Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 14, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Hum W. rinmll will xpcnk nil pin
lilliltinli n( (lu l'iw Ihciiler April '.'I
nl 7i.'ll) p. in. AiIiiikhIoii Inc.
Dr. Kiniill I a imiii nl' cxccpltniiiil
llllllilltlll'llln, lll Mlx hum in Kihix
llle, Tonii,, in tin itiiy riiiiiiili'il l
hi futility I'iiiIm'iii'; Hiniluiitt'il with
liluli ImiioiH I'miii lliiniiy mill Henry
mlli'K" In Viigiiiln, mill nfli'r mlnii-
nloti to lint tut t in 'lYimi'twrn I iiiiii
pilviilc heereluty to ex-l'icldenl
Amlit-w JiiIiiimiii mill fnlluwetl lliul
frtlltMlllllll'H pillitlrnl fuittllien ll (III'
I'lilli'i) Stiilo hiiiiiit'. Id' Ih ii t tit in -
nl jiMiriuilixf, iiiniiy yemn cdilnr uf
ll'llllllIK Mlllllll'lll linWhpilplTH, plilll'i-
pnlly wilh m noted Allniilit ('wish-
tllllilll, lit' Ih till! llllllliir n' M'leml
My iippniiilincnl of I'n'Hilfiil
lliiyrn In' hi'ixt'il iih a kviTt'liiry f
llli' Allll'lii'llll I'lllllllllxkilill In I'llrih in
IH7H, iiihI iin u ili'li'Kiiln from IIiIh
niiiiilry In iin iiili'iiniliniiiil lilrrnn
rnilKri'MH of lliul rnr. Hi Iiiih hcrvetl
ill lililllV nolnbli' lintiiilllil 1'iiiiM'litiinit
nf piilillrnl iMiiu'iciii! mill lel'urin-
iitnry elinrncler. While in llu I'lilted
.Stulr iiriuy In ('ul)ii In 1HIMI In- wiih
Inllitnry Mtpi-rviMir of piddle iimtrui'
(iiin, enpim'uK in tlic renrmiuiriiliim
of (lie plllilii- hi'lmoU nf till' Nlllllil.
Ill IKHft .Mr. Suiiill, thru n promU
ni'iit editor mi pulilin ufflctnl, wjik
niiivci lei) throuuh tin1 prcnchiiiK nf
Kev. Sinn Jiuii'x, Iln cii'itl (Icnrpn
i'vmiKi'lit( mnl ji'iiH'il willi him in
holilim,' eviine,eliilie n'lAiri-t. in nil
tin- u I enter eilio nf III"' I'llilcd
.Stiilt'k mill Cniimlu. TIium wore lln
tuil fmiiniiH mnl Miceewful ri'liK
iiiiit mi'i'liiiKH ecr held in iIih or
liny other country. Dr. Sinnll liu
li'il cnnilMtiuiw icaiillini; in tin' elo
illL' "f iiinrn lllllll 10. (Mill tlllllk xlmps,
mnl I ii'cnyiiui'il in nil tpiurtom nf
tin' niiliiMi ii tun' of I In- furniitiHl
UpOfcllfrl llf pnilllllllllllt.
Ni:V YOI1K. April II -llonvy
M'lllliK ofl'nlted Htito Steel nKnIn
iiinrkoil the oponliift of Ihti nturk
mnrkfti todityc ThK nlork iniKRnl
frnctlomtlly tn S9 on the flrnt (oiv
trmiKActlmiH nml Inter tlroppuii tn
ft b, nilivrwliu irlro cliniiKo wero
hinnll nml Irregular. Hy noon n
nmutior nf lendlni; nlmreii worn from
I to 'J pupil lower. Tho (lerllno W115
li.fluoiiroil InrKely by tlio Intent
turn In tho Moxlmti uttiintlon.
llomU woro ohm)
Tim nmrket closed iiuitendy,
HAN rilA.NTIHCO, Cnl , Itprll It
Tho null Itmlltuti'il hy Wllllo Kit
rhto nciilmit Wllllntu Kyno for
ttlinrn of profllN from tho iiionIiik ilr
turoH of (ho Joo ItlverK-ltllrlite IIkIH
hero July I Inut, vni lout todny hy
tho rhnniphin. Huporior JiuIkh CVrf
inled thut Hltchlo hint by not titlpti
luting In tho coiil met thnt ho wm
oiitltlod to n uliuro of tho profltti,
AkaIh 11 vUlt In tho future In pro 111
U111I from tho Hellit. Kioto clrcua, lie
rortlltiK to Wllllntu K, llnlneu, con
trnrtttiK nKCtit, who In now In tho
lily, Hut there Ih otto difference.
