4 -, A' KK IOCAL AND L PERSONAL Arthur Jnrlmnu of (IriintH I'iihi who mih lecoiiUy hdMMcly Injured In n iiml(iii')rl(i lutident icturned Mou lin)' from I'oilliuiil wlmrit lin wna oHiritliil iiimii im a ri'Hiilt of IiiJiiiIkh unstained, Hit hna apparently fully recovered, lloy. Merrill nf Will Id n i, Ore., U In tliii city for it fim iIidn til t nl Inn ts business matter. l.udlns, uur uiiiiriuitecd njioclutly w nipped bread at II. ti. C. mull store. Nnwtouit llnliciy. 2S Mim. Miirguiet rViir.llirou of Aah 1 11 11 il vlnlli'il friend Mini relative In tlila city for ii few hour Tuimdiiy uioritlntt. ( . TIid regular monthly meeting Jf thn city .council will hit In-Ill In i ln pity ,hnll this evening, tint piliuipul 'liiuliii'HM being Hut nlliiwnnt'e uf Hut .monthly hills, unit tint dlarumtlou of I lin orilliiiiiii'n riltlvt In lint dolln "Ijlll'llt tax ColllMlllllllt, Oritur uur Hot ('mas buns tit MimI.-I linkery (looil I'rlitiiy, April I ntli. Chief of Pollio lllltKiin returned Monday turning from a trli to Hut north end of the rouuly In tlir In termta of hi rundldary for Nlmrlff. mill leporta it fntornldit ni'iitlmcni In Hint locality, A aurpllrd rliolr of forty voices will render Htaluer's CnuifUlou xt Hi First Mittlioilliit KplMopnl church Friday. Hllvrr offering. Mi! i n llarkdull spent Huiulay 0:1 tin' Applegalo fishing, mill report fair miccoin. Wit hao minced lu prlro on kIom'h from I fir to Hie, from 3fc lo 2&c; All other prlrra reduced nc cordliiKly. I'nntorliim H Elmer Hreen of Hut Dig llntti' country In In tho city for n few day unending to InialneM Itit .rit. If your grocer ilon't handle Xew. town Hakrry gnoda, pliomt KC mul )iiur order will bo dcllwrcd prompt iy. Tim M nil fori! baseball (cam under tin direction of Manager Elng will make lt lullliil bow to tint homo folks, next Sunday In n wntno nl thv tmtl park with Hut (Irani Paa (cam. K. I). Wenlon, commercial photog rapher, negatives mado any lime or placa by appointment. Phon M H7I. Tho ilri'i't Inmp nl thn Intersc Hon of CVnlral nvenuo mul Fourth ulreoi baa burned iiIkIU mul day for n month, mul Hut rlty council will Vrotinlily intfo stepa lonlRht to rut off tho wasteful v'tilit of light. 'Wiy not h't h your cleaner, wo hoo luntlit till' business n lifelong ktuily, It U no experiment with u I'uiitorluii). It There him hi'i'ii an iililimlr of "hookity" Hut limt roupi of ilua In Out Rrmumnr KrniU'M, n ri'itulnr uprlnu ocrurunco, I'oniimit wrnpiioil hri-ml, i;unrnu tntil fri'iili nt Onkilnlo Orocury, Mailit nt .Sowlown llakrry. Sam ItiiKqra, who mliu-il for mnny Mim In tho llluo l.oilK't ilUtrlrt, hut morn rcri'iiHy of lint to. Mont., xpccli"tl to nrrlvo In Moilfonl tin mlitillo of thu wrek, anil will ruturii to lilti flrnt lovn for tho aiimmvr'a work, i Attrnil (looil Krliluy aarvlro nt tho Viral Mi'thouiHt KpUropnl rlmrrli.lO II. )., lotllr (if ItonoliurK. la n IhihI ni'tiH'vliiltor In tint city for n fof ilitya,, l.iil na kIvu you prln'M liofurn Imv Iiik work iIoiip. I'ftiitorluin, II Tho floliU ami orchnnla nro nay tlioiit iliiya with Hut HprliiK bloom mul Hut foothlllB urn biiKluuliiK t tnktt on tht'lr emit of Krctm, mnklui; n pretty alKut. Thu brlKht atinahluo of Hut InHt two ilnya hna atnrtoil the KrowliiK, mill Koil ilriMirhhiK ruin Y'oulil bo a bltHiliiK lo tho valluy, TluV proMin-tta for