Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 12, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 2

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Sultn to nrjlor, prlcca reasonftblo.
.Vext door to First National Hank, tin
stalru, Mr.nroim TAir.oiw.
If your Back li itching or Bladder
bothers, drink lot of water
and eat leu meat
SMOWaii "n
j- i
Tlio iiHiii!ni of thn county court for
Hit) dnlunllou of V H lliillaiil liy tint
ttuptirt riuiit of MKrlciilturo for th
ItiiKim rlMr Millc) nx i'allii)loitlt has
hcim donlcd liy ll.'cti'inry Houston,
(in Hid following corriiHiuudiuiii'
Hoiioruhlo I'' I., Ton Vlli,
MiMlfonl, Or.-.
My ilciir .liiiljmt
ItnforrliiK to jnur t iritnl anil Hint
of thn county cnniiulsxtniituH tliut Mr.
H Dullard, of tlio iliiirliiii)iit til
nnrlculturi), ho dt'tullml to work hi
Hid IIokud river uilli'). permit inn to
iuii'Iomi Iiki'iiwIiIi for your iiitoriuii
Hon n luttrr I Inuo ronnitty hm-oIvihI
rroiii (tin secretary of nurlciitluro ou
tlin hiiliji'tt. If yon linvu onnxtoii to
Kit Into llui mutter further, plcaso ru
turn tin' iMirloHiirii fur riifuri'iini.
With hlinli'Ht personal roKiinl nml
beat wishes, I inn,
Your very slhref.iy,
Hon. (liurKo I. Chatutxirlaln,
United Mate Hotinli),
.My di'iir Heuntur ('hniiiurlnlir
I Inn u your loiter of llui 2t)th In
xtnnt, with ltd Kiiclimuio from I. I
Toil Vcllit, county Jmlr.Di nml Hi
rmlnty coniinliisluncrs of Jackaon
routity, Oregon, iiililresseil to me, In
which tlmy riMjucnt Hint Mr. W. H
llnllunl, tuillioloKliit hi Hid Murium ol
Plluit Industry of thin department
ho detailed to work In Hid HiiKUu
river Willi'), ninkliiK Mudfurd, Ore
;ou, IiIh liiiuliiinrtirH Itererenrtt In
mnili) In tho letter malting HiU re
uncut to Hid rirint reslKiiatlou of dm
pallinloKl't for tho ItiiKUn river vnt
ley, who ha been locally maintained,
nml Mr llnllnnl In apparently desire,!
to take up ilin wnru previously ilmii'
liy Mr. I'. .1. OHurn for Hid rounty
I wry much h'ttrct Hint It Ih not
posslhlu to ilctnll Mr, llnllnnl for
local work In llui Kokuii river valley
nit rciUeMfil; HiU for the reason Hint
Mr. llnllnnl lit pronccutlnK several
limit of fruit dUcano liipt:Kat:oii "I
very ureal luipurtanro to tho orchard
Intcresta of nil Hid Pacific roast
Matvs, which to u hi not be Interfered
with nt tho I'romnt Hiiin without bit
Inu Interference with their prnKresa
nml illtiiluiiilon of vnlun of result.
Mr. Ilnllnnt'ii general work will
keep him In tint I'nclflc nort Invent
sufficiently, however, ro Hint !ic
t'ouhl render n certain ninoiint nf
nxslstant-it to nuy competent patholo
gist whom tho county or statu mny
ilfcliln to place In charge, nml In thin
wny thn lloguo Uxor valley roulil
havo llui advantage of Mr. Ilatlard'
experience In the piosecutlnu or work
of thU character
Tho Itogiiu river valley situation In
rather unusual because tho penr
hllKht eradication work there was
begun hy Hid tlt'pnrtmiMit with n view
to dotiinuntratlug method of pear
hllKlit eradication .which had heen
developed In tho llurenu of Pin tit In
dustry, Mr, O'durn being Htntloneil
nt Mi'ilfonl for three year lit charge
of tho tlelullH of thin work, The
work hiul progressed to it point
whero It was believed Hint It could
lu effectively contlnuert liy tlio coin,
iniiulty without mom Hunt mlvlMiry
nvHlHtnuru from tho ilop.irttneiit, hut
the locnl luterentit nt Hint tlnin III
Hlnte upon rutnluliiK Mr. O'Onni nuit
tllil no, pnyltiK him n lunch hlcher
nnlary than (ho department could pity,
hi oritur to ret n In hln koivIco Mend
liy for Hid locnl uuoilft.
