ffrtinon Witorlmt Soclatjf ?n7 Srcond Sfrcct Medford Mail Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Fair tonight, limvy fro't Max, nt; .Mln. lit Pre. ,!il. Putty fmirlli Veiir Dully Ninlli Ymr M13DKOUD. OlfKOOX, 'JIH'KSDAV, Al'UUi Hi, 1011. NO. 22 HUERTA WEAKENS-WILL SALUTE FLAG 21 GUN SALUTE IE In Rrliirn, in Arconl Willi Naval Precedent, United Slates Ships Will nrtiiin Salute Crisis Ended Unlrss Action Disapproved. Opinions Dlffrr Among Congressmen as lo Wlirlhrr Hucrla's Olfer Is Salisfaclory. WA8IIIN0TO.V. April !. I'nnl lent WlUnu thin afternoon Intttrtirtcd Churn" d'Affsln-n O'.HIiniiKhniMhiy to toll I'ri'ililfiit Unarm Hint ho nc nit'n Hit' Intter'n offer In Knliiln the Aiiiurlmu Hut: mid Hint. In accord with inivnl pnceiliint. tho United Htutnn alili wilt return tin mlnto Thin, It unt stMeil, olid the crlnU tittle illniiiinl of tho ngrco ni.'iil hoiilil roniit (rout Mexico or from Hih Untied Hint en tomcrcm. Stinilinu Continue South Attmlrul lladnerV ImttlrMilp niuiid rim Mill continue southward ill nil) rnto until tho Milule nrtunlly In flrod. It wit thought likely they would lu l.ot In Mevlcmi water In rcndlncM (or Ibn crrlhU which It was thought might follow miotlier uiortanl n-lml victory. I'nwldtinl VVIUon nml Herretnry llrywi Iit7tlil. n majority of thn oeniitn fore Ik ti telutloim coiuuilttcc intm iHiholtlliut llicm. thnt returning tho 'Mnxlrnh snluto would no con miiiito recognition of tho lluorln KutitruMoiil. Kiff) irfe(ent In hi will" history. It wiih Mated, culled for nrUnoivdNlni'inunt of iturh ru in tint Unci (it IHitiiiktcil llncrln's pcrtouitlll) miim tho onlv lliliiK which It mum IhoiiKht might )tit canto n hitch. Iiiiimuiim ns he linn distuned front onto or twice dully since, tho IiihI erluls, govern maul officials hero until they would not believe tho picnelit Incident wait closed until tho iii I ii to uctuully wan fired. WAKIIINOTON, April HI Not a gun Ions thnu . I will ho incepted iin MoxIco'h unlulo of tho American flag, I're.ldenl Wllnoil nnld this af. lernoon. lie declared ho had not even con sidered a pmpoidtlnit that tho com niandor of tho gunboat llotphlu, wIioho until worn iirri'Hltl nt Tamplco. ho Minted IliRteuil, Tho Dolphln'n coiuinanilor, ll woa pxplnlnwl, was not entitled to a hoIuio or hnlf -I guns, so It would not ho u unlliiual dilute. WASIIINUTON, April Ifi. Prosl ilnnt llucitii mild today ho wiih icudy to salute thn American flu,;, Ho Hindu oiio condition, liowovor, Iho United Blittes niiiHt tmliilo tho Moxl cuii colon In return. Opinions differed an to whether HiIh wan an ncropliibln prniswlllon or not. Ohiilrninu Rhlxely of Iho non nto forulgn relations coinniltteo mild yen, It wan. Ordinary courlony, ho added, would call lor an nckuowl I'dKomeiit of thn Mexican hhIiUo, .Senator I.odgo toel: tho contrary vlw. In hht opinion, Mexico would ho icpologUIng to tho United Stnlos for mi affront If It Minted wlthuut getting iv rcHpoiiHO hut If It did net n roHpoiiBo tho lliliiK bocamo u menu limlciHH. oxchuiiKo of com tenlcH. I'nwldmit Wilson nppoaruil to ngroo with Sunittor Hhlvoiy. I'ruro limit, ho Mild, provided for nckuowl eilKOUiellt of Mtlutoit fired u lipoid- (Ooutlnuoil on pna I.) BATTLESHIP LOUISIANA