Truo UKiilii, (hero will cotuo tho Hells,
lioto (ire iih, hut now iiruIii tho
nronlc nctH, tho' i'(iioatrlennca, tho
IiivIhIi illHplny lint nil now. For
tho KollK'lioto clrcua thin yenr In
now In overy delnll.
Not only Ih there n now proKrnni.
Krenter thnu ever hoforo, hut now.
porfortnorN, now rtututuori, ow pro
M'litntlou; tho clrcua Is now In every
thltiK Hint Konn to innko up n por
fnrumnru thnt Ih KrntlfyliiK lit Hh
Ami not only will tho fiullH-lioto
circuit ho now In (Iioho HiIiikh wliou
It coineH to thin city Monday, Mny
1 1 tit. hut It will ho now aIho In Ha
pomontiol, For now, let It ho known
tho Kollit. Kioto clrciiH hnn nu nililoil
nltrnctlon Krcntor than nil tho others
llutfiilo Hill hliiiHolf, his rollnuo of
roporn nml rldoru nml cowboys mid
IndliiiiH, iixpoiientB of tho frontlor
life thnt Ih koiio, nml tho tlnplctors of
tho life of tho pluliiH ns It Is todny,
In addition to tho rlrcuu nets,
which urn newer mnl Kroutnr than
over hnforo, lltiffnlo Hill will printout
lit tho performance 11 spectniio thnt Is
not only now, hut thnt prenenU tho
llfo of tho plains from u now iiiikIo.
"W'nrpnth," It Is railed, mnl It ill
plnys the pri)KroiM uf livllltnlloii
from Iho lime of llm frnnller In tho
piCfiil ilny,
.,.. -.
Mr. Ktnj; mnl fiiniily liu iiiomiI
iilln tlii'ir new tt'niili'iii'ti on lli'iu'li
hIiitI, Mr, ICitic Itinli'il ii'xiili'iiri'
ilnpeily in Amki'Ii'h, Ciil,, In
Mm. IIiivit fur her propeily. They
mo tleliu.hliii with nur lifiuitil'iil lit
lln t'ity mnl liciillliful, lnviu,niiitiu
.MIhn Aimv Hliiiiiuirtl, ulm in leneli.
lii 'nl I'iiiiI'm ciitIi, Kpi-nl Hiitutiliiy
mnl Hiiinliiy with lnniii folkx.
Mini M11I1I11 iSrnll, nni' nl" Kiiiii'n
nllcy'M Mii'ci'HHfnl Inii'liriM, (.ptiit 11
ftiw iIiinm with AhIiIiiiiiI fiii'inlN n
.MIhn MlirK'lllrl llllll nf llencll
nlri'i't wiih eonfinetl In lnr homo till
Inxl week wiih tniiiilitlM.
Mr. Cut, wlm IiinI hi wifi 11 hlinil
lititu UK", uiiM up fnnii Appli'i;iiti' mi
Kiimhiy. Tlif Inihy fur wlmiu Ilic
yniuiK tnnlliiT liiiw lit-r lift', in rnw.
iii? nipiilly iiihIit the kiiiiI null nl
it );riiiiilinithir.
Our Miter urn nil ii'ihti'iiii, hd
iim In In pli'puli'il In vnlr fur Ihf 11"
npi'innt' in iin1 M. mini mnl 111c
Immliii nf Hie cily to drill); lit thr
lllilll'llll WIlll'tH.
Tlii' M'linnlN will In nitt In fit
wci'kH, which int'iitm n liiinl tiixnltt
for 11 liltlt' while, prrpiirini; fur r.x
nni", thru Inn rnh fur jelly wii'iitimi
IiihIiwhI nf iht' nautili' prnur
Iliri'lillU' III lint ('nilKti'Klltiniml I'llllH'll
ni'xt Tliuritiliiy, tin' pnMnr will .w
11 hrit'f hi'lllliili mi ('nilKri'Kiiliniitil'
I-iii, mnl will iiImi iiiihwit niiy ipie.
tidiic. Tin Kiintor t'M'ii'ihf" nl nil nf tin
t'hiirrliew worn lory IntoioiliiiK mnl
woio onjnyi'tl hy lin!o mnl npprooi
nliu miilk'iit'w.