Ho far nn In known to the depurt
inent, tho Kltuntlon In (rin Hokuo
rlvtir nlloy will ho fully met If thn
county micurcH n Hiiltnhlo until with
whom tho oxptntH of tho tltipnrtmunt
nml tho Htntu cxporluuint Mtntlon can
confer and co-opernlo In upoclitl feu
tnri'H of wlrk Hint mny need their nt
tontlon, It la holluvoil tliut hiicIi nu
uirniiRoinent would ho tho tuoHt
heunflclnl nuil iirnrthuthlo Tor nil con
rvmod, n It would penult u well
trnlned man to Hteiullly tlovoto him
Ht'lf lo tlio locnl proliloiuH which nro
ptifiillnr lo tho IIokuo rlvor vnlloy,
it fhurnclor of locnl Horvlro which It
would not ho poHalhlo for thlH nopnrt.
inimt to iiuilutnln In vluw of thn ill
vorHlty itinl Inuliitenco of tho ucotlH or
tho fruit luilutitry olnowliuro for work
of Hlnillur character.
Youth very truly,
i Hourotnry,
NKW YOHIC. Aptil III. I'olieu
l.ituileniiul rluulcH F. Meeker, in llto
ToiiiIh, itwullliiK' it Hceoinl hiul on it
clinigo of lunllgnlliiK thn mitiilei' ot
lleimuti ItiiHcntluil, llie Kiiiulilei't for
wliort lilllltiK "D'iK I 'n'li I,," "(li
lilt) llloml," "Whltey Lewln" nml
"Lolly l.oiilo" tlleil ill I lie elt'oliln
eliiiir Imluy, hliuweil mi ciiiH'ein nei'
I lie Killiini'li'n enccilllnii, llu nlcjil
Hoiiiully nml ii mil eti'il li'lVf In
llu- I'IitIii'i'IiIIiiiin,
HAN KMANCIHft), ('ill , April 1.1
- Willi thn HchIh toppliiK llui proco
kIoii In tho I'nrllli: Count l-citi;tn-ruio,
Hun Prunclnco faun wore forced
to iiiliult loilny Hint Mutineer Del
llownrd Iiiim Kathered toKnther n llko
ly hunch of hnll tonttern. Wlimi the
followorn of thn kuiiio nlnrti'd "rid
Iiik" Hid Heal hona iltirltiK tho open-
ItiK wt'tdt, ho reiileMted Hint they re
imtvii JinlKiiieiit for Jtut otiti mouth
Thuy did, mill tho lloivurillli'n nre
lion' rldhiK In flrnt plnre, Jimt one
half xntlli) ahead of Vmilcn.
MrCrrillo'n llenvern umo nxintod
to tlinkn tho Keitln t'Xi'rt thnliinelviin
hut thn latter walked away with the
tmrlen to tho tune of r. lo I Tho Kealu
oiilplaied tho I'ortlatiCinn lit over)
iiiikIh of thn cmut.
The tlllllK inonl plrnnlliK to How
nnt wan tho wny III pitchern have
riiiiudi'd Into Mhttpti, enprt'tntly Cor
lloll. Tho iMirt-nlilnr wnn relenned
liy (inklnml lnn yunr nflur n poor
Kiinou. Ho lnKKi'il llownrd for n
rlinnto, wan tnknn ou nml mi far linn
heen Hid HviiIh' mont cutlilntt'lit win.
Tho faun alno nro NUpportliiK the
locnl tlllh linllnr lhfin i-n-r. 1 here
woro fully 11,0(111 pernonn n( yentor
itn) nfternooii'n Kniiio Hut crowd over
flowhiK Into left mid router fleldn
mnkliiK necennnry Krouml rulen.
