PIGB KJUH MEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORT), OREO ON. "FRIDAY. APRIL 17. 1011. t !i MEDFOKD MAIL TRIBUNE AM tNnKPKNnUNT NKWKIWI'KU puumriii:i Kvnirr aitkiinoon excrpt hunoat iir tub MRoronn i'mntinq co. Ths DtmoctMlo Tlms, Th Mfdforit MaII. Tho McUfonl Trlbun. Thn soutn rn OrejronUn, The Ashland Trlbunf. Officii MaII Tribune Hullalnc, it-lUit North Ur atrect; telephtms 7S. Official lrr of the City of Mdford. Offlolal Iapr of Jackson county. Entered sccond-clsss mutter At fcUilfnrJ. Orrgon, under the Act of .March 1, HT. KUBSOniFTZOn RATE- One yesr, by mall. ,'i.OO One month, by mall. . . .SO Vtr month, delivered by carrier In Medrord, Jacksonville and Cen tral I'olnt Saturday only, by mall, per year Weekly, per year . .SO :oo t.SO Willi Mcdfonl Stop-Orer - NO I ON 18-FOOT POLE TheA-hlnnd Tilling contain.-, the followiiif; rcgurdiu;; the record cntvli of Hurry Ho-der, Ashland's fnmou enne-Hle bait fihcnnnii, vi was en light oxer it jeur nso. "Hne vou s-een the hie fi-hT All record-, wen; Mini-died nnd hook anil line ficheniien of the northwet xxho haunt Ilogiie rixer threw tip the poiijre when Harry llo-der of As-hlaml landed the bigpc-t Meelhend trout ever taken from the turhulent Hopue or that will he taken from it in all probability for years to Oome with hook nnd line. Take n Miiint nt the hi-: fi-h in Ho-der's window titul hehold the fifnirc, all you jd eatorinl urtiMs who pride yourself on prime.-. Here they are: Wcij-ht lSiHiuniU Lentil HO inclii" Girth ' - 18 inches Landing the average Meelhend or cutthroat or 'even the more bulky and le.-K.netivu chinook -salmon from the purging wutcr of the Itogtic i no ehild'a piny. To hook, the liri.c .steel- hend from n Mvayint. table footbridge forty 'Tect librtVtfllio stream nnd come off victorious i n man's job. A look nt HoIer nnd his deei-ive jaw in a convincing nnunicnt that there wns n man on the job. The dny ho caught the big fi-h he had with hint Joe Hurt, old-timer in the eominereiiil fi-hin.- industry of the west, and Amos Nininger, who wns reared in the valley of the Kogue sometime after the Indians left. Tho three nutoed to liny Clold vi ciuity, twenty-three miles from Ash land, nt early dawn, lly 4 in the afternoon they had sixty-three steel head and cutthroat nnd several lii chinook Milmon. At -I Ho-ler started across the cable footbridge for the other shore. Here the rixer i- 300 feet wide. Midway he dropped his lino over "ju-t for instance," he nays. "JJiiiu,T' went his rod against the bridge railing nnd "Whirr!" went his reel. And from that on for ex actly forty-six minutes there was the prettiest fight ever seen in the northwest between man ami trout. Visitors to the Panama Pacific ex position at San Francisco in 101.1 tdiould see the "Prize Sleelhead of tho Itofjue." Jt is preserved in n lass jar four feet high. Professor Hugo Frohbuch of Ashland, noted up and down the const as a processor of fruits for display purposes, did tho job. If you care to know xvhat Hosier did it with, here's the list: Eighteen foot enno pole, Expert reel No. 17, Otsclii) hurd braid silk line, size 1). '-'0 Limerick hooks, bait fresh sal iiion ccks IukIi tvntcr accounting for ue of heavy tackle. THE CRIPPLE'S LICENSE TMIERE can bo but little doubt that there Is much method in the madness of lluerta, in his treatment of the United States. ith his government tottering under the repeated .successes of the insurgents, American inter vention looms like the straw to a drowning man. ITuerta believes that any armed invasion of Mexican territory by this government will solidify his country against the invaders. In the event of an American invasion the situation would be exactly analogous to that which prevailed in the nnlippines when those islands were tnvaded tit the outset of the Spanish-American war. The insurgents there, tis in Mexico at the present time, had