Tho lilllo miii nf .Mr. mnl Mi. T.
.1. IaiitIi Ihis Ihtii iiiitc f,c( with
M'lirlot rush, hill it cnimilt'M'ini;.
Mr. mnl MtN, A. K. Iliirxt inter.
Imnt'il 11 puity nf fiiiniU fioin
I'hiioiiix Situiliiy.
A linml.xiroil ornwtl fiinn nur oily
iiltvinleil tho Hon Nur iliiuei' nl Med-
funl mnl roporl mi oiijnynlilo tiitii',
mii'li iix nur xixtor oily iiIwiivk hns.
.Mr nml Mrs, Mnlt I'nlheiin nml
KramlitniiKlitiir hno horn vUIMiik Mr.
nml Mm. J. II. Hire nnd fnuilly of
Chnrles llntulllon nml futility uprnt
Knmrr with Mr, nml .Mr. Win. Cop.
plo of Huurniit,
Mrs. Hwan of Mcdford spent Kns.
tor at tho homo of Mm. t.oito Hay
uf Hitch.
I.00 Hlnck nf Forest crook, wns n
iiimliieim rnllvr In Jcntioulllo Inst
Kilns Kiulth, hnn McIIodoiikIi nml
Chtwter MrDonoiiKh, who hnvo neon
workliiK nt KlrrlliiK roliirned homo
Hiimluy (o spend Knstor.
Mr Devlin nml l.elnnd Cnntrnll nf
Hitch woro husluvHs riillcra In Jack
onvlllo Saturday,
Mnrsh Hnltlwlti of ApploRnto while
plowltiR Inst week, plowed up what
Is supposed to ho llm skeleton of 1
Klntit, It wns nonr the Appirpnte river
Miss Florvtiro Tnylor of Ittich,
upt'tit n few tlnys In town Inst wook.
Frnuk llnone wns n biiMnot-H c.illcr
In Moilfonl HAliinlny,
Mr. nml Mrs. . Titrpln of .Moafonl
spout Knstor with Mr. nnil- '.Mrs.
.Innics McDonoiiKh nml mtntly of
Mr. (lonrno Htirkloy nml his niotli
or motored to Jncksouvlllo Stiudn)'.
Mrs. Win. DowiiIuk of Huch wns
vIsltltiK her ilniiKhtur In Mcdford InHt
Tho Parents nnd pntrous of Huch
Knt tiered Inn Weduostlny nVonltiK for
tho purpnso of IcnrtiliiK nil tho ol.l
sours mid they will Bather overy Frl
tiny ovouIiik until they have nicom
pllshed this.
IIAIX At OrnntH I'nss, April 12,
John I lull, tiRod 7ft, n native of Ten.
nnssoi), nml veternn of a MUsourl
roRlniout, rotifeileruto army, under
(lutiernl I'rlco. FoIIowIiik tho wnr
ho returned to Tennessee nml mnr
rioil a former Mcliooltuiito, oinlmrU
Ihk In tho Krocory hitsluesH, DitrltiK
the rush to Colorado ho nml his wire
went to thnt utntu, spemlltiK houio
time In tho silver mines nml Inter
came to Callfrornla nml OroKon. Iin
resided In Southern Oregon for II ii
years nml wiih n pioneer of tho Kerhy
district. Ilo leaves his wife nnd two
ilniiKhterM, Mrs. Ilattto lloyker of
Seattle nml Mrs, Alice Furrier of Salt
l.nko City, mid also a urn ml no 11 nml
n KrnudduiiKhter.
Died, nt her homo tn KiikIo Point,
Clmce U. Clillilrcth, April VI, 19H.
Tho deceased wns 38 twirs old, the
wife of W, D. Chlldrelh. Bho louvui
11 hiishnml nml five children lo mourn
her loss, l.orretln, Orvllle, (Ira) don,
Norn and Month. Mis, liilldroth hud
hoeii a lOBldent of I'.'ajjle Point ulnn
years, Hho wns u imuuhor of the
Helieccn IoiIku No, 'J(l7ii. Tln fuiiroal
will hu liulil u ho I la pilot rhiich.
