Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Ml I
Tho trtnt ot John loxnndcr, for
tho ninnlor of John Norling. iU
known In tills city, mul Curtis Mas
toreou Inst ,lnnunr, near llollaml, Is
belnjr heard heforo n Jury In th"
Jotsophliio county circuit, court thl.
week. Tlio Jury was selected Mon
day. Ladles, our guaranteed specially
wrapped1 bread nt H, & C. cnRh store.
Kowtuwn rinkory. 2S
C. K. Hendricks ot Grants Pass
spent Monday In Medford on business.
K. D. Weston, commercial photog
rapher, negatives rondo any tltno or
placo by appolntmonL Phone M
Dr. K. It. Seoloy left Monday after
noon for tho l'ost Graduate School.
Now York City, where ho will take
tho "general ticket" as welt as some
special work In diagnosis ami ad
vanced laboratory work. He will
stop In Los Angeles to visit his daugh
ter and spend some time In the
grand canyon In Arizona on his way
Have you noticed the flavor? That
Is becaufro Valley l'rldo Butter Is
pasteurized. 2-1
Marvin Mitchell of this city rig
ured In nn nuto accident with V. 1
Counts of Grants Pass on the road
near Grants Sunday afternoon, in
which tho Counts machine over
turned, but with no damage. Kacli
blames tho other. Mr. Counts says
Mitchell was speeding, and Mitchell
says Mr. Counts became excited and
tried to turn around on a narrow
Screen doors nt Med ford Lumber
Clgaretto smoking boys, received a
Jolt Tuesday morning when teveral
were warned by the authorities that
if caught again with toaacco they
would bo haled beforo tho Juvenile
court. They were Just preparing for
n smoke when caught.
Plato Ice. Morning deliveries.
Medford lco & Storage Co. Phone
H. O. Frohbnch of Ashland spent
a few hours In Med ford Tuesday at
tending to business matters.
Do you know what pasteurization
mcanBT Kat Valley Prldo Uutter
and you will know. 24
Messrs. Crunemlllcr, Martin, and
Jerome ot tho California-Oregon'
Tower company who havo been sur
veying tho lines for a high power
wire between Grants Pass tnd Glcn
dalo returned Sunday after two weeks
n thd woods,
Pennant wrapped bread, guaran
teed fresh at Oakdale Grocery.
Made nt Nowtown Dakory.
K. It. Lawrence and wife of Grants
Pass attended tho Page Moucay even
ing. Tho standard bred stallion. King
Seal, No. C113S, record 2:11 hi, over
half mllo track made last September
at ancouver, II. C, will make a short
season beforo racing this year. Feo
$25.00 to insure. T. L. Tayior, own
er. AZ
Mr. and Mrs. Hdward Shaw vis
ited with friends In Grants Pass Sun
Every snuaro of Valley Prldo nut
tor Is guaranteed, becauso It's pas-
tourlzed. 2 1
Attornoy Hugh Do Annond Is at
tending to logal business In Portland
nnd Salem this week. Mrs, Do Ar
mond is visiting friends In Grants
Hattlsto, the deaf Mcdford pitcher
A. D. Lincoln of Portland is at
tending to business In this city this
Savo money. Use Plato Ice. Mcd
ford lco & Storage Co, Phono 204.
General W, II. Illngham of Santa
Ilarbara, Cal., Is visiting bis son, II
W. Dingham of this city.
Milk and cream at DeVoo's,
City Attorney W. J. Mooro ot
Ashland Is uttouding to official busi
ness In tho city today.
C. M. Ulcharda Is homo again.
Piano tuning ordors received. Phono
SOD. 21
O. Ireland of Grunts Pass Is nt
tending to business matters In tho
city today.
A full line ot khaki skirts, dresses,
waists, middies and auto coats
Ahrens. 20
Tho regular mid-month imcetlug
ot tho. city council will bo held tonight.
Itoynl ISakory goods nt Do Voes.
