Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 27, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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lauDiwiit) iAtAiii '.rmmiNM. mmiwoui). oni'.u)Nr. Monday, aim.ij
T TtTT" """ """ f '
v Huil Anderson, former pride of
Mcdfon!, 1r being lined up by Van
comer fan for a bout the middle of
net month with n soldier boy who
claims the welterweight champion
hip of Fort Vancouver.
Parmer of tho valley are bun
putting In their grain ntid gardens.
and the orchard)), smudging and
spraying.' A number or orchard
handi who wero sini'mllng Sunday In
the city, wore nit en hurrx up order
to report for work Sunday night.
E. D. Weston, commercial photos
raphor, negatives made any time or
place by appointment. Phono M
Amos Walker, republican candl
dntq for sheriff, has relumed from n
scouting trip for votes In the neigh
borhood of Phoenix.
Screen doors at Med ford Lumber
Kay Johnson of Oregon City Is at
tending to business matters tn thla
city this week.
Typewriters. All makes new and
rebuilt. Sold, rented and repaired.
Typewriter Exchange, 9 North Fir
street. 52
D, II. Lang of Grants Pass is In
the city today attending to business
Plato Ice. Morning deliveries.
Mcdford Ico & Storage Co. Phone
Edison Marshall, tho well known
journalist, who Is attending the U. of
O. school of Journalism at Eugene.
has written local friends that he Is
seriously considering going to
Mexico as a war correspondent.
Fresh lime. Medtord Lbr. Co.
Victor Thomas of Hilt, Cat., a pio
neer merchant of that section, well
known In the Rogue r'cr valley Is
attending to business matters and vis
Itlng friends In this city this week
Tbo standard bred stallion. King
Seal, No. 6113$, record 2:111, over
bait mile track made last September
at ancouver, B. C, will make a short
season before racing this jcar. Fee
$25.00 to insure. T. L. Taylor, own
er. (3
Medford's contribution to north
west baseball did qultp well Saturday
Pitcher Uatttste burred a four hit
game, and Don Rader of the Helen,
team peeled oft a three-bagger when
t counted the most.
Gentlemen are positively guaran
teed to cure dandruff and other scalp
troubles. Parisian Hair Dressing
Parlors. 429 M. F. & H. DIdg. 35
Dick Donald, former manager of
Dud Anderson will slgnallzo his re
turn to the pugilistic world tomor
row when Walter Williams, his latest
protcgo will box in one of tho pre
liminaries to the Cross-Welch fight
at Vernon.
Milk and cream at DeVoe's.
Tho targets for the rifle range for
the Seventh company on the land
donated by Dr. Kecno havo been
completed, and 25 men were out
Sunday afternoon practicing shoot
Save money. Use Plato Ice. Med
ford Ico & Storage Co. Phone 2C4. '
A couplo of unexpected showers
Sunday afternoon wero typical of
April, but tho night was clear and
cool and cloudless.
See Turay for flro insurance.
As a barometer of Interest In the
Mexican situation locally, every
paper local and outside were bought
up Sunday by citizens eager for the
latest from the front.
Don't bo deceived. Use Plato Ico,
Mcdford Ice & Storage Co. Phone
The Elks' quartette with Roger
Dennett at Its head will Journey to
Ashland next Saturday night toren-
dpr a few bclectlons before thai lodge
Postcards 7Cc per dozeri this week
at Up To Date Studio, 232 East Man.
A number of Mcdford fishermen
hit the trail for the river and creek
Sunday, and a number of good
catches wero reported. The Kama
wnrdons aro preparing to toko nctlon
against all who do not carry a fish
ing llcenso, irrespective of age.
J. O. Gerking, the best alt around
photographer In southern Oregon.,
Alays reliable. Negatives made any
where, tlmo or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phone 320-J.
Mrs. Tobc Ilrous or Gold Hill is
visiting friends and relatives In title
city this week.
Hay La Mar says go to Orrcs &
La'Mar, 206 W. Main, for cleaning,
prosslng and alterations. Phone ESS
IE. 46
Automoblllsts who havo been
rather modest In their speeding tho
last ten das aro returning to their
old habits, and citizens of tho resi
dent districts have filed complaint or
speeding, particularly uftor sundown.
aniiiii "" .,,,,' "'f
Weeks t McGowan Co.
ld 'AjMtMMjt
! hee mi
Mlckl 9. W. Wrffcu fAWi-
liMt A, K. Orr l'7-M
i i i i i i i i , i in
Sprnguo Uclgcl of Gold Hill spent
Sunday In the city.
