t l WRDfonn xtATr, tiiihunr. jikdkord. okkook. fiiidav, aimiii, it, idii. PXGK FITI I IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Tim kIiIh of tin IiIkIi hiIiihiI hirni (irKimli'il n ( rink iiiiin, thii only iiiitnnlriitliiii of Hit lilml In tin Klntit, About it humlieil yniiiiK hid lc nut tint nwirj ufteinooii tlrlllliiK In thtt run mill Jump mill liunlliii, and luroitlluit In ('(mill TriiNt hIiiiw nitiro enuiny In llirlr work Hum thu ho m. I.mllna, inir Kiinruulfed Hpuelully wrapped hreiul m II, & ('. null Iom Newtown llnld'iy !!K (! A. WIiihIiiii of AhIiIiuiiI wa ii IiiiuIiii'mh vUltor In I ho ill) HiIk morn Imk. K. I). WitMimi, I'tiiiiiiit.fflHl photo rnphnr, neRntlvr made any limn or pIaco hy appointment I'tiona M 1471. I'red llotlliiit In lii tint I'lty from (Vuttiil I'oliil tmlii) mi IiiihIik'uh. Hrii-mi ilonrit tit M ml ford l.itmhur ('niupnuy, T, i:. tiiimly or Mnrahtleld I n ItiiHliK'ttN txlinr In thl city mul other Mtllcy point Hi Ih wcitk. I'lntu Int. MornliiK tlnllverlii .Meilfonl leu & Stomal Co. l'liono lifll. I). I', .lolumoii of Kuril rpmit Tlium- (lliy III Meilfnnl nil litinllli'MS matter Tim ihiw U innltliiK inplilly In Hut inoiiiiliiliiit, mul Hut offciU of tint warm iinhlim can he not ml In Hut rnotlillU. reiiunut rnin'il liroml, Kiinrmi ti'oil fri'tih nt Onkdnlu Urocery. Madn nt Now town linker)'. II II. .Mt't'nrih) of Dixitli Vail. 7 No ml ii, nrrlvi-d In Mi'dfnrd Thur lny mul will lulmt with Ml tut Wotunrk on tint (Jrlly lluttit claim. II Mike' prediction come true, mllllnn nlri'o will he in t It Irk In tint valley. It will lii iHTivrxnr) to nprti) (or tlii'in At premut rock, nrcordlni; to Mike th nt witti loriui'it In tin' Aiolr pirlotl U tmltiK uncovered. hIoiik with Halurliin (li-poiillH of a I'nletnlc tinttiro. Have money, t'mi I'lntu Irn. Mnl ford Ire A HtoraRo Co Phono SCI. Milk mill crnnln mi ItaVon'a Houthliouiul imuiMiKitr train No in thl inornltiK wan limili'it h lw loco, motive. Three refrlRerator rnm, llireo linKKitKi' rum. and tint uminl uumherof riwclie made up t lit trntu Don't Im itrri'lvt'tl. t'mi I'lntu Ire. Mi'ilfonl Iro li H torn Kit Co. I'honu ii! I. I'luliliiK U kooi) In Hear creek Mill Smith Tli urn ilny nftornnoii cnur.ht r.o trout of tint rlKht frylm; lro. Hperlal (or Hominy, .NVpotltmi hrlrk velvet Ico main. I'liuue (Ki lt. According to pro rtipptiiK re ceived from I'linuulx. Arli , lloli Itur Hn of lint lloatnn Ideal () peril roll! puny In the nmtliii'o Idol or Hint (it)', thcateroera mul critic IiuIiik pro fimn In their pin I no of hi iirllui; mul hIiikIiik Plitto Ire, Kunrmiteeil rleiir. hnnl. pure. MeiUoril lio &. .Stornnu Co Phono art I. Cole KIiik of Homme U vIkIHiiiv (rlutiilN nml rulntlvcH In lliln city thin week. Why not have your limurnnro In n ItlK rnmii.iuy? Iloluiun tlin limurnucti Mnn, la tint nKnut. ' P. I.. II) lien of Jili'kwiinlllo Npeilt ThurMilny ndcriioou In Meilfonl on ImihIiu'ioi. Bco Tit my for flro Insurance Tint mml hunt (or mHi'h rimllnuen iiuiilmteil. ThU niornlUK n rmull ilnto for coiiKreitH, mul (or nlicrlff an nemtileil In (rout of Hut Commerclnl liult. tryliiK to miiieeie n oto out of eiirh otlior. Ailil to directory, WIiIIo'h Volvot Ico iTcnm (urtory, phouii No, IK I -It Jt It. .1. Coin of Hilt, Cul , Ih