Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 25, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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(Klamath Northwestern)
Deputy Sheriff I). D. Good of Jncfc
Kon county nrrived last night to take
Walter Grow back to tho Jackson
ville Jail, xvhero rt chnrgo of horse
Mealing Is preferred against him.
Grow was caught hero Wednesday
by tho local sheriff's force and hai
been hold since then Awaiting tho
arrival of an officer" front the neigh
boring county. In speaking of tho
chose after Grow last night Deputy
Good said It had been one of the
hardest ho had ever had anything to
do with.
"We started, after him March 20,
tho crenfiiR 'ho stole threo horses
from Fred W. Herrln at Ashland."
said Deputy Good. "Wo rodo all
night over olio of the roughest moun
tain countries In Oregon. When
wo wcro within about three miles of
llornbrook Grow was only about
fifteen minutes ahead of us. He
probably heard us coming and left
the trail. After backtracking wo
took up the trail again and followed
him to tho Klamath river where wo
caught him next morning. Grow was
taken back to Ashland. The next
day when being taken to a restau
rant for a meal ho broke from the of
ficer and mado his escape. Since
that tltno until caught in the city
Wednesday ho had not been heard
Trom by tho authorities of Jackson
That ho has & confederate is evi
dent. A saddlo was shipped to him
by express from Ashland and it wm
whllo trying to sell this at a local
livery stable ho was caught. Grow
has como into possession also of sev
eral other articles believed to havo
been stolen since he left Ashland.
Several days ago ho passed a
curlsers' camp near Parker station.
He bad a now saddle, a new pair of
chaps, a 'rlflo and was riding a dark
bay horso. Ho did not bring any of
these into Klamath Falls, and whtt
was dono with them has the authori
ties puzzled.
Before tho present troublo Grow
ha'd been a trusted employe of Mr.
Herrln. having worked for him
about two years. He bad been
trusted with many business affairs
in connection with tho ranch. In
addition to stealing the Herrln ani
mals, It is clalmod Grow stole a pig,
and following thlB his wife left him.
, Deputy Good will leave this morn
ing with his prisoner.
Friday, Ajiiil 21, wn school rally
tiny nt Lake Creek nnd" nlionl Toft rm
jiils nnd patrons of districts 63. 10
nnd A'2 met nnd spent n happy lny
together. The spot clioen was n
wooded meadow nbout ono mile nliovo
Lake' Creek, nnd here were hold the
ball frames and other sport. Dinner
was spread on tlie ground nnd after
all weie satisfied enough still re
mnincri to feed n crowd of 300.
The sonjr of 'Oregon" opened the
nfternoon program, several reeitn
lions were given nnd then Professor
F. h. Griffin of Oregon Agricultural
college gave nn interesting talk on
the Industrial club. A report of the
Innustrial club in District tVi wn
given by Attdlcy Meyer and Mi Ka
Kinney reported on the club work in
District l ft was uuuniniouly
agreed to hold a school fair nt Ijike
Creek next fall.
At the close of the program
"America" was sung and as the last
stnnzn was ung all the men re
sponded to the request to stand at
attention with lints off as a tribute
to the nation and the flag.
, SAX DIKGO, Cnl., April 2.V
Members of the crew of the steam
ship Victoria, which arrived here (
dny from Ensennda deny that the
Lower California city has been the
scene of riots or utiti-Amcrictin dem
onstrations. They say the Amerienn consul
there became unduly excited. The
monitor Cheyenne is now there. All
Americnns are safe in Kiwnnda,
they report.
The Snu Francisco labor counc'l
is on recoid hero today with toolu-
tions protesting against the civil war
i:i Colorado and calling upon the
Foiled Stales government to better
conditions lucre before it starts inu
tilities neninst Mexico. The local
ttoikers dcimutd an investigation and
cessation of the killing of working
men and their wives and children "in
inilitia-riddeti" Colorado. They de
clare the Failed States should
"clean lip its own house bcfoie clean
ing up its neighbors' houses."
