Tfpr i I. ' VXGB fOUB MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE AN INDEl'KNDRNT NRWKPAl'Kn . rtlBLTHIIKO EVRItr AKTRRNOON BXCK1T 8UNDAT BY TUB MKDFOItD I'HINTING CO. Ths Democratic TlmM, Th Mdfonl IIHI. The Medford Tribune. Ths South; m nrnniin. Th Anhlund Tribune. Office Mall Tribune Building, I5-J7-XI t Worth Fir atrceli teiepnone I Official Taper of the Cltr of Medford. Official Paper of Jackson Countr. Kntered aa Rteond-rlaia matter at Medfortl. Oregon, under the act of March I, 1ST. trsBornxmoif batxi On rear, bv mall , , . 18.00 One month, by mall - ,50 Per month, delivered by carrier In MoilforO. Jaekaonvllla and Ceil- tral Point - - .K0 futunlay only, by mall, per ynr J.00 Weekly, per year .. . I. SO With Medford Stop-OTer Hooted and gunned and primed for war, Captain A. Shearer ot Duns unilr, Cal., carao to town this inorn Ins, to buy horses for tho U. S. cavaU ry or Mexican army, no ono knows which. Tho captain win not tell anything except that he is buying horses for scrrico in Mexico. Ho says ho represents Matt Williams of Gonzales, Mexico, and that ho pur chased two Jackson county nags this morning, and will buy more if any aro offered. Captain Shearer Is well known in theto parts. Ho fought Indians over in Klamath county, and Mexicans along tho border, as & Texas ranger, tho part he looks lu his present garb. "A man don't need no gun to lick thorn grcasors," cays tho captain, "but don t ferglt to havo a copper too on your boots. I was down there a speck and I know." Captain Shearer held a short war talk with tho local pollco who took otfenso at his belligerent attitude under tho impression that ho had a aaluto too many under his belt. He was allowed to go. HUERTA SEIZES AMERICANS (Continued from page 1.) icons from either leaving or entering. This wax a blow to the members of the American colony in the city, but it was nn even severer one to the un protected Americans in the t-mullcr towns in the vicinity, since it depriv ed them of what protection they might have hoped for by becking refuse in the capital. Homes Aro Searched Thursday night tho dictator order ed all Americuub' home searched for arms, and they were left entirely de fenseless. Sir lionet Curdcu, the Lnglish minister, was doing every thing in his power to protect citizens of the United States, but lie could ac complish little, despite the fact that ho and lluerta liavo been close friends. The president was deter mined to leave tho Americans no meniu of dufeiibo in tho event of an uprising. Tho Mexico City newspapers were issuing tho wildest extra editions. One advised the Mexicans to "chop the dogs up." Tho diplomatic party's transfer from tho Mexican to the American train was mude along u railroad em bankment through a tropical bwump bctwcci) fckyliiies marked by hugo coconuut trues. About u mile of torn-un truck separated thu two trains. . f'JJy Order of lluerta" Captain II. McL. Huso crossed this interval alone. Apiirouching the Mexican train, he mived u white flag and tho Mexican colors. Colonel Caroiia met and shook hands with him. "Jly order of my preident," suid tho Mexican officer, "I deliver to you tho American cliuriro d'affaires, the American consul and their stuffs. Captain Huso grusoed the hands of O'Shuughiiossy and Shunklin, thank ed Colonel Carotin and then suid to tho latter: "I have brought on my train many Mexicans who wish to leave Vera Cruz. Admiral Fletcher desires me to suy that lie understands many Americans ni' tho capital wish to leuvc. Wo will bo pleased to open uibseiiger traffic both ways between tho two cities. As an earnest of his wish ho instructs me lu turn over to you tho wife and daughter of Gen eral Mans." IteUtive of Dictator Colon?! Caroiia greeted tho (wo wwum. who are relative of lluerta, warmly, mid Captain Huso ullowed BUYING RES R MEXICAN W tk M Mexicans lie had brought on UU (rata to cro the lino into what f ttiti rvevgnhuA u Mexican tent. Wit A KNOCKER IS OH EG ON becoming reactionary? Is the mossbnek element which so many veal's dom inated the state, again coming into power after an inter val of progress? If the platforms of the various candidates, devised to strike a popular chord, are any criterion, then Oregon is in danger of entering upon a period of retrogression and stagnation. Oregon has never been progressive except in spots. That, is why the state 1ms lagged for years so behind her sister states in industrial and commercial development. The past few years, however, have witnessed an era of ma terial development all along the line. There seems to be grave danger now u backsliding. "Smash" seems to be the keynote of the platform of the average office-seeker who has turned knocker for votes. 