Jeff Still Insists He Knows "Xt UO ' A V NOTICE. Notice In hereby given that (hit uriiliimlRtiKil will apply to the rlty council at II iihmIIiii; In bo linlit April 2 1st, I'JH, for n license In null iiuilt, spirituous ami lnotiM li quor In f)ii(intltlfft less thun n gallon nt Its plaru (if business, 22 N, Front street, city of Mrdtard for n period of nil iiinulhii, HKL8IIY ft KENNEDY. listed April tltli, 11 t . political announcements. fob niieiufp. A. W. Walkur or Mudford. an nounces hit candidacy fur tho re publican nomination as sheriff at tlio primaries Mar 16. (Paid Adr.) J. k. nation, chier or police- or Medford, announce hi candidacy for tho democratic nomination for sheriff of Jarksou county a' tho jirl uiarlea May IS, (I'ald Adr.) I Uh to announco in; candidacy for tho republican nomination n sheriff at thu primaries May 1 5th. A. K. KAHIIAHT. If raid Ad.)" ' 1 hereby announco my candldac) for thu democratic nomination u sheriff at tho primaries May ICtli. J. T. HtJMMKltVII.U:. (I'nld Adv.) I hereby ntinounro myself ns an ludepfiiileut candidate ror thu office of sheriff of Jackson count)'. J, O. (IKIIICIXd. (I'ald Adv.) HIXOI.KU I'Olt Slll.ltflF. In nccnptlnu the appoltttmvnt auc ceedlug tuy hrothur for his unexpired term ns sheriff, I did so for thu buna fit of his widow and family. The of (leu has had an honest and efficient administration. With tho saino objects and pur pomrs In vie' I horuby announco my self as a candidate for tho republican nomination at tho primaries May 15, 11)14, W. II. S1NOLKR. (Paid Adv.) I'OU COUNTY TUKAKUUKU. I hereby announco myself ns n cmidldato ror tho offlco of county treasurer, on the rupublliMin ticket, to ho voted nn nt tho comlnc primary election on May tho Cltli, 1914. I havo always delivered tho goudi and will do so again If elected. 1 guarantee: 1. To account strictly lor all money, 3. To perform the duties ot tlio office according to law. I am not counoctod with any bank, All banks will ho treatod allko, with no special favors. KRKI) COLVIO. I inn a cnudldnto ror tho republi can nomination for county treasuror nt tlm primary to tin hold May Xfttli. ir nominated and elected I will itlvo tho offlco my personal attention, and perform tho duties pertaining thereto according' tn law, nn I have done dur ing thu past. JAB, M. CRONIOMILLER. (Paid Adv.) I'Olt COUOXKU. W. W. UsHlior announces IiIh can didacy ror coroner on the republican ticket. (Paid Adv.) KOH HTATH HKNATOH II, Von dur llellun, of Wotluii, In cumbent, minoiiiires IiIh candidacy ror tlio rVpubllrmi nomination ns statu suiiulor from Jackson county. (Paid Adv.) COUNTY 4'l,i:UIC. I linrnhy miiiiiiiiiru mywlf run- llldolO Mr UlU ilMlbll'UII IIOIIlllHlllOII CZZr DO YUH think. HT fiWf.. qq tmw Or 1HATM WAtNCVCN. ClUrcKOPVOU? WCLC.T. t I co MoR.Tnfoo in wt Ufa, I Cm',y 0fttK ""ao r , ' ' i ., - I ocrr au mu cutrtk. I 1 Oy0R.0RruN. vou've. - . . , , roK- '00 AMD T werWToJ OWR.DPJM.N VOVf1- r " WH ? "A MCRC'J WV CHQO: ,-,,, j fAlH it AND TMG j - V ACCOUNT -Ca-v1 -r7.- 1 v BOOK MO TMCRJW J 1 ' ' Qywhrs.Co. f'iytr as county clerk subject to tint will of thu voters nt tlio primary nomi nating olwllon to tin liclil Krldny, May IT., lyjl. In unnetmctni: my candlilnr.y I to o kliowliiK that Nliotilil I ho ronoiiilniiliMi and r!i olnrli-tl I will routluiii! a ttood lml-ni'm-llko anil ('(iinoiiilcal admlnlstrn tlon. (1. A. (lAKDNCIt. HI'IT IS Kgi'lTV. St .M.MO.NS I'Olt IM'ltl.H'Alin.V. In tlm ilrciilt ourt of tlm Ktntn of Onou, for Jiul,on county. I.)'m IMilppn. plnlntlff, v Mallnda Jmiii .MIIkh, and William .Miles, wlfu mid liiidinud, ilefeiulnnts To .Miillniln Jmiii Mllnii, and VII Ham Mllrn, llu anil Mutuant), tlm tioi nnriind ilofendant. In tlm name of tlm Uito of OreRon, you am lmnby reijnlreil to appear and niKwer thu complaint tllel nKnlnut you In the above entitled court and ratine, on or lieforo nU weeks from tho dato of thu firm pul. llratlon of thin mtmmoni, laid first iiihiniirr ti in Miinio . hii.w. . mVnuM'VnV'V' '., or X" :. i., it... i, uii In the complaint, to.wit, Knr n iti.rrn.i nf tlm iiTinvn nnlltlni!! 