Golfers of Mcdford and Eugene
will hold their first tourney In the
latter city Ma 2th, and nrinnge
mcuts nro under way to have special
Pullmans leae from this clt.v.
Special for Sunday, Nepolltan
brick clvet Ico crenm. Phono 4S1
R. '
Al Pnnkej' of Central Point spent
Sunday In Mcdford tolling with
J. 11. Rice of Grants Pns IMtcd
Sunday with friends and rent:ve In
thla city.
Kodak finishing, gloss--or dull fin
ish at J. O. Gerklng's studio, 238 E
Main St. Phono 320-.
peter Dean of the Steamboat dls
trict came to town Saturday for a
toad of supplier for hi mining pro
perty which ho will work extensively
this summer.
Wilbur Jones of Roj l-ane was In
the city Saturday afternoon for a few
Plate Ice, guaranteed clear, hard,
pure. Medford Ico & Storage Co.
Phone 264.
It. K. Lour of Eugene who hru
been vlsltlnk relatives on Griffin
creek returned to Ills home Sundnr
Miss Grace Needham visited friend
In Grants Pass Sunday.
Say clear, puro Plate Ico. Mcd
ford Ico & Sto'rage Co. Phono 2C.
Tho first strawberry shortcake of
the season made It appearance in
the restaurants of the city .Sunday.
F. L. Eddlngs of Gold Hill was a
business visitor In tho city Saturday
and Sunday.
Manila, chocolato and White's spe
cial Ice cronm for Sunday. Phone
John narnoburjr and wlfa fisljed
with friends and relatives in Gold
Hill last week.
H. C. Kentner attended to business
matters in Grants Pass Friday and
Carkln & Taylor, lawyers. (John
II. Carkln. Glenn O. Taylor). Hss-
klns-Doydcn Dldg., Main street.
A. U. Stearns of Klamath Falls was
a- visitor In tho city over Sunday.
J. D. Coin of Ashland spent Sun
day In Medford visiting friends and
Mrs. C. E. Davis or Dunsmulr,
Cal.. Is spending a few days in tho
city attending to business matters.
S. Raistrick or Salem Is a business
visitor In the city today.
L. K. Shepcrd of Ashland Is in the
city todny attending to business
Frank Trovolt of Gold Hill was a
business visitor in the city Saturday.
Contractor J. W. Sweeney of tho
Pacific highway over tho Slsklyous.
spent Sunday in Mcdford attending
to business matters and visiting
K. C. Engle and wiro of Klamath
T'nlls aro spending a few cays In the
city on business.
J. F. IJaker of Talent was a busi
ness visitor In the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ulrlch ol
Jacksonville visited friends In this
city Sunday.
Roy Porter of Klamath Falls I
attending to business In this city this
W. F. Wilson or Glendale is in tho
'city this week on business.
S. II. Edwards of Portland, a min
ing engineer has been spending the
last ten days In the valloy making
an investigation of properties in this
Chief Hlttson and Sergeant Pat
Mego or the poll e. both fluent mani
pulators of the Mexican languago are
fretting to go to the front, figuring
If they can't outshoot tho enemy,
they could out talk 'em. Chief
Hlttbon Is a member of tho Mcdford
"Rifle and Gun club, 25 of whoso
members, havo asked Captain Deano
of the militlu to secure a placo for
them as sharpshooters.
Jack Merrill of Gold Hill was a
buslucss visitor In the city this morn.
Jean Hoke of Central Point was u
visitor In Medford Sunday.
Attorney Gus Newbury attended
to local maters in Jacksonville this
A patriot by the name of King was
rounded up Saturday night by the
police, after ho had attempted to
start an anti-Mexican riot along
Front street. Ho was full of pa
triotism and other fluids, and was
allowed to go Sunday, upou tho pro
viso that ho use his surplus exuber
ance breaking rocks on the 8lsUou
division of the Pacific highway
Tho gang of Idlers who have been
'camped near tho stockyards for tho
'last three weeks banked their fires
and moved Saturdnj. Some went to
work, and some are camped on Hear
creek where tho f:hlns Is bettor,
and plenty f "hatio trees. Hear
creek banks are also sheltering a
couplo or squads or wandering gyps
ies, who spent tho winter In Califor
nia, and possess a motley array of
babies, dpgs and hpisps.
