What's 400 COURT HOUSE NEWS Reported by Jackson County Ab (met Co., fitxih hml Mr Utit. I'nibte Knlil I. Freely Klvou J, Creoly, divorce, Frank Tompkins i tiro, I). linker, H nl. Answer of, (Ion, W. Clarke, Kriuyit Ceolo P. J. Cattertlu el nl. .Motion. Itertl Itnlnlo Transfer A. i'. Iluni :t ux to Itnyinoml T, Cox ct ux, loin 10 nnil II, Mwk It" II It. Ailil Anhlniul. W, I). V V (lltmROH l ux to Cnrl C. IVhl, part lot :. t.lK. t. Ilitrr'n Ailil Milforl, W I). A. HnWIIilo .1 ux to t.i'tta A. Cumiiilii.. NW of NV i mi.nr..2 wvm, w. d (Iro. Omuii it ux to II. (I. Iliit flclil nt ux ( ('. I). 47 fr.H fruutliiK on lli'liunu Ht., Aithlnml I. T. )ntiri'iiiix nt ux to tl. IV liKMinuux W. I). riC U J'HS'S-KmifW.- U.i..rr.- & llnrry (!. Klixlitanl, it ux to . I.. Kiiutin Hmujitiroy W. p. part lot I, til U. n, Vt' MimI. roril V. II KhiKlor, Hiirlrr, H C Itiiimlitiw, nil of ltiunli:iw Kuli llv In Twi. !t"-l Yt cert of Milo . 32 Kitlurliio futon t lr to Wil liam Hmltli nt ux, limit In 27 ns-:t wvm. w. d Ilarrh't N. Uitiornn to ,Aliiut II Mile 10 nrriin In I). I.. C. CI-3C2 WVkI. W I). Alini'o II. MllfH vt vlr to Hoy W. N'lrhol, .nino, W. I) l.otilhii W. Iloviir it ux to Mnyuiii Kt'fKan, lot 17, 1 1. II, CnrdT Ailil. Afihlnuil, W. II. I,, i:. I.oomla ot ux to WIN tin in O'llnni V. iirrcH In I) l C No. it,, Twp. U7-I W.ht. W. I. 1500 10 to h.15 I td 10 1U 10 10 HOME RULE BILL , , GAINS IN COMMONS LONDON, April 7 - Ily SO major Ity tho nmeudiiietit for tho rejection of tlin homo rule bill wna dofenteJ In Hi" hoimo of romiiiuns hint night and wlthnilt it ilUlnlou tho bill wns given for tho third tlmo fur Ita sec ond reudlng. Auiuiiiiuoinont of tho figures ovoU ed loiidor t'lieeis from tno oppoHltloa th n n rom tho mlnlntorlnlltits, tho iiiiposlllon liitnrpretliig It an grntlfy- l.ng proof of I ho dwindling govern ment majority, Ilut tho diminution Is nrrotintod for In i-o in o oxtenl by tho nbhtnlnlni( from vntliiK, or thn O'llrlenlten. Tho HpencheM t'oiyiy woro iiuiiii muro eon cjllatory than those which mmkiHi thu bill's umllor puBsngeH. rrTi DIED KU.IOTT -Ci Ke.l.liiiK, ('ill.. Ai i it :i, Ituby Kllii.lt, nue.l IN, fnmi ilieiiiiiiillxiii. fjlie wiih dmiKliler of .lot t lllliotl nml ii l'liiemr ii'sldeut of Aliliind. , SWIIIAIII) 'MulliiiiH Nwiluii.l of l)i;iliy, Or,, ilinl Tiii'mjiiy, March .'II, uiis In iil to le.sl nt Iho llnlle Fnllrt ri;nii'er.v TIiiiimIov. Ill wiih liorn in Ohio, Inler i iihuviiik I" l)u Cluiie, Win. Ho Iwillril niplilly niuco IiIh iiln inihHi'd uwny liiKt Mny. The hiiinIv iuu eliililiDit in HiIh eiiiiiity mn lnw Kniliniil, .Mih. Hell liinueinmii, .Mix. I.i'o I'MiiiumiIxiiii nml Mi. ,l. ,M. IHk kIo" Willi Mfilfohl ifiiflsMi'iifoM huiIh. I'OMTKMiA.NNOI'.M'KMICN'IYI, FOR HIIKltll'F, uouuttn lilt iiniJliiac (or lli r Seeds to a Rich rx.ctAa Mii,ciR.i tilK WHAT I J, THAT fir'Wm'i Hvro GU&' wmvtM 0- VftWR.s VA.LUCD vr?f