Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Image 1

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Medford Mail Tribune
Fair (nnlKlit "ml M'ritnc
tiny Mm. .1": Mln, 3t.
I'lirty-fmirtli Ywir.
Dully Nlnili Vnr
NO. 2G
Unllril Slalrs Troo:J Tako Possej
slon of Vera Cruz to Seizn Ship
ment of Arms Sent Hurrta Fail
ure of Blockade Due lo Smatc.
rirtrhrr Tolil to Use His Own Judg
ntrnt, Proccctlj to Do So Con Sanction Not Nrcdcd.
WASHINGTON. April 'Jl.- United
Sialic soldier lauded Imliiy nt Vera
Tlir ih'wk wim received liv wnv "f
New York in a ended iliiuli'li In tint
United Pre-, from William 0. Slop
lii'til, I lit new tiMniii'liitiiin'M Mlaff
cnrrcwtiideut at Mexico Cily.
Il contained mi details, Shepherd
having uiHpii'iiliiiiiiiliiy round II nit-
HM.MJIllc (II Kl'( till-Ill pltt III!1 I'l'IIHIir.
Though t tit dispatch wn nii( of
ficial, Soerotarv of tin Navv Dan
iel raised mi ipicMiou ns to iIh ne
euniey mill eagerly inked for any
further new tint United Pic wn
nlili' to give lilin.
'I'ln Illinium'-. cplnnntion was easv
to UllfKM.
To So!i Mm blue (tint
Plcsidcllt WiUoii hit he fil utix mwiilititf-niriwil of a big Oor-
mail Kliipmi'iit of araiH mid aminuul
lion needed l.y General llnrrla lo
fight Ameiioun tmnpi. Tim picsi
lent hail Imped a blockade would In'
in effect bofnic lln shipment reached
Vera l 'in.. In that case Ailmrial
Hotelier would have lii'i'ii in a i
lion to uc it at once.
Coniiri'ioioiml delay in adopting
I lu revolution approving tin' chief ex
ecutive' .Mexican umiiKi' upset tin
plan, however. Tin resolution wiih
under ontndJemtlnn in Mid Mi'imti', no
blockade uiu In I'lfci'l anil (In nuns
mill aininiiiiilion ui'io expected mo
mi'iilanly. International law iliil not pcimil
their seizure ft mil Ihe Gorman ship
which liioiiuhl llinii until a hlnckitilc
iin cslaolMioi',
Customs House SHcO
in Hit situation two courses were
open. Ailmnal Fletcher might scire
Hie custom house mi that, whni tin
shipment win litinli'il, hu would in
oeivo il, or In' niiulit wail until it wns
IiiiiiIi'iI anil llicu i'io it ami the ens
t it it house.
Il was evident that ho must art on
lux nun iuitiatii. Aecnnlingly n
wireless moss-ago was HanlnM to him
to tin' Ki'iii'tttl dl'fi'i'l ;
"I'mi your own jihIkiih'uI."
l i.i'1'miiiI rli'iir tlnil lm inhuirarK
jiiilumi'iit ilh'lati'il an iuiuiciliati'
I'mm ii luuli ailmlui-tintion hoiiri'n
Ptesldcnt Cliafrs r.t Delay .is Sena
tors Qtilhlile Over Wordlny of Res
olution Passed hy House Sustain
iri(j Administration.
Lodge Leads Opposition Which
Amends Resolution to Declare War
Instead of Blockade.
President Fumes Willi Impatience at
Senate Delay, Fearing Inaction
Will Result in Strengthening Dic
tator Krupp Guns Landed.
Seizure of Railroad to Mexican Cap
ital to Follow Landing of Marines
Sanction of Congress Needed.
( on paca I.)
WAKIilNOmV, Apill 'Jl.-Si'iMO-tiny
of State llryau aiinoiiuiTil thi
ulteiuoiMi that In-to 10 nilitfa lie
uoiihl k'VI I'"' puwi'i'H ailvani'i) noli
Jiratiuii of U hhmkaihi of Vura Unix.
