand-made cigarette in each Sc tach) A,k for FREE tookof"popT" leith tach 5e tach iVi r E StiOHU wf- M The fresh fragrance and mellow flavor of "Hull" Durham hand-made $$&? cigarettes always satisfy a smoker illliJiu nun iiiii'n.iv., ni..iikiiiii iii- joYtnent. Get a sack of "Hull" today sold wherever good tobacco is sold and you can always get it frtsh. I7DI7I7 An lllmtratcil Hooklct, showing cor riYILE rcct way, ,0 .'Kol your Own" Ciga- rcttc, and a Hook of cigarette papers, will both be mailed to you, Jrtt, on pottal toiucit. Addrcu "Hull" Durham, Durham, N. C. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY $fe! IIIIIIIIIH lllllllllllllllllllllllli MgMgMgMsg Next Wednesday will be "Red Letter Day" Ten Stamps to All Visitors to Premium Parlors T ? ? T t t ? t T T r ? ? ? ? ? f t t t t t y y f y y y y y y y y y y y y y y A redford Agents for K. & G. Corsets, unsing Underwear Richardson Silks M. M. Department Store RELIABLE METHODS RELIABLE MERCHANDISE 230 East Main Street Mcdford Agonls for Mrt'nll I'attcnw, Onvx 1 1 osier v 25;; Discount on All Ladies' Suits this Week. All Suits Included in this Reduction $28.00 Suits $21.00 $21.00 Suits $18.00 $20.00 Suits $15.00 $1(5.00 Suits $12.00 $11.00 Suils $10.50 $12.00 Suits $0.00 NEW SPRING COATS Special nt $8.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $25.00 and $30.00 TUB SILKS, 39c These arq usually sold elsewhere at 59c, all shades and stripes, our prico 39 WOOL CREPES "Wo have just received a new line of Woolen Crepes for dresses, new blue ,tango, mahogany, brown $1.19 LINEN RATINE 40-inch Linen, Ratine, gold, rose, blue, lavender, pink, speeiallv priced at 89 MUNSING UNION SUITS Low neck, no sleeves, tight knee, lisle thread 50 GUN METAL BABY DOLL SLIPPERS Full run of sizes, just received $2i75 10"S.&H. 10 Green Trading Stamps m Free To every ciintonicr who brlnus UiIh coupon to our utoro, Wednesday, April '1'i. and innhi's n piirclinno of Ouu Dollar or more wo will lvc 10 oxtra atumps. ThU cotipoii will not do rcdoonicd by drivem, Iiut mu t bo prexentud at tho utoro when purcluiHU Ix niado. Not aiilud on callro or hIicvIIiikh, WM T&Jm KENFE 9fff liV.nvr .. miKKyiin rm sduM)fLj ILli k I "V MV BEVONS 32INQyES LADIES' PETTICOAT SALE We just reeeived a full shipment of Petticoats, all shades and $1.U up sizes WASHABLE KID GLOVES Wo havo the only Washable Kid Glove on the market; guaran teed; let us show you $1.75 April 29, Wednesday, Red Letter Day-10 S. & H. Green Trading Stamps FreeNo purchase required. See Free Coupon. k. X UBPftOOFSUN PROOF Our I'liffK 20 yard CUMFY CUT VESTS Pull assortment of sizes in CiiiiiIV Cut Vests, specially priced at, eaeh ! 12 MEN'S SUIT SALE, $7.98 We are closing out entire slock of Men's Clothing and offer Suits $15.00 to $:.()0 at this price. Hart, Shafner it Marx Suits only. MEN'S SHOES, $2.25 These are just the thing for orchard work, light soles, oxtra wide, speeial at $2.25 and $2.50 CARHART OVERALLS, $1.10 We carry this line exclusively for Mcdford, none better. MEN'S STRAW HATSV 25c Suitable for every-day use, sun shades ........ . 25 CHILDREN'S KOVERALLS Wo have just received a largo shipment of Kove rails, latest and best clothes for children, suit ! 75 BOYS' BLOUSE WAISTS Wo carry Mother's I'Yiend Mloiise Waists lor boys, specially priced at 50 BOYS' HOSE Rock-Proof 1 1 oho for boys, extra value 12'i BOYS' HEAVY SHOES, 98c Wo have a large number on (Ik bargain fable to close at 08 BOYS' SCHOOL HATS Hummer Hals for (ho bo.ss, special f ? ? t f ? V ? t t y y T ? ! "" f f I y ? t t y t t y t y ? y y y y y y t 25tf J "l VLmttVrmmfnuafrsf' &i1fiVte40hjtrlSt it Xi