Itnmoillatu ruin lire fiittier hllm.' Dr, B, KlroliKi'HHiutr la now locatml In (larnott-Coroy bullilliiB. rooM 213, houra 10 lo 3, Phono R2S, Ownoy I'atlon In now omployctl on tho work on tho Citutrnl I'olnt road. Monday wan tho nnnlvcmury of tlio (loath of Kdwln I). Hoot, most bo lovcil of nil Moilfonl plonoorH. Mnny rt'calloU th6 duy with u HiiKO of nor row. Milk and cream at DoVoe'a. Mrn. J. F. Whllo of llokoloy Is vis IHiik frliiuilH mul roliitlvi'u In tlila vlty for n fow dnya. Wo clean .both ludlua' mul koiiIh' vatimun liutH. Pmitorluin, II' (jliiirliiH Orcor, city odltor of tho Aahlmul TIiIIiikh Ih In tho city toduy uttundliiK to biialuuHM mutlurH. Hpncliil for Hufuluy, Nupolltan brick vol vol leu crt'iun. Phono ! Si ll. HpruKiio IIcIkoI 'f Hulil Hill wpi'iit Moniluy In Moilfonl on ImihIiiowh mul vIhI'iIhk frliMidH, flee Tinny for flro Inaiiranra. ' 4 mnn-HH'WW-HM.WH-W'I'M A Weeks & McGowan Co. UNDERTAKERS l4Ml 4MlfANl Day VUuu9 W7 NlMbl V, W, VfB HHW I'huUM A, K. (rr V7M-M ArrmiKiimi'iilH liuvo licmi coin plntiMl wluintliy n kikii:IiiI train will n run from Anhlitnd Wi'diudny In Hit Him llur diiuco In thin illy Hint utoti IllK Whim In iiihkI of a cIhiiiiit pliomi 211, Pmitorluin. II J. I). I'niri'll, iiriMlitiiut of tho North Hunk loud piinki'iI tlirouuli Medford Huiuliiy iiIkIK In bin xprrliil enr, Orditra tnknn for nil IcIiuIh of vikp tnblo pliintH, nuy (iinntlly. I.'nrly cnhhnKo plmila now rendy. Port Imul nvvnuo (Ircitnlioiuo. I'Iioik-87-11. 330 Th na I". Itiitil of HprliiKflnld Ori'Kou, U NpmulliiK n fnw iliiyr In thn vnllity vlnltlm; frlcuda mul n-liillvitt Nolo l.lndli'y wna n vlollor In Anli luiid Hiitiirdny iiflnrnooii, J. O. (lorkltiK. the beat all around ihotournpluir In outhorn OreKon,, Vlaya rellabln. NVitaHvtta tnadn any where, time or place. Studio 228 Mfllu Ht. Phono 320-J Mrn. .Nancy ICvmui of Hold Hill In vlnltliiK (tli'inlH mul rt'latlvcH In HiU (ily tlila wik. Hprlui: In hunt. Int Hut old rollnblit do )our liciiiilnu. Pniiiorlum. II W (', I'rullt, forcnt rmiKi'r In liuirKit of thn rniiKi'r Htutlou nt Hut ton, fill., bun ri'turui'd to IiIh pint nf(ir ntti-utlliiK to official liiinlni'im In (lilit rlty for for n fnw dnya. Mnulln, chocolatit and Whlln'a apt rltil ten cri'iini for Hunduy. Phono IKI-lt. County Iticorilcr I'ri'd Cehlt: wni In tho rlty Moudny nftnruoon ahnk- Iiik bmuU with frlitudn. Thn en trim ri of niiolliiT riiiirtldali for Hut rcpiilillcnn noinlnntlon for tn-nmirnr nl tlm May vrlmnry hna hnd tho nf fuel of Ihi'iiliiK up Hut (1, O, P., mul tin' rhtiif Intercut of tint preliminary aklrmlth will renter In Hid content for tlila offlm. Kodak flnlihlnic, Rloaiy or dull fin ub at J. 0, (Irrklnic'a atudlo, 228 E Main Ht. Phono 320-. WIInoii Wult I-. n nicinlier of tin lloiton Idenl Opera company, now plnyliiK at Phoi'iilx, ArUonn, write to frli'iuta In IhU rlty, (hat Hut com pnny did (lie biRKi'Kt wii)k'a Inmltii-hM In Hut hlalory of Hut theater I nbt wrnK, "Mutual Movloa" proKram rhnncre dally, 5 renin, nothluR cheap but tho prlro. It Tlioater. I.',' Harry Tbomaa of Talent wna n Hitmliuxia Ultor In the city for a few bourn Monday nftemoon. 