publican nonilnntlnn ns sheriff at tho primaries May 15. (Paid Adr.) J. I. Illttsoti, chief of pollen of Muilfonl, aiiiiounrim IiIh cniullilacy for tho diiinorrntlc .uuiiiliiiitlon fur ohrrlff of Jueknoii county nt Ilia prl tnarlci May 10, (I'nlil A.lv.) I ulili (o nniioiiucu my camlldncy for tlo rcpiitillrnti nomination ni xliurlff nt tho prlmarlvs May lf.t'i. A. K. l.'AltllAUT. ((I'ald Adv.) I luTiiliy nnnoiiuco any cnnrililnc) for I ho ilotuocrntlo nomination nhorlf nt tho prlmnrlm May l.Mli. J. T. Htl.MMi:ilVIU.i:. (l'nlj Adv.) Ki;i.i:u nut sncitii'r. In nccrptliiK tho nptiolntutont mic rcvdliiK my brother for hla uucxplrod term nn ulinrlff, I did m for tho huno fit of hi widow nud family. Tim of. flro lina had nn honcnt and offlclutit nilinltilntratlun. With tho lamo objcctit nnd pur-poin-B in vlow I hurohy nunoiincu my elf nn n rmidldntu for tho rupubllcnn nomination nt tho prlmnrlct May IS. 1UH. W. U. SINClI.ICIt. (I'nlil Adv.) itut cofntv Titi:.st'iti:it. I hereby auuouucn myself as n caiidldato for tho offlro of county treasurer, on tho republican ticket, to bo voted on nt tho romlitK primary election on May tho 1 Dili, l'JH. I hnvo nlwnys delivered tho goods nnd will do no acnln If ulocted. I Kiiarnntoe: 1. To account strictly for all money. 2. To perform tho duties of tho offlro according to law, I nm not connected with nny batik. Atl bankrt will bo treated nllko, with no special fauirn, I'llKI) I. COLVIO. I nm n cmidldiito for Hut republi can nomination for county treasurer at tint primary to bo held Mny 15th. If unmlnntcd nnd otocied I will glo the offlro my persoiuil attention, mid perform tho duties vorluliiliig thereto according In Inw, ns I hnvo dono dur ing tho past. JAM. M. CHONKMILLKH. ( I'nlil Adv.) FOR rOHONKIL W. W, Ufuhor niiiionncort his run illdney for coroner on thu lopubllciiii tltltct. (I'nlil Adv.) FOR STATU KKNATOH II. Von dor llellon, ot Wellon, In. cumbent, mmoiiiices his cnndldnuy for thu republican nomination n Htnto Hcniilor from .Inrkson county, (Paid Adv.) COllM'Y (TMIRK. I hereby iinuoiiiiro myself us can illdnlo (or tho ropiibllcmt iiomtuiitloii ng county clerk mibjert to tint will of tho votnrri nt tho primary nomi nating election to bo held Frldny, May 15, 1011. lit miiiouucliig my ninilliliiey 1 do m knowing Hint slioiild I bo roiiomlnntud mid ro oloiled I will toiilliiiio u good liitHl nutH'lllio mid urouoiiitrnl iidinlnlhtra- Hun. 0, A. (lAHDNKH. fBS I'OR - ; .ir-t. .luurxvssaaa RKW'T I'DltNIHHKI) AIMS. FOR IIL'NT- FiiriilNiiiid upmlliieilts. Tim Hoi beii. Mnln nud Quiiire, for h;n;' j'j'j'rcj".'"