the Situation well in hand and would have been successful without outside aid. In the Philippines the American invasion was, at the outset. welcomed by the insurgents. There is no reason why this situation, in the event of American invasion, would not also prevail in Mexico. Hut after that, would not the Mex icans as a unit resent the American intrusion jus did the Filipinos? Broken and crippled Mexico at this time would be a most easy victim lor a great power tiKe tno united estates. and it is easy for the strong to seize upon a slight pretext to provoke a war with a weaker foe that can only end in the complete subjugation of the latter, to no great credit or advantage to the former. -xiuxico is wasuing out us sins in moon, as did this coun try in the 'GO's. The end of Jluertaism is at hand and needs no American intervention to consummate it. lluerta is simply exercising the cripple's license to abuse the strong, and he should be left to his late, which Carranza and Villa are better qualified to fittingly admin ister according to their standards of civilization! GOOD THEATER ATTRACTIONS 'TULE MAIL TRIBUNE, having vainly awaited a proc- lamation from the local Drama league commending the merits of most meritorious plays when Med ford is for tunate enough to be offered the opportunity of seeing them, takes this occasion to call public attention to the fact that Margaret IlliiiL'ton, who plavs toniuht in "Within the Law," is the best attraction yet booked at the Page, not excepting the opening production of Maude Adams. Another attraction of merit is Peggy 6 'Neil in " Peg o' My Heart," scheduled for Wednesday night. In the mean while University of Oregon students appear in "The Pro fessor's Love Story" Saturday evening, said to be si charm ing production and Evelyn Nesbit Thaw, who needs no press notices, public curiosity being sufficient to pack the house wherever she appeal's. It fs unfortunate that the theater trust, or whoever it is that books the theatrical atractions, sends them in bunches, so that it is either a feast or a famine, instead of uniform distribution. The theater will be dark for weeks, then lit up for a continuous week. We get our musical comedies packed into the first few weeks of the season. three or lour a week sometimes and nothing musical the balance of the year. The local theater managers arc not at all to blame they have to take what is sent, and it is up to ttie pumic to snow us appreciation ot good plavs when we do get them so that more of the same class will" be sent. plant Is cut open drop of an aromatic oil are mm. TIiop-kIxo the root n peculiar odor ami are popularly thought to bo tjio source ot the pol on. Tho poison I Indeed In tho root, but Is tccrct,ed In tho form ot a renin which It distinct rrom tho oil There lmxv been relatively few human beings poisoned liy thin weed In America. Mont ot thorn ixrtllcted lnxxe. been children who Intro been poisoned In tho nprlni; wben the dan ticrout clement In the plant kcciiin most tu'tlw, Cases of cattle imltuiucd In this country luivo been noted In Wnh liiRton, Ort'Kon, California, Arizona, and North Dakota, ludlxtdunl own ers of stock haxe occasionally losl xery heavily. One man In Oregon estimated tho Ions In his Imuicdlnto neighborhood for olio )car at ten per cent. Another cMlumtc the nxernge annual o In Oregon nt onu hundred bend. The dnugcrg that itccomHiny Us use may bo drawn from lliu follow. Ing description of the roulU of xxater hemlock poisoning. There 's first a pain particularly In tho tttom arh but It may bo general lu charac ter, Nausea Is sometime, followed by xlolent vomiting or pnuuullc at tempt to xomlt without result- Dl lntiM pupllx, dlnrrheoa. labored hrcathliur, frothing nt tho month and gnashing of tho teeth, nro other HjmptoiiM. Convulsions may ho fol lowed by unconsciousness or death Tho Rxmptoma In the lower nnlmnU