Tnesdny u 10 u 111 uml llitrlul Kill
hu ut lliu foul nil I'uliil reinvieiy,
Jiiok Xi'iiioilei' mnl hiii of Trull,
who have been ininiiii; 1111 the M, 1
.Ioiii'm piupetly n KykeM ciook, Iiiih
teliirni'il In his I'm in, The buy will
he uiixMcil nl Hie Miciiil (,'iilheriimM.
'I'liu fullnwinir fiirinorH won; IrmiN
ueliti hiiNiuoH ut IIiinm' Itivor Ihix
week: William IHIIi. H. II. Mumo,
W. A. Whx'iiht pliioo nml will put
J. J. Kuimuumllc.
Mr. Ahlefi leiiohor nf Wittier
Hchnol, kpout (he wook'N oml ut the
limiie uf IiIh puroiilN In Motlfunl.
A. K. Oil' uf .Nfiilfunl Iiiih hnuKlit
the livoHluok nu Hit! liollMiiut Valley
fut in uml Iiiih IciihciI tint place uf
I'iiiiI Kotioy fnr n tonn uf yenr.
The people nf llm Milloy exleml Mr.
Orr 11 ounliiil wolootno.
IM Diiiiuiiok. ChiiiloH Owoiim, H. !'.
Duller, S. A. Kichuhlrtun uml CIiiih.
Mayeile, iip-ln-ilale fiiriiiiTH, woro
hhippiui; oremu nl "ue River IiihI
Mrx. Hurry Sehuler mnl iliihlrou
of Mi'ilfunl viHitoil ut Fnir Oak, the
hoiiie of her pinoiilH, Mr. uml Mrn.
S. I". I'oltor.
I.nst week wo had hovcrnl iniich
lieoilcil slinwrrH. The fiitiiii'rx nro
busy plnwiuj; their otirn uml bemi
land. TIiIh (oeullty InkoH 11 ptidu in
M'liiliiiC nut 11 fiiHt-eliiHH a 1 tide, mid
heaii minium ill become 11 flogim
for tho K iiiih 11lley in the future.
Willimn WillimiiH ban leiixoil Ihe
W. D. .Moure. .Iohh Koiitlimnor nml
hfU'U iioioh In beniiH, The balance
i" in a I la If 11.
II11111 To Ihe wife of I'niiiL My
oih, 11 him, Dr. WuihIh iittciuliiin
.Mr, nml Mi. .1. II. Hair nf Itnuo
River woro viMturn ut Knter)rie
(lrmi)jo S11I 1111I11 y.
The M'lvely liiwn. In front of the
I101110H uf Williaiii Vim (liietheu mnl
11 Dituuilek imikii bountiful picture
to the eye uf the punning toiiriM.
Mi-Hen Ninu mnl N'otu Soiitn uf
Htitto KnIU ate vikiting fricmlH in tho
Dr. Seoly uf Meilfunl, with 11 purly
if fiieiiil-, tuuturi'il tbruiiyh Kviiiih
vulloy Sumliiy.
.1. .1. Siiuiincrville Iiiih been in de
mand lately by Iwo uf our funner,
Ciiltuii Smith uml S. II. Moure, who
believe in ilherxifictl lu ruling. Motlt
have 11 line herd of Angora putln.
Tho olip uveiiigotl three uml uiichulf
Miuuiln to tho guilt, which include
hint yoni's kids. They nro finding 11
ready inatktt fur the wotnl nt !ltt l-:i
cents. This could be made 11 lending
indiixlry In Ihe vulloy, the initial
ount uf puitiuioc being about nil, iih
the miitmilH make their own living,
brnwHing. A herder wutihl bo neoi.
Miry if the fieliU wore not incloM'd.
DiilcipriM' (Iniuge held jtt. loguliir
iiinnthly ineoting Sntiirdny. Three
new ineinborH touk the liiM uml ce
utiil tlogieo nml eight 111111I0 upplieu
tiuu fur incmberdiip. The (Iruuge
will hhurlly give nu entertuiumeul.
Hvery one is invited to nttend, iih
yuit will httriiy get yuur uiuiiey'n
tiinrloH Mnyerlo, caretaker ut Ihe
lioiiHiiul Valley farm, has moved to
Rugito River. Ilo will make In
hume fur ihe present nl the home of
.frs. MugoileV father, .Mr. Hum'IicI.
Mrs, (). K. (lilinme ami Mi.
Sinnok nf Rogue River anil Mr.
(Irnnger of Denver, biulher of Mrs.
