it AtnlM tw. "Sr,So un Medford Mail Tribune v"f SECOND EDITION WEATHER l-'nlr tonight nnI Thursday .Mn. flj MJh. ()j I'ro. jit, ' lor1 vfurlli Ymir, lintly- Nltilli Vtnr MEDFORD. OlcWJON, WIODNKKDA V, AVHIL 8, 10M. MM WH II DEFEATED ARM W ON ELUDES REBELS Defeated Fcclrrals Reach Vlescn, 45 Miles From Torrcon Hnl( Dozen Rebel Successes Reported to Gen eral Carranzo. Putt of Tamulco Secured hy Consti tutionalist San Louis Potosl and Monterey Invested. JI'Altl.'., Mexico, April K - Huhol micrrtoiiM ut half n ilodiii Important point woro roportod la oflclnl in. sage remit nil today by General Car rnnin today, I'nrt of tho city of Tmuplro wn al ready In ihii minds' hands, H wn stated, Troopw under General l'n Imllcro were onlil li ham nirtito (he lapturo m tt n. in. )ilcnl(iy, fol low Iiik n 1 2 luilirn' battle. illirltiK Milled (ho rebel look lliu suburb of Dunn ('villa ami I'ncuelu Del monte, niniiiiniiilliiK tln culrniito to tlin harbor. Cnrriima' mosiiagcs Snld It m expected Tamplro Itself would lio completely oicupluil with In n few hour. Kan l.oul I'otosl. It wax slnted, In another despatch, Mail surrounded nml tliii rebel worn awaiting the or der to attack. Monterey, too, was mhIiI lo I mi completely Invested. Tlio federals under General Mann ninl Mo ti re, who hovered pcrltent ly nrntiitil Torrcon whllo It wn m ltlng thn rebel attack, lr Iiik to break through thn iniiitltiitlonalUt linn ami relieve tlu besieged federal Krrlon, hail finally 1kii engaged h) Iho rebel, It ai announced, nl Han Pedro rolnnlaii, OS mile mmI of Torreon. No detail woro given. It km ndmlttcd that General Vo. Iiim'o, with thn survivor of thu Tor rcon federal garrison, Imil suc ceeded in eluding tint robot, ami was nt Vlcsra, 5 mile cant of Torrcon Torri'on Spaniard, expelled by General Villa began nrrlvltiK hero tnilay, penniless ami hungry Follow coinilryiiicii ami biilnimi men of 121 l'no took tho refugee In, ami worn rnUInc a fuml for them. WASHINGTON, April H - Thu statu dopnttmoiit on- iioiiiiiimI tmiity tliit General Ciirninra find refused nn tin- oflclal request, mnilo by tho department's ropreseliintlvo nt Jiiiip'X, for tho protection of Spaniard til Mexico or tho 4 ciincnlliitloii of General Vllln'H order expelling tlmiii, Car- rniim unlit ho could not In- terferu wllli Vllln'H onlar. LOCAL OPTION FAVORS MS" If COLUMBIA GETS" bum mois $25,000,000 FOR --: PANAMA'S LOSS NO. 15 N0TPR0HIBIT ON Recent Order Analnsl Intoxicants on Warship and Naval Stations Not an Indorsement of Prohibition, As serts Secretary Daniels. SHARP FIGHTING AI TAMPC0 AS Order Makes a Hit With Sailors Who Objected to Discrimination In Fa vor of Officers. ADMIRAL FLETCHER WEST DEFENDS WASHINGTON', Apnl H. "Slmrp nlilini; I'oiitiiiucil nil of TucmIiiv nt Tniiipu'o," Mild n wlrcli'Ki iiivkhiiko rci'ciM'il by tlu nm ili'purlini'iit to ilny Iruiii Ailinirnl lli'li'licr nt Vera Crur, "nml Ilic fiilrrnl unnlnmt Vi-rn t'ru. Ii'pt firini; throughout tin nielli. At niKlilfiill llic fiilcrnU liiul bi'i'ii iIiim-ii biii'k lulu tin' limn. "Ailinirnl .Mojo iloi'H not lii'lii'M1 IIiIk U it Hi'rions ullitrk nu Tniunico, iix nolliinc luilii'ntril lluit I hi' ri'ht'K liiul mtillcrv, hut t inn iiirntimil tlmt lliry )H'i't it mini. ''riiotc wiih Miuiit nlimu in llic town, nml Mnyo linuilit Ainriirun woini'ii unit rlillilii'ii in from tin- miNkirU. Some miiiciMiiliAliintH with iiijiirril, "Thi Ciiicinniiti, Dolpliiii, Mimic