Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 24, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    RXtfll fOTJH
MEDFOKD mail. tribune
ainororm imuntin(i co.
Ths Oemocratlo Times, Tho Mrjford
Msll.Thft Mcoford Tribune, Thn South
itn OrsRonlnn, Thn Aehlnmt Trlbun.
Offlcn Mall Tritium- nullillnc :6-37-29
North Kir street) telephono 78.
Official fnper of tho City of MaiUord.
Officii i'Apar of Jnckson County.
Entered nit second-class msttr st
Medforil. Oicroi), under the act of
March J. 1SJ9.
Ons jmr, by mnll ......- 15.00
Ono inonlti, liy mnll .. .80
1'or month, tlellverol by carrier In
MfMlfnnl, Jncksonvllle and Cen-
trnl I'otnt . .. . .80
(Uttinlay only, hy mnll, icr year S.oo
Weekly per yrnr . 1.50
With Medfdnl Stop-Ovcr
ASHLAND. April 24. The Pros
bytory of Southern Oregon convened
Tuesday evening In tho First I'rcs
liyterlnn church of Ashland. The
Horiuou was preached by Kov. W. K.
Shields of Bedford. J. li. Mason of
Klamath Falls mm elected moder
ator and Kov. J. Manley Spencer of
ItoRiie Hlver temporary clerk.
Her. II. A. Cimahan was received
from tho presbytery of Spokane, and
Installed. Tho rhnrpe to the pastor
Mas Riven by Itcv. J. II. Dornn and
tho charge to the people by Hev. J.
K llalllle. Tho constitutional quos-
tlmiH were propounded by Itcv. Y.
K. Shields.
Tho Ladles' Presbyterian society
met In conjunction with the presby
tcry. There vv'as a full attendance
and fine services. Hev. Ernest Hall
of the foreign board, with headquar
ters at San Francisco, was tho speak
er before the ladles and also ad
dressed the presbytery. Dr. Crooks
of Albany College was the principal
speaker at the popular meeting on
Wednesday evening. Mrs. Hayes of
the North Pacific board was In at
tendance from Portland spoke of tho
work both Ik; fore tho presbytery and
thu Ladies' society. ,
Inr Clintnliurlniu hns introduecil tin
following Iiill, which wax renil twice
mid referred to the eommittec on
'Tlmt the secretary of the interior
be, mid lie is hereby, authorized mid
directed to place on the penion roll,
Miliji'rt to the provisions and limit.i
tiotiH of the i)cn-ioii linv-, the inline
of licnjnmin V.. Hull, late of com
pany It, ninth regiment, Iown volun
teer infantry, mid );y him u Hiieion
nl (he rnte of $00 per month in lieu
of that he i-. now reecivinj:."
Mr. Hull i-. a ro-itlcnt of Jackson
AI'STIN, Tex., April 21 (loter
lior Colquitt today ordered eight
more oompaiiieK of tho Texus Nn
t oiml Guard to llrownoville, wehre
it i.nrt reported the border situation
w.i very unite. Tho governor uiI
lui more j-t'giiuentx probably will he
mobilized uliortly at bolder point.
Tho Tlilrty-soveiitli annual session
of tho Hoguc Hlver liaptlst associa
tion will bo held In Medford. April
:'S, 29 and 30th and dolugates from
all poiU of southern Oregon uro ex
pected. Tho following program hag boon
Morning 10. 110
Dovotlonul, Hev. L. B. Simmons.
Appoliitmunt of vommltteo on en
rollment. Nominations.
Kluctlou of officers.
Session 1.30
Dovotlonnl. Mr. V. O. X. Smith.
Letters from ohurnhus.
HuportH from tho fluid.
AddroHs. Kov. W. I), Illntion, D.I).
Ironing session 7.3U
Dovottoiial, M. II. U. Miimlmll.
Miihlr. by itholr of thu First (Jhuruli
Annual Pormou, Kov. M, II, llliisou,
Aumiuiirtmiunlti Adjouruiuoiil.
IF wo aro gojiu to .have a prosperous community hero,
.Medford people must loam to patronize local institu
tions ami stop sending money out of tho country.
It is equally truo that local manufacturers must make
their output equal in quality ami, price to that imported, or
tho business cannot be held. Competition must bo ade
quately mot but being met, the community has no excuse
for withholding support.
Good will of the oonnnunity is essential in establishing
any industry, though tle merits of the products must bo
such as to sustain the business after its establishment.
