f tV,VUVVfMtT " f-V BEDFORD MATT TlUTtUNR MEDFORT). OKTCflONT. THESDAV, 'APKTL 11. mil. r PAGE BIX BASEBALL GAMES ENGINEERS PLAN WILD FIGHI 10 HOLD UP TRAIN OUT OF SEATTLE TO FURTHE L I FLAVEL. ASTORIA m ERI BUILD ON SEASON HR RSURVEYOF TERMINALS iEE BIG LEAGUES CRESCENT ARBOR HKW YORK, April 14. The 1014 lmselmll season wns u0icred in to 1ny with lilenl weather prevailing i" most of the cities where games were scheduled. The only exception was Cincinnati, where rloutly weather wns repmleil, hut the weather man predicted clonriiig weather for thi afternoon. The season opening toilny mnrked the thirty-ninth year of play in the National lengue ami the fourteenth in the American league. The Federal league, the outlaw organisation, wns beginning its second season. Cloudless weather prevailed licre, and it wan believed n record-break-inc crowd would witness the opeiTing here, and it was believed a large crowd would see the camp nt Brook lyn between the Dodgers and Boton Braves. FctfertiU Raid riilllic The Federals played havoc with the Phillies, signing up Seaton, Breunnu. Knnbe and Doolnn. Man ager Doom, however, asserted his team was stronger than ever and predicted the club would set the same pace it did la.t year when it led the league for weeks and. then hiuiir on to the Giants until the mid dle of the season. With the exception of Herzog, now managing Cincinnati, and Artie Shnfer, who has retired from base ball, the Giant team is practically the same that won the pennant last year. McGrnw planned to start Stock at third, but local fans be lieved bo was too inexcricnccd to fill Shafer's shoes. Tfirco New Manager The managers of the other Nation al league teams insisted they bad strengthened their forces, despite Federal league inroads. Three of the clubs will start the season with new managers Hank O'Day at Chi cago, Ilerzog at Cincinnati and Wil bcrt Itobinson at Brooklyn. In the American league the Muck ian forces were expected to again lend the procession, but Manager Griffith of the Washington club as serted his team would have to be reckoned with, lie declared he had picked up several pitcher marvels ami expected these to aid Walter Johnson in twirlinjr the club to a pennant. The White Sox, if Kd Walsh lias rounded into form, will prove A formidable aggregation, hut the other teams were not exected to give the Athletics much trouble. JtO.OOO See First Game The Federal league was opened nt Baltimore yesterday before 3(1,000 perxons, the Inrgest crowd that ever witnessed a, game in the Maryland metropolis. Only one gome was scheduled in the Federal league to day, and that was to be played at Pittsburg, where the Pittsburg Stories will clash with the Brooklyn Tiptops. Camnitz and Berry, it wns believed, would composo the Pitts burg battery, while Sentou and Owens were scheduled to work for Brooklyn. Ideal weather also prevailed in Chicago, where the Cleveland Naps were to open with the White Sox. Charles Weej-ham, owner of the Chi cago Federal league club, and Man ager Joe Tinker bought renerved seats for the game. Tinker ami li! club will leave after this afternoon's game for Kansas City to open the Federal league season there. The Pirates and Cardinals were scheduled to open the National league in season in St. Louis this after noon. The fans, however, were inan ifeiiting little iutcre.it in the affair. M'CREDIE EXPECTS Crescent City papers report tele grams from members of the delega tion sent to Washington, l. C, in behalf of the harbor project, ns fol lows : ''Kngineers were satisfic.d by the committee, showing that interests to bo served is large enouah to justify a harbor, but they are withholding recommendation pending further in vestigation of engineering fe&tures." W. J. llotchkiss. "Hearing before engineers abso lutely satisfactory. They want to give us n bigger harbor than the sur vey colls for, and will do more surveying."- John ! Childs. 0. S. Blauehaid of 0 rants Pass is ipioted as follows in the Courier ol that city: "It wns almost too lute for this sesiou, but ufter getting here we be came !uefiil that we could get the senate to tack on our amount. That was not our1 mission hctvj however. That wns nn afterthought. We cunir to convince the board of the commer cial advantages nnd have MieeeediV to our entire satisfaction. Only oin thing prevented nn appropriation thi- session, i lie uoanl wonted engineer ing facts concerning the nature ot ground to be excavated for future enlargements. That we will get it harbor is a settled com lotion in out minds." E AT LOS ANGELES WASHINGTON, April H Im provement ot the Los Angeles harbor was recommended to congress today br the army board of engineers, with out present Improvement e: the Long Ucach harbor. The board proposed widening the Inner entrance to the channel to 75 feet at station num ber 290; then Increasing to 1000 nt station number 2!M and continuing this width to Turning base at an es timated cost of $C26.000. The report said the government should incur no expense for lnnd or the removal of present hones. It