Coroner A. E. Kellogg of Gold Kill
is in the. city this morning attending
to legal, manors and sizing up tho
local political sltiinllon.
Seo tho beautiful new llulmncaan
coats at Alirons, 20
Thomas Potter of Phoenix was In
tho city thla morning on business
Sea Tuiny for tire Insurauce.
-."' .
I Weeks k McGowan Co.
Idjr AwOnUHt
! A. K. t V7M.M
James Ford, tho prize gardener of
Siskiyou Height, who makes vege
tables grow along practical lines, no
cording to Hurbnnk. has plated this
venr's crop, and people doubtful of
tho possibilities of this section n ti
Rnrdon spot, Bhould Journey to his
home, nnd see a sight worth while.
Don't bo deceived. Vso Plate lco.
Mcdford lco & Stornpo Co. Phone
Joe Heemnn of Gold Hill Is a busi
ness visitor In tho city for :i few
hours today.
Postcards .c per doron this week
nt Up To Unto Studio. 232 East Main.
C, U Colo of Grants, Pass spnt
Monday ovculng In Medford visiting
Children's dretsos. all ages, priced
04c to $1.3'?, Ahyrous. 20
.1. M. Vogell nnd wlfo ot Kaglo
Point were Medford visitors Monday
afternoon and evening.
You may get cheaper butter, but
none ns good for less price. Eat
Valley Prldo Uuttcr, no other bulte.
In Southern Oregon .made by our
process. 24
S. S. Uullls left Monday for tho
Sterling mine to Inspect conditions
nnd will return to New York in n
couple of weeks, lly that time the
work of mining will be In full swing.
preparations being rushed.
All the newest shaes Including
the'Uaudenti sailor, Wntteaux, etc,
and so reasonably priced. Aherens.
Senator Von dcr Hellen of Walton
Is In the city today visiting friends,
attending to business, and shaking
hands with tho voters.
Special for Sunday. Nopolttan
brick velvet ico cream. Phono 4 Sill.
Roy Nichols nnd wife ot Central
Point were among the out ot town
visitors to attend tho performance ot
Evelyn Ncsblt Thaw nt tho Page
Theater last night.
Mrs. Dean wlsno to announce
that tho Ilenuty Shop Is closed for
tho present, and until It Is re-opened
she will do chlroiody and children's
hair cutting nt her home, 332 North
Ivy, on telephone appointment. 20
Walter Merrick will leavo this
week on a short business trip to
Laura Weston dressmaking and
tailoring, room 414 M. F. & H.
Illdg. 20
Frank Waters ot Salem is in the
city today attending to business mat
ters. Mans pretty new pattern bats In
at Ahrens. 20
John A, Horjey's son , wns oper
ated upon Monday for npeudlcltls.
Plate Ico, guaranteed clear, hard,
pure. Mcdford Ico & Storage Co.
Phono 204.
Thero was a largo attendance at
tho Odd Fellows lodge Monday night.
visitors from Talent and Central
Point being present. Talent lodge
brought two candidates and Medford
lodge had tlireo and the initiatory
and second degrees ucrc conferred.
Next Sunday all tho lodges ot the
valley will Join In celebrating the
anniversary ot the order at Athland.
On Monday night tho Medford lodgo
will havo an anniversary program,
confer tho third degree and serve
Eat pasteurized butter. Valley
Prldo Uutter is pasteurized, buy it.24
Do you know that Valley PrJde
Uutter Is pasteurized? Insist on
your grocer furnishing, It. Patronlzo
homo Industry. 24
E. T. Staples ot Ashland nttended
to business matter In Jdedford Mon
day ufternoon.
Say clear, puro Plato Ico. Mcd
ford Ico & Storage Co. Phono 204.
P. L. Henton of Klamath Falls is
spending the week In Medford vis
iting friends and relatives.
Why not havo your insuranco in a
big company? Holmes tho Insurance
Man. is tho agent. '
E. F. House of Ituch was a bus)
ness visitor in Medford this niornlir,'.