iiiolin, )in .Muitii'N, Clictcr Hint Sim rriiiii'JHfo uro ut (lit m'ciik nml nlili to i'ojmi wild nny filimlion. Tlif (Icniinn crniMT llri'-ilcn line iiImi nr rixcil IIiitc, ninl Ailinirnl Cruililock, tlio llnlixli coiniiiiiiiilcr. will Icnxc Tor there Imlnv on tho INkov." T LAUNCHED ON MAY 1 CONSERVATION GOVERNORS AT 'MEET WASHINGTON, Apnl H. Dcnio iTiitio li'iulors were plnmiiu loilnj to Intiui'li tho inio-cil uuli-triibt pro criiiu Mny I, bi'Kiuiiiu nitli tlio Inulc coiniiii'.f.ioii bill, wns bclicM'il Hint Iho nnli-tiiihl hill nml the riiml ernliU hill enulil bo emieleil williin three months. To curry nut tho pro Krnui, it wiih bcliccl tho hoiixo uoiihl ileeliln o holil tiiltt heshious. WASIIINdTON, April S. Secrc tnry of the Savy DanlcU wnn nt palm todny to toll tHllorn Hint tho order nKnliiM liitoxlcnutii on Ainerlcnu wnmlilp or In nnnl uliore elation wnn not taken nn coiiimlttliiK tho nd niliilntnitloii to n prohibition utiuid It won linpl)' to promoto efficiency, ho mild, nml to omo extent In th" lulereitM of fulrnms, uliicc If tho en Ibiteil iiiuii nro not nlloweil to drln!( It did not reeni rllit that tho offi ce rd xhoiihl lie nlloweil to do no. i-'rliimlK of President Wilton quoted n lutter which ho wrote, whllo kov- ernor of Now Jemoy, a llluitrntlvo of hi vluw on tho liquor quentlou "I am In fnor of locnl option," wild thin letter. "I am n thoroiiRh bellor. er In local clf-KOViirntncut, ami be. lleo that m ery nuK-governlng com miitilty which couitlttite a nodal unit Mhotibl luivo thn rlitht to con trol that matter of tho regulation or tho withholding of llcene. "Tho question liivohcd nro o cltil nml moral, and not mmceplltilo of being madi! partit of n party pro gram. Whenever they hnc bonu mnilo thn mibjcct matter of pnrty co;- leni they hnvo cut tho linen of par ty organisation ami party athwart to tho utter coiifiulon of political ac tion In every other field. They hnvo thrown uvery other quentlou, how eor. Important, Into tho background and hnvo nindo romtrtictlvo imrty action liiiolblo for lung )car to nether." lnvetlgatlon duveloped that, whllo Secretary D.inlcU' ordrr wn a long wny from being hntUfactory to n majority of naval officers, It hud mnilo n trcmcmlotin htt with tho on- luted men. Tho latter, It became evident, have long resented, not so much tho denial of Intoxicants te theinseleii, but tho fiift unit the of ficer were nlloweil to use them whllo to the rank nml file they wero strictly bnrred. MBItl.l.V, Apt II 8 That threo yomiK ltttlanii hail nilntrcated mid then cruel fled a JewUli girl, tho daugh ter of n oor flitherinan of Htnvrapol, on tho Volga river, wan itatcd In a Ht. Peter burg despatch received hero today, Tho girl wa nailed to the cro ovor arnvo In the local cemetery, sold the iiieaiiige, nalln bclnsj drlien through her liaudK ami feet and Into her eye. Thn trio wn ar reted but friend released thorn and they 'escaped. 4. News of Conclusion of Treaty With United States of Colombia Settllny Old Scores Received With Satis faction by Administration. HO HUE IN M M AD . !. OLIVER DEFEATS BANKflEAD AS HOBSM'S CHOICE llllt.MINailAM.Alft Aprils -Ho turn were still coming In today on the primary vote for tho senatorial toga sought both by Congressman Os car W I'mlerwood democratic floor lender In tho house, and Congrcis man Itlchiiioiui P. Ilobton, whose chief campaign cry was "national prohibition." While exact figure were unobtainable, It