Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 20, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    jrana wovn
MEDFORD mail tribune
an mnnpuNHKNT nbwhpapkr
Th Dcmocrntlo Time. The MfrtforJ
Mali, Tli Medford Tribune, Thfi South
rn OrcRonlnn. The Ashland Tribuna.
OfflM MkII Tribune Hiilldlnir, -.
North Kir treats telephone 7S.
Offlrlnl Paper of the City of Medfonl
Official I'ancr of JnckRon County.
Knterrd ns hccmuVcIum matter nt
Mtriford, OroKon, under tlio act of
March S, 1879.
BunscJiirTiON batei
On year, ty mall ....., .?$.00
One month, by innll . . ... .SO
Par mnnlh, delivered by carrier In
Meilfnnl, Jacksonville nnd Can
tral Point . . .50
Ulunlny only, by mall, per year 5.00
Weekly, per year. . .- l.tO
With MctUonl Stopover
MEXICO CITY, Apr'l 20. Two
tralnloails o( Americana started for
Vera Crut early today. Other were
arranging to leave. n nightfall It
wag believed a general exodus would
ho In progress.
lluertn was taking due precautions
to protect foreigners. Foreign Mln
Inter Hojas gave a statement to the
morning nowspapers warning Mexi
cans to remain calm and especially
not to harm Americans.
Arrangements for tho American
colony's departure, were In the hand
of the American transportation com
mittee. Despite tho perils of tho situation
two hundred Americans danced at tho
American club until midnight.
Others, however, who had not pre
pared to leave, were busy packing
their movable belongings.
Klvo hundred' men and two hun
dred women and children make up
tho American colony here. It was
formerly much larger but many have
left tho country.
Pharoah Had a Free Tolls
Controversy Over 35 )0 Years Ago
WASHINGTON', April '20. flint
a free tolls controversy niuoil ;l",l1u"
jours np in Kgj-pl vnn averted in
the hou-o loeently by llopro'U'ntntive
Stanley How die of (lino -tho man
who defeated "Kick." l.oncwortli. Ho
ndvied the itrciilcnl to s-ottlo the
matter noeordini; to ancient stun
dnnl, oon-igniu): to the "royal Imp
lmie" nil thoM' who persi-lctl in
niMnjr the cry of "Mirroiidor to a
foreign nation."
"In this tdl ouestion there i noth-
inc now." .nlil Mr. How die. "In the
ilns of Sei there nroo a oontro
versy whioh shook nil Kpjpt. During
a previou- veipn a certain Kgjpliiui
hnd won rlie royal faor of oarniap
oeluivelv all pood-, not laden on
nsips, between Karuak ami Mem-
A company vvn formed which soon
drove all off the road. In la
ter years Seti built another and
shorter road at the expense of
400.0110.(1110 .liokols the eiwt to ho
mot ly levying toll- on tho vehicles
of all the nation- u-iiiir thi mad.
"Then the company pruto-ted. say
ing it had the rifiht to ho exempted,.
It charged the king nml his Milijcrts
with truckling to llnbylonia. All
this produced a high degree of both
eration to Pharaoh, for people who,
before the mud was Imlit, regimled.
the company n a tiut and in viola
tion of tho nntt-ttust law for the
protection of shepheid-, now show
ed a tendency to regard it n a bon-
evolenl organization. Tho air rang
with crie.- of 'bad faith,' tuneoiilitu
tiouality' and truckling to A-svria.'
"So Plinronlt propo-od to exempt
this company from tolls. At thi
juncture a Hebrew muile appearance
from Ooshou and reminded the king
that tho company wn a monopoly.
Tho king thereupon oideiod that it
was hut natural they -hould -eok
-pecial privilege.
"Whereupon the king, although la
menting tho fact that tlie-o men hud
eon-pired ngsiiust the royal troa-nrv
ami hnd cnu-ed that kingdom to be
come discontented, said:
"'If theo men be not knaves, they
be lunatics or fool-; let them nil be
taken to the royal bughoue that thi-
hM be not propagated and that my
subjects be no longer deceived,'
"All this, Jlr. Speaker, lmpnenetl
:i.")00 xoars ngo. I learned of it
through a tablet di-covered in a eel
lar at Karnak."
Importing Obnoxious Animals
PORTLAND, April 20. Receipts
for tho week havo been: Cattle,
1797; calves, 21; hogs, -JOH; sheep.