Thn iiotifii'iilioi.i, il wiih Htalcil.
ill pn'i'i'iln ai'lual I'Hliililislnm'iit of
thn hloi'knilo piohnhly hy twcnly
four Iiiiuih, Aci'oiiliii lo llm hcoiii
liny it Ih not inli'iuli'il lo huul mar
inns or M'lo hii 'ira I'iii, I'lihtom
linilhii iiiiIi'mh lU'liun hhouhl ho pi i'
nlpilali'il hy llm at I i nl of llm nhlp
ini'iil of nuiiN inn) ummiiiiltloii fioin
llm K'nipp lo I'li'Miili'iil HiiciIii,
Tim lime limil Iiiiuiik t h ), III
hhirliiiihi u ill lin inlllali'il hv Ad
in rn I Fli'irlici'. Vi'iu I inn will he
linn iiiiiipii'il, anil ii 1 1 cr llinl Hu
W.i Ii iiH'on niliiiiiilnflalimi Mill hnhl
IIh ImiiiiI In me lliiriln 111 I Jo llinii u
ri'iuu u U'luiKi
WAHIIINOTON', April 'Jl. I'n-i
drill WiUon Max rlinllnj: today of the
hiMinle't delay in pattini; tlirimli the
rimoliiliini in NiipMirt nl the i'iiite
he wInIii'm to pnrxiie in .Mexi
Il wiih the iirt time in Ameriea
that fniiieN Iuih failed piomptly
mid inlliiiMia-lieally to uphold a rhief
eeeulie uh.t huuIiI aillhnrily to
axe Ihe enimtrx'H aimed fmeeii. The
preaiiteiil felt thin keenly.
Milliliter In MfitUKe.
Illi oppoiieutN axurrted ami Mime
ex en of lux elii-.ei.t iiiIvimth hinted
that in the form of hi mexnp he
liliimlereil. Thi'ir iew uiu that he
oeremplimied lliiortn mid Hind too
liltle aliout natrapiH lo AiiK'rteiiiiH in
Mexico. If he had made tine, for ex
ample, lliey Miid, of tieh mi iuridenl
an ihe Vercnra killing there would
lune hern no ipiilililili.
AiluiiiiUlration leaden rxpeeted to
Miiiooth mutter mt, however, (hie
report wiih that the president xian
emiKideriii); a nupplciuenl to Iuh me-
m;e, hut thm wax unconfirmed.
The war and nny departments
continued feeiihly aelixe.
luiK raimle i:HTletl
It wan the K('('r"l opinion tlutt
there would l.e a lone wi ancle in the
Mcnuto oer the Mexieau reiotutioii
in it muemled form. That it would
he aitopted hy loninht in a hhape
Ki iiK 'I'" prehident unlimited powei
wiii eoicidered a foregone entii'lii.
ion, hut (he c.xeeutive ami hi sup
porters did not like the eonlroerv
aliout it.
leidet, if he srnate hhould in-
dope it n foreign lelatioiiH eommit
tee's amemlmeiitH, il wax pointed out
Hint the iiicaMiie would have lo pi
hack to the homo and there milit
he more delny there.
Defeat wan eouiili'ieil roiiMiunhly
eertaiu for Senator I.ihIuc'h pinpu-cd
preamhle to the rexolution, leeilinj;
all oulrayeH whieh hae heeu perpe
trated in the Miuthciii lepuhlie anil
ii'leruiiK to Hie Inch' of p eminent
there iih p"uud for iuterveiilion.
AmemlmeiiU Cause IMuy
The foiei'u relatloiiH eouunitteo's
miiemhiientH, however, appeared like
ly to he accepted. They were n,
indeed, iiiiMnliM'aolory to the mluiiii
iHtration, hut il nhjcclnl lo the delay
they iimdwd. No one ventured to
predict how lung Hiu J'Jiate would
hint, hut it was hijjnificmilly reinarl;
I Hint under llm hcuute mien it may
he unlimited.
The hoiiMt resolution wiih as fol
Iowh: "A ri'Miliillnii jiihtifyliiK the em
tlo.mcnl of the armed forcea of the
I'liilcil States in enforeiu certain
demmuls iiKiiiust Vietorimia Hiierta.
"llcMilved, hy the Henatu and Iioiimi
of repiesentativcH in eoiiKiess ahsem
hied, that the piesldeut of the United
StulcH is justified in the employment
of the armed forces of the United
Stales lo enforce the demands upon
(Continued ou pnxa I.)
WASHINGTON, April 'Jl. While
Ihe senate hold up the renin! Ion miiji
iMirtiut; IiIm policy in Mexico, Presi
dent WiUon fumed with impatience
His impatience was natural. I'ilher
already in the custom house at Vera
('rur. or aliout to he unloaded there,
he hail learai'di "ere 'JOU Krapp ma
chine uiiiis of ihe latest model and
'',(1011. (Mil) rounds of ammunition or
dered in Oenumiy hy President Hii
erta for thu especial purpose of de
fending the Ven (.'rur.-Me.xieo City
To Sole Itallronil
To ciiiu control of this railroad
will he one of the United States
forces' first task in Mexico. Un
less they previously heire the Oer
man arms and nmmuiiitiou shipment
it is eertaiu that il will he usrd
npitnst themselves.