Wo have canneries in the valley whose output is etpial
in quality to any in the country, yet they have to ship the
bulk of their output 2000 miles to find a market, while our
home srrooors' shelves aro stocked with canned goods
grown and put up elsewhere. We aro establishing another
cannery in a led ford, and can produce enough fruit and
vegetables to keep a score of canneries in operation but
if we aro to make them succeed, we must learn to demand
their output of our dealers.
Oregon is a veritable grave vard for canneries. There
I aro half a hundred, idle and closed down, while the farin
jors' produce is rotting in adjacent fields. The principal
reason thev are closed and their resources lost to the com
munities is because the oonmmmties themselves did not
give the canneries the benefit of the home markets
bought goods canned outside and left the home product to
hunt a foreign market. Jn a majority of instances the out
put was too limited to permit; of perfecting adequate mar
keting machinery the output had to be sold at a loss
and failure was inevitable. And all the while local money
was being sent out of the country to pay farmers and can
nery payrolls elsewhere.
As with canneries, so with other enterprises that man
ufacture for the community. The same principle governs
and makes possible success in every factory venture.
At the last meeting of the Merchants'' association an
appeal was made to the people of Medford to call for but
ter made by the new Medford creamery to give the out
put a thirty-day trial, and if the product proved as good as
imported butter, to continue the patronage.
There is no reason why Medford money should be sent
to California, when it can bo kept at home. To patronize
the new creamery means an enlarged market for our home
farmers. Tt means a development of the dairying indus-
try, an added resource lor the
tional and constantly growing
Every enterprise that starts or is endeavoring to be
come established needs the encouragement of the home
market. Tf this is not forthcoming, there is slight chance
of its success. The home industry makes the home pay
roll and creates the oonnnunity prosperity.
J3uy everything you can made at homo. T3uy everything
possible from the home merchant. Don't semi money out
of the country that can be kept working at home. Do this
and yon will bo doing your share toward placing the homo
town on a solid commercial and industrial basis and pro
clncing an abiding prosperity.
(Salem Capital Journal)
That tho damage to the prune crap
within a radius of 1C miles of Salem
will reach (500,000 Is estimated by
prune men today, as the result of in
vesications of orchards slnco the last
cold and rainy season of weather.
From a personal Investigation of sev
eral orchards County Fruit Inspector
C. O. Constable declares that tho loss
would reach $300,000. From tho re
ports of tho continual dropping of
prunes brought In to the Salem Fruit
Union this morning, Itobert I'atilus.
secretary of tho union, stated hobe
lleved the loss would bo fully half a
million. It was his opinion that If
tho cold, wet weather continues, the
loss will probably reach three-fourths
of n million.
Mr. I'atilus declared this afternoon
that tho union had 1500 acres con
tracted for, but that If thu prunes
continue to drop oft on tho ground
tho crop will bo miserably small.
What Is needed Just at present Is
clear, warm weather. In order fo
save what remains of tho I'JH crop.
Tho rain for tho most part proventcJ
pollenlzutlou of tho fruit
HUDSON'. Wish. April 21.
Johnny Tillman of Minneapolis to
day holds a shudo decision otor Ad
Wolgast horo today us a result of
their ten round coutust last night.
Five i omuls woru credited to Tillman
and tho others were oven- Tho
fighting was fust and furious from
Clio start. After tho fourth round
Wolgust tried for u hiiocicout but
wuh uiiuhlo to roach a vuliiorabla
spot. Tillman puppurod the former
llghtwolght chumpluu'K head with
lofts und tights uml rushed him to
tho i opes several times.
School Children, Attention
I line .Mm veil the cusli pri.oH nf
f m ml by i lie Coiiiiiioiniiil oliih in llio
wnt Iliu fly" nuiiipiiigii. Tliey uro
in the show window of Hid Toggery.
On see lliimi limn wnt the ily,
mepfokp matt; trtountc,
valley, as well as an addi
pavro'll for the eitv.
Tho Oregon & California Power
Company has made application to tho
county court for tho use of public
roads In Douglas county for tho con
struction, maintenance and operation
of poles and wires for tho transmis
sion of electric current. Tho com
pany owns six largo generating plants
In Jackson, Joiephlno und Klamath
counties In Oregon, and In Siskiyou
und Shasta counties In California,
and it Is now Invading northern ter
ritory. Itecontly It bought tho plant
at Clendalu, and the company wishes
to enlarge In Its Douglas county field
by soiling electricity to tho farmers,
Tills powor will be used for all pur
poses, especially pumping water for
Irrigation, according to their plniiH.