Ilnfoni lenvhiK for I'ortland lo
open thn neanotl there with tho Onl
Iniiilfrn. MmniKiT Mrt'redlo j;no out
Hin follow Iiik ntnleinent
"The cluh Hint hentn tho Hen In will
win tho pennant. Although we havn
Junt iiiHireiireil n hml weok nml nre
In next to lnnt place, I helleve my
teniu will top tho fla. Wo will ntnrt
rlhuhluR when wo open tho eerie
with thn Oal.n nt home, r.m: don't
ho nurprlned If wo mnko a clean
At Hit) homo of Mm. Unit t'nrlln
ou Monday evenluK occurred tin
weddlliK of Mr. Hrtlrnl II. Prim to
Mln (llnd)n Iveller. ItuV. W. I). Me
Inloth of thn M. K. church ofllclat
Iiik. Mint Keller In n niece of Mr. Car-
llu nml linn tiroti vIhIHiik hcrv for
noiiie motiHiN,
They tell tm Hint nlmniu-e inanei thn
henrt crow fonder nml no It reemi In
thn courlihlp of thin couplo for Uiny
hail not rrcn t-nch nther for lx
jwirn hut nil thin time hml kept up
it lively courUhlp hy the nmlntnuco
of I'nclu Hum
Tim Kroom nrrlvt'il Hntunlny ftn
Iiir nml icrurcil tho llrenun Monday
nuil nt S.00 o'rlock 1" M. Hut wonlH
worn npoken that hound them for life,
Tho Kroom In n fine youiiR ninu nuil
linn n lurrntlwi position, hhfliutlnonM
I Hint of nn electrician.
Thn hrldo In tho (laughter of Mr.
nml MrN. David . Kfllnr. Whllo
(ho hrldo Iiuh not heen hero Ioiik nhe
linn won kernel f tho renMct of mituy
peoplo. Hint won heaiitirully attired
In whlto nml worn ormiRti Mohaotiih
In her hnlr,
Tho youtiK couplo will mart nt
onco on their Ioiik Journey to Moil
fonl, Ort'Kon whoro thtiy will mnktt
their homo. How on. 111., Chronicle.
Mr, l'rlco li nn imiployr or the
Cnllforul-OroKon Power rumpnny, and
In very well known In HiIh city. Tho
nhovo iidwh Item will no doubt ho n
(turpi Uo lo hln tunny frlendn.
Margaret llownrtl cntlod on llll
tlroth nml Mahlu Foster Sunday
' Will Houston nml family attended
tho entertainment given hy tholr
dnughter MIvh Kula ami school at
Antloeh last Katurilay night.
Mrn, llaminond'B father, winter nml
hunband autocd out rrout Mod ford
nntl spout Sunday with her, '
Mr. Mnrlln wont lo Trail Sunday
to vlnlt his dnughter, Mm. Marrlman.
Tom italuoy of Central mint Iuih
bought tho llurch farm,
Ira Dunlaii of Trail wont to tho
valley Friday.
Have I'onco Iuih moved his road
crow lo tho Dodge placo and has a
Kood erovv nt work.
Mm, Jasper Hannah ami children
spent Sunday with Mint Mia Ilannnh,
Mm, (lent) Hollows look dinner
with Mrs, 1'otlogrow Sunday,
Mrs. Conovor was In ICaglo Point
Tho rain Is tho cause of tho many
hiiiIIoh on the farmers' faces this
Tho Crucifixion
KIiiIuci'h "('nielluion," ulileli mm
given on (looil Fiiiluy li.v llio niiiilie
eil rlioil" of foily voieeri ill llio File I
MellioilUl l!iUvoiiil ihitieli, will
iiKulu lie NittiK ii llio ewiiliiK ecu ice
noki Hitliiluy. This will lm a i'iiulni'
inilxli'iil I'eiinl nml llio ueiieinl iiihlli'
In liion euiillnlly liiUleil.
m iuam wit ro
nH WiMft rll MC r--5?
Martin .1 Sheridan, the former world'n rhiimplon nml nil iirnuml athlete.
In luihij In n'llie training with the expectation of wliiin'e h.ul; hit lout
llllle Hhi'ild.lli hun heen out of atlilellen fur home time mid It iuih hrllctiil
lint he im out for gootl. He wan content to remain nn Ion, hut heenn
In h.ite loticliiKH ii re'iirn to athletlen when lilt all t round te.nnl wan lin.Leti.
UN iiliu In'toitmil ll e III; iiiplrn In llllll, nml he hopeit to lie thick lo hl old time
form to iepreeiit Hie I 'nit il Static at Hint time, llu Iio;k lo not only n-suln
the i li llltplolinhli hut lit net n new It ord
Cost of Raising
According to InvcHtlKMorn In tho de
partment of agriculture tho averaco
nut rout, of rnlnhiK n ilnlry hnlfer one
year old on it WUrounlu farm U
J3D,r.L' nml of n two )ar heifer
Ifil.U. Thttko flKuren tiro nppll
cable to other dairy dUtrlcU In tho
north nml emit whero Inud and feed
vnliien nro lo thono In Win
ronnlii The) nro bttniHl on tlntn ob
tained from rnlnliiK I IT culvea from
birth to the time they enter tho tlnlry
herd, Tho detnlU. with n complete
NUiumnry of tho Invcnllc.atlou havn re
cently been puhllnheil hy tlio depart
incut of nurlculture in llulletlu No.
