207 Second Street MEDFORD Tribune SECOND EDITION WEATHER Itnln tonight anil Friday- .Ma. 7lt .Mln. 17) l're. .III. t'lirly fourth Yenr Dully Miilli Vmir MEDFORD. OKKCJOtf, TlllTI.SI)AY, Ai'.W, 9, 10M. NO. .1(5 MAIL V I Itaa ,! E OE CANAL BILL Srnnlcr Compares Outbursts "f Those Opposinii "Surrender" of Tolls to AJax Defying- Lightning That Does Not Exist. flrfuscs to Deal With Treaty Ques tions in a Partisan or Political Spirit Eiiullsh Talk Buncombe WASHINGTON, April 0. C paling Hlt oltllilltxtH of llln0 who have litn'ii opposing tin "siiricndei" m Pmimiiu ennui right In Ajux il"- f.ving ll-flltlllllg llllll did imt 'i"l. Senator Henry Ciilwt Lodge 'f Mns .itchiictt advocated tmliiy I'll' passage b III' w'liiile of tlit iosoIii linn providing fur lli icpcnl lit' ilu tllllut CM'lllplillU ollltl0 in I III' Pall until ennui hill, Lodge "'I nl II' could nut ili'iil with liriily ipicliou In a mrliiin or political spirit and 'old 111' llp'Oltlllg I'tesilll'llt Cleveland iiml iif opposing it number of rcpnb lli'iin ii'iilinl on trimly iiiotlnnn "Hut President Cleveland'- policy I in nmtil l II"' Vcuoiichi 1 1 i'ii I. v,' will Lodge, "involved M'rioiiH issues iiml gnivo piisslldlitii". It was not u iuur ili'i'liiiniilioii ugniut mintlirr I'uiiiitry mid n Milloy of importing lunger liilciiili'il iinlv In rnio tcui per iiruiuiil our poltiittr booth. . tliiiinli'MM .iiiiirini'tit "There It no particular ,iiri; iiNiiiri'il In iiiiI upon passing our hlp through I Iif emial w itliiiut I lie piiMiit'iit nl' loll. To incur mi phys IimiI danger by doing mi ninl to hurl ihiflmice- at the nvt of lln world tin- ilrt-thrifl'TntmitMTfTir Ho doubt l"n K FAVOR NG REPEAL f IHIMt llglCCtllllO pil'-lllllO III IIN 0 migiigo in it, mnl nmri especially mi n il Iimh tin inlilcil iitlraoiiiui of be ing ii porfeoily safe amusement. Hut it mi'iim not wholly mil inlying a mi argument. "Tlu attitude of Ajux def.ving tin lightning U not very inspiring it thoie i no lightning to In' I't'ii i ril. Tim ouloiy nlioiil exhibiting- sub serviency to Ihiglnnil or miy oilier I'Hiiiiliy because tin- nilininitrnliiui limy co 111 o nsk for Hi" icponl nl' tin exemption ohuiso scenw hardly uoithv of consideration. America is altogether loo gioat mnl too power Till In hi' subservient lo miyoni'. Vol Win Hi u I' lutit "Am I IlllVi' listened to Home of llic iceonl stimug decimations of our icmlinoss lo face tin world in nuns in ili'fi'iixi' .if toll exemption, nlioiil wlili'h no oniinliy woulil think of fighting, there lllli) hi'i'll lllolliollls whi'ii I lui i' nini'M'llril iim I thought 01 llli' cooltlcss mill IIIHIIIi'li'liri' with which we luiM' oontciupluted lln- murder of morn thmi l.'ill Amcii cunt, not mmiy inili'M from our own hoiili'i. Viohitril lijhln mnl mi- mi'iiKnl mnl iihiiool nuiiotii'i'il ilriitliH of tliii-i' iiiuoccut pi'optc liuvn )oni' iiuhi'cih'il mnl now' wo iiuilin horoii'M nlnml ciinul tollx mnl whi'rn I licit' i no peril to miyoni'. It hituih to hi piulii'tiliiily out of pliico." l.oil0 look llic poriilion Hint cv I'inptioii, cilhi'r for roiiHtwixii or for I'ipti Irmliiii; nliiw, wonhl not hu n Solution of Iri'iitii'h in n Hliict li'j;"! hi'iihc. ti iiiilcil out Hint from I hi' hi(th pimiiu'hi of iuti'innlioiiiil ckIci'iii ii'iii'lii'il hy Aiut'iii'u in 11)01) wo Inn) lii'i'iuim iIInIi-iinIciI, mnl HiIk furl, he Hiiiil, wiiH iluo to n iiiiiuhi'r of ii'iik oils, lln uiKUcil Hmt Ihis iUmIi'iihI woulil lie fuilhiir iiKKi'iivnlcil hy ilo iiiK ii Ihiu "mi iihi'Ii'mh iih to huhni ili.o u I'hiNK of nliipK which don't lll'l'll nllllfiih." MILLION DOLLARToSS 10 TEXAS PEACH CROP DUE TO COLD SPRING DAI.I.AH, 'IVxiih, April U - ! Tim iliiuiiiKO In Ha' pencil crop mnl other miiiiiII fi iiIIh iih a to. null or (lln rnlitcMt April - weullier In twiuily jenrn wiih flvuil loilny at $1,111111.1)1)0. ! Tho ti'lupniHluni at Ahllclio r lllllll) WIIH ttt Hill)' NlX llt'KH'OH iiliovn xoro. LODGE DEFENDS PRESIDENT IN IT't T - ' ",''' ' mi '. , ' T' " i r T. . ,-r r-Sr -- I - msz -mi : M I I "S I I ' . -i r . " , -- ' 4 M' " '-.' ' , rra IWHRY CADOT LODCD rttort wrruce. AT T. IS WASIIINdTO.V, Aptil IL -Com. ph'ln iU".tnirtion of tho Wiitcin. Pn-n-i' prnportv tt Tumpu'o hy Mex li'im rdirlt wiih jrporti'il in ii nV pnti'h n't'fiMil hy lln xtnti 'Icpnrt mini Inilny. Tin; im in olmmti'il lit .T.'