13etween meaningless platitudes alid political buncombe runs the promise of destruction. Few of the political promises contain the germ of a con structive era. IMost of them ruin, repudiation and retrogression. The composite platform which would deprive the government of a third of its rev enues, ruin established and legitimate industry, throw thousands out of work, force an industrial readjustment that will, temporarily at least, create hard times, besides enormously increasing taxation. It calls for the wholesale abolition of commissions created in response to popular demand and representing the best thought of the day in the effort to legislate for the benefit of humanity. It calls for lower taxes, which can only be secured by cessation of public improvements and curtailment in legitimate ex penses and can never be secured by destruction of the sources of revenue. The cry of lower taxes is always a popular one just like the cry of higher wages and shorter hours. And it also usually marks the demagogue. Taxes cannot be low ered beyond necessary expenses of administration. A community, like an individual, cannot have improvements without paying for them. "Waste can be eliminated, when it exists, public improvements can be stopped, but the larger items of public expense automatically continue. Oregon as a state is practically out of debt. A bulletin just issued by the census bureau covers a period of thirty veal's. The bonded indebtedness is insignificant; $1000 iu 1890 fell to $Go3 in 1912. No special debt obligations to public must Funds were recorded. The tloatmg debt changed considerably from year to year, but remained small throughout the period, advancing from $070 in 1S90 to $30,000 in 1912. In the case of funds and investments the securities increased steadily from $1,919,000 in 1890 to $G,491,000 in 1912. The cash fluctuated constantly, though the general tendencv was to increase; $233,000 in 1890 advanced to $994,000 in 1912. In 1880 the total debt of it fell to $2000, but in 1912 amounted to $31,000. The pop ulation of the state increased from 175,000 in 1S80 to 731,000 in 1912. In 1SS0 the per capita debt was $2.93; in 1890 it fell to $0.01; reaching the maximum, $0.G8, in 1900, and subsequently declining to $0.04 in 1912. In contrast with Oregon, we find that, taking the entire debt .less sinking fund assets) for the forty-eight states, the per capita debt according to the hitest report is $3.52, or $3.48 more than the per capita debt of Oregon. Com paring the decrease in the per capita debt of Oregon and the forty-eight states for the thirtv-vcar period, we find that $5.48 fell to $3.52 in the average for the fortv-eight states, and $2.93 to $0.04 in Oregon. One of the reasons why Oregon has lagged behind "Washington and California, is because the state has not done its rightful and necessary share toward development. Like the community that kceiw out of debt, the state that follows the same policy, accomplishes nothing. We have no state roads, no state railroads, no state harbors. The individual, the community and the county has been forced to bear the entire cost of development. Until the past year, when the state undertook to help finance an irriga tion project, nothing had been done towards reclamation work. In the other states the commonwealth co-operates. For the development of a commonwealth, the co-operation of individual, of community, of county, of state and "of federal government is needed. AVo need a governor who favors constructive instead of destructive policies, who would have the state lend its credit and wealth to co-operate with the county in the upbuilding of Oregon not one who wastes his time catering to the reactionary who spends a hundred dollars' worth of time howling about paying ten cents' worth of taxes. Oregon doesn't need a knocker for governor. THE NEW AMERICAN CITY A Itesumo of tiio Iteceut Movement In Municipal 1'olltlcs ami the Salient Features of Civic lleforiu. By DeuJ. C. Sheldon, Secretary Medford Charter Commission. IV. Till: C1TV In 1011, the Uourd of Trade of Lockport, K. V., presented to the. btato legislature 11 hill which