Ill, under the title of 'The font of
llnlthiK A Dairy Cow.-
The new bulletin contain nuiurr
oun tnbten nuil noveral Hliibtratloun
of the Jerney cnlven from which llto
ItelllK of conl wero olitalneil.
The most Importnut Item wnn the
roil of thn food, which watt entlmntml
nt market value nud ntnouutetl to
nearly two-third nf the io:ttl net com
of Hin heifer, while labor formed
12',i per runt of the rot
KlKuren for the ttveniKu not edit
of tho one-) car-old heifer nro ua
follow n:
Keeil. I a I t. 7 ; labor. JJ.IS; othe.
conn, $ii. ,1ti; total, f3.V4S.
To thin nhoulil ho added tho Ini
tial value of tho rnlf, which wan en
tlmntetl to ho $7.01, mukhiK a totnl
conl nt tho enil of ono year of H2.
.'.'.'. Hy nllowliiK III credit for ma
nure, It leaven it not con or $110. 5'.'
at the end of (ho flrnt year.'
l'lKroH for the nveniKo not
Good Roads Increase
WASHINGTON, I). C, April 10
Census reports show that In l'.HKi
there wero 2,000,0(10 children In
tho I'lilted Stutes of school ago, hut
that only 17.ri00.000 wero enrolled
In tho public schools. This would
Indicate that there nro toveral mil
lion children who aro deprived, for
ono reaxoii or another, from obtain
ing an education, mm there Is no
doubt that a largo number of thoso
nro prevented from attending school
ou account of had romls, Further
more, many tSrhnola In tho country
tllstrlrU aro elohod for vary Iiik per
iods on account of thu ImpnssahlD
condition of tho roads, and many or
tho hcIiooIr which nro nut closed
have a nominal percentage or uttoii'U
Whllo It Ik truo that various fac
tors contribute to Increnso or do
croaso tho attendance at schools In
given sections of tho country, It 's
worthy of comment tlt in tho states
having it high percentage of Improved
roads, it much largo percentage of tho
students enrolled, regularly nttoml
thu Btiinols tliuu In the states having
u small peicoutagii or improved
roads, In five eastern and western
states which havo a large mileage or
Improved roads, tho nverago attend
ance or enrolled pupils lit 100K-U
was NO per cent; whllo In four south
ern states and otto northwottorn state
which aro noted for had roads, tho
average attendance for tho same
jeiir was ill per rout 80 pur cunt
III tho good roads stales as agalniit
ill per tout III llio hud road slates,
in llio slates first mimed, 3D pur rout
of llio Hinds havo been Improved,
w Iiliu lu llio luller group or slates
Iheiii nro onlJ I ' pur rout nf llio
Hinds' Impimod
Thai linpiiiwd mails would hona
a Dairy Cow
or the two- ear old lienor nro nn
lutlnl value, 7 0, feed. 110.R3.
labor, 17. SI; othor rontn, (13.73;
credit for manure, IS OU; totnl com,
One half of tho feed cen: tho (Iril
year nml one-third for tho full two
yearn In for whole ami rklni milk.
Tho foroKolne, flKiiren cow that
It eontn more lo rain) cnlven to ma
turity than Is commonly nupitoned,
ami they mipport the ndvlco which
the departineut Ik continually trying
to ImpretH upon dairy fnrment, that
It iloen not pay to rnle nny hut tho
bent helfcrn. KuUIiik hcrnb helfcrn
nml kellhiK them at $25 to $10 apiece
nn many lo. Is unprofllalile except on
cheap land or titiiler other very fav
ornhlo condlilonR. Hut It !oe pay
to raho llio heft holfers. for In kooi!
Inlr.v Mectlous well-bred heifers nre
worth considerably more than $(,.
when two years of oro. Further
more, dairy farmers as a rule are
abllKod to mine their own mock, as
It In difficult to buy poductlvo cows
at n reasonable price. In somo sec
tloiiH of the wext where nlfalf Is
worth only II or IS a ton or In tho
noulhunit whom pastures furnish
feed the preater part of tho year,
this cost may he Kreatly reduced.