Cattle steady to firm all week,
demand good and bii)ers cleaned up
everything In sight. Prime light
steers averaged $7.75 to $8.00 In
hulk lots, with several cars of ex
ceptional stuff moving at over $8.00.
Cowg $7.00 and hollers $7.25. Uulli
toady with last week.
Hog receipts fairly liberal and
price advanced to $3.75 and JS.30
tho mlddlo or tho week with one load
topping tho market at $S.S5 Friday.
The Portland market Is on a par with
any other American market,
Tho most of the sheep house tran
sactions havo been In tho lamb dlvl
Ion, $0.75 being paid for fairly
good stuff. Southern Oregon and
Idaho points contributing a number
of cars of spring lambs. Prlmo
yearling wethers. $5.75 to $0.25;
prime owes, $1.75 to $5.25; medium
owes $3 75 to $4.50.
VALLKJO, Cal., April '!.- TV
WASHINGTON, I). C. April 20.
Despite stringent rule- to tho con
trary, tho iinjHirting of obnoxious
animal- is constantly attempted.
Kntcrpri-ing travelers havo at va
rious time- attempted to bring in to
the United State- as a curio.-itv the
Australian flying fox. Unknown in
this country, this overgrown h.U,
which at its lnrge-t measures .more
than five feet across tho tips of its
wings, is one of tho great ots of
Australia. In their "oniupV' lu the
dem-e scrub of cullies nud svvnmifcv
they may he -een by the thousands,
crowded s-o thickly on the trees tlmt
branches are frequently broken by
tlieir weight. Their nightly raids in
search of food cover coiiMilerahlo
di-tances and they nrc c-pccjally
partial to fig, bananas, poaches anil
other soft fruit. Various expedient
have been tried to protect the orch
ards, but hitherto tho-e have proved
more expensive, than succeiful. On
one occasion some hundred thousnnd
foxes were shot at un expon-e to the
government of New South Wales for
iowdcr and shot of HO cent each.
A little later wholesale de.-truetiou
by means of dynamite nnd other
high explosives was attempted. The
foxen avoided the trees that had
been so careiullv char'ud and the
explosives did no harm.
The mongoose is another crenture
which Individuals perL-t in bringing
uninvited to these shores. For thi
it U perhaps far to hold Hudyard
Kipling largely responsible. The
mongoose he immortalized under the
name of riki-tiki-tavi in the "Jungle
Hook" is a very attractive little
hero, hut no matter what the tnon
goonc inny bo iu Iudia. in Americu
ho is a nui-ance. Wlivu no sunken
are available to npH'ao his appetite
he does not scorn chicken-, young
pigs, kid, lambs, puppies, kittens,
vegetables and fruits.
Despite oerw helming evidence of
the havoc ho created, however, he
frequently appourx as a pet iu
charge of thoo who -hould know
bettor. One woman succeeded iu
getting her specimen through tho
cn-tom- and in -afetv to a New
York hotel. There, however, his
presence became known and iu a few
hours nu inspector appeared to carry
off the obnoxious vUitor. Still the
mongoose does get in and does e
enpo when he is in. A Capo Cod far
mer wIiom poultry yard suffered
nightly raids lay in wait for tho in
truder and succeeded in .-hooting an
animal the like of which neither he
Ivor hi.- friends hnd seen before
Ultimately tho authorities recognized
it ns u mougoo-o, but to this dny no
one knows what series of adventures
led to hi presence in Capo Cod.
His pre-epqe in this hemiphere at
all L- due to .the mi-tuken notion that
he would be invaluable in ridding the
cane fields of the West Indies of
ruts. In 1S72 n Mr. K-peut intro
duced nine of tho nuiniiiN, our
males and five female-, into Jamaica
for this purpo-e. They increased
with ouch startling rapidity that in
1890 a government commission en
deavored to find some way of ex
terminating the pe-ts. Evidence col
lected at that time showed that the
harm the creatures did far out
weighed yny benefit to tho sugar
nud coffee plantations. In the mean
time, attempts had been made to in
troduce the mougoo-c into Hawaii,
but fortunately they wore not so successful.
Tho Monthly llulletlu (or April. Is
sued by tho passenger unfile depart
ment of tho I'ulou Partite pjhIoiii,
n copy of which Ih sent every ciu
lloo of tho llarrlman Hues.