1. adieu, our Ruarantevd apcrlally wrapped broad nt II. & C. raah toro Newtown llakery, 2S The IiIk blaat nt the .Sterling mine will be act off Thuraday of this week, and each blunt will be burled HO feet under under ground. Tlili Ih expected to drntlrn the aouuil, Hint It will not bit Jienrd over n tulle nwny. Tho explotdona will overturn nliout 20 ncrea of ground, mul tho work of panning Hut earth will IickIii nt on re. Model Hnkcry Roodn nt I)o Vooi. The police depnrtmrut have me nouiired Hint they Intend to arrent till nutoUta who habitually forget to light their machine lampa, upon ail) mul nil orrnilou. mul nlwnya have in exeunt whun wnrned. Head llnrndnua & Soii'm ml In thla liiiiuo about how to gel n full mirprlne pnckiiKit of ilellrloua "Supremo" brend dAlnllea iilxolutely free. (Jeorgo Pnrrell of Autelopo U In 'thn rlty today attending to InmluesH mnttera In thin lit)' mul .Inckiouvllle. rrinh Hum. Medford l.br. Co. Willie Norllug, well known nn thn boll boy nt tho Nnah Hotel for u num ber of yenra, now employed In Port liiud na tin uihur by thu Pooplo'H Amubuineut company, nriived Mon ilny evening for n few week'a vlalt f-Vlth frlenda mul relative In Huh city. Tumy wrltea better flro Insurance. 1), P, llymi of Ormtla Pnaa apent Monday In Medford traiuactlni: IiiiaI- ni'hH rulurulng to IiIh homo tbli murutug, Don't forgot tho Dun Uur ball nt tho Nntntorlum Wmlncadny night, Augmented orchestra, llofreshmenta. Dnuclng from 0 to 2 a. m. SubHcrlp Hon 91.00. Churlua Nickel who la In llorkuloy, Cnl la expected to return to th9 valley tho end of tho week. Carkln ft Taylor, lnwyora. (John II. Carkln, Qlcnn O. Taylor), Has-klns-Iloyden llldg,, Main street. John It, Klynn, Bales inmiugcr nt tho Make, McKall Co., Ih cnlllng upon IiIh uilluy custnmora today, Hcrcuii doom nt MotUord Lum ber Co. ' Tyaon llonll of Central Point wan a TuoHday vlaltor In Medford, Don't forgot tho lion llur ball nt tho Nutntorlutn Weduedny night. Augmonted nrchcatrii, HofroahnionlM. DnnchiK from 0 to 2 a. in. Bnlmcrlii Hon 11.00. H. V, Cnrlor of AmIiIiiiiiI aponl TuuHilny In Meiirord vlHltlng fileiuU mid iittiinilliiR (o liiiHlnt'fH mnttera. Attorney A. K, KcumeH Iiiih m liiruod from u buiuca trip lo Port laud. II. N. Pulmer or (Vutinl I'olnt wna a bualiuiaa V Inllur In I ho (ily Moniluy, MoiilKoiiinry boarding lioimo hail rnopmli'd uuilur nuiiiu iiiuiiuguinvui I'lral liiun lunula iHi ruiila, III J W Cull or KUiimlli I'ulla la haiiauiilMK btnliicktf niHllera In lliu rlty (or low ilyy, , OTDFOKl) MATT, TlMHnNR. SEVEN DEBENTURE NICW VOIUC, April 7 Seven off I rem mul dlrei-tum of tho Ktnrllng Ditbi'iitiirn rompnny convicted of lin ing thn iiinlla for fraudulent financial lelmmi'H, went hcuteiued to IlilprUon uieiit In thu government M'iiltenllury at Atlnuln, by t'ulteii Ktntea Juilgn Audeinou hern todn) (leorgn Mid illnbrook. preflilnut of thn (oiuptiii); II, II. Piatt, MiM'retnry, mid Krmik Hchumiiknr were aenlenred to nix yearn liuprlnoninent encii; lluiijnmlti Miidgo to four yenra, mul Klwyn llur reii, W, Hton mid W. Kdwnrda eneh to linen yrma, IIS Tludvea who broke Into n box enr In Hi l rlty Sunday evening mat lured (heir loot over n largn area of Jack tion county. ThU morning tliren rolln of butter were found In tlila city, three alalia of linfon nt Phoenix, and a hum nt Hrnr creek Junction. It waa nt flrnt thought tho Job wn. tliu work of boy or trump, who nr getierully blamed for nil depredations - but ovldviirn polnta to cltlteiia not clnaccd aa audi K. P, dctectlvea