!1', j00'!IN KOll """lllCN'I' I . riso slnepliiK roonii, nml modern liniiKolieopluK apart inun li, prices very ruttsmiublv, IMionu 8471, I'll Houlli Holly wtrfwt. I'Olt IIKNT Miidein fiiniMied ioiiIik, 'I'lin llollniiti llonliluiiiu, 00 4 Will IVIll Nl, 91 MMPKOTin MAlli TIlfniJNM, Guy Like Jeff HGfJ.C-'S A CH(CC lt(JOW ' ( ""f? I III' f'Olt lti:.NT IIOAllll AM) HOOMH I'lltHT CI.AHH IIOAItnAt Mn. C. I.. Ornut'n. R2K H. Mnln. 21 : -Z. -: - z. k - .T-jua rr .,zs I'Olt H.tf,l-At:iti:AOK roit KAM: AcrriiKo, nonr tho city nml clrrtrle linn oxlfimlon. Of-ft-ri'il nt flrxt rout mid on enrf) turinn, lllivrnl iIIhcoiiiiI for all rah. O. II IMurci', owner. It. i l. No. 3, 3! I'Oll HAI.K A 0 nnd 10 ncro tract, rlniio In, lucomo proporty, cnty tt'rm. I'hotio 302-.M, owner. 323 I'Olt lti:.1 IKlL'SS van m:.NT on hai.k no room hotiKu nnd Karduti. Phono 717-11. l'Olt HKNT Hiniill fuMilnhiMl Iioiiho nt 121 Woodstock St. runt rrn Honablo. Hoc Dr. hci'ioy or J. W. Ilnrrlan. 11) I'Oll HUNT H!ou room hoimo, wntrr paid, y.n). Iiniulro Col. Knritcnt. 31 J'Olt KKNT Oil (MIX Six room hiiiiKnlow, turina rearonnblo. Ap ply to Dr. I'orlor. KOIt ItCNT -IIoiiko. bnritnln, -ix room modern lnini;alow fiirulHlicd, with i:nn. 722 W. l'ourtveiith St. 17 I'Oll ItlCNT -T, room hoimo cliuo In. Apply nt Smlth'N tin bhop, I2h N. (Irnpo fit. To loan on Improved ranches. Interest K per cant "Insuranro That Insures." II, S. STINK liny your Insurania or k taxpayer WHY? You who hnvo been hero for somo tlmo should know that the present schedule ot prices ot land Is as low- as they will go. located Near MimI ford Dent Hear crook bottom $250.00 Oood nlfnlfn 200.00 Alfnlfn mid grntn laud 125.00 Clny loam, good orchard lnnd 75.00 Derort, can bo Irrigated GO. 00 Fair grades of Micky, Kaglo Point and Hams Vnlley sec tions In grain G.vpo AUnlfn, Applegnto, Irrlgntod 150.00 Land In brush or lilllsldo fig ures $10 00 to . ... 20.00 Uiud hero la its cheap us In Rati i. as or lown, J. C. BARNES JO I First Nut'l Rank Rlilg, FOR SALE Homestead rollnqulshmont for snlo or trndo for city lots or for bcc ond hand Ford, lite plnco Is well Ideated, closo to railroad nnd Pi clftc highway, Also hnvo city lot or equity In house nud lot to traJo for now or second hand auto. , Flvo room hoimo on paved stroot, modern, to soil on Installments, Hinall pnymont down, biilnuco $15 to $25 per month, IIoiibcb and offlco rooms to rout clump, Coma iifi nud toll mo your troubles. Room ill) M. F. & II. RullilliiK Opposlto the Post Offlco W. T. YORK. Formally Senior Member of W. T, York & Co. NEW TODAY A 30 room apartment Iiuiiho, ery elosii In city mid beach, nt Long Reach, for Iriulo ut $12,000 Mr a general inirpiiini ranch hem. Mint giigo or $3100. Huns for two year Will iiskiimo on ii plum hern, Cull for nil piiillciilnrs. Di'veu ucre very elose In lo Mod fold. Largo hiiiist i.rflilhi'i oil III slilu, $2100 C. D. HOON WmjUBk) """ MIODKOKI), OltKUON, ' ) FOK lli:.S"l IIOU.IKKKKI'lNa IIOOMK KOIt IlKNT Nicely furnished Iioiibc kecpliiK rooms. Call 231 Kail ttth, nftor 2 p. in. I'Oll KKNT MRtil tioimokccplns titiltcii nnd nicely furnUhed rooms, chenp. Tho Oxford, 223 W. Main tree 325 !') ItSAM1. I'AltM liA.NIIS I'Oll HAI.K Oil KXCHANfii: I'orl Medford property. 