are like thooe lu man cxreut that they are lets marked. Only a small quan tity of tho poison In nsovssary to produce death with all Its attendant agonies. As patients have usually recovered when attempts to xomlt xvero success ful, the logical remedy Is considered by scientists to bo an emetic. If thin Is given promptly with the first symp toms n favorable recovery tuny be ex peeled. Tho emetic Is logically fol lowed by a carthartlc to rid the body completely of tho dangerous prlucl pie. When convulsions nro x Intent 'some form of opium may ho given to control them but tho main reliance- must be itlnccd upon the eme tic. This has been tho treatment used throughout the whole history of poisoning from this plant. How the GypsyMoth Was IE mported Into United States 10 VAU.UJO, Cal., April 17. Order were received nt .Maro Island today to havo three hnudrod murine, ready to Join tho cruiser South Dakota next week. Tho South Dakota In coming from llremorton, tho mon will bo taken to San Diego and tho crulsor will thon proceed to .Mexi can watera. Atwlstant Secretary of tho Navy Itooiiovollt loft at 10 a. in. for n visit to tho unlvonmy of Cullfornln. This afternoon ho wan nchediiled to visit Hunter's Point. Ily a law- passed In 1905 the Im portation of living Insects Into this country Is forbidden and thcro nro other laws which rcgnlato so strictly tho importation of larger animals that In many cases no discretion Is left to the authorities. Nevertheless tourists and amateur scientists aro continually endeavoring to Introduce additions to tho flora and fauna of the United States which tho United States is happy to bo with out. It is estimated that fully one half of tho pests that afflict farmers and stock havo been imported from abroad, many of tourtso by accident In tho courso of commercial ship ments but eomo brought in deliber ately by misguided enthusiasm or thoughtless travelers. Tho clabslc lestanco ot misguided enthusiasm Is tho introduction In ISC!) of tho destructive gypsy moth by u scientist named Trouvulot. Trouvolot, a Frenchman by birth, nn astronomer in Harvard; unfortunate ly he was nls.Q an ardent entomolo gist who had devoted much of his leisure tlnio to tho consideration of tho bilk worm Industry. In uu evil hour bo conceived tho Idea of breed ing a hardier worm which might withstand tho diseases which were then ravaging rearing establishments In France, and In pursuit ot this pur pose Imported some gipsy moths, In tending to cross them with somo of tho natlvo species found In tho U, S. It Is so chanced, how over, thnt ho loft tho window or his study In Med ford, Mbbh,, open one day. When ho returned a mass of eggs laid by the gipsy visitors had disappeared a parently It had blown out of tho open window. At this point rouvelot's ex periments stopped. 1 heir results did not. Tlioy aro still with us and havo cost tho country millions of dol lars. For twenty years tho gipsy moth attracted no attention. The pcoplo of .Med ford may havo won dered at tho destruction of their trccB, but tho da m ago remained local and tho outsldo world know nothing of It. In 1889, however, tho pest suddenly becamo prominent. Since that time a bitter warfare has been waged against it, but tho victory Is not yet won. Strangely enough, the automobile has proved an ally of tho moth. Not only does It stir up currents of air which scatter the fallen and Infected foliage but It actually carries insects many miles Into districts which have hitherto been Immune. ,sHPisVl v rt H ft H Bb H" ---H K, " H wl9v H K l Z'3 1 Bk -JEL e ; Water Hemlock One of the Most Deadly Plants of Temperate Zone l. I). TlmniN President of tho firm of Tlmuis, Crewo & Co , wholesale dealers In paints and building materials in Portland, will nddrens the Med ford Merchants iihtoclatlou nt their monthly meeting and reception in St Mnrks hall on .Monday evening. May .0, on