Uveu whero It costs $C0 to ralso a
heifer, two-thirds of tills amount Is
oharRed for feed at market prices, a
larRo part of which can ho grown on
tho farm nt a profit. Thus by raH
Iiik the helfoitt the dairy rnrmer rinds
a homo market for fowl grown on
the farm nt remunerative, prices, and
at tho same time aids In maintain
ing the fertility of tho farm
School Attendance
fit our routitry svhool s)stom, there
would K'cm to bo no doubt. Im
proved roads make It possible to
consolldnto or rcntrallxo the sclioolr
and to graded echuols In
tho rural districts, such schools
centrnljy located will arcon inodnte
all or the children within n radltu
or from four to flvo miles. In many
communities having tho advantage of
Improved roads, commodious build
lugs havo been provided, inoro com
petent teachers havo heen e:npioyod
and modem facllltlea ror teaching
havo lioou supplied at u minimum
cost. For Instance, sluco tho Im
provement ot tho main nlg:iwn)s in
Durham county, North Carolina, tho
number or schoolhouses havo been
reduced from Ofi to 12, of which 17
nro graded and havo two or more
rooms, mid employ two or more
The Weather
Oregon - Tonight, hliowers nml
cooler; TiiomIii.v, fair; rro.-li we.iteily
liree.e, tliininiliin; TuomIuv.
havo through all agon past and will
through all years to come, take care
of Hut ordinary simple ailments In
cident to every family with their
own favorite rcintnly,
In almost every homo lu tho laud,
l.ydla I-:. I'lnkhttin's Vegetable Com
pound Is tho rci'QKUlxod standard
household remedy for female Ills)
lliousamlH or American women own
their good health to II, Made from
llio roots nuil herbs or the Hold, It
Is a simple lemedy In which suffer
Iiik women nuy place perfect onf.
denre It nmliilim nn imrmllrs or
liuiinfiil druKs,
CAI.C.MKT, Mlfh , April 13- The
Rtrlko nmotiR copp.r workers In the
.Mkhlf.-an iiiIciih wan officially do-
clnred off today.
J Aiiouuroinetit lo thli efftitt
j mailc nt the houdiiunrtorn of
wiMieni nwerntlon or Minerit,
nlrlkern voting to wmvo their
ninridn for hlK'ior wnen, hrtter work
IriR coudltlonn nml recognition of
thn union, mid will n-k work In tho
mlneR on prnctlrnlly tho mhiio con-.
(Iltlonn nu thou'! which prevnlleil be-J
foro tho walkout l.tHt Juno. .
Tho federntlon'B illotrlct Itonnl
wait Kchoiliilcil lo eorvcno thin nftor
uoan ntxl announce (h official vote
It was nald tho inlnorb vutod 2 to 1
to romiiiio work.
Dr. nml .Mr. Hurt nml .Mr. nml
Mr. nijj of MnITon! were in town
he ftiwl of the week. .
.Mr. Mnniiii.L'. nroiu-'etnr of Hit
Wiimler ore in Mriifonl, it lun
llieH fuller Weiltienilny.
Mr. Denxer nuil futiiilv reeently nr
rivcil hero from St. I 'mil. .Minn., ami
Iuih elinrge of the much which A.
.M Ithoilen hiiperiutemleil. Mr.
ioit'H Iuih renti'il it fnrm in Jo-epli-ine
eoiiu y Hiul moved thoie the fir-t
of the week.
The Civie eluli met Tueilitv n f ter
mini! ut the til' liull. The eleiiu-iii
committee nre 'Hiiniiif for nnotlier
general elemi-up tiny. I'lni nro nlti
on foot to inuriive the trrniiiuU
iironml tlio oily hall. Mm. .1. II. Wt li
fter nml Mrs M. Peek reeently be
came member of tho socio y.
Tlio I'rci-b.vtoiinn Sunday m-IiooI
will hold KiiMvr e.ereicei Sunilay
morning at Hl'ltl. Itrculur church
iorioen will follow ut 11:00. The
ehoir will render f.ocinl Kithtcr
Mm. W. J. .Miller returned InM
week from California, whore J-lie
hirut Hie winter.