200 aero dairy ranch, toolrt nnd two M'ts of Imlld Iiiks; nlso Rcncrul mcrchandlso store. cottiiKo nnd toll roac, atl frco from Incumbrance. Will tako property to full tnltic. For Information call on W. K. Ilnrnes at K. V. It. Co , or Hotel MedforT. 1.1 FOIl SAI.K -LIVESTOCK I OI t-8.G Ll JiijiTeM d hi" 3200 "pound bay team flvu and six )cnr old, Hound nnd true. Iiwiulrn nt Dan iels Fur Duds. lGi FOIl SAl.t: IIaIimI alfalfa hay S to 110. Call 732-J2. 34 FOIl SAI.K Cows nud cahes. entire dairy herd. Walsh's ranch, mllo out North Itooscvelt acnuc. 327 FOIl SAM-: Two jearlliiB colts. In quire NbhIi Lhery. 1C FOIl SAI.Kr-DuranJertey boar, eight mouilis old, xi.voi). Frank It. Myers. Itoguo llher. Ore. 23 FOIl HAI.K Team. harueiH nnd i ?K.II,,.,:.,)'.'-.00- ,,.,,ono 3H"J' '? . uauoiieui, i mnowesioi .mci-i ford. ICi FOR SAI.K POULTRY FOR SALI'. UnrrrC Hock egijs for liatehlug, $1 per sotting. Ilursell. Medford, It. F. .D. No, 2, phono 241-115. FOR SALK 22 Mnln St. huus. 1010 West 14" FOR SALE Ptiro bred PI mouth Hock mid Hamburg eggs, $1 00 for 15. A. Pottlnger, 713 West 10th. Phono 138-H. 24 FOR HALF .III.ICKI.IOsNEOCH FOR SALE Smith PreiiUer type writer, prartlrally now, $25 00 llo. It. S.. care Mnll Tribune. 10 FOR SALK Chenp, wagon mid wood ruck nearly new. 311) North Heat- ty. 1C( FOR SALi:--Klv tinHgnnnor' Iteo' good condition, bnrgnln for ih. t w- J- CANTON Attqruey and Coun P. O. box 520, Medford. Ill "or t l-'3 East Main Btreet, Medford, Oro. FOR HALE- Second hnild 15 h. p. Appernou touring ear, only been run 2700 miles, ban been over hauled, flret class condition at a bargain. J. C. Robinson, nuto ngeut, 33 South Hartlutt, phono S35-J. 15 FOR SALK (irnlii hay nnd corn. C. W. lsniics. Phono nyi-iu. FOR SALE Queen bees, Itnllnn QuoenH, bred from my best honey strain, untested $1.00 each, G tor $5.00. Ready aftor April 15th. 32 I Plum St., James Stewart. 330 FOIl SALK Fancy scod potatoos. Evergreen sweet corn; nlso good family cow. Robert Dutton. phono 3SG-.M. FOR SALE - Rufus Red Belgian Hares, from registered stock; buekH, two mouths old, $2.00; thieu to flvo months, $4.00; nn Hired Htoek. $0 to $S, Ornded docs very rcahonatile, bred to regis tered Belgian Buck or Flemish Olnnt buck A. E, Kellogg, Oold Hill, Oregon. 10 T" WANTED- Dressiniikor or Boston wquld ko eiigagomeuts by day, perfect fit, $2.50 por dn. 32 1 W. 4th St. 14 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTKD Position on much by married mini, experienced, Ap pi) i!2S North Ceulinl. 21 WANTKD Japanese hoy wiiiiIh n'l IduilH of Iioiiho work by hour. Phoiin 401-11. Rhliuoda, 24 WANTKD Position on ranch hi man mid lfe kpnrliiiicod In orrhard Murk, a HI H Holly. IT WANTKD -I'liiltlnn us liunni(eeer Ill-Nl of I of ei nines lox A X , iim Mull Trliuiiiu 14 WANTKH WiiiK for iiiaii nml wW pri'fiiiwbly dm uiii'li Aihliiu Ixix ai, tar MullTrlbwHK. i& TUKKDA V, A PHIL 7, 11)11. 