OFF FOR TAMPICO NliW VOIIK, Aptil III IIi'ituIiik no iiii"-ne I'roin WiiMiiukIoii omIciiiik ililuy, liiiliuii (IiIiIioiih of Iho liinilH mini lui.l mii'lior IioWIc.I nl 'J ID Hil nlleiiiooii nml llie liiillli-lili Mi'iiinrtl inwiy, ImmiDiI I'nr 'J'iiiiiico, AN NO ON N SALUTE Ml SAY SENATORS No Recondition f f lluerta as Hrail of De J lire Government of Mexico Is Implied, Assirls Chairman Shlvcly of Forelipi Relaticns Committee. Lodtje Takes Contrary View and Holds Action Places United States In Ridiculous Position. WASHINGTON, April III. I'ri-M. limit line-In of Mexico In williiii; l xillutit the Aliieiiriiu llutf on eonditioii Ihllt Hie Alllt'Cl'llll r.li rellllll Hie (lllle. AetiliK Clinil iniitl Sliiielv of llie xt'llitte roieiKtl leliilioiH eoniliiillee uilmlttiil thi ullcllioon thnt lie hint hecn nfneiullv ndvicd Hint III i-i mi MHer to tin 1'inlcil SI at e' iIhiiiiiiiiIk wax Iriiiixiuitti'il to ('If ii rue il'Affuiii' O'.SInui-jliiH'Hi.y loiluy. "Thin xtipiiloliou," Miiil Sliixelv, "Jk merely ,i iciiie-t llial the iimiiiI foruiH he eoniplicd wild, OT I'olirM1, II' I tie Mexii'iiiiH Milule we will hiilule in riliiin. .Vol it IteioKiilltoii "TIlU, however, will not eon-litllle iceoHiiilion o lluerta UK Instil of u ile lure iMivf-niiiiciil of Mexico, ll to ri-cii-tilrlnii -mily of n tic fro ptiv eruuient, jut on our ilcimind vwi u iccounltloii of u tie I'iicIo noieriiiiicnl. "Thpre i no ilc jute oicinmcnt in Mpxieo lo iceonnir.e. "I -iippo,. llueltliN eouiplilltiec with our ili'iiimiiU will inl the iricuti nliiHlioii mill Icnve iimter wlieie hex were hcloie. In furl, I enn't lliinl. of ii ti i olliet' wu.x in whieli Hit' limit. on eitii work out if llueitn iloe whut lie xeeins loiluv lo ilitmiil iloiuK." The illoll in whether the I'nited Slntcw eoiilil lellllll (he Mexienu Mil lite wilhout leeonnii'.inK' Hie llueitn pii eminent llieiehy wn nil neule niie, however. Mnuv inlliienliiil men ilinnurectl with Scnalor Sluvel.V. Sen ntor l.oilxi' wiim one of Hietii. Ile eouleiiileil (hut u iclllin of the hiilnte would lie mi Ainerienii ''InieKilowii," ".Makes Vh Ulillctlliitis" ''To reluiii llie .Mexienu hiilnlt uonlil niiiko its liilimilou," iid I(imIk'. "It ii ineouceivnlili'. The Mexienu Milule of our I'lnj; n- nit ii polony for mi iuii1t is syinliolienl, lull tin iniiiiite wo iclllin the Milule it heeouies it mere e.xeliuii(-e of coin I -t'sy, "Not only would mi Aiucrieiiii sn lule wipe ou tin itMilo)-clit- niiture of thn function, hill it involve American iccoj-niiion of the lluerttt j-oMTiimciil. The whole piocccd'uiK would ho cIiiiiikciI hy litis exeliuiiKO of couilcMi'S heeuiiMi it, would he teccilinj,- front out' ileiunuil for nn apology nml ncccpliui; Hoiui'lhiiiK l Kolulely valueless, lint 1 feel con fident tho proposition will not he ac cepted," Ordinary Ituli-s of Courtesy Sliively, ilcspito this view, stuel; o his juns. "It Is perfeetly oltvions," (Contlnuea on page 3.) SHOT IN QUARREL WOSKIIUIUI, Or., April III. Mor risou C'uinpliill, nn uj;eil resident of Clovt'liinil, 111 miles weht of lime, mr feiitletcd lo Hie hlicriff nt IIoscIiuik loiluy, Mi.xinj,' Hun he hud hhot mid killed John llcelicr, n iiciitldioi-, iikciI .'I'.1. Meeker wiih Inuud dead ill