.dii.linil. Th irport fiilil: . "Wiii'ltx irpiirln iinliniln Hint Ilu' f itiiiitiuii ill liimpii'o in rrniinl to fori'lii proper I v in (tomplii'iilcil mnl urioiix. lln nnu'rh-rH'ri'o nimur unn oi'i'iipie.1 hy llic nlieU for two iltiyH mnl nit a couoi'ipii'iiri' it win iiliiler Ilu' fire of federal cmihoat. Tim lo of tin' en lire properlv i I i'ii in. I lie wnri'iioiiM'M ot me Atci'iii'ht Ciiiiiiiu'ieiiil I'limpiiny, a (li'immi 'ioicily, were luinied. "Tho o to tho Watoi-H-Piori'i' propi-iu will oxi'iril WIIO.IMIII." I'm tiii-r ii'piONi'utatioiin were hoiuy iiinile lo (lenerul Carinnaut linlny, Sooroliiiy of Slulo Hiynn unhl, onu eeruinc the ilepoitaliou of SpmiiniiN fioin 'I'oi i eon. Spain Inning re iiii"ti'il il, tho klnto ih'pailuieiit in trying to ui'iiuiiie for Hioir leluin. At pnv.ent thi'.x lire on tho Inilid Statox' hmiiU at V. I'iimi, ahxoliitoly lestilnte. OF HIRE SAYS JUOGE SAl.K.M, Or., Apiil .- Holding dull a Inhorcr ix wm thy of his hire, Circuit .linlt-o (lalloway (mlay mi IniiH'd tho ili'iiiuricr to the complaint mnl dissolved tho Ictuporary injiiuo lion in tho Viiit lirounht hy I,. 1(. Vili licit mnl oIIicih lo restrain the oily rccoiilcr from inlying Wilhur V. (liiincH, (Ichiro Snmli'irt mnl Asa Fisher, Hu co Siilcm policemen, their Milnricrt mi the muuil that thoy hud not been re-ddi'iits of Siilcm thico ycaiH liofmu hciiij; appointcil lo of fice. SENT TO EL PASO .ll'AHKZ, Apiil l. One huuiheil mnl lifly nioro Spnuisli refunecH from Torrcon hi rived hero today mnl were promptly passed iihuij lo Kl Haso. They weto nh-olulely ilesli lulo, IIiuiikIi up I nlho lime nf Tor iciin's fall most of them weio ill least well-to-do mnl some were wciillhy. SCHANNER APPOINTED BISHOP OF SEATTLE .MIIAVAl'lxKi:, Wi., Apnl ! Il wiin ollicinllv iiiiiiouiiei'd Hum ufli'i- iioon HiH Ilin lliulil IIci. A I1' Hi hiiini'T hail hi'i'll uppoliiliil hlhop uf Hniltlc, REFNERY 1 BURNED 500,000 THE REPEAL OF CANAL TOLLS A I ADMINISTRATIONON CANAL TOLLS BILL WA8IIINCTON, April 0 Prcsl ilont Willi oil's nttltiulo rci;arilliu I'nnnm rnnnl tolls wan crltlcttcil to ilny tiy SiMitilur Ilornli lieforo tho nfiinto Inter-occanlc rnnnl rommlt lee, coimlilcrlliK tin) Kilns ri'Hollltloli fur tho roionl of Amurlcnn hipplng't !Xiiiiiitlou from tollit. "Ilcpeal of tho claiiso cxcluiIjnR rnllronil-owncil h1iIih from tho cnn.il will ho the next Mop In America's nurri'iider to ICntjInml," unld Ilorah. "Sir Kilwnrd drey, you iiiuat remem ber, bns nlwiiyn objected to tho rail rond rlniuo." Stiimtor Norrln nhl. ho was op posed to tho exemption chime, became It "wnu nothliiK more or lens than ;. Hiilmldlary." nud milled tlmt If Ameri can fclilps ii ro oxempted, forelKn tradliiK lilm also sliould hu ex empted, Norrlii miKoiited, however, tho ex emption of South American slilps, at offorlni; an opportunity to lucreano Auiorlcnu trade thero. Ho said tho International court, provided In tho bill that ho had Introduced, would In clude three Judges (rout tho tmprenio court of tho t'nlted States, to ho no lortod by KiiKland, threo Judges from tlio highest court In KiiRland, to )o relected by l'realdent WlUon. and a seventh member to bo named by Swluorlntid, "Hut President WIlHon," Inter rupted Senator llrltlow, "alrendy has decided iikiiIumI America In favor KiikIiiuiI; Hint would bo far from Im partial. " Whether KiikIiuiiI would