Vet the president hesitated nl or
dering Hie seizure without conrcx
sjonnl approval of his course. In
fact, assuiniiiL- the shipment to he
still on hoard a Herman ship, a seiz
ure was out of the ipiestimi under
intermilioual Inw without the previous
declaration of a hloekude, and, aj;iiiii,
the executive wanted the lawmaker
to sanction him hefoie he declared
a hloekiiile.
Humor of Solmro
There vvero rnmoi-s, indeed, that
Admiral Fletcher aetuallv had made
the Hcirmc, hut of this there was no
confirmation, and in official eiteles
the icports were not helieved.
The resolution of approval of the
president's course had already heea
so amended in Ihe senate as to make
it appear that the administration'
quarrel is with the llnertn woni
menl talher than vvitli Huerta him
self. In this foi nt it was expected il
would he adopted, hut it will he uee
essniy for it to m hack to Ihe house
even then.
In adiliessinr coiikicss somewhat
as if the Mexican dispute weie a per
sonal one between himself mid Pi est
lent llnertn it was the pretty general
opinion Hint l'lesidcut Wilson made a
mistake and that this was what had
enused the delay.
Army Soon Involved
The view jrew more ;eueral as the
day ndvanivd that the army would
soon he involved in a Mexican emu
puijjn, though President WiNon has
said it would he unnecessary, and the
war department had leeeived word
from every state that the militia es
tahlisluuent was tcady to tuko the
Not only was there every prospect
that Vein Ciur. mid Tampieo would
soon ho occupied hy forces of United
Stales murines, hut nil important
west coast towns were about to luv
seized and troops, it was said, would
0 , - 'n sim " I , in" fc i
T if - "ss
lE rtkik ' vs.
a- ''il BB ""i,'i,'M'i,iw'MM"w",fco
' ' 1 I k n
REQUESTS I ' w . Jfc- f '
s ntf- ",:...., ,r'- '. -tJ
CENEttAL VifW OP Civtu. Fix)rrr
AI Oil WQW.O, lrviKicJ
WASIIINOTON, Aiu.l Jl.-S.r l.i
oiK'l Cat den, Oreal Itntam's cx-mtii
isler lo Mexico City, was fimmng '
today in mi entirely new tole.
Throughout all the Iuiik period of.
stniiued relations between the Wash-J
iugtou udminisiralion and Mexico, I
Sir Lionel was considered one of the
most dangerous intriguers in Mexico
Cily against President Wilson's pol-!
In fact, it was cenenillv understood
it was because his ncl.vitict threat
cued ill-feeling between the United
Slates and Knghiud that he was
transferred to Itio de Janeiro, while
in London recently.
Yet, stopping- off nl Vera Cruz on
hi way to his new iust, he was on
his way to .Mexico City todav to urge
President Huerta lo salute the Amer
ican Hag. lie sitnl luitiseir Hint he
believed he could noooinpll-h it and
no doubt existed that he U the dic
tator's closest personal friend and
most trusted advi-er.
(lovernmeui off eials hero said
they dul not ee how llnertn could
yield now, howev'-r, without eauing
a popular uprising
Clash Between Miners and Militia at
Ludlow, Colo., Results in Death of
Four Strikers, Four Children and
One Woman.
Rumors Eight Militiamen Also Slain,
But Verification Impossible Trin
idad Isolated From the World.
SAN MKCiO, ("ill., April 21-lt is
slated here today on good authority
tlmt Major Davis, commanding offi
cer at Port ltoeenns, has reeoived
orders to suie at once the .Mexiemi
eiisioins Iioiisik at .Me.xieali, in the
ImiHrial valley, and at Tijuana. The
WASHINT.TO.V. April 21. The
anxiety President WlUon ahowoJ
this aftornoon to hasten congres
sional action on tlto resolution ap
inu.uiK ins course in .Mexico sug
gested plainly that serious problems
customs house at Kn-tniiiln alao is were piling up which tho" admlnts.
lo lie tnkoii hy a naval toree. tratlon roni.i nni .u.. nr ,.n.n ...