Cratcrf l.ako National Park, Ore
gon, One or tho most weirdly Interest
ing and uutuuo place lu tho t'ultoJ
States la t'rntor Lake National Park,
Oregon, easily roamed via tho
Southern Paclllc Co., south of Port
laud ! auto-stni;o from Modlord,
Crater l.ako Is correctly named, !
It Is a body of water tu tho ciator of
Mt. .Moxaiun, an otluet volcano, 0000
foot above sea lovol. Tho lako Is
000 (cot deep and ") miles In dia
meter. Near tho western end Is a
huge cinder cono rising S15 feet
from tho surface of tho take, about
tho kIxo of the Woolworth building
lu Now York City. Tho hike Is be
lieved by the neighboring Indians o
be tho dwelling place of tho Croat
Spirit, and Inhabited by monsters
called "I.laos."
A log cabin 5 miles from tho lake
provides meals and lodging at rea
sonable rates. Oasollno Ijxuuchos
navigate tho lake.
Side trip from Portland to Crntor
Uko National Park Is $31.20.
tickets on sale July t to September
25, final return limit. September ao.
Tho d hoc turn of tho MorchautH'
asKoclutlon tmt. secured K. I,, Tltums
a director of tho Portland Mor
chautH' association, and a member
of tho executive board of tho Port-
laud Ad club, to nlt a short talk on
"Advertising Krom tho Standpoint of
tho .Merchant," at thu regular ban-
omit tonight at tho Oulld hall,
Owing to tho play and dance to
night, beginning at S 00 and Siitil,
tho Kplscopal ladles havo kindly con
vented to begin tho banquet between and 5 15, and as tho talk will
bo over a quartur or half pant six,
there will bo an hour (or the huntucnx
ncMlou and tho mooting will Ho over
by half past sovou
Vice-President Uutterdeld will
Export Ooraotioro
!W(i Nor.h Bnvllelt.
riumo G(Kl jM.
Dry Cleaning Department
Hobson's Defeat a Prohibition Set-Back
(Ity Ous J. Kanjer, staff forrtpon- tenled him-elf with pro-dilution of
dent iu Cincinnati Times-Star.) I his record as u jiublio servant, nud
WASHINGTON, April 1L The I '" tht reooid he, hought,tlie apjuovnl f ..r..!.SI.itln ., n nntlnn. ' " ,l,S ft'lloW '" Allll Ml tlmt
, . , , ., ,, record the approval desired was no-
... ..., u.u ..,.. v"' corded without stint.
couragement from the result of the
BOSTON, April 20. Hv hiking
this morning's game from Ilo-dou, 8
to 2, the world'.- champion Athletic
won their fir-t game of the -ea-on.
The game went cloven innings, six
Athletics cro-sing the home plate in
the final inning.
Kiich side u-ed thi eo pitchers.
Houck started the game for Phila
delphia, but retired at the cud of the
second inning iu favor of Wyckoff,
who, iu return, was relieved by hddie
I'lnnk at the beginning of the eighth.
Collin-, Deilieul nnd Kelly were the
twirlers ued by Miiiuiger ( arrignn.
ilodiout relieved Collin- iu the ninth
nud Kellv succeeded Iludieut in the
SAN JtllUU), Cal, April 20.
Mexican troops at Tecato, Just
across tho lino from San (Hugo conn
t, arc today completing trenches
nnd (ortldeatloiiM, Tho (orco there
Is being added to dally, according to
Scores of Mexicans nro leaving
San Diego today for their own country.
Mi:iteii..Ts ii:ktini mondav
wu.ii hi: iii:i.i i:.hi,v
It Is positively stated that tho Mor
chautH association bnuquet and .meet
ing Monday evening will begin
promptly at iM5 p. m. and will bo
over lu tliuo for those who desire to
attend thu show at thu opera liouno
and the dance. Mr Tlmtus of tho
Portland Ad club has been Invited
bore by tho association to make a
talk nud uvery member should pre
pare to attend, get his dinner, hear
a good talk on business principles
and then go o tho theatre, or dauco
If ho so chooses.
NKW YORK, April 20. That the
trans-Atlantic liner California collid
ed with nn iceberg off the New
Pouudl'ind bank- Thursday wn
learned here by wirulon today. It
bow was criuslud and its pinto- rip
ped, hut it did not ask uid.
