M 0 i A N Nk WEDFOttD MATT, TRTBUNTC, MEDFORD, OKKCIQN, MONDAY, APRIT 27, 1011. pxgis TrmEi5 1914 POPULATION: OF UNITED STATES OV 109.000.000 AHIIIN(ITON, I) ('. April 27. Tim United Slaton Ih now 11 tuiinlrx of lnu,OOi),OUi) people, uecordlnK to Urn liiillutlii cniitnluluu. tin) oittliuntoi of niulntloo (ur tliw )onrn milnm iiiml ( tlui tlilrloimtli iciihuh, miuii to Imi pulilliiliitil hv Mux tor Wllllnm J, llurrln i( tliu tiuioiiu or tliu numm, department of eoiiimorto. It xvu prepared umltir I lit mii pi't IhIoii of C. H, Hloituti, KMKruili'r. An Mated, thtt t'llliimtud iiopuln tliiu of tint I'nltml llur.im for .Inly t, nut. win iio niy.ii:M,i';:. The population of Hut Hulled State nml It h iionmiKiilotiH lii I : 10 unit 1 01,7 IS, 2UU; mi tliirti will Inxxn ltou it it en- llinntoil kiiIii of over 7.000,000 per mum In u llttltt morn thnu four )ear. Tim cnrre"udliiK citlintittnl po Intlou of Contliinlitnl United Htntot. for July I, It'll, U U.S,7hl,3!M, im t'tiinpnri'il ultli tliu population of 11, !i7!,3i!tl, nit returned Ity tmiiinoriilurit, April 15, 1910. Thl bulletin nUo prt'M-ntH (lit) iwitlinnleit of population In l'Jin, ii , lutj, mm a ml HI, for tin ittntt'ti nml territories nml for eltlon which linit SOUU or moiu In lintiltnutH In 010. l'ttlnmtK of popiilatlun aro re- tpilred prliiiarlly for timi In tin- ioiihui litinnu In talcitlntliiK dentil rati) ami pur capita nYornKo for eitr other tliixu tllo I't'llttuti )t'iir. The no willed arithmetical method ailiiptcil for rompuiliiK theno eitl mute, It Is tliu tiliiiploKt nml It tin boon hIiohii hy experience, to coum nearer In itrcurnc) In tlin umjorltv of cane than nny other fonuuln. It rixta tin tliu amtuiiiptlou that tliu In tirvni In population ouch yiur uliuu thi rnuuii'mtloii U i'iunl to tliu an nual Intiron.o from I'.'OO to 1910, Tho bulletin pri'MiiitH In tin tcvornl Initio population data for (hi) Uultinl St.ttt'N nml liu nutlylmt pomimnliiin In IHtO nml I'.'OO, lth ttttlmntoa of tint population July Ut. 1 y 1 1. 1 J 1 3 , 1 1 2 . 1911 nml 1910. Simitar dnlix In nUo proiioutod for Hid different NlntKN In tlin I'ulou. Thorn I nlu proaunlod it Mntoiucnt of tlio xxliltt nml colored population on April If., 1910, toKi'tlntr with I'itlmatPN of Hut wliltn nml colored M)iulntloti of July Ut for fnrh of tliu enr 1911, 19tn, 1912, lUlt nml 1910. Tliff.) oHmnlf, however, hnvn been eon- flni-d to tho Ntntt'i IiiixIiik n roiulil I'rnlilo iroportlon of colored iniuln thin, no I'ntlinato helm: pretonted fo nny ntnt Hint illil not Imxo Ml. nun or morn rolort'il luhalillantit on April 1.'., 1910, or leant tu pur cent of It population rolurml. Tim iHttluintoN of population for July I. 1911, nml tlin population April lA, 1910, for eoant unite U n fellnxx: Ori'ttou, estimated 1911, 783.139. ooimii 1910, 572.7tir; California, en tlmnli'il 1911, 2,7r7,S9&, romius 1910, 2,r..T7,H7; W'anhliiKtnn, eatlmntcil 1911. l.lu7,M;r., ntiidilN 1910, 1. 111.990; Iitnhn, ioj Hum toil 19M, .T!ir..l07. coiimm 1910, .120,(191; Moll tnnn, fktlinntiil 1911, J.T.'