3 &' iW . " 7- A tv iimi It . I o A:-h .A CarL 1m. M ' I r X-. M yt- rHiL . 7 - .2M WA.VTKIf MIMCKIiliABKOL'B WANTi:0 I'nrtnor, :iv0 wire, bl money to right party, Invcitlcnte 110,000 will handle. I'. O. box 453, Med ford. l'J WANTIII) 50 head of stock to pas turo. It. J. Ilonar, ptiono 530 J5. 31 WANTKO Tennis for orrhard plow InK. Inquire Scott V. Davis, phono .SOS-It. U - WANTKD- Sonio Reed, sound pota toes. Robert Pulton. WANTKD Hones IMiono 507-111. to pasture WANTKD First clafs slnplo bupgy chcnii for cash. Phono SCS-X. LOST LOST--Tuesday nlKht nt Pngo Thea ter or on street, whlto Ivory pin. In shape largo rofc. prized as heir loom. Reward, rUtirn to Mrs. Whitney, Oregon Hotel, Ashland. II FOK KACUAMiR FOK KXCHANOK What havo ou to exchance for equity In good lot. eaut side. O. F. C, box G23 Mcdford, Ore. 1 1 FOIl THAI)!: Disc harrow for spring tooth harrow. I'honc 5'.i7- III. . 1C MONR1 TO IiAJ TO LOAN $2000 on ranch security i)cntictl linestniont Co. IS . TO LOAN $1000 on good security. Phono GO I, room 210 Uarnctt Corey Uldg. 18 IIUSIMa niRKClORY Auto Snpjilirfc. LAHKIt AUTO SPRINO CO. Oui big secret in malting springs Is the tempering. Wo uro operating the largest, oldest and best equipped plant In the Pacific northwest. Use onr springs when others fall. Hold uudcr guarantee. 2G North Fif teenth St., Portland. Or Attorneys PORTER J. NKFF. WM. P. MEALEY Attorney. at-I.nw. Rooms S and 9, Mcdford National Hank bldg. A. K. REAMES. L.VWYER Uarnett Corey bldg. Win. M. Colvlg Geurgo M. Roberts COLVIQ & ROUERTS. LAWYERS Medford National Dank lluildlng R. F. MULKEY & C1EO. V. CHERRY Attorneys at Law. Jackson Coun ty Hank Uulldlng. NEWTON W. BORDEN Attorney at law. room 7, Sparta building, Mod ford, Oregon, Auctioneer w"iLLiAMtin tlonecT for tho City ot Mcdford, Oregon. Torma reasonable. Host, denco phono 1G1-J. Office Juck- son County Bank building. CIUruprMCtur DR. R. J. LOCKWOOD, Chiropractor nerve specialist. Rooms 203-204 205 aarnett-Corey bldg. Vapor baths nnd scientific mnssago given, ncedlo spray, head and shouldei shower In connection; advico In dlototlcs, medical gymnastics, hydropthurapy. Lady nltondnnt Phono, offlco 543, rcsldenco 511-R, DR. A. R. HEDGES. Dr. Louise E Hedges Mechnno-Thoraplsts, Chiro practors, Spondylothorapiats. Thest systems, Including dietetics, cur.v tlvo gyiuuustlcs. hydro-thoraphy, etc., produce resultu In both ncutr and cbroulu diseases. Consulta Hon freo. Ovor Douoi & Co., cor nor Main and Bartlett. Hours 9 a, m, to 5 p, ui. Other hours by appointment. Phono 170, - .,-z. -g. -ir i r.r,s ,. lg OarTMg OARnMlHlliT'voiir pTeinlsw cleaned up (or tb- winter. Call on the city Karban wagon for good eon I ro Phono .125. L F, Y. Allen Trtn ICADM THANHFKH ft HTOHAUK 00 Offlre 41 Kiirlh rrowl Ht- l'hoii lie l'rlr rUht. UwiIvh