ll field cully lodny, liul il wits suppoM'il Hint dentil hud lieeit fioiu liiilunil eniihCN, Ciimplicll's Hiinciiiler wiih llie i'nt liitiiiiulloii Unit tho ol'fteiiilH hud lliul Meeker lunl como lo mi iinliincly mid. I'niiiplicll siild Hint lie hud ipiiuiclcil with Meeker mid Hint llie luller ncifcd him mid Mini led In din him iii'tiis a I'li'hl, JltifiiKiiiK in icIciimi him, Ciiinplicll Hays ho tihul, Ihu Ihlrd hid let liillllii; Jli'vkiT. MODERN - & ' . . ' . , - r s. f ' v-'t Jlbk f 1 r ' ' -yV 'MUdfHHiiHiiiiH ' r JHP4V T T if0i 'W rmmmmWSSmmV'' Mt,V TTT ?J 'fJTI Sc7 m fj ... ;,.,ffM., , vv ( ft -4f5f AmmWMMLmLmmLmmm I ' ' I tIBhpk -i I I - Ajm. ft ' vlftftftftftftlftftftftftvPllftlftttaMhkVH A I ' m i ? I I' i.tliljJfcWifcr-'".'s,-i'ir4xr"M''' mF lftftftftftftftftBEB6JftfttY?W 1 I I Kftftmi W&tmWHn'i WmmmmBBwKjtLmvk 'JkwftlHlftlftBU9BftftrBftftY I I ihtflftiftftiiMkhftftftHftBftftlBLuftftftftftftftlBm'LftlkftftftftpftftK mI fc.- --"Vjtit v-ftB I IftLLLLLLLLLLLflHflLLHMILLLLLLLLLLftii - r-ir?i9BftW-1 MftftftftftftWWftftftftftftftfcBftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftM3irLv v "8Pr ifc3,,'?',T'flPW5ftiftMliftftfcftBBftftftlftftMliS I w '-! - ' - M-,PiirrvlftftHrf-LS'BftM I I.n,xiiit; toitcrelo mxcinci't on a yitrd.' It is planned to increase eoiicrelf with urmtonl Mtrfitee mid . WARSHIP FLEET IN BATTLE LINE ON HOjUil) I'NMTKIi STATl'.S MATTI.KSIIIl' ARKANSAS (h.x wireless via Capo llntlerns, April 1(1. lTuder eleiiiiup; xlae the liattliv.hip fleet under Admiral Madder wnA hteituiiiif; Miulhwuiil lodny. The admiral unlet ed a speed of twelve, knots. The (diips, htrtiuj: out in line, 1000 feet upitit, pluucd tlnoiili the munch, .the ArkaiiMis Ifiidini.'. II wits esliinuted tliey would tuako Tmupieo hy Wednesday noon. The crews were enlhusiustio mid drilled with Minppy precision. My Sectelnry of the Navy Diiiiielh' orders, Admiral Mailser xvtin tefnsinj; lo miswer any of thu ipti'Minn. put to him hy Iho eotresiondents on hoitrd or (o say u word eoueerniiij; Iho Mexican situation. EXCLUSION SWITCHED BY NATIONAL WASHINGTON, April 111. -Flnt eluii'ncs Hint Intel uuiioiiul poljlies weio involved In the sideltuekiiii; of Jiiptinexo exclusion lct;ls!iilioii weie voiced hy I(ciicm'uIiiIimi Moo in ol I'eiiusyhmiiit ut a mecliiij; of Die house liiiuilKi'iiliun eommltleo lodny. Commissioner (Icueinl of Immiyiit linn Ciiiuliielli Mii.l hn hud nut httllfhi'd In pi'silimi ii'KnidiiiK ' elusion, hill held Hull he nhoitld dm i'iinm mil) tlmdil lu; khilioii n ha he llcwil lliti .lupiiiii -c pliu-e tin-i hciiiH liwiliil hy diploiuiille luj;ollillluil, STEAMING SOUTH ROAD-MAKING REDUCED TO A SCIENCE the (Vntml l' t. Mni.ord rn.-tt. Ox the d.alx nmou it t 100 fut end dmc protioiincul i i xperts the hist ro.nl STATE TREASURER SCHOOLFUNDNOTES; SAI.KM, Oi.. April Hi. In a de eision today tmit lude (l.illouny upheld the contention of Oovcruor Wot Hint Slaie Tiiiusinei- Ix'av ha no Iej,';il iiulhoiily for rclniniiit,' pos ioiioil of the S000 eotiuuoil school fund noles, mscritgiitiiij: in xttlue nhoiit .'fli.OOO.OOO, held hy hitu. The deeiiioit was in a friendly suit filed hy (lovetnor West and Secretary of State Oleott in hclutlf of the state to compel Treasurer