would liuve placed within reach of every third-class city in the state a greatly improved form of commission city government. "Muchiuo" iiillueuce jn the legislature prevented its. adop tion. Hut the I.ockpoit I'luu, later ly and more generally known as the "city manager" plan, has contributed n wonderful chapter to the story of municipal reform. Most careful stu dents of civic affairs affirm that in it has at least been found the scien tific, workable mid really democratic plan for obtaining efficient ami hon est municipal administration. Jtitpld Spread of file The spread of the commission, plan was iiiiirvclou. Hut the city innna- fcr limine una oumii ii,-ii ii fii h Ihico ycuro since it u fir.t I UEDFOtttf'torc TnmuNic, NOT NEEDED are sinister with threats of calls for national prohibition, Oregon was $011,000: in 1890 MAX.tGtilt I'JA.V proposed in the Lockpoit Hill, it has mude more substantial progress and lias culled forth more favorable ex pert discussion in civic bodies and magazine and daily press writings, thun the original commission plan did in its Urst ten years. The American city to actually adopt the plan was Sumpter, S. (', On adopting its new charter, with cliarocterifttio American sense, it ad. vertised for a city inanager. More than ,')0 applications camo in. A civil engineer named Woithiugton was selected. He showed tho advantage John A. Perl UNDERTAKER Lady Aisliunt Ml H. IMHTI.KTT I'liOBM M, 47 a 47-71 , I Awt)iUc Ifcnrlw ! Cmouw n5Di?onn, onrcaoyr, SATtTniuv, wviuh 2,-, of his railroad 'training by putting into of foot n coil and puiohu'dng system by which he saved more limn Ills salary on only a few Item. Hy keeping proper accounts mid cheeks on city learning, he will save the city $,'1,000 a year. H lug As oould ho expected, tin' Idea spiend first among the oiliot having nn opportunity to ob-erve it in ooo- at-hand operation. Hickory, N. i adopted the plan with marked sue ecs. In Staunton. V. n city of I'J.OOO, n first ols city manager was employed. HI ol'l'ii'c cost $1,000 to maintain. He has waved that much on single contracts. Kor merly paving cost f.roni $l.7. to $-.- per yard. Now Staunton docs Its own paving at from 00 cents to $ l.t!."i nor yard. In the purchasing depart incut there Ims been n revolution. The shortages formerly preveleut arc ntlrihuted sol el x to Imd business methods. They like the plan. They hnve increased the manager's salary and if the question was up for it vote again, they would vote nine to one for tho present system. Other (Nile From the south, the movement took root in Ohio. Immediately nfter the adoption of the slate wide movement for home rule, seveml Ohio cities ied with each other iu gctttug the new plan into effect. Hut just as the student of civic reforms saw the great advnntnge of the plan, so tho professional politician and "big business" saw the influence in public affairs fading into the discard. They fought the movement fiercely nud through their efforts some of these attempt were checked for it time, notably iu Youngstown and Klyrin. Springfield with n pomilation of -17,-000 adopted the plan in August 1013. Dnytou, Ohio Hut to Dayton belongs credit for gixiug the idea its greatest impetus, iu fact it is spoken of as the "Dayton plan". What hns been heralded far and wide as the most advanced nud best city charter on our continent was adopted by a Inrge mnjority and put into effect the first of the pres ent .ear. So far it has more thun made good. Over n score of cities have adopted the plan within the past year, including, I.u flninde, Ore., I'hoenix, Aril, nud Whittier, Cal., and many more are at work on new char ters with both citiens nud charter drafters committed to the mnnngcr plan; Hugeue, Ore., nud Seattle, Wu., among them. A significant nspect of the move ment is the interest iu tho new feature by cities already operating under the original Des Momct, plan. Although all such cities have witnessed great improvements in the commission plan over tho old order, , the interest in civic affairs law been so wakened, that they seek the best and nre turn ing to the city manager plan as the Inst word iu municipal government. Tneoinn, Wash., (ins for four years had u charter on the Des Moines dIiwi. It has worked wonderful impmw menU but still leaves the city's ad ministration far from right. To quote tho Mayer: "There is too much log rolling nnd trading. Instead of one government we have five, each