nRreo to tho exemption of Colouihlnu-owiied ships wiih a point rained hy Senator Ilornli, It wan then BiiKKOHtcd Hint Seiintor Knot, who watt Becretnry of statu when tho Colombian treaty wan imido, bo asked to testify. Senator Thomas spoke In defense of Ills hill muKliiK the cunnl freo to all tho world, $2,000,000 SALE OF SAN FRANCISCO, Cnh, April 0. Colli iiumthm of tliu tepoiteil sale hy the Northorn Naviniition company of nil iIh slcamers, Imros and terminal fneililies on tho Yukon river, in Alaska, and the Yukon territory, lo Hie American tikun Navi);iition company was uinile hero loday hy Leon Sloss, piesidcnt of the selling corporation. The iiiirelutse piiee wiih said lo he in the iicicjilinihoiul of tf'J,IIO(),(IIIO. Kcporlx that the (liipu'cnliciuiH were hehliul the ileal were ilcnicd. CENSOR ALL DISPATCHES FROM MEXICAN CAPITAL .MI'.XICO CITY, Apiil l. KeivH.ii- pi'i' i'orreisiiiiliiiil heie were fnnii nils nollflcil lodn Iiml nil Ihcir ill" palclii'8 will be cnimml licicaltcr. CRESCENT CITY HAU 0 BE PROBED ANEP VALUE Army Board of EntjInJers Apcc to Make Further Investigation Into Need of Proposed Improvements Upon Pleas by Oregon Delegation. Chamberlain, Lane; Hawlcy and Kent f. Hawlcy and Ii of Region Present. Represent Need! of Region Spe clal Delegation WASHINGTON. Apr I U.A fur ther iiiM'sliyaliiiu of llic nci'ils of Crescent Cilv harbor, in Orccini, wn pluiuicd loday hy the atniy bonrd of ciiKiiiccr. Aiiuomiccmcnt to this cl fect followed pleas of Senator Chiitiiherhiin and I.aiif of Oregon anil liepresentiitivrH llawlc of Orcpiu mnl Kent of California that the im provcmeiilh .iTi(.'CHed wouhl mean Hie opeiilin iii of Koycniinent lumber Hiinnlies, partioiilnrly ill Oioti. The encineers at first turned down Hie su;i't'tiiinH mid then decided to re coiioiiler the matter. The army iiiKiiiccr nanle a survey of the harbor Inst autumn nud ret' ommeuiled the exprntliliire of SI, H'ir.TiO for the construction of a lireukwatcr, $2.i(),000 of which is to be raised hy tho people of Del Norte enmity and the territory tributary to the Crescent City harbor. A special dclcitnlion headed hy former Senator Jonathan Hounic, Jr., as special 'reprc-entntivo of Jackson county, consisting of W. J UotehkisM of Crescent City mid San Francisco; (1. A. Yebb, Crescent Cily; W. W. Mcl.nrenj repreruUnj: Del .Norto counter; J7 ! Child of Crexeeut City: James II. Owen of tan Augele-i; O. S. Hlnuchnrd of (IrantK I'ass, mid J. F. Keddy or Med ford siihmilted data showing the amount of husinc--. available for such harbor improvement and pie sentiug the need, of mi outlet to the sea for northern California and southern Oregon. JERRY ALLEN TO HANG GOOD FRIDAY SACIJA.MF.NTO, Oil., Apiil P. The fact Hint the date for the hang ing of Jerry Allen in San Quentin falls on flood Friday piohahlv will not cause (inventor Johnson to inter- feio with the judgment of the court. Attorney Luke Howe of Sacra mento is searching lecord-; in the Al Ion case with a view to saving the murderer. It was stated at the capital today that us the court had fixed the dav for the execution it was not pi oh aide tlmt the governor would change it. IS UPON UNION PACIFIC NF.W YORK, April P. Heavy pressure in Civiiadimi 1'aoifie again uioikod tho opening of tho stock innrket today. On the first few transactions it dropped a point to UHHrt Hethlehem Steel preferred, Louisville, Corn Products, New Ha ven and Texas Company dropped Irom 1 to '2 points. Under the in fltteiico of these declines, leading spemilntive stocks, which were barely changed ut the opening, eased oft. Hands were easy. The market clos ed ipiicl. MOVING PICTURE HALT L MOI.INi:, 111., April 0. Tho fun eral of Frederick Weyorhueuser, the mulll-inlllloiiiilro lumber king, who died hut, Saturday In Pniadena, Cnl., wan delayed tnduy when moving pic ture men