.tlll, tell nun 1910, a"i'..t. H. Nevada, eMl mntt'il 1911, 9K,72n, eoniuu 1910, .M.S7.V, Arlronu, ittluuitt'it 1911, 239, 05.1, riUlHlln 1910, 201,:!.', I. NEWS FROM COUNTRY CORRESPONDENTS FORESTER FAVORS .-. - - . MIUII I.MWK 1 EXCURSION RATES 10 CRAIER LAKE At it int'i'liii); of Hid N'oi III Purlin' ClIIIHt l'llNMI'IIUDI' UhMII'llltlOll lll'ltl ut Ytiiii'oiiu'r. Witt.li., Atnil 121, nil of tliu inn Hi t'onst liut'K iiyifi'il to puli-llr-.lt Minimis t't'iiiioii fitrt'rt t'loin pointrt iii lii'itihh Coliunliiii, ltlitlio, WiiNliiiitnii nml Oi'i'koii to ( 'in I or l.nkt', Hit- In io to he iiiiiilo nno nml oiit'.lliliil Hid it'uuliir ono-wny t'nit' up to l'liitliinil, plus Kotitlii'm Pit t'ifiti hpi'i'inl Mtiuinot' ruli. Thlrt i'iiiiIiIok tourihts from pnio lit'iilly nil poliittt to vixit tlio IttKo ut ti'iliit't'il in tui, Tlii'M) ritloK mo iiImi oxlt'iinivt'ly iitlvorlixfil nml nil Into Soiitlioi'ii I'luiUii) tiuiti tnliloH nml limps show Hid locution of ('niter l.iiliti in Iiiiko typo. Tliin in oimuoo. lion nilli Hid pulilicily uiven Hid hciinlioH of lliu ImKo in Hid vurioiis IiooKIcIk iiihI ImllclliiH UhuoiI hy Hid Soutlii'in I'licifit) nml I'oiiiit't'liiiK linos hlioulil liriin; ninny into Hid val ley to hco Hid IiiI.u mill miiTtuiiiiliuK t'liiiiiliy, .NdTICi:, Not Iid Ih horohy kIvoii Hint tlio tin tlDttilKiiiiil will apply to tho city coun cil or Hit) illy of Mnilforil, OroKon, lit Km utixt ri'nular mcolluK. M' Mil, IUII, for it lld'umt to mill mult, vln. ohm mill NplrltoiiH IIiiioin ut iliulr phmi of himlnoKK, on North I'lr Htrttol, Mmlfonl, Orotsuu. for u iniilml of U inoutlii. Put. Hi April 211. It'll HOOCH IllVlill VAMiKV I'SIVUH- HITV ('I.I'M I ALONG ROGUE RIVER MtHH Mhi lluiinuli U in Mi'ilforil willi her hIhIim', Mim, Tim Dully. Mr. nml AIi-h. Mil IViiod wonl to Ct'iiltul I'olul Hiiluuliiy. MihM IlllHO N'l'lllotl fill-Ill llt'l' xocii inoiillm' li'iiu of xi'hiMil wild n hplt'iiilhl pioKimn Hnliinlny pvmi liiK. MlfH Ni'itloii nml lior hoIiooI wtul to )mliy I'tiiluy mul joiut'tl lliiiu in n plenle. Thov liiul it oxplii'iiuii initti'li, foot iiii'oh, Hiii'h iiioch nml ollior iiiiiuciiii iiIh, Imi wluil wim on joyoil Hid iiiuM of nil uiih Hid houu tlful pli'iilo illunor. Mr. IVtofon wiim pioMciit nml d llinn u iilcf lulk. Mix Ml'llo t'offl'I'll lollltllOll llllllll fioiu Mt'ilfuiil Siimliiv, llurrv lloiMinl mmlit u IIviik (tip to Moilfoiil HiIh wool.', .lolui l''o-ir wiin oM-r from l'."lc Point Hid fiixl ol Hit' wool; iHtiii(! roliitlvoH, Tiiot.iluy llioro ttitH it hi'liuiil riill ut Trnil. All of iii'it;liliiiiiuf; liolioolx wi'if ti'pri'iinti'il mul oxrry oiid on- jllU'll tlll'lMl'lIM, AllUHIU' lllOHD in Itutilo I'o'nt llii wt'ok woro !M 1'iinlt'f nml (lono llfl Iouh nml fmnilioh. Clutrloy t'.ifftoii nml sinter, Minn Mot Id, Hjifiit Tlitiixiln.v Dtt'iifiiK with Mr. nml Mr. llnrrv llownnl. Tlioy pout Hit' t'toiiiui; lu MiiHinnl inlor tuimuout. Tlio ioliu tln:y iihcil Ih mi imitrtiint'iit iiimlo in Hit' Mnouioonth t'tiitury mul luu bot'ii in tin' llowunl fitimly for M'wrul Kciicnitioni. John t'o flit n in ihititi); luuuo folkN. Mr, Miil'iilni nml Mot. .Ii'tlio Clui iio nit' on Hid xiok IM tins wtol.'