George Dean has left for his min
ing claims In oJsephluo county.
Add to directory, White's Velvet
Ico cream factory, phone No. 481-11.
Chrln Gottlieb, who was painfully
Injured by Jumping ou u shovel
handle a week ago whllo working Mi
his orchard, has rccocvercd from ho
shock, and wns able to walk down
town Monday.
Frebh Hmo. Medford Lbr. Co.
J. II. 1 1 air ell of Hoguo Illvor Is n
business vlbltor In tho city this afternoon.
J, O, Gerklng, the best all around
photographer In southern Oregon,.
Mays reliable. Negatives mado any-
whore, tlrao or place. Studio 228
Main St. Phono 320-.T.
William Thomas or JncUonvHIo
spent a few hours !u Medford Mon
day on bundle i
Manlln, chocM.uto and White's spo
clal lco croutii fur Sunday. Phono
Kodak finishing, glossy or dull fin
ish at J, O, Corking' studio, 228 E,
Main St. Phone 32Q-.
itny La Mur saya go to Orros H.
La M.ur, 200 W. Main, for eleniilug.
proving and alterations, I'honu fiSS.
it. 4C
Dr. E Klnliii-wnur U now located
In (luinutt-flroy building, room 2111
hour 1 In II I'Iimiio .'h Ileal
ileum the tuiiiu
Miss l.oret Snyder of llleitdrtto 's
visiting nt tho J. Jnrobson home
Seo Laura Weston for ovonln'?
gowns. 2't
Wanted to buy one or two hens
that want to net. Address 100, euro
Mall Tribune. SO
I'lrleh & K.vnu will offer for snlo
nn Immense stork ot general mer
chandise, consisting principally of
Indies' and gent's furnishing goods,
ready made clothing tor both ladles,
gentlemen and children. boots and
shoos, dress goods, cnlleo. glnichnuw.
underwear of nil Muds nnd descrip
tions, crockery nnd glassware, also
a full lino of first class groceries,
and a rirst class Hue ot both silica
lug and chewing tobaccos. In fact
everything appertaining to a first
class general merchandise store.
Sale will commence on Wednesday
April 42. 101 1, and the Hours will
I Uo onon nt 2 o'clock n. m. At th
usual placo. on tho corner nenr tho
post office. Terms as usual strictly
cash.' Wo propose to under sell any
firm In this city.
Get the best made In Jackson
county, and It's pnstonruod Valley
Prldo Uutter. " I
Ladles, our guaranteed specially
wrapped broad nt 11. & C. cash store
Newtown Hakery. 2S
Carkln & Taylor, lawyors. (John
II. Carkln, Glenn O. Taylor). Has-
klus-ltoyden Utdg., Main street.
(Continued troni pss,n 1.)
(OYutiuucil from'rrijje 1)
it wo learned tlmt Seeietnrv Hrvnii
e.xpoeted to notify the power-, in the
eoure of the ufternoon Hint t t
end of the twenty-four lmnr peritMl
ftdluwin hi- notification, a hliek
tide would be put in effect.
Notice of lltiirUnilo
A nrariy ns oould lie neeitinftl
the intention wiw to irve tlib. Hotiue
whetlior or not eonsre-" luul in the
incnntiiiitf imIoreil .the pnideul'"'
policy, l-or the deemmliou or n
lilocknde nn.l mii'Ii other -Ii'h ii- lie
desired to take in hi- enmiMticu
aipiin-t (lenenil Iluortn it i known
that the prexident believes lie t eon--titutiounllv
entitled to net without
eongre.-xionnl pormiioii. He diil.
however, desire .-iii'h nn inilorciniit
before noting.
Following the ileeliirntion of the
blockade mid the occupation of Vera
i ruz, it wn Miit mere would lie n
pnu-c in pniceeiliiigs to gie Huertii
nuotlier oppurtunity to yield to tlie
niliniiii'trnlion'.-i deuuind that he -nl-ute
the Amerieuii fln in tiio fnrm
specified by President Wil-mi.