Mi Ho -e.- toucher in dUtnet
No. !! iiptos-. the river, is lioldin n
celiiMiI exhibit tl (Fridav)
Mr. .lolin K. Hubert wn a Med
ford vifitor Fr day aftenunm.
The ilrilliitu for the tetin for
colli Iii'vim Frida on llu rner Hat-
owned I F. Furr in I'lioeitiv.
Iff .
?v "171
. -wlf
THEY tell the talc in trie Klondike of a prospector in the far
interior who was offered a bag of gold for his last sack of "Bull"
Durham and
smokers can fully
them who would part with his sack of "Bull" Durham for us weight
in gold, if he knew he could not obtain more.
The thorough satisfaction in those fresh, fragrant "Bull" Durham
hand-made cigarettes appeals to red-blooded, vigorous men the world
over. In thehcart of thcwildcrness and theheart of civilization, inbunk
house and forecastle, in mansion and club, men of all classes and all na
tions, "roll their own" andenioy the most satisfying luxury'm theworld
"Bull Durham
(Enough for forty hand'made cigarettes in each 5c tack)
The man who has never rolled a cigarette from "Bull" Durham
Ak for free
book of "paDtn'
tilth each Sc tack
W'i - -
. Mnkiiav
When your kidneys hurt and your luck
IrrU wrr, don't pit ncnrcd nnd proceed
t loud your nUimaelt with a lot of druijn
that Mcltn tlio kidnryn and Irritate tits
rntlro tirlnnry tract. Kfp your kidneys
clean llko you keep your bowels clean,
by flunking them with a mild, harmlcvi
mIU which removes thn body's urinous
wsnto nnd stimuhtci them to thalr nor
mal actirlty. Ths function of the kid
tieja U to filter tlia Mood. In SI hours
they strain from it COO (Trains of acid
and watc, no wo can re.nllly tindcrntaml
tho rltal Importinco of keeping the kid
neys actire.
Drink lots of water you can't drink
too much; alno pet from any nharmaclst
about four ounce of Jail Salts; takn
a, tabtnpoonful In a glss of water
l-fore brrakfaat each morning for a few
days and your kidneys will act fin.
This famous salts Is ma da from the
Mid of papes and lemon Juico, combined
with lithia, and hi been utcd for genera
tion to clean and stimulate closed kid
ney; alio to neutralize the acids in
urino so it no longer ii a source of irri
tation, thus ending Mulder weakncai.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot In
lure; makes a delightful effervescent
lithia-watcr-drink which everyone should
tako now nnd then to ketp their kid
neys clean and active. Try this, also
keep up the water drinking, and no
doubt you will wonder what became of
your kidney trouble and backache.
Von Want Tour
To no Treated Carefully
Ilrlng Them Hero ror Developing and
Tho N'cw llrlcfc I'nloii I.lvcr
Kvery thing new and up-to-date
Phone 150
k k
WSSKRtf "9
'& -.
t'honc Main -IU
VSi Vt .Main St. Mcilforil, Ore. I
"ft ' .
' " - tiiMHsMHiMH.flHri
l JML fflBBBi---- ssHsniilnHsiBH
I n . ,,5-----WBsSl
..M- -.- I
"Worth Its Weight
in Gold"
refused to trade. I lie millions
appreciate this incident, for there isn't one among
will find that
skt ana tresn iragrance a rcvemuan
Get "the Makings" today and
yH - v y
I7PI717 An Illuitratctl Booklet, showing cor-ril-il-i
rcct way to "Roil Your Own" Ciga
rette, and a Hook of cigarette napcri, will both be
mailcd to you, fr on otl rjuit. Adorevi
"Uull" DurhHin, Durham, N. C.
Cattle and Hogs
Wo Want Them
Wo will romovo thorn rrom your
premises on short notice, rroe of
crargo, anywhere within a radius ot
10 miles rrom Medford.
l'lione sar
Tho Imported I'crchcron stallion,
owned by Walter Kltto will bo In
Phoenix, on Mondays; Jacksonville,
Tucsdar; the Dickey place at.Tablo
Kock, on Wednesday and Thursday,
and Vincent barn In Medford on Fri
days and Saturdays.
Jacksonville, Ore.
y Itarn on Soutfi Itlvcrsldo
I.lvcry and ambulanco sorvlco.
Vsv m 4 ik
- - Ear v
of "Hull" Durham
sweet, mellow flavor