advocated an initial appropriation ot $200,000 so the work could be com pleted within three year. GOVERNOR WES? SETS FIRE PREVENTION DAY rOHTLANI), Or., Anril 14. "Now that Cleveland is nsMired of keeping Pitchers Blatuling uud Kahler from the Federal league through Judge Sessions' decision at Grand Itapid in favor of Philadelphia in the Killi fer case, 1 expect to have a couple of pitchers mid perhaps a catcher tu nil' d over to me in the next week or ten days by the Cleveland Ameri caps," said Manager McCredio of jho Portland Cont league team on his return from California today. "Cleveland was pretty much up in the air because of the Kahler and Blauding mutter, and thai is why they held bfiok. I am also dickering with other iUijor league clubs and xfMK)t (o Hlrenglhuii my stuff of jJttfhers immediately. All 1 need is junker itohr of wo." Je WiUftN ef Talent left for hi Ihmm ikM lliN'NMWi after vpeuilliiK u MMj4 ttf 0a lu tkh Hy Visiting Governor Oswald West has set Aprlt IS as Flro Prevention day for the schools and every teacher Is re quested to take Riwclal care In giving the pupils suitable instruction as to tho danger and destructlvcness of fire, how fire usually starts, how to prevent fires, etc. In like manner April 25th has been set aslJo by tho governor as Good Hoads day, and every person is in vited to day a day's work on the roads. This also falls upon Saturday and any exercises tho teachers may have should bo held at a different time. Instructions along this line will bo Interspersed through the pro ceding week. TRY MUSTER0LE FOR THAT LAME BACK Bub It on briskly massage It In thoroughly, and note how quickly MUSTEUOLE drives out the stiffness and soreness. It beats a mustard plaster seven ways, and best of all tt doesn't blis ter or burn. MUSTEUOLE is a clean, white ointment made with oil of mustard. It conies In handy white glass Jars. Get a jar from your druggist today. MUSTEHOLK is recommended by doctors and nurses. Millions ot Jars are used annually for Bronchitis, Croup, Stiff Neck, Asthma, Neural gia, Congestion, Pleurisy, Itheuma llsm, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of tho Hack or Joints, Sprains, Soro Muscles, Hrulses, Chilblains, Frosted Feet, Colds of Chest (It prevents Pneumonia), At your druggist's, In 20c and GOc Jars, and a special large hospital slzo for 12.50. Accept no substitute. If your druggist cannot supply you, send 25c or 00c to the MU8TEitOt.E Com pany, Cleveland, Ohio, and wo will mall you a Jar, postago prepaid. W. II. Thurmond, Bockflsh, Va says: "Musterolo Is the greatest thing I ever got hold or for muscu lar rheumatism, affording Instant re llof to soro uud stiff Joints uud muscles." HJf SKATTI.K. Wash., April II One man is dying, it train bandit fatally wounded and his pal is suffering to day from painful w omuls received in u wild fight which took place last night on a Scaitle-Taconia inteiur ban train near Uiverton, when pas songer and tiaininen resisted the at tempt of two holdup men to stage a robbery. This h the third time in the last two mouths that bandits have made attempts on the intcrurhan at the scene of the tragedy last night. Charles P. Schwartz, a Snohomish. Wash., citizen, was fatally shot; Clarence Trew, bandit, dying, uud Wilhuu Sears, the o.hcr bandit, i badly beaten. Both bandits admitted to fficci that robbery was their intention when they hoarded the train near Chicago avenue. Sears, with his face covered with a bandana handkerelref, stepped into the smoking compartment, uud, drawing hU revolver, commanded the men to line up and 'shell out." A commotion was heard in the rear of the car whore passengers were struggling with Trew, and Sears turned to look, lie was knocked town by men who rushed him uud his revolver was di-ehnrged in the strug gle. The man who gave his name as Trew was attacked bv two trainmen, J. Itose ntid A. 1). Smith, mid was overcome nftcr the men and passen gers had given him a beating which probably will prove fatal. Smoke Mt. Pitt. Cigars nnd help build up a pay roll for your own town. William Gerig, chief engineer and general manager of the Pacific: K Knstein and consulting engineer of the (treat Northern, left Monday evening for Astoria, where he will hhvV charge of the construction of the Hill docks, whanes ami termin als at Flavel. Concerning these, Louis W. Hill said last week: "Our proposed big steamship whanes nnd terminals aie to bo lo cated at Flnvel and construction work on them will be commenced in the immediate future. Flavel is the logical point for this develomicnl," continued Mr. Hill, "on account of the advantages it offers for economy in construction and as a desirable site for the ipiick dispatch of trains and steamships. We have decided to utili.e that location as being for the best interests of all concerned. We do not wish to be understood as fav oring any particular location for the building of these docks further than to justify the most udciuate menus to handle our traffic and make pro vision for a greatly increased trade." TUBERCULOSIS In