The resolutions were adopted by a
unanimous vote and copies cnt to
President Wilson, Colroado labor
unions nnd Sccictarv of Labor Wilson.
i t
WASHINGTON, April 2o. Govcr-
nor Hunt of Arizona wired Secretary
of Wnr Garrison today lcgardiug the
stole militia. Governor Colquitt of
Teas telegraphed inquiring whether
the federal government would pay
the expenses of militia already or
dered out and Garrison replied that
they Would not be paid unless order
ed out by the government.
WASHINGTON, April iT..- Ad
vices received here todav by state de
partment officials say that Mexican
federals nrrcsted n number of Amer
icnns at Vnpata, n station between
Mexico City nnd Vera Cruz.
ASHLAND. April 'J.'.-Connl.v
Judge F. L. Ton ello and County
Clerk Gardner were in Ashland on
official business yesterday and the
former ran into nil experience with
Ordinance No. HOIl that exercised all
the diplomatic skill at his command.
Leaving his high-power machine in
the foi bidden section of tho Holy
Citv when he leliirucd a polite nolo
that might huve been written by a
John HassMt Moore or Nelson
O'Slmughnessy, saluted the bead of
the county government with nn in
vitation to call at the office of the
chief of police.
"The diiMiitv of the c tv " declined
Chief Porter, had been distutbed and
'the official forms of mhitntion, rev
erence nnd decenev usual among the
most sober people must now he con
formed with by striking the colors.
Colonel Ton Velle met the diplo
matic situation with a urlev boo that
his Parisian great grandfather would
have viewed with gulo and delight,
enterinir the sueecstiou of official
business, being in the city officially.
promising to leave town mid "never
come back," and as a last resort of
fered as n hostage his charge d'af-
The chief declined to parley boo
with anvthiiiL' less than his hichiiess
himself. The diplomatic interchanircs
continued for some tune nnd visitors
in the city park across the way from
the snick and snan citv hall looked
on smilingly nnd tried to read the
result of the moving picture perfor
mance going on in front of them.
Just before the car took the track
for the count v scat the indue was
observed to salute the citv's flair.
gun for gun, but there was some dif
ference in the count, some baying
"two." others "five."
Lecture in Page Theatre
Friday Evening, May 1st
WASHINGTON, D. C, April 23.
An indication of the stimulation of
trado nnd industry in the republic of
Panama nnd tho cnnnl zone in the
brief period since the United States
begun work on the Panama canal' is
contained in recent figures compiled
by tho bureau of foreign nnd domes
tic commerce, department of com
merce. They bhow that over $170,
000,000 worth of American merchan
dise bus been exported to Panama
nnd the canal zone during the Inst ten
years, and that $24,000,000 dollars
worth 6f products of Pannma entered
tho United States during the sumo
The record of our trade with Pan
ama begins with 1004. In that year
our exports to tho isthmian republic
were valued ut ubout .12,500,000. In
1007, the "cai in which active cnnnl
building operations began, tho total
rose to $18,700,000, and in 1012 nnd
1913, respective!" tho exports were
only a little under $25,000,000 in
value, (he crest of the movement hav
ing been reached in 1012.
Jlunanns represent hulf tho entire
value of merchandise imported from
Pnnnmn. Lust year the total exceed
ed $2,000,000. Kxcept for nbout $1,
000,000 worth of American made ar
ticles returned to the United States,
tho renminbi inward shipments ure
relatively small. They consist chiefly
of coconnutB, hides nnd skins, crude
rubber, vegetable ivory, coffee and
cabinet wood. Jt is estimated that
$500,000,000 worth of cabinet woods,
many of them similar in appearance
una fineness to mnhognii" nnd lig
num vitne, arc available in tbu repub
lic, and thuy offer proiniso of indent.,
ing commercial impoi lance. Tho co
roatnit industry is also rapidly new!
oping unci nsfciires further stability to
tho economic position of Panama.
Max Mt. rut.
Cfrt and belp build up , pay
roll for your owa town.