trmiH ni'tlitK liiiHliifMi In Meilfonl toilny, KitttliiK rcmly for t ho eurly opeiilui! ot Colextlu. Kreili llmo. Moitforil I.br, Co, II. 0. Ylliihou of .liii'kHonvllItt ut. temli'il to Inifliirna In Hut lit)' Tliurv ilny nflnrnoon, Tlin Htmiiliinl lireil hIiiIIIoii, KIiik Henl. No. illlIIK. ri'i'onl 2.M M, over Imlf iiillo trnck mniln litHt Hitpliimhcr nt mirouvor, II, C, will tunko u Hliort Hitimon hoforo riKiiiK HiIh yenr. Koo JSo.OO to liiHiiro. T. K, Tnyior, own or, -13 A. A. HiuiuioIh of Bnlom Ih ii Moil ford vlitltor thU weuk, I'oHtciirdH 76(! piir tlnxon HiIh weok nt Up To Dnto .Studio, Wl Kimt Mnt-i. ir Tim KlkH IoiIkd hold opou houuo nt lla IoiIkd roouiH IiihI nlKht to L'OO vUltorx, StorJi'H worn told, hoiikh miiik, MpueclicH iiinilit, mul n Kuiunnl Kiiod limn hold- l-uiuiiiHin wiu nerved, mul Hut iuiihIc wax fiirnlHluul by mi iiUKiiuiutiiil orchuHtrn. Coli plpim mul toliniTo went ilUtiiiititud. It wiim Hut limit! Hiui'iiKurul upon Iuiiiho In tho lilntory or Hi n IoiIkk- Mm .1 A Wimliirliiud uiidiirwitnl mi opnriitlou upon hur III rout I ho find of Hut week, mul U luiplovliiK uipldly ut her lioiiiu on I'luwt Mitlu. A. I,', Hwmthout, foiiuurly con iiectoil with The .Moriilni; Mum .in liooklieitpnr, Ii it tt niiirnod to Meilford from Hiiuthitrii ('nllforiilu. I Id will iniunlu lli'lo lilivlliK liicupliiil li piinl Hon. Hny rlenr, puro I'lnln lie, Meil fonl 1(0 K Ktoriiipt Co. I'lioiK! i!fi J, (), (litrllllli;, (hit lienl nil urmilnl ihotoKrnplutr In miulhiirii OntKon,. Vlii)i rullnhlo. Ni'i;iitlve mniln mix vhnnt, tliiui or plum, Hludlo 228 Miiln Ht. I'hoiin nO-J, Tho roiulltloii of Mm C II. (In) In Krently Improved tudiiy nrcoritlni; to roportn from Hut Knrred Henri lion pllnl. newH Hint relieved Hut nt rnln of worry from her frlentH nml rein- liven. I'rnuk Cnmou of Kliiiimlli nt. leiidifd to liiinliit'HH uinttem In Hill city Tuendny mul UVdueMlny, nt turuliiK to It I n home thin nioruliiK. I'nl Hwnnn of Hut I'pper Apple :nle nttdiiiled to hunlnenii In Meilford Tliomlii), mul reportn iiiiiLilloui ex relletlt In llln ncttlon or I he eoillltr). Mitlilln, rhornhilu nml White' npu rlnl Ice creiim for Kiindiiy. I'honu KJ-lt. Mm M. i: Honker Ih vlnltlui; frlemltt nml relnthen In thin city mul Jncknunvlllo thin weul, Kndnk (lulnhttiK. Klutn) or dull (In h nt J. 0, (IcrkliiK'i itudlu, HH K Main Ht. rhomt 320-, Attorney II. I". l)eAriuoud Ih at toiullUK to Illinium mul leK.it iuntler III Knleui thin week. Ilny l.a Mnr nn)n ko to O-ren A l.n Mnr, 20i V. Main, for clennlnit pri-fitlii;; nml nltiirntlotm. l'liono r.SS. It. if, lleiir) CnllitRlimi nml Mr. nml Mr I. V. Cariinhnu will lenvo (or thu Hliut ldK0 dlntrki In tho uioruluK, unlenn plnun nru rlinuri'd In tin iiienutltlie They hnve heeu rendy to Ko three HuieH III the hint weok, hut It either mined or the nuiomnlilli went wreni: nt every 'ntt. I. mile, our Kunrnuteitd npciinlh napped lire.nl nt II. & C. cmh ttoru S'ewtown llnknry. 2V J. K. Wllnon of l.nkitvlow. In rpeud I iik u few dn)H In the vnlle) trnu nnctliiK htulnenH. Modut llnkery good nt Do Voen. Mile Cnutrnll of Hie Applfnto U In tho city tudny. The ho) nrn rolillnK. Chris tlotttleli, who wim pnlndilly Injured Tiiendny In now out or OniiKer nml received vlnltom thU moruliiR Cnrklti & Tnyior, tnw)om. (John II. Cnrkln, (limn O. Tnyior), line Mni'lloydcn IIMk.. Mnln ntroct. l.lltlo chirk reed J'J.'J.'