'iMu iiiniiru PI. pn Inlnlirr. recorded In hook 2rt at conVoS mS.; ccS TO Jo5:i.deaV SSSf lX, Jack foil uated In Jackson county, Oregon, to wn: Lots numbered nun (I), two (2), and threit (3, In block number six- teen Mill, nf th., ,lt- rf.trtimt-lv ....,.f i..,u.r.i . .i,..i. i .,.i .....,..,....,.... r ,,.-,....,. described on tho official plat thereof now of rerord. Sill d mortgage securing n nolo for $1000 00, dated Medford, Oregon, December 27, l'.UO, executed by said Mallndn June Mites, and her husband, and payable to the plaintiff heroin, drawiiiK interest nt the rate of ten per rent per annum until paid. For it decree and Judgment ror tho sum or $1000.00 Including Interest until aid ut tho nhnvn rate, and thu sum or $125 00 it h attorney's fees, mid thu costs of this suit. That tho usunl decree he made ror the sale or said pruml'es by the sheriff of tho above county mid stnte according to taw, and tho proceeds of said sale may bo applied In pas ment or (ho nmotint due tho plain tiff. Including principal and Interest, attorney's foes, nud costs of this suit, nud that said defendant! nud each or them, and nil persoim claiming under them subsequent to tho execu tion ot said mortgagu upon said proiulncts, either as purchasers, In- NEW TODAY 320 nciCH o( Montana wheat land, wort,h $15,000, largo house nud other buildings, all machinery U offered (or trade on a $25,000 bearing pear orchard In this valley. Will pay $10,000 ciihIi difference nt tlmo or trsiiKfer. (let in lino If you want to trade, A $10,000 bearing orchard hero la offerod lor trndo for a California Imrdwnro stock. C. D. HOON WHY? (Inrdon mid alfalfa laud, Irrigated JS00O place for $1500 120 iicrun smidy loam soil, nil bottom laud, 20 acrcH In alfalfa, orchnrd nud garden, NO act oh can bo cultivated, 12 horso power engine mid pump, nil can bo Irrlgnted, team, wagon, liuriioHs, two cows, IS plgH, 10 chlckotiH, five tur kuya anil machliiory. All koch for $1500, Host I havo over offoreil, J. C. BARNES I'liHt National llaiiU IIiiIIiIIuk To loan on Improved rnucliM. Interest per rout "IimurMiico That Insures," II. H, HTINW 11 uy your ItiiurMiaa or uipayer publ.rat.,,,, beltu: on the 10th d.y of - iln J " '("ruely. tho above If $tlZVXa!r Sid nn' 4-"S""r the Mate or Oregon, n.?., plaint "or' want he?;r "fhSi ' .""'?. .rAT,ru!f .1?..?1T" court furveloalnic that certain mort-' 1 Z ' TJ " ,nJ".. "ivi iv Riven by defendant. Mallnda j '" '" , 7 ul ' " .' '''." Jnne TkiileH. and Wllllauf Miles, wife ' ,10iV.a friAl J? tin iKu ....i i. ..-i...... . .i... i J......ilaro hereby notified If you fall to ap MigiWOIll) MAIi; TltllUINM. More Than a Bank riiinhrnncvrM, or othrrwlso, may ho burred mid forerloxeil of all rlKhts, rlaluiH or iiilty of ri'dumptloii (ux eit such u h allowed b law) In iald pruiiilhos, mid that If after such nlo mid application of proceeds thereof, It shnll lin asrertalned that itiich pro- coils are lusufflcleut to pay such JudKinetit as plaintiff may recover, he may have Judgment over unnlnt tie fondants In tint amount of such de flck'ticy. And for such other rellof tin to the court ma)' seem Just. This summons is published under and by lrtuu of nn order made by lion. I' I. Ton Velle, county Juditn of the aniresulil county ami stnto, In tlio nbseuco of the circuit Judge of thu nbovn untitled rourt from salil roun. ty. on tlm ltti day of April. 