mid I lie pollen uro working on Hut cane. EASTER SERVICE AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH There will be n t.K'einl '-nigrum for I )u Mir Siimluy morning- nt tin I'ri'ftli.vtrr mi eliiinii. Tin KuiliU of I'.MliiiiH mul IMIiiiiii Si"ter will utti'iiil in n body. The public is cor dially llixited to nttenil this mtiii'i There will it lo he u hieeiiil evening M'niei'. SLUM CAPTAIN VICTOR (Continued from pat 1.) latered from dUnrdorely liounea or iUeHouablu hotelH. The nnti-Miltinii elemeiit in Clu- engo wn not very hoicful, but elie- where tliioligliout the Mute It wur working htinl to mill In the nunibei of dry countie-.. Siiperinlenilin Seoll .Mcltiiile of the -tnte nnti-t-n- loon lengue ileelnred himself ....nf.-1 lent t In t Hie women would he over whclmiui; I'nr prnliibitiou. Anli-uro-hiliitionisU siiid they lliouglil other wiM'. The ant -Miloon leugueV nlm wus to briui; the iiumber of Hi ilule't, illy cniiutici up lo it,v llilee. Armed .Men Steal ItnllnU At I'anii, wheie the liitiur figh wiik CKpccinllv hot, I lie (own elerk curly toiluy repoited In the police that hejiiul been robbeil by tweut.v five iinnt'il men of IlOtlll hullots, which lie pirsuiueil were In he used illri;nll.v ut the polU. Al noon it wus ivl:inuteil Hint HID.OIHI men nud 100.(11)0 women hint voted mul i wni predicted (hut (he lutnl vote would rencli .ri()ll,(lllll l (ho time (he polls elosid. Dorothy 1'etliiek, nil Kntdihli worn nn nud uide In .Mr. Huuneline Punk liurhl, wus oi'iU'rcil from u fiit wjin! Iiolliiii- pluee this nl'leinoou. She Miid h!ie entered Hie pluee to wntch Cliviigo wnmi'ii use the ballot for the fiisl time. SENATE TO PROBE (Continued from par 1.) tell the senate exactly what tho In ternational altuntlou Is Hint requires tho pnsango of tho tolla repeal act (1 mnged by I'olutlt'kter Senator Poludextor .changed the resolution withdrawing that portion of It binding the senate to not con alder (ho Slum repeal rosoluHan un HI the prcHldont compiled with Hie ruiUC8t. Poludextor mild porlinpa the saino ronaona President Wilson confided to Senator Thornton mu which resulted In tho latter switch Ing to the repeal resolution might mnlio every member of the hV'iinto favor the resolution, If tbe rncts In tho slluntlon were communicated (o thum. Woiks Against Itepeiil Senator Wntks of I'liliforuiu dirt curfscd (lie ciiiimI tolls repeal ipies lion in the course of the ufleniiiou, ''Thu Cluyton.lliilwer licaly liiif iiolliing to do wi h this Issue," lie said, "and Ihe uppeul In it liy blip pollers uf icpciil is uuwuiimiii'd. "Tint light, under lliu licnly oil ligations Iniwicn ihe tun iiuliuiis, must hn cull lolled wholly by Ihe llii.v-l'iiiiiii'ii'ulit licnlv unit li,v iiulh- illg clhl'." W'oil.s i cf nt nl In the ullilmln of un irpcnl Aiui'iiciiiiH ns tt - III it '! - UK llm llilllsh. "Inuliuiil," he u SI'lll'll, "lll'tlT llllllllllllllCll wn liuic lin i lulil ii cki'inpl i mr iiiiimuiIi 4iiiUji (im t'Him) lulls," PROMOTERS IN TERMS AT ATLANTA MWWOim OIMWON. THKSOAY, AIMflL 7, MM. NEW INDICTMENTS I SIEGEL Ni:W VOHK A,,rll 7. Kli.vui Dew Indlrtiiiciita st returned her-5 today ngnltitt Henry Hlegel mid Krnnk Vogel, principal tttockholdera In the Hlcgvl Hlorna corporation. The new luillctmi'iita chnrgu Hint largo aum were obtiilned from bnnka by Hlcgel