wa clear that I'uderwood's majority would be tory large, probably running well ovor 20,000. In UndorwoodWMrlct It seemed Unlikely that any candidate had a majority of tho votea for the seat he will tncntu In thu lower house, and It was expected n "run-off" primary would bo necessary. As Ilohsou' successor, William Oliver defeated William llankhead by n snfo majority, Amicable Relations Between Bcgota and Washington Restored After Years of lll-Feellnrj and Discord. WASHINGTON. April S.Grcat satisfaction was expressed today In administration circles at the con clusion of tho treaty by which Colum bia will receive 123,000.000 from tho United States for tho loos of I'anamu. Karller nccountM wore that the I'nltcd States was given tho right to dig another Intcr-occanlc canal through Colombia, together with a coaling station on tho Colombian coast. This was denied todny. It was clear, however, that the south ern republic had received whnt It considered ratlsfactlon and that amicable relations between the Wash ing and Ilogota governments had been restored. Colombia was said orginaliy to have Insisted on freo assago for Its shipping through tho Panama canal, but It yielded this contention as soon as It was learned that President Wilson opposed exemption of Ameri can shipping from tolls. I'nltcd States Minister T. A. Thompson and representatives of the Colombian government concluded the treaty nl Ilogota yesterday. AUSTIN, Tex., April 8. Governor Colquitt received word today from Madcro that no armed Mexicans croused the Klo Grande yesterday, swooped down on tho town, "shot It up," terrorised tho citizens, sacked the stores and then fled back to the Mexican side. Tho governor did not Intimate what he would do. IEN SENATORS TO WORK TO NORTH END OF VALLEY State Highway Engineer Bowlby Plans Construction of Central Point-Gold Hill Section Instead of Barron-Ashland Stretch at Once. State to Pay for All Road and Pav ing Machinery Used, as Well as Engineering Expense Incurred. PRESENTAR MEN UPON N L TOLLS IlKNVMt, foli.,, Apiil 1H. (liner, imr Kriient I.Hior of Wnsliiiigluii voiced htron' opposition o ho uitli I'oiiHorvntinn prugiiim iiihocnle.l h, (lowinor AiumiiiiH of folonulo nt to. ilnjh Mahloii of the coiifoioiion of weetcrn KovornnrH. Am ii .exult Hid gnwinorri adopted thn l.inlor com mitlee'M report Hint no uiiti-eiuiicr-Milion heulimeiilM ho hlnaMi, pend ing iiclion on tin tionnt legixlntiou lor lent-iiiK' eoiil nml oil IiiiiiN, ami until It liiul lieeii fully iliNciiNhcd ut Iho pneinnih' nml iriipitiiui confer eneert. Henry J. Pierce, n iiiiiiititor of WiihIiIiiKoii stnlo, wiih cniiilcil nu oppoi (unity to nleiid ti-itiiit ooiim-i-viilion. Hi. mKeil thn limitation of giivi'i-iimciil MKuliiliim nml mine def inite MipuliitiniiH ret;iiidiii. "wuler puwei" eniilinelH. (loverimr West nf Oiegiiii ili'lVnded I'liiiHeivnlioii iim ii iiii'iiiih of ii'uciitiiiK' inoiuniiily, Omnium' ,1. 1 A. Stroiio; ofAliihkn hoiiI liix ifjriclM nt hoii umihlii to iitli'inl (lie conference in n telegram leeeneil loiluy. (Inveiiior V, M, llyiuo of .South Dakota iniivcil Ihih iilleriioiiii, RESUMES ITS HEARING WASIIINflTON', Apiil K. Tho fed end iudiistiial commiKioii leMiiueil its lieu lilies heio today with (lie Ich tiniony of severnl nuiineut workei. Thn lionrinpi ill cIiihii toiuorimv, when President Samuel (loinpeis of llio Aiuerii'iin IVileinlinii of Labor will testify. SIR LIONEL CARDEN SAILS FORjAMERICA MANY ERRORS IN aM,AI(m.r.ll!.AI), Miish., April 8. -Aircraft mik iimmI, piohnlily for Hie first time, here today in loontine; n whip in ilihtrofrt at hen. Clifford Wcllor mid Steilinc HurfiexN in mi aeroplano niihweieo' a enll for us- Hixtaneo mid located thu steamer I'ouslwiM', en route for Norfolk, which hud become !.