1 1 1 1 . Tin first publication or this summons to tie on the 10th day of April, 1914, and the last publication will be on tho L'Znd day of May. lHH. NKWTON W. llOltnKN, Attorney for Plaintiff. soimons, sriT nm uivoitci:. In tho circuit court tn and for tho county of Jackson, state of Oregon. Knid i:. freely, plaintiff, vs. i:iwln ion Mo OR.In.t you in the above en- titled court nml cause within six .... trn, ,t, ... ,.r ,t. irUf ....t.. ""'" " -" i;."-- I . . . .. . . ., . :. i . .. i l .... ',.,.. ZLlA '.-,".".,. 'T.V.. ''. w " -W - -urt'fo; tllu relief I '''-"l'!',!"!";.; I For a ditcreu of divorce from you and that the bonds of matrimony now existing between yourseir mid plain tiff bo wholly set aside and held for naugiiii urn piniiiuii oo rrsiuruii io her mnliloit iimno. tewit: Lnlil 1. !lll.,ll,. I ,).., ,.. Hamilton, and that she fiavo ludg- ment against you for her costs and dlHliurnements or this suit and that she bo given such other and turthur roller as to the court may seem Just mid equitable. This summons Is ubllshcd tn tho Modrord Mall Tribune, n newspaper or general circulation. In Jackson county, Oregon, published at Med ford, Oregon, by order of lion. F. L. Ton Voile, Judge or the county court ror Jackson county, Oregon, mndn and entered on the Uth day or April, 191 1, wherein and In said order It Is or ilureil, that you be required to nppear and answer said complaint within sit worths from the date of thu first pub lication of this summons, the rirtt publication thereof being on Friday, the 10th day or April, 1911, nnd thu Inst publication thereof tieitig on Fri day, tli(22iid day or May, 1911. WM. I. VAWTBR, Attorney lor Plnlntlff. I'OU UKXT f'UUNIHIIKI) AITS. FOiV'rBNT Furnishud apartments". Tho Ilurhen. Main nnd Outnco. rou hunt noi!sr:Hi:i:pi.a ROOMS FOR RENT Throe modern fur nished houRokeepliiK rooms, ground rioor. 220 South Grnpu. No chil dren, 23 FOU ItK.Vl HOt'HKS FOR RENT Two room house, 115 Oak street, $3.50 per mouth, water furnished, J, Rvtur, Jacksonville. 27 FOR RENT Furnished house, 003 West 2nd 8t, .modern 2S FOR RENT Five room modem Iioiiho with barn. South Clrnpo St., $12.00 per -month. W. II. Bverhard. 1013 W. Hth St. FOR RENT Substnntlitl modern residence, sovuu rooma to let May 1st. Addreud box A., caio Mull Tribune, FOR RENT OR SALE Flvo houue mid guidon, Phone room 717-R. 40 FOR RENT Seven water paid, $0,50, Sargent. room house, Inquire l.'ol. 31 FOR RENT OR BALE Six room bungalow, terms ruasoiablo. Ap ply to Dr. Porttir, FOR It KM I'tlRMSH Ml UOOMH t'OR REN'l' Largo ileupluic ruoma. and inoderii housiilieoplng upart nienls, price wry ronsuiiublo. Phmiu 247-L. Vi'l Boilth Holly treut, FOR RENT -Muilorii furnished rooms, The ('iilliigu Itunldoiti'o, UiM West lOlh til, 31 i r .!.. i is ninuiir 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i h s in i i is ii s nun MKDP'OliU, OUKdOX, nm ki:nt itoAitu and uoomh KnisT'rLASS "nOA!)--At"Mri? c. U. Cram's, G'-'H i:. Main. Zi FOIt HALI-IX)TH TDK HAM: 1100 down, balanco monthly, store property In Tnlont. no fet from tht bank. Talent Is KrowitiK, creamery tho next Indus try, J, C Mason, Talent, Ore. 24 rou KAI.IC IIOUSKS J'Olt HAI.K Klvo room modern I poll BXrHANdi: Tillamook dairy houmi, three, large lots, berries. rmtchoM and Income property ror fruit trew. W. I'. fiakor, 305; MeOford property, business pre l'ortlaud Ave., prlco $2300. 