and Vogel by incar.n of frtiiidiilen: written atutt'incnla of the fltiantiul condition of their enterprlKea. It vna aald tho firm olitalned f 2,000,00(1 In tlila way last year E (IHANI) KAPIDH Mich., April 7 - t'p (o a late hour today no dcclalou hnd been returned by L'nltod State Judge Kcaaiona In the ault Imtltuted by I'etlernl league offlclala over tho utMierHlilp of William Kllllfcr, n catcher for tho PI Jlndulphla Nntlonal l.enguti club, Kllllfcr, according l' I'V'deral League, magnatea, algncd u contract to piny with tho Chicago (earn this Bcnnon and then changed bla mind and algncd n contract with tho Philadelphia .club. Telegraphed re'iueata from attorheya, representing both taction, naklhg Hint tho decl- alou bo poHtfioned until they could Kubmlt additional brlefa, worn re ceived Ihla afternoon by Judge HeHalona. NO TRACE FOUND OF WHITTIKlt, Cnl. April 7 Nd trace hnd been found late today of Leonard Smith, a church organist, who dUnppcnrcd lait Friday after writing a note Intimating that bo Intended (o commit' aulclde. Thir teen nutomoblli4nbadril with friends of (he young nmnoro tourtug the hllla of the Snn OaUrlel valley, where ho la believed to bo, wandering. Denial wag given by Smith's pa -nl anj friend, to a report that a girl ho called "Ititn" probably caused hla dUappearunce. It was tnllmatcd 'however, that n Los Angclea girl, whom name wna not divulged, might Know Komethlug of IiIh disappear ance. E SHOOTS RIVAL IN LOVE PA HIS, Fimu-e, April 7. Muiir iee do In Cnii lodny shot and killed Hnymuud Dupin, another in spector ul police licndiuurter.., hen lodny. The two hud just left the of fieu'of Chief Inspector I.e Hreloii lif ter leportine; fur duty. I)e I.u t'roii fired ns I lupin wus deseeudint; tli stairs In Hie s reel. Do l.n Croix im metliutcly gave lumelf up nud "iiu'. lie killed Dupiu fur iilieiiiiling Mine. De l't Croix' nffectiuns. REBEL WARFARE AN ANTI-CLERICAL CRUSADE KACII.K PAHS. Tivx. April 7. I'anic-slrieki'u pri(),t, niriing hen today from tlie Meiieun side of tin Itio (Iriimle, sliid the eonlitutional ist wnifant nliout Torrcon was ns- suininK the churiicler of nn unti clerical c in mi de. At Duraugo, they usseiti'il, the ii'liils duy; up the bod ies of nil uiiiibixliQps mul bishop-' nud diNcted tlicm of their rings nud oiniinicnts. KUJOURI FAILS TO SECURE A CABINET TOKIO, Apill 7.-VUruuut ICI yuuiu, Hut Mlktulo'a appoinleit to (ho premiership, admitted to tho latter IhU livening that he hud fulled to gel ii cubliiiil together, mi could not accept (he posltjon, Thu Mlkudu luinledly auinmoiiod thu elder idulcs inen Inln roiifvruuco. Perry TeiwHIlKd, formuily In llu mnviiiK picture bunlnuu, bin mm if MouluRHv, I'alr'U" wuiHuk u few ds h llm illy vldiluv old ttiwit AGANS CHARGING FRAUD DETECTIVES "STRIP'TOERGAME i.ir .Mir.iw.i, i in,, ,prn i. I'oliei' ilvleiiiir-H riiiilcd n "tttrip po ker" k'hui in Hie inHliioiinwV Weil Krid ilihtrii'l early lodny mid etiplitr- ed (liree ynuni; it'rU ami three voutlis in v.irimiH ntngCM nf umlri'HH. The jxirlh were lionkul nt llie nlion us ileliii(iiiiilH under Hie Humes of Leorni I'arkn, 18; Alum Taylor, 17, mul IVfisy llrown, 111. Ijiler they were ullowcd In go to their homes. The men were not nrrested. Accnrdiiij; lo the nrrestin offif ers wiio watched the pune Ihrougli n window, .til lite