. (.'. II. Voiuliloh wits tlowu from AkIiImikI to hU rnui'li HiU week. Mr. KiroliKotMirr niiiiit' proft"ion nl oiilU at llulto 1'nlls nml on Apilo KittD Hum week. .Mixh May Krvnoli oiuinht it nice trout it foot nml it hull' Ioiik in Hit' llt'Kiii) livor ii ffw ilityn nii. srviTitl ntli'tiiltil Hid IiiiII initio iit'nr llrii(;li Sttmlny. Ilomiii' MoIIown jjuvi- ii party Kut unlaw it lioiiit; his filth ItirHuliiy. After ii inorry tinio playing nuino., n liti'O luili'liootl wiik Herveil. iio-i) proncut won'! Meitha nml John Clnrno, I'mnk IMtlcrfw, Corn I'rt'ui'li, lllliliolh mul Miilul Foxier nml Kilwunl mul lloiinie Mellow . .Mi'otlmuoH rteiieh, C'litino ami roxtor nml Mix Ktlul Kwon ttllo.l on .Mr. Kiici'iio Hollow Sitturiltiy. Mr. I'ritv mul fmnlly of Moilfonl milot'il out to take ilimtor with his Mxli'i, Mrx. Witlliii'D t'oflVfii, Suii tlay. Their niotlior, Mm. I'lioo, rv lunie.l homo witli him. John Houston nml wife ami (Irmiilpii Houston wore llonle if.it ors .Siimlny. (irnmlpn llou-ton io imtiuoil with his ilmiKhti'r, Mrs. .In-, pel' ItiiKITH, to Ws t. A liny st runner of ton nml oiid hull' poiimls mmlf Ins iiitimiI ut Hid homo of Mr. nml Mrs. Itmlfonl Mon thly. Dr. Holt wits in nttemlnuco. CENTRAL POINT POINTERS I .Mrs, II. T. 1'iiukoy hits letuineil from n soornl wooks' i-it with rol utivi's nml friouils ut I'oitluml. Mrs. Shmlilook is (it llnguo Itisor this mouth with her ilmi;uter, Mrs. Whipple. Miss Josxio Kmitzt'ii of Appleuult' is hero visiting relatives mul friomls, Mrn. Kylo hits rottitnoil from n soxoml wcoks' isit with relatives nml fi idols nt l.elmuou. (lood IfouiN tiny wns iluly nlisorv etl hori' liy Muyor ". A. t'owley, ns sIhIdiI hy Hut oitieiiM of the town ami outsiilt' of tliu town, mul .Street ConiniUsioner F. J. Tuylor. Too much praise eannot he Kicn these men, its eaoh nml every one xroiketl hurt) from uioruiiit; till oveiiinj;, ami inuelt was aeeoiuplisheil, Mrs. Whituoy of Ashlnml was here Hit) first of the week ealliii); on her frii'iuR Mrs, .limes, niolhof of T, M. .Ioiioh, left for New .Mexico Sunday morning to make hut home with her tlumthtcr tlieio. Quite a niunlier of out' people nt teiuleil (he I. O. O. F. picnic at Ash laud Sunday. The husehall cubit of Phoenix play ed it k'ioid with tliu nulls here Sun. day. Mrs, Day ami her dauj:hler, of (Ininls Push visited her mother and oilier relatives hern the first of the w ock. Mrs. Oreoii nml fuiuily spent Sun day witli friomls ut Tuhlo Hock. Oeni'),'!) Faruuni, who Iiiih liceu spoudiiiK " nuinher of weeks here, Iiiih left for Califoiuiit to set) his hrolhcr, T, M, Joiicm and fuuiily left for Hullo City, ('nl., tho Ih-rtt of Hid week whi'ii) hey will reside. Many of our ciliciis spent Sunday in M'edl'oiil, Mix, Mooru mul fmuily luuo mme In llills, whore I hoy will spend llto tiiinnier wllh Mr. Mimic Look I l,ook Hiiioku (Jovernor Johiiion rlimn I'.i-y'iu i noli. In M pil for I you'll llkn llit'iil CAGLE POINT EAGLETS I I Hv A. C Howled , . 