2i5 fnrred. Clark Itealty Co. rou HAMS ACIIKAnrc I'Olt SALE Acreago. near tho city and electric ilno extension. Of fered at first cost and on easy terms, liberal discount ror all cash. C. II. IMcrce, owner. II. F. I). No. 3. 39 FOIt HALK FA1WI UMS FOR HM.i: - Fln ranch. 21 acres of bottom land, all fenced with nuw fence Now hoiuo. barn, hen hoiikO Part In crop, somu seeded to ulfnltii. All stock mid tools In cluded. Prlco $4000, terms $1500 cash, balance 10 jcars or to suit purchaser with interest nt 0 per rent. Stock consist of team of horses 4 years old, Jersey cow, ono heifer, two brood sows and two shoatM. Further particulars ad dress Itox 7.S-A, route 2, Central Point. Oro. 24 FOR HALE 100 acre stock ranch on Thompson creek, Applegate sec tion. 30 ncrca under Irrigation. .Million ret or timber, good range. Address It. B. dray. Applcgatu. Oregon. Phone Sl-XX, Provolt 20 FOU sai.i: ORCHARDS FOR SALE Five ncro applo orchard tract, 10 year old trees, north or James CVunpbell on King's High way. Cash or easy terms, J. C. rim. Hotel Medford. 23 FOU SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 12 Poland China pigs. Polk Hull, (Irlffln rreck. FOR SALE Two brood sows mid joiing pigs. Phono 201-J4. FOR SALE Team horses, weight 2200 pounds. R, F. I). No. 1, box KG. 24 FOR SALE One good, gentle or chnrd team nnd collars, $110, Phono 7SS-J2. 24 FOR SALE Fine Iluroc Jersey pigs, either sex, $15 00 each; lnjdlgrood J. It, Wilson. Medlord, box 5C, R. F. 1). No. I. 2C FOR SALB-Cheap. a Sliotlund pony, harness nud buggy, ror par ticulars phono 537-L. 21 FOU SALE POULTUY FOR SALE Pure bred Plymouth Rock and Hamburg eggs, $1.00 for 15. A. Pottlngor, 713 West 10th. Phone 13S-R. 24 FOU HAM MKIlTOiliAXKOUS FOR SALE seed corn. 5U1-R4. -Com. baled hny nud C, W, Isaacs, phono FOR SALE Cheap, fancy apples and seod corn nt Producers waro house Robert Duttou. FOR SALE Haled alfalfa hny $S to $10. Call 732-J2. 34 FOR SALE Transplmitod tomato Plnnta, SOe In 1000 lots. C. Carey, Talent, phono 1C-F11, FOR SALE Fancy seed potatoos, Evorgroon sweet corn; also good family row, Robert Dutton, phono 3SC-M. WAXTEII SITUATIONS WANTED Japanese boy wants n'l kinds of house work by hour. Phone 401-R. Shlmoda. 24 WANTED MISCKMiAlllCOUH WANTED Horse Plume 5U7-R4. to pastil ro. 37 WANTED- Clean rug at Mull Tri llium office. WANTED To runt rurujslmd huiisu In or near Medford, for llireo or four month Reply giving full Particular and rental to Orchard 1st, cm 10 Mall Tribune, ltd KIM DAY. AIMflh 17, 101 1. WANTKIi tl!tCKMiA.TX)i;H WANTKD 50 hiiad of stock to pas ture. It. J. Ilonat, pnotio 53'J J5. 21 W'ANTKI) Horno one to play chesji with for one hour or two each day. 1. O. box air,. WANTKD IMowlnK. harrowing or any kind of team work. Call 4S2-W. 25 Hilt K.i;il.iMK KXCMIAXOK Want to sell or buy anything? U C Itader. 114 X. Front St. I'hone 125. Nuff Sod. FOR TRADE 1C0 acres. DO acres under cultivation, located in East ern Oregon. miles from uakor City. Will trade for property around Modrord, value about $2500.00. Address E. Ilagloy. Med ford. It. F. I). No. 3, box 32, or phono 507-R4. 41 lll'.SIXKSS IIIUKCTOUY Attorijpy PORTER J. NEFF. WM. P. MEALET Attorueys-at-Law. Rooms 8 and 9. Medford National Hank bldg. A. H. REAMBS. LAWYER Oarnett Corey bldg. W. J CANTON Attorney and Coun sellor at Law. 123 East Main street. Medford. Oro. Wm. M. CoUIk George M. Roberts COLVIO & ROBERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Rank Rulldlng II. F. MULKEY & OEO. W. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Rank Building. NEWTON T. BORDEN Attorney at law, room 7, Sparta building, Med ford. Oregon. Notary IMbQc HELEN N. YOCKEY Notary pub lic. Rrlng your work to me at th sign of tho Mall Tribune. Transm EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 42 NorU Ftont St. Pboat 315. Prices rlsfct. ! Kii Physicians sno aurgvoas DrT'f." 67 C'ARLOW, DR. KVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathli physicians, 410-417 Garnott-Coro) bldg.. phone 103C-L. Residence 26 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Ostoopatblt physician, 303 Qarnett-Corel building. Phono 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Pbyblrlan and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Eyes scien tifically tested and plasties supplied Offlco 22S East Main St., Hdun 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. ra. Phone. DR. MC M. M. DOW Physician and Burgeon. Dr. Lydla S. Dow Os teopathic physician, offices 3-4 St. Mark's block, Phono 1G0, Real denco the Dow Hospital, Central Point. 333 E. n. P1CKEL, M. D. Office Jack son Citiuty Rank bldg. Offlci phone 43-R; rosldence phone 6S-R DR. MARTIN C BARBER Physl clan and surgeon. Office Palir block, opposite Nash Hotel Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physlciau auo surgeon. Phones, offlco 36, resi dence 724-J. Offlco hour 10 tr 12, 2 to 5. OR. S. A. LOCKWOOD Physiclai and surgeon, MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD, M. D. Practice limited to dlseasos ol womeu. Orrices 233 E Ualn Phoues, rosldeuce, S14-J2; offlc 814. It. J. CO.NROY, M. D. t'hyulciau auo Hurgoon. Ovur HutchUon ft Lum den. 215 E. Main St Phono 77 - . - 1 llrnxliiK mill Welding OXY'AVEtYTExlT'uljTiNtlWo have lustallod a largo and up-to-date plant ami nru prepared to do all kind of welding and bruslng mi ct Iron steel, aluuiluiiiii, top per, brM, etc (Iruuls Pus Iron ti attel Wurl., 25 By UU.S1NKS.S DlltlXTOKY Auctloaecn WILLIAM t)IKICH Llcenssd Auc tioneer for tho City of Medford, Orcgoo. Terms reasonable. Rsi denco phono 1C1-J. Office Jack son County IUnk building. Clitroprtxmr DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor nervo specialist. Rooms 203-204 20G Oarnett-Corey bid. Vapoi baths and scientific massut;a Kiven. needlo spray, bead and shouldoi shower la connectien: advice lo dietetics. medical rrmnantlrs hydroptherapy. L&dy attendant I I'hone. office 543, rosldcnce 511-R. I OR. A. R. IIEDOES. Vt. Louise E Hedges Mecbino-ThernplatJ, Chiro practors, SpondylotberaplsU. ThM ystems. Including dietetics, cura tive gymnastics, hydro-tberaphy etc., produce remits tn both acute and chronic diseases. Coniulta tlon free. Over Deuel It Co., cor ner Main and OartietL Hours 9 a. tn. to 5 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phone 170. UeaUata DR. W. M. VAN BCOTOO DR C. C. VAN 8COTOC Dentins Oarnett-Corey bldg., suite Slu Medford. On. Phono S5. Instruction Mr. FRED ALTON HA1GHT Teach er of piano and harmony. The Hatght Music Studio, 116 South t.nurel St.. phonn 17R-R CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Quirk, Handy, reference for Ilusy People Art Portraiture Scott's Studio, all grades ot portralturo, kodak finishing, enlarging, tinting. Drlng the babies, we understand them. Over Hasklns' drug store, Phono 092-U Art Store R, L. Dennett, Paint, oils, glass, wall paper, enlarging, plcturo framing. 