. per 100 nt Wntklu & Co. reed More, 3'JT South Front. H your Krocer doenn't hnndlu Nuw town hnkcry Reed phomt 4 Hi nnd your ordor will ho dollvurec prointply 3. A npleudld rendition of Stnlner' rruriruion will ho Ktven hy tin vented choir ot 40 olren nt tho I'lmt Metniillnt KpUropnl church nt the ovenliiK vervlro. All met: cordlnll) Invited. ':V I'nrlnlnn linlrdreimlni; purloin 42!) M. I & II. hiilldlnK, nhmupoo, hnlr ilrrn, nrnlp treatment, mmilruro. (mini uinninKc, hnlr iI)Iuk nnd hlenrhliiKi uno Hut hent I'roiuh dyeri. I nlnn mnkit h lichen nml eurlH. l'liono 157'J, elovntor ncrvice. :tr. Dr. li. KlniiKCHuer In now located In llnructt'Corny titilldluK. room 21.1, lioum 1 to ;t. riiouo MS. Ileal denro tho name. ROGUE RIVER APPLES IN FAR CORNERS Hilly Wiiro, Midi known minnier ilnl (rnveliir who hcIIh xhoeH all ov r the count mul vlnlln lleolio nni Kin iiev of Akhlmul Kuiul-tiuiiuull)', Ih In tho city mul tollu a very luturentliiK ' ntory or IiIh recent lour or foreign coiintllcn. Mr. Wnio m.n partlciltnr I) Intvreited (o find Hid IMkuu river apple In ninny unexpected pincet In , l'X)pt, hIx hundred iiillen down Hie Nile nt Anfotinn, ho (oiiml npplen In heled with n IiIk nlKli "Kukuo lllver, Orenoti, Apiden." In many other pinion hn rnn ncron them mul wiicr over ho found thorn they wen; fea tured nliovo nil othum nppnri'iitlv heliiK niiinldcriiil Htixrlor to nu tiling e!n In that line Hut triulu could no J cure At llnrud In l.ondou oiiu of the IiIkcchI provUlou eiiiporlimiN of the city he rtiuml them fvnturcil with Hkiik printed In liox ear hitter1 nml nellliiK nt ten cciiIm npieco. Ilel nn)n ho hoiiKht a natk or thorn and wan tickled to dt'iilh to ncl thcin even at Hint prlio, hut Juldimly told tho dialer that out In Oregon ho could net them (or pleklnK them -;i AhIiIiiiuI Iterord, lilt iJli' I lAj jf 1 "Jll III I ilil i i' HI IflN-. J 1 w' I HI I I fe 4ktf IfiiilillllllliJLEiii- -s- QkU" (Aeltlnud Hccord.) Next yenr ns tho tourlnl from tho ennt nwoop over tho HUklyoiiH from Hut clilcer-lufevteil mud dune of CMIfnruIn ho will not glide tlironr.h a triumphnt arch emhlnzonod "Cite wny lity of OrKOii." nor hit crccteJ hy a npleudld edifice cupped with tow em nml mlnnrelH fljhiK Hut fluf or overy county In Orenon. uurlni; the IniiK Mop Imiiicnt to the moun Inlu luiul he will not wonder HiniuRh Hparloun nlnle nod ni:mlrit the nl fnlfn nnd tho piimpkln nml the fruit nnd the mineral nnd wild gnmc' nnd 1 1 mlier nnd llventork or u -,rent atnte. No hnnd will piny nnd no movie will (lit nml no orntom wil' extoll tho Klork'H of OruKou. Tom ItlchnrdFou of I'ortliuic Incompnr aide hoonter nnd liiilldcr : empires nml nlr en a tie -tin fallen down. Ho niliull Hint hi heaiitlful ncluinn I r.o nplelt. 