u By JTS IS? . , - I jpJH-ty3rarC IIUSIMCSH DIltKCTOTlT DenUstii DH. W. M. VAN SCOTOO DR C. & VAN SCOTOC Dentist Oarnett- Corey bide, "tilts S10 Ucdford. Ore. Pbonn KR Ktnplojnic-nt Agency Wo aro here to help people get re liable, competent help. o fur nish help In almost all lines of business. Wo make a specialty of competent men and wives for ranches. Wo solicit your patron ago. Dinner's Heal Estato and employment Iiureau, Rooms C and i 7 Palm Uulldlns:. Mcdford. Phone' S5S. Mrs. Hyrd Caster, Manager, successor. Instruction Mr. FRED ALTON HAIGI1T Teach cr of piano and harmony. The Halgbt Music Studio. 11G South Ijiurel St.. phono TH-Ti. notary Iabnc HELEN N. YOCKET Notary pub lic. Bring your work to tno at lbs sign of the Mall Tribune. ITIntcm n4 rubilsnera MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. baa the best equipped printing office Ir southern Oregon; book binding looso leaf ledgors, billing systems etc. Portland prices. 27 Nortl FlrSt. bienogritptirr ELLA M. GAUNYAPalin block Stenographic work Cino qulckb and well CLASSIFIED BUSINESS AND TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A Q u WW, Untidy, reference for Ituxy Pcoplo Art I'orlralturo Scott's Studio, all grades of portraiture, kodak finishing, enlarging, tinting. Bring tho babies, wo understand them. Over Raskins' drug storo, Phono G02-R Art Store II. L. Bennett, Paint, oils, glass, frail paper, enlarging, plcturo framing. 27 North Qrupo Phono 3C6-J Auto Bodies nnd Spray Tanks J. W. Mltcholl. blackstulthlng. horseshoeing, wagon work, rub ber tiro work. 22 South Rlvor sldo street .Phono 2G Harness, Suit Cases, Gloves Horman Brothers, 317 East Malu. repairing of all kinds. Phono 4S1-J Baled liny. Flour, Feed, Grain L. B. Brown. Russ Mill, also poultry supplies. 13i South Rlvereldu Phono 529 Bakery Royal .Bakery, bread, pies, cakes. Corner Main mid Grape. ..., Phono 37 Beauty Shop Tho Boauty Shop, Madamo Hoodo, Bliampoolnl;, hair dress ing, manicuring, chiropody nnd children's hair cutting, room 25, Jackson County Bank Bldg. Phono "41 Cigar Factory Oregon Centrnl Cigar Factory, Johnson, Pitt. Maxapan cigars. 2J9 West Main Phono 321 Clll Engineers Osgood & Brown. T. W. Os good, Asso. M. Am. Soc. C. E. A. Thoo Brown, deputy county surveyor. Medford National Bank Bldg Phono 2C2 Klectrlo Wiring, Fixtures Supplied Southern Oregon Klectrlo Co., Mazda Lamps, 0 South Central Atqnuo Phouo 215-Y Fin nil lire Now unci Second Hand Scott Woolf, suecossor to Mor doff & Woolf, romploio house furnishers. Special low prices on Axmlulstor rugs nud furni ture. 22 .Smith Fir Phone 9 Fanner InipleiiieiiU Hubbard llrtitliuni Full Hue of John Deem inal.es. For spe cial prices on liiiKiflui, 935 Kust Mulii I'bunv X31 Fieoll nml Cuied le4ls Hlur Meat Mrkel, M W. Wmf Her, J'Mip 9H Kam MalH PACIFi RPiVRN "Bud" Fisher E A nur TtJC ys ( CDvr3 0NDWtKttt , -I 1 OUT TMI5 li W -- Til e upe r ta IlU8INiS8 DIIIKCTORIT I'liyilrlaas BC sarsicosii DK. K. 6. CAnLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLO W Oateopathls physicians, 41G-417 Garnott-Coroy bldg., phono 103G-L. Resldonc 26 South Laurel St. DR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathia physician, 303 Oarnett - Corey building. Phone 904-M. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician and surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, noso and throat Eyes scien tifically tested nnd plasscs supplied Offlco 228 East Main St.. Hours 8:30 a. m. to 8 p. m. Phone. DR. MC M. M. DOW Physician and surgeon. Dr. Lydla S. Dow Os teopathic physician, offices 3-4 St. Mark's block. Phono 160. Rc3l ddnco tho Dow Hospital, Central Point. 333 E. B. PICKEL, M. D. Office Jack ion County Bank bide OIIIm phone 43-R; residence phone 68-R. DR. MARTIN O. BARBER Physi cian and surgeon. Office Pal block, opposite Nash HoteL Hours 10 to 12, 1 to 4. Phone 110-J. DR. R. W. CLANCY Physician sad surgeon- Phones, office 36, resi dence 724-J. Office hours 10 to 12. 2 to G. UK. a. a. luuK.vuuij rnyaiciau and surgeon. MYRTLE S. LOCKWOOD. M. D. Practice limited to diseases ot women. Offices 232 E Mala. Phones, residence, 814-J2; office 814. R. J. CON ROY, M. i. I'toynlcun ana Surgeon. Over Hutchison & Luras den. 215 E. Mali' St Pbonit 77 Groceries Brownlce & Llndlcy, Monopolo canned goods. Upper Crust flour. 327 East Maln..Phono 927-L Guiix, Aniiuunltlon, Sperting: Gootla Ewings Gun Storo, fhshlng tackle- sporting goods. 112 West Main ...Phouo 345 Insurance Any Kind R. II. McCurdy. writes flro, life, accident, liability, auto, plate glass, burglary, fidelity and surety bonds, Sparta Building. Phono 123 .Modern Photography Tho Mackoy Studio, latest aud most up-to-date methods. Por traits ot children. Malu mid Central, back ot Daniels for Duds. Nursery Tho Quaker Nursory, commer cial varieties of poars, apples and omnmontnl shade treoa. II. B. Patterson, manager. Special prices for next thirty days. 104 South Fir. Phones, offlco 752-J, Residence 249-X Practical Horseshoer and Blucksiiiltk O. F. Morrlmnn, Medford me chanic. 20 South Riverside Avenuo -Phono 279 Plumbing mul Heating Van It. Polrson. 28 North Orapo , Phono 928 Real Estate, Loans mid Investments Pngq Drcsslor Company, farm lands, sub-divisions. 320 East Main Phono 281 llestniiruut Johnson's Cafo, all homo cook lug. 28 South Central Avenuo. Phouo 901-J Shoo Repairing Model Boot Bhop, whllo you wait. 10 South Central Ave nue Phouo 875-kf Sheet .Metul Works Medford Sheet Metal Works B. 11. Worthluiitoii, Prop. Cor nice and skylights, roofing of all kinds, tin nnd tdieot Iron pipe gutlers, iunks, 19 Fir street Plioue 477 Staple mid Fmicy firturrltM C P. Krlbs U Co, as Krlk drape ... Plume 111 SlenoKisplier "ST T K4wr4, rtwiftktt, Typenrllwr. iuU ttmiAimi, ffiiNifMiNK, w9y 0