4 On Huturilay tlin 18th Ituv, .M. V lliivln. cnuin up to tho Hiitiuy Hlilu to pay inn a vlnlt ami cnmiKo my com pany to i:o with h I in tliu utixt day to Antloch rehool hoimu wlitiru ho hail roorKaulr.oil a Humlny ncIiooI nml had mi appointment to preach nt 1 1 a, m no MnrlliiK out with our team an.) rltf wo went tllri'ttty to tlio M'hoot Iioum) whet I- wo foiiml tho Humln) kt'liool lu onIoii ami while I wiu rhlliiK iiIoiik I nntlcoil that Hid rond nml fsporlnlly nt tho Moiloc orchard they hail lioen iiuiklni; noimt ileililcul liiiprovnineiitN mul odd lhln that I uollceil Wiih that I hey aro plIllllIK up tt Inrc.e hitrii lu uililltloii to tho one they nltcmly linve. I nUo notlietl Hint tho roail NUpirvlnor him tieou do lux Nome wry Ntilixtanllal work on tho ronil. After tircBchliiK nml pur tnldiiK of n fine dinner with our friend, Mrs. Cliake, ami cl von, wo turntiil our courto for Attain wliero I preacheil to nn attentive of not InrKO nutllt'iirt. Aitnlii retrncliiK our Hteps wo wont to Tnlile Ituck and llrother DiivIh prearheil ur-ii nml ader NpomlliiK the nlKht with our old friend Captain H. M. Nenl, w turnoil our rourtii ii) th river for Klk cn-ok, it'OchltiK thero lu liint) for n latf illunor with another old rrmml. (loo. I.)nch nml nliout Hid firm thing we iiotlceil won n neat tucket fence nroiuul lilit plure, Li-m11ih toino inn terlnl rhniiKo In hi" renliletice. 1 nlM noticed thnl Mr. McDonnM has eroded thrct) liotinrit on the farm vi boiiKht from tliu Joliimon brothtm, hen I lien mukliiK noiiid other ti;iUntan tlnl Improvements. I nlno noticed that (leorRo Wlcku hnN htvit frncltii: nml clearlm; more laud and other liiiprou'iinjiit. Whllo I wn on my rouudN, Moiiilay nmt Tueilny I trlud to do Noniethlni; for tr.u Medford Mull Tribune, but about tliu flnt IhliiK Hint 1 would hear wnii "I tell you .Mr. Ilowlett It took ox cry cent 1 could rnlD to jiay my tnxe and' In o mi) Initniirv had to borrow tho mouoy." nml noun of lliein would re late how thulr tnxo were lucrenneJ over Iwtl jeftr'a from 25 to n hlK" mi 100 er cent, mul Hit) quetloii of luxation Neeiiieil to the pnrainount tliotiRlit, or rnthor how wo aro to meet our tnxen. .Ml m Alum Ooultt who lirnt been louchltiK on Poor Moiu crtok, caino out on the I'. U i: and after taklnu' illiiner with u went on up to Lake creek with Charley Klnglo to pay them n vlt. Shu taught In that illx trlct lirnt er nml haw n hot of frlemU lu that uelKhborhood. Mm. Clement of Cetitrnl Point caiuo out Wednemlay to visit Mimti of her old time frlendn lien, alio for innlly llxeil lu our town. J S. Venial, who lin a farm on the Derby rond. wan doliit; builuei amotiR im Thurfdny. Prof. C II. Joliiuon went to Med ford to here Hani .Small speak on ttnto nml national wlilo prohibition. Tho l.adle' Aid voclety U liaxliiK a nlco larco croquet r.rounit lnld off In tho town park. Hert HlRlnhotham