Maybe You
Were One of Them
Of gMf mm! jHbor" Ih MIiiiioioU U
wMiufltiNtf h uiiliitiou tor u lislil
fcw Uw,
Were You Cheated
into believing that because a baking pow
der foamed up over the top of a glass
when water was added, that it was a good,
pure and strong baking powder?
It foams because it contains ALBUMEN (some
times called the white of egg.)
ALBUMEN in baking powder is no help in the
It does not make a stronger or better baking
It deceives the consumer when she sees it
foam in the glass.
State after state has ruled that baking powder
mixed with ALBUMEN is illegal and has stopped
the sale of the stuff.
United States Government authorities have de
clared that the water glass test Is a fraud, and that albumen
does not help the baking.
Food commissioners North, South, East and West
have denounced the albumen fraud.
The manufacturers of K C BAKING Powder have
never found it necessary to resort to such fraudulent
methods. ,
Contains No Albumen
It ia a pure food baking' powder, sold at an honest v "
price and no better bought at any price, i '
25 Ounces for 25 Cents ASK YOUR GROCER
Tlio Knights of Coliimlnin, pursuant to tho nrtlon of
Its Supremo Council, has Instituted nn itrtlvo ledum
campaign In dofonso of t lit principle tif tlio Oritur,
which In founded upon tlii' doctrine of tlio Cut ho lie
The. services of Mr David (loldstelu of lloMon, n
member of the Order, who In recognised ns an eminent
sociologist unit lecturer, have been secured fur n trans
continental tour which began at St. Albans, Vermont.
Mr (loldstelu la considered to lie Socialism's most
formidable opponent. I In In often spoken of ns n walk
ing encyclopedia f knowledge, related to the entire
ground of his subject.
Mr. Goldstein will lecture In Medford on Friday
evening. May Int. under the auspices of Uogtio lllvor
Council or tlio KnlRhta of Columbus. The lecture will
bo free.
In hU lecture Mr. Ooldstolu will expose Socialist
principles by contrasting them with Christian phlloso.
pliy; maku clear tho double-dealing tactic of Horlul
ImIh. Ho will show why n man tannoi nt once be it
Cnthollc and a Heclullt: kIvIiik balc reaoim why th'j
Church oppoHeA Um propnKnnda.
Mr. (lOldnteln Is Joint author with Mm, Martha
Mooru Aery of a work entitled, "Heclnllxm: Tim
Nation of Katherleim Children." TIiIh book In mont
hlKhly recommended by ex-rreildent Itoonexdl, Sam
uel lioniperM, nnd other leadltiK men in tho public life
of our country.
Hpenklnn of his work In ChlcnRO, "The Now World'
"Wo do not think that thero wan a man or woman
pronent at tho mnKtilflceiit addrexn delUered laM Sun
day evenliiK nt St. Alphoniiux' hall on SoclalUm that
did not renllto that Mr. (loldMeln ha Indeed Hindu
thl Hiibject hit own.
"Ill treatment of the mtbject reenled tho fart that
he ban rend every aide of tho qiientlnu and Known the
Socialist point of view iiulto n well an that of tho
Catholic Church.
"Truth U we have too many people attemptltiK to
dlaciUM thin subject of Socialism without flttliiK knowl
edge or grasp of the subject It Is a question that
reaches so deeply Into our moral life and touches so
many sides of the social fabric that no person should
attempt to discus It publicly unlesa ho has rIwii
thought to It given such measiiro of study to It as
will make clear nnd certain his position, maku clear,
convincing and Irrefutable his conclusion1.
"The question of Socialism and Its gospel ns pro
nounced nnd propagated by Its disciples In this coun
try I full of danger to our Chrlttlnn civilisation, and
the lecturer who would hopo to enrry conviction whllo
discussing this subject must about all treat It as a
moral as well as an economic question.
"Now Mr, (loldntoln does this nnd docs tt fcailesily.