WASHINGTON, April 'Jl. The
debate in the senate today on the
resolution empowering President Wil
son lo use. the mined forces of the
United States when a general house
resolution was opened hy Senator
Henry Cabot Lodge. He defined the
powers of Hie president mid con
gress, milling:
"In a situation of the highest sen-ousness-,
such as now confronts con
imcss, it is well to lememher that the
responsibility of the senate is greater
than that of any other branch of Ihe
government. When Ihe president
lays before congress u eoitlroveisy
with a foreign nation and comes lo
the branch of the government in
whoso hands rests peace, or war, he
comes to us. 1 think he has u right
to do so. With congress in session
it would have been unwise for him
to proceed further than hr already
had gouu without the sanction of
It is understood Hit Hie
called for immediate aeiion.
Two companies of cnt aitillcry.
ihe twenty-eighth mid one hundred
and fifteenth, are now on the border.
Thee, it is said, will be reinforced
at once hy marines now on their way
to San Diego.
The supply ship Iris, with machine
chop. (Supplies for six mouths and n
lauding party of 100 men on board,
will, it was Miid here, proceed to La
Pa, Mexican capital on the south
em end of Lower Uulifornia, with the
Inrpotlo-bont destroyer flotilla of five
boats and occupy that town and
lulmeon, ncros the Utilf of California.
(Continued ou I'ago Uour)
NKWPOUT, On.., April 1M - Tho
Khh Kchooiuu- Mlrono of Astorhi, 31
Iiiiih icKlntur, went on tho bench lit
thu mouth or (ho A I mm river IhU
morning Thu bench J uuiy und II
U thmiKhl tho iui'kii will ho wived,
mid pimslhlv (hu vimsiil muy he pulled
iff ul IiIhIi witter 'I'll nm U mi iitcul
duiiiuuu lu Him MIiuuu'h hull,
WAHIIINOTON, April 21 It vvu
lent noil tothiy llm iiiiiih and iiininuul
Hon shipment from (lorninny either
it I rou ily Inuilud or about lo hu lauded
for I'limhleiit lluorla at Vura Crni
luiliidiiM l wo hundred Kurpp initchluu
giuu of thn lutest iiludiil a lid (wo
in II J Ititi round uf mumuiillluu. 1 1 nor.
lit oiilcrml ihuiii expoilull)' to defend
thu Veiu (Viu Mukhn Cltv lullmuil,
Il HMS HlU dlllIIUOl I'M'kllll'lll Wll
nun uii u uuxluus (u Iihvu vUvd.
HOUSTON, Tex., April :l.-(leu-oral
I'iiiinIoii, coiiunmuliug nt Texas
City, was ouleied today lo embark
Ihe fifth hiigmle immediately fioiti
(lalveston for Tmupieo, The hiigiulo
Incluiles the foiuth, scveiitccnlh ami
uiueleeiilh icgiiiicul-. Other fiirces
oiiloiod to cmhiiiK wniu ho sivllt
I'livalry. thinl licld uitilleiy, com
puny I) uf Ihe signal cnips,jhe sec
ond hiiltnhn.) uf cnuinoei', except
I'liiiipiiny mid muhulaiii'ii cniiiiianv
No. .1. I'iiiuIiiii icriiiiimeiiilcil thai the
Mtlillluil kiiiiidinii nl Him Ihcyn he
hiouiflit Iwwnliulrly u Tcaum Uly,
rortlnnd, Ore., April 20.
Mall Tribune,
Medford, Ore.
Tho New York I.lfo has
purchased ono hundred thous
and dullard Jackson county
permanent road bonds. This
Is a bplendld expression ot
eontldenco of eastern finan
ciers in tho futuro ot your
locality and will bo welcomo
lows to tho hundreds of pol
icyholders of tho New York"
Life lu Jackson county.
J. W. DAY,
Agency Director for Oregon.
step had been taken
The president, secretary of state.
Secretary of War Garrison and Inhn
Und went Into conference folloa-tnt?
the cabinet meeting. At tho same
time the president's prlvato secre
tary, Joseph Tumulty, was sent to
the capltol to urge the democrats In
both houses to act as quickly as
From a source close to the presi
dent this expression was secured:
"Uecauio congress has not acted
tho president has been unable to en
force a blockade. Therefore Ad
miral Kletcher must act on his own
Initiative. If It Is true as we Deltevo
that tho Oerman shipment of arms
on Its way to (Jeneral Huerta has not
jut reached Vera Cruz. Fletchor
will not bo compolled to act at all.
'If, howover, tho shipment has
arrived, Kletcher must decide for
lilniceU whon it will be necessary for
him to occupy the Vera Crur custom
houso to prevent the arms and am
munition from passing Inland.