1'oor Old Tom If ho hud hnlf n much money n he hn uxulHirnnce he would lio tho rlclient man In tho world Use any cook book you please the one you have always known, or any new one if you prefer. Merely use Cotlolene wherever the directions say butter or lard, always remembering to use one-third less Cottolene, for Cottolene goes much farther than either butter or lard You rcnlly have to save money if you cook with Cottolene, for accerding: to chemical laws, a certain amount of flour can only contain a certain amount of shortening. If you were to use as much Cottolene as the recipe called for of butter, you would have too much Cottolene. This might do no harm, except in cakes, which might fall because of being too light and delicate. Yes, this applies to every department of the cook book, even to candies. For example, just try this: CODFISH BALLS- Talce a pint bowl of codflah picked very fin, two pint trawl of raw petlej potatoes, llcl thickly, and boll In cold water until ths potato are thoroughly done. Drain off the water, mash, add batter the iz of an egg, one welt-beaten eg and three tablespoonfuls of milk. Flour the bands nnd make Into balls. Put two ounces of Cottolene Into a frying pan, and when hot, fry the balls to nice brown. Or the codfiah balls may bo fried in hot Cottolene, after tho manner cf fritters. Our FREE Cook Book, HOME HELPS, will be found a valuable supplement to any books you may now be using. Write for a copy -also order a pail of Cottolene of your grocer. then: FAIRBANKfNi COOLEY MURDER TRIAL UP IN AUGUSTS III M III CHICAOO m SBP2 1 II o JL - '--'-- --- - Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS ilr AmUuiu !7 VUnuo tW7 Nlfti V, W, HY. IMJII MwUM A, K. Ikr !. KLAMATH FALLS, dr.. April 17. fount v fiiiiimUMiiiirr Uii.n Mrmll .vt'ntii'iliiy roi;iiril nml liU nni'li', Nu llum S. Mitriill, n I'orniiT t'ominii" hiniior nml foiiiulcr of tlw lnwii 1 Merrill, wns eluiM'ii t mieeeeil liiin. In nililltiuii, the new eninniiNiiniei Iiiik hi'ciiiue n eiiiiiliilule fur iimninn 1 1 mi iik (iiiiiiiiiiinu'i' in I lie ileiun ernlie iiiiniiiiii'H, The ivMmiitlion ot (luy Merrill riiuie iih u MuprVe, iih it won i'pi'i'li'il Hint lie wonlil nnnniiuer Inn I'liiiiliilney for re-eleelion linlny. Me xiiyH Hint liih liuoino will Keep liiin nut of the htnle. McKee Rnukln Is Dead SAN r'UANCISfO, Cnl., April 17. MeKee Itiinkin, Hie veternii elinriie. ler iietni', ilieil here tmlny nfter ev. ernl weeliM illnes. Fur yenrs Itnu Kin with iileulilieil with Niiuee O'Neill, in Sliiikt'r.pi'iiit'iiii prniliieliniiK. Hun FrnnclHoo. ICilwnnl (Irooly, hiii'helor runeher, miplleil for tUh- Iiik IkeiiHii. liiHti'iiil he ftot n mar rlnuu lleeiiau. mul hi niiiiiu wn i'urefiill)' lucrlheil on the official iimrrliiKii Ht'iuiHU hunk. (Ireely hn- ineillntel)' liurrleil liiul. to correct the error, HOLD llKACII, Ore.. April 17 JiiiIko (iki of tho circuit court for Curry county, mljourneil the regular April term of court with n nlKht ei. hIiiii Inn nlKht. Dnrlnir the term the Krnml Jury hruiiKht In the follow Iiik luillrtiucnls: "(leorKo N. Mnjer wns chnrcpil ulth mnnslituKlitcr for tho IdllliiK of Wlllnnl K. Iseuhnrt. of Chrtco, whllo out huutliiK. Mii.mt clnlmeil Hint ho liiul nhot Irenhnrt, lulMtnl.lim hint for n deer, l-Mmuml KKKerM, for (ho kllllm; of John lliuh on the Sic river, wn charKeil with iiiuimlnuliliH'. KKKer nlnn clnlmeil that hn had tukrtu hi mnn for u ile'r The t'ooloy murder cto wns cnllcil, hut coutlnui'il to the AuKiint term of tlin court, iih tho Ktmn'H wit. iicmin falloil to npiH'iir. No jury wiik ilrawn at HiIh term of the court, nml the three homlchlo cuo on tho ilocKet, niimeil