( in a thick foi:. The aviators guided u lifi'snvine; Iiiiiiii'Ii In Iho vexiel, which iiImi whs liiiiupcred by enjjino trouble, tho duiniigo wii lepiiircd and tlio (.'oast wine procecilcil on it way. SUTIIAMPTON, Kngland. April S. Sir Lionel Cnrden, ltritlsh minister to Mexico, salUM on tho Olympic to day for New York on his wny back to hi post. It was understood, how. ever, that hi htay In Mexico City would bo brief, and that ho was slated for traiufer to tlrnxil. The chnngo was understood to hnvo been considered desirable on ac count of tho obvious fact that his Mexican views hnvo from tho first boon In conflict with thu policies of thu present Washington administra tion. Tho belief was that ho was nl. lowed to go back to Mexico temporar ily to "suo his face." SALK.M, Or., April 8. Willi many error Mum in-; up in the completed petitions pro.-ontod for filing by uir-lou- candidate-, it now look-, as Ihonyli ii number of candidates would be .xhtit out of the priiuuries by wait in); until the lat dav to file their petitions nml, iiudiii; enors in them, will not bine time lo mnke correc tions. Secretary of State Oleott pointed out todny that only ubotit l'J." out of over All) candidate who have filed declarations hau filed their com pleted petitions. Tlio time for filing completed petition ends ut 5 o'clock iicm Friday afternoon. He mivm un der the law all petition which are not correctly filed by that hour can not be nccepted. WASHINGTON, April 8. That ten United Stntc-. -enators who have of fered rcMiluliont nml bills on the subject of Panama canal tolls will upH?nr here tomorrow before the sen- nte interocennic canals committee was announced today by Senator O'Gunuiui of New York, chairman of the committee. He Miiil that Sec retary of Stnte 1 try a n nml former Secretary Knox nml n number of others, includin-,' Joseph II. Cbonte, probably would be requested to np penr. Answers to rcipie-ls for hearings on the mutter from the Pacific const alone; with invitations to tcxtimony, were teleuniphcd this nfternoon t the follewing: The Seattle chamber of commence. the Wot Con-t Lumber Manufactur ers' association of Seattle, the Pol son Implement company of Seattle, the Aberdeen chamber of commerce, the eonimereiul clubs of Soutii Ilend, itniuicr, Raymond nml Cent rutin, Wash.; the chamber of commerce of Astoria, the commercial club of Sil verton; George Savngc, president of the Tiicomu chamber of commence; William II. Wheeler of San Fran- ci-co; L A. Lewis of Portland and Mnyor Little of ltnymoud, Wh. OF I PRESI DESTROYED BY FIRE I.H ANOICLKH, Cul , Mrs. Illnuclio (IriiKK l.'iiu I hiiIiik Hio lleklns Hlor n Ko rmiipiiuy for npprnxliimtely I:', out) bucuimu u Httruhmuii flro ilu fliii)iul her ttudilliiu kkhm. which dIih linil promt. nl o the first of her l'imis suld limy IhoiiMht hu hud iilccv to many, IuiiihcIi liuimr, III. PASO, Toxiih, April S. Heavy flghtlug wiih reported In Mexican couHlltiitlomillst clrcleH huro today to ho going on at Miuntlaii. It was said tho rebels, under General Oliro gon, worn iircHHlug a hot attack, TO Cl'PAU, Kasl