Ad-.urtti.InK r No. 2 of the SplU
Kioto cirrus which appears In till
city May th, arrived Sunday uftor-
noon, and a force of men ar wain
bating advertising throughout
country districts,
Dr- J F. Jleildy Iioh r turned
Grants 1'um uftor u short visit
thin ilty.
HaBI SBkli v r ? etsh-T nbslsn if VTfc vflin .HK.a i rLV
JSSSSSSSL ,SSSSSSHiV lVHsllHSSSk. ll itfi 4Hk- bL a A, m I L iVt L ' - -, -ff MKIHLll flsLV
tfBrT-W " BgBE-lfiwBWfc' wylsMisAs .wM-ilMBsBMrj- w ffr jHByDnllH
J, S. Howard, thu father of Med
fort! came out Hotfooted for war in
Mexico this noon, declarliiK that
would bo bolter for the I. S. sotd
Icrs to die from hplleU than malart.t.i
While waiting for the fever to get1
them Mr. Howard figured tliej,
should be fighting: greasers.
Eugcue W. Clmflp, who has bee'J
seeking the presidency on the pro
hibition ticket for a number or jears.
Is Kcheduled to give a lecture on
temperance In thts city next month.
He Is now- In Portland.
Mote Uarkduli nuioed up tho Ap
plcgute Suudax on business.
On Saturday next, the ladies of S..
MarkU Guild will sorve a May Day
illnnnr In tho Guild hall from 5 to S
Saturday has been chosen In !
1, III. OUIurua; lias mvu ....ucv
iirpfprenrp to Frldni. wnich Is May.onv
Day. as tho ladles believe that thejlcr, wits n stoekimm n well in u
liuines men who remain down town I fnimei. Kni-eil m a mining- esunp,
that evening will patronUe i.ui .i
... ..,..',
uiiiuvi. .. -
and tho piece do resistance will be
chicken pie and nil tho good thing
that go with It. The ladles are work-
Ing earnestly for n church and tho
.,i....n Tti.k niiiiin-' win ill? uu luiiv
proceeds of this dinner win go 10
help swell the building runu. ine
patronage of all Is asked.
"lltl!" HnitKw of Hurn-, pronw-
ive edid-,to for the Unite! State,
1 . pit
eunte nml native mh of .inok-on
count v. i in the city todny in the in
terest of hi- candidacy, heinr e
cortcd about hy Attorney Frud W.
Menr, eimdidate for con-jroc-j from
this di-triet on the pro-jrea-ivo ticket.
He is uccoiiimiiieil hy Colonel Kin
mett Callahan, lormerlv of linker,
now of Portland.
Mr. llntiloy cnmii?n keynote i
"Provre ." and ile-ire- that n hun-
ilreij millions he sjicnt in tlie ilevnl-
iipmcnt of Oregon i mention and land
projecU wiihout vvnitiuK another
centurv or -o. Ile wnnt. to m'p Iho
nwakeuin while the jiro-cnt nis-
tercd voters nro nil iilivo.
Mr. IlanKy will go tomorrow to
CJraiits 1'a-s .mil return to attend the
tri-county hniDpiet of tho Commer
cial club nml lie one of iho -pcakir-
Odd Fellow k of s-outhmi Oregon
met fiiimlny at A-hlaml to cclchratu
the ninety-fifth anniver-nry of the
formntioii of the loilgc, it largo dele
gation going iioiu (hi- city, ilem
hern fiom Hold Hill, Jack-ouvilh-,
Griint" l'a , Huttc Fall-, Kuglo
Point nml ( Point ami point,
in Jonephnno mid Klamath counties
uttended. V. A. Carter, camliilalo
for governor, iidtlrecl the galhcr
ing. Speeches, a hampiet and gen
oral reunion ceremonies itiiul.cil the
day. A "jiscial train wax run Inun
tint city.
I.AIIKDO, Tex., April 27.--Tlm
Mexican feilural force which attack
oil the gnriioii .Siitiinhiv waw hcalun
off with five killed mid tjieu evacu
ated Xuevo l.anilo, ,Mex., iiler ut -
ting it on fire, wiim reioitcil tuday
to have nttcinpluil u coiiig Hiiuilay
al Milium, twenty iiiIIi.h noitli, wheiej Mr- Caller i conliihiiit of cany
il wiih kiiiil Hi" holder puliol hunt iuy ,Mullioimii cotilily u the plim-
lliein haeli with I'.u mole hilled and
iihout Iwciitv woulided. The I unor
vniit imioiililimil.