above, will ho tried nt tho AiiKUtit term. Ship Afire nt New Orleans MOIIILK, Ala., April 17. That liU vcc was nliro nml ueeileil iinmeili nle aid wns (he wonl reeeivcil here loilay in a wirelesh mesMijre fioin t'nptaiu OIm-ii of the Nnrweniaii nleauiKliip Aim of the Zeliei't; Hue. Fire tupn were cent out from here ut once. The htenmer wan repoileil in the lower liny. Han I'runelM'o. A well ilieuil mini liupervoiiuteil heiii liin uihmiro UKi'lil of hn Hell I'lntu clli'ii Af ler Vin lull iiieniiiiiil lunl nilniiueil It 1 Ml kuveiul liiimlieil ilullur Iih Mklppeil out Then the re I mlvanru NKenl Hipiniliiil POItTI.ANI), Ore.. April 17. "Leo Toiik." Khouteil the municipal court rlnrU In ralllnK thu next cave nfter A ii dry Matron, urrented for luto. cation had been freed with a lecturo. "Mo lenvo town?" nnxlouly querloil Million, "why l'vo lived here nil my life.' Tho mlbtnko was explained, Andy duparted happy, Look! Look I Binoko (lovernnr Johnson cigars t'.ev'ro iiiifU, In Muilforl you'll like tlllllll TOO MTU TO UMKHII'V aaaaBaaeiaaaaaaaaaj((iaaMaaaawMat1ptaaaaaa I'Ol'N'l) The peraon who put u foil nl a In pen on lleutty Ht , on WeilueailHY laat can haui fiiliie h) rallliiK ut thU iifflcii ami pa) Ihk fur thl iiollrn TO TIlXlHi Inipioveil flona llHVT in' properly hi Talent for new Hlllll Thll'Ht I nhimIhk A Y 1 t ? ? t t t t t t I ? z r ! z z 1 z z ? t ? ? T t t mm 1 r 'aV Jrrlo J Little Thoughts of Wisdom Little Masters9 Hands Have Needled into Stylecraft Wonders from Fash ion Land 1" Whatever the fashons, there is a "Styleeraft" Coat or Suit tt) nmteh and mate it. The soft, graceful lines of the figure are emphasized hy these spring garments. All the latest styles from Paris are reflected in "Style craft," the large assortment of styles prevent the fash ion from hcconiimr "common." Each and everv coat 'and suit is styled individually and with great care and precision. Kxpensive in value but cheap in price. i See the Beautiful New Balmacaans. Tailored Suits from 13.95 to 47.50 Coats from 11.45 to 32.50 Children's Coats 1.98, 2.95 up J ll I "I ( 100 MESSALINE PETTICOATS $2.49 A very special hit in all silk messaline, every conceivahle color, very special ... . 2.49 NEW MIDDY BLOUSES ii nek Tar JMhldies, in the newest spring models. Thesi' garments are made hy the foremost middy manufacturers in the countrv. Priced at 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 1.98 NIAGARA MAID SILK GLOVES Are better. Every pair guaranteed. Short Silk (Moves, hlack, white nnd nil colors 50, 79, 1.00 Niagara laid Silk CJ loves, KJ-hut'n length, in hlack, white nnd all colors, special 9S A very heavy Milanese, Silk Glove, special at. .. 1.50 Kover-All Aprons, 59c The host valued in Kover-All Aprons, good quality percales, rick rack hound, in light and dark shades, special at 59 CHILDREN'S DRESSES Special values, at 64, 89, 1.39. All made from Amoskeag ging hams. Every one a now model. KABO CORSETS "When you consider that overy stylo of Ka ho tho (Livo Model Corset is fit ted to a living model you will apprcciato just how much your needs havo. heeu analyzed in tho making of these famous corsots. Front Lace Models, 2.00, 2.50, $3.00, 3.50 up to 0.00. JJnek Laco Moduln. 1.25 to 10.00. s Jwv, TmUVt, Or, ttl