Wo would IH.e to see Mr Goldstein return to Chicago
nnd speak to not an nudlcmo of six hundred, but
uudleiiio of sit thousand, for he Is worthy of (ho sup
port of our Catholic people overywltoni."
Mr (loldstelu was formerly u member of the Social
ist movement He was Its rrt candidate for Mayor of
tho City of llostou, Mo resigned trom the Hnclullst
movement eleven cnrs ngo, This wns nine mouthx
after n futile attempt to Induce the Socialist party to
debar from Its platform those persons who advocate,
violence, Irrellglou nnd free love.
It Is tho eminent fitness of Mr, (loldstolu for the
work he In doing Hint caused tho Hoard of Director
of tho Knights of Columbus to select him for this
course of lectures. The Itoguo Itlver Council of tho
K of C and Its friends look forward with sincere In
terest to the lecture by Mr (lolilsteln, which wilt no
doubt hoof Intellectual value to tbi entire community,
Mr. (loldstelu Is a rendy debater. After bearing hU
reply to the Itev Mr Drake, a correspondent to (ho
press of l.ewlston, Maine, wittily write:
"After henrlng Mr Goldstein's clever lecturn and re
buttal Inst evening, I am moved to say that while tho
Democrats are represented by n donkey tho Progress
ives by a bull moose, and the stnnd-patters by tho ele
phant, tho Socialists are apparently topresented'rry a
Drake of whom Mr (loldstelu made n dead duck "
Mr. (loldstelu Is usually greeted with packed housoi.
Ills recent debate with a Socialist reprcsonlntlvn In
Springfield, Moss , was attended by 4&0Q persons,
while thousands were turned away, "The Spring
field Homestead" sa)s (Monday, Dec. Ill, 1H3).
" The representative of these two oppo.
lug forces faced each other on tlm plat.'orttt for ncarl
four hour In ono of tho most remarkable serlivs of
public utterances Hint this city ha behntd Mr many
jears. In which tho speaker and thalr beliefs wcro
held up to derision and public ridicule,
"No derision was given In the debate, although to
many It appeared as If Mr (lolilsteln had tho better of
It. This seemed to bo the general opinion as ex
pressed by tho audience a It was leaving tho hall.
Ono thing Is certain, and that Is, that the great aud
ience, the huge number turned away for lack of room,
and tho attitude of tho audience as noil as the speak
ers, was ono of tho most remarkable demonstrations
tho city has over had of tho vital and universal Interest
that Dm people tiro manifesting In tho subject of Ho
clallsm. This fact stood out clearer than any other
single one to anyone who was present lust evening.
It demonstrated absolutely and conclusively that thn
subject under discussion Is as vital to people of nil
classes nltnost as much ns life Itself."
Page Opera House
tho Auspices of tho Lending and Progressive Ihisinoss Houses of Medford, Or.,
8 Capable People in Plays That Please. 5 Standard Plays. Different Play Each Night.
TIhh is one of the best companies on tho coast. They carry special scenery for the dif
ferent plays, and they have played to more admissions the past year than any other
company in tho state of California. This company is under the same management as
tlio Claman company, which played here last season.
MAY 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10
Ask for FREE TICKETS from these Merchant's:
.f. M. Department Store liaskins' Drug Store
West & Whiteman
lirown & J Tall
ICoonoiny .Market
Nichols & Ashpolo
Marsh & Bennett
The Toggery
0. M. Kidd & Co.
Medford ISoolc Store
('has. I;. Schieffelin
John (). Mann
Model Clothing Co.
M. V. Wagner
IJrownlee tc Lindloy
Warner, Wortman & Core
II. & (J. Cash Kloro
M. M. Ahrons Co,
Hutchison & Lumsden
II. C. Holding
I. I1!. 01 instead
Woyal Hakory
Red I'Yonl ii-HMfo Store
l);tuiels for Duds
II. I). MoHrido & Co.
Holmes tc Teuseu
100 Free BeatH Each Night with Merchant' Tickotfl, Flrwt Come, FIrat gervod