Colonel Hnhrrt A. Millei! .lenm
emtio oandiilato fur rjoorinr, win
l.a- hcoji oiu'iiiliiiR -evenil tliiy.
i- a .Inok-ii oounlv pioneer. Uc
wa-i lioiu in Lane county, Oregon,
on October '2'2, JS. I. That -nine .v ear
he went with hi- parents to .Inek
I m.i. villi', Or., when" ho wn- raised oil
-"n iifilitr l f l-
ile. Ill rather. .1. N. I. .viu-
ne ro, o .no run,:;' w u.e '
... ... ., l .;
in .iiii'K-iiii mill iiniuniii i ..i.iiiivr ,-.
niiuiv vonr- tind loitmeil the orude
t... on- of the frontier-mint at firt
hand, lie watched the development
f the elate in it- primitive eondi-
tsott nml tonkjvrt in Hint ueveiop
meat e .i. Le jmhho t.
nthnd tho Wiluinielio uuivor-ily at
.. . , i i.i :.
Suli-m. Or., where he graduated in
ithe eln of 187-1. lie f.peiit live
'month- in u -tirvev.iit; Mrtv in
I Klamath count', ju-t ynor to the Mo
i doc war, ami rode tjio range in that
'county for a number of jenr-. , .
Ho wn- oltv idilor of the Dail.v
ritnlMtnnfi nt ShIwii, Or., in tho yeiir
18S0. From there ho romovcil i
Portland, Or., uhere he -tmheil law,
M then ei.,.! in tho iW'-m
l)ininer.s. Dnnaj; Iho .urn IhJj.l-1
(; ll(,it(ir . .,,....,,. r 'n.
,"" tt vgekl lilKh-clnwi lit
tcr. lie rt'tiirnul lo Jack
crarv pniXT. lie rt'tiirnul lo Jack
Miuvillo, Or., mid in ltb'(! hh the
uoniiueo of la patty for -talc rcp
reientntivo m the Hinte legi-liiluri'
aiul wa- elected hy one of the larji-c-t
mujoritico of anyone niiiiiiag fin
tliik Hi.itiott in thut eoiiuty. In ISSh
he wdH reelectcilr mid was nomiunt
cd for emigre-; hv''accliimation in
1S"0 and was nH!mr!n)i'il as one of
Hi' pie-idcntiiil elec(or in J8!l'-'. In
IF!)!! I.e was appointcil reifi-ter of
tho Oregon Citv liiml office, nerving
four years. Id- ohtuineil his title or
"Colonel" h.v hiiug placoil on the
hlaff of (liivcrnor l'ciuiyer us u ic
waril for hi -en ice n making the
governor the uominoo of his party.
While engaged in inmiy campaigns
in .Inckhoii mid (,'htckamiirt counties
in miiny state mid, national cam
pmgiis, nml alihongh a militant nml
agureivo ntdiier fur the cmiie of
ilemocracv, .vet ,ho Iiiik always licmi
able to retain the ri'.-'ix'cl, ivtucm ami
frieiiiKlnp of lii political opponent.
Tho la! tune Senator Chamheiliiiu
ran for govunor, Robert A. .Miller
wiih u camlnlnto for attorney gen
eral. o Jut-, been before the public
for nearly loity jears, mid helped as
nroMiIfiit of the Southern Oregon
Fruilgrowcr-' asHoeiation ami nocre
tury of the .Southern Oregon tutc
hoard of agriculture to hiiild up the
iiitcrcMn ol the Itogue Itivcr valley
He lias takiu p.irt in the development
of Oiegou along nil of its bcxt HeiiH
of activity.
W, A. ('inter, mi nlloiiicy oi
I'oitluml, on'- of tlm Pinny enmlulatcH
for goyeinor, un neck the icpuhli
can uoiiiiuutioii, ppcut Mnmluy in
.Medford. Mr, Cuitei' wiih ioimeily a !
loniileiit of Oohl Hill mul wa- u
uiemher of Hie IcgiHhiliim one turpi
le mhlicHaid the Odd Fellow' mini
vertmry uieiliug nt Anhlmiil Siimhiy
mnl will mldif-H the local lodge to
mie uml iheifoc of winning inin-
,ii"'lioi. He prciliclH u aolnl labor
Ivolo for IwijHi'lf,
i .i.-i i i.i i 'o, .tinii
t ..-:i or
-A li-t
i of Amerienii rufuuern nnw at Vem
Iio-e.t'niz wn loceivoil to.lav from Con
ill Cauutla. InrtiuK'd In tho li-t
lunr. lliri'nr.l l.iii.w ,if S.tullli. II. S.