(Jihiiitro, picnicked in the Kvuus val
ley TIiuimIiiv ami visilotl al "Dine
huit," the home uf Mr. nnd Mr.
John II. Ilillis.
ImtU'H Neiithiimer keeps u close
watch nu tho letter box lately. Jim
reminds one uf the peet: "In the
spiint; n young man's fancy lightly
tin Us to thoughts uf love."
The following people shopped in
(Irnnls Pass during the week: Mr.
mnl Mrs. W. Williams, Mrs. W. D.
Moore ami (laughter, llnzel, ami Mrs.
Chandler uml daughter, Miss Alice.
Charles Centers Ih clearing nml
Improving bin much on Hock crook.
Tlieo. C.lns lost a threo-yenr-obl
steer Inst Friday hy weed ikiIsoiiIiir,
A fow uf tho Table Hock Imll
players visited with tho lleaRle hoys
011 Hitmlny nnd Joined with them in
having n good gamu of hall. There
wns n Reed number nf visitors who
enjoyed tho game nnd wo extend
greeting) to nil to cumo ngnln next
Tho Tnblo Hock ulno will piny tho
Hcnglo nine' next Sunday, bring nil
your friends boys,
Tho Cottrell brothers drovo n flno
bunch of cattle to tho Mendows 011
Mr. uml Mrs. W. C. Chapman woro
in Medford Friday nml tuaiIo their
old tluto neighbors nnd friends I.. (I.
Martin ami family n plensnut visit.
Mr. and Mrs, Hutidontoii of UourIc
nro slopping In Central Point with
Mrs, Sanderson's father who Is very
II. 13. Hodgers hauled a nice load
of hogs lo the Centint Point nmrket
(iureme Wllhltu wns In Mcdford
Jasper Honors uf tho llcnulo vloro
made 11 business trip to Cuntrnl Point
Hat unlay,
Hurt fJImpimiu Is hntillntf Krnln to
llm (j. II, Drown mill In Medford.
'Jim Into ruins liavo put imw enor
gy Into Dm fnnnurH nml they nro all
busy on their rnntlios,
Mr, uml Mrs. Percy Chupiiuiii wore
In Medford Hntuidny night Inning !tt
tho plcttiru shows.
William Potneroy hnn taken tho
contrail to Krub nml clear tho now
county road In the .Meadows nenr tho
Terrlll rniich.
Thou Olnss Is hauling bis g.nln lo
Hngln I'olttt.
Mr. Davis will prencli nt Autloch
next Hiimlny, April I Oth.
Mrs. John Hlghtim of llenglo Is
uinkliig hur daughter, Mrs. Myers
of Kvnns creek a visit.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Martin of
Hough) iiiade a trip to Mcdford on
Mr. Howard of Medford tins fin
lulled tho cement bridge on Ruydnr
creek nonr upper Tnblo Hock nml It
Is n credit to tlm builder.
Mrs. Coster, who has been visiting
her iiinlhcr, Mi. Cookoy, has re
turned to her hniiio in I'oitluml.
Mrs. II. T. I'mikoy ami little
daughter are spending 11 few weeks
with relative ami friends ut Port
land. Mrs. Whipple and daughter nl
Rogue River spent Ihe week cm! with
her mother, Mrs. Shaddock.
Mr. ami Mr. N. It. Ashornft spent
the last uf llm week with telativcs nl
Mrs. W. K. Price ontertiuuiil
friends from Ashland llm middle of
the week.
Mrs. Nettie (Iieeu nml childieu
spent Knstor with friends at Mcdford
Mr. ami Mrs. J. J. (iriiu have left
for the north In spend the summer
with their daughter.
Mrs. .1, II. Holmes has returned
from a several tlavs visit with her
daughters at Oakland.
Clyde Applognte spent the las uf
the week wiih his luiuil.v here.
William Stidbain spent Sunday vis
iting nt (inititrt Puss.
The choir uf Ihe M. H. church will
put on the entertainment entitled,
"The New Minister." nl Ihe Y. M. C.
A. building Thursday evening, April
111. Come ami hnvo a good lunyh.
Some of the best uiuieiaiw in the
city have the leading parts ami this
promises to bo one uf the best things
uf the season.
I.. J. (5uy of Seattle is hero visit
ing his parents, Mr. uml Mr. .1. II.
Tho big blast at tho Sterling mlno
wns not off Sunday afternoon by W.