tho subject of "Advertising " Mr. Tim ins being a purchaiver of ad vertising will present tho Mlhject from thnt standpoint and has been told to U8o his own pzoasuro lu han dling tho subject. Mr. Tlmms is director of tho Itotall Merchants association and n director nnd member of tho executive board of tho Portland Ad club, an oragnlza tlon "woll known for Its many nctlxi ties along public and useful lines and for Its good work lu purifying the advertising ntmosphoro generally. Ho Is n splendid talker and n live wlro and every business man who bo longs to tho oJUioclatlon should ar range to attend. It will bo n treat for you nnd you will loam something to aid xou lu your business. ELEANOR WILSON'S WEDDING DAY SEI THURSDAY, MAY 7 WASIIINlSTON', plil 17 Tho follow lug statement was Issued nt I lei whlto houco todii) "President Wilson and Mrs. Wll. son nunouure. the wedding of Miss Kleauor Unndtilpli Wilson and Wil liam tllhbs McAdoo to take place Thursday, May 7. In lueordnueo wllh the wishes of Miss Wilson nnd ,Mr McAdoo the wedding will bo small, only Vb'o President and Mrs. Marshall tho cabinet and the Immediate mem bers ot the two families are to be present " HEM MEAT EATERS HAVE SLOW KIDNEYS Eat less meat if you feel Backachy or have bladder trouble Take gbuj of Salt. MRS. II. L. LEAOII Expert Cortiotioro :rj(i Nor III Marllett. Phono fi:i I1. MEDFORD FLUFF RUG CO Kuk and Carpet Cleauiiitf ami Weaving fill MAST AIAIN KTWI'lrlT Thoue fiMII-lt Baby Doll Pumps in 1,'itu Melnl, Patent ami Velxet v Well Sexxod Sole Heo Them In Window At tho HlKU of ""'Gooo Sttor.s" OPPOMTI5 PO.sT Ol I'M 11 rJB" Mf m No min or xvomin who im(s mrnt rtgxi Urly run nuke a mlnUVo by thithlng liia kldurys occulonally, says a xvtdl known authority. Moat (urms urle ncld which excites tho kidneys, tliry Ikhmiua over xvorkrd from tho strntn, get sluggiih and fail to lllter t tto want and poiMiri from tho blood, then wo gvt sick. Nearly nil rheumatism, hr.tdnches, lixer trouble. nerxmimcM, dizziiiri, sleeph-nnesx mid urinary diiurdrrs couto frvm sluggish kid tie) a. The moment you feel a dull acho In tho kidney or your Kick hurts or If t tin urine I cloudy, offeiulxc, full of se.ll. I mrnt, irregular of passage or attended by a sensation ot senhiing, stop rating meat n 1 grt about four ounces of Jad ' Suits from any pharmacy) take a tahlrMMMtiful in n glass of xater twforo breakfast and In a fer days j-our kidneys will act line. Till famous salt is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon Jtller, combined with lltliia, nnd has Uen uvil for generations to Ihuli an 1 stimulate the kidneys, nlv to ncutrnbro the acid In urine so It no longer causes Irritation, thus ending bladder xrcnkne. .lad Salt I inexpensive and rnnnnl Injuret make a delightful i-tfrrteernl i litlila-water UrlnK wnicii everyone should take now nnd then to keep tho kidney clean and netixa nnd tho blood pare, thereby avoiding serious kidney complication. It CONSIDER THE COST lUforo speiidlug tho money for nee llcss luxuries and inn xx III see It pnxs to save wherexcr xou tan An aicouiit wlt'i the Jackson County llnuk will proxe of great nihlstnuco to yi'ii Pour per cent interest paid on saxltu's nuounts. oven ss vcAno undcd onc manaccmcnt I m . - m A, For Your Children's Health Snyder's Filtered Milk Free Deliver v. riioneUOl-.J-'ll FIVE HUNDRED STRANDED AT OKLAHOMA RACETRACK mrU,Okla.,AlriNr. riwlimi dfwl wwi, jiiHiiy of llu'iu omiii'm -if rovworex, xteie i.