27 North Grnpo Phono 3CG-J Auto mullet and Spray Tnnks J. W. Mitchell, blacksmlthlng, horseshoeing, wagon work, rub ber tiro work. 22 South Rlver sldo street- -Phone 26 llarnros, Suit, Gloves Hormnn Rrothers, 317 East Main, repairing ot all kinds. I'nouo 4 l-J Haled Hay, Flour, Feed, firoln L. R. Drown, Russ Mill, also poultry supplies, 139 South Riverside -..Phone 523 Unkery Royal cakes. Itakery. bread, pies, Comer Main aud Grapo. Phono 37 Ik-auty Shop Tho Beauty Shop, Madame Roode, shampooing, hair dress ing, manicuring, chiropody and children's hair cutting, room 25, Jackson County Rank Bldg. Phono 7 4 1 Cigar Factory Oregon Central Cigar Factory, Johnson, Pitt, Maxapan cigars. 219 West Main Phouo 321 Civil Engineers Osgood & Brown. T. W, Os good. Asso. M. Am. Soo. C. E. A, Theo Brown, deputy county surveyor. Modrord National Bank Bldg Phono 263 Electric Wiring, Fixture, Supplies Southern Oregon Electric Co., Muzda Lamps. G South Central Avouue Phono 215-Y Furniture New anil Second Hand Scott Woolf, auccossor to Mor doff & Woolf, completo house furnishers. Special low price on Axmliilster rugs and furni ture. 22 South Fir Phouo 9 Farmer Implement Hubbard Brother. Full lino of John Deere inula. For spe cial price on buggies. 336 Bast Malu Phone 231 1'ienli ami Cured .Meal Blar Meat Market. M W. Wag bur, Prop, 314 East Main HIHMMIMItMIHHMHHIIMIMIHI.1 llOU 7? TAOM SBVRN "Bud" Fisher IIUSIXKSH DIItECTOnV Aula anpptre. LAHUH AUTO SPRIXO CO. Our big secret la making springs ti the tempering;. We are operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Use our springs when others fall. ITold under guarantee. 26 North fif teenth 8L, Portland. Or Kitiploytnent Agency Wo are here to help people get re liable, competent Help, wo lur nlsh help in almost alt lines of business. Wo mako a specialty ot competent men and wives for ranches. Wo solicit your patron age Dittner's Real Estate and Employment Ilureau, Rooms 8 and 7 Palm Dulldlng, Medlord. Phone 858. Mrs. Byrd Caster, Manager, succener. Cartage OAHUAOB Get vour premises cleaned up for th winter. Call on the city garbage wagon for good service. Phone 325-L. 7, Y. Allen BteaografMen ELLA M. OAUNYAV Pslm block. Stenographic work Otoe quickly and well. Printers aa rabUaitera MEDFORD PRLNT1NO CO. has Yk best equlppod pdntlng office la southern Oregon; book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing system, etc. Portland price. 37 North Flr8U Groceries Drowaleo & Llndley, Monopote canned goods. Upper Crust flour. 327 East MaIn..Pbone 927-L Guns, Ammunition, Sporting Goo4a Ewlngs Gun Store, fishing tackle, sporting goods. 112 West Maln ......Phone 345 Insurance Any Kind R. H. McCurdy. writes fire, life, accident, liability, onto, plate glass, burglary, fidelity and surety bouds, Sparta Building. Phoue 123 Modern Photography The Mackey Studio, latest and most up-to-date methods. Por traits of children. Main and Central, back ot Daniels for Duds. Xiirtcry The Quaker Nursery, commer cial varieties ot pears, apples and ornamental shade trees, H. U. Pattorson, manager. Special prices for next thirty days. 104 South Fir. Phones, office 752-J, Resldouco 249-X Practical llorsesliocr and Blacksmith O, F. Merrlnmn, Medford me chanic. 20 South Riverside Aveuuo Phono 279 PliiitibliiC and Hcutintf Van It. Pelrsou. 28 North Crape -....Phone 928 Real Kstuto, Loans aud Investments Page Dresslor Company, farm lands, sub-divisions. 320 East Main .-. Phono 281 Restaurant Johnson's Cafo, all home cook ing. 28 South Central Avouue. Phone 901-J Shoo Rcpnlrlug Model Boot Shop, whllo you wait. 10 South Central Ave uuo Phono 875-1 Shoct .Metal Work Modrord Sheet Metal Work I). O. Wurthlugtou, Prop. Cor nice and skylights, roofing of all kinds, tin and sheet Iron pipe g uttors, tanks, 19 Fir street Staple ami Faucy Grocer) O. P. Krlb ft Co, 33 Nartk drape ......Pkua 101 Htuogiailier M. T. Kdwards, 4fraikr, Typewriter, laMl l'IHatlwi, watilfsliJlNg. PaJw W. U4