Orcjcory of Santa Ito-u ami tho
Mi om lltiu, l Al. Illcnthtti iinu
Com (llaihlen, Cnlifoimii mi nuiar
iv. Dolayeil mhict-s to Seeivtary of
State lliyaii indicated loihi.v that
1X10 or 7(10 Amorieaii- were -till in
Mexico City. Coii-ul Caiiiitla al-n
..:...i .t....n . ..r ,i... .i...... i
'7-!Iimliy Amor.oaus at Amiu C1(,eo -
"inn iii'tiiiin hi nir iii'ii'iniiiii i,i
Ho i-iil the Am'iioun- atteuii!ei to
I avo on a refugee trnui, got as fm
n- Kiioarunoioii, wore lopu-d ami
turned haol; to Aua Calieuto-, where
they lire now confined in n guunlctl
. , , . .
itnimlior of Aineriouti- from l.ooii re-
IMIILADKLI'IIIA. April -T.-l'ro-ileiit
(leorjje F. liner ol the
I'luhiilelphia & Koiuliin; railnil ilu'd
fullowuiif an nltnek n ai'iite niili
Caifc or llleaios. Ilriiuglol Tell- of
It I llcimsty tor it
Pure healthy Mood Is u most es
sential factor to good health.
Poor thin, ilivllalinxl btoo.l nun
ho mureil ti n weakness of thu ill
gestlvu oman. mi accumulation of
wasto manor In the Mysiuin, an Inuo
tlve liver or link of o.xercUo.
NMintevvr Hid cause the best rem
ody wu know Is our delicious cod
liver and Iron tonic, Vino), it will
purify and enrich (ha blood, tonu up
tbo digestive organs, glvo you it
hearty apputlto mid create strength
A uiso has just coino to our atten
tion from Guirport, Miss. .Mrs. Arum
lino Hiiuclur sas: "For monthu I win
In a run-down condition nml my blood
wait vory poor. I bad (liken sorernl
mcdlrluos prescribed by phyNlclmis
but tlioy scetuud to do mo no goad
Vluol wiih rocomuKimled uml from the
llrut bottle I notlred nu Improveuiuut
I continued Us use nml now reel .id
strong and well uh over.'
It you Imvi; tho slightest Indication
of poor blood tnltn Vlnol. If It falls
to help jou wo will give back your
mono) Medford Phurmarj, Mcdford,
P 8. Kczoiim Sufferers! Wo guar
auteu our new skin remedy, Knxo.
Look youngl Common carden Sage
and Sulphur darkens so naturally
nobody can tell
Crartilmother kept hor hair lieaullfully
darkened, uomy uml abundant with
braw of ikiffa Tea and Hulphur. When
ever her liulir fell out or took on tluit
dull, Med or strcakeil wipiMiraiioc, this
slmtilo mixture was applied with won
ilcrful tireot. Ity asking at any drtiK
aUiro for "Vyeth' S.igo anil Huliihur
Hair lleuioily," you will get u Isrgn
lottIn of this oldtlmo rcclpn, ready lo
use, fur about CO cents. Ihls simple
mixture can bo depended upon U) rcUro
natural color und beauty lo tlm liulr ami
Is splendid tor ilandrulf, dry, Itchy scalp
uml falling Imlr.
A well-known downtown drutrgUl says
irvtrylxly u Vycth'a rJagii und Hul
)hur, liiuuiMi It durkens ho naturally and
evenly tluit nobody can Udl It iss Ikwii
sripliml It's m inuiy to use, too, V(u
Hiiuply Iuii!mii tt ivunb or Mift bniili
and draw it tliroii;li your hair, UklnK
oim strand at a tlm. Hy inoriilng tlis
fray halrdlaapiMiursi ufUr nnotlmr appll
r.illoiior two, It U naUirrd to Its natural
color und oAs Klony, toft awl ahua
WiMlhcr rorccust
I'air li'iilKlil. IikIh i t-t ,
Tiir-dnv, lull", wiiimei,
out lu i I.n wimU.
.l.ii I, l-'ni-' ami tho orehiinl-t- h "I
auollier loiiud la-l ihkIu, with dael,
a pnor -ei otul.