Ixitx- to deliver the notes- to I lie eletk of tho hind hoiud. Judge (lullowax in overruling the de murrer to the complaint Muled Hint the ulnto treasurer is the custodian of the funds ol the slate, hut these notes nre not funds, hut only evi dence of funds. NAME SATUROAY AS SAI.K.M, Or, April 10. I'alhin; upon iho people of the stale to co-op crate in liil,iu nelioi) to prevml needles fires nt tint slule, Oowtuor Went lodny issued n iioelmuuinii set I in),' iihidt' Sntiiiduy, Aptil lb, us file n event ion day. lie iisl. Hint "uiueliiiu's of eiit- yiuix, citie hoilu-H, lonul iiupiotemcul ulilhs, seliooi mnl nlluein. iiullvniit 11 ullv litkn lime 011 Mils tiny In lutl lllcmiM of lite plew'iilinli and In te MUST SURRENDER move. iuol.ii us possilile, all ilun 1 !lenve on slioii iiuiire 'Hie ..i..il.. or linliicit cm-is uhnli nuiilil hud limit Mnhli Ml 1- . ihc N.-iil In llli 1 tic ici.ilu lltvltl liMilu dill uilljlloil,i, whi'h la itiwiil igtii I14 or lu onlliiiiiiuh." ilvn, ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY IN WegVJMgTf LrMrr1 r .on lit-l ,t d.x, It it w dc, i- n-e tin co't tu it ii-1 r ,i xnni or w.x ever liu'l. MOTHER JONES COLORADO PRISON; PHNVKIt. Colo , April lfi '"Mothor" Jane, fuiuous wonnm ftrlko loader, was roleusod from Ha county Jnll at Wnlsenhuri; at 10 o'clock this morning. Sho had been hold la romiuiinlcado there since, March :!:'. Horace Ilitwklns, local attorney for tho United Mlno Workers of America, announced that when "Mother" Jones' linbeas coriuia aiipll cutlon comes up before the United Slates circuit court tomorrow that ho will demand tho punishment of ( i en oral Chase for coitteinpt of court. Kerontly tho court onlered Oenoral Cliaso to prodtico "Mothor" Jottea lit court hero tomorrow, nstciul ho or dered her released. Ueueral Chase said that ho con sidered his authority over "Mother" Janes ceased when Governor Amnions ordered tho troops to leave the striko rono today. "Mother" Joiiob will arrlvo Denver tonltUU. lu WARSHIPS LEAVE F I'llll.AM I.I'lllA. 111 In a dense lo Apul 10. Ot the hulllnliili Mieliimin, hoiiiul lor Tiiuiileo, did nut U;I3 . m. lodny. The initio's ami Mu.uiin were cimlinu In leailliii-.. lo RELEASED FROM JACKSON COUNTY V"?!" - (.'tirtisx Oregon Joumnl. lin?' .(xir.iil at it cost under $1.10 k's - .. Tltf juxencut is the richest 1 EMPLOYERS FILED SAI.I'.M. r., April 10. .Imlse Ciullowiix todiiv-Mistainod the de- nnii'iir 10 the complaint in (he uit drought hy W. ('. Francis of the Ktn pliiyetV AsMuintiou of Oregon mid Jame Archer mid P. !? lhtsnrd, Jr., of I'm Hum), nguiiist Stale I'tin ter K. A. llnrris-, tneinherh of the stale priutiitg hoard and the Allied l'rinting TrmW council of Salem, to enjoin the state printer trout carry ing out the provisions of the "closed hop" contract entered into between the Mute printer mid the unions. Tho demurrer wits sustained on tho grounds llmt no shoiviug wits made thnt the plaintiffs would ho person ally injured us a result of the uiiiks iug of Iho contract mnl because tliu eomplniut did not show Hint the con tract wits in existence nt the time the suit was filed. T GIVE UP TO GOVERNOR Tll.SA, Okhi., April 10. Meemise of the decided (11111111 tiiKCii ngiiinst