In Northern California this Is said to
bo one of their most successful fields.
They do not wish to oxrnto In Itoso
burg, or In competition with tho
present plants, according to tholr
statement to tho county court. The
company now has over -100 milts of
line, und supplies thlrty-ono towns
and villages with electric service.
Notlco Is horoby given that tho
i county court of Jackson county, Ore
gon will on Wednesday tho Gth day of
May, 1IUI, receive and open sealed
bids for tho proposal of painting four
bridges, situated as follews:
Ono over Itoguo rlvor near tho
town of Hoguo Hlver, ono over tho
Itoguo river near Hold Hill, ono over
Itoguo rlvor near Pumlto hill tho
brldgo being known as tho McCIoud
brldgo and ono over nig Dutto creel;
near tho mouth of Dig Ilutto creek.
In submitting bids tho material
used Is not ho Included In tho bid
as tho county will furnish same.
The court resorvos tho right to re
ject any or all bids. Mall or hand
all bids to tho undersigned at Jack
sonville, Oregon.
County Clerk.
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant
IMioim Al, -17 Mil 4 7-7 a
Ainhuluiiuj Hervlto Deputy Corotiftr
ftrEDTrorcp, onrcciox.
CI. PASO, Tomir, April " I That
no Immediate trouble mm be e
poetod from tho eontltutlonnllsts
was tho prn ailing belief here lodiij
as a result of Uouoral Villa's slato
ment here estordiy tvuit he was op
posed to MeVloo going to war with
the Culled States. officials
here asserted they were reliably In
formed that Otmerol Vtli.i dlsaKreos
with Car run xu's letter to Piesldent
Wilson nml tlmt a break between the
two rebel chieftains w.ts near.
(one-nil Villa sns he will remain
In Juarez until the excitement abates
ond will then return to Torreou.
A special train, earr.xlng 150
American refugees from Parral,
Chihuahua City mid Torreou, ar
rived hero today. Consul l.etcher.
they Mild, notified thrm to leave, al
though no slpn of an aulI-Amerlcau
outbreak was visible.
The i:i,!hth itrltmdo from San
Francisco was expected to reach here
l'OHTI.AND. Ore., April 21 Col
C U. (nntonbein has niuiouuced to
dn tlmt he will recommend to Presi
dent WINou tho appointment of the
following men to be field officers In
the regiment ho propose to ralso If
more troops are needed than tho reg
ular arm) and national guard can
William l. Flmcr. lieutenant
colonel; C. K. McDonnell, mnjor
First Ilatalllon; Cordon Voorhles,
mnjor Second llattallen: Clenard Mc
Laughlin, major Third llattallon.
Colonel Cantenbolii will bo command
ing officer.
Most are Spanlhh war veterans.
St length by Taking Vlttol Here Is
So many cases like this nre con
stantly coming to our attention that
we publish It for the benefit of
ethers: .Mr. John Wldma)er of
Jackson. .Mloh., sas: "I am nearly
70 years nf age. and wns In a feebie
condition but Vina! has done won
ders for me. It Is tho best medicine
to create strength I have ever seen
and I have taken a good many of
thorn. I.ast spring I uns run down
and worn out but I took Vlnol nnd
soon regained my strength. Vlnol
Is certnlnly an Invigorating tonic for
old pooplo."
It Is tho medicinal curative ele
ments of the cod livers without oil
aided by tho blood-making nud
strength-creating properties of tonic
Iron which aro contained in Vlnol
that mnkes It so efflclcetit In such
If you have an aged father, moth
er or anyone In jour family who
needs a stronth-creatlng tonic, try
Vlnol on our offer to glvo back your
money If It falls to benoflt. Med
ford Pharmacy Mod ford, Ore
P. 8. For Itching, burning skin
try our Haxo Salve Wo guarantee It.
Kept ber locks youthful, dark, glossy
and thick with common garden
Sage and Sulphur.
When you darken your hair with Sage
Tea and Bulpliur, no ono con Udl, I
causo It's done so naturally, so ovcnly.
Preparing this mixture, though, at hornii
Is muasy and troublesome. For 60 cents
you can buy at any drug store tho ready-to-uoo
tonic callul "Wyeth's Sago and
Sulphur Hair Kcmody." You Just
dampen a sponge or soft brush with it
and draw this through jour hair, taking
ono small strand at a tlma. 'ly morn
ing nil gray hair disapjj?s, and, afU'r
another application or two, your hair
becomes beautifully darkened, glossy and
luxuriant. You will also discover dan
druff Is gone and hair has stopcd falling.
dray, fadwl hair, though no disgrace,
is a sign of old uge, and as wo all de
siro a youthful aivl attractive appear
ance, get biixy nl once with Wyeth's
Sago and Sulphur and look years younger.