one objectine- to th control of tho coun cil itself." He comes out definitely for ndopting the city manager fea ture; nud the eiio bodies and citi zens generally support him in the stand. Tneoinn it not alone. .Many other commission governed cities nre studying and considering the addi tion of this feature, notably Colo, rado Springs and Dallas. Secure Sufficient Government The frnmers of tho commission plan, realizing that thu great evils in our city government grew out of the luck of responsiveness of offi cials to popular will, devised means in thu short ballot, non-partisan elcc tiotw ut large and tho initiative, re ferendum nnd recall, to make offi cials rcully tesponsivo. The plan did that. Hut it did not secure an efficient and economical administra tion. It cut out graft, it built up popular interest in civic affairs, it brought people and officials closer together, but it did nut provide for expert service. It is on the oxeeu tivo side that the city manager plan introduces a real change. The or diuary commission plan makes each commissioner the heud of an ojiorat ing department. It was therefore a fivchcaded nlfaic h it worked out. I lie oily manager plan changes that. While retaining all the esscnlinl ele ments of tho original plan, it adds one providing ellieieut mlmiiiistratioti. And it did it in thu simplest way im aginable. J'or its model, it went to the successful largo corporation, which has built n j an immense busi ness and crowded out competitors Time now to. arrange for Codling Moth Spray. "Wo start this week. First in first sprayed. Phono 775. Orchard Care Company Mainour. , ad- mlnistralive orguiiirutlon. Tho oily nmnagcr Is appointed by the council; ho theiefoio does not divide responsibility with it, hut Is subotdinuto to it. lie is not chosen for it definite term but as long as ho gives satisfaction. Mnnngcr nn Kxcrt The plan differs from oidinnry commission plan only in providing that the actual work of administer ing should he delegated. jo an expert manager. For the highest efficiency city iidmiulstrution Must1 bo put oh n professional basis, Such officers should be chosen nud iclnlncd on grounds of merit In respect to the ndiulnislrntiui work required. This is prevented by tho old commission plan and provided by the city milling, or plan. The interest of tho people is nhnot.1 cutiicly in, seeming ten I Irenresoiitution. They want their kind of men iu the city hall. Need less to say such men may be excellent representatives but not good admin istrative officials. They hick tho specific training, experience and ad aptation, llow many of tho average eilirens of tho United Slates could vote intelligently on it choice of n chief engineer to have charge of a comprehensive program for making (ho Mississippi liner open to deep water iiavagntionT Or for the posl. tiou of chief sanitary officer for the canal xoiio? The principle applies eon more closely iu city government. To get the highest efficiency iu such nn officer, delegate his selection and retention to a small body such as the commission which is iu n position to investigate the qualification, and to xvn tch the work of such officer, and hold the commission strictly rcpoii sib! for tho manager's efficiency. I'ndor the old plan, u real objec tion was found in the tendency to intcr-ilepartinent trading. A com missioner wanting his own way iu his department, will not object to tho other commissioners doing as they wish in theirs, (lood team work did not develop under that plan. Fur thermore It often happens that the commission as a whole ordered a cer tain piece of work done to which the commissioner Inning charge of that department objected. The work could bo ordered, but the man charged with doing it could not be directed nor dicipliurd. Adopting the city manager feature solved nil problems. It be comes a stable single-headed admin istrative establishment with expert service at tho command of real rep resentatives of tho people. The plan filters everything through a group. It reduced th cpersotial cqiiasiou. A single man may have his tips nud downs, freaks and fan cies, natural bents nnd inclinations, his ct departments and projects. A board or commission hns nolle of these; to u group such excesses arc relative impossible. Universally Applicable The plan is universally applicable because of its flexibility. Tlie board can be small in small cities, large iu large ones. It is