Occupation of fapllnl '
Should lie continue ftuliliorn even
under lliis iire.siiri nrningemeutu
were mnde for n lauding of the troops
from Texiis City mul uiiother xtrong
body of murines nnd it was said the
I'mupaiuii would not etop short of un
oeeumtion of .Mexico City.
Here steps would lie token to es
lulilisli order genemlly, and this hav
ing been nc-onipli-licil, the ndmiuix
trillion would lie prewired to nego
tiute with (lie eoiixtitutioiiHlUts.
While the xeuiite argued I'niled
States wnrsliips weru closing in on
the .Mexican oiit const, preparations
for an effective blockade of the
coast were in progress nnd nrmy
movement" were being rushed nt n
"rent rate.
Yiclonutio llueitu In uneiUivociil
umeuds o the eininein of ilie
I'niietl Kink's for nt limits ami lit
diKUilio committed nnilil litis yo
eintnent by Uuiienil llnertu nnd ln
iepiventntives," An (iineiided by the eiintc t'oi'iijju
lelntimiH eoinmittee the imnun up
IK'titvil in till" fevin:
In Aliicndeil l'oini
"In iew of tint fuels presented li
the piesident of the I'niled States m
his nddress delivered to the roiejresv
in joint session, tlje "Jilth tUt.v ol Ap
til, HU I. in retu'd to eertniu nllionU
nnd indicnitivH crmitiot ed iiiiiiisi the
I'mted Sliiitw, lui ii ' .
"Ii'esolvfd, tluit tli' iiriridriil is
justified in tliociiiplomvltt of the
h rmed forces of the I Hiletl States to
ent'oife his (leinniuls lor utietiiiocnl
nmeiids lor nf flout .md itiilienities
oommilted nirniiist the I oiled States
H it further
"KesoKed. tlmt the rmtoi Stntes,
diselnitn any hosltliu lovvnid t lit-1
Mevicnn puipos,; or iiny miijmisi toj
rnnke war on thilin." i
LodgeS SiilMliutc
Senattir Lodge's proposed substi
tute for the resolution's preamble Mt
foilh "tluit the .state f iiniest, io.
leiice nnd uimreliv-wheh exist, in
Mexico, the numerous uneliceked nnd
unpunished miinltnv. ot Auwriunn cii
ixciis nnd HpoillntlnK of their prop,
city in llmt count n ; the impo-Hliil-it.
of seeming protect om r rvdiess
by diplotimtic iiicIIhmI, hi the iibeiiec
of liiwful or oftWtixe ntillioiity, the
i lability of .Moxico l discharge its
iiiterimtioniil oliligMiion-. the unpro
voked insults and indignities indicted
of the Cuited Stntes mid the duty t
proieet its citueiis nnd its interna
tional rights ruipiire tlmt uh n
course he follnivcd in Mevlno by our
uoveriiuuMit n Jcoins-l respect nnd
i-bscriniiee of jtt rurlils."
iimiii the flog nnd the nml'orni of the
Tailed States- by the juried fiieen in
ocfiipntimi of lattt' pArt. of .M.fjvieiiii
territory, have Ijfeohic intolerable,"
"It can bo too Into," lu nld, "to
lake steps to piesorvo pence, II Is
never too lute to declare war, This
Is an effort to preserve peace rnthoi
than propoxate war
'ley to oliJ Ti outdo
"Whether tlnuo will bo war In!