Fife, Scotland, Ap lil 8. No candidate oppoiu him, Piemier Asipiith was reliiiucd to pailiaiuent iititomutieally heio today, tin will immediately rcMinio the Irish homo rule filil in Iho lioiihu of com-minis, TO OF HTOCICIIOLM, April K.Hls iloclors ileclilml tiuluy o utieintu on Klnu (limluv tiiiiiurrow, Hit wa growlii'j Mvuknruiiil siiffernd ureut pain, Ph u WILSON FAMILY GO TO T GENERAL FINED ANDIRELEASED LONDON, April 8. -"Guncrul" Flora Drummoud, In court again to day for nn net of suffrngetto mill tnney, tried to repeat hor yesterday's pcrforninneo of screanilng o loudly and. persistently as to force nn nil- Journment because tho proceedings woro drowned out. Sho fulled, how- over. Hoarse from her vocal exer tions of estordny, sho was compollod nt length to stop for breath. In stantly, tho Judge, who had been awaiting Just such an opportunity, fined her thu llrltlsh equivalent of MO, This she paid and was released, WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS WAHHINdTON, April K.-Ii.. dent IUiiii mid the member of hi rumil) pluiiucil luiluy to lentil Wu.h I n Ml nil (oinniiow for Uhllo Hulpliiir f Hprluiit, V i mi uii liusiwr laciiltuu, The president njll relurii Mmuluy, T ISSUED FOR SIEGEL PUT ON PROBATION SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., April S. J. P. Hutchinson, ngod 70, was ar raigned hero today bcroro Superior Judge l.nwlor on n charge, of forgory. Tho court put Hutchinson on proba tion for flvo jears. Tho evidence showed that Hutch inson m.ulo n fortune of STSO.OOu In tho gold flolds of Novndn nml lost It In speculation In Wall Street. Ho was accused of cashing n worthless draft for S150 In Goldflold last No- vcmbbr. Judge Luwlor said ho bo lluved Hutchinson's mind wns prob ably affected by tho quick chnngo In his financial condition and ordered that ho bo put on probation. NKW YORK, April S.- A slump in Canadian Pacific was the feature ol early trading m stockt today, 'flux stock fell .Vs points uiul itiuneapo lis. St. Paul nml Snult Ste. Marie lo-t five poiutc The general lixt nNo wus lienxy. lluxiness was large. Later there was u recovery n tlie result of tho LnckawnnnnV victory in the nuti-trut suit, lteadiug and Letiigli each moved up about a point. Still later inoM of the opening loxxes were partially retrieved, Canadian Pacific rallying a point. llonds wero Mcudy. Tlio nmrket closed stendv. Ni: YOIIK. April 8.Am a ic suit of Ihoir IiiiIiiih to iippenr in hi cniiii mid plead to iudielmeiilx cliiiiging ioliilion nf buiikliig laws, bench wiiiiniils wcie jxniicd lieio lo ilnv fur lleinv Hlcuc) nml Finnk Vu- lid, nliii'Lhoilii in llic Sh'xel Hlme niimnllon, by Jtplgu MiiIHwh LEAPS INTO NIAGARA E OF CALUMET PRESIDENT WASHINGTON, April S. Tho scheduled npearnuco today of Quin cy Shnw, iiresldent of tho Calumet ami lleelu Mining comimuy, beforo tho hoiibo sub-commltteo which Is in vestigating tho .Michigan copper strike, has been postponed. Chair man Tnlor said tho committee, was too busy with other phnses of thu Investigation to hear Shaw at this time. Tho Improvement of tho Pacific highway from Central Point to Gold Hill, Instead of tho Immedlato im provement of the stretch connecting tho Siskiyou grado with Ashland was forecasted by Stato Highway Engl neer Dowlby upon his return to Port land Tuesday evening aftor two duys spent in tho valley. He said. "Tho action of the county court In holding up tho highway