A. Smith, nu expert powder man of
California. Thtt ,15,000 pounds of
powder wns pi need sixty feet under
ground nnd completely pulverized
tho soil It lifted. Mr. Smith stated
It wns n most sticccsuful blast. Tho
work of mining tho broken up ground
will begin shortly.
XKW YOHK, April It Harller
return of Col. Hoosovolt to New York
thnu anticipated Is forecasted tn
niessnRes received hero from Hrazll
todny. Col, Hooscvclt will urrlvo
during tho third week In May. Mi
projected Journey to Spain before re
turning homo to nttend tho wedding
of Kortult Itoosevelt nnd Miss Holte
Wlllnrd mny not bo undertaken.
1 M WiiJM
1 JTssslMJ I" tyyc
I v' Simply W
U6l J Collcct
m lb.U J on lyMHM&M
m yry I VtZ 'St I
M of "Hut'irmo" 1 9S$V I
I If xourdrlrcannottupp1yroultha I
I Butprlllo,mlllhmillrt'ctlounj I
I It will ent stone by ircel (ot I
I sbolutly fr )ITcrot jutt to prvva I
I tb rsr guillly of I
I Supreme I
I Sodas f
loc at Your dials
an J llionilr tin of "!uprm"
m tiitkfii dtiiiilri. m
1 f r Ht4BON ION M
3m ruuhu, oat, ,m
1 LJtKjKiU
CIHCAdO, April II. The convic
tion uf .luck Johnson, tin: negro pu
gilist, by a lower court oil a charge
of Initisporting 1Mb' Khreiber "for
piipioM' of prostitution" wim re
versed today by the I'nltoi! Klalos
court uf appeals on the ground that
the evidence wiih nut sufficient to
convict on that count. His convic
tion oil other counts, including that
of transporting the woman for im
moral purposes, wiih affirmed.
The sentence imposed today upon
Johnson contained nil counts on
which ho wns comic ed. The court
ordered thut he bo reseulonced only
oil those counts un which conviction
wns tilfinneil. A rctrinl wai order
ed nil the reversed onilllt.
The government alleged in tho
(rial hero thai the negro brought the
woman to Chicago, purchased furni
ture ami arranged to sinrt Imr in
the business of conducting a house
of prostitution.
And it Restored to Health by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
Euphcmin, Ohio. " Because of total
ignorance of how to care for myself
when verging into womanhood, and from
taking cold when going to school, I suf
fered from a displacement, and each
month I had severe pains and nausea
which always meant a lay-off from werk:
for two to four days from tho time I
was 1G years old.
"I went to Kansas to livo with my sis-1
tcr and while there a doctor told mo of
tho Pinkhom remedies but I did not uso
them then as my faith in patent medi
cines was limited. After my sister died
I came homo to Ohio to live and that
has been my horno for the last 18 years.
"Tho Change of Life came when I was
47 years old and about this time I saw
my physical condition plainly described
in ono of your advertisements. Then I
began using Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound and I cannot tell you
or any ono tho relief it gnvo me in the
first three months. It put me right
where I need not lay off every month
and during the last IS years I have not
paid out two dollars to a doctor, nnd have
been blest with excellent health fora wo
woman of my age and I con thank Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegctablo Compound for it
"Since tho Change of Llfo is over I
havo been n maternity nurse and being
wholly self-supporting I cannot over
cstimato tho value of good health. I
havo now earned a comfortable little
homo just by sewing and nursing. I
have recommended tho Compound to
many with good results, as it Is excel,
lent to tako before and after child-birth."-Mlss
Evelyn Adeua Stew
AKT, Euphemla, Ohio.
If you want special adrlco write to
Lydia E. linkhara Mediclao Co. (coufl.
dentlal) Ltbd, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read tad answered by a
wobuw and held U strict ceaadeaae
Recently remodeled and enlarged,
added now camoraa nnd apparatus
and Is now strictly up-to-dnto In
evory way.
CommerlcAl Work of all Kinds
Including copying and enlarging of
pictures, legal documents, etc. Uro
nildo enlarging, any size, and koduk
finishing of evory kind.
Professional and auiatuer photo-
Rrnphlc supplies.
I. M. Harmon Assoclnttnl Willi Mo.
Shop over Isis Thcntor. Phone H7-J
A Hint for
Coming Maternity
In ft little book itealgncd for expectant
mothers more compteto Instruction la
Klven in tlio uco or
"AIother'B KrlenU."