of Prospect was n Kiicxt with iih Thursday nlKht. A. Corbln Ih hnxliiK hoiiid Hiibmnn Hnl linprovementH mailo on IiIh plnro nml nniotiR other HiIiikh Is haxiiiR n lot of wlro fenco put up. N. (Inn en who formally worked on tho Corbln place, Ih now nuperlntond out on the l.alillow orclinnl and hIiicu ho ban moved Iibh concluded to sub Hcrlbo for tho Dally Mall Tribune. K. C. Kllllmnn. ropresentliiK tho Medford Candy MsinufncltirluK Co., and N. O. McConnell, repreiiontlnK tho Crosctmt Mftr. Co., of Soattlo, Wavli., were doliiR InulneHs iuuohr in Wcdnendny, and took dinner with m. Italph Slnnloy of Urownsboro wan hero for dinner Tliurndny. Thorn HoeiiiH to bo doiiulderublo re JoIcIiik nmoiiK tho ninny frlomU of ThoimiH 13. N'IcIioIh on nccouut of hU rei'tdvliiR tho nomination for Mnlo lenator. With Medford undo Ih Medford nindo TT Theatre F ROM 0 BR aide appropriation may l rt'ccixtd from Hid tlepiirtmi'iit of agriculture, Mtir us sliuifc in the construction of .lie rmfil from Tiller to Trnil. Tint would maku u disliiuee at least forty unlet loss limn llio inwnt I route onlniaiily tnixiIril. ' Piof. .1. II, lloriifr to Lecture Here, rtiltum! CoIIckc, wilt ledum In tho PnRt Theater on Haturdny evonltig, Mu Ifith, on "Tho Horn! From .Jorti Hnloin Down to Jnhrlco," HlustrntlnK It with vJcwr tUKcn t,y him In 1011, a ho went ovor tlio Rrountl with a llllile In one hand nml a camera In tho other. This tectum hn nl- r Prof J II Horner, who occuplcH' traded a Rrrat deal of attention and been delivered and -will probably fill tho hoiifio to cnp.Mlty, Adnilnsloil will bo frco nml ft collection tnlion up to moot tho iir!osnnry exponHcs. Thcro li no charit for Prof, Horn or' iiervlccn, but, all cxpeiuon imi.U bo met. VBNICB," Car.Aprtl 27.- I.otitor FnblliiR, II, won struck ami killed (Hosthur.: S'ew ) It was I en nied lodax that Super' xisor Seilz, xvlio Iims lifeii llispeetle' llie inipioviuiciitw on all foiel- m western Oregon, hns been j.'U-ii at tuition to the possible routes lor Wilson ioiiiN from Hosebut); sou h. Mr. Seitr, in speakinc of the possi bilities, slated Hint nil HiioK heitiK etpial, Hie proposed Irttns-slnle h nh xvii v from HoselinrK xta Myitle ereek, Tiller, Tiail to Craler Lake olfeis uiaiiv nihnn:ayes. At the tune the Kovoriimcnt is apptopriul li; 10 per eent of all liiotie.Xs leeeix ed ill reveniii) for th" eonstrueiitm or imtiroxcuiciit of road in or ndjiieeut to Hid nationnl foie-l- in ailditimi in!t 'J.'t per eent of MH'h reeeipts xvhieh are appropriated to xelioids and loads. After u careful ixnliiilintii'ii the routes nviiildlilr the tlwtlr of hUtory In tbo Htnto AKrl-l favorable comment wherover It bal by nn automobile. "MKK f ? .? it y ? ? present , t 5. ot . 