I'ht low iiKiMiiiiitu ol Suiuliiv! lol
IowmI hv a clear, "till ui)ilt, hioiutht
the Umpi inimo down ltaipl. iliiriiiK
tl e oviiitiu- and oiolmidl-U w'lo
ulvi d to -it tliiir hIiimhk lm nml -ll
hi. Ill one in (wo plitccv I'iiihk
vvai neee-wni, n euil.v km 1 1 :;it), al
Ihoic lit li r mo-t of tho valley tlunr
it was ileleiM'il t ill 1:110 to L'-;i0. Hv lime .10 iliKii'co had lireii loiioh
id holh uoith ami Hoiith of town, and
tllll, UlH C'lH'llll.
Mi, itt 'J I), alter Hie iiieluudi-l-h
id lici'omo oo lin-v o pay ativ nt
lei tton to the cent nil office. Hen
Muhh'ti aiul l'oreoaler Hiako uinilo
loveiiiii; all tin oiehaiils fiom Al
lea's o Phoenix. Kvery peni' hloel;
on the vallev tloor wiih heiliK filed,
hat in no iii'tnucc wa tho full bat
ten nt' pot, in iie. In -onto inch
aids uiilv one hi four weio lit, the
oiohaiils heiliK iienred for a luiieh
heavier atlaok than whs expen
ouceil. The pnll of siuoLo hiiiiKiu;
over the eily at :t:Mn vvn o diiiise
that an aro hihl eouhl not he m-cii
a block ili-lnnt, hat hv I a hreero
from iho norlhwet Iwrvel.v eloared
the town. I'lomU Iiokiiii lo form
about -I ami the drop vu- cheeked at
an aveiao n I' :!" 'JS a- a uuiiiiiium
for the vallev geiierulh
"TI7." mukrn mirr, l.urnlng, tlrcl fret
fulrly dmifn with drllglit. Away p tlm
sulir ami p.iln, tlir cortu, c.aIIoiiki,
bliiUr mid bunluni.
"TIZ" drawn
out the nrld mid
(minim that I'liff
up ojr fcft. No
matter bow hard
von work, how
long jou lUnrc,
how far )ou
walk, or huw lung
von re main on
jmir fit-t, "TIZ"
brings rrtul
font roinfots.
TIZ" is won
drrfiil fur Urol.
nrlilng, svrollrn, smarting fist. Vetir fl
Jut tingle fur Joi nliix-a never butt er
rem light.
(let r. 23 cent l.ox of "TIZ" now fnun
any ilrucgUt or deartinrnt store, Kiel
foot torture furcvef wear smaller nboei,
keep your font frob, swixt an I hapny,
Colonial Flats
Light hntnickcupliu;. Hunt by week or month only.
A quiet, roltnixj homo for people who like comfort more than ele
gance, mid renin well within tho limit of their pnckulhooka.
Hummer rates l.vory thing modern mid up-to-dnlo,
2 17 .South IHversldo. Look us Up,
hjM, sssssssssssssssWJ-illMfcy5L IfetV ? jg-sBsM Lwi Bfw
" J"1t-t'fc-li r''yyB
bH . i J
Tim .New Ilrlck I'tilon I.I vory
KverytliliiK now and up-to-dato
Phono 150
Thoro Is u Walkover model for
you. Mnybii It's Iho "Iliiuch." If
It isn't It'a oiui or tlm other stllsi
Walk-Over modulH In our stout wo
are (nnfideut.
"Gooa &i"
19 8 Bfioc fclorc
Hulls to order, prices rmiBonnblii,
Next dour lo t'list Nnlloiiiil Hank, up
ui: in vie
S & ll.
(lltt.KN TUAIll.VO
Pure Woolens
T I J ATS of what our
K i r r. c li l a n in
CI '.'ico mr gttunwtetit
to tic imulr
'thl' viIiaI you want if
you wuli ihe uliiuHt m u.o,
Dnwnie of wimi nod riiltno
moderate piiced rlollin.
$15 20 Sandup
Alio eveiy unr of om
Kllichlidlim jilllli li utiamri
Ired III be fail loroloi, iliiunk
by tin oiiKinnl Lnnilnorold.
woln piiKeil and hand.
For Duds
i.rxiuNO t i.otiiii.u
Hnrn on Soulli Itlvcmldo
l.lvnry mid nmbulnncii service.
k ""??.
n r
I ' il
The "I lunch" mpdijl ror
ijiitu. Tmi, biiltoti mid
ik I. no
Wo bin n a "IiuikiIi" Hint
oii will lltiu il. Don't inlu
ii limit nay way.