Hoiuotbtiu ahead ot un uid Is le
falo'i calendar. Often In bistort
America has lauded troop and no
war bus etiHiled. Hut Motlvo hns'
eoiumltled acts Impeaching mir
honor and Koverelituly, It wiih a
plain and studied luiall 11 was a
enso which piled up provocation for
war, We are eiiHiineil hi an of foil
to avoid trouble ami to I mines upon
tho deraeto authorities the wisdom of
loNpoctliiK America. If wo ib'claio
let a not eugaite III the Ktilvelliig act
of eoiiilonlim acts Justlhlug war and
then adopt the leMolutloux "
A Veak, Narvoua Sufferer
Restored to Health by Ly-
dit E. Pinkhnm'o Vcc-
ctablc Compound.
Improve the wearer's appearance, add a cor In In nolo of uinitiieim
and rellueiueut that Is nlwnvx commented on favmatily bj oiioh
This Ih tho result of Mklll, racllttleit and 0XirUucn vvhltih asHiiro
you of the highest ijonreo of optical efficiency, and lill !io beitefil,,
to tie derived from wuorlng properly tilted kIiissom.
I'lenxo call ami let mo ovplaln my methods. vo enjoy a loputa
tlou for aociinicy, protnptunt nnd moderate cliuruo
Suite l-U Over tlcuel .V; Co,
Green Trading Stamps (liven ;tOS J Main Jtr , vedford.
TTnsotn. allnn. "I'nm Rind to say
dint Lydla 11 Pinkluun's Veg.-tablo
( cinpound has dono
more for mo tlmn
luiythint; else, and 1
bad tho U't physi
cliin here. I w as so
weak and nvrvou.i
that I could not do
finiy work urn! mif-
jl fered with iiuiiih low
1 r t'Vr J7
l J
v?s 4
down In my right
side for a year or
more. I took Lydlii
K. Piukhum's Vege
table Coniiound, nnd now I foel like a
different orsnu. I believe there (
nothing like Lydla ML Pinl.hani's Vege
table CoiiiHuiul for weak women ami
younK girls, and I would be If I
could Inlluence nnyoao to try' the medi
cine, for I know It will do nil and much
more than Ills claimed to do." - Mrs.
&.AHA FiiANKK, K. V. 1). No. 1, Maple
crest Knrm, Kosotn, Minn.
Women who sufTer from tltono di
tresslnjr ills iH-cullar to their sex should
Ih convinced of tho ability of Lydln I.'.
Pinkham's WrcUiIiIo CutiiMMind to re
store their health by the innny gcniiino
nnd truthful tchtimoiiiabi we are con- ,
stnntly publUhlne; in the newnmH'rs, '
If you Imvo tlio sllclitost iliuiliC
Unit Lyillu I.'. I'liililiuiii'.s cu'ctu
lilo Coin poiinil will liclp.viMi.wrlto
to I.ycllu CIMukliiiiiOleillvliioCu.
(conllilciit lal) l.ynn, Hnss.. for ml
vlce. Vour letti-r vv 111 ln opcncil,
rend anil iiiiHvvcreil hy it vvoiiinii,
ami liuld lu strict coulldonco.
Men's Suits $11.50
Y iti't' just ill rtM't'ipl til" ji sliipiuciil tif Men's All
Wool Hard Finish Worsteds, in dark pattt'i'iis, a
hcauty, a suit $11.50
One special lot of Urown and llrown Mixed Cash
mere All-Wtxil Suits, a suit JjilM.
The Wardrobe
West Main Street
in-! "tlmt the olY5 civrt mid dij;uitv
Wants WnrllerUiattou
"Tho roJ!olutIinr, Kild Lodite,
does not c.tfry"fnTij'vnr declaration
but It does lirovlde fur nrme.t lm,.r.
ventlon. The oovepieiices would I
i i i.. .i.Mc.. .. '
w iii-viai.-i iuiTnnir, manage
tho resolution may ItImk henry
of life, a Iouk period diirltiK which
Mexico wotilil Imviv in 1.. in
this coicrnment a:,.i n,.f v "ceotitly rcmode'ed and entar.,
Senator SUvtly renljed toSjjna- n,,,,1' now wmeras nnd npparaliu
i nun is now- siriciiy ill
I every way.