attempted In take pictures of the ceremony. Tliu.'nnovlo" men led when a wholesale, row lhivute.uvd.1 NEW YORKERS BUY SUNSET ORCHARD ttr! SH01BY SALE New Yorkers Purchase Fine Young Ot chard In Coker Butte Section Sold Two Years Ano for $15,000 Frederick B. Morgan nnd W K. Morgan, Jr., of New York, who havo Ikcii the guests of JI. W. HltiRliani the init week, have purchaicd the HuiiM'l orchard In the Coker llllttc section from A. A. llernnrd for 25, 000. The property comprises H acres, 12 acres of which aro In -0 year old New towns nnd 2 acres In o year old Dartlott, Cornice and Winter Nells pears. In addition there aro four acres of family orchard. The purchasers will hulld a flno bungalow on a three aero sightly building site Included In the property. Thin orchard Is onu of tho finest young groves In the valley, located three miles enit of Med ford and one half mile from the Msrlvlitn orchard owned hy Mr. Hlngliam, and alo close to the Chandler Kgan orchard. I-nst year the Ncwtowns on this or chard sold for 11.75 per box f. o, b. orchard. The crop averaged nlno boxes to the tree. The orchard was purchased three years ago by A. A. Bernard, who paid $15,000 for It. The orchard -was bad ly run down, hut through hard work Mr. Ilernard has brought It Into fine condition. The rale shows tho Increase In valuation In orchards In tho rtoftuo river valley, and also shows what can be done If the right attention Is bestowed upon fruit groves. Mr. Ilernard Intends to buy a homo In Med ford nnd llvo here and says that he will not leave the valley un der any circumstances. E OF MARTINEZ. Oil., April 0. The ease of Thomns Mooney, accused of having high explosives in his posses sion, contrary to law, went to the jury this afternoon. The closing word for Hie defense was spoken by Attorney Maxwell McNuttt following the conclusion of Attorney Thonias H. Johnson's nr gumeiit on the same side. Like Johnson, MoNutt accused the Pa cific Oas & Fleet lie company of sending its lawyers, J. J. Harrett nud M. It. Jones, to help the prosecution, mid roundly denounced both the company for doing and the prosecu tor for permitting such a thing. Assistant District Attorney Orms by, on the other hand, expressed his appreciation of the assistance given him hy Jones nnd Harrett, as upecial prosecutors. Harrett, closing for the prosecution, declared Mooney the same type of man as the MeXa maras. WELCH TROLLEY ON PORTLAND, Ore., April 9. -Provided only that tho Inter-state brldgo over tho Columbia river Is mado in face as well as In theory opou to all comers, A. Welch, well known rail road builder, proposes to connect Clarke county, Wash., with Portland by nu Inter-urban lino that will pro 'vide a ten cont faro to tho heart of Portland, and haul the products .)( tho truck farms, dairies and wood lots near Vancouver Into tho local market, Welch today refused to dlsciut his proposition, but It Is known his pluiin are of an ambitious nature and will Include eventually a great luter-ur-"ban nystem that will connect l'lignt Hound with l'ortluiut by way of tho local trolley lines ut CentrnRu and Chehiills, until recently owned by the WiuliliiKtoii-Orouou corporation, U WK M NY CA HAND iisllHilsllllBu9HEussisflKs'' ' 'S U B111111B1h111i9b1111BH111111h11W4BuBkU1S11BSmB111111111hZs1h CSsLVLiiiiiiiiiiM isllpj!ili-',94fr't&f&lllllfl Picking Scene OE TOKIO. April 9. Dowager Em press Haruko died today. Though sho had been suffering from heart disease, Urlght's disease was given as the cause of death. The dowager had been critically ill for some time but shortly before her death It -was thought the was gaining ground. While talking to the emperor, how ever, she suddenly lapsed Into.uncon tclo'usness. Doctors die! their ut most to rcvlvo her but sho suc cumbed In a tow mlntcs. Her death occurred at Nnmazti. The dowager