adjustable to il liages nnd to the city of New Yolk. Private corporations nre both xery small and very large and are all run successfully on the same plan. The usual school board with a profes sional superintendent is another par allel. Attracts C,wk Men Fuilhcrmoro good men will net ns directors wheru they will not give most of their time in administering a department more or less foreign to thir exHrienecs nud prediction!. Tho idea also appeals; that this plan may spread and develop a fine pro fc.ssiou of municipal administrators, such as is found iu the justly famous Herman cities where the itiirgomeU tors who succeed in small cities uro summoned to larger ones at increased salaries, with Munich and Merlin as tho highest goal of their aiubitioils, A coiisuiuntiou devoutely to be wished. Children aro taken Into tho ICiik llih mills as half-timers ut 12 years of ago, providing thoy have niailo 300 attondunco at school lu five years, IX Theatre "Mutual Movies" are tin; best and are better than thf! best of the rest. Daily ehange. Matinee and even ing THE PATH OF OENIU8 A 2-reel Somi-Biographieid JC. Ji. Film : "POOR JOHN" "Komic" comedy "PAT FANNIGAN'3 FAMILY" A bountiful heart interest drama Jieliitueu Ceining: "Our Mutual Girl" (Norma Phillips;, every Monday and Tuesday. Dim't miss it. through sheer excellence of Its mif. A WOMAN LOST HER HAIR AND GOT IT BACK WITH HERPICIDE While there arc no thrills In tho narration of Mrs. I'. T. .NMehot. ilJII llroiul Ht . Ilelolt, Wis,, her story Is nevertheless one of itmitMtiiK intercut. "Stricken with neuralgia and cosine. Ins 1 lost all my htr. My doctor recommended Nowhro'ti llornlchlo, I usVd six or eight bottles anil now nno a fine, head of slightly curly Hunt brown hair. Not. a grnr imtr In my head. This Is the more lumnrUhlo 4 ,1 niu mldillo-ugcd." While tho results which follow tho iiio of Nowhru'H llerplchlo nro nl ways- more or lens nstouistitnit. they nfo nlwnn natural, llornlehlo de stroys tho dandruff, stimulated tho flow or blood to tho hair follicles and keeps tho scalp perfectly healthy. It Catch Nature Charms With a Camera The alley Is filled with beauty Why not catch and retain these liesu-j tlful scenes so that they may bo yours for nil lliuoT I'hotgitrrtphle expor-j lenee Is aluntilo to any ono and afford a most Interesting dUcmlou, With a modern camera you can bo successful from tho start, A few i minutes' Instruction will enable you to du good work, Wo sell .NSCO ,NI t'VKO sriTMCS U you want some special camera not curried lu stork, wu shall bo Kt ! to order It for you without extra cost. Come lu and hate a camera talk nud get tho latest Idea, Medford Pharmacy Star Theatre r TODAY Daniel Frohman presents the noted fharactrr aetress CECILIA LOFTUS "The Lady of Quality" Appealing Majestic Impressions i'rodueed by "Famous Phayor Co." The Calliope Trio Comedy HarmonySingers A (luarauieed Attraction ADMISSION TEN CENTS MAXWELL "25" NO SUCH MOTOR CAR VALUE EVER BEFORE OFFERED FOR THE MONEY Price $825 F. O. B. Medford JiSmSIKKm The Sensation of the Year A IIKAII ON THE IIIIJ.H. Surprisingly easy-riding. Surprisingly light weight, being uboiil Kill) pound-., This iiicniin low cost of maintenance. Compare the equipment with that ol' nny other small cur ut atiywheiu near the price, Vj'hX I'j-inch motor. Itciujivahlo cylinder heads, Sims Hunch magneto (high ten sion,. Unit power plant Kciui-ciliptio spiings nil around. lO.'Muoh wheel huso, IIOxM'j-iiich ill es all aiouiid. THREE-SPEED SELECTIVE SLIDING GEAR TRANSMISSION, Cons Clulcli, Hunting icar uxle, Left. Hand Steer, Center Control, POWELL AUTO CO. nut lies possible a natural nud luxu riant growth of hair, except lu envcu of chronic, baldness, Wlillo leiuedles said to ho "every bit as good" iih Newbro'H llnrplcldo aro frciiueiitly offered, ono should In. slut iiinn having "tho original genu destroyer," lleridcldo. Thin U gen uine, It stops Itching ot (ho scalp almost Instantly. Nowhro's llerplcldo lu fiUo nud II.UU slues Is sold by nil dealers who guarantee II to do all that Is claimed. If you aro not satisfied your money will ho refunded, Applications may ho nhtaturul at good barbershops. Send too III post uko for sainplo to Tho llerplcldo Co., Dept It., Detroit, Mich, I'rcsl.O.l.ilo lank. I.argu headlights Stewart speedometer Folding glass front, Top with .lil'fy Cm tains. Toiiiicau of sufficient sl.o sent three people, Tire-holder, tools, etc. to 1