1 from HosehurK. . t Mr, SeiU is coiivineed that the route i to Modfortl, vin Tiller, offers the hcnt ossil)iliticH lor a ninth nml south hiftlnvny from Hno'liunr to Medford. If suitable t'li-oiiemlioii I t can be ubtalned Iroin the eouu y enuit it is believed that a consider- IIPTTI.'lt HAIIICS V Tho rriisadtt for better ballon linn . upreail from coant to coast, nml taken firm hold of Amerlcnn mother Few women renllio bow much the HI henltb of the mother Influomeit the unborn child, both phxxlcnlly and mentally. Women who Hiiffer from uiMcrloui palm, barknche, nerxou- n mental deirelou, headaches etc, ahould rely on l.xdln K. Pluk- hatn'ii VvRctnblo Compound, made i from roots mid herbs, which for! nearly forty enr Iibh been the Ntnmlnrd remedy for these allmentH Dry Cleaning and Dying Jh a sciciK.'t' and takes years ol' experience, to learn. We are old pioneers in the business, and with our modern faeilities wo give you thorough find scientific work manship. Just Received Direct from England Full Line of Read Holliday & Sons L.T. D. Imported Dyes "Vc are now able to do all kinds of fancy dyeing, have installed proper dye vats, etc., to handle all fab rics. AVe have the equipment and the know how it is no experiment with us. f Mr Let Us Do Your Work Uptown office 132 West Main Phone 244 Plant 1st and N. Grape, no phone ::;:x T I ? ? f t v t ? t Y ? ? ? ? T ? t V t f ? ? ? ? T T f DArr Till? A TFD 0ne Niht 0nly I iVjH 1 Il 1 HfXVWednesdayApril29 1. !:. GOKUOX, Mgr. PHONE 418 ".MiiIuhI Mux les" Mntlnoo anil llvon lur Moiiilay anil Tuestliiy's I'niKtani i 'OUIt MUlTAIi (lllll." NO. I An Atlveiiturosa SouIiik Noxv York StyleH, (Ivo two Itvoi SerlcH Tin: .mcsicia.vs win: Itullunco Tin: iioi.o vi' I'rlncenH i.rrri.i: iui,i,vs env corsiN Ko)fouo Coinody (liind iniulc. rleiiii, minllnry, well Xiiiilllutod. clear Hlcudy ie(ure. Nu (tnlii) vaudeville t t t T f ? t t f y T t y t t y y f ? ? t t y y t t y y t t y y t y t t ? ? y t t THIS THEATER PJ?KSKXTS THE SENSATION OF THE MOTION PICTURE WORLD TRAFFIC IN SOULS 6- REELS 6 600 PEOPLE 600 700-SCENES 700 Admission Any Seat, Adults 25c, Children 10c un DIRECT FROM BELASCO THEATER NEW YORK Doors Open 7:15 iHBHSiiiiiliBHHFft HARRY LAUDER (Himself) THURSDAY, APRIL 30 MATINEE AND NIGHT First Time Ever Presented Harry Lauder The World's Greatest Entertainer, iu the Kittsec Invention of SINGLNG AND TALKING PICTURES Direction Wm. Morris SPEC LVL MATINEE Under Auspices of Medf ordPublic Schools Denefit Playground Fund Tickets for this matinee will he on sale exclusively hy the school children, from whom thov can he procured. ADMISSION 25c, EITHER PERFORMANCE HARRY LAUDER (Himself) , Proclaimed by tho San Francisco Press, 'A Revelation' Snn Francisco Chronicle, March 29 "Harry Lauder Singing and Talking Pictures a real delight." San Franicsco Call, March 21 Lauder Talking Films a success scored an immense hit. San Fram isco Rulletin, March 21 So faithful were the reproductions both as regards voice and action that tho audience joined in every chorus, just as it did when Lauder was horo himself. t t ? ? ? T t t t y t t y f y t t y t t X X X y t t t y y t y y ? ? f t t ? Y Sun I'Yanciseo Climiiirlc It was Harry's vera self, putting thorn over iu tlio accustomed Lauder stylo. y y Coming Soon damans Stock Company ' 4K;.;