Notice la hereby given that tho
undorslgnod will apply to tho city
council at its meeting to bo hold
April 2 1st, 1911, for a llconso to
sell malt, spirituous and vinous li
quors In quantities less than a gallon
at Its placo of business, 22 N. Front
street, city o( Mcdford for a period
of six .months.
Dated April 11th. I8H.
Undcrwood-Hohon senatorial con
test iu Alabama. They assert that
it has given tho caime of national
prohibition a decided setback, Ami
that it has taken out of the hearts
of congressmen the fear that tho
President Wilson himself toel: no
part in the contest, except to express,
privately, his iitnioit confidence m
the -ability and integrity of Congress
man Underwood. He permitted no
preference f hi- to he announced
publicly and did not givo voice to
any opinion with regard to tho pro-
ai ii-Diiiuun league uu ine pu-.-r i, ,:,.. r fliri.jllB, ,.Ibitin to ibo
drive out of public life, those men rre,rotlt IlB ,,, Umip Nt
wno uo not ugree vim u ami , , ,)f Underwood has
refuse to do its bidding. i ,. , , , , ..,, r..
The Uuderwood-Hohson fight was
foughl almost exclusively on tho
prohibition issue. The organised
forces of prohibition were solidly be
hind Hob-on, who selected the i-siio
and mudo hi- ciimpaign on it without
cruiser Murylund was ordeied todax ( .ij. deflected liy nny of the other
hv tho navy department lo leave Maroj,roi,eia, that might have been snp-
Isjuiid for Jlexii'u n- soon u- "o-
hiblc. Three shifis wuo working on
repairs to Iho vcsel and she will
get awity before tho end of the week.
The collier Jupiter was scheduled
to sail Wednesday with o"0U Murines
and stores. Tho cruiser fjouth Da
kota is duo hero tomorrow morning
from Hreinerton. Tho ves-cl will re
main bete only long enough lo hike
on marines and ammunition.
Repairs weio being rushed today to
thu cruiser Cleveland and she wn ex
pected to gut uvva" not later thou
150,000 MEN TO WAR
SI'HINWIKLU, Ul.i April 20. In
n stiitt'iiicut issued here lodny, (lov-
..irir.r IMwni'd !'. DllllUI IIIIIKMIIK'cd
tlmt Illinois would send 17fi,000 men. the rvinolost coniicoliou and thu evils
to t)io fionl in the event of war with " which ho saw quihi ns clearly ns
Jkh.jlty, . jl"" VlltlUltiillhtio OppOIU'llt, Jlo COII-
poM'd to enter into it
The piohibitioniMs went after lag
game, and picked and imtikcd one
of tho great leaders of tho demo
ciiilio party for retirement. Their
fighting ground was skillfully choeu,
for Alabama with the exception of
about three counties, is already it dry
territory, nud lh feeling for state
wide prohibition is extremely stiong
nnd active. They made HoImoii the
great lieio of their cause and thu ap
peal nguiust tho sale nnd u-o of in
toxicating liquors was nlily fostered
nud stiuiulatd. .Mr. Underwood was
piciuied us the tool of the liquor in
terests ami thu evils of tho traffic
weio described iu graphic iiiiiiiner.
.Mr. Underwood made no defense
against tho issue, except to deny all
alliance with Iho rcueentntivcs of
uu iudiisli-y with which ho hud not
I been achieved did lie allow reference
tu bo miiile to his Icttor of 1011, writ
ten whilo ho was governor of Now
Jersey, to tho Hev, Thomns M. Shan
non of Newark, in which ho express
ed the opinion that prohibition should
not be made part of a party pro
gram. Tho concluding sentence of
that letter is now being widely quot
ed. "I do not believe," ho said, "that
party programs of the highest con
sequence to the political life of n
statu and of the nation ought to bo
thrust on ono side and hopelessly
embarrassed for Jong period to
gether, by milking a political issuo of
a grunt question which is necessar
ily non-political, non-partisan, moral
and social iu its nature."
Look! Look!