Fletcher has been liibtrticted, ne:
to selso Vera Cruz or tho custom
house but to prevent arms and am
munition from reaching Huerta. To
accomplish this It may bo necessary
for him to seize the custom house."
I'l'UI'XI, Oru., April 21 "My
command of eight compuulos It
leady lo respond to any cull by tho
president or tho governor and could
lie mobllUed ut (Muckamas within tti
hours," deelured Colonel (,'reod Ham
ilton, rommuudluK officer of the
Oregon Aitillery corps lud.
Onu uf llm lucid rumpniiles of thu
Ultlllei) corpM dulled in (hu street
lust uliihl mill llm ul her mI iiiuiiuii
H'l" klmlluil) (uulyhl,
NKW YOHK, April 21- bettor
demand for stocks was seen at tho
stock market opening today. None
of tho weakness of ttio preceding
session was betrayed. Oil chares
wero again weak but otherwlgo the
movement wns upward. Numerous
gains of from 1 to points In the
loading stocks were registered,
Lehigh. Heading, the Hill and Hur
rlmnn stocks and various other Is
sues madti gains of about "a point.
A block ot Southern Pacific con
vertible fives wus marketed nt
100'i, Hands wnru Irrognla.r
Tho inurkut closed steady.
DKNVKIl, Colo., April 'JL Ad
vices received here shortly before,
nonn from John JroLennnn, district
president of the United .Mineworkers
of America, staled that nine persons
were known to have nVt death in
Ihe clash helwecn mine strikers ami
militiamen in the Ludlow district ves.
tcrday. .MoLeunnn'M message wiih
fcnt from Trinidad.
Four strikers, four children mid
one woman, were killed nt Ludlow,
the message said, but the names of
all were not available. McLennan
also said that the striker claimed
eifht militiamen also were slain, but
that the military authorities denied
the report.
Trlnldnd Isolated
DKNVKH, Colo.. April 21. With
Trinidad practically isolated, it vvu
impossible to get creditable details of
the battle between members of the
striking Coal Miners' union and the
Colorado National Guard. Persistent
reiwts that fourteen strikers had
been slain wire denied by officials
of the United Mineworkers.
Major Hamroek, commanding the
militiamen, reported to General Chase
last night that Private A. Martin, a
militiaman, had been killed and three
others wounded. Another rejiort
said that Louis Tikas. leuder of the
Greek strikers, had been idiot to
Five ICoported Dead
John McLennan, district president
of the United Mineworkers of Amer
iea, was said to have readied Trini
dad this morning on n Colorado &
Southern train, passing through Lud
low. He reported that five were
dead, including Tikns, James Fyler,,
president of the Ludlow union; Jame
Cost ii, n miner; William Snyder,
nged 0 years, and mi unidentified
McLennan also declared that three
women were missing.
The Ludlow tent colony wns burn
ed during the battle. It wns also re
ported that loOO tinned strikers had
started from various points to lein
foree the Ludlow miners. Several
companies of militia aNo were order
ed to the scene from nearby towns.
This will give Major Hamroek from
000 to 700 soldiers.
A renewal of the battle was ex
pected today.
Miners Kutrciiclied
Karly today the miners were re
ported cutronehed in the hills back
of Ludlow, waiting for tho soldiers
to renew the attack. At 3 o'clock
this morning, according to uncon
firmed reports, the militia swept the
miners' position with machine guns.
Throughout yesterday Ludlow was
swept by u blasting fire. Pullets
rained on the railroad station where
women and children had sought ref-
(Conttnued on Page i)
(llllll Vltl A CITY. Apul lil
Culimil Li Mil I untitled Aluci uiiiim in
In teililoiv lodaj Ihal lliu Wiikhuitf
lull mlmiiii-'iaioii. nigfli'd Hu de
Hiuhnuv of their ilepiiiitiiu from
VEKA CHl April 21. Acting
under orders from Admiral Craddock
of tho Urltlsh navy, tho llrltlsh oil
carrying steamer HI Zorra retimed to.
day to transport uintiiuulllbn from
Vera Cruz to thu Huerta force at
Tumplco. Tho vessel already had
taken thu ammunition aboard but
Admiral Craddock union the esrx'i
Thu cuplslii of thn Kl 'tuft
pluluiHl that KhkUhJ's frUwitly r4
Hon with A iiiwrlt'MH rW4 hU va.
el ruimlHK by tk ftt k wsr