Ide Silver .
C.IMHCI M1U1, Ik, a. T,
f m wbIHhSMIIsJImbH
.'aw , rafissESJ
H ipp'-'sNo" H
' Ml
vrcrnAV. avuil 21, ma
Take a gloss of SaIU to flush Kidnoyi
if BlmliUr bothera you Drink
lot of water.
bating meal regularly eventually pro
duces kidney trouble In wi form, or
other, i)s n well known authority, !
eituno the uric acid in meat excites ths
Mdm, they Uwmin overworked gt
sluggiihl cleg til stid rails, all sorts of
distrvM, particularly Ii.wWIio sud nils
rry In the Widnov region) rlieiiuiallo twin
pv, serro hiMtliiches, mild sleninch, riu
sllprttion, torpid lir, ticepinMttrss,
bladder and uritiiuy Irritation.
The moment xeur Kick hurts or kld
ncys aren't nrtltig right, or If bladder
Ivthors ou, pit about four omicrs of
Jad Sails from nny good plisrmsoyt
take a tabpoiiful In a glass of water
before breakfast fur a few dajs and jour
kidneys will then net line. 'lids famous
salts Is made from the arid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with llthls,
and has been ih for generations to
Hush clogged kidney and stimulate thrm
to normal activity) alio to neutralise the
acids In the urine so it no longer Irri
tates, thus ending bladder disorders.
Jad Salts ran not injure anjones
makes a delightful eflTcru'h-ent llthl.v
water drink which million of men and
women tsko now and then to keep thn
kldners and urinary orguns clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney dle.
Expert Corsotioro
320 North Bnrtlett.
Phono f)(ft M.
Hug nud Carpot Cleaning
and "Weaving
Phono r:i:$-R
Suits to order, prices reasonable
Noxt door to First National Ilauk, up
mi:iioud tahouh.
Tinio now to arrange for
Codling Moth Spray. AVe
start this week. First in
first sprayed. Phono 775.
Orchard Care
Weak Lungs Ollen
Lead to Serious Illness
If j on bMi. dm) tuna, jruu are tfrurr
silt Dull))--! In t-oliU uf tliKMt IkhiIiIk
iiihI wtll uii plliilc in nrrlout l.uns
TmuUi'. In ninny ih'HiiihiiU ur
linmi lilsl tninl'U" lr tin Inns lu a
niiiili MfnLinitl ruiiilllloii Cikiiiuu'a Al
loratlvt U ii iiikIU-Iih' fr IIih UiumI ami
limu flilli Uat lin-u fuutiit In l" Vrrjr
Ix-nrflrlul. cveli wlirii a I'lmliir of i-llliisli
nml iiiIut irniiiHi'iit fnllfl in hrliiu n
Hi- llviiil nf till rnw .. . .
MX H .Mlulltli- Mr. 1 Iji ,lil.. t iflt-M. .N J.
"Ili'litli-iui II III lit) Mil of l!"'i I roll
Irurlinl a trry x'tin mlil Hhlrli .rllli'l
mi Hi)' Iiiiu Al tl I lsuii I" fl"1
intuiii. Hill in) itirl Ian Hun li'l'l UK' I
Inii.l )M In 1'aliriHiiU luiiiinllali I At
IhU llmi' I njj, iiiiIa in lHki l-kiuaii '
.Murulhi- I I.i)mI it liiilnr un.l um
im-liiiil Inkliik' It Hi1' lil Hiik In Oi to
lr. I Iwsiill In ImpliMe, Hliil llm tint
ik III JiiMimry. II"X I rriiini-l in) ''
ul4r iM'i'iiMlluii. bdiliiK snIiiimI , mii.,
(nil ii-4tiiri-l i IhmIIIi It It li'itv ulrll
ji-ora tliitt ui) ri-miir) lm Imvii ilTi-itnl.
ulnl I niniiitl nilM l.i Lnuili' Altrriitlli'
"Isl'i'iif ' W M TATKM.
iAIhiti- iililir Intnl. iiMin mi niii.-"t )
Ci-kiimii'ii Allrrall!-Im Ixeu linmii l.y
mail)' jfniii,' l-l In ' rlrtimluiK
fur Mnrrii TIiumI uml l.inm .(Tn tli.m.