patlv iippnrently hud belli Insiut; heavily. As hand niter limn! was phiynl Hie offcers urew firmer in their opinion (hat the lime fur ni'timi was near. They en tered (he mom, they said, when one of the fair Kmuhlrrx would liuve been uhsnliilel' broke hint she lost another "pl." All of Ihe girls coiieirnetl, accord ing' In ruiiiors, nre known lo youngci Korii'ty people liere. WRONG WW THEORY L SA1.BM. Ore, April 7. Declaring that the caso waa submitted to tho Jury upon the wrong theory ar law, the supreme court today reverses the conviction of Louis Davis, In the Polk county circuit court for murder In the second degiee for killing Mrs. Hllza J. Stewart during a melee a: the Stewart home and remanded tbe case to the lower court tor a new trial. Tbe shooting was the result of do mestic trouble between Davis and Ills wife. Mrc. Stewart was Mrs. Davis mother. Card of Thanks. We, tho undersigned, desire to ten der our sincere thanks to thu many frlenda who so kindly nrslsted ua dur ing the Illness or our mother, Mrs. Luvlcla Jane Fryer. ' ' MItS. AHGLKR C.ltKBN, MltS. LKLA1I JONKS, Mr. AND MItS. l.LOYD PlKKCi:. It XOTICK. Ilegular meeting of Hcames chap ter No. CC Wednesday evening. Tho grand worthy matron will visit the chapter at this time. Initiation and social night. 15 Attention Itelieknlis Initiatory work Tuesday, April at S p. in. All members attend es pecially team members. PKAlth TUKXBK. Secy. It. A. M. Attention. Work In tho Most Bxcellont Degree this evening at S:00 p. m., nil urged to attend. W A. X. HlLDBnitAXD, Sec. GLORIOUS HAIR Alwnjs A I tracts IV Parisian Sage. Thin or Kndisl Hair Heroines Abiiuil.uit mul ltadlant Willi Life Oris nnd women of all ages want to be chnrmlng, beautiful and attrac tive -Ifa their birthright but un sightly, thin and Itfelesa hair de stroys half the beauty of a pretty face. If your hair Is not attractive, is falling out, streaky, full of dandruff, too dry, or if tho scalp Itches and burns, don't delay uso Parisian Sago. Hub It woll Into tho scalp. It will go right to the hair roots, nour ish them, and stimulate the hair to grow strong and luxuriant. Parisian Sago removes dandruff with ono ap plication mul cleanses tho hair of dirt, dust and excessive oil. Parisian Sago gives tho hnlr Just what is needed to mnko It soft, fluffy, thick ana gloriously radiant. It is sold in fifty cent bottles only by Clias, Strang and at all drug nnd toilet ruunters. Look for tho trade mark "The Olrl with tho Auburn Hnlr." Accept no substitute. MRS. H. L. LEACH Expert Gorsetiere 32(5 North Burtkitt. Phono fiM M. L E I N Iv I'Olt LOTHES Hulls In order, prices reasonable Net door In First National lUuk up Hull a. MICm'OMI) TAIMHIM, CAPTURING WAGNER CANDIDATE E F. I). Wanner nf Aslilnnd, fonncr proprietor of the Ashliunl Tidings, mul one of Ihe liest known rcxideutH of .Inekson eounty, has yielded lo the solicitation of mnny friends mid eonsenlcd lo Income n enndiilnle for the republienn nomination ns rcpri1 Mcnlntivc from .Inckxon oounly. Mr. W'nKiier' rnndidney will pye I lie rcpiililirnns a chunee to fill out ii ticket representative of (!. vnriona portions of tlie county I). W. Slone represeudinr Ihe imrlli end, Mr. Whs- tier the Koulli end nud W. I. Vawler the central portion. John II. Curkin of Medford tnny also ! a cninliiinte for the nomina tion, though he tins not filed his noli Hon. W. I'. Menley of Medford lins filed hi.'i R'titiou mid will he n ciui didnte. TO TALK WITH VOTERS Charles A. John, republienn rail- dldntc for the nomination for govt error, is ranking- n "get nrquniuted" tour of southern Oregon, lie rencli- ed (Irnnts Pass today nud will be in Medfprd tomorrow. Frnrr there lie will go to Aslilnnd nud I'oeburc. Mr. Johns is making- no koI speeehe while on this trip. Mr. Johns is nn attorney of Port land, liefore ciiming In this city he wni n resident for twenty-five years of linker, where he served four terms ns mayor nud was school di rector fur nineteen years. He Ls making- the rnce for nomination on n plntform that promises reduction in taxes, n cut in eH.'nrs of state government nnd abolition of unnee enry boards nnd commissions. Smoke Mt. Pitt. Cigars and lielp build up c roll for your own, town. pay Wrongfully Blamed 'V i Children aro often blamed for not getting along with their lessons, whoa tho real fault is with their eyes, al though unsuspected by cither parent or teacher. ' It children need glaicss It Is cruel ty not to have them; it they don't need them the fact should bo known. A scientific examination 'will' rc niovo all doubt. DR. RICKERT Suite 1-2 Over DeueU S. & II. Green Trading Stamps Given We Have the Exclusive IOCi Tooo OPPOSITE FDR mm SPECIAL EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN LADIES' WAISTS Commencing Wednesday and Continuing Four Days $1.00 values, each 69 $1,19 values, each f 79 $1.2f values, each , ,..,89 .$1.59 values, eaoh .... $ 1.00 $2.00 values, each $1,49 $2.00 values, eaoh '. -...., $1'99 1.00 values, each ..... 2.49 ItoiuMnljiM'.woHclloui'llKlIILANDlHiKNDirAUD WIIKAT l'LOUH, ii Hack ? 1.25 TAVI0IN HliKNI) COpyiOI'J, J.. can fl.OO Hutchison & Lumsden Only (loMcmi Mi'i'lmnliHi Hlont lu (My. p'Aok ftvw DEAD HORSES Cattle and Hogs Wo Want Them We will romovo them from your premises on short notice, free of crargo, anywhere within a rndlua of 10 miles from Medford, Notify Mi:nrom unorcrio.v co. Phone, u:i7 TANKS Wc manufacture spray nnd supply tanks of a?I kinds. Wo haro built thcao tanks In Medford for IS years nnd somo of the first ones are stilt In use. If you want a good tank got ono mado by J. W. MITCHELL t!0 H. Riverside. Mnlfortl Phono 28 LOSS OF APPETITE Loss of appetite la the first signal of disorder and decay. The usual loss of appetite Is often caused by functional disturbances In tho stom ach. The stomach falls to do tho work required, the appetite la gone, nnd the body aufera. Bach a stom ach needs to be cleaned nnd sweet ened. . row rsr PUBUC SCMTH . IEXEZ: tRAOC MARK TONIC DIGESTIVE Is mado especially to assist tho stom ach to digest food, nnd promote a healthy appetite. This romedy Is sold on our posltlvo guarantee, and we kindly ask you to give It a trial. Il Is u (loiitilne Tonic HASKIXS' I III l'( HTOIIK I-'vcluMvc Merilol Agency IT BETTERS BAKING To the few who are not our customers we stato that you will not obtain all that Is pos sible in baking until you uso the modern CRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25 Cents Per Lb. Ask Your Oroccr CIIESCEXT MFG. CO., Seattle, Wn. Agency for the Famous . fcronrstPUBUosrAiTMj rot-Moc For Grown-vps and Growing-vps. At tho Sign or Shoes" POST OFFICE