tor LodKe
In addition to plenty of froth air
and proper diet, those siiiferinic from
or who are predisposed to Tuberculo
sis are recommended to uie Ecktnan's
Alterative to stop night sweats, banish
fever and hasten recovery. This medi
cine, by reasou of it successful me dur
ing the past, warrants tho fallen Inves
tigation ponttblo by every sulferer.
bckman's Alterative h ipost effica
cious In bronchial catarrh and severe
throat and lung affections, and In up
building the system. It contains no
narcotics, nor harmful or habit form
Ing druai. Accept no substitutes. Sold
lainc uruKguu. wriio to mo
Coiiuuerlral W'oiL of .ill KliuU
InoludliiK eopylnc and ouinrKlns of
pictures, loal documants, etc. llro
mldo onlarKlng, any nlc, and kodak
finlshltiK ot nvary kind.
I'rofoMlonal nnd nmatuor photo
graphic supplliM.
by leading dniitgUts. Wrlto to
Kckman Laboratory, FhUadelphl;
for booklet tellliiK of recoveries.
FOl'ND PackaBo of dress popds;
alBo pnckago of men's wearing ap
parel. Apply Mall Trlbunu or J
F. IHttaon.
FOIt SALK Ono good team of
maroH weight 2100 lbs; also 3li
inch wugon and harness. Phono
ISO, Union nam.
Suits to order, prices reasonable.
Next door to Klrst National Hank, up
stairs. Mi:i)FOIM TAIMHt.S.
Made in Medford
t 1
B ft
J r
L, M. Ilarinon .InmicIiiIdiI With Mo. I
I'linno 1 17-J i
Shnn nvnr IhIs Tliimtor,
lialine, 'J"ie alut, al, ard
Faney Ua tints .'l.'ie value, at, yard .. . .
ftMiifh Freneh (Jinhanw, 'Sh' valuw, at, yd.
Until Further Notico
Clean White Means, L'." llw . . . 9 1.00
UphI CinioSiiKiir, L'Ullw $1.00
Highland lllend I'Motir, every kih-Ic guaranteed ijil.25
Hutchison & Lumsden
Only (ipiieral Merehantlisc Store in Cilv.
-V- - -""V XT'
-- -0 -fsr ,'.f Ir:
c ic m
1 J u
--"i" "vvjr " MV'r tv I
Tho modern way of making ovo.
nil kinds of iiinttreMs at a small cost,
Into sanitary folding iniitlrcBet,
No tufting to come Iooko, Ih easily
handled, and b strjttly minltary.
Koathor be. In mudu Into foiling
muttrosses with iiiuiniT ;uid winter
Folding Mattress Co.
lSi.J wWt 'llilnl Kt .Mcdford
'bono (101
E recommend Zcrolcne as the best
,y automobile oil we can make an
oil produced by experts of long experience
who have studied the needs of motor lubri
cation and who have at their command
selected crudes and the best refinery equip
ment with which to produce an oil exactly
adapted to the purpose.
Standard Oil Company
If you nro troubled with
any form of eczema you can
relieve yoursolf of this an
no) ing ailment by using
Mcrilol Eczema Remedy
This Is a scientific pro
purullon that directly coun
teracts nnd ollmluutcs tho
tuiiso of tho ailment, and
aids uuturo In restoring
healthy condition. A re
liable remedy, which wo
positively guarantee; ulsn
endorsed by Amurliuti Drug
uud Cross AsKoeliitloii.
Two uUu. ,'.0i; uud 11.00.
wwom-KCm f
I'ur HhIm by
Lulusivu Aculiiy
In ovcrv wn for tho whole
some iiualities of
if -
The label lulls tbq Ingrod
IiiIHh and the ingredient con
form to the i no food laws.
J." CeiitH
I'er Lb.
I Al'f I'll fflj
1M WM It (ii((ll I II
;)( I. .' Ml (i I 0 Jtiuith
II fs&.
mmii n in i in i i i i