addition to pleuty or iresn air snd proper diet, those suffering from or wno are predlipoed to Tuberculo sis are recommended to use Eckmsn's Alterative to stop night sweats, bauUh fever and hasten recovery. This medl. cine, by reason of lu nicceuf ul use dur ing th past, warrants the fullest Inves tigation possible by every sufferer. Ecknun's AlteraUve Is most effica cious in bronchial catarrh and severe throat and lung affections, and in up building the system. It contains no narcotics, nor harmful or hablt.form. lng drugs. Accept no substitutes. Sold by leading druggists. Write to the Eckraan Laboratory, Philadelphia, Ta., for booklet telling of recoveries. Back of Every Gallon of ZEROLENE is one of the best equipped oil refineries in the world and back 'of that is the Standard Oil Company with its years of experi ence, its skiil, its resoureesl and its determination to make the best that can be produced in whatever line it undertakes. And the result is a motor oil of which the Standard Oil Company is proud to say: "This is the best automobile oil we can make." To most motorists this is an absolute guaran tee of quality. To others the constantly increasing use 'of Zerolene by thousands of satisfied automobilists is indisputable, proof of its efficiency. Ask our nearest agency regarding bulk delivery of Zerolene. Standard Oil Company (California) Mo.lford r-nf-rtii' - ,.-.-4 -?TZ MANN'S CENTRAL AVE., NEAR P. O. - A HuH t Y Y Y Y Y Y t ? ? ? ? f ? ? ? T t J. JmJJmJmX X STOCK REDUCING SALE MAWS CENTRAL AVE., NEAR l O. We Must Reduce Our Stock in Order to Make Room for NeSummer f Goods Arriving Daily. Your Dollar will Buy More This Week 20 Off on All Coats and Suits 20 Off Don't miss this chance to buy your new Suit and Coat at this great reduction All $10.00 Coats now $ 8.00 All -$12.00 Coats now 9.60 f All $15.00 Coats now $12.00 ,.$14.4U ..$16.00 All $25.00 Coats now $20.00 All $30.00 Coats now $24.00 All $35.00 Coats now $28.00 t t T t ? T T T f ? t t t ? ? t T ? ? t t T ? ? t ? ? ? J ? ! tu ..n fr n....i.. vii .fio.uu v oats now. All $20.00 Cotits now. All $12.00 Suits now ..$ 9.00 All $15.00 Suits now . ..$12.00 All $18.00 Suits now ;.,$14.40 All $20.00 Suits now ....$16.00 All $25.00 Suits now $20.00 All $30.00 Suits now $24.00 All $35.00 Suits now $28.00 All $10.00 Suits now . ..$32.00 A slight charge For Alterations. 10 Off on All Wool Dress Goods 10 Off liia will give evoryono an opport nity to soloct a now dross from he best stock in Southern Oregon. v r t Y Y JL SILK SALE 1000 yards 32-inch Tub Silks, best washing silk made, 75c grade, at, per CJQ yard J7v 1000 yards new .Foulards, beau tiful patterns, 75c CQ values, now, yard. .. O t Chenev's Spot-Proof Foulards, new patterns, per QQn vard All 25c Dress Cloods.. 22 All 50c Dress floods . ,.45 All 75c Dress floods -67 All $1.00 Dress Goods 90 All $1.25 Dross aoods..$1.12Vi' All $1.50 Dress Ooods.. ..$1.35 All $2.00 Dress Clood.....$1.80 All $2.50 Dress (Ipotls ......$2.25 FREE-Save your saleslips and pt Win. Rogers' Triple Plated Guaranteed Silverware-FREE SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION FOR ONE WEEK We have arranged with the Oumbiner Hair Co,, one of the largest eastern im porters and manufacturers of human hair goods, to hold this demonstration and sale in our store for one week only. This event will give the women of this vicinity an unus ual opportunity to select any needed hair goods from an immense and varied stock at a saving seldom offered. Don't fail to see our line of beautiful gray switches and hard-to-match colors. Note below the exceptionally low prices at which you can buy Real Human Hair Goods this week only at the following special prices: $2.00 real human hair Switches, 20 inches Jong, ideal for psycho knots, QCA at. i.OO real human hair Switches, 2B inches' long, fino quality, excep tional value , , ... .... $3.00 real human hair Switches, 22 inches long, suitable for coronet dl i Q C braids tP X J D $5.00 real human hair switches, 21 inches long, at a price less than the cost- of having your combings d QGJ made up Wrf sd $12.00 real human hair Switches, thick, soft and wavy, three separate strands .,.. .... ... Prices on Other Lengths Range Accordingly Transformations worth up to $10.00, this week for only $2.95. $(1.00 real human hair Switches, 2(1 inches long, made in three sepa rate strands $3.95 I4U OM lllllllllil $4.95 $1,00 real human hair medium length gray switches, largo as- P QP soruneut, unusually cheap JyO i $6.95 SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY Hair Nets, Hest Needles, (lood Thimbles each, 4c Best grade Dress Prints and Cotton Challies, yard, 5c Colgate's Tal cum Ptjwder, 25c can, 12c Clark's O. N. T. Spool Cotton, 7lor25c 100 slightly Soiled Waists, up to $2 values, each, 48c ty4tytyty?tyty4jfytytytytytytytytylty SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY 5000 yds, Wide Women's and Linen Torchon Children's .Fast Lace, Mlack Hose, pop yard, per pair, 5c 9c Women's Kill Cloves, all col ors, $L25 val ues, pair, 79c fi v u