Thla la un external
embrocuttou applied
to tlio atxlomliuil
muscloa for tho pur
peso of reducing
the tnili on Hsu
menu, corda and
It aervea to oaa
the mind. Indirectly
lias a most benetlrlal effect upon tlio
liervnua synlem uml tliouaiimla of women
liovo ilelluhliMI told how they were free
of uiiUMU, had no inornlnif alckneia uixl
went throuiih tha ordeul Willi moat ru
iniirkultlo aurersa. "Mothvr'a t"rlend ha a
been mowliiir In potuilur for for mcia
Ihnn forty tiuw. In iilnnt oory com
nuiiilly mo Krnndiiuillwra who uaotl It
llu'iii.idw, their iliiUHlitera lime uaed It
mid they eertnluly uuit know what a
MvklliK It la when Ihey leeoiiuiieiid It
Marinly. II la iimmI very uotraafullr lo
preii'iil eukliitf of lnil,
"Molher'a I'rlfiid" hua Iieeu uranarml In
llm Uliomtory uf ItruiltleM ItrHUUtor ('a,
not lojinur lllilu AlUuiii, (Li , for iiiorii
Ihuti IMi) ifiuirlulloua uml en 1 1 Im uI of
uliniiol miv iliuatil'l fluiil t-ikl.t lit n
NYllig lo ilu M hu Idllv Look,
Itrsslha Freely I CUnrs Stuffed. up,
lnflamt! Nine anJ Head nd Slop
Catarrhal Duchargw. Cure Dull
'JYy "i:iy Cre.nn Hnlm."
(let n aiiinl' Nittle nnywny, Jutt to
try It Apply n little In the nostril,
and Instantly your vUuz" ikih. nnd
stoppcibiip nlr pnssaKes of tho bend
will open- you will brcnlhe freely,
dullness nnd headncb" tllnpiienr. Hy
morning' tin cntnrrb eolddii-bend
orcntnrrbni for thront will l gone.
Knit such mlry now I (let tbe
sinnl' bottl" of "Klv'n Crenin Hnlm"
nt any tlru store This sweet.
Baby Doll Pumps
fi'iiu .Mrtnl, I'ntent nml Velvet
Welt Hewcil Solti
Bco Them In Window
At the Sign of
Mens Work Clothes
Bib Overalls, in plain gray, blue and striped colors,
at, per pair .. ..$1.00
Coats to match, each , . $1.00
Painters' White Overalls at, pair. 75
Coats to match 75
Carpenters' White Seven-Pocket Overalls, per pair,
Carpentei-s' CJnty Seven-Pocket Overalls, pr..$1.25
Special Work Hose, black, tan, blue and white foot,
Silk Lisle Hose, in black, navy, tan and gray, at, per
Work Gloves, wrist and gauntlet, pair....50V and $1
West Main Street
County Convention
At "It Theater"
The Prohibitionises of Jackson
county ami all those who signed tho
"Out to Win" slip, are callqd .to meet
in convention Friday, April 17, at the It
Theater. County Convention at 2
o'clock. Mass meeting at 7:30. Mr.
llinshaw, chairman of the National
Committee, will speak.
If you deal in values you'll appreci
ate the Pord. Its simplicity its
economy and its dependability give
it a value- that cannot bo measured by
its price. The Ford is tho ono car
that has "nindo good" in world-wido
I&9G Is tho prlco of tho Ford runabout; tho
touring car Is 1045 f, o. b, Mcdford, complete
with equipment. Got catalog and particular
frncrnnt hnlm tlls.nnlfM hy tho heut
of tbe noslrlh; pciictnilc mid IiciiIh
the Inlhttneil, swollen meuihrittio
which lines the noie, bend nml
thront ; eleiirs tlio nlr uiHfUiaiH ;ntoi
nnsty tllchnrxei nml n feellmt uf
demising, soothing relief conies Ini
mcdliitcly. Don't Inr nwnkn to-nluht stntg
kIIiu: for breulli. with bend stuffed,
uoMtrlls clnsetl, Imwklng nnd blowtmt.
Cntnrrb or n cold, with tin rumilm;
noe, foul mucous dropping Into tho
llirnnl. nml rnw ilrvtiiHiii lu illiitri.r.
rliur but truly ncdlei.
"it your fnlth Jut onco In
"Kly's crriuu linlin' nml your cold
or mtnr'' "! "Urelv tllMnnenr.
"! . 1