construction nt cither sldo of Ashland, until tho peoplo of that city furnish the county with right-of-way, meets with tho state highway commission's approval and paving operations wilt bo stopped this sldo of the Hillings farm. In stead of connecting up tho new grado with Ashland, on account of tho threatened Injunctions and law suits, wo shall probably proceed with tho Central Point-Gold Hill Improve ments. The dlfforcnco between the north and soutii ends of tho valley Is that In tho north tho fight Is to secure the highway and In the south tho tight Is against It. Tho farmers of tho north end appreciate tho valuo of a paved road near tholr place, with out cost to themselves. v ;;Xho paying tf,he Central Point road Is progressing satisfactorily The cost during Jhe Initial portion, the period of organisation, has of courso been heaviest, but tho pave ment so far laid has not cost over SI. 2a per squaro yard, and this will bo reduced to below 11.10 possibly SI for. thoNentlro stretch. "Thovstato, In addition to paying all engineering expenses on tho Pa cific highway, will pay for all thu machinery used, refunding to tho county tho monoy so expended. Thus at tho conclusion of tho work, the state wilt have a complete equipment for road building." Tho Central Point authorities, for so mo unknown reason, shut off tho water supply from tho paving gang Wednesday morning, ana had It not been for tho rain, tho necessary sprinkling of tho now concreto would havo been Impossible. Tho supply is metered and paid for as used iim was turned on aftor a visit of pro test by Engineer Klttrldgo. WARSHPS RESCU E TAMPI REFUGEES OIL TANKS BURN liriTAI.O, N. Y April 8. -An unidentified woman committed sui cide in thu Niagara fixer, near Third Sislcr ixlauil todny. Itcsvrviitimi OI'liecr'.Mailin pulled her out of Hie water mice, but she leaped in ugiiiii mid Hum lime icifled iU olTuiU, nl though he caught her clothing with n pike pule. Him Inured hi'ioelf iigiiliMl Ihn luck) bnlloui until kite liikl iuklliilfillk.iiib4 I'fC.ilu nl lit. ""' ifiiviiiiiwiii-i lilt' IIP l V" IsiiM'iliilKui failed, I LA FOLLETTE'S SEAMAN BILL NOT TO PASS WASHINGTON', Aptil 8. Iloth I'liciiils mid oppiiueiiU nf llic Lu Pol lellu'x emueii'h bill admitted today Hint Hie mciikure hum not likely lo become it law ut till si'lim nf coil grik. It liilc ct cit nest itl'itur wiik ciillBldeicil doiiblliil, YKHA CIll'Z, Mex., April 8. Fur ious lighting between federals, and rebels was iu progress today at Tarn- pieo, according to messages fiom Ailinirnl Muyo, thu American naval eoinmiiuder there. Much damage ws being done by the federal nrlillery fire to nropurty in Hie submits, wlieie the rclieU had gained n foot hold. The United States warships took off many foreigners last iiiglit and wero taking olf mmo todny, Thu refugees wero being enrcd for on thu waiNhips, hut the accommodations fur them and Muyo asked that a transport be sunt tu take them on board. ShelU from Iho guiihout of thu federal's Progrcxso, stationed hi Ta mihi river, had set firu to tho Pierco oil tanks in Hie outskirts' of town, mid I hey were burning. Tliu refinery nl Dunn Cecilia mid fifty frv xlit cars in its vicinity vcio also do Hlioycil. WILLIAM A. SCRIPPS, MILLIONAIRE, S DYINi I'AKADIINA, Ci.l., Aith W.-WIIL lam A. hctlii-, iiillliuiiNirt-, bllfvsil to he suffering from imicimumiIm hiuJ bruit iikciiv, m tvfMinc4 u n ir). mis cmiditlwi u kls kiif r W