rtit'iiti; hy (loxt'i'iair l.ee t-ruce, ttffic ml of tint TuUa Itiieiug niiciuliou this itfternoun caiiccllcd thu luccting at Hit TuUa truck. oiliciuU of Hit) association declar ed tht-y iuleuiled In innHtuta heavy iluuiwge ull ii,-iilllt both (lovetnor INJUNCTION CLOSED S (nice mnl d. limit (leiiernl ('anion, Tr- - win uitlidinitu from (Im lr.il n o in tin Iho luvct li Mil" liunctlKd. I FEDERAL ARMY OFNORTHMAKES US SAND Remnant of Huerla's Army of the North Baltling Desperately at ften avhfes Villa Determined to Ex terminate -Force. Federals Defrndinrj Strong Position With Reckless Determination Rebel Coil Tightens About. SAN I'KDIIO, Mc.x., April 10. Surroiinilfd by rebel, Iho Inst rpm nnnt of President llucrta's nnny of the north nns making its lust stand fight ut Ilcnnvidcs station today. The federal force was reduced by the battle of Han Pedro from l'J.OOO to about OSOO men, but they were still resisting de-erately. General Villa wns determined to exterminate them. He wii in personal ehnrge of Hie rebel attack, hod nil his available troops in aetion mid bail scut for ;I000 more from Torreon. I-'oiccnst of llelx-lllon Runners front the scene of the en gagement reported it one of the fierc est of the rebellion. They suhl the federals occupied a strong position unl .xtvre dcfvnding.4tMdluxuckltt (lelcnmniition. The rebels, hoivever, were tiglilcning the cordon about them mid it ,xus declared (hey wero cortn'n to be wipeil nut unless they surrendered. There wns no chance f r them this time, said witnesses of the battle, to slip through Ihu rebels' line as they did nt Torreon mid Sun Pedro. According to Oenernl Or.cga, among tho prisoners his men took when they captured San Pedro Mon day night wete five American news pnper nml uutgnziue writers who had been accompanying the federals. Oen ernl Villa ordered that every consid eration he shown them mid they wero held nt n hacienda on Lnke Mayran, between San Pedro mid Ilenavides station. Thousand Wounded Arrlvo Since San Pedro's capture 1000 wounded have arrived from the scenu of the various battles mid skirmishes fought in its vicinity. Oenernl Villa captured hero twenty locomotives, 300 empty freight cars, twenty-five carloads of conl, eight of ice, twenty of xvnter, thirty of niu- muuitiou, fifty of cotton mid five of clothing mid general merchandise. lie took also eleven camion in Sun Pedio and a dozen more which tho federals abandoned along tho line of their retreat. Fifteen hundred federal prisoners have been taken thus fur. OHIO MLITIA ORDERED TO BE READY FOR WAR TOLEDO, 0.. April 10. The Ohio militia received ar dors this afternoon to bold itself in readiness for quick dispatch to .Mexico. Thu re ipient for it to do so was re ceived hy Oovernor Cox from thu war depattmeiit. He said eight regiments could he mobilized In short order, OREGON CITY VETERANS WANT TO 60 TO WAN ! -. OIMXION (TIT, Or., April 1(1. Fifly-llino iiieii of Oregon C'ily, muuy of theiii Spanish war vuterna, tmluy signed a petition In Hie war dwit ineiii asking for urvH, lu av iwny Hi t'luo of Iroiiblii wMh Wfxh'o, t'ip lulu M, U. I'hlllljw,, wlw mrvixl wW lh Oick"ii voluMliHcrK Jt4rltH S'iinl.h'AmnlcMH who w' mm t thn irl nlHttvr. TW iMUUm U M 'n