(nilidii heio lo 4m- h4 h reoitll ot (lit) tiuiit-clliillim of I(m mm nt iUa TuU IrHt'k, T'w WASlllNGTONi, D, C, April 17. Although the roots of tho plant known uh tho "water hemlock" con tain a deadly poison, Its tops and beeds In buy will not harm cattle, ac cording to tcluiitltt- of tho V. H, do puitmont of agriculture. These suleutlsts, whoso specialty It in to In xeutlguto pluutH fioin which drugs and polsomt aru tuknu, Imve been com piling (lulu on this plant, which is ono of tho most deadly known In AimuiIiu. The department has just Issued u bulletin (No, D'J) coiiIuIiiIiik a loiiipnilienslvo slulmiinnl of thf vnpufiuieiilH mid eiillllud Cltutu or Water Hemlock '' lleslde t (otiTlfl(i imiiiM "CI tula" and u moru popgl-r ii-niii ' ttl IjniiI(nV Jll ()ll U'lOWJ in varloiiH localities aa "cowbune, ' "wild pareley," "snakeroot," "spottol liemlock," "ntiakow;ed," and "beav er poison." In Now Mexico It luu licou known us "pecon." Tho plant bug also popular Oormuit iiuiiioh, iih It Is found lu Germany. Tho plants glow hi wet places such uu swamps and Irrigating (Ultima lu nearly all of our northern nun: west ern Mute. When the root of tho John A. Perl UNDERTAKER I,.dy Assistant UHH, IMII'JXKTT 1'ltOMM M, 47 u4 47-vli HUtt HfiUv )hfnU (rMe. House cleaning Time Is hero and you will xxunt some now wall paper. Wo havo tho larg est lino of tho choicest patterns ovui showns In Mudford, Como ami so'j Wo carry CuIkjI's Uroonoto HIiIiikIo Hlalii. WATERS UN l.t Main I'liomi (J)il WM Hire L ,JUVWIMUm. BARGAIN Right Price Right Terms Right Now "i-niTr upplc (ircliiilil on k'ilin'n liiKliwny, jusl oiilniilt' of cit. lim itn. Teii-yi'iii'-olil Iiych, MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE L. C. ULM Hotel .Meill'onl it rtjTnriilSi-7!rfSPan . l Psflfli H . fttrv-'' VA'VliH The ,Viw III III. t'lilini l.lxer y Ihtrii on Smilli Itlxeiklilo Uxor) thing new nnd up-to-date l.ltery and nmbulnnco service. Phono 150 GAUNYAW & BOSTWICK, Props. Buy Your Seeds Of llroitiller. xx ho baa had 30 jeur oxperluiiio handling and gowlug seeds ami uiidonitniid tho IiuhIihwih thoroUKhly. Ilo sells nil Minis ot garden, field and flower seeds Including tho fnmoiiK ilur peo seeds, no better urowii. I'ull stork awaH on baud. Broadiey the Florist and Seedsman Is III the M l K- II llultdlliK Store riiiuio H71! (in eulioiie NO I.J Oar Treat -xicusnrrkKwi m:. '"' AH Week! 'tiftj ,' f'U Tj mmrumzri on WESTON'S CAMERA SHOP Itocoiitly romodelud and oiilnrgm), added new cameraa and apparatus and Is now strictly up-to-date In ovory way, Coiniiiorlnil U'oik of all Kinds Including copying and enlarging ol pictures, legal documents, etc. Urn mldo uuluritlnif, any situ, and koduk flulshliiK nt every kind, J'rofessloiiul and amutuur pholo Kruphlu supplies, h, l, IIhmiioii AssoiIhMmI Willi Me Xhop firur full Tlieilnr( I'linnu I47-J Luscious "Sunkisfc" Oranges at Special Prices, at Your Dealer's ! W 1WTMA -"fl TIh lifsr n.'irl of lirfil;f:isr is n jtiicy, thin-Jviiiiied, seedless 'SniiklstM nrantje. 'bunlcist " Qranues arc the finest, juiciest, most delicious oranges grown in me worm. Ihiy tlicm by tlio box or Imif-box tlioy urc inoat ccoiiumlcnl nnd keep for wcuIch. Carefully picked and packed by gloved linndii, Thu clcnncHt of frultH. Trcc-riponcd. l).4ii "SunklHt" lcnioil!! (ill tnenls. fish, lioulliv nnd imlndn. .liiit'Hkiniieil. Tlio juiciesi, iinoHt lomoipi crown. r c:i r : t nugvrs kiuvuimiiu iuiinuiii- iui -.. "Sunkibl Irndcmnrka ZvT . .. i , no... i., ... id'X L.III II a iiiiiicni'iih iiiiiii run ii.i i.rniii'a f,-j.ii Vis ..,. nnd lemon wmppsrs i.ud t.ond llu u lo m ciK-CJi rliiii We nil or 27 illlferent Hllverxvaro pit'iinuiii i Oif-V,7 l"''' OrMiigu -n Nog,, At MMHip.1 A,i, !gi.hteir,i!i.!rl.;,,,i,,K mil sliver plate. l-xclialvu &ZZiF " iwih-hhisiihiii.. Kid "KunkUt" fiS ".in riu(iiiiiiii-iii.iii wiuwi i4 .-; -. rs4r I'.lllll SUIIIJ BHUkl.i - 0s-&pr & jnYl Sto&Gft donlgll. Hi Atll J. SS 2 I "JT M ffi . I f r - ?J l( . .': VIVJ nt Your limn! our liiiniii and full us and Lsmuns Isr's 1 llund )our liiiniii and ni HlLs? Fii'ldivi Ir "hi HiipKlu )JlviPW fno pienil'Mii m .d r end JClli 1 U d . Hr.W law nil onhr fir prtnulum'iwS' A IiIii. m nil orih r I ir n llvmwi'ui id ill t'Ji i;'Miilin- u iuJ Cnliforiii Truit Grovcm Euclmngo )3UN,CI-ikilrtl , a.lu,lll. k 4tin y W