Smoko Governor Johnson clgara,
dcy'ro I'liulf. In Medforl you'll Ilka
John A. Perl
Ltd Assistant
Phone M. 47 antf 47-J3
Ambulance itorvlt Deputy Corouvr
Notice Is horeby Mvcn that the
undersigned will apply to tlio city
council at Its meeting to bo held
April 21st, 1'jH, (or a llcenso to sell
malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
In quantities less than a gallon at
Its placo of business, 16 N. Front
street, city of Mcdford for n pc'rlod o(
six months,
Dated April 10th, 1914.
Caul of Tlmuks,
Wo dtwlro to express our hoartfcll
thanks to tho many friends (or their
kluduoks nnd sympathy during tho
Illness and death of our lantiuud and
MUS I.ACHA KAMMi:iti:it.
Curd of 'I luniks.
The sous, daughters, lirothom nud
fclHtcrs of the lute Grandma Down
ing dculro to thank the nnlghborg
and other friends for ttiolr kindness
during their rcient boreavomonr
also to thank the rholr who assisted
with tho funoral nnd thoHO who sent
floral offerings. 2 I
Hmoko .Mt. I'itt.
Cigars and holp build up c.
roll for your own town.
With Medford trade Is Modfnr.1 mode.
For Your
ChUdren'u Health
I'Yco Del ivory.
I'Iioiip ti()1-,'J-:
'The original KcntiicUy
HliU'kliinls," a clcvci' .sin-
in, talking and eccentric
dancing act
A strongly dramatic story in
which a blackmailing woman
nearly ruins two lives. In
his efforts to get realistic ef
fects in a bridge-jumping
scene, the director of this
picture held up a big rail
road system for fifteen minutes.
Second of tho "Dolly of the
Dailies" series, with Mary
Fuller playing the lead.
The constables get some
easy money from the city au-
toinohilists, but the joke is
turned on the villagers
Woolworth and Woolworth
iWnsic and roalist,ic effects.
Admisnlon Ton Oonto
Tor Steam ami liy Cleaning and
All Kinds of Dc Woik
I .miles
Cleaned Kpoii;m
and and
l'rcitKud Presiod
Suit $t.3u up Mm up
Coat .75 up U&cup
Skirt R0 up I!5oup
Overcoat 1.00 up nOe up
Waist BO up lineup
Dross 7fi up fiOo up
(lluvos, kid to
(Moves, long .. .... .'.'0
Clcnucd Sponged
and and
Prcinod Pressed
Suit 1 1.35 f.Uc
Coat 50 25c
Vest 35 I0o
Trousers 50 35c
Ovurruat 1.00 50c
Itnlnrunt 75
Itng and Carpet. Cleaning
and Weaving
3?hoiio filKMt
(lout's Suit Pressed Weekly, $1,50
per Month.
100 acres in alfalfa
and clover, i!o acres
grain, '!() head of
stock, all improve
ments, close in;
.fl,),000; pri vat e
water right for all
land under cultiva
Mcdford and Nash hotels.
.XlnUnnl, Oregon
April 24, 7:30 p. m,
(Icuoral Outline of Program to lie (liven by tho
Of the .Mcilfoiil StnHd
lionise-, (Jonrtci, Duct, tit III Soiigi nud Motion Songa
Including Chlldruu Prom .Ml (lrad and lllgh School Student
A lno Competition in
Ear Training, Reading, Singing,
Directing and Piano
Orchestra, Violin and Piano Duets
iUhmiI Tciil).ric Pilc filvi'ii
All monoy above- pavliiK (or Opera llouto and (or mulc will be
dovlded equally to Improvn cbyol pluKioliiid.
Parent wIioho rhlldron tako part nro rcuciited to co-operatn with
teachrora by mnltliiK It poanlblo (or children to ho at practlrn and
on time April 31, 7.30 p. in,
iti:.Mi:.Miu:it thi: eati: and pi.aci:
FiWjEy Tonight
The Jlost Tiilkcrt-ol' VVoiiinii in III.- World
Assisted by .Jack Clifford and a llig Company in the
Musical Divertissement,
Prices f0c lo $2.00
Offers the Most Successful Comedy in the World,
By J. Hartley Mankers.
"Ah dowey sweet, as an April morning in Killarnoy,"
with PEGGY O'NEII, and a brilliant. Metropolitan
cast. Seats may bo reserved on tho evening of tho
liOth. .Regular seat sab tomorrow, 10 a. m. 1'riees
BOo to $2.00.
- r
i. I
r s 11