empreig was CI years of age. The daughter of a noble man, she married the late emperor. Mutsuhlto, when sho was nineteen cars of age. Sho was well educated and up to dato In her ideas, effected European dress and was much liked by visitors from tho Occident who met her. Her husband's death In July. 1912 was n great shock to her and her health failed steadily ever since. PENNSYLVANIA STRIKE BY PITTSniMtG. Pa., April 9. -Officials ot tho Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen announced here today that tho present strlko of employes of the Pennsylvania railroad was not sanc tioned by that organization. The men were walking out. It was said, because of tho corporation's retrench ment policy. Six hundred men were qut here and It was M loved nearly as many moro would walk out boforo tonight from tho East PIPttaburg division. Tho places vacated by tho strikers, officials hero snld, wore being filled rapidly. FEDERAL GUNBOAT WASHINGTON, April 9 Admiral Mayo reported Hint tho federal gun boat Zaragoza had joined tho Vera Cruz lu shelling tho rebel positions nt Tamplco, but that nolthor sldo had gained any material advantage lie snld a storm which was raging mado tho embarkation of refugees difficult and dangerous and ho vviw advising them ngalust taking to tho battleshlps until tho situation be comes more critical. Reports wore current among fod eralH on shore, he addod, that .tho American warships were supplying arms to tho rebels. NO FURTHER CONSTRUCTION WORK AT COQUILLE RIVER WASHINGTON, April 1). -No fur- Iher construction work than is pro vided for in the existing project will he done ut the mouth of the Coipillle river In Oregon if emigres follows Hut icoouiiiieuiliillnii miulii hy Hie chief uf a liny engineers: today. DOWAGER EMPRESS HARUKO JAPAN GROSSES DIVIDE In Sunset Orrlmnl PEPPER HELD FOR I SAN FRANCISCO, Oil., April 9. Abraham I'eppcr was held to ans wer without hail here today hy Po lice Judge Sullivan on n charge of murdering Mrs. Dorothy D. Johnson, n bride of n week, in a corridor of the Hotel Sutter on February 2-t last. The principal witness against Pepper was Sidney Lee Johnson of Tncomn, Wash., the slain woman's husband. "Pepper come to the hotel nud j,sked to. fcec my wifet" testified Johnson. "She agreed to nee htm, hut told him Hint the interview would have to he brief. Mrs. Johnson had hardly left the room to meet Pepiicr in the corridor before two shots rang out. Doth shots were fired by Pepper nnd both took effect. He then shot himself. IVppcr npiH'nred on the verge of a collapse throughout the hearing. He kept his eyes glued to the floor dur ing Johnson's testimony. William Adams, clerk at the Hotel Sutter, told of hearing the shots and of finding Mrs. Johnson lying on the floor with her husband bending over her body. "Pepper," he added, "with a smok ing revolver near his side, was lying nearby." 'S SAI.KJr, Or., April 0, -Charles Harrow of Conuilte, who bases his platform on Abraham Lincoln and F. K. ltlanehard of (Iranls Pass, filed declarations today us candi dates on the republican ticket for representatives. Harrow says ho "will stand Fqunroly upon the statement of Abe Lincoln tlmt 'this is a government of tho people, by the people, for Iho people.' The principled of 'honest old Abe' nre good enough for mo nnd for nil the people." He seeks elec tion in Coos county. Hlnuchnrd, who peeks election in Josephine county to succeed himself, has no platform or slogan. FREEZING WEATHER KILLS FRUIT CROP l4fi ST. LOUIS, Jro April P. Temperatures at or near tho freezing point prevailed today throughout Ti'unwsee, Arkan sas, Mississippi nud Okla homa. Tho mercury marked just ;12 ut Nashville, Cliatla nooga and Memphis. At Fort Smith .10 wiih loiirhod, Much fruit mid many vegetable were wild to have hewi klllwl, B ' MB R 00M A W NESS . r