Ilriimlllll" Ailliliin. Mini ' urn
Colli uml In illnillilltii( llii' Rjratrm.
Cinli-IrK mi iiiim.HiiJ. ikiUiik or IliMI
rullllllitf ilriltf. Ak fur Imoklrl IrlllilS
nf iiiiiwtIi", ninl nrltu In l.iknmii
Ijilxirnlnrj-. rlillmlillilili I'a . rr il
Ui'ine 1'or tali- lir nil li'inlliik' ilruicitlits
Peanut Butter
At thin Store
Saturday, April 25
To which von aro
I'oamil but tor is very popu
lar today for table line and
picnic liinchoH. Try it.
Hejjuwl door iyiHl.
I:i)-Hl Na-
ioiml Hank.
House Cleaning
ltutuombor wo lioutt fonthnrlrnds,
pillows, iiullls, rat pots and run.
Also Ur "Ur SO pieces for J1.00 wash.
Domestic Laundry
I'luino tHt
ltocoutly rnmodolcd and onlnritod,
added now- enmorns and aipnratui
nud Is now strictly up-to-duto lu
oory way.
Commcrkal Work of all Kinds
IncludlnR copyliiR and cnlarRlnc of
pictures, legal documents, etc. Uro
utldo otilnrKltikT, any stic, and kodak
flnlnhliiK of every kind.
Irofessloual and amatuor photo
graphic supplies.
li. M. lUrmnii Associated With Mc
Shop oror Isis Thoator, l'hono 147-J
I'liotupliijs I'rhtny nml Msliinlny
Let No Man Escape
A Scnsntlounl Ornmit of Police and
Politic lit to i'.trts
a inyei:uTi: eiiAXei:
Drama '
itA.MtiiiKits in old ritANt'i:
wiiii ri.ix intiiii:
I'nthe I'omeily
Men- Humlny
A stuaxei: .mi:i.oiiy
Two Itvels
IT Theatre
'.MITfAli MOVIi:S"
Mntlmv -':tn I. M., KvenliiK 7:1."
Dully CliaiiKe
tiii: (im:i:x i:vi:d di:vii.
Two Iteid Hpeclnl Kcllntiro Drniiin
.mi'ti'ai, wi:i:ki.v xi:wk
Tho only movltiR iwrtiiro concern
full) equipped und allowed on tho
flrlnK lino from tin- start by (icn
oral Villa. Tho lnnt views from
.Mexican buttlufleld.
Tin: AhsisTr.ii ntoeosAii
American I'llm Company Comedy
Don't miss tho most lu "Mutual
Movies" they are tho tiest, that aro
better than tho best of tho rest.
Star Theatre
Daniel Frohinan pre.senls the noted charac.l or actress
Appealing Majestic 'Impressions I'roducod by
' ' Famoiw Play or Co. "
The Calliope Trio
Comedy -I lariiont Singers
A (luaraiiteed Attraction
Is a Necessity
To' thinking Ihrtfly proper
ly owners. It preserves and
improves the loolw of any
builtliiiK d k('s lnK w,,'
.soiiieiiine.s toward nmlcinn: a
sueetwful real estate deal.
illH i:it Main I'lioiie I.TI
Doubles II Oreeu trndlii): stamps
this woolt
"r XzSff" " CLEVELAND "
FroM San Fraaclico, Feb. 22, 1915
Vullins famnua clll nil cnunllUt on
ruUtUl ilamtlili whkli Mivrt our
IkOlr L Uvoiy liuuiynnd conduit uuid.
135 days $900 and up
IkIuiW SIkm TiIix sud all riMMMiy whm
AUCiul4Ulk Wxl IkJVm. I'm.
am Cl. J MSiut It la.
$41 . t4l,, - inki
. . . LINK . . ,
North I'ACltlc Oeueral Asents
411 III White IHdK
I'lioiio Klllott 137R snd USD
heiittle, Wiuliluttlou
Any Poor Appetites
in Your Family;?
Von can make them ood
iigniii by VAHVIXtl the
fareby SriCI'K'lSJXd the
palates, (let .some XKW
Woally there arc a (WHAT
.MANV delicious ea'tables to
be had. No need of tiring
out appetites by a sameness
of fare.
Come ami see or phone us
for particulars.
Vuw White Klour, s'k $1.46
Creamery .Hut tor, '2 lbs...50c
Cauo Sujjnr, 20 lbs. for $1.00
H..,0 S. Central
Phono '271-272
T- mJL..nim.itmmm1A!fl"J.
IS sr: