Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 07, 1914, SECOND EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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i t,
Medford Mail tribune
puuMBiini) lsvisnr aftkhnoon
Micuroni) ritiNTiNQ co.
The Dcmocratlo Times, The Vledfonl
Mall. The Medford Tribune, Thn South
rn Oreconlsn, The Aahland Tribune.
Office Mall Tribune IlullJInir. ti-il-lt
North Fir street; telephone 75.
Official Paper of the Cttr of Mtdford.
Official l'opcr of Jackson County.
entered an second-class matter at
Medford, Oregon, under the act of
March 1, 1879.
One rear, by mall S.OO
One month, by mnll. - .SO
Per month, delivered by carrier In
Medford, Jacksonville and Cen
tral Point .50
Saturday only, by mall, per year 2.00
Weekly, per year. - 1.50
Dally average for nix months stullnc
December SI, 1'S. SXOO.
Willi Medford Stop-Over
The San Kraneiceo Kxnmincr of
April ft contain the following dis
"Richmond, April 4. The story of
how Richmond saved the apple crop
of Medford is one that will live ns n
thrilling chapter in the nnnnls of Or
egon and the factory seaport.
"While only nnples were saved,
nnd not huinnn life, there is no doubt
that many fair maiden's hopes of
touching pa for the prico of n new
Kastcr bonnet were rescued from
peril, nnd that if Manager Luther D.
Diniin of the Standard Oil refinerv
were not a. married mnn he could
add the toueh of romance to the talc
by going to Medford and picking
most any pippin of nn heiress there
ns a bride.
"The call by wire that came out
of Medfonl this week for a ruh or
der of fuel to combat a threatened
attack of Jack J-'ro-t upon the apple
orchards of that district, with
sequent loss of hundreds of thous
ands of dollars, was answered with
n promptness that saved the situa
tion, according to rejwrts received
from there.
"When n wire was received at the
Standard Oil refinery that unless
enough fuel oil to smudge the orch
ards was received in n certain time
tho crop would be ruined, there was
some hustling at the plant.
"Tho officials immediately got in
touch with the Southern Pacific com
puny. A special engine was steamed
up at once. Four tank cars were
loaded and within two hours After
tho appeal had been received the oil
special was flying on its way to
Medford with n clear track ahead ns
far as poshible.
"Medford apples will bo in the
market again this year as usual, nnd
tho Kaster bonnets will blossom as
they always have."
POPULAR GOVERNMENT is good or poor as tho peo
ple make it. The closer the government is brought
to the people the more representative of the people it really
It is the part of good citizenship to take tin active in
terest in politics and in the selection of candidates. The
citizen that neglects these civic duties cannot be regarded
as a good citizen, neither has he any license to complain
about the government that he does get.
The Oregon system lias restored to the people the con
trol of the government, which had drifted into the hands
of politicians and parasites. It the people do not take
sufficient interest to sec that they are properly repre
sented, but elect to office any Tom, Dick or Harry, whose
only qualification is his gall in becoming a candidate, the
people can only blame themselves.
The people, having secured the power, are busy trying
experiments in government to better the condition of
humanity. They have given the ballot to women. They
have supplanted private grafts, like liability insurance,
with public service like workmen's compensation. They
have begun to legislate to protect people as well as dol
lars. Tliov a iv trving widows' pensions for the distressed,
a forerunner of old-age pensions. They tire, by blue-sky
laws, preventing legalized swindling. They are curbing
and regulating greedy corporations. In a score of differ
ent directions their activity is seen.
"Wc are entering upon si new era a constructive era.
Taxes arc high because the people insist upon regulative
measures and even upon state participation in business.
They want pure food, good health, a square deal, good
roads and a thousand other things that cost mono v. It
helps nothing to point to the cost of government a decade
or two ago. People stood for evils in government then
that thev will never tolerate again. Those davs tire gone
The best brains in the community should be sent to the
legislature, for it is the legislature's duty to interpret the
desires of the people into law. "Wisdom and constructive
ability arc needed in opening the new paths of progress.
Politics is child's play and should Ik; forgotten.
It is therefore a matter of vital concern who we scud
to the legislature. It is not altogether a question of lower
taxes, nor is it a question of abolition of commissions cre
ated in response to popular demand. The candidates
should be men of good business judgment and progressive
in the highest sense. The commonwealth must be fin
anced without retrogression or stagnation.
Voters arc beginning to understand that unless they
themselves take a hand in securing the right kind of can
didates they are apt to get the wrong kind. All over Ore
gon wc see concerted effort being made to put forth legis
lative tickets, regardless of politics, but regardful of char
acter and ability.
It is up to the voters of Jackson county to secure such
candidates. Some have already been induced to serve the
public. Others must be made to understand that service
for the community is coming to mean more than it ever
has before and is a part of the duty every citizen owes his
wuicu in: pvitsrus axd kills wolfus
-4fc , waai .J:
wry :
- i i j I
'M if
Ktom the notticrn vvlldernct, where
hunters unit tMhpcrs tuiry themselves;
among the thousand lake of Yllns
county. Wis., miiUM an odd story of
iieropttiulag. Substituting runner for
whcvM or the pontoon of the hjdro
ueroplane. "I.on" bend guide
a nil caretaker Of an estate comprising
five thoutjttd acres of l.itiU ami a much
greater area of water, h:t spent the
winter scurry lug oxer the take region
of the domain and running down
wolve-t a nil other game on the shore
of Thousand Island take
Wolves venturing oat on the expanse
of Thousand Island ta'o easily fell
prey to the nmohlne. which would
swim? mir tin. I.i f:wtiT tlinn l!i,.v
......i. .-.I ... i i - CMJILOG
dead shot his tee ncropi.uie enabled I lui icr-
to earu $300 la bounties fjr wolf scalps ACtiot-AME aCfOV fo3 A
last winter
SN rUANCIHOO, !., April 7.
Published reports that ho attempted
suicide following his arrest In Oak
land voslerduy on a charuo of em-
'bottling 10,000 from the Turin) Cot
ton Mills of Now York, 'vvtiro flatly
denied hero today at lain prellmlnry
ttmt t'lmr ttiif iifit I ii it it it I ItiitMiit iv Ala
m f iivmm ii tin tr i'vnp'7 -
fred Auto, l'aellle eoiiHt uinunKnr of
tho concern,
' Tho nearest tlilua to a gun that
I hao over carried was a pocket
hook," Auto told the court. "I never
contemplated suicide- nnd thero was
nothing In my action ut tho tluio of
-my arrest that would lead Detective
Kalmlmih to suspect Mich n thing."
Dolectlvo Harry ICalmhncli corro
liorateil Aiuo'h denial of tho nulcldo
report Auto, he nald, HUbmltted to
nrrcxt without a pniteNt and ho nUo
!. , denied thai tho primmer carried '
towdver or any other kind of weapon.
Auto today retained Attorney
ThoiuaM Connor to conduct hi do
fi'ime, Connor then obtained a
Voxtpuueitiout until Friday for hi
client Aute'it bond wan fixed .it
$1(1,000 and Connor unit! ho tpected
to olilalu hU rclcaco bufori nlKht
I'lioloplajN 'I'liendiiy and Weducfolny
IMIhoii two reel, 1-YntiirliiK Oertrudo
catmi: wi:t:ui.v no, us
Hellg Comedy
Coining Tbtirsihiy Only
Special I'eaturn In Two I'nrti
WASHINGTON', April 7. Hear
ings before the .senate iuter-oeeuuie
canals committee of itrvumcnN ami
evidence, beginning Thursday nnd
limited- lb 'fifteU dn.v, for inn!
ngaiiwt rejeal 1,1: A.menean sliip-
ling's exemption from tolls ut Pan
ama, was agreed to today. Senator
Hrnndegee dissented, opposing any
hearings ut nil. on the ground that
the tolls proposition already had been
discussed until Jbe subject ex
hausted, ill
Chan-Chan, the Ruined Chinese Capital
WASHINGTON', April 7. Wheth
er gold, silver, and other precious
nnd useful minerals may bo found
In tho ground by means of mineral
rodB la a question frequently asked
of tho United States geological sur
vey. Tho latest question of this sort
camo from a correspondent In Vlno
mont, Ala., who states that a man
from lilrmlngham has ono of these
rods for locutlng minerals, that ho
claims tp bo employed by tho gov
eminent, and that tho government
gets half of what ho finds. This ox-
pert mineral finder's namo Is stated
to bo WIbo, which may or may not
havo significance.
Tho geological survey's reply to
this correspondent U that while an
ordinary compass, or "dip needlo,"
will be attructcd to ores of Iron,
nickel, mid cobalt which aro mag
netic, It will ho affected by no other
metals or minerals, and that so-called
minora) rods aro fakes, Anyono
claiming to oporato a mlnoral rod
oil bohalf of tho I'nltea States gov
ernment is an Impostor and should
bo lot soveroly ulone, or reported to
tho police,
Chan-Chan, the ruined old capital
of the Chimus, is not in China, not
withstanding that the name might
suggest such a locution to the unin
itiated. If the Chimus ever lived in
Oriental lands our archaeologists
have failed to discover the fact. They
were Americans, just us were tho
lucns, whose traditions traced back
tin unbroken line of kings for n
thousand years before the Spanish
conquest, and whose civilization is
so much better known to us; nnd once
upon tt time these same Chimus were
formidable rivals in all the arts of
war and peace of tho Iucas. They
dwelt along the shores of Peru, ns did
the Iucas on the high Andes, and like
the Carthaginians of old, were u sea
faring jeople.
"Mystery abounds in pre-Columbian
America," writes Wulter Vernier
in the March issue of the Monthly
Bulletin of the Pau-Amerieaii Union,
"and tho further modern research
penetrates into the ancient civiliza
tions of Mexico, Central America nnd
the west roust of South America the
more the mystery of their origin
seems to deepen. Among the prob
lems presented to archaeology uud
anthropology none perhaps is more
fascinating than that of the Chimu
people of Peru. What wo read of
these, dwellers of the north coast of
the land made famous by the Incus
is contained in casual references by
the eurly Spanish chroniclers j whut
we see of the'r civilization consists
of stupendous ruins neur the modem
town of Trujillo."
The ruined temples nnd pain c e
walls of this ancient city, richly or
namented in bas-relief, the vast irri
gation works, the mounds containing
the ficpulehcrs of once owerful rul
ers, all indicate that the ancient
Chimus were worthy rivals of the
"children of the sun'' who finally
conquered them.
The Incns, so tradition says, came
from the south to settle the region
onee occupied by an ancient race of
eyclopean builders. The Chimus of
the coast ore said to have come from
the north on a flotilla of ruffs, nnd
savants are not agreed us to the
time of their invasion. Some think
there is evidence of two earlier civ
ilizations; others that everything
points to n relatively short occupancy
of the vulleys, extending over only u
few centuries prior to I lie advent of
the Spaniards. Hacially the Chimus,
in common with nearly nil the Pacific
const copies of South America north
of Chile, present the characteristics
found among a largo portion of the
ancient and modern inhabitants of
Central America nnd Yucatan utterly
distinct from the highland type of
tho Jnca conquerors.
He that us it may, there nro re
mnrkable evidences of the advanced
civilization of this extinct race. The
irrigation works, nqueducts, reser
voirs nnd canals whoso ruins may
still be seen muke it certain that the
engineering f.kill of the Chimus wits
of tho Very highest order. Tho em
pire wns conquered bv the Incus some
1C0 yeurs before Pizurro arrived up
on the scene, und as u race they have
vanished from the face of the earth,
having been scnttered and finnlly
absorbed by the conquerors.
PORTLAND, April 7. The ticket
of 12 men asked by citizens of Mult
nomah county to run for tho lower
house of the next legislature Is com
Tho 12 who have accepted tho In
vitation (o bccqmp candia&tcs In the
Interest of lower taxes and greater
efficiency in public service nre: Hen
Helling, Or, Androw C. Smith, Oscar
W. Home, 8. II. Cobb, John Olll,
Judge K. V. Multifield. U. J. Wont
worth, S. II. Huston, Louis Kuchn, I.
II. Hendricks, Plowdcn Stott, I). C.
OUKdO.V CITY, Or., April 7.
Charging that C. II. Kenny, the en
gineer in charge of the tram, wa
"reeklcMi, careless and incompetent,"
nnd that he was compelled to wear
glasses hcciitiM1 of weakened eyes, C,
P. Ilagen, father of Melviu llageu',
who wns killed by n passenger trnin
in an aid nipt to save the lite of
Alum Summerficld, It's companion,
while enmniu the Molnlln river tres
tle neur here, ,lanuur,y 7, has toda
filed suit ugniust the Southern Pa
cific railroad for .? "."110.
The complaint further allege that
Kenny, "prior to January 7, 101 1,
had killed tuenlv-oue persons, nil
known to the plaintiff."
Itoth Miss Siiuiinerlield uud llagen,
each IS jenrs old, wire killed by the
be so kind to find out what I is trnin
ticket from Pittsburgh, I'a., over
there. Your Trimly,
"P. O. Hox 'J, Creighton, Pn."
tillli,t ..
of Ilamlitirr.
Oet small package
Driait Tea, or uh the (irnimu folk
rail It, "Hamburger Ilruit 'Ihee'nt any
pharmacy. Take a talihipoouful of tin
t, put a cup of boiling water upon
It, pour through a sieve and drink a
teacup full at any time during tlu
day or before rttlring. Jt Ii tho nuut
effective way to break a. cold and cure
grip, as it open tho pore of the i-kln,
relieving congestion. Also lootcn the
bowel, thus breaking up a cold.
Try It the next tinm you suffer from
a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive
and entirely vegetable, therefore safo
and barmlcea.
Eat leu meat if Kidneys foe! like lead
or Bladder bothers you Meat
forms uric acid.
That Jar of Musterole
On the Bath-Room Shelf
It's relieved pain for nearly every
one In tho famll) When little Hunlo
had the croup, when Johnny got his
feet wet and cnilght cold, when
father sprained his kins., when (Iran
n ' rheumatism bothered her
That Jar of Mt'STHItOLK wns
right there to give relief and com
fort. MI'.HTKItOI.K, Is a clean, whl'e
ointment, made with oil of mustard.
It will not blister like n milliard
Oulck relief for Horn Thront.
Ilronchltls, Tonsllltls, Croup. Ktllt
Neck. Akthmn. Neuralgia, Headache.
Congestion, Pleurisy, Kheumntlsin,
Lumbngo, I'nlus and Arties of the
Hack or Joints, Sprains, Horn Mus
cle, llrulses, Chilblains, Knotted
I'eet, Colds on tho Chest (tt prevents
pneumonia). Nothing Hki MDH-
TlCltOI.W for rroupy children.
In 2Sc and f.Oe Jars, nnd it special
largo hospital situ for 12. SO.
Accept no substitute.
If our druggist cannot supply you,
solid 2.V or uUc to the Ml'HTKItOLK
Company. Cleveland, Ohio, and wo
will mall you a Jar, pontage prepaid.
S J. Iluchannn, Lnwollvlltc, Ohio,
sns. "We have been using Muster
olo fur two or three years past and
find It very good It Is always In
our mcdlcluu cupboard."
1 1 igliM'ltiH.s Hinging and dune-
in?; iK'l, featuring Mr. (lootl-
man, thr Operatic Tenor.
Tlinm-jmH, drama
Karco Cometh
It Pays to Advertise
KANSAS CITY, Mo April 7.
Ailopliou of I ho (lomuilssloii form of
goveriiHiciit wits (tit) iiiiiIii issue of the
oily deotloii in progi-eM licni today.
'J'Iih fluJit whs bitter (Uiil Ihu vote
)mHil Id be htrnvy, ili'spile the iiiv,rniiei uiul want few family to, Here
lUWMttiWMWt) HWMUcr,
That it pays to udverlisu in the
Mail Tribune is shown bv the follow
ing letter written in response to a
want ail from Creighton, Pu.:
"To the Kditer:
mi-: ir you pieuso to send me
these numbers what I have found in
your news paper please send me
thero right udresses. Send my udress
to each of them it was in your paper
Unit limy iieud man for ranch anil
other f n nn woik mul fonuiiii for
thero wiUi me us soon us thay want
the man over there nnd please usked
them what wuges do thuy pay over
there or if there is any other work
for mini could get over there. Pleas
try und do that for me soon us you
can do, Answer mo nil when you
wiile me I can liml there full ml-
resscH in your paper mid answer mc
how you sale vour papers to, I will
like to get them uud friends please
send me (heie full iidresses do not
gel jt nnd hope you will know wliul
Rub Soreness from jolaU and muscles
with a imaU trial bottle of
old8t. JaoobsOil
fitop "dosing" Rheumatism
It's pain only j not one case In fifty
requires internal treatment. Hub sooth
ing, penetrating "Ht. Jacobs Oil" right
on the "tender spot," ami by the time
you say Jack Itoblnson out comes the
rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Oil" Is
a harmless rheumatliim euro which never
disappoint and d''n't burn tho skin. It
uues pain, soreness and stll'iicst from
aching Joints, muscles and benes: uinin
sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia.
Limber upl (lit a 23 cent bottle
of old-time, honest "M. Jacobs Oil"
from any drug store, and In u moinwit
you'll be free from pains, itches and
stiffness. Don't sulferl Jtub rhtiiiiiif
tlsm uway,
U lot of iiiuii will iL.u o to uvcrjl iiichii gbuul j uuil will you jilinsel
John A. Perl
Lady Assistant
I'hOHrs M, 47 h 47pl
AmbuJaae Utnlut Dtfisl Por
Most folks forget Hint the kidneys,
Ilka tho bowels, cet atueelsh nnd cloei-eJ
and nerd a Hushing occasionally, else wo '
have, bockaelio ana dull misery in tlia
kidney region, severe headaches, rheu
matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach,
sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder dis
order. You simply must keen your kidneys
active and clean, and the moment you
feel an acho or pain in tho kidney
region, get about four ounces of J ml
Halts from any good drug store here,
taku a tablespoonful In a glass of water
before breakfast for a few davs and
jour kidneys will then net flue. This
f unions salts Is made from the acid of
crapes and lemon Juice, combined with
litliia, n-1d Is hnrinhw to Hush cloeenl
kidneys und stimulate them to normal
activity, It ubui neutralizes the acids
in tho urino so it no longer irritates,
thus ending bladder disorders,
Jad Halts Is hurinle.iaj inexpensive
makes a delightful t-ITcrvescent litliia
water drink which everybody should take
now and then Ui keep their kidneys clean,
thus avoiding serious complications.
A well-known locnl druggist aays ho
sells lots of Jad .Salts to folks who helltvo
in overcoming kidney trouble while it Is
only trouble,
(toy or Girl?
Great Question!
This brings to many minds nn old nnd
IrlcU family remedy nn extonml up.
imeaiiori Known us
"Alnt bur's Krlenil."
During the period of
expectancy It Is ap
plied to tho lib
nominal muscles ami
Is deslKneil to mioIIki
tho Intrlrato network
of nerves IllVohrd,
In this manner It
luis such a HpleiKliit
liilliieuco ns to Justl.
ensett ut eonilnir
Jt lias Itimll lri'iir.rtillv rttnm
fiinnu nilei for eui ami yinrs und tliouo
who have Used It Hpeak In blshest iirnls.i
of the Immense, relief It nttnntu. iwii,.,,.
larly do Ihuso knowing mothers sixiik of
Ihu abscneo of liioriilng wlokiiiN, ubsenru
of stniln on Ihu lluminls m!7! freedoiu
iumi iiiiipi) many oun-r us(r iliuslly
Woolworth & Woolwortli
ttug and Onrput Cleaning
anil Weaving
Phono fiM-It
fy Its
use In nil
S t t m -" UIII1 StSM U IISJU1
looked XursrU to vtlth suib comeru.
'Jlaru Is no uui'stiuu but w
"Alother's J'rleiMl" bus it murkvl tendei
hi iiiiuvh i mi ininn nun mis of Itself In
nddltlou to tho physical miuf ),'ts given
It ii wry wMo popularity umong women.
leu ran obinln "Wotber's I'rlvnd" ut
abw-st sny drwif stor. It belptu a
Jmal i.f imtlifrs to a uiiillrU noiery
It Is iinl only liy liiudibld ileg
lilslur J'i 901 Mmsr llldsr, AHunls, (hi
Avoid lh umiy woilblvss substlluUs,
Ono good all round horso, C years
old; team 0 and 8 years old weight
2G00. Ono good ranch team 8 and '.'
years old weight r.'OO, Ono 7 year
old horso weight 1400, wagon nnd
I. H. Litis, IMinun I HO, At Union Horn
Hecently rotnodolod nnd onlargod,
added now caiuoruH u'nd apparatus
and Is now strictly up-to-dato In
ovory wny,
Couinierlcal Work of all Kinds
Including copying und enlarging ol
pictures, legal docuinouts, etc. Ilro-
mldo enlarging, any size, uud kodak
finishing of every kind,
Professional and uiuutiiur nholo.
graphic supjillus,
I, M, lluniioii AksodnliHl Willi Ho,
Hhop over Isis Tlioulur, Phono H7J
And every othor meal will
ho highly appreciated if yon
havo good coffee. AVo hoII
the host and call Hpecial at
tention to our
Gorman-Amorican Steel-Out
One-pound cans ,30c
Three-pound caiw 86c
Creamery Bnttor, 2 1I)h...55c
Cano Sugar, 120 llw. for $1,00
J'JioiiU U7J-27U